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Check the live demo and find out how to build your own nonogram application.

You just need to attach

<script src=""></script>

to <head>. A <canvas> element is required for each nonogram instance.


class nonogram.Solver

#constructor(row, column, canvas[, config])

Creates a nonogram solver.

  • row: a two-dimensional array, consisting of the hints of each row as an array.
  • column: a two-dimensional array, consisting of the hints of each column as an array.
  • optional canvas: a canvas element, or id of the canvas to print the nonogram on. If not given, a new canvas element will be created and assigned to this.canvas so you can put it to the document later.
  • optional config: an object, see § Configuration Items.


Solves and prints the nonogram by given hints.

For example, if there is <canvas id="canvas1"></canvas>, then you can use

var s = new nonogram.Solver(
    [1, 1],
    [1, 1],
    [1, 1],
  { width: 500, delay: 100 }

then the output will be like this:

██    ██ 1 1
██    ██ 1 1
██    ██ 1 1
████████ 4
4 1 1 4

class nonogram.Editor

#constructor(m, n, canvas[, config])

Creates a nonogram editor.

  • m: number of rows, or the length of each column.
  • n: number of columns, or the length of each row.
  • optional canvas: same as that of nonogram.Solver.
  • optional config: an object, see § Configuration Items.


Randomly generates the grid.

For example, if you run

new nonogram.Editor(4, 6, 'canvas2', {threshold: 0.9})

then the output is likely to be

████████████ 6
████  ██████ 2 3
  ██████████ 5
████████████ 6
2 4 1 4 4 4
1   2

class nonogram.Game

#constructor(row, column, canvas[, config])

Creates a nonogram game. The parameters have the same definitions as those of nonogram.Solver's.

Configuration Items

  • theme: an plain object, controls the appearance.
    • width (px): a number to set the canvas' width. If not given, the canvas' current clientWidth (not the value of its width property) will be used.
    • filledColor: filled cells' color.
    • unsetColor: unset cells' color.
    • correctColor: numbers' color of correct rows or columns.
    • wrongColor: numbers' color of wrong rows or columns.
    • meshColor: meshes' color.
    • isMeshed: true or false, coltrols whether to print the meshes or not.
    • isBoldMeshOnly: default is false.
    • isMeshOnTop: default is false.
    • boldMeshGap: default is 5. Controls how many cells are there between two adjacent bold meshes. If you don't want any bold meshes, simply set it to 0.


  • delay (ms): default is 50. Controls the delay between steps of the solving process.

  • onSuccess(time): fired when the nonogram has been solved, time is how many milliseconds cost.

  • onError(err): when some contradiction has been found, err tells the bad hints' location (index starts at 1).


  • grid: a two-dimensional array, consisting of 1s and 0s, will be assigned to the nonogram's grid. For example, you can use
[[1, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1]]

to create

██    ██ 1 1
██    ██ 1 1
██    ██ 1 1
████████ 4
4 1 1 4
  • threshold: if grid is not given, then the nonogram's grid will be randomly generated. Each cell of the grid has a chance of threshold*100% to be filled. Default is 0.5.

  • onHintChange(row, column): fired when the nonogram's hints have any change. To automatically create a new solver on hint change, you can use

new nonogram.Editor(4, 4, 'canvas1', {
  onHintChange: function (row, column) {
    new nonogram.Solver(row, column, 'canvas2').solve()


  • onSuccess(): fired when the player has successfully solved the nonogram.

  • onAnimationEnd(): fired when when the success animation has been finished.