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Shout Outs Possible? #53

Answered by jaredcat
MWE001 asked this question in Q&A
Jul 6, 2023 · 1 comments · 2 replies
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Yea, not really sure there. If they're using this, I would guess it's been heavily modified.
Most of those shoutout things make API calls or something to get clips from a channel. This doesn't do any of that.
I would also say this has a totally different purpose of randomly playing a set of videos, so they don't get stale when repeating. Which is different from just wanting to show a few videos from a person, and you could randomize that when you get the videos and just play them in order after that.

The only other thing I can think of is that these people shoutout the same people. So, they download the clips ahead of time and put them in a folder and then use this on each folder, so they…

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