Creating an initial SAP CAP application involves enhancing project configuration for SAP HANA Cloud and XSUAA, generating an MTA deployment descriptor, odata v2 support , sqlite support and Build Configuration.
Converting "hdbconstraint", "hdbindex", "hdbview", "hdbtable", "hdbsequence", "hdbprocedure", "hdbtablefunction", "hdbfunction", "hdbstructuredprivilege", "hdblibrary", "hdbcalculationview", "hdbanalyticprivilege", "hdbrole", "hdbsynonymconfig", "hdbtabledata", artifacts into SAP CAP (Cloud Application Programming) compliant format.
Converting the file extensions from "hdbcds" files into "cds" for SAP CAP compliance.
As part of the transition to SAP CAP compliant format, the notation in view definitions should be modified from "" to ![]. This specific delimiter enhances the reliability of processing in SAP CAP CDS.
Converts SAP HANA CDS Datatypes to SAP CAP CDS Datatypes.
SAP HANA CDS SAP CAP CDS LocalDate Date LocalTime Time UTCDateTime DateTime UTCTimestamp Timestamp BinaryFloat Double decimal Decimal hana.CHAR hana.VARCHAR -
Replacing @OData.publish:true with @cds.autoexpose for enhanced functionality.
Creates “.hdbtabletype” files corresponding to each table type definition.
Converts temporary entities to regular entities in SAP CAP CDS.
Relocating all the CDS files from their individual directories, for instance, src/, to the corresponding db/cds folder in the SAP CAP project. Additionally, an index.cds file referring to these CDS files is created in the src folder.
Log file generation using CDS Compile.
Converts the technical configuration and element configuration to be SAP CAP compliant, accomplished through the use of “@sql.append”.
Remove Series Entity which is not supported in SAP CAP CDS.
Replacing the annotation @Comment for table and element with “/** */ “to SAP CAP Compliant Format and adding parameters required in package.json.
Remove Schema Configuration.
Updates .hdinamespace file with the proper configuration.
Rename the other Hana database artifacts to SAP CAP CDS supported format. Specifically, entities should be converted to uppercase and any instances of “.”, “::” should be replaced with “_”.
Copy the UI/ web folder into SAP CAP Application.
Removes empty directories.
Removes full text index which is no longer supported in SAP HANA Cloud.
A folder named 'unsupported_feature' has been created by the extension to contain file extensions that are not supported in SAP HANA Cloud.
Creates skeleton file for calculation views.
Formatting the cds files is done with @sap/cds-lsp.
Renaming the annotations.
Creating Proxy Table entities for SAP HANA Native object ".hdbtable".
Creating Proxy Views for SAP HANA Native object ".hdbcalculationview".
Creating Proxy Hdbview for SAP HANA Native object ".hdbview".
Creating Proxy Hdbfunction for SAP HANA Native object ".hdbtablefunction".
Support for type of operator is provided.
Converting Join, Aggregation, Union and Projection in calculation views into supported format.
In calculation Views unsupported data types date(), day(), time() and counter datatype ( Integer ) are converted into respective supported data types daydate(), daytime(), secondtime() and counter datatype ( BIGINT ) .
The SAP HANA Application Migration Assistant performs the following type conversions on these files: ".hdbtable", ".hdbprocedure", ".hdbfunction", ".hdbdropcreatetable", ".hdbtrigger", ".hdblibrary", ".hdbstructuredprivilege", ".hdbview", ".hdbindex", ".hdbconstraint", ".hdbtablefunction", ".hdbsequence" :
- ALPHANUM is changed to NVARCHAR
- TEXT is changed to NCLOB
- SHORTTEXT is changed to NVARCHAR
- CHAR is changed to VARCHAR