BEGIN { statements }
END { statements }
前面已经讲过BEGIN和END分别匹配第一行之前和最后一行之后。 一般BEGIN用于初始化变量,修改内置变量。 BEGIN、END可以出现多次。按出现次数依次执行。
$ awk '
a = "abc def"
b = gensub(/(.+) (.+)/, "\\2 \\1", "g", a)
print b
def abc
expression { statements }
/regexp/ { statements }
expression ~ /regexp/ { statements }
expression !~ /regexp/ { statements }
compound pattern { statements }
pattern1, pattern2 { statements }
$ awk 'NR==2,NR==4{print}'
Dan 3.75 0
Kathy 4.00 10
Mark 5.00 20
- expression, with constants, variables, assignments, functions, etc
- print expression-list
- printf(format, expression-list)
- if (expression) statement
- if (expression) statement else statement
- while (expression) statement
- for (expression; expression; expression) statement
- for (variable in array) statement
- do statement while epxression
- break
- continue
- next
- exit
- exit expression
$ awk '{print expr1, expr2, ... , exprn}' # 无括号
$ awk '{print(expr1, expr2, ... , exprn)}' # 有括号
$ awk '{print ""}'
- OFS = The Output Field Separator, a space by default
- ORS = The Output Record Separator, by default a newline
$ awk 'BEGIN{OFS="->";ORS=";\n"};{print($1, $2)}'
可以通过man awk
$ awk 'program' data
$ egrep 'Asia' countries | awk 'program'
$ awk 'BEGIN{ FS="|" }' data
$ awk -F'|' 'program' data
getline的形式 | 说明 | 解释 |
getline | Using getline with no arguments | 将下一行读到列变量$0,$1,...$n里。相当于读了两行 |
getiine var | Using getline into a variable | 将下一行读到某个变量var。相当于读了两行 |
getline < "file" | Using getline from a file | 从指定文件读取一行到$0 |
getline var "file" | Using getline into a variable from a file | 从指定文件读取一行放到变量var中 |
cmd | getline | Using getline from a pipe | 从命令输出读取一行到$0(行尾有换行) |
cmd | getline var | Using getline into a variable from a pipe | 从命令输出读取一行到变量var(行尾有换行) |
print "some query" |& "db_server" | ||
"db_server" |& getline | Using getline from a coprocess | 双向管道,输出读到$0 |
cmd |& getline var | Using getline into a variable from a coprocess | 双向管道,输出读到变量var |
- Getline Notes: | Important things to know about getline. Getline Summary | Summary of getline Variants.
Variant | Effect | awk / gawk |
getline | Sets $0, NF, FNR, NR, and RT | awk |
getline var | Sets var, FNR, NR, and RT | awk |
getline < file | Sets $0, NF, and RT | awk |
getline var < file | Sets var and RT | awk |
command | getline | Sets $0, NF, and RT | awk |
command | getline var | Sets var and RT | awk |
command |& getline | Sets $0, NF, and RT | gawk |
command |& getline var | Sets var and RT | gawk |
注意: 有Pipe的要用close(cmd)关掉对应管道