The raw network packets of the UNSW-NB 15 dataset was created by the IXIA PerfectStorm tool in the Cyber Range Lab of UNSW Canberra for generating a hybrid of real modern normal activities and synthetic contemporary attack behaviours. The tcpdump tool was utilised to capture 100 GB of the raw traffic (e.g., Pcap files). This dataset has nine types of attacks, namely, Fuzzers, Analysis, Backdoors, DoS, Exploits, Generic, Reconnaissance, Shellcode and Worms. The Argus, Bro-IDS tools are used and twelve algorithms are developed to generate totally 49 features with the class label. These features are described in UNSW-NB15_features.csv file.
- The total number of records is two million and 540,044
- The records are stored in the four CSV files:
(N=1...4) - The ground truth table is named
and the list of event file is calledUNSW-NB15_LIST_EVENTS.csv
. - A partition from this dataset was configured as a training set and testing set, from the different types, attack and normal.
, respectively- The number of records in the training set is 175,341 records
- The testing set is 82,332 records
Sampled and preprocessed records.
Name | Details | Benign | Malicious | Total | Split | |
Sampled #1 | Sampled from partition #1 | 6796 | 204 | 7000 | 97 / 3 | |
Training 10K | Sampled from 175K training set | 5000 | 5000 | 10000 | 50/50 |
Preprocessing Details
Keep following attributes (31)
ct_ dst_ltm :: flw_http_mthd :: dst_sport_ltm :: dst_src_ltm :: src_dport_ltm :: srv_dst :: src_ltm :: srv_src D dbytes :: djit :: dload :: dloss :: dmeansz :: dpkts :: dur :: dtcpb :: dwin L ltime :: label P proto S sbytes :: service :: sjit :: sloss :: smeansz :: spkts :: state :: stcpb :: stime :: swin T trans_depth
- In Weka:
MergeManyValues -C 1 -L other N-M
applied toproto
- Format labels: 0 = Benign, 1 = Malicious
- Replace missing
- Apply
No. | Name | Type | Description |
1 | srcip |
nominal | Source IP address |
2 | sport |
integer | Source port number |
3 | dstip |
nominal | Destination IP address |
4 | dsport |
integer | Destination port number |
5 | proto |
nominal | Transaction protocol |
6 | state |
nominal | Indicates to the state and its dependent protocol, e.g. ACC, CLO, CON, ... |
7 | dur |
Float | Record total duration |
8 | sbytes |
Integer | Source to destination transaction bytes |
9 | dbytes |
Integer | Destination to source transaction bytes |
10 | sttl |
Integer | Source to destination time to live value |
11 | dttl |
Integer | Destination to source time to live value |
12 | sloss |
Integer | Source packets retransmitted or dropped |
13 | dloss |
Integer | Destination packets retransmitted or dropped |
14 | service |
nominal | http, ftp, smtp, ssh, dns, ftp-data, irc and (-) if not much used service |
15 | Sload |
Float | Source bits per second |
16 | Dload |
Float | Destination bits per second |
17 | Spkts |
integer | Source to destination packet count |
18 | Dpkts |
integer | Destination to source packet count |
19 | swin |
integer | Source TCP window advertisement value |
20 | dwin |
integer | Destination TCP window advertisement value |
21 | stcpb |
integer | Source TCP base sequence number |
22 | dtcpb |
integer | Destination TCP base sequence number |
23 | smeansz |
integer | Mean of the ?ow packet size transmitted by the src |
24 | dmeansz |
integer | Mean of the ?ow packet size transmitted by the dst |
25 | trans_depth |
integer | Represents the pipelined depth into the connection of http request/response transaction |
26 | res_bdy_len |
integer | Actual uncompressed content size of the data transferred from the server's http service. |
27 | Sjit |
Float | Source jitter (mSec) |
28 | Djit |
Float | Destination jitter (mSec) |
29 | Stime |
Timestamp | record start time |
30 | Ltime |
Timestamp | record last time |
31 | Sintpkt |
Float | Source interpacket arrival time (mSec) |
32 | Dintpkt |
Float | Destination interpacket arrival time (mSec) |
33 | tcprtt |
Float | TCP connection setup round-trip time, the sum of synack and ackdat. |
34 | synack |
Float | TCP connection setup time, the time between the SYN and the SYN_ACK packets. |
35 | ackdat |
Float | TCP connection setup time, the time between the SYN_ACK and the ACK packets. |
36 | is_sm_ips_ports |
Binary | If source (1) and destination (3) IP addresses equal and port numbers (2)(4) equal then, this variable takes value 1 else 0 |
37 | ct_state_ttl |
Integer | No. for each state (6) according to specific range of values for source/destination time to live (10) (11). |
38 | ct_flw_http_mthd |
Integer | No. of flows that has methods such as Get and Post in http service. |
39 | is_ftp_login |
Binary | If the ftp session is accessed by user and password then 1 else 0. |
40 | ct_ftp_cmd |
integer | No of flows that has a command in ftp session. |
41 | ct_srv_src |
integer | No. of connections that contain the same service (14) and source address (1) in 100 connections according to the last time (26). |
42 | ct_srv_dst |
integer | No. of connections that contain the same service (14) and destination address (3) in 100 connections according to the last time (26). |
43 | ct_dst_ltm |
integer | No. of connections of the same destination address (3) in 100 connections according to the last time (26). |
44 | ct_src_ ltm |
integer | No. of connections of the same source address (1) in 100 connections according to the last time (26). |
45 | ct_src_dport_ltm |
integer | No of connections of the same source address (1) and the destination port (4) in 100 connections according to the last time (26). |
46 | ct_dst_sport_ltm |
integer | No of connections of the same destination address (3) and the source port (2) in 100 connections according to the last time (26). |
47 | ct_dst_src_ltm |
integer | No of connections of the same source (1) and the destination (3) address in in 100 connections according to the last time (26). |
48 | attack_cat |
nominal | The name of each attack category. In this data set, nine categories |
49 | Label |
binary | 0 for normal and 1 for attack records |
See: "The UNSW-NB15 source files ... can be downloaded from HERE."
The details of the UNSW-NB15 dataset were published in following the papers. For the academic/public use of this dataset, the authors have to cities the following papers:
- Moustafa, Nour, and Jill Slay. "UNSW-NB15: a comprehensive data set for network intrusion detection systems (UNSW-NB15 network data set)." Military Communications and Information Systems Conference (MilCIS), 2015. IEEE, 2015.
- Moustafa, Nour, and Jill Slay. "The evaluation of Network Anomaly Detection Systems: Statistical analysis of the UNSW-NB15 dataset and the comparison with the KDD99 dataset." Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective (2016): 1-14.
- Moustafa, Nour, et al. "Novel geometric area analysis technique for anomaly detection using trapezoidal area estimation on large-scale networks." IEEE Transactions on Big Data (2017).
- Moustafa, Nour, et al. "Big data analytics for intrusion detection system: statistical decision-making using finite dirichlet mixture models." Data Analytics and Decision Support for Cybersecurity. Springer, Cham, 2017. 127-156.
- Sarhan, Mohanad, Siamak Layeghy, Nour Moustafa, and Marius Portmann. NetFlow Datasets for Machine Learning-Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems. In Big Data Technologies and Applications: 10th EAI International Conference, BDTA 2020, and 13th EAI International Conference on Wireless Internet, WiCON 2020, Virtual Event, December 11, 2020, Proceedings (p. 117). Springer Nature.
For more information about designing the new algorithms of the features published in the UNSW-NB15 dataset, please cite Dr.Nour Moustafa’s thesis. The details of the algorithms have been published in Chapter 3.
Moustafa, Nour. Designing an online and reliable statistical anomaly detection framework for dealing with large high-speed network traffic. Diss. University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia, 2017.
Free use of the UNSW-NB15 dataset for academic research purposes is hereby granted in perpetuity. Use for commercial purposes should be agreed by the authors. Nour Moustafa and Jill Slay have asserted their rights under the Copyright. To whom intend the use of the UNSW-NB15 dataset have to cite the above five papers.
For more information about the datasets, please contact the author, Dr Nour Moustafa, on his email: or