This shows how to set up a build and test environment in Ubuntu 20.04.
These instructions will probably work for other Ubuntu releases. They assume a basic installation.
Add nodejs to the sources so it can be installed
wget -qO- | sudo bash -
Install required packages
sudo apt-get install --yes \ firefox-esr \ fonts-dejavu \ git \ imagemagick \ mesa-utils \ nodejs \ optipng \ software-properties-common \ unzip \ xauth \ xvfb \ # these packages are needed for Chrome \ fonts-liberation \ libappindicator3-1 \ libasound2 \ libgbm1 \ libnspr4 \ libnss3 \ libxss1 \ libxtst6 \ xdg-utils
Install Chrome
export CHROME_SOURCE_URL= && \ wget --no-verbose -O /tmp/$(basename $CHROME_SOURCE_URL) $CHROME_SOURCE_URL && \ dpkg -i /tmp/$(basename $CHROME_SOURCE_URL)
Checkout the GeoJS source and change to the source directory
git clone cd geojs
Install node modules
npm install
Build GeoJS and run all the tests
npm run ci-xvfb
Build the website
npm run setup-website npm run build-website
Install python packages
pip install --user girder-client
Remove old baseline and generate new baseline images for the WebGL tests
rm -r dist/data/base-images python tests/runners/ --xvfb --generate --upload --verbose _build