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React Docs

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React Documetation Abstract

Nice thing to have back in 2000

I am studying official Docs. Also this resource, yet without outlining, as it pretty short any ways

An outstanding tool to develop future.



  1. Hello, World!
  2. Intro to JSX
  3. Rendering Elements
  4. Components & Props
  5. State & Lifecycle
  6. Handling Events
  7. Conditional Rendering
  8. Lists & Keys
  9. Forms
  10. Lifting State Up
  11. Composition vs Inheritance
  12. Thinking In React


Coming soon

  1. Introducing Hooks
  2. Hooks At A Glance
  3. Using The State Hook
  4. Using The Effect Hook
  5. Rules Of Hooks
  6. Building Your Own Hooks
  7. Hooks API Ref
  8. Hooks FAQ