why famous , where to use , capability to build , Market Demand Situation
- hype , job , trend , build UI ❌
- Makes easy to manage and build complex frontend ✅
- After Mastering JS :- (How Js works , DOM )
- Most project need not React in intial phase . Why?
- React is compiled to HTML , CSS , JS
- Needed where 1 button clicked , 3-4 things are done
- not where API fetched and show data in card form etc
Earlier than React : Jquery , BackboneJS , UI css library
- Phantom / Ghost Message in Facebook
- Number of messages button kept showing the number , even after opening the chatbox. why?
- No consitency in UI
- poor synching and communication between
- State(variable) : JS
- UI - DOM
- GO in Depth
- Babel ,fibre , virtual DOM , diff algo , hydration
- By making projects( One Topic at a time)
- Todo , Calculators , Github Api
- library : cool dude type 😎
- freedom to write as you want
- Framework : Military discipline type
- restrictions like file naming , how data to be fetched
- core of React (state or UI manipulation , JSX) : JSX- writing html in JS for short
- component reusability
- Reusing of component (Props) : Properties; key-value
- How to propagate changes(Hooks) : 5-10 like useEffect
- Router (react dont have router)
- State Management (react dont have SM)
- Redux, Redax , bolkit , zustand , content API
- class based component
- legacy code
- legacy code
- BAAS apps ( Backend As a Service)
- social media ,e- ecommerce
- firebase , superbase provide direct backend
- React is not a solution in most cases
- no SEO , browser render of JS , no routing
- Framework
- NEXT JS , Remix