- The Teachings of Abraham and Moshe
- The Teachings of The Hebrews
- The Teachings of The People who follow only the Teachings of Moshe
- The Teachings of Orthodox Rabbis
- The Teachings of Conservative Rabbis
- The Teachings of Reformers
- The Teachings of Salvation in Faith by Lord and Saviour Yeshua and his disciples
- The Teachings of the Catholic Church
- The Teachings of Submission by Prophet Muhammad
- The Ways of The People who follow only the Recitation of Muhammad
- The Ways of The People of Tradition and The Majority
- Creed
- The Teachings of Scholar Ahmed ibn Hanbal (Literalism)
- The Teachings of Scholar Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari
- The Teachings of Scholar Abu Mansur al-Maturdi
- Jurisdiction
- The Teachings of Scholar Ahmed ibn Hanbal
- The Teachings of Scholar Muhammad ibn Abd' al-Wahhab
- The Teachings of Scholar ash-Shaafaa'ee
- The Teachings of Scholar Abu Haneefa
- The Teachings of Scholar Maalik ibn Anas
- The Teachings of Scholar Ahmed ibn Hanbal
- Creed
- The Teachings of The People of The House of Muhammad (Rejectors of Khalifs)
- The Teachings of the Fivers
- The Teachings of the Seveners
- The Teachings of the Twelvers
- The Teachings of The People of Truth and Integrity
- The Teachings of Abdallah ibn Ibad
- The Teachings of the Mystics (Sufis)
- The Teachings of The Hebrews
- The Teachings of Easterners
- The Teachings of Indians
- The Teachings of People who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge
- The Teachings of Sage Kapila (Enumeration)
- The Teachings of Sage Patanjali (Connection with Reality)
- The Teachings of Sage Aksapada Gautama (Understanding the Principles of Reality)
- The Teachings of Sage Kanaada (Understanding the Particulate Nature of Reality)
- The Teachings of Prabhakara and Bhatta (Reflection on the Early Sankrit Books of Knowledge)
- The Teachings of the Summary of the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge
- The Teachings of Teacher Shankara (Non-Separateness of God and World)
- The Teachings of Teacher Bhaskara (Separateness and Non-Separateness of God and World)
- The Teachings of Teacher Nimbarka (Panentheistic Separateness and Non-Separateness of God and World)
- The Teachings of Teacher Ramanuja (Special Mon-Separateness of God and World)
- The Teachings of Teacher Madhvaa (Separateness of God and World)
- The Teachings of Teacher Vallabha (Pure Non-Separateness of God and World)
- The Teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (Inconceivable Separateness and Non-Separateness of God and World)
- The Teachings of Teacher Swami Naarayana (Namesake and Supreme Consciousness Forms of God)
- The Teachings of Modern Day Saints (Greater Summary of the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge)
- The Teachings of Prince Siddhartha Gautama (Enlightenment)
- The Way of the Smaller Vehicle
- The Way of the Larger Vehicle
- The Way of the Powerful Vehicle
- The Teachings of Victors
- The Teachings of Mahavira
- The Teachings of Rishabhanata
- The Teachings of Sivabhuti
- The Teachings of Mahavira
- The Teachings of Teacher Baba Nanak
- The Teachings of Teacher Shri Narayana
- The Way of SNDP Yogam
- The Teachings of People who follow the Sanskrit Books of Knowledge
- The Teachings of Chinese People
- The Teachings of Laozi
- The Way of Simple Awareness (Zen)
- The Teachings of Indians