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QA crash-course

The goals of this course are:

  • basic overview what the Quality Assurance stands for
  • Intro to QA mindset, thinking and reasoning
  • practical session for novices
  • ... all fast track way within 10 minutes of your time


If you haven't tried it, assume it's broken.


Why Quality Engineering (QA)?

The basic goals are.

  • Before you ship software to wider audience:
    • assess that software meets the (customer) requirements
    • identify & document/fix bugs or imperfections
  • Control the software quality over supported life cycle

QA Testing types

Why there are so many testing terms and types?

  • functional testing
  • regression testing
  • exploratory testing
  • <color>box testing
  • ...

Why the diagrams look so complex?

Testing quadrants

Testing quadrants Testing quadrants and pyramid

Testing manifesto

Testing manifesto

It is extremely important to look at software under test from different angles!

QA processes

QA mindset

  • analytical thinking
  • critical thinking (question everything)
  • troubleshooting expertise
  • attention to detail
  • systematic approach in solving problems
  • at least basic programming knowledge
  • soft-skills
    • adaptable to changing priorities
    • able to communicate well both within and outside the QA team
    • firm, positive and blameless attitude
  • ...

Practical session (with triangle test client)

Let's go through very basic Linux QA practical session on laboratory single purpose command-line ./triangle application which detects whther triangle defined by three arguments - triangle side lengths is valid (== can be constructed).

Pre-requisite, compile the application

Let's assume triangle program package is not ready yet and prepared GNU make target rebuild only.

# you need GNU make, g++ and C++ STL libraries
$ make rebuild
rm -f triangle triangle.stripped
g++ -g -std=c++11 /tmp/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle/triangle.cpp -o /tmp/qa-crashcourse.git/triangle
cp -f /tmp/qa-crashcourse.git/triangle /tmp/qa-crashcourse.git/triangle.stripped
strip /tmp/qa-crashcourse.git/triangle.stripped

Analyzing the architecture & overall approach

Architecture analysis should always take place at the very beginning, before you dig in into details how the software is working.

We should ask yourself questions like:

  • What is the application's goal/aim?
  • Is the application well documented? (for customer, for QA)
  • Do you find application architecture and the way user interact with the application appropriate?
  • Are there available QA process documents or I'm supposed to create them?
    • How I approach testing when no QA process documents available?
    • How I create defect report?
    • How I contact developer with a question?

Analyzing the documentation

triangle -h|--help

Assuming the -h and --help should work

$ ./triangle -h
triangle <a-side-length> <b-side-length> <c-side-length> usage:
  triangle validity tester, where <?-side-length> is length of a triangle side.

  returns ecode of 0 / 1 / 2 with meaning: valid / invalid / input error

✗ 2 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle --help
triangle <a-side-length> <b-side-length> <c-side-length> usage:
  triangle validity tester, where <?-side-length> is length of a triangle side.

  returns ecode of 0 / 1 / 2 with meaning: valid / invalid / input error

✗ 2 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

Ok works, but help functionality is valid function and thus should return exit code of 0. Moreover application usage does not list the help option (-h|--help which calls for an improvement). Bug #1.

triangle man/info pages

We need to crosscheck that man page exists (not completely relevant here, but for completeness).

✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle
$ man triangle
No manual entry for triangle
✗ 16 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ info triangle
 => no triangle node found
✓ ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

In this case we find that Linux standard documentation is not present. At this stage we do not build standard deb/rpm package and thus it is low priority Bug #2.

Basic functionality

Positive test scenarios

$ ./triangle 1 1 1
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 5 6 7
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

Very basic scenarios work as expected.

Negative scenario, a triangle side length of zero

$ ./triangle 1 1 0
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

This is correct you cannot construct triangle when one side is missing (has length of 0).

Negative scenario, a side longer than then the sum of the other two

$ ./triangle 1 1 3
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

This is evidently right, you cannot construct triangle when one side is greater than the other two.

Negative scenario, additional argument[s]

$ ./triangle 5 6 7 8
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

When we supply more arguments than specified in documentation we expect application to raise the non-zero exit code (in cact exit code == 2). The above behavior is thus incorrect leading to Bug #3.

Advanced test scenarios

Negative scenario, invalid input (not numbers)

✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle
$ ./triangle K L M
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument'
  what():  stod
Aborted (core dumped)
✗ 134 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle
$ gdb ./triangle core
GNU gdb (Debian 7.7.1+dfsg-5) 7.7.1
Reading symbols from ./triangle...done.
[New LWP 9693]
Core was generated by `./triangle K L M'.
Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
#0  0x00007f63dd85a067 in __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:56
56      ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007f63dd85a067 in __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:56
#1  0x00007f63dd85b448 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:89
#2  0x00007f63de147b3d in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler () at ../../../../src/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/
#3  0x00007f63de145bb6 in __cxxabiv1::__terminate (handler=<optimized out>) at ../../../../src/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/
#4  0x00007f63de145c01 in std::terminate () at ../../../../src/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/
#5  0x00007f63de145e19 in __cxxabiv1::__cxa_throw (obj=0x1df30c0, tinfo=0x7f63de3d57f0 <typeinfo for std::invalid_argument>, dest=0x7f63de15a4a0 <std::invalid_argument::~invalid_argument()>)
    at ../../../../src/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/
#6  0x00007f63de19ba16 in std::__throw_invalid_argument (__s=<optimized out>) at ../../../../../src/libstdc++-v3/src/c++11/
#7  0x00000000004013b6 in __gnu_cxx::__stoa<double, double, char> (__convf=0x400be0 <strtod@plt>, __name=0x4014ab "stod", __str=0x1df3028 "K", __idx=0x0)
    at /usr/include/c++/4.9/ext/string_conversions.h:65
#8  0x00000000004011b7 in std::stod (__str="K", __idx=0x0) at /usr/include/c++/4.9/bits/basic_string.h:2889
#9  0x0000000000400f2f in main (argc=4, argv=0x7ffc6af9b478) at triangle.cpp:49
(gdb) quit
$ kill -l | grep -F " 6)"
 6) SIGABRT      7) SIGBUS       8) SIGFPE       9) SIGKILL     10) SIGUSR1

As documentation claims invalid input should result in exit code of 2, which is not the case. Moreover we can see that application aborted due to an c++ exception std::__throw_invalid_argument leading to SIGABRT with exit code of 134 (128+6). The Bug #4 should contain:

  • highlight of invalid exit code
  • suggestion to catch the exceptions caused by invalid string to number conversion (std::stod (__str="K", __idx=0x0)).


  • Above backtrace is generated by gdb debugger based on installed debugging symbols apt-get install libstdc++6-4.9-dbg libc-dbg and also by the fact that triangle has got the debugging symbols too.
  • Try to repeat this scenario using triable.stripped application. Will you see the complete traceback of of gdb ?
  • Running debugging / instrumentation / linting tools driftes us closer to whitebox testing.

Negative scenario, invalid input (negative numbers)

$ ./triangle -2 3 4
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 2 -3 4
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 2 3 -4
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

We expect that triangle's side length cannot be negative, which is the case of first and second execution. The last, third execution proves that the negative-side-length check is missing for third argument leading to Bug #5.

Positive scenario, unusual number forms (floating point, signs, types)

$ ./triangle 5.0 6 7
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 5 6.0 7
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 5 6 7.0
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle +5.0 +6.0 +7.0
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle -5.0 6.0 7.0
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 5.0 -6.0 7.0
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 5.0 6.0 -7.0
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

Above executions try to mix the integer/floating point numbers with no findings. The third argument being negative is indeed not checked (previously filled Bug #5).

$ ./triangle 1 1000 1000
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 1 1000 10000
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 1e0 1e0 1e0
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 1e0 1e1 1e1
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 1 10 10
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 1e0 1e1 10
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 1e0 1e+1 10
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 1e+0 1e+1 10
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 1e+0 1e+1 1e+0
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 1e+0 1e+1 1
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 1e+0 1e+1 1e+1
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 1e+0 1e+1 10
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

Above executions unveil that third argument does not support exponential number format, but the others do. Bug #6.

Positive scenario, boundary and precision testing

Is scenario a + b == c handled correctly?
$ ./triangle 1 1 2
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 1 2 1
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 2 1 1
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

Surprisingly enough there is failing case when a + c == b, other executions are correct. Bug #7.

How big side numbers are allowed?
$ ./triangle 1000 1000 1000
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 100000 100000 100000
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 10000000 10000000 10000000
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 1000000000 1000000000 1000000000
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 100000000000 100000000000 100000000000
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 10000000000000 10000000000000 10000000000000
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ python -c 'import sys,math;print(math.ceil(math.log(float(sys.argv[1]))/math.log(2)))' 10000000000000

Bingo!, we found that 44 bit integer is not accepted. Consulting with documentation (which says nothing) we need to decide for bug #8. It is good to get more information whether it applies to specific argument or all:

$ ./triangle 1000000000000 1000000000000 1000000000000
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 1000000000000 1000000000000 100000000
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 1000000000000 1000000000000 100000
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

Indeed it is again the trird argument making troubles (probably different type)!

Precision testing?
$ ./triangle 2 1 1
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 2 1 1.1
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 2 1 1.5
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 2 1 1.9
✗ 1 root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 2 1 2
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

$ ./triangle 2 1 2.0
✓ root@freznicek-j ~/qa-crashcourse.git/src/triangle

Executions indicate that third argument is probably kept internally as integer. Would you be able to find a way how to aprove the other arguments are not the same case?

How to create software defect

  1. Follow the defect tracker template, Bug #1 example, defect templates.
  2. Ask yourself what else you need to know if you are tasked to fix the defect.

Summary / takeaways

The above lines clearly show the QA mindset in above practical testing experiments.

The highlights:

  • figure out different testing scenarios based on desired functionality and experience
  • clearly decide whether the behavior is correct or not based on the facts
  • analyse the behavior and prove/disprove the hypothesis
  • understand programming basics (reading of source code)

Practice yourself:


If you haven't tried it, assume it's broken.

