forked from robotframework/SeleniumLibrary
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Differences From SeleniumLibrary
rtomac edited this page Oct 25, 2011
7 revisions
For the 1.0 release, this library will strive to implement as many of SeleniumLibrary keywords as possible so that migration from one to the other will be reasonable. This page is a best attempt to capture the differences between the two libraries for those interested in migrating.
This library was forked from SeleniumLibrary 2.7, so the comparison is against this set of keywords:
- Very minor changes to locators
- No Flex support (simply for expedience, sure this will get retrofitted in at some point)
- wait and dont_wait arguments removed from keywords (Selenium 2/WebDriver is blocking API, so waiting/not waiting is handled naturally)
- coordinates arguments removed from click keywords (requires Advanced User Interactions API which isn't quite ready to support this)
- No wildcard support in locators
- Added new prefixes/strategies in locators: link=, css=, tag=
- server_host, server_port, and jar_path arguments removed (for obvious reasons)
- Get Selenium Speed (convenience keyword)
- Get Selenium Timeout (convenience keyword)
- Choose File - Pulled remote files support
- Click Button - Removed dont_wait argument
- Click Element - Removed dont_wait and coordinates arguments
- Click Image - Femoved dont_wait argument
- Click Link - Removed dont_wait argument
- Double Click Element - Removed dont_wait and coordinates arguments
- Go Back - Removed dont_wait argument
- Open Context Menu - Removed offset argument
- Press Key - Removed dont_wait argument
- Select All From List - Removed wait argument
- Select Radio Button - Removed wait argument
- Submit Form - Removed dont_wait argument
- Flex-related keywords
- Call Selenium API
- Capture Screenshot (better support for Capture Page Screenshot in Selenium 2/WebDriver, and conversely no support for full screen screenshot)
- Press Key Native (requires Advanced User Interactions API which isn't quite ready to support this)
- Wait Until Page Loaded (Selenium 2/WebDriver is blocking API, so this is not important/less important)