The example programs contained in the comments of the original package updated to more modern syntax and to use the updated ODEPACK:
- dlsoda_ex.f90
- dlsodar_ex.f90
- dlsode_ex.f90
- dlsodes_ex.f90
- dlsodi_ex.f90
- dlsodis_ex.f90
- dlsoibt_ex.f90
tested using
- GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 10.3.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.3.0
- nvfortran 21.5-0 LLVM 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp nehalem
- ifort (IFORT) 2021.3.0 20210609
using the commands
fpm test --compiler gfortran --profile release -flag -std=legacy|tee gf.
fpm test --compiler nvfortran --profile release |tee nv.
fpm test --compiler ifort --profile release |tee if.