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iOS 10 - New API - User Notifications - 3DTouch Example

iOS 10~ Experiments - New API Components - New User Notifications with 3DTouch and iPhone 7.



  • = XCode 8.0

  • = Swift 3.

  • = iOS 10.0.

  • = 3D Touch Devices or iOS 10 supported.

Tested on iPhone SE, iPhone 6, iPhone 7 iOS 10.0 Simulators and physicals iPhone 7, iPhone 6, iPhone SE.


This is a Xcode 8+ / Swift 3+ project. To run on physicals devices, change the team provisioning profile.


Read : UNUserNotificationCenter

API Reference : UserNotifications


To run the example project, download or clone the repo.

Example Code!

Import Framework :

import UserNotifications

Register UNUserNotificationCenter

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

  let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()

  // define actions
  let ac1 = setAction(id: UNIdentifiers.reply, title: "Reply")
  let ac2 = setAction(id: UNIdentifiers.share, title: "Share")
  let ac3 = setAction(id: UNIdentifiers.follow, title: "Follow")
  let ac4 = setAction(id: UNIdentifiers.destructive, title: "Cancel", options: .destructive)
  let ac5 = setAction(id: UNIdentifiers.direction, title: "Get Direction")

  // define categories
  let cat1 = setCategory(identifier: UNIdentifiers.category, action: [ac1, ac2, ac3, ac4], intentIdentifiers: [])
  let cat2 = setCategory(identifier: UNIdentifiers.customContent, action: [ac5, ac4], intentIdentifiers: [])
  let cat3 = setCategory(identifier: UNIdentifiers.image, action: [ac2], intentIdentifiers: [], options: .allowInCarPlay)

  // Registers your app’s notification types and the custom actions that they support.
  center.setNotificationCategories([cat1, cat2, cat3])

  // Requests authorization to interact with the user when local and remote notifications arrive.
  center.requestAuthorization(options: [.badge, .alert , .sound]) { (success, error) in

  return true

Set Actions and Categories :

/// Set User Notifications Action.
/// - Parameter id:             `String` identifier string value
/// - Parameter title:          `String` title string value
/// - Parameter options:        `UNNotificationActionOptions` bevavior to the action as `OptionSet`
/// - Returns:                  `UNNotificationAction`
private func setAction(id: String, title: String, options: UNNotificationActionOptions = []) -> UNNotificationAction {

  let action = UNNotificationAction(identifier: id, title: title, options: options)

  return action

/// Set User Notifications Category.
/// - Parameter identifier:         `String`
/// - Parameter action:             `[UNNotificationAction]` ask to perform in response to
///                                 a delivered notification
/// - Parameter intentIdentifiers:  `[String]` array of `String`
/// - Parameter options:            `[UNNotificationCategoryOptions]` handle notifications,
///                                 associated with this category `OptionSet`
/// - Returns:                      `UNNotificationCategory`
private func setCategory(identifier: String, action:[UNNotificationAction],  intentIdentifiers: [String], options: UNNotificationCategoryOptions = []) -> UNNotificationCategory {

  let category = UNNotificationCategory(identifier: identifier, actions: action, intentIdentifiers: intentIdentifiers, options: options)

  return category

Add request to current UNUserNotificationCenter

  let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: UNIdentifiers.request, content: content[type.rawValue], trigger: nil)
  UNUserNotificationCenter.current().add(request) { error in
    UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self
    if (error != nil){
      //handle here

Et Voilà!

  • Build and Run!
  • By pressing lightly (Peek) and pressing a little more firmly to actually open content (Pop)
  • Optimized for Devices : iPhone 6s and others 3D Touch devices!