diff --git a/.Rbuildignore b/.Rbuildignore
index 108516f3..d088e014 100644
--- a/.Rbuildignore
+++ b/.Rbuildignore
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ code.json
@@ -30,8 +32,16 @@ vignettes/data_prep.Rmd
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9dff229b..2dd51ef4 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
-[![R build
Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends (`EGRET`): An R-package for
the analysis of long-term changes in water quality and streamflow,
@@ -16,7 +7,7 @@ Discharge, and Season (WRTDS).
The link for the official USGS publication user guide is here:
A companion package [`EGRETci`](https://usgs-r.github.io/EGRETci/)
implements a set of approaches to the analysis of uncertainty associated
diff --git a/code.json b/code.json
index e49b1b60..b5fab206 100644
--- a/code.json
+++ b/code.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"name": "EGRET",
"organization": "U.S. Geological Survey",
"description": "An R-package for the analysis of long-term changes in water quality and streamflow, including the water-quality method Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS)",
- "version": "2.6.0",
+ "version": "3.0.5",
"status": "Production",
"permissions": {
"usageType": "openSource",
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
"homepageURL": "https://code.usgs.gov/water/EGRET",
- "downloadURL": "https://code.usgs.gov/water/EGRET/-/archive/v2.6.0/EGRET-v2.6.0.zip",
+ "downloadURL": "https://code.usgs.gov/water/EGRET/-/archive/v3.0.5/EGRET-v3.0.5.zip",
"disclaimerURL": "https://code.usgs.gov/water/EGRET/blob/master/DISCLAIMER.md",
"repositoryURL": "https://code.usgs.gov/water/EGRET.git",
"vcs": "git",
- "laborHours": 500,
+ "laborHours": 700,
"tags": [
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
"email": "ldecicco@usgs.gov"
"date": {
- "metadataLastUpdated": "2018-06-08"
+ "metadataLastUpdated": "2021-04-09"
diff --git a/man/EGRET-package.Rd b/man/EGRET-package.Rd
index 42594553..947a547d 100644
--- a/man/EGRET-package.Rd
+++ b/man/EGRET-package.Rd
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Collection of functions to do WRTDS and flowHistory analysis,
Hirsch, R.M., and De Cicco, L.A., 2014, User guide to Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends
(EGRET) and dataRetrieval: R packages for hydrologic data: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods book 4,
-chap. A10, 94 p., \url{https://doi.org/10.3133/tm4A10}
+chap. A10, 94 p., \doi{10.3133/tm4A10}
Robert M. Hirsch \email{rhirsch@usgs.gov}, Laura De Cicco \email{ldecicco@usgs.gov}
diff --git a/vignettes/functionsForK.R b/vignettes/functionsForK.R
deleted file mode 100644
index d617fe04..00000000
--- a/vignettes/functionsForK.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,511 +0,0 @@
-# functionsForK is a set of add-ons to EGRET
-# for doing the WRTDS_K estimation
-# All fuctions (except for one) written by
-# Robert M. Hirsch, in 2019
-# this file is December 17, 2019
-# makeDailyK
-# This function takes an existing eList
-# Including the estimated model (the surfaces object in the eList)
-# And produces the daily WRTDS_K estimates of concentration and flux
-# it requires MASS, EGRET, lubridate, and dplyr
-makeDailyK <- function(eList, rho = 0.90, niter = 200, seed = 376168){
- set.seed(seed)
- # this part is to set up the array of runs of missing values
- localEList <- cleanUp(eList)
- localDaily <- populateDailySamp(localEList$Daily, localEList$Sample)
- numDays <- length(localDaily$Date)
- numDaysP <- numDays + 1
- # set up DailyGen which will hold the daily generated flux values for all days and all iterations
- DailyGen <- rep(0, numDays * niter)
- dim(DailyGen) <- c(numDays, niter)
- # x is a vector of the standardized residuals for each day
- # most of the elements of x will be NA but those from sampled days will have values
- x <- localDaily$stdResid
- # xP is x that has been padded with a 0 at the start and a 0 at the end
- # thus it is a vector that always starts and ends with non-missing values
- xP <- c(0,x,0)
- zz <- rle(is.na(xP))
- # zz$lengths is a vector of run lengths
- # zz$values is a vector of the values: TRUE means it is a run of missings,
- # FALSE means it is a run of non-missing values
- nRuns <- length(zz$lengths)
- zends <- cumsum(zz$lengths)
- nRunsM <- nRuns - 1
- zstarts <- c(0,zends[1:nRunsM])
- # doGap is the indexs of the runs that are missing values (it is just the even integers)
- doGap <- seq(2,nRunsM,2)
- # numGap is the number of groups of missing values to be filled in
- numGap <- length(doGap)
- # now we are ready to do the iterations to generate the series
- for(iter in 1:niter){
- localEList <- cleanUp(eList)
- # this next step adds a trueConc column to Daily, and it is NA if there is no sample value
- # it also adds the stdResid column to Daily
- localDaily <- populateDailySamp(localEList$Daily, localEList$Sample)
- x <- localDaily$stdResid
- # xxP is x that has been padded with a 0 at the start and a 0 at the end
- # thus it is a vector that always starts and ends with non-missing values
- xxP <- c(0,x,0)
- # now we are going to loop through all the gaps that need to be filled in
- for(i in 1:numGap) {
- iGap<-doGap[i]
- startFill<-zstarts[iGap]
- endFill<-zends[iGap]+1
- nFill<-zz$length[iGap]+2
- xfill<-genmissing(xxP[startFill],xxP[endFill],rho,nFill)
- xxP[startFill:endFill]<-xfill}
- # now we need to strip out the padded days
- xResid <- xxP[2:numDaysP]
- xConc <- exp((xResid*localDaily$SE)+localDaily$yHat)
- DailyGen[,iter] <- xConc * localDaily$Q * 86.4
- }
- # now we take means over all the iterations
- GenMean <- rep(NA, numDays)
- Daily <- eList$Daily
- for(i in 1 : numDays) {GenMean[i] <- mean(DailyGen[i,])}
- Daily$GenFlux <- GenMean
- Daily$GenConc <- Daily$GenFlux / (Daily$Q * 86.4)
- attr(Daily, "niter") <- niter
- attr(Daily, "rho") <- rho
- return(Daily)
- # this code was done by Tim Cohn
- # X1 is the value before the gap
- # XN is the value after the gap
- # rho is the lag one autocorrelation
- # N is the length of the sequence including X1 and XN
- # it is two more than the gap length
- # it requires the MASS package
- C<-t(chol(rho^abs(outer(1:N,1:N, "-"))[c(1,N,2:(N-1)),c(1,N,2:(N-1))]))
- (C%*%c(ginv(C[1:2,1:2])%*%c(X1,XN),rnorm(N-2)))[c(1,3:N,2)]
-# This function cleans up a Sample data frame
-# It randomly picks one sample out of the multiple samples on a given day
-# and it makes an augmented record substituting a random value on
-# those days with censored data
-# Note, it must have an eList with a valid surfaces matrix
-# and the Sample data frame in the eList needs to have yHat and SE already calculated
-cleanUp <- function(eList){
- Sample <- random_subset(eList$Sample, "Julian")
- eListClean <- as.egret(eList$INFO, eList$Daily, Sample, eList$surfaces)
- eListClean <- makeAugmentedSample(eListClean)
- Sample <- eListClean$Sample
- Sample$Uncen <- 1
- Sample$ConcLow <- Sample$rObserved
- Sample$ConcHigh <- Sample$rObserved
- Sample$ConcAve <- Sample$rObserved
- eListClean <- as.egret(eList$INFO, eList$Daily, Sample, eList$surfaces)
- return(eListClean)
-# function written by Laura De Cicco October 2019
-# requires library(dplyr)
-# makes a copy of a data frame but when there are
-# multiple values with the specified col_name it randomly
-# picks one of them and drops the others
-# useage newSample <- random_subset(Sample, Julian)
-random_subset <- function(df, col_name){
- dup_index <- unique(c(which(duplicated(df[[col_name]], fromLast = FALSE)),
- which(duplicated(df[[col_name]], fromLast = TRUE))))
- if(length(dup_index) == 0){
- return(df)
- }
- dup_index <- dup_index[order(dup_index)]
- unique_groups <- unique(df[[col_name]][dup_index])
- slice_index <- sapply(unique_groups, function(x){
- sample(which(df[[col_name]] == x), size = 1)
- })
- df_dups <- df[slice_index, ]
- df_no_dups <- df[-dup_index,]
- subDF <- rbind(df_no_dups, df_dups)
- subDF <- subDF[order(subDF[[col_name]]),]
- return(subDF)
-populateDailySamp<-function(localDaily=Daily,localSample=Sample) {
- numDays<-length(localDaily$Julian)
- numSamp<-length(localSample$Julian)
- trueConc <- rep(NA,numDays)
- trueFlux <- rep(NA, numDays)
- stdResid <- rep(NA,numDays)
- DailyOffset<-localDaily$Julian[1]-1
- for(samp in 1:numSamp){iday<-localSample$Julian[samp]-DailyOffset
- trueConc[iday]<-localSample$ConcAve[samp]
- trueFlux[iday] <- trueConc[iday] * localDaily$Q[iday] * 86.4
- stdResid[iday]<-(log(trueConc[iday])-localDaily$yHat[iday])/localDaily$SE[iday]
- }
- retDaily<-data.frame(localDaily,trueConc,trueFlux, stdResid)
- return(retDaily)
-setupYearsKalmanFlux <- function (localDaily, paLong = 12, paStart = 10)
-# note that fluxes returned are the sum of the daily fluxes
-# the units on the fluxes are all metric tons
- numDays <- length(localDaily$MonthSeq)
- firstMonthSeq <- localDaily$MonthSeq[1]
- lastMonthSeq <- localDaily$MonthSeq[numDays]
- Starts <- seq(paStart, lastMonthSeq, 12)
- Ends <- Starts + paLong - 1
- StartEndSeq <- data.frame(Starts, Ends)
- StartEndSeq <- StartEndSeq[(StartEndSeq$Starts >= firstMonthSeq) &
- (StartEndSeq$Ends <= lastMonthSeq), ]
- firstMonth <- StartEndSeq[1, 1]
- numYears <- length(StartEndSeq$Starts)
- DecYear <- rep(NA, numYears)
- Q <- rep(NA, numYears)
- ConcDay <- rep(NA, numYears)
- GenConc <- rep(NA, numYears)
- FluxDay <- rep(NA, numYears)
- GenFlux <- rep(NA, numYears)
- for (i in 1:numYears) {
- startMonth <- (i - 1) * 12 + firstMonth
- stopMonth <- startMonth + paLong - 1
- DailyYear <- localDaily[which(localDaily$MonthSeq %in%
- startMonth:stopMonth), ]
- counter <- ifelse(is.na(DailyYear$FluxDay), 0, 1)
- if (length(counter) > 0) {
- good <- (sum(counter) == length(counter))
- }
- else {
- good <- FALSE
- }
- DecYear[i] <- mean(DailyYear$DecYear)
- Q[i] <- mean(DailyYear$Q)
- if (good) {
- ConcDay[i] <- mean(DailyYear$ConcDay, na.rm = TRUE)
- GenConc[i] <- mean(DailyYear$GenConc, na.rm = TRUE)
- FluxDay[i] <- sum(DailyYear$FluxDay, na.rm = TRUE) / 1000
- GenFlux[i] <- sum(DailyYear$GenFlux, na.rm = TRUE) / 1000
- }
- }
- AnnualResults <- data.frame(DecYear, Q, ConcDay, GenConc, FluxDay, GenFlux)
- attr(AnnualResults,"paStart") <- paStart
- attr(AnnualResults,"paLong") <- paLong
- return(AnnualResults)
-computeAnnual <- function(eList, Daily, paStart = 10, paLong = 12) {
- # it provides a printed list of the annual values and a set of plots
- # if you don't want that output
- # you can get the same thing with AnnualResults <- setupYearsKalmanFlux()
- # This function creates an annual series of results
- # The annual results can be for a specific season, specified by paStart and paLong
- # The default is the water year
- # FluxDay is the traditional regression estimate of Flux
- # GenFlux is the Kalman Filter estimate
- # ConcDay is the traditional regression estimate of Concentration
- # GenConc is the Kalman Filter estimate
- AnnualResults <- setupYearsKalmanFlux(Daily, paStart = paStart, paLong = paLong)
- # in the print out Q is the annual mean value in m^3/s
- # the two flux values are in metric tons kilograms (1000 kg)
- print(eList$INFO$shortName)
- print(eList$INFO$paramShortName)
- period <- paste("paStart is",paStart," paLong is",paLong, sep = " ")
- print(period)
- print(AnnualResults)
- yMax <- 1.1 * max(AnnualResults$FluxDay, AnnualResults$GenFlux)
- nYears <- length(AnnualResults[,1])
- # first a plot of just the WRTDS estimate
- xMin <- floor(AnnualResults[1,1])
- xMax <- ceiling(AnnualResults[nYears,1])
- xlim <- c(xMin,xMax)
- title1 <- paste(eList$INFO$shortName,eList$INFO$paramShortName,
- "\nAnnual Flux Estimates: WRTDS in red, WRTDS-K in green\n",period,sep=" ")
- title2 <- paste(eList$INFO$shortName,eList$INFO$paramShortName,
- "\nComparison of the two flux estimates\n",period,sep=" ")
- #
- plot(AnnualResults$DecYear, AnnualResults$FluxDay, pch = 20, cex = 1.3, xlim = xlim, xaxs = "i",
- ylim = c(0, yMax), yaxs = "i", xlab = "", ylab = "Annual flux, metric tons",
- main = title1, las = 1, col = "red",
- tck = 0.02, cex.main = 1.1, cex.lab = 0.95)
- par(new = TRUE)
- plot(AnnualResults$DecYear, AnnualResults$GenFlux, pch = 20, cex = 1.4, col = "green", xlim = xlim, xaxs = "i",
- ylim = c(0, yMax), yaxs = "i", xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "", las = 1, tck = 0.02, axes = FALSE)
- # scatter plot
- plot(AnnualResults$FluxDay, AnnualResults$GenFlux, pch = 20, cex = 1.3, col = "red", xlim = c(0, yMax), xaxs = "i",
- ylim = c(0, yMax), las = 1, yaxs = "i", xlab = "WRTDS estimate of annual flux, in metric tons", ylab =
- "WRTDS_K estimate of annual flux, in metric tons", cex.main = 1.1, cex.lab = 0.95, cex.axis = 1.2,
- main = title2)
- abline(a = 0, b = 1)
- return(AnnualResults)
-plotTimeSlice <- function(eList, Daily, start, end){
- Daily <- subset(Daily,DecYear >= start & DecYear <= end)
- concHigh <- 1.1 * max(Daily$trueConc,Daily$GenConc,Daily$ConcDay,na.rm = TRUE)
- concLow <- 0.9 * min(Daily$trueConc,Daily$GenConc,Daily$ConcDay,na.rm = TRUE)
- fluxHigh <- 1.1 * max(Daily$trueFlux,Daily$GenFlux,Daily$FluxDay,na.rm = TRUE)
- fluxLow <- 0.9 * min(Daily$trueFlux,Daily$GenFlux,Daily$FluxDay,na.rm = TRUE)
- # figure out which data symbol to use, red for uncensored, brown for censored
- eList$Sample$color <- ifelse(eList$Sample$Uncen == 1, "red", "cyan4")
- par(tck = 0.02, las = 1)
- # first concentration, then flux
- name <- paste(eList$INFO$shortName, eList$INFO$paramShortName, sep = " ")
- ratio <- mean(Daily$GenConc) / mean(Daily$ConcDay)
- fratio <- format(ratio, digits = 2)
- concTitle <- paste(name,"\nConcentrations, Black is WRTDS, Green is WRTDS_K\nData in red, (rl in blue if <), Ratio of means is", fratio, sep = " ")
- plot(Daily$DecYear, Daily$ConcDay, log = "y", type = "l", las = 1, xlim = c(start, end),
- xaxs = "i", ylim = c(concLow,concHigh), yaxs = "i", xlab = "", cex.main = 0.9,
- ylab = "Concentration, in milligrams per Liter",
- main = concTitle)
- par(new = TRUE)
- plot(eList$Sample$DecYear, eList$Sample$ConcHigh, log = "y", pch = 20, cex = 1.1, col = eList$Sample$color,
- xlim = c(start, end), xaxs = "i", ylim = c(concLow,concHigh), yaxs = "i", xlab = "",
- ylab = "", main = "", axes = FALSE)
- par(new = TRUE)
- plot(Daily$DecYear, Daily$GenConc, log = "y", type = "l", xlim = c(start, end),
- xaxs = "i", ylim = c(concLow,concHigh), yaxs = "i", xlab = "", col = "green",
- ylab = "", main = "", axes = FALSE)
- # flux graph
- ratio <- mean(Daily$GenFlux) / mean(Daily$FluxDay)
- fratio <- format(ratio, digits = 2)
- fluxTitle <- paste(name,"\nFlux, Black is WRTDS, Green is WRTDS_K\nData in red, (rl in blue if <), Ratio of means is", fratio, sep = " ")
- plot(Daily$DecYear, Daily$FluxDay, log = "y", type = "l", xlim = c(start, end),
- xaxs = "i", ylim = c(fluxLow,fluxHigh), yaxs = "i", xlab = "", las = 1,
- ylab = "Flux, in kg per day", cex.main = 0.95,
- main = fluxTitle)
- par(new = TRUE)
- plot(eList$Sample$DecYear, eList$Sample$ConcHigh * eList$Sample$Q * 86.4, log = "y", pch = 20,
- cex = 1.1, col = eList$Sample$color,
- xlim = c(start, end), xaxs = "i", ylim = c(fluxLow,fluxHigh), yaxs = "i", xlab = "",
- ylab = "", main = "", axes = FALSE)
- par(new = TRUE)
- plot(Daily$DecYear, Daily$GenFlux, log = "y", type = "l", xlim = c(start, end),
- xaxs = "i", ylim = c(fluxLow,fluxHigh), yaxs = "i", xlab = "", col = "green",
- ylab = "", main = "", axes = FALSE)
-# script for identifying if a Sample data frame has
-# any days with multiple samples
-# or any samples that are uncensored
-specialCase <- function(eList) {
- Sample <- eList$Sample
- n <- length(Sample$Date)
- days <- unique(Sample$Julian)
- nDays <- length(days)
- mult <- if(n > nDays) TRUE else FALSE
- nUncen <- sum(Sample$Uncen)
- cen <- if(nUncen < n) TRUE else FALSE
- # when mult is TRUE, needs to go through the subsampling process each time
- # when cen is TRUE it needs to go through the random augmentation
- special <- data.frame(mult, cen)
- return(special)
-# this is substitute code for plotConcHist
-plotConcHistK <- function (eList, DailyK, yearStart = NA, yearEnd = NA, concMax = NA,
- printTitle = TRUE, tinyPlot = FALSE, usgsStyle = FALSE, plotFlowNorm = TRUE,
- plotAnnual = TRUE, cex = 0.8, cex.axis = 1.1, cex.main = 1.1,
- lwd = 2, col = "black", col.pred = "green", customPar = FALSE,
- ...)
- localDaily <- DailyK
- localDaily$ConcDay <- DailyK$GenConc
- localINFO <- getInfo(eList)
- if (all(c("paStart", "paLong") %in% names(localINFO))) {
- paLong <- localINFO$paLong
- paStart <- localINFO$paStart
- }
- else {
- paLong <- 12
- paStart <- 10
- }
- if (!(c("FNConc") %in% names(eList$Daily))) {
- stop("This function requires running modelEstimation on eList")
- }
- localAnnualResults <- setupYears(paStart = paStart, paLong = paLong,
- localDaily = localDaily)
- hasFlex <- c("segmentInfo") %in% names(attributes(eList$INFO))
- periodName <- setSeasonLabel(localAnnualResults = localAnnualResults)
- if (hasFlex) {
- periodName <- paste(periodName, "*")
- }
- if (plotAnnual & plotFlowNorm) {
- title3 <- "\nMean Concentration(K) (dots) & Flow Normalized Concentration (line)"
- }
- else if (plotAnnual & !plotFlowNorm) {
- title3 <- "\nAnnual Mean Concentration(K)"
- }
- else if (!plotAnnual & plotFlowNorm) {
- title3 <- "\nFlow Normalized Concentration"
- }
- else {
- title3 <- "\n"
- }
- title <- if (printTitle)
- paste(localINFO$shortName, " ", localINFO$paramShortName,
- "\n", periodName, title3)
- else ""
- if (is.na(yearStart)) {
- yearStart <- min(localAnnualResults$DecYear[!is.na(localAnnualResults$FNConc)],
- na.rm = TRUE)
- }
- if (is.na(yearEnd)) {
- yearEnd <- max(localAnnualResults$DecYear[!is.na(localAnnualResults$FNConc)],
- na.rm = TRUE)
- }
- xInfo <- generalAxis(x = localAnnualResults$DecYear, minVal = yearStart,
- maxVal = yearEnd, padPercent = 0, tinyPlot = tinyPlot)
- combinedY <- c(localAnnualResults$Conc, localAnnualResults$FNConc[localAnnualResults$DecYear >
- xInfo$bottom & localAnnualResults$DecYear < xInfo$top])
- yInfo <- generalAxis(x = combinedY, minVal = 0, maxVal = concMax,
- padPercent = 5, tinyPlot = tinyPlot, units = localINFO$param.units,
- usgsStyle = usgsStyle)
- genericEGRETDotPlot(x = NA, y = NA, xTicks = xInfo$ticks,
- yTicks = yInfo$ticks, xDate = TRUE, xlim = c(xInfo$bottom,
- xInfo$top), ylim = c(yInfo$bottom, yInfo$top), ylab = yInfo$label,
- col = col, cex = cex, plotTitle = title, cex.axis = cex.axis,
- cex.main = cex.main, tinyPlot = tinyPlot, customPar = customPar,
- ...)
- if (plotAnnual) {
- with(localAnnualResults, points(DecYear[DecYear > xInfo$bottom &
- DecYear < xInfo$top], Conc[DecYear > xInfo$bottom &
- DecYear < xInfo$top], col = col, cex = cex, pch = 20))
- }
- if (plotFlowNorm) {
- with(localAnnualResults, lines(DecYear[DecYear > xInfo$bottom &
- DecYear < xInfo$top], FNConc[DecYear > xInfo$bottom &
- DecYear < xInfo$top], col = col.pred, lwd = lwd))
- }
-# substitute code for plotFluxHist
-plotFluxHistK <- function (eList, DailyK, yearStart = NA, yearEnd = NA, fluxUnit = 9,
- fluxMax = NA, printTitle = TRUE, usgsStyle = FALSE, plotFlowNorm = TRUE,
- plotAnnual = TRUE, tinyPlot = FALSE, col = "black", col.pred = "green",
- cex = 0.8, cex.axis = 1.1, cex.main = 1.1, lwd = 2, customPar = FALSE,
- ...)
- localINFO <- getInfo(eList)
- localDaily <- DailyK
- localDaily$FluxDay <- localDaily$GenFlux
- if (sum(c("paStart", "paLong") %in% names(localINFO)) ==
- 2) {
- paLong <- localINFO$paLong
- paStart <- localINFO$paStart
- }
- else {
- paLong <- 12
- paStart <- 10
- }
- if (!(c("FNFlux") %in% names(eList$Daily))) {
- stop("This function requires running modelEstimation on eList")
- }
- possibleGoodUnits <- c("mg/l", "mg/l as N", "mg/l as NO2",
- "mg/l as NO3", "mg/l as P", "mg/l as PO3", "mg/l as PO4",
- "mg/l as CaCO3", "mg/l as Na", "mg/l as H", "mg/l as S",
- "mg/l NH4")
- allCaps <- toupper(possibleGoodUnits)
- localUnits <- toupper(localINFO$param.units)
- if (!(localUnits %in% allCaps)) {
- warning("Expected concentration units are mg/l, \nThe INFO dataframe indicates:",
- localINFO$param.units, "\nFlux calculations will be wrong if units are not consistent")
- }
- localAnnualResults <- setupYears(paStart = paStart, paLong = paLong,
- localDaily = localDaily)
- if (is.numeric(fluxUnit)) {
- fluxUnit <- fluxConst[shortCode = fluxUnit][[1]]
- }
- else if (is.character(fluxUnit)) {
- fluxUnit <- fluxConst[fluxUnit][[1]]
- }
- if (tinyPlot) {
- ylabel <- fluxUnit@unitExpressTiny
- }
- else {
- ylabel <- ifelse(usgsStyle, fluxUnit@unitUSGS, fluxUnit@unitExpress)
- }
- unitFactorReturn <- fluxUnit@unitFactor
- numYears <- length(localAnnualResults$DecYear)
- yearStart <- if (is.na(yearStart))
- trunc(min(localAnnualResults$DecYear[!is.na(localAnnualResults$FNFlux)],
- na.rm = TRUE))
- else yearStart
- yearEnd <- if (is.na(yearEnd))
- trunc(max(localAnnualResults$DecYear[!is.na(localAnnualResults$FNFlux)],
- na.rm = TRUE)) + 1
- else yearEnd
- subAnnualResults <- localAnnualResults[localAnnualResults$DecYear >=
- yearStart & localAnnualResults$DecYear <= yearEnd, ]
- annFlux <- unitFactorReturn * subAnnualResults$Flux
- fnFlux <- unitFactorReturn * subAnnualResults$FNFlux
- hasFlex <- c("segmentInfo") %in% names(attributes(eList$INFO))
- periodName <- setSeasonLabel(localAnnualResults = localAnnualResults)
- if (hasFlex) {
- periodName <- paste(periodName, "*")
- }
- if (plotAnnual & plotFlowNorm) {
- title3 <- "\nFlux Estimates(K) (dots) & Flow Normalized Flux (line)"
- }
- else if (plotAnnual & !plotFlowNorm) {
- title3 <- "\nAnnual Flux Estimates(K)"
- }
- else if (!plotAnnual & plotFlowNorm) {
- title3 <- "\nFlow Normalized Flux"
- }
- else {
- title3 <- "\n"
- }
- title <- if (printTitle)
- paste(localINFO$shortName, " ", localINFO$paramShortName,
- "\n", periodName, title3)
- else ""
- xInfo <- generalAxis(x = subAnnualResults$DecYear, minVal = yearStart,
- maxVal = yearEnd, padPercent = 0, tinyPlot = tinyPlot)
- combinedY <- c(annFlux, fnFlux)
- yInfo <- generalAxis(x = combinedY, minVal = 0, maxVal = fluxMax,
- padPercent = 5, tinyPlot = tinyPlot)
- genericEGRETDotPlot(x = NA, y = NA, xTicks = xInfo$ticks,
- yTicks = yInfo$ticks, xDate = TRUE, xlim = c(xInfo$bottom,
- xInfo$top), ylim = c(0, yInfo$top), col = col, ylab = ylabel,
- plotTitle = title, customPar = customPar, cex = cex,
- cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.main = cex.main, tinyPlot = tinyPlot,
- ...)
- if (plotAnnual) {
- with(subAnnualResults, points(subAnnualResults$DecYear[DecYear >
- xInfo$bottom & DecYear < xInfo$top], annFlux[DecYear >
- xInfo$bottom & DecYear < xInfo$top], col = col, cex = cex,
- pch = 20))
- }
- if (plotFlowNorm) {
- lines(subAnnualResults$DecYear, fnFlux, col = col.pred,
- lwd = lwd)
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vignettes/rockCr.tp.RData b/vignettes/rockCr.tp.RData
deleted file mode 100644
index 109a8a30..00000000
Binary files a/vignettes/rockCr.tp.RData and /dev/null differ