This boilerplate is a bare minimum setup for Node-Express with Webpack. It only has the server part and doesn't contain any HTML or frontend. It has ES6 code transpile capabilities.
This boilerplate consists of the below packages:
- Express Server
- Eslint for linting
- Husky for pre-commit hooks
- ES6 code transpiler
- Webpack bundler
git clone
npm install
Or, if you use yarn, then run: yarn install
For development mode, we have to run two commands simultaneously in two terminals. In one terminal first run the below command which will watch the files for changes and compile and bundle it in the dist
npm run watch
Or, yarn users, run: yarn watch
Now, open another terminal and run below command. It will create the server from where the requests will be served.
npm run start:dev
Or, yarn users, run: yarn start:dev
This will start the server at http://localhost:3000
. We can use PostMan to interact with the APIs.
To Build and Run in production mode, run below
npm start
For yarn users, run: yarn start
To build the server run the below command
npm run build
Or, yarn users, run: yarn build