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Provides various collection-related extension and utility methods.


Contains extension versions of most static methods in the Array class.

int[] numbers = new int[10] { 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 };

int index = numbers.IndexOf(8);

string[] strings = numbers.ConvertAll(num => num.ToString());

string? found = strings.Find(s => s.Length > 1);

Includes overloads of Find, Exists, ConvertAll and other methods that use delegates, that provide one or two extra parameters - the element's index and the source array. Similar to how it works in JavaScript arrays.

string[] distinct = strings.FindAll((el, i, arr) => i == arr.IndexOf(el));

Also includes some common LINQ methods optimized for arrays: Cast, OfType and Contains. And Copy for simpler shallow copying.

object[] arr = new object[] { "Hello", "World", "!" };

string[] strings = arr.Cast<string>();

object[] shallowCopy = arr.Copy();


Contains Add overloads for adding tuples and KeyValuePairs to collections, without having to enclose the elements in double parenthesis.

List<(string, double)> units = new();

units.Add("meter", 1);
units.Add("centimeter", 0.01);


Contains NotNull, ForEach, EmptyIfNull and Join extension methods for enumerables.

string?[] values = new string?[] { "Hello", null, "World", null, "!" };

Console.WriteLine(values.NotNull().Join(", "));
// Output: Hello, World, !

Enumerator, ReadOnlyCollection, ReadOnlyDictionary

Contain static Empty<T>() methods that returns a global empty enumerator/read-only collection/read-only dictionary.

if (size == 0) return ReadOnlyCollection.Empty<string>();
/* ... */

Enumerator contains three versions of this method: Empty() (IEnumerator), Empty<T>() (IEnumerator<T>) and EmptyAsync<T>() (IAsyncEnumerator<T>).


.NET 8 introduced ReadOnlyCollection<T>.Empty and ReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>.Empty properties, so, you could use them instead if you're only targeting the newer versions. Chasm.Collections will also use them when compiled for .NET 8 and newer.