- allow providing example value to a property via "example" tag (#124), thanks to Try Ajitiono ballinst@gmail.com
- fix handle time.Time field #120 (#121)
- Add type SchemaType to use in Return calls allowing for specification of a raw type value and format (#118)
- fix unused type because embedded stuct (#113)
- fix set array data format (#96)
- Add property x-go-name support (#90)
- Add support to set swagger Schemes field (#91)
- refine and fix GoLowerCamelCasedNameHandler bug (#88)
- Add missing fields of response header object (#89)
- support generate field name with config (#86)
Thanks again to slow-zhang and Sergey Vilgelm
- fix some typos (#85)
- use PossibleValues in favor of AllowedValues (#84)
- PostBuildSwaggerSchema handler for each model (#83)
- Use int64 format for time.Duration type (#82)
Special thanks to contributions of Sergey Vilgelm sergey@vilgelm.com
- feat(parameter): adds additional openapi mappings (#74, robbie@robnrob.com)
- add support for format tag (#72, askingcat)
- add support for vendor extensions (#)
- Support for custom attribute "x-nullable" (#70)
- Allow maps as top level types and support maps to slices (#63)
- add json.Number handling (PR #61)
- add type alias support for primitives (PR #61)
- handle map[string][]byte (#59)
- Add Host field to Config which is copied into Swagger object
- Enable CORS by default as per the documentation (#58)
- add go module
- update dependencies
- Do not use 200 as default response, instead use the one explicitly defined.
- support time.Duration
- Fix Parameter 'AllowableValues' to populate swagger definition
- add support for time.Duration
- Populate the swagger definition with the parameter's 'AllowableValues' as an enum (#53)
- Fix for #19 MapModelTypeNameFunc has incomplete behavior
- Merge paths with existing paths from other webServices (#48)
- prevent array param.Type be overwritten in the else case below (#47)
- Register pointer to array/slice of primitives as such rather than as reference to the primitive type definition. (#46)
- Add support for map types using "additional properties" (#44)
See git log