From 33f775d9faf5d2337e001c98e50fb5fc2a8d69c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jonathan Lilly Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2021 18:48:07 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] More changes for v. 1.7.0 --- doc/besselitilde.html | 32 +++ doc/besselktilde.html | 32 +++ doc/jLab.html | 2 +- doc/jOceans.html | 10 + doc/jlab_allhelp.html | 487 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- doc/jlab_changes.html | 13 +- doc/jlab_index.html | 12 +- doc/jlab_license.html | 4 +- doc/jlab_makefigs.html | 9 +- doc/makefigs_gulfdrifters.html | 2 +- doc/makefigs_transfer.html | 18 ++ doc/windtrans.html | 73 +++++ 12 files changed, 679 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) create mode 100644 doc/besselitilde.html create mode 100644 doc/besselktilde.html create mode 100644 doc/makefigs_transfer.html create mode 100644 doc/windtrans.html diff --git a/doc/besselitilde.html b/doc/besselitilde.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1161c13 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/besselitilde.html @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + + +jLab Help Files +

BESSELITILDE is the jOceans module of jLab.

+ BESSELITILDE  I-type Bessel function after factoring off exponential growth.
+    ITILDE=BESSELITILDE(NU,Z) returns the modified Bessel function of the
+    first kind of order NU at argument Z, after factoring off the  
+    asymptotic behavior of EXP(Z).
+    BESSELITILDE is useful for products of modified Bessel functions in
+    which the exponential behaviors cancel, but that cannot be evaluated
+    directly because of numerical overflow.
+    BESSELITILDE(NU,Z,N) use a summation truncated at N terms. The default
+    behavior uses N=30 and is highly accurate.
+    See 10.40.1 of
+    This is low-level code used by WINDTRANS using an algorithm described 
+    in Lilly and Elipot (2021).
+    See also BESSELKTILDE.
+    'besselitilde --t' runs a test.
+    Usage: I=besselitilde(nu,z);
+           I=besselitilde(nu,z,nterms);
+    __________________________________________________________________
+    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
+    (C) 2019--2021 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

contents | allhelp | index

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/besselktilde.html b/doc/besselktilde.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..737d931 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/besselktilde.html @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + + +jLab Help Files +

BESSELKTILDE is the jOceans module of jLab.

+ BESSELKTILDE  K-type Bessel function after factoring off exponential decay.
+    KTILDE=BESSELKTILDE(NU,Z) returns the modified Bessel function of the
+    second kind of order NU at argument Z, after factoring off the 
+    asymptotic behavior of EXP(-Z).
+    BESSELKTILDE is useful for products of modified Bessel functions in
+    which the exponential behaviors cancel, but that cannot be evaluated
+    directly because of numerical overflow.
+    BESSELITILDE(NU,Z,N) use a summation truncated at N terms. The default
+    behavior uses N=30 and is highly accurate. 
+    See 10.40.2 of
+    This is low-level code used by WINDTRANS using an algorithm described 
+    in Lilly and Elipot (2021).
+    See also BESSELITILDE.
+    'besselktilde --t' runs a test.
+    Usage: K=besselktilde(nu,z);
+           K=besselktilde(nu,z,nterms);
+    __________________________________________________________________
+    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
+    (C) 2019--2021 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

contents | allhelp | index

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/jLab.html b/doc/jLab.html index 3bd880a..dd1bcfd 100644 --- a/doc/jLab.html +++ b/doc/jLab.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ jLab Help Files

Welcome to jLab.

-   jLab v1.6.9 by J. M. Lilly
+   jLab v1.7.0 by J. M. Lilly
    A data analysis toolbox for Matlab, including routines for big data
    analysis, signal processing, mapping, and oceanographic applications.
diff --git a/doc/jOceans.html b/doc/jOceans.html
index 6ddae80..93bd12e 100644
--- a/doc/jOceans.html
+++ b/doc/jOceans.html
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@
   Alongtrack altimetry tools
     trackextract  - Extracts alongtrack altimetry segments within given region.
+  Wind-driven surface currents
+     windtrans  - Ekman-like transfer-functions for the wind-driven response.
   NetCDF tools
     ncinterp    - One-line interpolation from 3D lat/lon/time field in NetCDF file.
@@ -50,5 +53,12 @@
     jtopo.mat   - One-sixth degree global topography, from Smith and Sandwell + IBCAO.              
     topoplot    - Plot regional or global topography at one-sixth degree resolution.
+  Low-level functions
+    besselktilde  - K-type Bessel function after factoring off exponential decay.
+    besselitilde  - I-type Bessel function after factoring off exponential growth.
+    curveinterp  - Interpolate a field or its gradient onto a set of curves.           
+    orbitbreaks  - Separate orbit into passes based on turning points.          
+    topo_copyright - Copyright statement for the Smith and Sandwell topography.
    See also jData.

contents | allhelp | index

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/jlab_allhelp.html b/doc/jlab_allhelp.html index 7ad8749..87c4e04 100644 --- a/doc/jlab_allhelp.html +++ b/doc/jlab_allhelp.html @@ -2,5 +2,490 @@ jLab Help Files

JLAB_ALLHELP is in the main directory of jLab.

- JLAB_ALLHELP  Displays the help comments for all JLAB modules.
+ JLAB_ALLHELP  Displays the help comments for all JLAB modules. 
+    jCell:  Tools for operating on cell arrays of column vectors 
+    Basic mathematical operations 
+      cellabs    - Absolute value of each element in a cell array.                     
+      cellmax    - Maximum of each element in a cell array.                            
+      cellmin    - Minimum of each element in a cell array.  
+      cellsum    - Sum of each element a cell array, possibly weighted. 
+      cellmean   - Mean value of each element a cell array, possibly weighted.   
+      cellstd    - Standard deviation of each element a cell array, possibly weighted. 
+      cellmed    - Median value of each element a cell array. 
+      cellreal   - Real part of each element in a cell array.                          
+      cellimag   - Imaginary part of each element in a cell array. 
+      cellpair   - Complex pairing for elements in a cell array. 
+      celllog10  - Base ten logarithm of each element in a cell array. 
+      celladd    - Addition acting on each element in a cell array.                    
+      cellmult   - Multiplication acting on each element in a cell array.    
+      celldiv    - Division acting on each element in a cell array. 
+      celldot    - Dot product for arrays of column vectors. 
+    Reshaping, indexing, and sizes 
+      cell2col   - Converts cell arrays of numeric arrays into 'column-appended' form. 
+      col2cell   - Converts 'column-appended' data into cell arrays of numeric arrays. 
+      cellindex  - Applies a cell array of indices to a cell array of column vectors.  
+      cellchunk  - Converts cell array data into uniform length 'chunks'.              
+      cellength  - Length of each element in a cell array.                             
+      cellsize   - Size of each element in a cell array along specified dimension. 
+      cellget    - Indexes a cell array of numerical arrays by ID number. 
+      cellimit   - Limits the ranges of times in a cell array of numerical arrays. 
+    Data processing 
+      cellstrip  - Strips INF values from the beginnings or ends of cell arrays. 
+      cellsplit  - Splits cell arrays of numeric arrays at data gaps. 
+      cellprune  - Removes all empty cells, or cells less than a specified length. 
+      cellpack   - Removes all INF values from cell arrays of numeric arrays. 
+      cellfill   - Fills missing data marked by INFs in a cell array. 
+      cellgrid   - Interpolate a cell array of numeric arrays onto a regular grid. 
+      cellfirst  - Returns the first element of each entry in a cell array. 
+    Plotting 
+      cellplot   - Rapidly plot all element of a cell array of numeric arrays.  
+    See also jVarfun. 
+    __________________________________________________________________ 
+    jCommon:  Useful general-purpose functions, common to other JLAB modules 
+    Array functions 
+      aresame    - Test whether two N-D arrays are the same.                         
+      arrayify   - Converts a set of scalars or arrays into column arrays.             
+      blocklen   - Counts the lengths of 'blocks' in an array.                         
+      blocknum   - Numbers the contiguous blocks of an array.    
+      lnsd       - Last non-singleton dimension of an array.                           
+      matmult    - Matrix multiplication for arrays of matrices.                       
+      nonnan     - Return all non-NAN elements of an array.                            
+      vectmult   - Matrix multiplication for arrays of vectors.     
+    File and directory tools 
+      ncload       - Load all variables from a NetCDF file and unpack any columns. 
+      commentlines - Returns the comment lines from m-files.                           
+      findfiles    - Returns all files in a directory with a specified extension.        
+      findpath     - Returns the full pathname of a directory on the Matlab search path. 
+      jhelp        - Opens linked JLAB help files in Matlab's internal web browser.      
+      whichdir     - Returns directory name containing file in search path.              
+      standalone   - Create stand-alone version of an m-file, including dependencies. 
+    Mathematical aliases 
+      choose     - Binomial coefficient: CHOOSE(N,K) =  N!K!/(N-K)! 
+      frac       - Fraction: FRAC(A,B)=A./B                                                     
+      imlog      - Imaginary part of log: IMLOG(X)=UNWRAP(IMAG(LOG(X)))                                       
+      iseven     - True for even integer values; false otherwise.                      
+      isodd      - True for odd integer values; false otherwise.  
+      oprod      - Outer product:  OPROD(X,Y)=X*CONJ(Y')                               
+      res        - Residual after flooring:  RES(X)=X-FLOOR(X)                         
+      rot        - Complex-valued rotation:  ROT(X)=EXP(SQRT(-1)*X)   
+      squared    - Squares the modulus of its argument:  SQUARED(X)=ABS(X).^2 
+    Matrices, polynomials, and special functions 
+      jmat2      - 2x2 rotation matrix through specified angle.                        
+      jmat3      - 3x3 rotation matrix through specified angle.   
+      tmat       - 2x2 complex grouping matrix.  TMAT = [1  i; 1 -i] / SQRT(2) 
+      bellpoly   - Complete Bell polynomials.   
+      hermpoly   - Hermite polynomials. [with F. Rekibi]    
+      hermfun    - Orthonormal Hermite functions. [with F. Rekibi]    
+      chisquared - The chi-squared distribution. 
+    Dataset organization as structures 
+      make        - Create a structure containing named variables as fields.   
+      matsave     - Create and save structure of variables as a mat-file.  
+      use         - Copies structure fields into named variables in workspace.          
+      catstruct   - Concatenates the array elements of a cell array of structures. 
+      structindex - Applies an index to all array-valued fields in a structure. 
+    Statistics 
+      cum2mom   - Convert cumulants to moments.     
+      mom2cum   - Convert moments to cumulants.                                       
+      pdfprops  - Mean and variance associated with a probability distribution.   
+      simplepdf - Gaussian, uniform, Cauchy, and exponential pdfs.                    
+    Filling bad data points 
+      fillbad    - Linearly interpolate over bad data points.   
+    Date, time, and units 
+      yearfrac    - Converts a DATENUM into 'year.fraction' and 'month.fraction'. 
+      cms2kmd     - Converts centimeters per second to kilometers per day. 
+    __________________________________________________________________ 
+    jEllipse:  Analysis of modulated elliptical, or bivariate, signals 
+     Elliptical signal properties 
+      ellband    - Bandwidth of modulated elliptical signals in two or three dimensions.  
+      ellparams  - Ellipse parameters of a modulated bivariate or trivariate oscillation. 
+      ellvel     - Average and instantaneous ellipse velocities.     
+      ellrad     - Average and instantaneous ellipse radius.   
+      ellpol     - Polarization parameters of an elliptical signal. 
+     Elliptical signal generation and conversions 
+      ellsig     - Creates a modulated elliptical signal in two or three dimensions.      
+      sig2latlon - Converts an oscillatory signal to lat/lon displacements.   
+      elldiff    - Differentiation of modulated elliptical signals.     
+     Plotting tools 
+      ellcurves   - Returns curves corresponding to specified ellipse properties.          
+      ellipseplot - Plot ellipses. 
+     Basic ellipse properties  
+      ab2kl      - Converts A and B to ellipse parameters Kappa and Lambda.               
+      kl2ab      - Converts ellipse parameters Kappa and Lambda to A and B.               
+      ecconv     - Converts between eccentricity measures.           
+      ellrossby  - Ellipse Rossby number, for oceanographic applications.                 
+     See also jRidges, jSpectral, jWavelet. 
+    __________________________________________________________________ 
+    jFigures:  A low-level directory containing routines for example figures. 
+    __________________________________________________________________ 
+    jGraph:  Plotting tools and refinements for making high-quality figures 
+    High-level graphical post-processing 
+      fixlabels    - Specify precision of axes labels.  
+      fontsize     - Rapidly set title, axes, label, and text fontsizes.               
+      letterlabels - For automatically putting letter labels on subplots.            
+      linecolor    - Set line colors based on a property value within a colormap.                     
+      linestyle    - Rapidly set color, style, and width properties of lines. 
+      linering     - Moves lines through the current line style order.  
+      packfig      - Squeeze together rows and/or columns of the current figure.  
+     Oceanography-specific plotting tools 
+      hodograph  - Generate hodograph plots (simple and fancy).                                    
+      provec     - Generate progressive vector diagrams (simple and fancy).              
+      stickvect  - Plots "stick vectors" for multicomponent velocity time series.   
+    Modified plotting functions 
+      discretecolorbar - Plots a colorbar with discrete variation.   
+      jpcolor          - Modified version of PCOLOR appropriate for cell-centered grids.   
+      patchcontourf    - Generate filled contours using patches, with specified colors. 
+      uvplot           - Plots the real and imaginary parts of a signal on the same axis. 
+    Figure tweaking 
+      jfig       - Shorthand for tweaking figures.    
+      dlines     - Add diagonal lines to a plot.   
+      hlines     - Add horizontal lines to a plot.                                   
+      vlines     - Add vertical lines to a plot.    
+      nocontours - Removes contours from a CONTOURF plot.                            
+      noxlabels  - Remove some or all x-axis tick mark labels.                       
+      noylabels  - Remove some or all y-axis tick mark labels.  
+      xoffset    - Offsets lines in the x-direction after plotting.        
+      yoffset    - Offsets lines in the y-direction after plotting.                  
+      xtick      - Sets locations of x-axis tick marks.                              
+      ytick      - Sets locations of y-axis tick marks.                              
+      ztick      - Sets locations of z-axis tick marks. 
+    Color and colormaps 
+      colorquant  - Sets the color axis according to quantiles of the data. 
+      lansey      - The Lansey modification of Cynthia Brewer's "Spectral" colormap. 
+      haxby       - The Haxby colormap. 
+      seminfhaxby - The seminf-Haxby colormap. 
+    Printing 
+      jprint     - Print to a specified directory and crop the resulting file. 
+      printall   - Print and close all open figures. 
+    Graphics aliases 
+      boxoff     - Sets 'box' property to 'off'.                                     
+      boxon      - Sets 'box' property to 'on'.                                                                   
+      flipmap    - Flips the current colormap upside-down.                           
+      flipx      - Flips the direction of the x-axis                                 
+      flipy      - Flips the direction of the y-axis     
+      inticks    - Sets the 'tickdir' property of the current axis to 'in'. 
+      outticks   - Sets the 'tickdir' property of the current axis to 'out'.          
+      xlin       - Sets x-axis scale to linear.                                       
+      xlog       - Sets x-axis scale to logarithm.                                  
+      ylin       - Sets y-axis scale to linear.                                       
+      ylog       - Sets y-axis scale to log.         
+    Low-level or specialized functions 
+      axeshandles - Returns handles to all axes children. 
+      crop        - Gets rid of whitespace around an image. [by A. Bliss]              
+      linehandles - Finds all line and patch handles from a given set of axes. 
+      linestyleparse - Parses the input string to LINESTYLE. 
+      gulf4plot     - A four-panel circulation plot for the Gulf of Mexico. 
+    __________________________________________________________________ 
+    jMap:  Mapping scattered data using local polynomial fitting 
+      polysmooth - Smoothing scattered 2D data with local polynomial fitting.  
+      spheresort - Sorted great circle distances to nearby points on the earth. 
+      twodsort   - Distances from data points to nearby grid points.    
+      Low level functions 
+      matinv     - Fast inversion of arrays of small matrices. 
+    __________________________________________________________________ 
+    jMatern:  Parametric spectral analysis based on the Matern process 
+    Top-level functions 
+      maternspec - Fourier spectrum of the Matern random process and variations.                                 
+      materncov  - Autocovariance of the Matern random process and variations.                          
+      maternimp  - Impulse response function for the Matern random process.     
+      maternoise - Realizations of the Matern process and variations, including fBm. [with A. Sykulski] 
+      maternfit  - Parametric spectral fit to the Matern form. [with A. Sykulski] 
+      makefigs_matern - Makes all figures for Lilly et al. 2017. 
+    Other utilities 
+      blurspec   - Returns the blurred and aliased spectrum given the autocovariance. 
+      fminsearchbnd  - FMINSEARCH, but with bound constraints by transformation. [By J. D'Errico] 
+    Low-level Matern functions 
+      materncfun - Returns the normalization or C-function for a Matern process. 
+      maternchol - Cholesky decomposition of Matern and fBm covariances. [with A. Sykulski] 
+      maternedge - Long-time cutoff edge for the Matern impulse response function.                
+    See also jSpectral. 
+    __________________________________________________________________ 
+    jMatfiles:  Descriptions of included mat-files, mostly for testing and examples. 
+      bravo94      - Labrador Sea mooring data from Lilly et. al (1999). 
+      drifterbetty - Two-hour resolution drifter trajectory, AOML GDP id #44000. 
+      ebasnfloats  - "Meddy" float data analyzed in Lilly and Olhede (2009,10,11,12). 
+      goldsnapshot - Snapshot from GOLD model, courtesy of Harper Simmons. 
+      labseatpjaos - Altimeter data for the Labrador Sea, analyzed in Lilly (2017). 
+      m1244        - The M1244 mooring from the Labrador Sea boundary current. 
+      npg2006      - Float data analyzed in Lilly and Gascard (2006). 
+      qgsnapshot   - Snapshot of f-plane QG turbulence from a simulation by J. Early. 
+      slasnapshot  - Snapshot of AVISO 1/4 degree sea level anomaly on Jan. 1, 2007. 
+      solomon      - Solomon Islands Earthquake data analyzed in Lilly (2011). 
+      vortex       - QG model of a barotropic jet on a beta plane, by R. K. Scott. 
+    __________________________________________________________________ 
+    jOceans:  Oceanography-specific data and model analysis tools 
+    Conversions for Lagrangian trajectories 
+      latlon2uv   - Converts latitude and longitude to horizontal velocity.   
+      uv2latlon   - Integrates horizontal velocity to give latitude and longitude.   
+    Manipulating Lagrangian trajectories [see also jCell] 
+      trajextract  - Extracts Lagrangian trajectory segments within given region.         
+      trajunwrap   - Unwraps Lagrangian trajectories from a periodic domain.               
+      trajwrap     - Wraps Lagrangian trajectories to fit within a periodic domain.        
+      trajchunk    - Chunks Lagrangian trajectories based on the Coriolis period. 
+      griddrifters - Average drifter velocities onto a space/time 3D grid. 
+    Idealized numerical model tools 
+      psi2fields   - Velocity and other fields from the streamfunction. [with P.E. Isachsen]     
+      periodize    - Returns a doubly periodic version of an input array.    
+    Lagrangian eddy identification and analysis 
+      eddyridges    - Coherent eddy ridges from Lagrangian trajectories.    
+      noisedrifters - Create a noise Lagrangian dataset matching mean and variance. 
+      eddylevels    - Eddy ridge significance levels using the survival function. 
+    Eulerian eddy identification and analysis 
+      inellipse    - Locates points on the interior of ellipses.                           
+      closedcurves - Locate and interpolate closed curves in a possibly periodic domain. 
+      curvemoments - Centroid, area, and many other moments of a closed curve.           
+      divgeom      - Geometric decomposition of eddy vorticity flux divergence.      
+      eddyfit2d    - Least squares fit of 2D velocity data to an eddy profile. 
+      simpleddy     - Streamfunction, velocity, and vorticity for various eddy profiles. 
+    Plotting tools for mooring data 
+      hodograph  - Generate hodograph plots (simple and fancy).                                    
+      provec     - Generate progressive vector diagrams (simple and fancy).              
+      stickvect  - Plots "stick vectors" for multicomponent velocity time series.  
+    Alongtrack altimetry tools 
+      trackextract  - Extracts alongtrack altimetry segments within given region. 
+    Wind-driven surface currents 
+       windtrans  - Ekman-like transfer-functions for the wind-driven response. 
+    NetCDF tools 
+      ncinterp    - One-line interpolation from 3D lat/lon/time field in NetCDF file. 
+    Date and time 
+      monthstats  - Mean month and standard deviation using circular statistics. 
+    Topography tools and data 
+      jtopo.mat   - One-sixth degree global topography, from Smith and Sandwell + IBCAO.               
+      topoplot    - Plot regional or global topography at one-sixth degree resolution. 
+    Low-level functions 
+      besselktilde  - K-type Bessel function after factoring off exponential decay. 
+      besselitilde  - I-type Bessel function after factoring off exponential growth. 
+      curveinterp  - Interpolate a field or its gradient onto a set of curves.            
+      orbitbreaks  - Separate orbit into passes based on turning points.           
+      topo_copyright - Copyright statement for the Smith and Sandwell topography. 
+     See also jData. 
+    __________________________________________________________________ 
+    jRidges:  Wavelet ridge analysis of modulated oscillatory signals 
+     Top-level functions 
+      ridgewalk  - Extract wavelet transform ridges, including bias estimates.  
+      ridgemap   - Maps ridge quantities back onto the time series.             
+      instmom    - Univariate and multivariate instantaneous moments.           
+     Ridge utilities 
+      ridgetrim   - Trim edge effect regions from wavelet ridges. 
+      ridgelen    - Wavelet ridge length expressed as number of full cycles.     
+      periodindex - Returns time index in increments of instantaneous period.   
+      ridgemult   - Ridge multiplicity, the number of simultaneous ridges present. 
+     See also jEllipse, jWavelet, jOceans 
+    __________________________________________________________________ 
+     jSpectral:  Multitaper spectral analysis, and other time series tools 
+     Multitaper spectral analysis 
+      sleptap    - Calculate Slepian tapers.                                         
+      mspec      - Multitaper power and cross spectra. 
+      mconf      - Confidence intervals for the multitaper spectral estimate. 
+     Multitaper polarization analysis 
+      msvd       - Singular value decomposition for polarization analysis.    
+      polparams  - Spectral matrix polarization parameters.                          
+      specdiag   - Diagonalize a 2 x 2 spectral matrix.         
+    Assorted other transforms  
+      slidetrans  - Sliding-window ('moving-window') Fourier transform.    
+      anatrans    - Analytic part of signal.                                          
+      wigdist     - Wigner distribution (alias-free algorithm).    
+    Time series analysis utilities 
+      doublen     - Interpolates a time series to double its length.                  
+      fourier     - The one-sided Fourier frequencies for a given length time series. 
+      sampletimes - Computes mean sampling intervals and their statistics.           
+     Plotting tools  
+      twospecplot - Plots a pair of rotary or Cartesian spectra.   
+     See also jWavelet, jEllipse, jMatern. 
+    __________________________________________________________________ 
+    jSphere:  Tools for latitude, longitude, and spherical geometry 
+    Simple lat / lon conversions 
+      deg180     - Converts degrees to the range [-180,180].                         
+      deg360     - Converts degrees to the range [0, 360]. 
+      degunwrap  - Unwraps arrays given in degrees. 
+      jdeg2rad   - Converts degrees to radians.                                      
+      jrad2deg   - Converts radians to degrees.    
+    Distances and regions  
+      inregion   - Tests whether lat/lon points lie within a specified box.          
+      spheredist - Computes great circle distances on a sphere.             
+    Earth constants and frequencies 
+      radearth   - The radius of the earth in kilometers.    
+      corfreq    - Coriolis frequency in radians per hour.    
+      tidefreq   - Frequencies of the eight major tidal components. 
+    Coordinate transformations  
+      latlon2xy  - Converts latitude and longitude into tangent plane coordinates. 
+      latlon2xyz - Converts latitude and longitude into 3D Cartesian coordinates.    
+      xy2latlon  - Converts tangent plane coordinates into latitude and longitude. 
+      xyz2latlon - Converts 3D Cartesian coordinates into latitude and longitude.    
+      sphere2uvw - Converts a 3D spherical vector to a 3D Cartesian vector.  
+    Differential operators 
+      spherecurl - Curl of a vector field on the surface of a sphere.                
+      spherediv  - Divergence of a vector field on the surface of a sphere.          
+      spheregrad - Gradient of a field on the surface of a sphere.                   
+      spherelap  - Laplacian of a field on the surface of a sphere.    
+    Interpolation 
+      interplatlon  - Interpolation for working with latitude and longitude. 
+      sphereinterp  - Fast linear interpolation on the sphere from non-plaid grids. 
+    Plotting tools 
+      latratio   - Set plot aspect ratio for latitude / longitude plot.     
+      lonshift   - Shifts longitude origin for plotting purposes.                    
+      regionplot - Plots a simple box indicating a latitude / longitude region. 
+    __________________________________________________________________ 
+    jStats:  Fast statistical analysis of large datasets in two dimensions 
+      twodhist   - Two-dimensional histogram.   
+      twodstats  - Mean, variance, and covariance of functions of two variables. 
+      twodmed    - Median value of a function of two variables. 
+    __________________________________________________________________ 
+    jVarfun:  Perform common operations on multiple variables simultaneously. 
+     Sizes and statistics 
+      vsize      - Returns the sizes of multiple arguments.                            
+      vmean      - Mean over non-NaN elements along a specified dimension. 
+      vrms       - Root-mean-square of non-NaN elements along a specified dimension. 
+      vsum       - Sum over non-NaN elements along a specified dimension.               
+      vstd       - Standard deviation over non-NaN elements along a specfied dimension. 
+      vmoment    - Central moment over non-NaN elements along a specfied dimension.     
+      vmedian    - Median over finite elements along a specified dimension.  
+     Reshaping, shifting, swapping 
+      vcolon     - Condenses its arguments, like X(:).                                 
+      vshift     - Cycles the elements of an array along a specified dimension.        
+      vsqueeze   - Squeezes multiple input arguments simultaneously.                   
+      vrep       - Replicates an array along a specified dimension.                    
+      vswap      - VSWAP(X,A,B) replaces A with B in numeric array X.                          
+      vtranspose - Transpose multiple input arguments simultaneously.  
+     Initializing 
+      vzeros     - Initializes multiple variables to arrays of zeros or nans.  
+      vempty     - Initializes multiple variables to empty sets or empty cell arrays.  
+     Operations and indexing 
+      vfilt      - Filtering along rows without change in length.                      
+      vdiff      - Length-preserving first central difference.  
+      vindex     - Indexes an N-D array along a specified dimension.                   
+      vindexinto - Indexes into N-D array along a specified dimension. 
+     Reshaping dataset composed of irregular length segments  
+      col2mat    - Expands 'column-appended' data into a matrix.                       
+      colbreaks  - Insert NANs into discontinuties in a vector.                        
+      mat2col    - Compress NAN-padded matrix data into long columns.     
+     Low-level functions 
+      jhanning   - Hanning window. 
+     See also jCell. 
+    __________________________________________________________________ 
+    jWavelet: Continuous wavelet analysis using generalized Morse wavelets 
+    Top-level wavelet transform functions 
+      wavetrans    - Continuous wavelet transform. 
+      morsewave    - Generalized Morse wavelets of Olhede and Walden (2002).               
+      morsespace   - Logarithmically-spaced frequencies for generalized Morse wavelets.    
+      wavespecplot - Plot of wavelet spectra together with time series. 
+      spheretrans  - Wavelet transform for oscillations on the surface of a sphere. 
+    Details of generalized Morse wavelets  
+      morsearea   - Time-frequency concentration area of Morse wavelets. [with F. Rekibi] 
+      morsebox    - Heisenberg time-frequency box for generalized Morse wavelets.         
+      morsefreq   - Frequency measures for generalized Morse wavelets. [with F. Rekibi]   
+      morseprops  - Properties of the demodulated generalized Morse wavelets.             
+      morsexpand  - Generalized Morse wavelets via time-domain Taylor series. 
+      morsederiv  - Frequency-domain derivatives of generalized Morse wavelets. 
+    Element analysis using generalized Morse wavelets 
+      transmax     - Locates modulus maximum points of wavelet transform. 
+      transmaxdist - Distributions of wavelet transform maxima in noise. 
+      morseregion  - Generalized Morse wavelet time-frequency concentration region. 
+      isomax       - Returns those transform maxima that are isolated from others. 
+      maxprops     - Returns properties of wavelet transform maxima. 
+      max2eddy     - Converts transform maxima into oceanic coherent eddy properties. 
+    Low-level functions 
+      morseafun  - Returns the generalized Morse wavelet amplitude or a-function.                  
+      morsehigh  - High-frequency cutoff of the generalized Morse wavelets. 
+      morseproj  - Projection coefficient for two generalized Morse wavelets.            
+      morsemom   - Frequency-domain moments of generalized Morse wavelets.  
+      jdawson    - The Dawson function. [By P.J. Acklam]           
+    Morlet wavelet  
+      morlwave   - Morlet wavelet.                                                       
+      morlfreq   - Compute Morlet wavelet carrier frequency given peak frequency.    
+    See also jRidges, jSpectral, jEllipse. 
+    __________________________________________________________________ 
+    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
+    (C) 2015--2021 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

contents | allhelp | index

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/jlab_changes.html b/doc/jlab_changes.html index 86be307..7dcda12 100644 --- a/doc/jlab_changes.html +++ b/doc/jlab_changes.html @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@

JLAB_CHANGES is in the main directory of jLab.

  JLAB_CHANGES   Changes to JLAB in each release.
-    Changes new in version 1.6.9
+    Changes new in version 1.7.0
-    Figure making for two new publications, see JLAB_MAKEFIGS:
+    Code in support of three new publications, see JLAB_MAKEFIGS:
     Lilly and Perez-Brunius (2021b). Extracting statistically significant 
         eddy signals from large Lagrangian datasets, with application to 
@@ -14,10 +14,15 @@
     Lilly and Perez-Brunius (2021a). A gridded surface current product for
         the Gulf of Mexico from consolidated  drifter measurements.  
-        Accepted to Earth Science System Data.
+        In press at Earth Science System Data.
-    Major new functions for Lagrangian eddy analysis and statistics:
+    Lilly, J. M. and S. Elipot (2021). A unifying perspective on transfer
+        function solutions to the unsteady Ekman problem.  Fluids, 6 (2): 
+        85, 1--36. 
+    Major new functions for Ekman theory and for Lagrangian eddy analysis:
+    windtrans     - Ekman-like transfer-functions for the wind-driven response.
     eddyridges    - Coherent eddy ridges from Lagrangian trajectories.   
     noisedrifters - Create a noise Lagrangian dataset matching mean and variance.
     eddylevels    - Eddy ridge significance levels using the survival function.
diff --git a/doc/jlab_index.html b/doc/jlab_index.html
index bb0d9f2..d1f4f32 100644
--- a/doc/jlab_index.html
+++ b/doc/jlab_index.html
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
     arrayify      - Converts a set of scalars or arrays into column arrays.                              
     axeshandles   - Returns handles to all axes children.                                                
     bellpoly      - Complete Bell polynomials.                                                           
+    besselitilde  - I-type Bessel function after factoring off exponential growth.                       
+    besselktilde  - K-type Bessel function after factoring off exponential decay.                        
     bindata       - Rapidly sort data into adjacent bins.                                                
     blocklen      - Counts the lengths of 'blocks' in an array.                                          
     blocknum      - Numbers the contiguous blocks of an array.                                           
@@ -81,7 +83,7 @@
     divgeom       - Geometric decomposition of eddy vorticity flux divergence.                           
     dlines        - Add diagonal lines to a plot.                                                        
     doublen       - Interpolates a time series to double its length.                                     
-    ecconv        - Converts between eccentricity measures.           
+    ecconv        - Converts between eccentricity measures.                                              
     eddyfit2d     - Least squares fit of 2D velocity data to an eddy profile.                            
     eddylevels    - Eddy ridge significance levels using the survival function.                          
     eddyridges    - Coherent eddy ridges from Lagrangian trajectories.                                   
@@ -217,6 +219,7 @@
     makefigs_trackextract - Makes a sample figure for TRACKEXTRACT.                                      
     makefigs_trajextract - Makes a sample figure for TRAJEXTRACT.                                        
     makefigs_trajwrap - Makes a sample figure for TRAJWRAP.                                              
+    makefigs_transfer - Makes all figures for Lilly and Elipot (2021).                                   
     makefigs_trivariate - has been moved to JLAB_MAKEFIGS.                                               
     makefigs_twodhist - Makes a sample figure for TWODHIST.                                              
     makefigs_twodmed - Makes a sample figure for TWODMED.                                                
@@ -278,8 +281,8 @@
     periodindex   - Returns time index in increments of instantaneous period.                            
     periodize     - Returns a doubly periodic version of an input array.                                 
     polparams     - Spectral matrix polarization parameters.                                             
-    polysmooth    - Mapping using local polynomial fitting, also known as loess.                                                                                                                              
-    polysmooth_bandwidth - Determine bandwidth given population for POLYSMOOTH. 
+    polysmooth    - Mapping using local polynomial fitting, also known as loess.                         
+    polysmooth_bandwidth - Determine bandwidth given population for POLYSMOOTH.                          
     polysmooth_kernel - Returns the weighting kernel employed by POLYSMOOTH.                             
     polysmooth_presort - Sort arguments to POLYSMOOTH in case of missing data.                           
     polysmooth_sortfield - Returns sorted field values for a mapping problem.                            
@@ -367,6 +370,7 @@
     wavetrans     - Continuous wavelet transform.                                                        
     whichdir      - Returns directory name containing file in search path.                               
     wigdist       - Wigner distribution (alias-free algorithm).                                          
+    windtrans     - Ekman-like transfer-functions for the wind-driven response.                          
     xlin          - Sets x-axis scale to linear.                                                         
     xlog          - Sets x-axis scale to logarithmic.                                                    
     xoffset       - Offsets lines in the x-direction after plotting.                                     
@@ -378,7 +382,7 @@
     ylog          - Sets y-axis scale to log.                                                            
     yoffset       - Offsets lines in the y-direction after plotting.                                     
     ytick         - Sets locations of y-axis tick marks.                                                 
-    ztick         - Sets locations of z-axis tick marks.                                       
+    ztick         - Sets locations of z-axis tick marks.                                                 
     This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
     (C) 2015--2021 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details
diff --git a/doc/jlab_license.html b/doc/jlab_license.html
index f0ce747..f2cd0d0 100644
--- a/doc/jlab_license.html
+++ b/doc/jlab_license.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

JLAB_LICENSE is in the main directory of jLab.

  JLAB_LICENSE  License statement and permissions for JLAB package.
-    Copyright (C) 1993--2020 J.M. Lilly
+    Copyright (C) 1993--2021 J.M. Lilly
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
     should be acknowledged and cited as:
     Lilly, J. M. (2021),  jLab: A data analysis package for Matlab, 
-        v. 1.6.9,
+        v. 1.7.0,
diff --git a/doc/jlab_makefigs.html b/doc/jlab_makefigs.html
index 0f8ee09..4a95360 100644
--- a/doc/jlab_makefigs.html
+++ b/doc/jlab_makefigs.html
@@ -7,16 +7,21 @@
     JLAB_MAKEFIGS NAME makes all figures for the publication NAME, as follows. 
    'jLab_makefigs gulfcensus':
-    Lilly, J. M. and P. Perez-Brunius (2021).  Extracting statistically 
+    Lilly, J. M. and P. Perez-Brunius (2021b).  Extracting statistically 
         significant eddy signals from large Lagrangian datasets using 
         wavelet ridge analysis, with application to the Gulf of Mexico.
         Submitted to Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics.
    'jLab_makefigs gulfdrifters':
-    Lilly, J. M. and P. Perez-Brunius (2021). A gridded surface current
+    Lilly, J. M. and P. Perez-Brunius (2021a). A gridded surface current
         product for the Gulf of Mexico from consolidated  drifter
         measurements.  Accepted to Earth Science System Data.
+   'jLab_makefigs transfer':
+    Lilly, J. M. and S. Elipot (2021). A unifying perspective on transfer
+        function solutions to the unsteady Ekman problem.  Fluids, 6 (2): 
+        85, 1--36. 
    'jLab_makefigs kinematics':
     Lilly, J. M. (2018) Kinematics of a fluid ellipse in a linear flow. 
         Fluids, 3 (1) 16: 1--29.
diff --git a/doc/makefigs_gulfdrifters.html b/doc/makefigs_gulfdrifters.html
index ec1f2ca..4feed14 100644
--- a/doc/makefigs_gulfdrifters.html
+++ b/doc/makefigs_gulfdrifters.html
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
          Lilly, J. M. and P. Perez-Brunius (2021a). A gridded surface
              current product for the Gulf of Mexico from consolidated  
-             drifter measurements.  Submitted to Earth Science System Data.
+             drifter measurements.  In press at Earth Science System Data.
     To use this function, you'll need to download several datasets
diff --git a/doc/makefigs_transfer.html b/doc/makefigs_transfer.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5371f0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/makefigs_transfer.html
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+jLab Help Files

MAKEFIGS_TRANSFER is the jFigures module of jLab.

+ MAKEFIGS_TRANSFER Makes all figures for Lilly and Elipot (2021).
+    This function makes all figures for 
+         Lilly, J. M. and S. Elipot (2021). A unifying perspective on 
+             transfer function solutions to the unsteady Ekman problem. 
+             Fluids, 6 (2): 85, 1--36. 
+    This may take a while as some of the plots are computationally
+    intensive.
+    __________________________________________________________________
+    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
+    (C) 2021 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

contents | allhelp | index

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/windtrans.html b/doc/windtrans.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..053e7ce --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/windtrans.html @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ + + +jLab Help Files +

WINDTRANS is the jOceans module of jLab.

+ WINDTRANS  Ekman-like transfer-functions for the wind-driven response.
+    G=WINDTRANS(OMEGA,Z,FC,DELTA,MU,H) returns the no-slip transfer 
+    function for the wind-driven currents evaluated at frequencies OMEGA
+    and at depths Z.  G will have LENGTH(OMEGA) rows and LENGTH(Z) columns.
+    Here FC is the local Coriolis frequency, DELTA is the Ekman depth.
+    MU is the Madsen depth, and H is the boundary layer depth.
+    The units of these quantitites are important.  For consistency with 
+    other routines, OMEGA and FC are in radians per day, while Z, DELTA,
+    MU, and H are all in meters.  The units of G are then m^2 s / kg.
+    WINDTRANS(...,'free') instead returns the free slip transfer function.
+    For details on the expressions implemented by this function, see
+         Lilly, J. M. and S. Elipot (2021). A unifying perspective on 
+             transfer function solutions to the unsteady Ekman problem. 
+             Fluids, 6 (2): 85, 1--36. 
+    __________________________________________________________________
+    Special forms
+    By default WINDTRANS uses the general transfer function.  WINDTRANS 
+    will also employ limiting expressions for special cases, as follows.
+        H = Inf                --  Mixed Ekman / Madsen solution
+        H = Inf, MU = 0        --  Ekman solution
+        H = Inf, DELTA = 0     --  Madsen solution
+        MU = 0                 --  Finite-layer Ekman solution
+        DELTA = 0              --  Finite-layer Madsen solution
+    These have to be coded separately because the full solution is singular
+    in these cases.
+    __________________________________________________________________
+    Computational options
+    When computed over a wide range of parameter space, the transfer
+    function tends to be encounter numerical overflow when the arguments to
+    Bessel functions become large, causing its computation to fail.
+    To avoid this problems, by default WINDTRANS switches to using a highly
+    accurate thirty-term expansion about the large-argument exponential 
+    behavior of the Bessel functions when their arguments exceed 10^2.9. 
+    Two other options are available, primarily for testing purposes. Both
+    of these other algorithms lead to artifacts and are not recommended.
+    WINDTRANS(...'far',...) switches instead to use the (inferior) one-term 
+    expansion, also known as the far-inertial limit.
+    WINDTRANS(...,'general',...) uses the general formula with no switch.
+    Note that these options only apply to no-slip solution.  The free-slip
+    solution, which is not deemed to be physically relevant, is only
+    computed with the general formula.
+    For details on these algorithms, see Lilly and Elipot (2021).
+    __________________________________________________________________
+    'windtrans --t' runs a some tests.
+    Usage: G=windtrans(omega,z,fc,delta,mu,h);
+    __________________________________________________________________
+    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
+    (C) 2019--2021 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

contents | allhelp | index

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