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Akamai CLI: Image and Video Manager Module

This module enables the use of Image and Video Manager (IM) in the Akamai CLI tool

API Permissions

Please ensure your API client has access to the "Image Manager" API (you may need to create a separate API client)


To install, use Akamai CLI:

akamai install image-manager

You may also use this as a stand-alone command by cloning this repository and compiling it yourself.


akamai image-manager [global flags] --policy-set POLICY-SET command
akamai video-manager [global flags] --policy-set POLICY-SET command

Global Flags

  • --edgerc value — Location of the credentials file (default: user's directory like "/Users/jgarza") [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
  • --section value — Section of the credentials file (default: "default") [$AKAMAI_EDGERC_SECTION]
  • --debug - -d - prints debug information
  • --verbose - Print verbose information
  • --version, -v — Print the version
  • --policy-set POLICY-SET (REQUIRED) Name of the Image Manager policy to manage (grep for "policyTokenDefault" within the Property Manager configuration)
  • --help, -h — Show help


  • list-policies — List existing policies on given network, or both (default). Output can be formatted as JSON, or text tables (default); which is a human readable ascii table showing the policy name, creation date and creation user (useful for inventorying purposes).
  • get-policy — Retrieves a given policy on a given network (output can be saved into a file)
  • set-policy - Creates or updates a given policy on a given network (or both) using the JSON provided on a given input file
  • delete-policy - Deletes a policy (given network or both)

Required arguments: --policy-set POLICY-SET, -p POLICY-SET



list Help

Showing the syntax

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com list-policies --help

usage: akamai-image-manager list-policies [-h] [--network network]
                           [--output-type json/text]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --network network, -n network
                        Network to list from (staging, production or both).
                        Default is both
  --output-type json/text, -t json/text
                        Output type {json, text}. Default is text
$ akamai video-manager --section default --policy-set example_com list-policies --help

usage: akamai-video-manager list-policies [-h] [--network network]
                           [--output-type json/text]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --network network, -n network
                        Network to list from (staging, production or both).
                        Default is both
  --output-type json/text, -t json/text
                        Output type {json, text}. Default is text

Below examples are valid for video-manager as well

List of all policies (default is both networks and text output)

Retrieve a list of all policies in human readable format using a specific instance of the Image Manager behavior available on both networks:

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com list-policies

Policy: example_com 	Network: both 	Output: text

|          Policy name           |       Date Created        |           User            |
|             .auto              | 2018-04-19 18:18:13+0000  |          system           |
|           HeroBanner           | 2018-09-03 17:42:32+0000  |     42uzkarfjv4pzsdf      |
|         AvatarThumbnail        | 2018-04-19 19:50:51+0000  |     42uzkarfjv4pzsdf      |

|          Policy name           |       Date Created        |           User            |
|             .auto              | 2018-04-19 19:43:05+0000  |          system           |
|           HeroBanner           | 2018-09-03 17:42:38+0000  |     42uzkarfjv4pzsdf      |
|         AvatarThumbnail        | 2018-04-19 21:11:38+0000  |     42uzkarfjv4pzsdf      |

The commands below accomplish the same as the previous one:

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com list-policies --network both --output-type text

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com list-policies -n both -t text

List policies on the staging network in JSON format

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com list-policies --network staging --output-type json

Saving the output in JSON format causes all the policies to be merged together on a single JSON response

Get a policy

get-policy Help

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com get-policy --help

usage: akamai-image-manager get-policy [-h] [--network network] [--output-file filename]

positional arguments:
  name                  Policy name to retrieve

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --network network, -n network
                        Network to list from (staging or production). Default
                        is production
  --output-file filename, -f filename
                        Save output to a file

Get the "HeroBanner" policy (default is production)

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com get-policy HeroBanner

The commands below accomplish the same as the previous one:

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com get-policy HeroBanner --network production

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com get-policy HeroBanner -n production

Get the "HeroBanner" policy from staging

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com get-policy HeroBanner --network staging

Get "HeroBanner" policy from staging and save the output to a file called "rules.json"

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com get-policy HeroBanner --network staging --output-file rules.json

Set a policy

set-policy Help

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com set-policy --help

usage: akamai-image-manager set-policy [-h] --input-file filename [--network network] name

positional arguments:
  name                  Policy name to update

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input-file filename, -f filename
                        JSON Config file
  --network network, -n network
                        Network where the policy resides (staging, production
                        or both). Default is production

Create (or update) a policy (default is production)

Create a policy called "HeroBanner" on production as indicated on a file called rules.json

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com set-policy HeroBanner --input-file rules.json

The commands below accomplish the same as the previous one:

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com set-policy HeroBanner --input-file rules.json --network production

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com set-policy HeroBanner -f rules.json --network production

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com set-policy HeroBanner -f rules.json -n production

Create (or update) a policy on staging

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com set-policy HeroBanner --input-file rules.json --network staging

Create (or update) a policy both on staging, and production

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com set-policy HeroBanner --input-file rules.json --network both

Delete a policy

delete Help

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com delete-policy --help

usage: akamai-image-manager delete-policy [-h] [--network network] name

positional arguments:
  name                  Policy name to delete

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --network network, -n network
                        Network to delete from (staging, production or both).
                        Default is production

Delete a policy (default is production)

Delete a policy called "HeroBanner" on production

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com delete-policy HeroBanner

The commands below accomplish the same as the previous one:

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com delete-policy HeroBanner --network production

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com delete-policy HeroBanner -n production

Delete a policy on staging

Delete a policy called "HeroBanner" on staging

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com delete-policy HeroBanner --network staging

Delete a policy both on staging, and production

$ akamai image-manager --section default --policy-set example_com delete-policy HeroBanner --network both


To update to the latest version:

$ akamai update image-manager

Bugs / Enhancement requests

Please report any issues or enhancement ideas here in GitHub. Pull requests are welcomed!

Installation issues