- Fix #54 pass SUBSCRIBIE_DOMAIN to start-building.html template (@chrisjsimpson)
- Add SHOPS_SUBDOMAIN to config.py.example (@chrisjsimpson)
- chmod 0-create-builder_sites-table.py (@chrisjsimpson)
🎉 This release contains work from new contributors! 🎉
Thanks for all your work!
❤️ null@joeltejeda
❤️ LGTM Migrator (@lgtm-migrator)
❤️ null@chrisjsimpson
❤️ null@ci-chrisjsimpson
❤️ null@connorl9382
- Add CodeQL workflow for GitHub code scanning #44 (@lgtm-migrator)
- Fix #50 dont pin requirements.txt #51 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #48 refactor get_client_ip #49 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #45 hotfix main/master confusion (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #45 notify client ip shop build #47 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #41 improve logging deployer #42 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #39 remove old config #40 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #37 default fallback to US country during shop creation if geo location #38 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #35 filtering out demo shop from telegram #36 (@joeltejeda)
- Fix #33 pass session as dict to submit_new_site_build (which may contain geolocation country code) #34 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #33 send country_code to subscribie deployer during new site build #34 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #23 refactor /start-building to build new sites in background thread, return immediately with shop url #24 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #23 hotfix update wtf_forms TextField -> StringField #24 (@chrisjsimpson)
- wip #23 bring back task_queue thread for telegram notification #24 (@chrisjsimpson)
- reordering sites list from new to old #30 (@joeltejeda)
- Ref #27 store sitename in /activate/sitename in session #28 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #25 show list of shops when visit /admin/shops #26 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #18 instant onboarding #22 (@chrisjsimpson)
- removing task queue in telegram messages #21 (@joeltejeda)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Subscribie/module-builder into 18-instant-onboarding #19 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #18 crude wait for uwsgi to be ready #19 (@chrisjsimpson)
- wip #18 skip payment step, go straight into product #19 (@chrisjsimpson)
- store description during site creation #17 (@chrisjsimpson)
- remove unused couchdb method #17 (@chrisjsimpson)
- remove unused module logic #17 (@chrisjsimpson)
- rename item -> plan #16 (@chrisjsimpson)
- update module to support different interval units frequency amounts #15 (@chrisjsimpson)
- remove unused jamla function #15 (@chrisjsimpson)
- allow shop owners to login directly from subscribie #13 (@chrisjsimpson)
- send shop owner password during # #12 (@chrisjsimpson)
- fix #10 remove jamla references #11 (@chrisjsimpson)
- wip #10 remove integration as payment provider config #11 (@chrisjsimpson)
- wip #10 remove jamla references, revert to json for deployment of new sites #11 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #7 remove parts related to deployment #9 (@chrisjsimpson)
- wip use sqlalchemy & migrate during site build #8 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #136 #137 during site build, assign a uuid to each sku item #6 (@chrisjsimpson)
- initialise draftJamla with pages array #5 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Add module_pages as a default module. #4 (@chrisjsimpson)
- uwsi socket must be unique per site #3 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Write vassals no webserver reload #2 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch 'issue-1-put-to-couchdb' (@chrisjsimpson)
- Update .autorc (@joeltejeda)
- hotfix main/master merge confusion (@chrisjsimpson)
- create .issue_template (@chrisjsimpson)
- create autorc release.yml workflow (@chrisjsimpson)
- create .autorc (@chrisjsimpson)
- Added How do I enable the builder module? (@chrisjsimpson)
- ref Subscribie/subscribie#495 (@chrisjsimpson)
- send new site url (@chrisjsimpson)
- add telegram alert (@chrisjsimpson)
- remove unused imports, format (@chrisjsimpson)
- remove unused imports and vars (@chrisjsimpson)
- correct route builder.show_owner_login -> builder.shop_owner_login (@chrisjsimpson)
- fix current_app -> app & improve logging (@chrisjsimpson)
- import Plan from subscribie.models & format (@chrisjsimpson)
- correct welcome email sender, get from config (@chrisjsimpson)
- remove unused create_subdomain (@chrisjsimpson)
- #7 remove readme and run.sh related to deployment (@chrisjsimpson)
- filter archived items from activate page (@chrisjsimpson)
- make web address configurable as SUBSCRIBIE_DOMAIN in .env (root@subscribie.co.uk)
- added module_style_shop to default modules and updated draftJamla to initalise to empty custom styling (@chrisjsimpson)
- create virtualenv and install rquirements.txt during site build (@chrisjsimpson)
- removed swp file (@chrisjsimpson)
- added default jamla requirement note_to_seller_required = false (@chrisjsimpson)
- correct ifram default module name module-iframe-embed -> module_iframe_embed (@chrisjsimpson)
- added module-iframe-embed as default module, Fix Subscribie/subscribie#105 (@chrisjsimpson)
- added module_seo_page_title as a default module for site builds (@chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Subscribie/module-builder (@chrisjsimpson)
- set locale during subscribie migrate calls (@chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Subscribie/module-builder (@chrisjsimpson)
- default modules_path to a list ref Subscribie/subscribie#101 (@chrisjsimpson)
- default modules_path to a list ref #101 (@chrisjsimpson)
- removed erronous "modules" entry within builder itmes object (@chrisjsimpson)
- improve logging for builder to couchdb posting (@chrisjsimpson)
- cast COUCHDB_ENABLED to boolean (@chrisjsimpson)
- updated env name COUCHDB_PASS -> COUCHDB_PASSWORD (@chrisjsimpson)
- simplify DISABLE_LEGACY_BUILD_METHOD check (@chrisjsimpson)
- Set queue_state to "deploy" for sites ready for deployment via couchdb (@chrisjsimpson)
- remove pdb (@chrisjsimpson)
- added getConfig, allow to get settings from environment (@chrisjsimpson)
- python3 compat (@chrisjsimpson)
- wip update to python3 TODO main.py (@chrisjsimpson)
- seperated out create subdomain from legacy deploy jamla (@chrisjsimpson)
- feature flag COUCHDB_ENABLED (@chrisjsimpson)
- include images as couchbase attachments when posting document #1 (@chrisjsimpson)
- put to couchdb; TODO include images /assets as attachements #1 (@chrisjsimpson)
- removed modules/.gitkeep from builder module. not needed (@chrisjsimpson)
- update Jinja2 CVE-2019-10906 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Update .env.example (@chrisjsimpson)
- Revert "Revert "corrected to use graceful reload instead of standard reload. SIGUSR1 (graceful) SIGTERM (kill). Note this only takes effect when graceful-timeout is provided to WSGIDaemonProcess https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.1.0.html#new-features"" (@chrisjsimpson)
- Revert "corrected to use graceful reload instead of standard reload. SIGUSR1 (graceful) SIGTERM (kill). Note this only takes effect when graceful-timeout is provided to WSGIDaemonProcess https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.1.0.html#new-features" (@chrisjsimpson)
- Recovered init.py should not have been deleted! 558af9376df5d6b53377300556b37187749775ff (@chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Subscribie/module-builder (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- corrected to use graceful reload instead of standard reload. SIGUSR1 (graceful) SIGTERM (kill). Note this only takes effect when graceful-timeout is provided to WSGIDaemonProcess https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.1.0.html#new-features (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- updated requests (@chrisjsimpson)
- updated urllib3 (@chrisjsimpson)
- deploy script clones https://github.com/Subscribie/subscription-management-software and adds module to jamla module search path (@chrisjsimpson)
- added flask_mail options to site deployer so that email sending works by (@chrisjsimpson)
- added flask_mail config options to be passed to deploy script (@chrisjsimpson)
- site deployer (aka builder module) will set EMAIL_LOGIN_FROM to whatever it is in .env. (@chrisjsimpson)
- updated minumim flask requirements because CVE-2018-1000656 (@chrisjsimpson)
- resolved merge confl in .gitignore (@chrisjsimpson)
- removed dead code from site build process as already was moved by prior shutil.move instruction. TODO remove catachall error handling' (@chrisjsimpson)
- added tawk integration to draft jamla (@chrisjsimpson)
- added integrations to draftJamla to google_tag_manager (@chrisjsimpson)
- woopse removed things which got into repo not supposed to be there.. (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- resolve merge confl (@chrisjsimpson)
- added integrations array to draftJamla generation (@chrisjsimpson)
- build module (@chrisjsimpson)
- correctly sotre static assets (@chrisjsimpson)
- rewrite of builder script to use subscribie_cli (@chrisjsimpson)
- added config.py.example and renamed KARMA_WEB_HOST -> BUILDER_DEPLOY_WEB_HOST# (@chrisjsimpson)
- corrected hedgehog.new_customer -> views.new_customer (@chrisjsimpson)
- turned builder module into flask Blueprint (@chrisjsimpson)
- removed every submodule (@chrisjsimpson)
- update readme, needs updating (@chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:karmacrew/subscription-website-builder (@chrisjsimpson)
- rename imports from hedhog to subscribie (@chrisjsimpson)
- get from github rather than gitlab, and renamed to subscribie. TODO update deploy scipt to take into account flask 1.0 (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:karmacrew/subscription-website-builder (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- addd "static_folder" propert to "theme" in jamla array build up (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- latest indigo (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Latest version of Indigo (contains updated hedgehog) (@connorl9382)
- Updated home page with new style and included we don't take a cut (@connorl9382)
- brought edit_jamla template up to date, and added missed up_front_payment.html to repo (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- set UPLOADED_IMAGES_DEST to absolute path during site deploy (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- latest indigio (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added edit_jamla.html and updated ../modules/builder/init.py (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- latest Indigo (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- removed GOCARDLESS_ENVIRONMENT from env generation as not used (using jamla instead) (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- coerce sell_price & monthly_price into ints. e.g. 80.00 becomes 80 (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- latest Indigio (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- terminate STATIC_FOLDER path with "/" (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- removed Crab module clone from site deploy script (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Removed preview page (@connorl9382)
- Use latest version of Indigo (@connorl9382)
- Hide price boxes if user unselects the # method (i.e. hide one-off price if the box is unticked) (@connorl9382)
- Moved modal JS to app.js file (@connorl9382)
- Added image upload file name (@connorl9382)
- welcome email is now sent from hello@subscriptionwebsitebuilder.co.uk TODO put this into a config var (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- strip any non-alphanumeric characters from the subdomain string (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Added Bing Index Meta tag.html (matthew@karmacomputing.co.uk)
- simplified activate site page (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- corrected sell_price input name (was wronly named "item + itemCount + _price_value" should have been sell_price + itemCount. TODO: clear this all up, submit each item one-by-one over ajax and clean up (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- changes to start-building.html to make price inputs appear disables (just using css) (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added modules_path to draftJamla generation on deployed sites (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- resolve merge conflict init.py (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Generalized whitespace stripping for form fields. thank you pcraig3 @see pallets-eco/wtforms#148 (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- strip sku TODO: use flask wtf form validation properly (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- strip leading/ending spaces from sku name during sitebuild (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- GOCARDLESS_ENVIRONMENT from "LIVE" => "live" (docs give example as caps but needs to be lowercase.) (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- deployed sites should use LIVE for GOCARDLESS_ENVIRONMENT (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:karmacrew/subscription-website-deployer (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- corrected crab ON_SUCCESS_URL/ESTABLISH_MANDATE_URL (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- corrected STATIC .env path (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Grammar Update thankyou.html (matthew@karmacomputing.co.uk)
- Grammer Update thankyou.html (matthew@karmacomputing.co.uk)
- updated deploy script paths STATIC_FOLDER and TEMPLATE_FOLDER (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added default theme (jesmon) to draftJamla output (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Google Analytics. Update layout.html (matthew@karmacomputing.co.uk)
- Corrected end of Head. Updated Layout. (matthew@karmacomputing.co.uk)
- SubscriptionWebsiteBuilder Analytics Account (Tag Manager) (matthew@karmacomputing.co.uk)
- SubscriptionWebsiteBuilder Analytics account (matthew@karmacomputing.co.uk)
- Moved graceful reload of apache to final step. ..dont reload apache in a subprocess then run composer install, it dosen't end well! (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added simple "Please wait.." and distabled submit button whilst site is being built. See static/app.js which has been added to layout.html (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- wip removed dead code (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- reload apache on deployment complete regardless of whether vhost already existed (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added blockcalled "top" to inject above hero elements if desired. Made use of the "top" block on the preview-store.html template to encourage users to activate their site (above fold call to action (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- get login url from site deployer and include this link in the site activated email (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- removed pdb (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- generate a login token when seeding initial new site deploy. related: https://gitlab.com/karmacrew/subscription-website-builder/merge_requests/18 (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- corrected deploy script static & templates paths since making hedgehog into a package (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- load Jamla using class and import app (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- updated paths to hedgehog package (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- use imported hedghog module Jamla to load jamla app ( related: https://gitlab.com/karmacrew/hedgehog/issues/61 ) (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- wip removed references to "shortly" directory (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- subscribe to Hedgehog journey_complete event and send basic email (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- only ask customer to choose packge if they havnt already chosen one (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added item requirements to jamla items (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Indigo latest (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added CRAB_PATH to deploy script (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added GOCARDLESS_CLIENT_ID and GOCARDLESS_CLIENT_SECRET to deployed jamla files (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added DEPLOY_GOCARDLESS_CLIENT_ID and DEPLOY_GOCARDLESS_CLIENT_SECRET to .env.example for gocardless partner integration (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch '1-integrate-gocardless-oauth' (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Latest indigio (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- brought over styles.css from "base template" and copied over latest layout.html from production and (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- brought over styles.css from "base template" and copied over latest layout.html from production (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added style.css to repo (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- removed dead code from new_customer.html (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- pulled over latest layout.html (these need to be thought of as different templates , not verbatim copied over from a shops template because ours is obviously different from the default store theme. (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- brought new_customer.html template up to date TODO: check input names (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added new_customer.html to git subscription website builder repo (it wasnt being tracked!) TODO: correct input names (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch 'master' into 1-integrate-gocardless-oauth (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #17 (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added payment providers meta informtion to draftJamla file (the generated jamla.yaml file) during deployment. TODO: update jamla spec to include secret spesific properties needed for each payment provider (e.g. for stripe the pub/private secret see issue #16 #17) (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch 'master' into 16-add-payment-providers-to-jamla-file-for-deployed-sites (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added EMAIL_HOST to deployed sites .env file automatically, taken from deployers DEPLOY_EMAIL_HOST env setting (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- we now seed site's users db with the email address(es) provided in the jamla file during deployment' (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added google tag manager (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- email address get taken during site building, and saves to jamla file (which gets sent to jamla deploy) (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- migrations are now ran at jamla site deployment (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch '6-run-migrations-upon-site-deployment' (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- default to redirect to https site preview (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- allow composer subprocess32.Popen to close cleanly by setting parent process to return (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- wip run migrations upon deploy (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added 0-create-table-onboard_item.py migration (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- resolved merge conflict in modules/builder/init.py (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- corrected ssl macro generation (port number and username were wrong way around (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- default view activated site to https (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- default all deploys to https woo (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added https to all deployed sites automatically (see updated mass-apache-jamla.conf.example) cert is generated using acme.sh letsencypt via cloudns api TOD: setup cronjob for autorenew (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- perform composer install as background process (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- updated Crab composer auto install to use composer install -d= (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added auto SUCCESS_REDIRECT_URL env (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- fixed typo in GOCARDLESS_TOKEN env construction (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added default (test) GOCARDLESS_TOKEN & THANKYOU_URL) env generation to Hedgehog deploy (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- use yaml.safe_dump rather than yaml.dump to produce only standard YAML tags (looses ability to represent an arbitrary Python objects, but we dont need that right now) (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- auto generate composer install for crab & replaced python subprocess with subprocess32 as recommended (see python.org) (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added subprocess32==3.2.7 to pip requirements (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- updated dependency mod_wsgi so we can benefit from using "WSGIDaemonProcess socket-user" in conjunction with mod_itk (now require mod_wsgi version at least 4.4.1 (4.6.4 is recommended) and updated mass-apache-jamla.conf.example (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- DB_PATH absolute path (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- corrected Cra db path (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- set default Crab/js_env/STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY.env key (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- removed cp from Crab .env.example as php's dotenv appears not to take the last config value so we just re-write the file here for simplicity (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- updated Crab .env values to be quote wrapped (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added auto generate CRAB_URL .env value for new sites (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added DB_PATH in .env for Crab. TODO: these env names should be the same! (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- corrected DB_FULL_PATH in .env for hedgehog (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Createsqlite3 db and set DB_FULL_PATH= in .env file for hedgehog automatically (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added JAMLA_PATH env to Crab clone operation during deployment of a new site (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- updated mass-apache-jamla.conf.example for crab hosting (by adding alias directive to apache config, we direct "/up-front-payment" to Crab to handle instant payments (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- wip Clone Crab repo for instant payments & set-up .env file. TODO: add vhost for instance of Crab and set-up an (A record/or maybe path?) for Crab (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- wip wraped existing Hedgehog repo clone related code in try/catch (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- display link to their website after activation (payment) (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- updated thank you page to reflect subscription website is now paid for and "active" TODO: provide link to activated website (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- forgot to include templates/select-package.html (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- wip added "Activate Your Subscription Website" page and links to customer onboarding. TODO: Get rid of Crab?/make its deployment easier (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added ridiculous site preview and over-excited call to action. Todo: When user clicks "Activate site now", take to package selection and checkout (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- wip added "preview text" overlay on preview page & disabled buttons. TODO: add "Activate your site now" button (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- clean up multiline imports pep-0328 (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch '11-upfront-cost-not-being-stored' of gitlab.com:karmacrew/subscription-website-builder into 11-upfront-cost-not-being-stored (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- corrected storage of upfront price (now stores it) and fix ui bug which prevented first one-off price checkbox from working (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- updated all getting started links to begin building site. store plan in locastorage as indicator to which package to start on (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- latest Indigo and fix #9 (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- monkeypatch need additional config for UPLOADED_IMAGES_DEST with only public path. UPLOADED_IMAGES_DEST exposes full path only need relative path for .jamla files (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- updated builder module to make use of UPLOADED_IMAGES_DEST config path rather than hardcode (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- site primary icons are posted to deploer via http POST request along with associated jamla file. the deployer takes care of (deploying) the site from thereon (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- submitted primary icons are saved to individual jamla sites (they get http POSTed over) (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- corrected creating subdomain for each jamla item (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- correct jamla static & template folder paths by appending correct paths to jamla.yaml file (flask reast the most recent config) (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- copy over default templates and static assets to new site (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- load .env for deployer from project root using os.path.realpath(file) (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- we now check that vhost isn't already in the vhosts file' (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- get builder module .env file from os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath instead of using environment vars (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added BUILDER_SETTINGS load from envvar (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added mass-apache-jamla.conf.example and improved Vhost geneneration main.py (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added APACHE_USER to .env.example (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added DEPLOYER_SETTINGS loadfromenvvar , parameterized many of the paths to help local development (e.g. APACHE_CONF_FILE env var) (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- uploading icon for package is now optional (blanks value if no file provided) (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added git repo cloning and apache auto reloading. Note: requires permissions and changes to apache (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added deployJamla() which posts generated jamla file to a "deployment server" which stores the generated jamla file (and will then generate the site in its own container/environment (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- generate semi-unique name for each generated jamla file, and use this name in preview rather than hardcoding the filename (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- gitignore (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- initial jamla site deployer. takes a file upload (a jamla file) and stores it. (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- creates subdomain on subscriby.shop as soon as client reaches /review page. TODO: make domain configurable in jamla, and dont create the subdomain as soon perhaps (e.g. after payment) (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch '8-ask-for-company-name-during-site-building-experience-we-store-this-in-jamla-file-and-use-this-when-generating-their-subdomain' into 4-create-subdomain-for-every-new-website (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- asks for company name during website build, stores in jamla.yml (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added create_subdomain() to website builder and updated hedgehog .env to include cloudns logins and karma web hosting ip (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- corrected price in jamla file generation (x100) to store a pennies (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- corrected image path. Image preview now "works". TODO: Validation (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- correct preview jamla site path (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- dump draftJamla in whereever app_instance is (which can change in prod/local) for now. Removed errenous pdb set_trace (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- builder module now stores items, and shows preview of store after submission. TODO image display & make jamlaDraft template unique to each visitor (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- updated gitignore to ignore uploaded files in repo (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- basic image upload & storage (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- wip item title storage with n items being added. TODO refactor this js (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- wip store customer items using wtforms (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- resolved merge conflt in modules/builder/init.py (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- wip Wtform for storing items customers wish to add to their site (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- latestIndigo (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- wip adding form submission for adding items to a new website (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added first module (called builder) using module system. See modules array in jamla.jaml and corresponding module in the
directory (@ci-chrisjsimpson) - updated calls to action homepage to start building (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- updated start building call to action link (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- updated choose page to read "Start building now" (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- updated packages offered (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- wip updating USP's for businesses' (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Remove oboarding URL from YAML and Templates (@connorl9382)
- latest penguin (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Latest Indigo (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Updated products page (@connorl9382)
- Added snackbar for notifications and changed product page (@connorl9382)
- Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:karmacrew/subscription-website-builder (@connorl9382)
- Products page and style updates (@connorl9382)
- Start of products page (@connorl9382)
- Updated choose page with stripe and code snippet (@connorl9382)
- Assets & Text for Onboarding Page (@connorl9382)
- Start of subscription # (@connorl9382)
- Updated indigo, contains updated hedgehog with new templates (@connorl9382)
- Updated Indigo to allow for macOS execution (@connorl9382)
- Point to latest Indigo master head (@connorl9382)
- Updated Indigo (@connorl9382)
- Update README.md (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- latest Ingigo (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- updated Indigo (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- updated to latest indigo (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- point to latest indigo (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- point to latest Indigo (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- ignore serve.sh (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- Added Indigo as submodule and created initial jalma file (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- added readme (@ci-chrisjsimpson)
- @chrisjsimpson
- @ci-chrisjsimpson
- @connorl9382
- @joeltejeda
- LGTM Migrator (@lgtm-migrator)
- Matthew McGarry (matthew@karmacomputing.co.uk)
- root (root@subscribie.co.uk)