From 7388386fab4fb12c36e6eeb7d19eaa4e4b16b853 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bruno Santos <>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 15:16:30 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] * Implemented 'ti sync'

The ticgit repository needs to be remote and tracked.
In the original repository do something like:
1) ti  # to create the ticgit branch
2) git push origin ticgit # to push it to remote
3) git branch -D ticgit
4) git checkout --track -b ticgit origin/ticgit
5) git checkout master # in my case is branch I usually work on
6) use ticgit normally and call 'ti sync' when you want to sync with the remote repository

When you colaborate you do something like:
1) git clone git://(...)  # clone the repository you want
2) git checkout --trac -b ticgit origin/ticgit
3) git checkout master # in my case is branch I usually work on
4) use ticgit normally and call 'ti sync' when you want to sync with the remote
 lib/ticgit/base.rb | 28 +++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/ticgit/base.rb b/lib/ticgit/base.rb
index 3075a79b..5b450256 100644
--- a/lib/ticgit/base.rb
+++ b/lib/ticgit/base.rb
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ def ticket_recent(ticket_id = nil)
     def ticket_revparse(ticket_id)
       if ticket_id
         ticket_id = ticket_id.strip
         if /^[0-9]*$/ =~ ticket_id
           if t = @last_tickets[ticket_id.to_i - 1]
             return t
@@ -267,30 +267,12 @@ def tic_states
       ['open', 'resolved', 'invalid', 'hold']
-    def sync_tickets
-      #Dir.chdir "../tidyapp_bugs" 
-      bs ={|b| b.first }
-      #unless bs.include?('ticgit') &&
-      #  init_ticgit_branch(bs.include?('ticgit'))
-      #end
-      puts "checking out ticgit"
-      #in_branch(bs.include?('ticgit'))  do
-      #puts git.branch('ticgit').checkout()
-      #   puts git.pull('origin','origin/ticgit')
-      #puts git.branch('master').checkout()
-      #end
-      in_branch(bs.include?('ticgit')) do 
-         #puts git.add('.')
-         #puts git.commit('tickets update')
-         puts git.pull('origin','origin/ticgit')
-         puts git.push('origin','ticgit')
-         puts
+    def sync_tickets      
+      in_branch(false) do 
+         git.pull('origin','origin/ticgit')
+         git.push('origin', 'ticgit:ticgit')
          puts "Tickets synchronized."
     def load_tickets