Logic Building :- spilting a big problems into smaller problems and solving them one by one
- some by working on real world projects [80%]
- some by leetcode problems
- Make a new file user.controller.js in the controlller folder of src folder
- let's code
- import required methods like asyncHandler
- write the method
- this method is doing nothing but sending a ok response with 200 status code
- let's code
import { asyncHandler } from "../utils/asyncHandler.js";
const registerUser = asyncHandler( async (req , res)=>{
export {registerUser}
- Making routes
- when will this method registerUser will be called , it will be called when a certain url is hit
- that url route is defined here
- Go to routes folder and make a file user.routes.js
- just making a router object and exporting
import { Router } from "express"
const router = Router()
export default router
- Go to app.js now and write
- so import the route and
app.use("/api/v1//users" , userRouter)
states that when url hit at http://localhost:8000/api/v1/users it will go to userRouter and see the routes in that
//routes import
import userRouter from './routes/user.routes.js'
// routes declaration
app.use("/users" , userRouter)
export { app }
- now define the routes in the userRoutes
- import the function to be called
- now if the client hits the url
- http://localhost:8000/api/v1/users/register , it will call registerUser function
- http://localhost:8000/api/v1/users/register , it will call loginUser function
- so we made a separate file for user as prefix in the url and all other possible
import { Router } from "express"
import { registerUser } from "../controllers/user.controller.js"
const router = Router()
Tools to test API
- thunder client : vscode extension
- postman : standard api testing tool
Download Postman and do basic # setup
- Make a new collection say "backendchai" and a new request
- send a post req at "http://localhost:8000/api/v1/users/register"
- output should be
- { "message": "ok" }