Releases: PhpSlides/framework
Releases · PhpSlides/framework
Added some cool features
Brackets interpolation comment
Added Properties to view file
Added Props functions
Enhanced Includes tag to contain properties
Made ViewLoader with includes to now accept components, they don't have to add the extension if ita view file.
Updated view formatter and addred props.
worked on sql in altering table and adding new columns if it doesn't exist.
fixes bugs in multiple route.
removed all log reqest
Update Application.php
Full Changelog: v1.3.4...v1.3.5
Added Hot Reload - v1.3.4
What's Changed
- Added Live Hot Reload
- Updated hot reload to store in cache.
- Updated the rule of how configuration file works.
- Added import function to be able to import files.
- No more using bootstrap app and getting the absolute path.
- Arranged files and folders structure no more using bootstrap app and getting the absolute path.
- Added db log to Application and logs if connection refused.
Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v1.3.4
Updated to use phpslides/cli
Merge pull request #28 from PhpSlides/dev updated to accept phpslides/cli
Completed Command for creating forge database & tables and styled ASCII command text
Merge pull request #27 from PhpSlides/dev Completed Command for creating forge database & tables and styled ASC…
Updated ConsoleL to CLI and made Forgery only works if the database is connected successfully
Merge pull request #26 from PhpSlides/dev Updated ConsoleL to CLI and made Forgery only works if the database is connected successfully
Invented a new unique database management feature called Forgery.
Change Logs
- Added DB log
to log message into the file - Added creating of Database and Tables according for PhpSlides Forgery
- Implemented ORM according to Forge Class. Used the MeekroORM library and improve it in working with namespace according to PhpSlides Forgery
v1.2.9 - Added Authorization Guard.
Change Logs
- Added Authorization Guard.
- Implemented AuthGuard to Routes
- Implemented AuthGuard to APIs
- Middleware is now deprecated and removed
- Added AuthGuard to Console
- Updated ApiController and no more interface, now an abstract class.
Updated strict types
Change Logs
[Tue, 20-08-2024]
- Fixes bugs on
- Fixes bugs on
[Wed, 21-08-2024]
- Update API
method to allow a particular request method and a particular controller method
[Thu, 22-08-2024]
- Updated
getting value from array according to strict types - Changed API controller namespace to
Full Changelog: v1.2.7...v1.2.8
Change Logs [v1.2.7]
[Wed, 21-08-2024]
- Update API
method to allow a particular request method and a particular controller method
Full Changelog: v1.2.6...v1.2.7