forked from robotframework/SeleniumLibrary
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Differences From SeleniumLibrary
rtomac edited this page Mar 8, 2012
7 revisions
At initial release, this library strives to implement as many of SeleniumLibrary keywords as possible so that migration from one to the other will be reasonable. This page is a best attempt to capture the differences between the two libraries for those interested in migrating.
This library was forked from SeleniumLibrary 2.8 (on 8/8), so the comparison is against this set of keywords:
- Very minor changes to locators
- No Flex support (simply for expedience, sure this will get retrofitted in at some point)
- wait and dont_wait arguments removed from keywords (Selenium 2/WebDriver is blocking API, so waiting/not waiting is handled naturally)
- coordinates arguments removed from click keywords (requires Advanced User Interactions API which isn't quite ready to support this)
- No wildcard support in locators
- Added new prefixes/strategies in locators: link=, css=, tag=
- server_host, server_port, and jar_path arguments removed (for obvious reasons)
- Get Selenium Speed
- Get Selenium Timeout
- Log Title
- Log Location
- Choose File - Pulled remote files support
- Click Button - Removed dont_wait argument
- Click Element - Removed dont_wait and coordinates arguments
- Click Image - Removed dont_wait argument
- Click Link - Removed dont_wait argument
- Double Click Element - Removed dont_wait and coordinates arguments
- Go Back - Removed dont_wait argument
- Open Context Menu - Removed offset argument
- Press Key - Removed dont_wait argument
- Select All From List - Removed wait argument
- Select Radio Button - Removed wait argument
- Submit Form - Removed dont_wait argument
- Flex-related keywords
- Add Location Strategy
- Call Selenium API
- Capture Screenshot (better support for Capture Page Screenshot in Selenium 2/WebDriver, and conversely no support for full screen screenshot)
- Drag And Drop (requires Advanced User Interactions API which isn't quite ready to support this)
- Press Key Native (requires Advanced User Interactions API which isn't quite ready to support this)
- Start Selenium Server
- Stop Selenium Server
- Wait Until Page Loaded (Selenium 2/WebDriver is blocking API, so this is not important/less important)