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94 lines (60 loc) · 2.58 KB

File metadata and controls

94 lines (60 loc) · 2.58 KB

What's this?

ascii-hole lets you wire a simple menu to your app's STDIN.

My use case: I have an app that doesn't need a UI, but as I review its console logging statements, I would occasionally like to send commands to the app to reload the config or query the data.


ascii-hole is deployed to Clojars for Clojure projects...

[ascii-hole "0.3.1"]

Visual example


This example run was powered by the following snippet...

(ns user
  (:require [ascii-hole.core :as ah]
            [clojure.core.async :refer [timeout]]))

(def counter (atom 0))

(defn reload-config
  "Pretend to reload a config but really just inc an atomic value."
  (println "Reloading config!")
  (swap! counter inc))

(defn main []
  (ah/accept-keys {:key-map {:R #'reload-config}})
  (dotimes [n 5]
    (<!! (timeout 1000))
    (prn {:log-message n
          :config-reloaded-num-times @counter})))


Pressing ? displays a menu advertising the available keystrokes.

:keymap keystrokes can be specified using somewhat arbitrary human keyword names.

  ;; Accept keypress of `R`.
  (ascii-hole/accept-keys {:key-map {:R #'reload-config}})
  ;; Accept keypress of `Ctrl+r`.
  (ascii-hole/accept-keys {:key-map {:ctrl_r #'reload-config}})

A var specifies a callable function.

The above demonstrates the general case for configuration, but you may want to display a friendlier name or include a line of documentation to the help menu. Also, in ClojureScript, lambdas will print terribly, so, accept-keys will also accept a map offering more control over menu printout...

(ascii-hole/accept-keys {:key-map {:p {:fn #(prn "Hi, it's me, a lambda.")
                                       :fn-name 'demonstrate-lambda
                                       :doc "Demonstrate a friendly lambda."}}})

In addition to accept-keys, which traps single keypresses, there's an accept-line function which expects a text prompt and a callback function. When triggered, it will print the prompt and accept input, terminating on an EOF, at which point the input will be passed to the callback for the consuming program to handle.


ClojureScript support

AsciiHole's ClojureScript support targets Lumo. Expanding it to support Planck is possible but unplanned.