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zhephree edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 5 revisions

Hey, here’s a thing:

0.7.3 | 2010-01-12
- App no longer saves your password in plain text (yikes… sorry)
- Hitting enter on the password field now performs login without having to click the button
- Fixed parsing error on Tips (Foursquare was sending back malformed JSON)
- Fixed broken friends map
- improved pinching and spreading gestures on both maps
- cleaned up user info history
- fixed labeling of ‘off the grid’ to make it less confusing
- added preference to set accuracy of gps results
- both maps now show your current location
- updated button graphics

0.7.0 | 2010-01-07
- Fixed Venues loading time issues (Woohoo!)
- Tweaked login screen (added foursquare logo and a link to #)
- changed appearance of app
- cleaned up friends list
- cleaned up venue list
- cleaned up tips list
- Fixed friends list loading speed (double woohoo!)

0.6.9 | 2010-01-06
- Friends and Venues maps now support multi-touch zoom
- fixed slowdown with loading friends list
- Add Venue dialog now lets you set Twitter username and provides instructions for non-US users
- added alert to show when getting gps lock
- after adding a venue, venue detail scene is displayed
- cleaned up checkin results dialog

0.6.7 | 2010-01-05
- Fixed User Info scene not loading error
- Leaderboards are now native and not an embedded website
- fixed some small visual problems

0.6.4 | 2009-12-31
- Venue search works again after b0rking it in 0.6.1
- Add Venue now auto-fills-in the city, state, and zip based on your current GPS coords to speed up entry
- Add Venue zip and phone fields are now defaulted to Num Lock so you dont have to switch manually
- Cleaned up Add Venue scene
- Text is actually readable on check-in dialog
- Changed app namespace to ‘com.foursquare.foursquare’
- fixed friends list bug
- submitted to palm catalog

0.6.2 | 2009-12-28
- Fixed error going to venue detail from todo scene
- made venue detail sections collapsible
- added save and done buttons to tips on venue detail scene
- clicking venue name on user info scene opens venue detail
- nearby tips works again
- fixed nearby venues refreshing
- cleaned up a few visual issues

0.6.0 | 2009-12-24
- changed app appearance

0.5.4 | 2009-12-24
- Added refresh option to app menu to refresh certain scenes
- fixed bug when switching accounts
- made the app not look as crappy
- changed type-to-search behavior on venue screen
- redesigned user info scene
- fixed some bugs

0.5.2 | 2009-12-20
- Added Preferences
- added About dialog
- tweaks to User Info layout
- fixed scrolling on Venue Info
- bunch of other tweaks and bug fixes I forgot to document

0.5.1 | 2009-12-18
- Catches errors when receiving malformed JSON response on Tips
- changed Check-in result window to a scene
- added mayorship info and specials info for venue upon checkin
- Nearby Venues now sends the GPS’s horizontal and vertical accuracy and altitude to Foursquare for more accurate results
- GPS will now return a cached position that is at most 30 seconds old otherwise it grabs a new one

0.5.0 | 2009-12-17
- Can now mark a venue as closed
- venue detail scene now has main navigation menu
- can propose and edit to a venue
- fixed a bug that wouldn’t allow venue searching after loading cached venues
- added Tips scene
- fixed navigation between scenes
- issuing Back gesture on venue and friend map, and venue detail scenes actually goes back a scene
- temporary leaderboard set-up using embedded mobile website
- first release to public

0.0.14 | 2009-12-16
- Fixed clicking search on friends map
- Added Facebook pinging
- nearby venues shows you distances
- typing on nearby venues scene shows searchbox
- venues list and friends list now cache data and pull from that after first download
- navigation menu is now on all necessary scenes
- changed venue button icon

0.0.13 | 2009-12-13
- Added friend search by name, phone, and twitter account
- can list pending friend requests
- changed add venue from a dialog to a scene
- added user checkin history to logged-in user’s profile scene

0.0.12 | 2009-12-10
- Did some logical and aesthetic modifications to friends map (now kicks 35% more ass)
- made the main navbar not toggle because toggling didn’t make sense for some items (shout)
- also, i seem to own the google maps js api now. Eat it, Google.

0.0.11 | 2009-12-03
- Added in new graphics
- finished nearby venues map

0.0.10 | 2009-11-30
- Fixed check-in to handle new response JSON
- added add/pending/approve/deny buttons to user info scene
- started on nearby venue map and somehow i cheated fate and embedded a Google map into the app

0.0.9 | 2009-11-28
- Can now add a venue
- updated user info scene to include more user info
- updated venue scene to show who else is checked in there
- added error handling and notifications throughout app
- can now send a shout without checking in

0.0.8 | 2009-11-27
- Added user info scene
- fixed check-in issues
- probably a bunch of other stuff i forgot to document

0.0.7 | 2009-11-20
- Minor bug fixes
- can now shout & select send to twitter and keep private when checking in
- checkin now displays mayorship status

0.0.6 | 2009-11-18
- Added ability to check-in
- added ability to add a tip to a venue
- made some visual changes and fixed some bugs | 2009-11-17
- update to readme with build/run instructions | 2009-11-16
- Added in viewer and assistant for venudetail scene

0.0.5 | 2009-11-16
- Updated 4sq API calls to new API
- Created Venue detail page (90% complete functionality)
- App can no longer check in. Will be fixed in next commit.

0.0.4 | 2009-11-13
- App fixes broken checkin response JSON and shows score breakdown and also one badge. Next step is to fix JSON for badges in case user gets multiple.

0.0.3 | 2009-11-11
- Added splash screen for autologin
- fixed venue search
- nearby venues autoload

0.0.2 | 2009-11-10
- after first login app saves credentials in a cookie. subsequent launches of the app the user will be brought straight to the venues screen. when logging in automatically, login screen is shown. will be fixed to show a loading screen instead.

0.0.1 | 2009-11-02
- initial dump

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