Note, we do not currently support government or private clouds, such as Azure Stack. Don't worry, we're working on it
Log in with username and password
az login -u -p Password123
Log in with username, prompt for password
az login -u
Password: ********
Log in with device authentication. After you enter the code and click confirm on the web page, the CLI will automatically exit back to the prompt
az login
To #, use a web browser to open the page Enter the code BG3NVHPMB to authenticate.
Log in with a service principal
az login --service-principal -u http://sample-cli-login -p Test1234 --tenant 54826b22-38d6-4fb2-bad9-b7b93a3e9c5a
To logout
az logout
If you want to execute a script as part of a workflow, such as a cron
you will need to create a service principal identity. Once you have created
your new identity, make sure you follow the instructions returned to give it
access to your subscription.
az account create-sp
Note, we do not currently support government or private clouds, such as Azure Stack. Don't worry, we're working on it
List all your subscriptions
az account list
View current default subscription
az account list --query [?isDefault]
Set your default subscription
$ az account set 'MySub'
$ az account set 'dec3cbaa-81bb-4ea0-zzzz-e27a20ef4089'
To remove all access credentials
az account clear