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Hacking on GCLI

This document gives you hints to get started working with on source code of gcli.

Please note that this document only captures the state of the code at the some points in time and may be out of date. If you feel like this is the case please submit bug reports or, even better, provide patches.

Building GCLI

We use handwritten Makefiles to build GCLI. This has a few advantages:

  • Portability across many platforms, even many older ones
  • I (Nico) know Makefiles fairly well
  • Cross-Compilation can easily be done
  • High flexibility
  • Few to no dependencies
  • Short compilation times

A few caveats are:

  • The Makefile must work with at least 3 implementations of Make:

    • BSD Make (bmake)
    • Schily SMake (smake)
    • GNU Make (gmake)

    Some of these make implementations are very buggy (most notably GNU make)

  • Getting target dependencies just right is not easy

For that reason I highly suggest testing with all three make implementations.

General workflow

A hand written shell script called configure is run inside a directory where to place build files.

This script checks the environment for various properties such as:

  • The compiler to use
  • Compiler options
  • Target system properties
  • Dependencies and Libraries
  • Additional tooling that can be used

The script allows you to configure multiple build directories from a single source directory (so called "out of tree builds").

The following example shows you how to configure a default build directory:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build/
$ ../configure

Once the configure script has run you can run make to build gcli:

$ make

To install gcli to the default prefix (/usr/local) you can run:

$ make install

To run the test suite:

$ make check

Note that running the test suite requires ATF and Kyua. More details can be found below.

If you wish to change the compiler to be used you can set these in the environment:

$ env CC=/usr/local/bin/clang17 ../configure

To build a default release build with optimisations you can run:

$ ../configure --release

Check the built-in help of the configure script for more details:

$ ../configure --help

Full Debug build

The configure script comes with a --debug flag that configures a directory for a build with no optimisations and full debug info.

I suggest you use it for development purposes:

$ ../configure --debug

You can proceed as usual with make.

Sanitized Builds



gcli supports cross compilation. A cross-compilation setup can be achieved by setting at least the following environment variables:

  • CC to the target system (aka. host) compiler
  • CC_FOR_BUILD to the build system (aka. build) compiler
  • PKG_CONFIG_PATH to the path where pkgconfig should look for .pc files

e.g. to compile from FreeBSD amd64 to a armv7l Linux system:

$ CC=/opt/armv7-linux-gnueabihf-gcc/bin/armv7-linux-gnueabihf-gcc \
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/armv7-linux-gnueabihf-gcc/root/usr/lib/pkgconfig \
> ../configure --debug
Configuring gcli 2.4.0-devel
Checking for realpath ... realpath
Checking host compiler ... /opt/armv7-linux-gnueabihf-gcc/bin/armv7-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
Checking host compiler type ... gcc
Checking host compiler target ... armv7-linux-gnueabihf
Checking for cross-compilation setup ... yes
Checking build compiler type... clang
Checking build compiler target ... amd64-unknown-freebsd14.1
Checking for pkg-config ... pkg-config
Checking for libcurl ... found
Checking for atf-c ... found
Checking for libedit ... found
Checking for kyua ... kyua
Checking for ccache ... ccache
Checking for install ... install
Writing config.h
Configuration Summary:

    Build system type: amd64-unknown-freebsd14.1
     Host system type: armv7-linux-gnueabihf
         optimise for: debug
                   CC: /opt/armv7-linux-gnueabihf-gcc/bin/armv7-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
         CC_FOR_BUILD: cc
         LIBCURL_LIBS: -lcurl
       LIBATFC_CFLAGS: -I/usr/local/include
         LIBATFC_LIBS: -L/usr/local/lib -latf-c
 Using libedit:
       LIBEDIT_CFLAGS: -I/usr/include/editline
         LIBEDIT_LIBS: -ledit

Configuration done. You may now run make.

When you now run make the compilers will be chosen appropriately. The test suite will not work when cross-compiling.


The test suite depends on Kyua and libatf-c.

To run the test suite in a configured directory build run:

$ make -C build check

Code Style

Please use the BSD Style conventions for formatting your code. This means:

  • Functions return type and name go on separate lines, no mixed code and declarations (except in for loops):

      foo(int bar)
          int x, y, z;
          x = bar;
          for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
              z += i;
          return x;

    This allows to search for the implementation of a function through a simple grep -rn '^foo' ..

  • Use struct tags for structs, do not typedef them

      struct foo {
          int bar;
          char const *baz;
      static void
      foodoo(struct foo const *const bar)
  • Indent with tabs, align with spaces

    » denotes a TAB character, . indicates a whitespace:

      foo(struct foo const *thefoo)
      »   if (thefoo)
      »   »   printf("%s: %d\n"
      »   »   .......thefoo->wat,
      »   »   .......thefoo->count);
  • Try to have a max of 80 characters per line

    I know we're not using punchcards anymore, however it makes the code way more readable.

  • Use C11

    Please don't use C17 or even more modern features. Reason being that I want gcli to be portable to older platforms where either no modern compilers are available or where we have to rely on old gcc versions and/or buggy vendor compilers. This also means that GNU extensions are forbidden. If you use the compiler flags I mentioned above you should get notified by the compiler.

There is a .editorconfig included in the source code that should automatically provide you with all needed options. Editorconfig is a plugin that is available for almost all notable editors out there. I highly recommend you use it.

Adding support for new forges

The starting point for adding forges is include/gcli/forges.h. This file contains the dispatch table for fetching data from various kinds of forges.

A pointer to the current dispatch table can be retrieved through a call to gcli_forge(). You may have to adjust the routines called by it to allow for automagic detection as well as overrides on the command line for your new forge type. You should likely never call gcli_forge() directly when adding a new forge type as there are various frontend functions available that will do dispatching for the caller.

Parsing JSON

When you need to parse JSON Objects into C structs you likely want to generate that code. Please see the templates/ directory for examples on how to do that. Currently the PR Parser for Github can act as an example for all features available in the code generator.

The code generator is fully documented in

Generating JSON

We not only need to parse JSON often, we also need to generate it on the fly when submitting data to forge APIs.

For this the gcli_jsongen_ family of functions exist. Since these have been introduced quite late in the project their use is not particularly wide-spread. However this may change in the future.

To use these, take a look at the header include/gcli/json_gen.h and also the use in src/gitlab/merge_requests.c.

User Frontend Features

The gcli command line tool links against libgcli. Through a context structure it passes information like the forge type and user credentials into the library.

All code for the command line frontend tool is found in the src/cmd/ directory.

src/cmd/gcli.c is the entry point for the command line tool. In this file you can find the dispatch table for all subcommands of gcli.


Subcommand implementations are found in separate C files in the src/cmd subdirectory.

When parsing command line options please use getopt_long. Do not forget to prefix your getopt string with a + as we do multiple calls to getopt_long so it needs to reset some internal state.

Output formatting

Output is usually formatted as a dictionary or a table. For these cases gcli provides a few convenience functions and data structures.

The relevant header is gcli/cmd/table.h.

Do not use these functions in the library code. It's only supposed to be used from the command line tool.


You can print tables by defining a list of columns first:

gcli_tblcoldef cols[] = {
    { .... },
    { .... },

For a complete definition look at the header or uses of that interface in e.g. src/cmd/issues.c.

You can then start adding rows to your table:

gcli_tbl table = gcli_tbl_begin(cols, ARRAY_SIZE(cols));

for (int i = 0; i < list.whatever_size; ++i) {
    gcli_tbl_add_row(table, ...);

The variadic arguments you need to provide depends on the columns defined. Most relevant is the flags and type field. Make sure you get data type sizes correct.

To dump the table to stdout use the following call:


This will print the table and free all resources acquired by calls to the tbl routines. You may no reuse the handle returned by gcli_tbl_begin() after this call. Instead, call the begin routine again to obtain a new handle.


The dictionary routines act almost the same way as tables except that you don't define the columns. Instead you obtain a handle through gcli_dict_begin and add entries to the dictionary by calling gcli_dict_add or one of the specialized functions for strings. gcli_dict_add is the most generic of them all and provides a printf-like format and variadic argument list. You can dump the dictionary and free resources through a call to gcli_dict_end.