Today the expectation is to make some progress on the styling of my wheel of fortune and to get my marks on our new issue.
There are five sub issues in our larger one. They are all about pages. For some of them we need to figure out the UX workflow associated with them.
We need to create a :page/delete
We may need to add a column with the delete icon on the all page view.
Roam lets you select pages and you can delete one, or several, also select for exporting. It may be worthwhile to do this as well, because it will let us do bulk actions as well as other actions instead of adding columns like crazy.
Deleting a page also strips the links from the pages that reference it.
Deleting the links to a page that was never accessed also deletes the page.
We need to add a button on the page (top right maybe?)
Roam's design
Ideas from our Figma
has the posh/datalog query, we need to add the datascript database.
We probably need a an event for adding a shortcut. We can take inspiration from the :page/create
event to create shortcut.
Was this a feature request? Presented in the form of a question:
This should be fairly simple, take the same workflow as creating a page from athena. We can create the button, then run the same event handler. However, it will have to be an unnamed page? There is no way to create a page in Roam with the click of a button. It is done via tag or the search bar.
There is a reg-event-fx in events.cljs
This is a bigger project and it has separate issues.
Filters are also a much bigger undertaking.
None of us is into adding a button to create a page, and adding and removing pages to shortcut was actually already implemented, so the natural choice for us now was to tackle page deletion.
We came up with a few questions, which we hope to get answers for soon:
- In Roam, you can check pages in the All Pages list and then you can bulk delete. Do we also want to implement that here? Or are bulk operations out of the scope of this issue?
- What happens to empty pages that have no links to them. Do we keep them? Eagerly delete them?
- If you delete a page, should all corresponding links to it be deleted? (this is current Roam behavior)
The wheel now lives in its own repo (its needs are very real!) and was transformed from a imaginary wheel (just a button) to a less imaginary one, one you can see on the screen.
I am not going to detail what I did because it was mostly CSS. I did use Garden which has a hiccup link syntax but it was mostly applying CSS nevertheless. The changes are here.
Also, it now spins!
I am a lot less guided in what I am learning but the exploration is all the more interesting. There are a lot of aha moments, things I thought I understood while reading that I finally actually understand. So it is really gratifying. Let's end the day with a tally of what I completed:
- Figured out what we needed to know to make progress on our issue
- Displayed the wheel on the screen, styled it and made it spin.