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Amazon Assignment

Libraries Used:

1.Selenium - Web Automation

2.TestNG - Unit Testing Library

3.Extent Reports - Reporting Library to generate beautiful html reports

4.AssertJ - Fluent Assertion Library in Java

5.WebDriverManager - Executables management

6.Lombok - To reduce boilerplate codes

Note: All the above mentioned libraries are open-source and does not include any license.


1.Web Tests can be run on chrome or edge browsers.

2.Configuration can be changed from inside src/test/resources/config

3.Utility methods available for Web Interactions (

#Adding more tests:

Prerequisites: Java 8+ , Maven 3.8.6 Installed and path set

1.Tests should be added as per the convention followed. New testng tests should be created inside the src/test/java folder.

2.All the tests should extend

3.Each test created should define the description as mandatory parameters. This will be helpful while creating the extent reports.

4.Have maximum of one to two assertions per test.

#Running Tests:

Prerequisites: Java 8+ , Maven 3.6.3 Installed and path set

1.There are multiple ways to run the tests. During development phase you can use the testng.xml present in the root folder to run. Right click and choose run.

2.Each of the testng xml file should contain the test classes to pick for the run.

3.User can also choose the thread-count parameter to run the tests in parallel.

4.User can also choose to run via maven commands which is highly recommended.

5.Maven profiles are configured in the pom.xml. You can run these from IDE Terminal or any OS Terminal inside the project folder. mvn clean test -Pall - To run all the tests available in the testng.xml

Note: User should not try to run the test from test class - Might end up in Null Poinet Exceptions,because the listeners are configured only in testng.xml

#Report Interpretation

1.Dashboard view clearly indicates the start time, end time of the run, number of tests passed and failed. It also shows the time took for the individual tests in form of timeline. Hover the mouse over the timeline to get the exact time details.

2.Tags tab in the Dashboard view clearly indicates the pass and fail according to the functionality.

3.Click on each test tab to view the corresponding test log events.

4.All the web tests will have a screenshot attached on failure as well as pass

5.After each test run, reports can be found under root directory and ExtentReports folder.


1.Base image used in the dockerfile is customised from maven:3.8.6-openjdk-18 where the maven dependencies are downloaded and kept handy to avoid downloading maven dependencies during each run.