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Provides various utility types and methods.


Contains various utility methods, that can be used to shorten common branch code. (or... you could also just not use the auto-formatting, and write everything in a single line, but that's not my style)

Util.Fail sets all out parameters to default and returns either false or a specified return value. Especially useful for parsing.

// Commonly written as:
if (stringIsInvalid) { result = null; return ErrorCode.InvalidString; }

// Using Util.Fail:
if (stringIsInvalid) return Util.Fail(ErrorCode.InvalidString, out result);

Util.Catch catches an exception thrown by the specified delegate. If the delegate returned a value, it can be read through an out parameter.

// Commonly written as:
object? result; Exception? ex;
try { result = doSomething(); ex = null; }
catch (Exception caught) { result = null; ex = caught; }

// Using Util.Catch:
var ex = Util.Catch(doSomething, out object? result);

Util.Is can be used to assign a type-casted value to an existing variable.

// Commonly written as:
if (a is string textA) { /* ... */ }
else if (b is string textB) { /* ... */ }
else if (c is string textC) { /* ... */ }

// Using Util.Is:
if (a is string text) { /* ... */ }
else if (Util.Is(b, out text)) { /* ... */ }
else if (Util.Is(c, out text)) { /* ... */ }

Util.With can be used to invoke functions while using a IDisposable:

// Commonly written as:
string? firstLine;
using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(path))
    firstLine = reader.ReadLine();

// Using Util.With:
string? firstLine = Util.With(File.OpenText(path), reader => reader.ReadLine());

Util.Swap just swaps two values. Useful when the tuple swap is too long or prone to errors.

// Commonly written as:
(firstVariable, secondVariable) = (secondVariable, firstVariable);

// Using Util.Swap:
Util.Swap(ref firstVariable, ref secondVariable);


DelegateDisposable is a IDisposable interface implementation that invokes an action on disposal.

var listener = new DelegateDisposable(() => store.Unsubscribe(listenerFunc));

// Or like this, functional programming style:
var listener = DelegateDisposable.Create(
    () => store.Subscribe(listenerFunc),
    () => store.Unsubscribe(listenerFunc)

ReaderWriterLockSlimExtensions makes use of this class.

ReaderWriterLockSlim rwl = new();

// Commonly written as:
    /* ... */

// Using ReaderWriterLockSlimExtensions:
using (rwl.WithReaderLock())
    /* ... */