The following sections list all exported KEMI functions. More information regarding a function can be found by clicking the KEMI prototype, which will take you to the original module's documentation.
Because the native kamailio.cfg
scripting language allows variadic functions,
but exports to KEMI are functions with fixed number of parameters, there can
be a group of KEMI functions to offer the capabilities of a single kamailio.cfg
function. In such case, the KEMI functions share a common naming prefix, usually
the name of the kamailio.cfg
For example, the kamailio.cfg
function ds_is_from_list(...)
from dispatcher
module has the prototype:
int ds_is_from_list([groupid [, mode [, uri] ] ])
And the corresponding KEMI exports are:
int KSR.dispatcher.ds_is_from_lists();
int KSR.dispatcher.ds_is_from_list(int groupid);
int KSR.dispatcher.ds_is_from_list_mode(int groupid, int mode);
int KSR.dispatcher.ds_is_from_list_uri(int groupid, int mode, str "uri");