- #734 - Added the Ireland Marketplace - @jasonhebert
- #723 - Add Financial Transfers SDK and Related Models. - @jasonhebert
- #723 - Add Financial Transactions SDK and Related Models. - @jasonhebert
- #725 - Update PHP-CS-Fixer from version 3.2.0 to 3.68.5. - @jasonhebert
- #725 - Correct php-cs-fixer.php config for updates. - @jasonhebert
- #727 - Update GitHub test-suite to use Ubuntu-20.04 and PHP 8.2 - @jasonhebert
- #723 - Move Finances SDK and related models from Finances namespace to Finances/FinancialEvents namespace. - @jasonhebert
- #723 - Rename FinancesSDK to FinancialEventsSDK. - @jasonhebert
- #723 - Rename generator-finances.yaml to generator-finances-financial-events.yaml. - @jasonhebert
- #723 - CatalogItemSDK moved from CatalogApi namespace to CatalogItemsApi namespace. - @jasonhebert
- #723 - OrdersSDK moved from OrdersV0Api namespace to OrdersApi namespace. - @jasonhebert
- #723 - VendorInvoicesSDK moved from VendorPaymentsApi namespace to VendorInvoicesApi namespace. - @jasonhebert
- #723 - Separate rector runs and configurations for efficiency in the build process. - @jasonhebert
- #688 - Add 7.x branch designation to GitHub workflow configurations. - @jasonhebert
- #688 - Add 7.x branch designation to README.md. - @jasonhebert
- #725 - Correct api mustache template spacing and new-lines. - @jasonhebert
- #723 - Correct templates so that optional request method params are nullable. - @jasonhebert
- #689 - Update checkout and cache GitHub workflow actions to v4 - @jasonhebert
- 605649 - github actions - @norberttech
- #723 - Removed ShipmentApi/OrdersSDK. - @jasonhebert
- #723 - Breaking changes to the FulfillmentInboundV0SDK due to deprecations. - @jasonhebert
- #688 - Add 7.x branch designation to GitHub workflow configurations. - @jasonhebert
- #688 - Add 7.x branch designation to README.md. - @jasonhebert
- #689 - Update checkout and cache GitHub workflow actions to v4 - @jasonhebert
- 605649 - github actions - @norberttech
- #688 - Add 7.x branch designation to GitHub workflow configurations. - @jasonhebert
- #688 - Add 7.x branch designation to README.md. - @jasonhebert
- #689 - Update checkout and cache GitHub workflow actions to v4 - @jasonhebert
- 605649 - github actions - @norberttech
- #683 - Updated API SDKs and Models - @jasonhebert
- #684 - Update dependabot.yml configuration - @jasonhebert
- #647 - Add additional rector processing. - @jasonhebert
- #647 - Correct the class imports in the Rector config. - @jasonhebert
- #645 - Add @deprecated and deprecation notice to API methods marked as such. - @jasonhebert
- #645 - Add FulfillmentInbound V0 back to the library. - @jasonhebert
- #641 - Application Management API SDK - @jasonhebert
- #637 - Add Warehouse and Distribution API. - @jasonhebert
- #645 - Adjust tests and ObjectSerializer to account for the FulfillmentInbound V0 API. - @jasonhebert
- #641 - Modify unit tests to account for changes. - @jasonhebert
- #638 - Ignore rector/rector in Dependabot runner - @jasonhebert
- #637 - Update Fulfillment Inbound API to v2024-03-20. - @jasonhebert
- #637 - Update php-cs-fixer deprecated config properties. - @jasonhebert
- #637 - Update ObjectSerializer to remove non-existant FulfillmentInbound objects. - @jasonhebert
- #637 - Refactored and removed unit tests due to changed FulfillmentInbound version. - @jasonhebert
- #563 - Updated CHANGELOG.md - @jasonhebert
- #646 - Update Github workflows for the 6.x branch - @jasonhebert
- #641 - Modify Vendor SDK to return VendorOrdersSDK for the ordersSDK() method. - @jasonhebert
- #635 - Revert Rector version 1.2.0 back to version 0.15.19 - @jasonhebert
- #634 - Fixed errors related to Rector upgrade to version 1.2.0 - @jasonhebert
- #637 - Remove Authorization API. - @jasonhebert
- #637 - Remove FBA Small and Light API. - @jasonhebert
- #561 - Modified api.mustache template to make method parameters nullable if they are optional even if a default value is presented. - @jasonhebert
- #558 - Add Jetbrains .idea directory to .gitignore. - @jasonhebert
- #558 - Add user flag to Docker run commands in bin/generate.sh so files created are owned by the user/group running the operation. - @jasonhebert
- #558 - Increase rector parallel processing timeout from 2 minutes to 10 minutes. - @jasonhebert
- #558 - Update Amazon SP API models to the latest version - @jasonhebert
- 48c72b - README.md - @norberttech
- a20e6e - README.md - @norberttech
- e11a4b - README.md - @norberttech
- #558 - Remove Order Approvals API from SDK as it has been removed from the library. - @jasonhebert
- 1b44f8 - return types skipped during models regeneration - @norberttech
- #399 - amazon sp api models to the latest ve. sion - @norberttech
- #399 - added request body/uri/headers to response log to simplify browsing logs - @norberttech
- bed512 - Make marketplace id optional in GetOffersResult - @norberttech
- 3c2ff0 - supported version of php - @norberttech
- #342 - support for psr/log ^3.0 - @norberttech
- bab350 - added missing ksort to query element - @norberttech
- 2226b9 - development leftover - @norberttech
- #341 - creating http signature for queries with spaces - @norberttech
- #331 - issues with currency codes other than USD and GBP - @norberttech
- #314 - Updated model definitions - @owsiakl
- #314 - Changed rector to use earlier versions - @owsiakl
- #280 - Change lwaClientID to lwaClientIdSecret from IAM Role section in README.md file - @To-heeb
- #260 - rector rules are modifying only
paths - @owsiakl - #260 - marked some methods return types in
as nullable - @owsiakl - #258 - Forcing rector to always use in memory cache seems to resolve the issue where it starts adding redundant docblocks while regenerating models - @norberttech
- #257 - Updated models - @norberttech
- #252 - Updated minimum PHP requirement to ~8.1 - @norberttech
- #252 - Updated CatalogItem API models - @norberttech
- #260 - fixed loading env vars in functional sandbox tests - @owsiakl
- #260 - fixed api exception constructor - @owsiakl
- #257 - Wrong dependency in custom rector rule - @norberttech
- #257 - Models generated previous time - @norberttech
- #252 - uuid library dependency - @norberttech
- #238 - Rector rule for changing return type tu nullable - @owsiakl
- #238 - Ignoring
response enum validation - @owsiakl - #241 - Add Fulfillment Inbound
to broken model definitions. - @jasonhebert
- #244 - Regenerated models - @owsiakl
- #240 - Update mustache template for model classes - added ReturnTypeWillChange attribute to prevent deprecation errors on PHP 8.1 - @Stevad
- #238 - Regenerated models - @owsiakl
- #238 - Changed return type of some methods in Fulfillment Inbound API to nullable - @owsiakl
- #238 - Changed return type of
method in Listings API to nullable - @owsiakl - #238 - Changed return type of
method in Listings API from object to array - @owsiakl
- #229 - Fixed missing return types in interfaces - @norberttech
- #229 - request methods from SDK interfaces - @norberttech
- #228 - Added auto generated SDK interfaces - @norberttech
- #228 - More descriptive SDK class/interface comment - @norberttech
- #228 - \DateTimeInterface primitve to code generator - @norberttech
- #228 - date,Date,DateTime generator types mapping from \DateTime into \DateTimeInterface - @norberttech
- #226 - Doc fix - @belguinan
- #228 - property type hints when null is default value - @norberttech
- e22b9f - amazon models - @norberttech
- #214 - Added new
method to the models - @owsiakl - #213 - Added sandboxed functional tests & readme - @owsiakl
- #212 - Possibility to send request against sandbox - dynamic/static - @norberttech
- #215 - Disabled validation for FileType enum from Merchant Fulfillment API - @owsiakl
- #209 - Disabled validation for enums in fulfillment outbound api - @owsiakl
- #216 - Fixed env vars name to match parameter names described in documentation - @owsiakl
- #211 - Fixed casting simple value types - @owsiakl
- #214 - Removed constraints from all models setters methods - @owsiakl
- #214 - Removed model
method - @owsiakl - #214 - Removed model
method - @owsiakl
- 2f04b7 - static method definition - @norberttech
- #196 - Disable validation of enum values for incomplete model definitions in the sanitizeForSerialization function. - @Tetsuya-Takiguchi
- #196 - Disable enum value validation for incomplete model definitions in the deserialize function. - @Tetsuya-Takiguchi
- #194 - Fixed comparison of broken model enum classes - @norberttech
- bd30ce - readme code examples - @norberttech
- #192 - Disable validation of enum values for incomplete model definitions - @norberttech
- #188 - SDK return type deserialization - @norberttech
- #190 - attributes type in listing item endpoint - @norberttech
- #188 - request parameters serialization - @norberttech
- #188 - Product Fees generation - @norberttech
- #183 - Add new methods and operations to the Configuration and LoggerConfiguration classes to re-enable logging of API's and/or operations that were previously skipped. - @jasonhebert
- #183 - Fixed logic errors in existing LoggerConfiguration methods preventing proper handling of skip logging functionality. - @jasonhebert
- #176 - Added Configuration getter to SellingPartnerSDK. - @jasonhebert
- #176 - Added method to update IAM Role Credentials on Configuration class. - @jasonhebert
- #179 - HttpSignatureHeaders::forConfig will convert header names to lowercase when calculating the signature to avoid mismatched signatures when sending to Amazon and match behaviour of HttpSignatureHeaders::raw. - @raing3
- #171 - The code example calling getCatalogItems in the README file passed incorrect parameters to the method. - @jasonhebert
- #169 - Throw an ApiException if the AssumeRole action response returns other than a 200 level response. - @jasonhebert
- 950977 - Switch github actions to branch 4.x - @norberttech
- 7df7a2 - amazon models references, replaced deprecated SDK versions with recent ones - @norberttech
- 812091 - deprecated config - @norberttech
- #151 -
facade classes now cache child SDK instances - @jasonhebert - #151 -
facade class constructor signatures have been changed. Suggested to use staticcreate
method for instantiation. - @jasonhebert
- #128 - Refactor Marketplace class to remove redundancies and simplify update process. - @jasonhebert
- #128 - Corrected namespace on ObjectSerializerTest class. - @jasonhebert
- #128 - Added the missing properties for the Egypt country data and marketplace to the Marketplace class. - @jasonhebert
- #125 - Fixed "The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json" warning. - @jasonhebert
- fb10f5 - PHP versions scope - @norberttech
- #122 - enum parameters serialization - @norberttech
- #119 - Address::name model return type through rector - @norberttech
- 92cbb7 - custom workflows into aeon-php reusable workflows - @norberttech
- d24fec - changelog update branch - @norberttech
- #112 - typo in rector rule - @staabm
- #110 - Added SDK that covers deprecated CatalogItem API endpoints - @norberttech
- a837d9 - README.md - @norberttech
- #106 - ?object to ?array types in parameters and method returns - @norberttech
- 46b399 - github workflows after base branch switch - @norberttech
- f68ba3 - catalog-item api models - @norberttech
- #105 - added missing sensitive header - @norberttech
- #107 - ?object to ?array param and return type - @norberttech
- #105 - Removed redundant json file - @norberttech
- #104 - IAM Role authorization - @norberttech
- #103 - vendor api sdks - @norberttech
- #104 - Enums deserialization - @norberttech
- #104 - vendors API default values of parameters - @norberttech
- 53306d - Do not rename auto generated SDK's - @norberttech
- c9b107 - README.md - @norberttech
- #95 - php 8.1 to composer.json - @norberttech
- #85 - Update readme for clarity - @georanma
- #92 - Updated SDK Models, mostly code docs but also additional units of measurement - @norberttech
- 3a9f7f - cs fxer to the latest version - @norberttech
- #70 - Updated models 2021-09-20 - @norberttech
- #69 - Updated models 2021-09-16 - @norberttech
- a2caf2 - README.md - @norberttech
- #64 - Updated models according to the open api specification - @norberttech
- #60 - Updated models - @norberttech
- f9c829 - README.md - @norberttech
- #47 - Updated models according to the last SP API changes - @norberttech
- #26 - MerchantFulfillment SDK - @norberttech
- #23 - operations paths in API constatns - @norberttech
- #23 - region URLs - @norberttech
- #21 - Logger to OAuth API SDK - @norberttech
- 4e177f - phpstorm meta and skipp Marketplace in rector config - @norberttech
- 004e10 - github workflows to auto update models - @norberttech
- #13 - Marketplace URL to Marketplace object - @norberttech
- #13 - Marketplace from country code constructor - @norberttech
- #11 - OAuth::exchangeLwaCode(string $code) : AccessToken - method to exchange auth code for access token - @norberttech
- #10 - SellingPartnerSDK Facade to simplify building whole SDK - @norberttech
- 93b5b9 - remaining SP seller APIs - @norberttech
- #6 - custom extensions system - @norberttech
- #4 - PSR logger to all SDK's - @norberttech
- #4 - Logger configuration - @norberttech
- #3 - OAuth client credentials authorization - @norberttech
- 511f14 - rector rules, cs fixer and composer scripts - @norberttech
- 31b435 - tools and CS fixes - @norberttech
- #53 - regenerated API models from specs - @norberttech
- 3067aa - Improved SDKs generation by removing psalm-refactor - @norberttech
- f6aa70 - Disabled rector diffs and progress bar - @norberttech
- #35 - Updated Order Model - @norberttech
- 1c0add - Use sudo to generate models - @norberttech
- e2cb48 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- #35 - shipment invoice models path - @norberttech
- #29 - fixed contnet-type token to be lowercase everywhere - @norberttech
- #26 - Wrong HttpMethods - @norberttech
- #23 - jsonSerialize method at Models - @norberttech
- #21 - Building Access Token for client credentials grant type - @norberttech
- 6221ef - coding standard - @norberttech
- #14 - ShippingSDK generator configuration - @norberttech
- #3 - signing HTTP requests - @norberttech
- #3 - deserialization of error messages - @norberttech
- ce2f6f - SDK namespaces - @norberttech
- 60faad - github workflow name and disabled schedule - @norberttech
- 26aba3 - SDK to latest open api schema - @norberttech
- c51271 - README - @norberttech
- 21a1ed - sudo from composer generate - @norberttech
- #4 - httpInfo operation methods that are replaced by logger - @norberttech
- @belguinan
- @georanma
- @jasonhebert
- @norberttech
- @owsiakl
- @raing3
- @staabm
- @Stevad
- @sw-Oldeu
- @Tetsuya-Takiguchi
- @To-heeb
Generated by Automation