All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed error lint with eslint (#332)
- Migrated tslint to eslint. (#331)
- Angular version upgraded to 10, and vulnerabilities updated. (#306)
- When ttl 0 was set, a request to the server was not made again, it brought it from memory, it was corrected in the isLive function of common.
- When the value of a remote filter contained '&', the generated url did not keep the '&'.
- Warning: Entry point 'ngx-jsonapi' contains deep imports into 'node_modules/rxjs/internal/util/noop'. This is probably not a problem, but may cause the compilation of entry points to be out of order.
- lodash dependency missing.
- Local cache store is disabled by default.
- Only used lodash functions are included on base script. 69.44 KB to 7.5 KB, 89% saved!
- Store support is optional.
- config.cachestore_support
- Changed JS modules and methods for ES
- Fixed ModuleWithProviders to work with Angular 10
- Removed test modules. Now they are not exported.
- With cachestore_support=false, dont try to save resources on LocalStorage. Problem detected with Angular Server Side Rendering.
- Added include_get and include_save to IResourceParams
- Resource's save methods uses is_new instead of ID property to select between POST and PATCH
- Export testing resources
- ES6 support.
- Deprecated
- Migration from AngularJS ts-angular-jsonapi to Angular 4.