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124 lines (112 loc) · 6.42 KB

Dockerized Pure PHP Composer based MVC Framework

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This project tries to cover some PHP features in a simple MVC structure with minimum installed composer packages. Then developers can use packages for specific requirements. Please add your ideas in Discussions, ask features or report bugs in issues.


List of features related with structure

  • public Contains the index.php file, to start application and configures auto-loading. Different server configurations added into this directory too. Finally, you can find the Sitemap generator that runs after creation or updating a post.
  • public/assets Assets can contain your media files like images, audios & videos.
  • public/css & public/js Contains the styles & scripts (After changes on these files, you can use minifier script to update minified versions, just run docker-compose exec php-mvc-app php minifier.php)
  • public/feed There is a RSS generator in here and runs after creation or updating a post.
  • grpc A simple router for distribute the requests to different services. It is not working yet and I created an issue for it ⚠ and if you have an idea or a solution, only by PHP for both server and client sides, please add your solution in there.
  • websocket A WebSocket sample. You can open /websocket route in 2 tabs and test the websocket connection.
  • src Contains migrations for a DB and routes.
  • src/App Contains all classes that used in codes like PDO, Middleware, Router & ...
  • src/Console Contains all scripts to run multiple times via Cron Jobs (Scripts should be registered in /commands.php with custom timing, they will run by independent service in docker-compose)
  • src/Controllers Controllers related with your routes separated for web and API. API folder includes both RESTful API and gRPC API. If you want use gRPC (gRPC client & server are not completed, and I ignored them for now. So be careful about the bugs in gRPC ⚠ and if you have an idea or a solution, only by PHP, please make a new discussion/issue/PR), you can find .proto file in API folder. Updating it will need to generate PHP codes again by
docker-compose exec php-mvc-app protoc -I=src/Controllers/API \
    src/Controllers/API/blog.proto \
    --php_out=src/Controllers/API/gRPC \
    --grpc_out=src/Controllers/API/gRPC \
  • src/Models Models related with controllers' DB queries & requirements.
  • src/Views Simple PHP files to show data on Frontend with reusable include files.
  • / You can update env variables and composer.json to add custom packages.

Useful Functions:

  • XmlGenerator::feed() Generate sitemap.xml & rss.xml via a script file
  • HandleForm::upload(...) Upload file, resize image & add watermark
  • HandleForm::validate(...) Validation rules
  • HandleFile::write(...) & HandleFile::read(...) Write into and read from file
  • Helper::mailto(...) Send HTML Email
  • Helper::dd(...) Dumps a given variable along with some additional data
  • Helper::log(...) Logging custom data into file
  • Helper::csrf(...) Check Cross-site request forgery token
  • Helper::slug(...) Slugging string to make user-friendly URL
  • Cache::checkCache(...), Cache::cache(...) & Cache::clearCache(...) Check existing cache, cache data and clear cache, by Memcached
  • UserInfo::current() Return current user information
  • UserInfo::info(...) Return selected user information
  • Event::listen(...) & Event::trigger(...) Register an event listener and trigger it when needed
  • R::runScript(...) Run R script (if you have R installed)
  • HttpClient::cURL(...) Run cURL script to send a request
  • CsvGenerator::exportCSV(...) Export a specific table from DB to a CSV file

Run Web App:

  • Install docker and docker-compose if needed
  • Uncomment // createTables(); in src/routes
  • Run docker-compose up --build -d
  • Open your browser and open web app in localhost:8080 (It will create tables related with migrations.php and then will comment createTables(); automatically.)
  • You can run any command via Docker container like docker exec -it php-mvc-app composer update
  • You can run docker-compose down to stop and remove containers
  • Next time you can use docker-compose up -d

Use Ajax to send forms' data:

Consider a route for your form like /blog/create; now use blog-create as an ID for form, and blog-create-submit for submit button ID. All form's buttons need to have constant form-button class.

Use Xdebug:

Xdebug installed via Docker, so it is ready to use, just need to start debug in your IDE or start listening to the Xdebug.

RESTful API sample

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
    CURLOPT_PORT => "8080",
    CURLOPT_URL => "http://localhost:8080/api/blog/create",
    CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{\n\t\"category\": \"Laravel\",\n\t\"title\": \"Laravel 6.7.0 Released\",\n\t\"subtitle\": \"The Laravel team released a minor version v6.7.0 this week, with the latest features, changes, and fixes for 6.x\",\n\t\"body\": \"<p style=\\\"box-sizing: inherit; border: 0px solid; margin: 0px 0px 1.875rem; color: rgb(82, 82, 82); font-family: %26quot;Source Sans Pro%26quot;, system-ui, BlinkMacSystemFont, -apple-system, %26quot;Segoe UI%26quot;, Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, %26quot;Fira Sans%26quot;, %26quot;Droid Sans%26quot;, %26quot;Helvetica Neue%26quot;, sans-serif; font-size: 20px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);\\\">The Laravel team released a minor version v6.7.0 this week, with the latest features, changes, and fixes for 6.x:</p>\",\n\t\"position\": \"2\"\n}",
        "Authorization: Bearer qwaeszrdxtfcygvuhbijnokmpl0987654321",
        "Content-Type: application/javascript"

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
    echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
    echo $response;

Let me know about collaborating: