This is a basic requirements install for the workshop. Software install and requirements are based on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
and Docker version 20.10.8
- [PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension](#1---postgresql with postgis extension)
- NodeJS
- Pgadmin4(#3---pgadmin4)
To implement the necessary workshop PostGIS DB for connection string postgres://postgres:postgis@localhost/workshop_graphql"
docker run --name "postgis-graphql" \
-v postgis-graphql:/var/lib/postgresql \
-e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
-e POSTGRES_PASS=postgis \
-e POSTGRES_DBNAME=workshop_graphql \
-p 5432:5432 -t kartoza/postgis:17-3.5
NodeJS should be install using nvm - Node Version Manager
It should not be a problem is user has nodejs from repository.
Implementing a simple pgadmin4 with credentials:
user: root@localhost
password: pgadmin
docker run --name "pgadmin-graphql" \
-v pgadmin4-graphql:/var/lib/pgadmin \
-v pgadmin4-servers-graphql:/pgadmin4/servers.json \
--network host \
-e '' \
-t dpage/pgadmin4:8.13
Note, that we are using the host's network to be able to connect to the DB without major problems, using localhost as servername/IP on pgadmin. Inside pgadmin use the following server connection settings.
Host: localhost
Username: postgres
Password: postgis