Make sure you have the latest version of the Xcode command line tools installed:
xcode-select --install
For fastlane installation instructions, see Installing fastlane
[bundle exec] fastlane test
test lane
[bundle exec] fastlane checkGitStatus
Check Git Status
[bundle exec] fastlane checkSentryClitatus
Check Sentry Cli Status
[bundle exec] fastlane ns_install
Ensure deps are installed
[bundle exec] fastlane setup
[bundle exec] fastlane prepare
Prepare the application.
[bundle exec] fastlane build_and_publish
[bundle exec] fastlane build_flavor
[bundle exec] fastlane svelteCheck
[bundle exec] fastlane get_changelog
[bundle exec] fastlane ios sentry_upload
Upload Dsyms to Sentry
[bundle exec] fastlane ios upload_store
[bundle exec] fastlane ios certificates
Fetch certificates and provisioning profiles
[bundle exec] fastlane ios build
Build the iOS application.
[bundle exec] fastlane ios beta
Ship iOS build to Testflight.
[bundle exec] fastlane ios alpha
Ship iOS build to Testflight.
[bundle exec] fastlane ios production
Ship iOS build to AppStore.
[bundle exec] fastlane android sentry_upload
Upload to Sentry
[bundle exec] fastlane android write_changelog
[bundle exec] fastlane android upload_store
[bundle exec] fastlane android build
Build the Android application.
[bundle exec] fastlane android github
Ship to Github.
[bundle exec] fastlane android fdroid
build for fdroid.
[bundle exec] fastlane android beta
Ship to Android Playstore Beta.
[bundle exec] fastlane android alpha
Ship to Android Playstore Alpha.
This is auto-generated and will be re-generated every time fastlane is run.
More information about fastlane can be found on
The documentation of fastlane can be found on