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Discord Gameserver Bots

Discord Gameserver Bots

Discord.js (da-slash) · Gamedig · Pterodactyl

An application for creating and managing Discord bots that display information related to your game servers; with a separate optional commands bot using Discord's new slash commands API.




  • Supports any GameDig compatible game server, or json API
  • Optional Pterodactyl Panel API Integration
    • Provides "starting" and "stopping" statuses
    • Supports v0.7 and v1+ APIs
  • Optional commands bot featuring Discord's new slash commands
  • Custom query intervals (5 seconds minimum)
  • Individual server configuring via TOML
    • Toggle whether to show the map/players in your status
    • Provide Discords associated with a game server
    • Set links to a connection redirect, rules, and content

Getting Started

Ensure you have Node.js v12 or higher installed, then download this repository.

  • You can check your Node's version by running node -v

Invite links for each bot are logged in the console upon startup.

If you wish to invite the bots now though, the only requirement for status bots is the bot scope, while the commands bot should use the following link:<YOUR_DISCORD_CLIENT_ID>&permissions=280576&scope=applications.commands+bot

2. Configure your .env ⚙️

Either rename .env.example to .env, or create a new file in the root directory named .env with the contents below:



Environment Config Details

Config Name Information
COMMUNITY_NAME Used in command descriptions and some responses. Default: our
COMMAND_BOT_PREFIX The prefix to use after the slash(/) to make game server related commands popup quicker. Default: server
COMMMAND_BOT_TOKEN The Discord bot token for the application that'll be handling your slash commands. Only required if you intend to use commands. Default: false
COMMAND_GUILD_IDS The Discord guild IDs separated by commas (no spaces!) that your commands bot will be in. Only required if you want to post slash commands to your guilds instead of globally, since global slash commands can take awhile to update. Default: global
SHOW_USER_INPUT Toggles whether Discord will reply back with the command used, alongside the bot's response. Default: false
SERVER_QUERY_INTERVAL The interval your game server will be queried. Only required if you're not using a web API. Default: 1 minute
WEB_QUERY_INTERVAL The interval your web API will be queried. Only required if you're not using the server query. Default: 30 seconds
PTERODACTYL_QUERY_INTERVAL The interval your Pterodactyl Panel's API will be queried. Only required if you plan on using it. This should always be set lower than your server or API query interval. Default: 15 seconds

3. Configure your game servers 🛠️

  1. Create a new .toml file within the config directory with your server's abbreviation as the name.
    • Example: /config/drp.toml
  2. Copy the contents of /config/default.toml to your new server's configuration file, and configure it to your liking.
Server Config Details

Server Settings - server
Config Name Information
enabled Toggles the server's status bot on or off. Default: true
name Your server's name. Discord bot will set this as their username and nickname. Discord limits username changes to four an hour. Default: "Game Server"
game The game your server is running on. Must be supported by GameDig. Default: 'garrysmod'
ip Your game server's IP address.
port Your game server's port. Set to false if unused. Default: 27015
query_port Your game server's separate query port. Expects an integer if set. Default false
max_players Your game server's max players. Only necessary if the query is having trouble detecting accurate count. Default: false
Bot Settings -
Config Name Information
token The bot token for this game server's Discord bot.
color The color to use for embeds associated with this game server. Default: '#00ADFF'
status.type The type of status for your game server's Discord bot. See available options here. Default: 'PLAYING'
status.players Toggles the current and max players in your game server's Discord bot's status. Default: true Toggles the current map in your game server's Discord bot's status. Default: true
Web API Settings - server.api
Config Name Information
  Only use if you wish to fetch data from an existing API.
enabled Toggles the option to use a web API instead of querying your server directly. Default: false
url If web API is enabled, this should be the full URL to your game server's data in JSON form.
server_id If web API is enabled, and it contains multiple servers in one page, use this to get your server by key or index. (If searching by index, don't enclose in quotes) Default: 0
Pterodactyl Settings - server.pterodactyl
Config Name Information
  Only use if your game server is hosted on a Pterodactyl Panel.
enabled Toggles whether to query a specified Pterodactyl Panel for 'starting' and 'stopping' statuses. Default: false
version If Pterodactyl is enabled, set to 'new' to support Pterodactyl Panel v1.0+ API. Default: 'old'
url If Pterodactyl is enabled, this should be the root location to your panel, without a trailing slash.
server_id If Pterodactyl is enabled, this will be your game server's public ID as shown on the server list page.
api_key If Pterodactyl is enabled, this should be a secret key generated by your Pterodactyl account to access its API.
Optional Settings - server.optional
Config Name Information
connect_url Unfortunately Discord doesn't support steam://, however you can set up a simple redirect from a path at your own domain, to a steam:// address, then set it here. Enables /<prefix> connect commands for associated game server.
rules_url A link to your game server's rules if needed.
content_url A link to the content pack associated with your game server if needed.
discords An array of Discords associated with your game server. Invite code should be the random letters following Code). Format: { name = '', invite_code = '' } (Name defaults to server's name + ' Discord')

4. Install dependencies 📥

npm ci

5. Start the bots 🎉

npm start

Your bots will now be online and displaying their server's status!

Using PM2 (Runs forever)

PM2 is a process manager loaded with tons of features, that helps to keep your application online.

1. Install the latest version of PM2 globally
npm i pm2@latest -g
2. Add the bot to your PM2 list and start it
pm2 start bot.js --name discord-gameserver-bots

Your bots will now come back online automatically if your server happens to go down!

  • You can find a list of helpful PM2 commands here.

If you plan on having a single server with multiple applications, or already do, then I highly recommend trying out CapRover; an application/database deployment/web service manager including a web GUI, with support for Nginx, SSL, Netdata, and Docker.

🗑️ Removing commands & clearing the cache

If you're removing the bot from your server, then you'll probably want to delete the commands left behind as well.

npm run delete -- commands
# or
npm run delete:commands

If you've changed your intervals within the .env, it could be a good idea to clear the cache before restarting.

npm run delete -- cache
# or
npm run delete:cache

🛑 Reporting errors

If you receive any errors that you are unable to debug, please submit a new issue in this repository with your console's error log. Make sure it contains no sensitive information!


I still haven't gotten into linters or actually maintaining a consistent code style for each language, so contributing is pretty straight forward. Just PR anything you feel could be useful or improved, and I'll happily look over and merge it.

If you just want to share an idea, feel free to do so in discussions.