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[INTERNAL] ProxyTree

Create Proxy Tree based on the accessed properties

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❓ What is it for?

The Proxy Tree is an internal library of AgileTs. It is used to wrap a proxy around a target object, and its nested objects as you access them in order to keep track of which properties were accessed via get/has proxy handlers. This allows AgileTs to restrict paths to these accessed properties. With these paths, AgileTs can optimize the rerender count of Components by only rendering them when an (in the Component) accessed property mutates.

▶️ Use case in AgileTs

For example, this functionality is used in the useProxy() hook, which is used to subscribe a State to a React Component.

// MyComponent.whatever
const myObject = useProxy(MY_OBJECT);

return <p>{}</p>;

The Component (represented in the above example) is only rerendered by AgileTs if mutates and no longer when anything in the object changes. (like it is in useAgile()) For instance, if we change the Component won't be rerendered, since this property isn't accessed in it.

🌳 Construction of Proxy Tree

First, the main target object is converted into the root Branch (.rootBranch). Each Branch represents a particular object wrapped in a Proxy() and keeps track of its child Branches. These child Branches are created as soon as a certain property in the parent Branch has been accessed. Then the accessed property will be transformed into a sub Branch of the parent Branch and gets part of the Proxy Tree. This way, only accessed properties are added to the Proxy Tree. The Proxy Tree isn't aware of the other (not accessed) properties, as they aren't yet relevant. As soon as an unrecognized property is accessed, it is added to the Proxy Tree.

// Orginal Object with sub Objects
const original = {
  a: [{ b: 1 }, { 1000: { a: { b: 1 } } }, '3rd'],
  b: { c: { d: 'hi' } },
  c: { a: 'hi' },

// Create Proxy Tree
const proxyTree = new ProxyTree(original);
const proxyfiedOrginal = proxyTree.proxy;  

// Access Properties

// Proxy Tree looks like that:
  a: Branch([Branch({ b: 1 }), { 1000: { a: { b: 1 } } }, '3rd']),
  b: { c: { d: 'hi' } },
  c: Branch({ a: Branch('hi') }),

// Access more Properties

// Proxy Tree now looks like that:
  a: Branch([Branch({ b: 1 }), { 1000: { a: { b: 1 } } }, Branch('3rd')]),
  b: Branch({ c: { d: 'hi' } }),
  c: Branch({ a: Branch('hi') }),

⚡️ API


Returns the Paths to the accessed properties in array shape.

// Orginal Object with sub Objects
const original = {
  a: [{ b: 1 }, { 1000: { a: { b: 1 } } }, '3rd'],
  b: { c: { d: 'hi' } },
  c: { a: 'hi' },

// Create Proxy Tree
const proxyTree = new ProxyTree(original);
const proxyfiedOrginal = proxyTree.proxy;

// Access Properties

// Get route to accessed Properties
console.log(proxyTree.getUsedRoutes()); // Returns (see below)
// [
//   ['a', '0', 'b'],
//   ['a', '1', '1000', 'a', 'b'],
//   ['c', 'a'],
//   ['b'],
//   ['a'],
// ]

The algorithm behind reconstructing the used routes/paths is pretty straightforward and simple. It may not be very efficient, but it works, and that is what counts for now.


In the above image, each blue-circled property is an end accessed property (so b and x). Each time a property was accessed, the Proxy Tree counted the used property of this Route/Node. Also, between Routes like 'a' or 'c' were accessed and thus incremented. This is due the fact that, by accessing the property c via a.b.c, you access a and b before accessing c. This way, we are able to reconstruct the paths to the accessed properties with the simple algorithm you can find in the above image.


Transforms Proxy Tree into an easily processable object. Therefore, it goes through each Branch (starting at the root Branch) and transforms them into BranchObjects.

// Orginal Object with sub Objects
const original = {
  a: [{ b: 1 }, { 1000: { a: { b: 1 } } }, '3rd'],
  b: { c: { d: 'hi' } },
  c: { a: 'hi' },

// Create Proxy Tree
const proxyTree = new ProxyTree(original);
const proxyfiedOrginal = proxyTree.proxy;

// Access Properties

console.log(proxyTree.transformTreeToBranchObject()); // Returns (see below)
// {
//   key: 'root',
//   timesAccessed: 3,
//   branches: [
//     {
//       key: 'a',
//       timesAccessed: 2,
//       branches: [{ key: '0', timesAccessed: 1, branches: [] }],
//     },
//     {
//       key: 'c',
//       timesAccessed: 1,
//       branches: [{ key: 'a', timesAccessed: 1, branches: [] }],
//     },
//   ],
// }

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