In order to make usage of Darbots FTC Lib convenient and smoothy, we have published this standardization doc for the purpose of eliminating confusion and accelerating innovation.
Note: Since V4.5.0 version of DarBotsLib, the Darbots Coordinate System is re-defined to be the same as the FTC Coordinate system.
Normalized Degrees
The range of normalized degree angles are [-180, 180)
Normalized Radians
The range of normalized radian angles are [-2π, 2π)
When considering rotations about an axis, consider yourself looking down the (positive) axis of rotation from the positive towards the origin. Positive rotations are then CCW, and negative rotations CW.
The reference frame for this definition is the field perimeter wall, adjacent to the RED Alliance Station (known here as the: RED WALL).
The definition is from the perspective of a person, standing outside the field, in the center of RED WALL, looking towards the center of the field.
If the Red Alliance Station is ever adjacent to two perimeter walls, the RED WALL will be the one with most contact with the Alliance Station. If the red Alliance Station is ever adjacent to two perimeter walls EQUALLY, then the most clockwise of the two walls will be considered to be the RED WALL.
The 0,0,0 origin of the Darbots Field coordinate system is the point in the center of the field, equidistant from all 4 perimeter walls (where the four center tiles meet).
The origin point rests on the top surface of the floor mat.
Looking at the origin from the RED WALL, the X axis extends through the origin point and runs to the right and left, parallel with the RED WALL.
The X axis values increase to the right.
Looking at the origin from the RED WALL, the Y axis extends through the origin point and runs out and in, perpendicular to the RED WALL.
Increasing Y values run out (away) from the RED WALL.
Looking at the origin from the RED WALL, the Z axis extends through the origin point and runs up and down in a vertical line.
Increasing Z values extend upwards.
The Field (0,0,0)[0,0,0]
Position indicates that the robot is sitting in the center of the field, with its Robot Coordinate System's positive X direction (Robot Front) pointing in the positive X direction of the field.
THe (0,0,0) of the Robot Coordinate System is the point in the center of the Robot, equidistant from the very front of the robot and the very back of the robot, as well as equidistant from the very left of the robot and the very right of the robot. The origin always sits on the floor mat.
Looking at the origin from the very back of the robot, the X axis extends through the origin point and runs to the front and back.
The X axis values increase to the front.
Looking at the origin from the very back of the robot, the Z axis extends through the origin point and runs up and down in a vertical line.
Increasing Z values extend upwards.
Looking at the origin from the very back of the robot, the Y axis extends through the origin point and runs to the right and left.
The Y axis values increase to the left.
Yeah! They are the same!
Note: The Units in FTC Vuforia system is millimeters, while in DarBots system is cm, you may need to manipulate that a bit.