The following software is required to build geojs from source:
For testing and development, the following additional software is required:
In addition, the following python modules are recommended for development and testing of geojs.
For testing WebGL in a headless environment, the additional packages are needed:
For an example on how to install all packages for a specific OS, see :ref:`Ubuntu Provisioning <ubuntu-development>`.
Get the latest geojs source code from our GitHub repository by issue this command in your terminal.
git clone
This will put all of the source code in a new directory called
Inside the new geojs
directory, you can simply run the following commands to
install all dependent javascript libraries and bundle together everything that
is needed.
npm install npm run build
The compiled javascript libraries will be named geo.min.js
and geo.lean.min.js
in dist/built
The first file contains geojs including all optional dependencies. The second file is a version of
geojs without any of the third party dependencies such as d3 and Hammer; if you want to use the lean
bundle but need any of these dependencies, you must include them first in your page and expose them in
global scope under their standard names. The bundled libraries are minified, but source maps are provided.
The following html gives an example of including all of the necessary files
and creating a basic full map using the osmLayer
<script src="/built/geo.min.js"></script>
html, body, #map {
margin: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
$(function () {{'node': '#map'}).createLayer('osm');
<div id="map"></div>
You can save this page into a new file at dist/mymap.html
. To view your new creation,
start up a web server with the command
npm run examples
Now, if you open up http://localhost:8082/mymap.html in your favorite webgl enabled browser, you should see a map like the following:
Additionally, you will be able to see all of the built-in examples at http://localhost:8082/examples with the example server running.