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File metadata and controls

151 lines (126 loc) · 5.94 KB

Print tasks and agenda for Org-mode files

This is a simple python library that will return incomplete tasks from a set of Org-mode files (or a single .org file).

This is really only useful for vim users (specifically users of vim-orgmode), as it requires that a ~/.vimrc file be present.

Table of Contents



Within ~/.vimrc, orgpy expects a list of .org files to be specified on a single line and within square brackets; e.g.,

let g:org_agenda_files = ['/home/user/', '/home/user/', '/home/user/']

unless the -f|--file argument is passed.

However, the TODO keywords (or states) must be specified in the file within square brackets (possibly spanning multiple lines); e.g.,

let g:org_todo_keywords =
    \ ['TODO(t)', 'STARTED(s)', 'WAIT(w)', '|',
    \ 'DONE(d)', 'CANCELED(c)', 'DEFERRED(f)']

The "pipe" (vertical bar) acts to separate the "in-progress" states from the "completed" states.


If you don't have a .vimrc for some reason, you can create a dummy file with the above text and pass it with the -r|--rcfile argument.

Python packages

The only non-standard package that you should need is colorama.


I have only used this from the command line (xterm, bash) on CentOS 7, but I suppose it should work on other systems (at least those with a shell).


You can see the complete usage by passing the -h|--help flag. Both short and long arguments are accepted.

To return a list of incomplete tasks without any markup:

python3 -m orgpy

To include colors and activate agenda mode (defaults to tasks due in the next 7 days):

python3 -m orgpy --colors --agenda
python3 -m orgpy -ca

For agenda mode with a different number of days until the duedate:

python3 -m orgpy --colors --agenda --num_days 14
python3 -m orgpy -can 14

To filter tasks by tag, category, or todo state (e.g., TODO, STARTED, DOING, etc.): (all are case-insensitive)

python3 -m orgpy --colors --tags urgent
python3 -m orgpy --colors --states STARTED
python3 -m orgpy --colors --categories Personal

Finally, to get tasks from a single .org file, you can specify on the command line:

python3 -m orgpy --file /home/user/
python3 -m orgpy -f /home/user/

In the last case, you still need a ~/.vimrc to get the TODO keywords.

Shell aliases

As a shortcut, I have the following in ~/.bash_functions. It includes an ugly hack to preserve $OLDPWD, but this could be avoided by including the library in Python's search path.

todos() {
    pushd ${OLDPWD} > /dev/null 2>&1
    pushd ${OLDPWD} > /dev/null 2>&1
    pushd /path/to/repository > /dev/null 2>$1
    python3 -m orgpy "$@"
    popd > /dev/null 2>&1
    popd > /dev/null 2>&1
    popd > /dev/null 2>&1

As you can see, any arguments to todos will get passed to orgpy. Since I most often want the weekly agenda, I also have an alias in ~/.bashrc:

alias agenda='todos -ca'


There is an example .org file in Some things to note about this file:

  • There is a category (line 2), which is inherited by all tasks in the file
  • There are "sub-categories" under the top-level nodes Dog, Bills, and Household
  • There are both DEADLINE and SCHEDULED tasks, which appear differently on output
  • One of the tasks (Vaccinations) has sub-tasks with a completion counter (here [1/2]) and checkboxes
  • There are multiple todo states which have different colors on output (it doesn't make sense for something like Pay rent to have a state other than TODO or DONE; this is just done for illustration)
  • There are a couple of tags for certain tasks


A screenshot of the output applied to this file:


Output features

A few features you can see in the screenshot above. Most obvious is that the output is colorful (in fact, this isn't all that useful without colors).

Different colors are assigned depending on several factors:

  • Each todo state is shown in a different color:
    • Tasks that have not been started have a red background
    • Tasks that are in progress (e.g., DOING, STARTED, etc.) have a blue background
    • Tasks with a WAIT state have a yellow background
  • Colors change with the duedate relative to today's date:
    • When there is at least one overdue task, it is shown at the top in bold red text
    • If there is a task due today, today's date will be printed in green
    • If there are no tasks due today, today's date is just printed in blue
    • If there is a task due in N days, where N is less than half the specified num_days, it is also printed in red
      • So if you specify --num_days 14, all tasks due in the next week will have red text
      • For tasks due later, it (the In X d.) will be printed in yellow text
    • Dates (other than today) with at least one task are printed in blue
    • Dates with no tasks due are printed in white
  • Tasks that have multiple sub-tasks show the completion box in magenta
    • However, the sub-tasks themselves are not shown
  • Tags will be printed at the end of the line in yellow
    • The urgent tag is special and is printed with red background

Other features

Other features (not shown) include:

  • The header text changes if you choose a specific category, todo state, or tag (only when not in "agenda" mode)