Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str | The parent assignment's ID. | [optional] |
state | str | The parent assignment's state. | [optional] |
new_parent | str | The new parent's ID. Excluded if there is no parent. | [optional] |
date_started | datetime | The parent assignment's start date. | [optional] |
date_requested | datetime | The parent assignment's request date. | [optional] |
date_last_activity | datetime | The parent assignment's last updated date. | [optional] |
date_completed | datetime | The parent assignment's completion date. | [optional] |
error_message | str | The error message if parent movement was unsuccessful. | [optional] |
correlation_id | str | The request's correlation ID. | [optional] |
target_account_group_id | str | The parent assignment's target account group. | [optional] |
target_expected_parent | str | The expected parent ID when the assignment is completed. | [optional] |