Do you want to simulate your Grid Engine or Open Cluster Scheduler? This is the right place for you.
- Testing new configurations without affecting your production cluster.
- Testing new versions of Open Cluster Scheduler with your existing configuration.
- Testing scheduler strategies and policies, JSV scripts, and more.
- Note, that jobs are simulated as well and never executed. The first parameter of the job defines the runtime.
Note, that only execution hosts are simulated meaning they are not actually running and also the simulated jobs are not really executed.
This repository contains a Dockerfile that builds a container with Open Cluster Scheduler (OCS). Using the simulator application, you can dump the configuration of your existing Grid Engine cluster and load it into the Open Cluster Scheduler inside this container.
This simulator application allows you to do 2 things:
- Dump the configuration of your Grid Engine cluster into JSON format.
- Load the JSON configuration into the cluster inside the container.
Note, depending on the version of your Grid Engine cluster, it might or might not work. Resons for configuration dumping might not work: Lists which have different separation characters. We need to catch all of them. Resons for configuration loading might not work: The configuration file is not complete or has new mandatory fields. We need to catch all of them.
Please report and issues you find to get the dump function it stable accross different distributions and Grid Engine implementations.
To build the simulation application, you need to have Go installed in your system. You can download Go from the official website.
Once you have Go installed, you can build the application by running the following command:
go build
This will generate an executable file called simulator
for your
target architecture.
To retrieve the configuration of your cluster you need to have read access to the cluster. Check if e.g. qconf -sconf works in your system. Depending of the amount of configuration objects (queues, hosts, ...), this might take a while as there is a delay between each executed qconf show command. The delay helps to be gentle with the cluster.
./simulator dump > cluster.json
If that worked, you should have a file called cluster.json
the configuration of your cluster. Important is to use the same
version of the simulator for dumping and loading the configuration.
Go to the root of this repository and ensure that the installation subdirectory is removed. If not removed, remove it.
Then run the following command:
make simulate
This will start the Open Cluster Scheduler container with the configuration of your cluster inside cluster.json. For testing puposes, there is already a cluster.json file in the repository.
When successful, you should see the following message:
Install log can be found in: /opt/cs-install/default/common/install_logs/qmaster_install_master_2024-09-02_07:57:33.log
Install log can be found in: /opt/cs-install/default/common/install_logs/execd_install_master_2024-09-02_07:57:50.log
root@master modified "global" in configuration list
root@master modified "all.q" in cluster queue list
go: downloading go1.22.5 (linux/amd64)
go: downloading v1.8.1
go: downloading v1.0.5
Hosts added to /etc/hosts
file: /tmp/load_report_host2170379353/load_report_host
Complex added to current configuration
Global configuration added to current configuration
Simulated cluster configuration applied
Restarting qmaster
waiting for qmaster to shut down...
starting sge_qmaster
qmaster restarted
root@master:~/go/src/ qhost
global - - - - - - - - - -
master lx-amd64 7 1 7 7 0.79 23.5G 692.3M 3.0G 0.0
sim1 lx-amd64 7 1 7 7 0.79 23.5G 692.3M 3.0G 0.0
sim2 lx-amd64 7 1 7 7 0.79 23.5G 692.3M 3.0G 0.0
sim3 lx-amd64 7 1 7 7 0.79 23.5G 692.3M 3.0G 0.0
sim4 lx-amd64 7 1 7 7 0.79 23.5G 692.3M 3.0G 0.0
sim5 lx-amd64 7 1 7 7 0.79 23.5G 692.3M 3.0G 0.0
sim6 lx-amd64 7 1 7 7 0.79 23.5G 692.3M 3.0G 0.0
sim7 lx-amd64 7 1 7 7 0.79 23.5G 692.3M 3.0G 0.0
sim8 lx-amd64 7 1 7 7 0.79 23.5G 692.3M 3.0G 0.0
sim9 lx-amd64 7 1 7 7 0.79 23.5G 692.3M 3.0G 0.0
root@master:~/go/src/ qsub -t 1-100:1 -b y sleep 10
Your job-array 1.1-100:1 ("sleep") has been submitted
root@master:~/go/src/ qstat
job-ID prior name user state submit/start at queue slots ja-task-ID
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim3 1 1
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim4 1 2
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim5 1 3
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim2 1 4
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@master 1 5
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim9 1 6
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim7 1 7
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim1 1 8
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim6 1 9
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim8 1 10
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim8 1 11
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim6 1 12
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim1 1 13
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim7 1 14
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim9 1 15
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@master 1 16
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim2 1 17
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim5 1 18
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim4 1 19
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim3 1 20
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim3 1 21
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim4 1 22
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim5 1 23
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim2 1 24
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@master 1 25
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim9 1 26
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim7 1 27
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim1 1 28
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim6 1 29
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim8 1 30
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim8 1 31
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim6 1 32
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim1 1 33
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim7 1 34
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim9 1 35
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@master 1 36
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim2 1 37
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim5 1 38
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim4 1 39
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim3 1 40
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim3 1 41
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim4 1 42
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim5 1 43
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@sim2 1 44
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:27 gpu.q@master 1 45
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim9 1 46
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim7 1 47
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim1 1 48
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim6 1 49
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim8 1 50
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim8 1 51
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim6 1 52
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim1 1 53
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim7 1 54
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim9 1 55
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@master 1 56
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim2 1 57
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim5 1 58
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim4 1 59
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim3 1 60
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim3 1 61
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim4 1 62
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim5 1 63
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim2 1 64
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@master 1 65
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim9 1 66
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim7 1 67
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim1 1 68
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim6 1 69
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim8 1 70
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim8 1 71
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim6 1 72
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim1 1 73
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim7 1 74
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim9 1 75
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@master 1 76
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim2 1 77
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim5 1 78
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim4 1 79
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim3 1 80
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim3 1 81
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim4 1 82
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim5 1 83
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim2 1 84
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@master 1 85
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim9 1 86
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim7 1 87
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim1 1 88
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim6 1 89
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim8 1 90
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim8 1 91
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim6 1 92
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim1 1 93
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim7 1 94
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim9 1 95
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@master 1 96
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim2 1 97
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim5 1 98
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim4 1 99
1 0.55500 sleep root r 2024-09-02 07:59:28 gpu.q@sim3 1 100