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Getting Started from scratch

daslicht edited this page May 18, 2014 · 6 revisions

On Ubuntu (lucid or maverick)

Please don’t be offended by the explicit commands, I know you know them already, but my dad doesn’t :)

  • sudo apt-get install git-core g++ libssl-dev autoconf
  • create a source directory
    1. mkdir ~/code
    2. cd ~/code
  • download node
    1. git clone
    2. git checkout v0.3.0; (or latest stable branch)
    3. cd node
    4. ./configure
    5. make
    6. make install
    7. cd ..
  • download node-inspector
    1. git clone
    2. cd node-inspector
    3. npm install
    4. node bin/inspector.js &
    5. node —debug test/hello.js
  • OR if you are familiar with npm. sudo npm install node-inspector
    node-inspector &
    node —debug path/to/yourprogram.js
  • browse to in chrome
  • if you can’t get javascript source to pop up, send me an email
    1. git log -1
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