JS, Node.js, Frontend, Backend, Firebase, Express, Patrones, HTML5_APIs, Asincronía, Websockets, Testing
Impacto social:
Github Guides:
- Github Help
- Github Videos
- Guide: Hello World
- Guide: Understanding the GitHub Flow
- Guide: Getting your project on GitHub
- Guide: Getting Started with GitHub Pages
- Guide: Be Social
- Guide: Forking Projects
- Guide: Mastering Issues
- Guide: Making Your Code Citable
- Guide: Documenting your projects on GitHub
- Guide: Mastering Markdown
Más información:
- Trabajar con Git/Github
- Git - Source Code Management
- Pro Git
- Cheat Sheet Git / Github
- Conversational Git
- Git Internals
- Github Guides
- Getting Git Right de Atlassian
- Log logs estilo
- Git logs con colores
- Creating Project Pages manually
- Generating SSH keys
- Understanding the GitHub Flow
- Working with large files
- Versioning large files
- Advanced Search
- Finding interesting projects on GitHub
- Managing branches in your repository
- Defining the mergeability of pull requests
- Proposing changes to a project with pull requests
- Working with forks
- Incorporating changes from a pull request
- Using Jekyll Plugins with GitHub Pages
- Jekyll
- Repository metadata on GitHub Pages
- Atom (RSS) feeds for GitHub Pages
- Mapping geoJSON files on GitHub
- Remove sensitive data
- About Git rebase
- Using Git rebase
- Resolving merge conflicts after a Git rebase
- About Releases
- About Wikis
- Git Tagging
- About Repository Graphs
- GitHub API - Guides
- GitHub API - Libraries
- GitHub API - References
- GitHub API - Webhooks
- How to write a great job post
- GitHub - Be Social
- Contributing to Open Source on GitHub
- Getting your project on GitHub
- Making Your Code Citable
- Mastering Wikis
- Mastering Issues
- GitHub & Git Foundations - tutoriales video
- Merging vs. Rebasing
- Migrate to Git from SVN
- Refs and the Reflog
- API:
- GIT API - config
- GIT API - help
- GIT API - init
- GIT API - clone
- GIT API - add
- GIT API - status
- GIT API - diff
- GIT API - commit
- GIT API - reset
- GIT API - rm
- GIT API - mv
- GIT API - branch
- GIT API - checkout
- GIT API - merge
- GIT API - mergetool
- GIT API - log
- GIT API - stash
- GIT API - tag
- GIT API - fetch
- GIT API - pull
- GIT API - push
- GIT API - remote
- GIT API - submodule
- GIT API - show
- GIT API - rebase
- GIT API - revert
- Con la compra de GitHub, Microsoft hace honor a su mantra: desarrolladores, desarrolladores, desarrolladores
- Confirmado: Microsoft compra GitHub por 7.500 millones de dólares
- El nuevo CEO de GitHub responde a los usuarios en Reddit: "La vieja Microsoft tenía miedo del open source"
- Ante la paranoia, Microsoft promete que GitHub se mantendrá independiente y abierto
- What I think is bad about Microsoft acquiring GitHub
- Microsoft acquiring GitHub is a good thing. Here’s why.
- Microsoft has reportedly acquired GitHub. Good or bad?
- What is wrong with Microsoft buying GitHub
- What Microsoft buying GitHub means to open-source software development
- Microsoft Buys GitHub and FOSS Fans Aren’t Happy
- Microsoft's Interest In Buying GitHub Draws Backlash From Developers
- Microsoft is buying GitHub, but will the open source world follow?
- How will Microsoft handle github's controversial code?
- Microsoft’s github deal is its latest shift from Windows
- GitHub vs. Bitbucket vs. GitLab vs. Coding
- The Key Differences : GitLab vs GitHub vs bitbucket
- GitHub vs. Bitbucket vs. GitLab
- GitHub vs. GitLab vs. Bitbucket: ¿Que repositorio elegir?
- The Key Differences : GitLab vs GitHub vs bitbucket
- GitHub vs. GitLab vs. Bitbucket: Which code repo should you choose?
- Canal oficial de Youtube
- GitLab Web
- GitLab Web | Product
- GitLab Web | #
- GitLab Web | Instalation
- GitLab Web | Community
- GitLab Web | Blog
- GitLab Web | Contact
- GitLab | Explore
- GitLab | Snippets
- GitLab | Groups
- GitLab Help
- GitLab Help | User Doc
- @gitlab en Twitter
- GitLab Videos | Inside GitLab
- GitLab Videos | Demos
- GitLab Videos | How-to
- GitLab en Wikipedia
- GitLab ahora ofrece sus planes de pago (de hasta 99 dólares al mes) completamente gratis para proyectos open source y escuelas
- Qué es GitLab y por qué tanta gente huye a él tras la compra de GitHub por parte de Microsoft
- GitLab, la alternativa a GitHub a la que están migrando los desarrolladores temerosos de Microsoft
- @bitbucket en Twitter
- Bitbucket
- Bitbucket | Blog
- Bitbucket | API
- Bitbucket | Bitbucket Cloud documentation
- Bitbucket | Features
- Bitbucket | Plans & #
- How to move private repositories from Github to Bitbucket
- Moving from GitHub to Bitbucket – Why and How
- Migrate all your private github repos to bitbucket because you're CHEAP.
- Trello Is Being Acquired By Atlassian
- Confessions of a Git wallflower, and other stories about Bitbucket
- 10 reasons why teams are switching from GitHub to Bitbucket after Microsoft acquisition
- Trello
- Trello | Inspiration
- Trello | Guide
- Trello | #
- Jira
- Jira | Features
- StatusPage
- Hipchat
- Bamboo
- Sourcetree
- Confluence
- Stride