fullstack ; proxy ; CORS ; tool chaining
- Make a new folder FullStackBasic and two folder inside
- backend
- frontend
- Click backend folder and open terminal
- Repeat the step Start Project of lec2
say here : entry name: server.js
npm i express
Make file server.js
In package.json , Make start Script
Scripts: { "start" : "node server.js" }
Open server.js file
$ProTip💡$ : error cant import modules outside- common js -> require statement -> synch code
- module js -> import statement -> asynch code
- How To resolve this error
- Go to package.json and add
"type" : "module"
Code to write in file:-
import express from 'express' const app = express() app.get('/' , (req, res)=>{ res.send("Server is ready") }) const port = process.env.PORT || 3000 app.listen(port , ()={ console.log(`Server is listening at ${port}`) })
Code Discussion
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000
- process.env.PORT :- must for server
- || 3000 : - either available for local
Run and Check the server at browser
Write more code
// app.get('/', (req, res) => { // res.send('Hello World'); // }) app.get('/api/jokes', (req, res) => { const jokes = [ { id: 1 , title : 'A joke', content: 'A very funny joke', }, { id: 2 , : 'Another joke', content: 'Another very funny joke', }, { id: 3 , title : 'Yet another joke', content: 'Yet another very funny joke', }, { id: 4 , title : 'Another joke', content: 'Another very funny joke', }, { id: 5 , title : 'Yet another joke', content: 'Yet another very funny joke', } ] res.send(jokes) })
- our goal is display the jokes at frontend
$ProTip💡$ :- To professionally read API- go to json formatter whenever you get an API response
- select tree structure mode
file structure
- backend
- node_modules
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- backend
- Repeat the step Start Project of lec2
- Open the frontend folder and its terminal
- `npm create vite@latest .
$Protip💡$ : Using ( . ) at the end will make sure that all files will be made inside the frontend folder , and not in a new folder
- select a framework : React
- select a varient : Javascript
- Do
and check package.json file ; if yes then install npm bynpm i
type in terminal and hit enter - Now ,
npm run dev
; App run to serve-
$Protip💡$ :Remove all pre animations - go to src/App.jsx and write
<h1>This is a Heading<h1>
inside function App(); the code will look like the following :-
- `npm create vite@latest .
function App() {
const [joke , SetJokes] = useState([])
return (
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<p>JOKES : {joke.length}</p>
joke.map((joke ,index) => (
<div key={joke.index}>
- How we send an API request
- fecth ; Axios ; Reac query
npm i axios
in terminal ; library used for web request; data loading and handling ; read axios npm and github : form parsing - write
import axios from 'axios'
and in function App() include this:- -
useEffect(() => { axios.get('/api/jokes') .then((res) => { SetJokes(res.data) }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err) }) } )
- run again the App and inspect the change
- Problem faced : CORS Policy
- What ? Provide security ; allow only origin based , as we might get request from many different urls
- Solutions : Whitelist the url / ip/domain ->done by backend developer ; search npm cors
$Protip💡$ : Alternative ; Standard Practice- instead of /jokes we use /api/jokes
- change in both App.jsx and server.js
- Concept of Proxy react ; search in browser
- Go to vite.config.js file and allow every request starting from "api/ " ; code will look like ;
export default defineConfig({
server: {
proxy: {
'/api': 'http://localhost:3000',
} ,
plugins: [react()],
$Protip💡$ : no need to add dependency array [jokes] as shown;
joke.map((joke ,index) => (
<div key={joke.index}>
), [jokes])
pushed both front and back end folder to a service like digitalocean
npm run build
run in terminal , we will get a dist folder in frontend ; move it to backend and in server.js "static assests" are served -
in middleware , added app.use(express.static('dist'))
Restart the app now on backend and see the Magic
Where is the issue?
- everytime there is a change in frontend we have to delete previous dist folder and again repeat the process