From 715e1320ea7bfda7c4a770767b2b1fc6b88a6807 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 17:52:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/40] new class for interacting with posts
classes/post.php | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 96 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 classes/post.php
diff --git a/classes/post.php b/classes/post.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7ef784830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/post.php
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * Class for working with posts
+ *
+ * @package mod_moodleoverflow
+ * @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+namespace mod_moodleoverflow;
+// Import namespace from the locallib, needs a check later which namespaces are really needed
+use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
+defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib.php');
+ * Class that represents a post.
+ *
+ * @package mod_moodleoverflow
+ * @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+class post {
+ /**
+ * Wie funktioniert das erstellen, ändern und löschen eines posts?
+ * Was mach die post.php und die classes/post_form.php, wozu sind post.mustache und post_dummy.mustache da?
+ * Welche funktionen zu den posts hat die locallib.php?
+ *
+ * => Was sollte in diese Klasse (classes/post.php) integriert werden, was sollte sie können? Was lässt man in der post.php/locallib.php, braucht man später die postform noch?
+ *
+ * Funktionen aus der Locallib, die mit posts zu tun haben:
+ * - function moodleoverflow_get_post_full($postid) -> holt infos um einen post zu printen
+ * - function moodleoverflow_user_can_see_post($moodleoverflow, $discussion, $post, $cm)
+ * - function moodleoverflow_get_all_discussion_posts($discussionid, $tracking, $modcontext) -> holt sich die posts einer discussion
+ * - function moodleoverflow_print_post(...)
+ * - function moodleoverflow_print_posts_nested
+ * - function get_attachments($post, $cm) ->
+ * - function moodleoverflow_add_attachment($post, $forum, $cm) {
+ * - function moodleoverflow_add_new_post($post) {
+ * - function moodleoverflow_update_post($newpost) {
+ * - function moodleoverflow_count_replies($post, $onlyreviewed) -> zählt antworten auf eine frage
+ * - function moodleoverflow_delete_post($post, $deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow) {
+ * - function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($discussion, $modulecontext, $userid = null) {
+ *
+ *
+ * Vorüberlegung zu classes/post.php:
+ * - Jeder Post im moodleoverflow ist ein Objekt identifizierbar über seine ID
+ * - Bei der erstellung einer neuen Diskussion (automatisch mit einem post) oder beim antworten/kommentieren soll ein neues objekt DIESER Klasse erstellt werden
+ * => realisierung der funktionen add_new_post, update_post, delete_post
+ *
+ * - Die funkionen:
+ * - get_post_full, print_post,
+ * - add_attachment und get_attachments
+ * sollten auch hier programmiert sein.
+ *
+ * - Diese Funktionen sollten in der Locallib bleiben:
+ * - user_can_see_post, da es von außen nur auf einen existierenden post zugreift
+ * - get_all_discussion_posts, da ein post nicht weitere posts in seiner umgebung kennt (außer seinen Elternpost)
+ * - print_post_nested, auch hier der gleiche grund, außerdem ruft print_post_nested auch nur print_posts_nested und geht zum nächsten Post
+ * - count_replies, da hier eine sammlung von posts abgeprüft wird.
+ * - vielleicht auch noch add_discussion()
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Wie funktionieren post.php und classes/post_form.php?
+ *
+ * post.php:
+ * Bei jeder art von Interaktion (erstellen, ändern, löschen) wird die post.php aufgerufen
+ * => Im 1. Schritt wird geprüft, welche Art von Interaktion vorliegt. -> vielliecht auch das in classes/post.php auslagern
+ * => Im 2. Schritt wird ein neues post_form Objekt gebaut (Was macht das objekt genau? Wahrscheinlich kann man das auch auslagern)
+ *
+ *
+ * classes/post_form.php:
+ */
\ No newline at end of file
From 6eece3e4e40ceed8838ab25ada5e8e37deff5c5f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 17:19:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/40] WIP: class diagram for new structure
classes/post.drawio | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
classes/post.php | 7 +++----
2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 classes/post.drawio
diff --git a/classes/post.drawio b/classes/post.drawio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b570918313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/post.drawio
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/post.php b/classes/post.php
index e7ef784830..adcf651294 100644
--- a/classes/post.php
+++ b/classes/post.php
@@ -79,10 +79,9 @@ class post {
* - get_all_discussion_posts, da ein post nicht weitere posts in seiner umgebung kennt (außer seinen Elternpost)
* - print_post_nested, auch hier der gleiche grund, außerdem ruft print_post_nested auch nur print_posts_nested und geht zum nächsten Post
* - count_replies, da hier eine sammlung von posts abgeprüft wird.
- * - vielleicht auch noch add_discussion()
- *
- *
- *
+ * - add_discussion() bleibt in der locallib, da hier nur die construct methode (add_new_post()) aufgerufen wird.
+ *
+ *
* Wie funktionieren post.php und classes/post_form.php?
* post.php:
From e6298dd120b967e1e52f2f2e5c4ad750f6efcbc9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2023 17:06:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/40] WIP: class diagram
classes/post.drawio | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
classes/post.php | 6 ++++-
2 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/post.drawio b/classes/post.drawio
index b570918313..4494d71c20 100644
--- a/classes/post.drawio
+++ b/classes/post.drawio
@@ -1,22 +1,69 @@
diff --git a/classes/post.php b/classes/post.php
index adcf651294..354eadfef3 100644
--- a/classes/post.php
+++ b/classes/post.php
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ class post {
* - get_post_full, print_post,
* - add_attachment und get_attachments
* sollten auch hier programmiert sein.
+ * Es soll auch möglich sein, den Elternpost, die Diskussion oder das Moodleoverflow als objekt zurückzugeben, damit alle Datenbankaufrufe hier passieren und nicht woanders.
* - Diese Funktionen sollten in der Locallib bleiben:
* - user_can_see_post, da es von außen nur auf einen existierenden post zugreift
@@ -82,14 +83,17 @@ class post {
* - add_discussion() bleibt in der locallib, da hier nur die construct methode (add_new_post()) aufgerufen wird.
+ *
+ *
* Wie funktionieren post.php und classes/post_form.php?
* post.php:
* Bei jeder art von Interaktion (erstellen, ändern, löschen) wird die post.php aufgerufen
* => Im 1. Schritt wird geprüft, welche Art von Interaktion vorliegt. -> vielliecht auch das in classes/post.php auslagern
- * => Im 2. Schritt wird ein neues post_form Objekt gebaut (Was macht das objekt genau? Wahrscheinlich kann man das auch auslagern)
+ * => Im 2. Schritt wird ein neues post_form Objekt gebaut und dem objekt neue funktionen übergeben
* classes/post_form.php:
+ * Bildet nur die form ab, wo man den titel, Inhalt und attachments seines posts eintragen kann
\ No newline at end of file
From 82fd83ec25cddc32e0e56f271772b1a37f617954 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2023 18:12:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/40] WIP: better class diagram
classes/post.drawio | 98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
1 file changed, 76 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/post.drawio b/classes/post.drawio
index 4494d71c20..bfb1994bd1 100644
--- a/classes/post.drawio
+++ b/classes/post.drawio
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
@@ -15,55 +15,109 @@
From be057c9438b7f9266b4bb0d3d604d1d4e263e4b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2023 14:33:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 05/40] WIP write post_control class
classes/post/post.control.php | 208 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
classes/{ => post}/post.drawio | 0
classes/{ => post}/post.php | 2 +-
lang/en/moodleoverflow.php | 3 +-
4 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 classes/post/post.control.php
rename classes/{ => post}/post.drawio (100%)
rename classes/{ => post}/post.php (99%)
diff --git a/classes/post/post.control.php b/classes/post/post.control.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03a9f4ff4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/post/post.control.php
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ * Class that is important to interact with posts.
+ *
+ * @package mod_moodleoverflow
+ * @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+namespace mod_moodleoverflow\post;
+// Import namespace from the locallib, needs a check later which namespaces are really needed.
+use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
+defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib.php');
+ * Class that makes checks to interact with posts.
+ *
+ * @package mod_moodleoverflow
+ * @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+class post_control {
+ /** @var string the Interaction type */
+ private $interaction;
+ /** @var object information about the post like it's moodleoverflow and other */
+ private $information;
+ /** @var object prepost for the classes/post/post_form.php */
+ private $prepost;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param object $urlparameter Parameter that were sent when post.php where opened
+ */
+ public function __construct($urlparameter) {
+ $this->information = new \stdClass;
+ $this->detect_interaction($urlparameter); // Detects interaction and makes security checks.
+ }
+ public function get_interaction() {
+ return $this->interaction;
+ }
+ public function get_information() {
+ return $this->information;
+ }
+ private function security_checks_create($moodleoverflowid) {
+ global $DB, $SESSION;
+ // Check the moodleoverflow instance is valid.
+ if (!$this->information->moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflowid))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Get the related course.
+ if (!$this->information->course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->information->moodleoverflow->course))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
+ }
+ // Get the related coursemodule.
+ if (!$this->information->cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflowid,
+ $this->information->course->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ }
+ // Retrieve the contexts.
+ $this->information->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->information->cm->id);
+ $this->information->coursecontext = context_module::instance($this->information->course->id);
+ // Check if the user can start a new discussion.
+ if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post_discussion($this->information->moodleoverflow,
+ $this->information->cm,
+ $this->information->modulecontext)) {
+ // Catch unenrolled user.
+ if (!isguestuser() && !is_enrolled($this->information->coursecontext)) {
+ if (enrol_selfenrol_available($this->information->course->id)) {
+ $SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
+ $SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
+ redirect(new moodle_url('/enrol/index.php', array(
+ 'id' => $course->id,
+ 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $this->information->moodleoverflow->id
+ )), get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
+ }
+ }
+ // Notify the user, that he can not post a new discussion.
+ throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Where is the user coming from?
+ $SESSION->fromurl = get_local_referer(false);
+ // Load all the $post variables.
+ $this->prepost = new stdClass();
+ $this->prepost->course = $this->information->course->id;
+ $this->prepost->moodleoverflow = $this->information->moodleoverflow->id;
+ $this->prepost->discussion = 0;
+ $this->prepost->parent = 0;
+ $this->prepost->subject = '';
+ $this->prepost->userid = $USER->id;
+ $this->prepost->message = '';
+ // Unset where the user is coming from.
+ // Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
+ unset($SESSION->fromdiscussion);
+ }
+ private function security_checks_edit($postid) {
+ global $DB;
+ }
+ private function security_checks_reply($replypostid) {
+ global $DB;
+ // Check if the related post exists.
+ if (!$this->information->parent = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($replypostid)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidparentpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Check if the post is part of a valid discussion.
+ if (!$this->information->discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions',
+ array('id' => $this->information->parent->discussion))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Check if the post is related to a valid moodleoverflow instance.
+ if (!$this->information->moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow',
+ array('id' => $this->information->discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Check if the moodleoverflow instance is part of a course.
+ if (!$this->information->course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->information->discussion->course))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
+ }
+ // Retrieve the related coursemodule.
+ if (!$this->information->cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow',
+ $this->information->moodleoverflow->id,
+ $this->information->course->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ }
+ }
+ private function security_checks_delete($deletepostid) {
+ global $DB;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Detects the interaction
+ * @param object parameter from the post.php
+ */
+ private function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
+ $count = 0;
+ $count += $urlparameter->create ? 1 : 0;
+ $count += $urlparameter->reply ? 1 : 0;
+ $count += $urlparameter->edit ? 1 : 0;
+ $count += $urlparameter->delete ? 1 : 0;
+ if ($count !== 1) {
+ throw new coding_exception('Exactly one parameter should be specified!');
+ }
+ if ($urlparameter->create) {
+ $this->interaction = 'create';
+ $this->information->moodleoverflowid = $urlparameter->create;
+ $this->security_checks_create($this->information->moodleoverflowid);
+ } else if ($urlparameter->edit) {
+ $this->interaction = 'edit';
+ $this->information->editpostid = $urlparameter->edit;
+ $this->security_checks_edit($this->information->editpostid);
+ } else if ($urlparameter->reply) {
+ $this->interaction = 'reply';
+ $this->information->replypostid = $urlparameter->edit;
+ $this->security_checks_reply($this->information->replypostid);
+ } else if ($urlparameter->delete) {
+ $this->interaction = 'delete';
+ $this->information->deletepostid = $urlparameter->edit;
+ $this->security_checks_delete($this->information->deletepostid);
+ } else {
+ throw new moodle_exception('unknownparameter', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/classes/post.drawio b/classes/post/post.drawio
similarity index 100%
rename from classes/post.drawio
rename to classes/post/post.drawio
diff --git a/classes/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
similarity index 99%
rename from classes/post.php
rename to classes/post/post.php
index 354eadfef3..a43a527bc4 100644
--- a/classes/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-namespace mod_moodleoverflow;
+namespace mod_moodleoverflow\post;
// Import namespace from the locallib, needs a check later which namespaces are really needed
use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
diff --git a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
index 23955a1580..a40da7ff5c 100644
--- a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
+++ b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
$string['maxmailingtime'] = 'Maximal mailing time';
$string['configmaxmailingtime'] = 'Posts older than this number of hours will not be mailed to the users. This will help to avoid problems where the cron has not been running for a long time.';
-// Strings for the post.php.
+// Strings for the post.php environment.
$string['invalidmoodleoverflowid'] = 'Forum ID was incorrect';
$string['invalidparentpostid'] = 'Parent post ID was incorrect';
$string['notpartofdiscussion'] = 'This post is not part of a discussion!';
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
$string['couldnotdeletereplies'] = 'Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it';
$string['errorwhiledelete'] = 'An error occurred while deleting record.';
$string['couldnotdeletereplies'] = 'Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it';
+$string['unknownparameter'] = 'unknown parameter specified';
// Strings for the classes/mod_form.php.
$string['subject'] = 'Subject';
From f9bac431ad05ed4a8c26a0c5d595b698d96921d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 18:06:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/40] First stage of post_control ready
classes/post/post.control.php | 310 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
classes/post/post.drawio | 59 ++++---
classes/post/post.php | 41 +++--
lang/en/moodleoverflow.php | 1 -
4 files changed, 316 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/post/post.control.php b/classes/post/post.control.php
index 03a9f4ff4e..ca76b921c9 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.control.php
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class post_control {
/** @var string the Interaction type */
private $interaction;
- /** @var object information about the post like it's moodleoverflow and other */
+ /** @var object information about the post like the related moodleoverflow, post etc. .*/
private $information;
/** @var object prepost for the classes/post/post_form.php */
@@ -55,23 +55,83 @@ class post_control {
* Constructor
- * @param object $urlparameter Parameter that were sent when post.php where opened
+ * @param object $urlparameter Parameter that were sent when post.php where opened.
public function __construct($urlparameter) {
$this->information = new \stdClass;
$this->detect_interaction($urlparameter); // Detects interaction and makes security checks.
+ /**
+ * Returns the interaction type.
+ */
public function get_interaction() {
return $this->interaction;
+ /**
+ * Returns the gathered important information in the build_prepost_() functions.
+ */
public function get_information() {
return $this->information;
- private function security_checks_create($moodleoverflowid) {
- global $DB, $SESSION;
+ /**
+ * Retuns the prepared post.
+ */
+ public function get_prepost() {
+ return $this->information;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Detects the interaction
+ * @param object $urlparamter parameter from the post.php .
+ */
+ private function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
+ $count = 0;
+ $count += $urlparameter->create ? 1 : 0;
+ $count += $urlparameter->reply ? 1 : 0;
+ $count += $urlparameter->edit ? 1 : 0;
+ $count += $urlparameter->delete ? 1 : 0;
+ if ($count !== 1) {
+ throw new coding_exception('Exactly one parameter should be specified!');
+ }
+ if ($urlparameter->create) {
+ $this->interaction = 'create';
+ $this->information->moodleoverflowid = $urlparameter->create;
+ $this->build_prepost_create($this->information->moodleoverflowid);
+ } else if ($urlparameter->edit) {
+ $this->interaction = 'edit';
+ $this->information->editpostid = $urlparameter->edit;
+ $this->build_prepost_edit($this->information->editpostid);
+ } else if ($urlparameter->reply) {
+ $this->interaction = 'reply';
+ $this->information->replypostid = $urlparameter->edit;
+ $this->build_prepost_reply($this->information->replypostid);
+ } else if ($urlparameter->delete) {
+ $this->interaction = 'delete';
+ $this->information->deletepostid = $urlparameter->edit;
+ $this->build_prepost_delete($this->information->deletepostid);
+ } else {
+ throw new moodle_exception('unknownaction');
+ }
+ }
+ // Private functions.
+ // Build_prepost functions: makes important checks and saves all important information in $prepost object.
+ /**
+ * Function to prepare a new discussion in moodleoverflow.
+ *
+ * @param int $moodleoverflowid The ID of the moodleoverflow where the new discussion post is being created.
+ */
+ private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
+ global $DB, $SESSION, $USER;
// Check the moodleoverflow instance is valid.
if (!$this->information->moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflowid))) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -99,25 +159,25 @@ private function security_checks_create($moodleoverflowid) {
if (enrol_selfenrol_available($this->information->course->id)) {
$SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
$SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
- redirect(new moodle_url('/enrol/index.php', array(
- 'id' => $course->id,
- 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $this->information->moodleoverflow->id
- )), get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
+ redirect(new moodle_url('/enrol/index.php',
+ array('id' => $this->information->course->id,
+ 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' .
+ $this->information->moodleoverflow->id)),
+ get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
// Notify the user, that he can not post a new discussion.
throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
// Where is the user coming from?
$SESSION->fromurl = get_local_referer(false);
- // Load all the $post variables.
+ // Prepare the post.
$this->prepost = new stdClass();
- $this->prepost->course = $this->information->course->id;
- $this->prepost->moodleoverflow = $this->information->moodleoverflow->id;
- $this->prepost->discussion = 0;
- $this->prepost->parent = 0;
+ $this->prepost->courseid = $this->information->course->id;
+ $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid = $this->information->moodleoverflow->id;
+ $this->prepost->discussionid = 0;
+ $this->prepost->parentid = 0;
$this->prepost->subject = '';
$this->prepost->userid = $USER->id;
$this->prepost->message = '';
@@ -127,13 +187,13 @@ private function security_checks_create($moodleoverflowid) {
- private function security_checks_edit($postid) {
- global $DB;
- }
- private function security_checks_reply($replypostid) {
- global $DB;
+ /**
+ * Function to prepare a new post that replies to an existing post.
+ *
+ * @param int $replypostid The ID of the post that is being answered.
+ */
+ private function build_prepost_reply($replypostid) {
+ global $DB, $PAGE, $SESSION, $USER;
// Check if the related post exists.
if (!$this->information->parent = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($replypostid)) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidparentpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -162,47 +222,195 @@ private function security_checks_reply($replypostid) {
$this->information->course->id)) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ // Ensure the coursemodule is set correctly.
+ $PAGE->set_cm($this->information->cm, $this->information->course, $this->information->moodleoverflow);
+ // Retrieve the contexts.
+ $this->information->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->information->cm->id);
+ $this->information->coursecontext = context_module::instance($this->information->course->id);
+ // Check whether the user is allowed to post.
+ if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post($this->information->modulecontext, $this->information->parent)) {
+ // Give the user the chance to enroll himself to the course.
+ if (!isguestuser() && !is_enrolled($this->information->coursecontext)) {
+ $SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
+ $SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
+ redirect(new moodle_url('/enrol/index.php',
+ array('id' => $this->information->course->id,
+ 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' .
+ $this->information->moodleoverflow->id)),
+ get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
+ }
+ // Print the error message.
+ throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Make sure the user can post here.
+ if (!$this->information->cm->visible &&
+ !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $this->information->modulecontext)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('activityiscurrentlyhidden');
+ }
+ // Prepare a post.
+ $this->prepost = new stdClass();
+ $this->prepost->courseid = $this->information->course->id;
+ $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid = $this->information->moodleoverflow->id;
+ $this->prepost->discussionid = $this->information->discussion->id;
+ $this->prepost->parentid = $this->information->parent->id;
+ $this->prepost->subject = $this->information->discussion->name;
+ $this->prepost->userid = $USER->id;
+ $this->prepost->message = '';
+ // Append 'RE: ' to the discussions subject.
+ $strre = get_string('re', 'moodleoverflow');
+ if (!(substr($this->prepost->subject, 0, strlen($strre)) == $strre)) {
+ $this->prepost->subject = $strre . ' ' . $this->prepost->subject;
+ }
+ // Unset where the user is coming from.
+ // Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
+ unset($SESSION->fromdiscussion);
- private function security_checks_delete($deletepostid) {
- global $DB;
+ /**
+ * Function to prepare the edit of an existing post.
+ *
+ * @param int $editpostid The ID of the post that is being edited.
+ */
+ private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
+ global $DB, $PAGE, $SESSION, $USER;
+ // Third possibility: The user is editing his own post.
+ // Check if the submitted post exists.
+ if (!$this->information->relatedpost = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($editpostid)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Get the parent post of this post if it is not the starting post of the discussion.
+ if ($this->information->relatedpost->parent) {
+ if (!$this->information->parent = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($this->information->relatedpost->parent)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidparentpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if the post refers to a valid discussion.
+ if (!$this->information->discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions',
+ array('id' => $this->information->relatedpost->discussion))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Check if the post refers to a valid moodleoverflow instance.
+ if (!$this->information->moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow',
+ array('id' => $this->information->discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Check if the post refers to a valid course.
+ if (!$this->information->course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->information->discussion->course))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
+ }
+ // Retrieve the related coursemodule.
+ if (!$this->information->cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow',
+ $this->information->moodleoverflow->id,
+ $this->information->course->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ }
+ // Retrieve contexts.
+ $this->information->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->information->cm->id);
+ // Set the pages context.
+ $PAGE->set_cm($this->information->cm, $this->information->course, $this->information->moodleoverflow);
+ // Check if the post can be edited.
+ $beyondtime = ((time() - $this->information->relatedpost->created) > get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'));
+ $alreadyreviewed = review::should_post_be_reviewed($this->information->relatedpost, $this->information->moodleoverflow)
+ && $this->information->relatedpost->reviewed;
+ if (($beyondtime || $alreadyreviewed) && !has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost',
+ $this->information->modulecontext)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('maxtimehaspassed', 'moodleoverflow', '',
+ format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')));
+ }
+ // If the current user is not the one who posted this post.
+ if ($this->information->relatedpost->userid <> $USER->id) {
+ // Check if the current user has not the capability to edit any post.
+ if (!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $this->information->modulecontext)) {
+ // Display the error. Capabilities are missing.
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannoteditposts', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ }
+ // Load the $post variable.
+ $this->prepost = $this->information->relatedpost;
+ $this->prepost->editid = $editpostid;
+ $this->prepost->course = $this->information->course->id;
+ $this->prepost->moodleoverflow = $this->information->moodleoverflow->id;
+ // Unset where the user is coming from.
+ // Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
+ unset($SESSION->fromdiscussion);
- * Detects the interaction
- * @param object parameter from the post.php
+ * Function to prepare the deletion of a post.
+ *
+ * @param int $deletepostid The ID of the post that is being deleted.
- private function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
- $count = 0;
- $count += $urlparameter->create ? 1 : 0;
- $count += $urlparameter->reply ? 1 : 0;
- $count += $urlparameter->edit ? 1 : 0;
- $count += $urlparameter->delete ? 1 : 0;
- if ($count !== 1) {
- throw new coding_exception('Exactly one parameter should be specified!');
+ private function build_prepost_delete($deletepostid) {
+ global $DB, $USER;
+ // Check if the post is existing.
+ if (!$this->information->relatedpost = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($deletepostid)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- if ($urlparameter->create) {
- $this->interaction = 'create';
- $this->information->moodleoverflowid = $urlparameter->create;
- $this->security_checks_create($this->information->moodleoverflowid);
+ // Get the related discussion.
+ if (!$this->information->discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions',
+ array('id' => $this->information->relatedpost->discussion))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
- } else if ($urlparameter->edit) {
- $this->interaction = 'edit';
- $this->information->editpostid = $urlparameter->edit;
- $this->security_checks_edit($this->information->editpostid);
+ // Get the related moodleoverflow instance.
+ if (!$this->information->moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow',
+ array('id' => $this->information->discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoveflow');
+ }
- } else if ($urlparameter->reply) {
- $this->interaction = 'reply';
- $this->information->replypostid = $urlparameter->edit;
- $this->security_checks_reply($this->information->replypostid);
+ // Get the related coursemodule.
+ if (!$this->information->cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow',
+ $this->information->moodleoverflow->id,
+ $this->information->moodleoverflow->course)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ }
- } else if ($urlparameter->delete) {
- $this->interaction = 'delete';
- $this->information->deletepostid = $urlparameter->edit;
- $this->security_checks_delete($this->information->deletepostid);
- } else {
- throw new moodle_exception('unknownparameter', 'moodleoverflow');
+ // Get the related course.
+ if (!$this->information->course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->information->moodleoverflow->course))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
+ }
+ // Require a login and retrieve the modulecontext.
+ require_login($this->information->course, false, $this->information->cm);
+ $this->information->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->information->cm->id);
+ // Check some capabilities.
+ $this->information->deleteownpost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteownpost', $this->information->modulecontext);
+ $this->information->deleteanypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteanypost', $this->information->modulecontext);
+ if (!(($this->information->relatedpost->userid == $USER->id && $this->information->deleteownpost)
+ || $this->information->deleteanypost)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ // Count all replies of this post.
+ $this->information->replycount = moodleoverflow_count_replies($this->information->relatedpost, false);
diff --git a/classes/post/post.drawio b/classes/post/post.drawio
index bfb1994bd1..35da2c1a64 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.drawio
+++ b/classes/post/post.drawio
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
@@ -43,19 +43,19 @@
@@ -64,24 +64,24 @@
@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@
@@ -104,20 +104,35 @@
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index a43a527bc4..e46156d2b4 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -42,39 +42,39 @@
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class post {
- /**
- * Wie funktioniert das erstellen, ändern und löschen eines posts?
- * Was mach die post.php und die classes/post_form.php, wozu sind post.mustache und post_dummy.mustache da?
+ /*
+ * Wie funktioniert das erstellen, ändern und löschen eines posts?
+ * Was mach die post.php und die classes/post_form.php, wozu sind post.mustache und post_dummy.mustache da?
* Welche funktionen zu den posts hat die locallib.php?
- *
+ *
* => Was sollte in diese Klasse (classes/post.php) integriert werden, was sollte sie können? Was lässt man in der post.php/locallib.php, braucht man später die postform noch?
- *
+ *
* Funktionen aus der Locallib, die mit posts zu tun haben:
* - function moodleoverflow_get_post_full($postid) -> holt infos um einen post zu printen
* - function moodleoverflow_user_can_see_post($moodleoverflow, $discussion, $post, $cm)
* - function moodleoverflow_get_all_discussion_posts($discussionid, $tracking, $modcontext) -> holt sich die posts einer discussion
* - function moodleoverflow_print_post(...)
* - function moodleoverflow_print_posts_nested
- * - function get_attachments($post, $cm) ->
+ * - function get_attachments($post, $cm)
* - function moodleoverflow_add_attachment($post, $forum, $cm) {
* - function moodleoverflow_add_new_post($post) {
* - function moodleoverflow_update_post($newpost) {
- * - function moodleoverflow_count_replies($post, $onlyreviewed) -> zählt antworten auf eine frage
+ * - function moodleoverflow_count_replies($post, $onlyreviewed) -> zählt antworten auf eine frage
* - function moodleoverflow_delete_post($post, $deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow) {
* - function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($discussion, $modulecontext, $userid = null) {
- *
- *
- * Vorüberlegung zu classes/post.php:
+ *
+ *
+ * Vorüberlegung zu classes/post.php:
* - Jeder Post im moodleoverflow ist ein Objekt identifizierbar über seine ID
* - Bei der erstellung einer neuen Diskussion (automatisch mit einem post) oder beim antworten/kommentieren soll ein neues objekt DIESER Klasse erstellt werden
* => realisierung der funktionen add_new_post, update_post, delete_post
- *
- * - Die funkionen:
- * - get_post_full, print_post,
+ *
+ * - Die funktionen:
+ * - get_post_full, print_post,
* - add_attachment und get_attachments
* sollten auch hier programmiert sein.
* Es soll auch möglich sein, den Elternpost, die Diskussion oder das Moodleoverflow als objekt zurückzugeben, damit alle Datenbankaufrufe hier passieren und nicht woanders.
- *
+ *
* - Diese Funktionen sollten in der Locallib bleiben:
* - user_can_see_post, da es von außen nur auf einen existierenden post zugreift
* - get_all_discussion_posts, da ein post nicht weitere posts in seiner umgebung kennt (außer seinen Elternpost)
@@ -83,17 +83,16 @@ class post {
* - add_discussion() bleibt in der locallib, da hier nur die construct methode (add_new_post()) aufgerufen wird.
- *
- *
- * Wie funktionieren post.php und classes/post_form.php?
- *
+ *
+ * Wie funktionieren post.php und classes/post_form.php?
+ *
* post.php:
* Bei jeder art von Interaktion (erstellen, ändern, löschen) wird die post.php aufgerufen
* => Im 1. Schritt wird geprüft, welche Art von Interaktion vorliegt. -> vielliecht auch das in classes/post.php auslagern
* => Im 2. Schritt wird ein neues post_form Objekt gebaut und dem objekt neue funktionen übergeben
- *
- *
+ *
+ *
* classes/post_form.php:
* Bildet nur die form ab, wo man den titel, Inhalt und attachments seines posts eintragen kann
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
index a40da7ff5c..2d178eeeb4 100644
--- a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
+++ b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
@@ -147,7 +147,6 @@
$string['couldnotdeletereplies'] = 'Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it';
$string['errorwhiledelete'] = 'An error occurred while deleting record.';
$string['couldnotdeletereplies'] = 'Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it';
-$string['unknownparameter'] = 'unknown parameter specified';
// Strings for the classes/mod_form.php.
$string['subject'] = 'Subject';
From c100a2059693def2b0540b60bdeed519e025d7dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2023 14:02:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/40] WIP: writing new post class for interacting with posts
classes/post/post.control.php | 2 +-
classes/post/post.drawio | 16 +-
classes/post/post.php | 326 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
3 files changed, 292 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/post/post.control.php b/classes/post/post.control.php
index ca76b921c9..43d476127b 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.control.php
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public function get_information() {
* Retuns the prepared post.
public function get_prepost() {
- return $this->information;
+ return $this->prepost;
diff --git a/classes/post/post.drawio b/classes/post/post.drawio
index 35da2c1a64..b6a01a8296 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.drawio
+++ b/classes/post/post.drawio
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
@@ -119,10 +119,10 @@
@@ -131,9 +131,15 @@
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index e46156d2b4..d79e1a7dd4 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -26,9 +26,10 @@
namespace mod_moodleoverflow\post;
// Import namespace from the locallib, needs a check later which namespaces are really needed
-use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
-use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
-use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
+// use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
+// use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
+// use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\readtracking;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
@@ -42,57 +43,290 @@
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class post {
- /*
- * Wie funktioniert das erstellen, ändern und löschen eines posts?
- * Was mach die post.php und die classes/post_form.php, wozu sind post.mustache und post_dummy.mustache da?
- * Welche funktionen zu den posts hat die locallib.php?
- *
- * => Was sollte in diese Klasse (classes/post.php) integriert werden, was sollte sie können? Was lässt man in der post.php/locallib.php, braucht man später die postform noch?
- *
- * Funktionen aus der Locallib, die mit posts zu tun haben:
- * - function moodleoverflow_get_post_full($postid) -> holt infos um einen post zu printen
- * - function moodleoverflow_user_can_see_post($moodleoverflow, $discussion, $post, $cm)
- * - function moodleoverflow_get_all_discussion_posts($discussionid, $tracking, $modcontext) -> holt sich die posts einer discussion
- * - function moodleoverflow_print_post(...)
- * - function moodleoverflow_print_posts_nested
- * - function get_attachments($post, $cm)
- * - function moodleoverflow_add_attachment($post, $forum, $cm) {
- * - function moodleoverflow_add_new_post($post) {
- * - function moodleoverflow_update_post($newpost) {
- * - function moodleoverflow_count_replies($post, $onlyreviewed) -> zählt antworten auf eine frage
- * - function moodleoverflow_delete_post($post, $deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow) {
- * - function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($discussion, $modulecontext, $userid = null) {
- *
+ /** @var int The post ID */
+ private $id;
+ /** @var int The corresponding discussion ID */
+ private $discussion;
+ /** @var int The parent post ID */
+ private $parent;
+ /** @var int The ID of the User who wrote the post */
+ private $userid;
+ /** @var int Creation timestamp */
+ private $created;
+ /** @var int Modification timestamp */
+ private $modified;
+ /** @var string The message (content) of the post */
+ private $message;
+ /** @var int The message format*/
+ private $messageformat;
+ /** @var char Attachment of the post */
+ private $attachment;
+ /** @var int Mailed status*/
+ private $mailed;
+ /** @var int Review status */
+ private $reviewed;
+ /** @var int The time where the post was reviewed*/
+ private $timereviewed;
+ /**
+ * Constructor to make a new post
+ */
+ public function __construct($id, $discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message, $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed) {
+ $this->id = $id;
+ $this->discussion = $discussion;
+ $this->parent = $parent;
+ $this->userid = $userid;
+ $this->created = $created;
+ $this->modified = $modified;
+ $this->message = $message;
+ $this->messageformat = $messageformat;
+ $this->attachment = $attachment;
+ $this->mailed = $mailed;
+ $this->reviewed = $reviewed;
+ $this->timereviewed = $timereviewed;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a Post from a DB record.
+ *
+ * @param object $record Data object.
+ * @return object post
+ */
+ public static function from_record($record) {
+ $id = null;
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'id') && $record->id) {
+ $id = $record->id;
+ }
+ $discussion = null;
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'discussion') && $record->discussion) {
+ $discussion = $record->discussion;
+ }
+ $parent = null;
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'parent') && $record->parent) {
+ $parent = $record->parent;
+ }
+ $userid = null;
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'userid') && $record->userid) {
+ $userid = $record->userid;
+ }
+ $created = null;
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'created') && $record->created) {
+ $created = $record->created;
+ }
+ $modified = null;
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'modified') && $record->modified) {
+ $modified = $record->modified;
+ }
+ $message = null;
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'message') && $record->message) {
+ $message = $record->message;
+ }
+ $messageformat = null;
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'messageformat') && $record->messageformat) {
+ $message = $record->messageformat;
+ }
+ $attachment = null;
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'attachment') && $record->attachment) {
+ $attachment = $record->attachment;
+ }
+ $mailed = null;
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'mailed') && $record->mailed) {
+ $mailed = $record->mailed;
+ }
+ $reviewed = null;
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'reviewed') && $record->reviewed) {
+ $reviewed = $record->reviewed;
+ }
+ $timereviewed = null;
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'timereviewed') && $record->timereviewed) {
+ $timereviewed = $record->timereviewed;
+ }
+ $instance = new self($id, $discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message, $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed);
+ return $instance;
+ }
+ // Post Functions:
+ /**
+ * Adds a new post in an existing discussion.
+ * @return bool|int The Id of the post if operation was successful
+ * @throws coding_exception
+ * @throws dml_exception
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_add_new_post() {
+ global $USER, $DB;
+ $discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $this->discussion));
+ $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow));
+ $cm = $DB->get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id);
+ // Add post to the database.
+ $DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_posts', $this);
+ // Soll hier die Message extra mit $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_post...) nochmal gesetzt/eingefügt werden?.
+ $this->moodleoverflow_add_attachment($this, $moodleoverflow, $cm);
+ if ($this->reviewed) {
+ // Update the discussion.
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'timemodified', $this->modified, array('id' => $this->discussion));
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'usermodified', $this->userid, array('id' => $this->discussion));
+ }
+ // Mark the created post as read if the user is tracking the discussion.
+ $cantrack = readtracking::moodleoverflow_can_track_moodleoverflows($moodleoverflow);
+ $istracked = readtracking::moodleoverflow_is_tracked($moodleoverflow);
+ if ($cantrack && $istracked) {
+ readtracking::moodleoverflow_mark_post_read($this->userid, $this);
+ }
+ // Return the id of the created post.
+ return $this->id;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deletes a single moodleoverflow post.
- * Vorüberlegung zu classes/post.php:
- * - Jeder Post im moodleoverflow ist ein Objekt identifizierbar über seine ID
- * - Bei der erstellung einer neuen Diskussion (automatisch mit einem post) oder beim antworten/kommentieren soll ein neues objekt DIESER Klasse erstellt werden
- * => realisierung der funktionen add_new_post, update_post, delete_post
+ * @param object $post The post
+ * @param bool $deletechildren The child posts
+ * @param object $cm The course module
+ * @param object $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow
- * - Die funktionen:
- * - get_post_full, print_post,
- * - add_attachment und get_attachments
- * sollten auch hier programmiert sein.
- * Es soll auch möglich sein, den Elternpost, die Diskussion oder das Moodleoverflow als objekt zurückzugeben, damit alle Datenbankaufrufe hier passieren und nicht woanders.
+ * @return bool Whether the deletion was successful
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($post, $deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets a post with all info ready for moodleoverflow_print_post.
+ * Most of these joins are just to get the forum id.
- * - Diese Funktionen sollten in der Locallib bleiben:
- * - user_can_see_post, da es von außen nur auf einen existierenden post zugreift
- * - get_all_discussion_posts, da ein post nicht weitere posts in seiner umgebung kennt (außer seinen Elternpost)
- * - print_post_nested, auch hier der gleiche grund, außerdem ruft print_post_nested auch nur print_posts_nested und geht zum nächsten Post
- * - count_replies, da hier eine sammlung von posts abgeprüft wird.
- * - add_discussion() bleibt in der locallib, da hier nur die construct methode (add_new_post()) aufgerufen wird.
+ * @param int $postid
+ * @return mixed array of posts or false
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_post_full($postid) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * If successful, this function returns the name of the file
+ * @param object $post is a full post record, including course and forum
+ * @param object $forum
+ * @param object $cm
- * Wie funktionieren post.php und classes/post_form.php?
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_add_attachment($post, $forum, $cm) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns attachments with information for the template
- * post.php:
- * Bei jeder art von Interaktion (erstellen, ändern, löschen) wird die post.php aufgerufen
- * => Im 1. Schritt wird geprüft, welche Art von Interaktion vorliegt. -> vielliecht auch das in classes/post.php auslagern
- * => Im 2. Schritt wird ein neues post_form Objekt gebaut und dem objekt neue funktionen übergeben
+ * @param object $post
+ * @param object $cm
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments($post, $cm) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prints a moodleoverflow post.
+ * @param object $post
+ * @param object $discussion
+ * @param object $moodleoverflow
+ * @param object $cm
+ * @param object $course
+ * @param object $ownpost
+ * @param bool $link
+ * @param string $footer
+ * @param string $highlight
+ * @param bool $postisread
+ * @param bool $dummyifcantsee
+ * @param bool $istracked
+ * @param bool $iscomment
+ * @param array $usermapping
+ * @param int $level
+ * @param bool $multiplemarks setting of multiplemarks
+ * @return void|null
+ * @throws coding_exception
+ * @throws dml_exception
+ * @throws moodle_exception
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_print_post($post, $discussion, $moodleoverflow, $cm, $course,
+ $ownpost = false, $link = false,
+ $footer = '', $highlight = '', $postisread = null,
+ $dummyifcantsee = true, $istracked = false,
+ $iscomment = false, $usermapping = [], $level = 0, $multiplemarks = false) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prints all posts of the discussion in a nested form.
- * classes/post_form.php:
- * Bildet nur die form ab, wo man den titel, Inhalt und attachments seines posts eintragen kann
+ * @param object $course The course object
+ * @param object $cm
+ * @param object $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow object
+ * @param object $discussion The discussion object
+ * @param object $parent The object of the parent post
+ * @param bool $istracked Whether the user tracks the discussion
+ * @param array $posts Array of posts within the discussion
+ * @param bool $iscomment Whether the current post is a comment
+ * @param array $usermapping
+ * @param bool $multiplemarks
+ * @return string
+ * @throws coding_exception
+ * @throws dml_exception
+ * @throws moodle_exception
+ public function moodleoverflow_print_posts_nested($course, &$cm, $moodleoverflow, $discussion, $parent,
+ $istracked, $posts, $iscomment = null, $usermapping = [], $multiplemarks = false) {
+ }
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_parentpost($postid) {
+ }
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_moodleoverflow() {
+ }
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion() {
+ }
From c4c3128a1d318d001f0140bbfafbc0face59058c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2023 10:38:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 08/40] run grunt
amd/build/ | 2 +-
amd/src/activityhelp.js | 2 +-
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/amd/build/ b/amd/build/
index 7bae1c7cab..d7235c4241 100644
--- a/amd/build/
+++ b/amd/build/
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"version":3,"file":"activityhelp.min.js","sources":["../src/activityhelp.js"],"sourcesContent":["// This file is part of Moodle -\n//\n// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n// (at your option) any later version.\n//\n// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n// GNU General Public License for more details.\n//\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n// along with Moodle. If not, see .\n\n/**\n * Show a help string for the amount of activity column in userstats_table.php\n *\n * @module mod_moodleoverflow/activityhelp\n * @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter\n * @license GNU GPL v3 or later\n */\n\n\n\nconst Selectors = {\n actions: {\n showHelpIcon: '[data-action=\"showhelpicon\"]',\n },\n};\n\n/**\n * Function that shows the help string.\n */\nexport const init = () => {\n document.addEventListener('click', event => {\n if ( {\n event.preventDefault();\n }\n });\n};"],"names":["Selectors","showHelpIcon","document","addEventListener","event","target","closest","preventDefault"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;IAyBMA,kBACO,CACLC,aAAc,8CAOF,WAChBC,SAASC,iBAAiB,SAAS,SAAAC,OAC3BA,MAAMC,OAAOC,QAAQN,kBAAkBC,eACvCG,MAAMG"}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"version":3,"file":"activityhelp.min.js","sources":["../src/activityhelp.js"],"sourcesContent":["// This file is part of Moodle -\n//\n// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n// (at your option) any later version.\n//\n// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n// GNU General Public License for more details.\n//\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n// along with Moodle. If not, see .\n\n/**\n * Show a help string for the amount of activity column in userstats_table.php\n *\n * @module mod_moodleoverflow/activityhelp\n * @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter\n * @license GNU GPL v3 or later\n */\n\n\n\nconst Selectors = {\n actions: {\n showHelpIcon: '[data-action=\"showhelpicon\"]',\n },\n};\n\n/**\n * Function that shows the help icon string.\n */\nexport const init = () => {\n document.addEventListener('click', event => {\n if ( {\n event.preventDefault();\n }\n });\n};"],"names":["Selectors","showHelpIcon","document","addEventListener","event","target","closest","preventDefault"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;IAyBMA,kBACO,CACLC,aAAc,8CAOF,WAChBC,SAASC,iBAAiB,SAAS,SAAAC,OAC3BA,MAAMC,OAAOC,QAAQN,kBAAkBC,eACvCG,MAAMG"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/amd/src/activityhelp.js b/amd/src/activityhelp.js
index 601b6ad243..dc4127b6f2 100644
--- a/amd/src/activityhelp.js
+++ b/amd/src/activityhelp.js
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ const Selectors = {
- * Function that shows the help string.
+ * Function that shows the help icon string.
export const init = () => {
document.addEventListener('click', event => {
From c8ace61e011c6e561a2ea0651d176fb61169d3b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2023 14:10:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/40] WIP: building post class
classes/post/post.drawio | 9 ++-
classes/post/post.php | 150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
lang/en/moodleoverflow.php | 1 +
3 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/post/post.drawio b/classes/post/post.drawio
index b6a01a8296..357dead8c0 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.drawio
+++ b/classes/post/post.drawio
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -134,12 +134,15 @@
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index d79e1a7dd4..fd349b8e18 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
namespace mod_moodleoverflow\post;
-// Import namespace from the locallib, needs a check later which namespaces are really needed
+// Import namespace from the locallib, needs a check later which namespaces are really needed.
// use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
// use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
// use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib.php');
+require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/locallib.php');
* Class that represents a post.
@@ -80,12 +81,23 @@ class post {
/** @var int The time where the post was reviewed*/
private $timereviewed;
- /**
+ /**
* Constructor to make a new post
+ *
+ * @param int $discussion The discussion ID.
+ * @param int $parent The parent post ID.
+ * @param int $userid The user ID that created the post.
+ * @param int $created Creation timestamp
+ * @param int $modified Modification timestamp
+ * @param string $message The message (content) of the post
+ * @param int $messageformat The message format
+ * @param char $attachment Attachment of the post
+ * @param int $mailed Mailed status
+ * @param int $reviewed Review status
+ * @param int $timereviewed The time where the post was reviewed
- public function __construct($id, $discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message, $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed) {
- $this->id = $id;
+ public function __construct($discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message,
+ $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed) {
$this->discussion = $discussion;
$this->parent = $parent;
$this->userid = $userid;
@@ -102,7 +114,7 @@ public function __construct($id, $discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modif
* Creates a Post from a DB record.
- *
+ *
* @param object $record Data object.
* @return object post
@@ -167,12 +179,13 @@ public static function from_record($record) {
$timereviewed = $record->timereviewed;
- $instance = new self($id, $discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message, $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed);
+ $instance = new self($id, $discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message,
+ $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed);
return $instance;
- // Post Functions:
+ // Post Functions.
* Adds a new post in an existing discussion.
@@ -187,11 +200,9 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_new_post() {
$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow));
$cm = $DB->get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id);
// Add post to the database.
- $DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_posts', $this);
- // Soll hier die Message extra mit $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_post...) nochmal gesetzt/eingefügt werden?.
- $this->moodleoverflow_add_attachment($this, $moodleoverflow, $cm);
+ $this->id = $DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_posts', $this);
+ $this->moodleoverflow_add_attachment($this, $moodleoverflow, $cm); // RETHINK.
if ($this->reviewed) {
// Update the discussion.
@@ -199,7 +210,6 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_new_post() {
$DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'usermodified', $this->userid, array('id' => $this->discussion));
// Mark the created post as read if the user is tracking the discussion.
$cantrack = readtracking::moodleoverflow_can_track_moodleoverflows($moodleoverflow);
$istracked = readtracking::moodleoverflow_is_tracked($moodleoverflow);
@@ -214,15 +224,87 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_new_post() {
* Deletes a single moodleoverflow post.
- * @param object $post The post
* @param bool $deletechildren The child posts
* @param object $cm The course module
* @param object $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow
* @return bool Whether the deletion was successful
- public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($post, $deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow) {
+ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow) {
+ global $DB, $USER;
+ if (empty($this->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Iterate through all children and delete them.
+ // In case something does not work we throw the error as it should be known that something went ... terribly wrong.
+ // All DB transactions are rolled back.
+ try {
+ $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
+ $childposts = $this->moodleoverflow_get_childposts();
+ if ($deletechildren && $childposts) {
+ foreach ($childposts as $childpost) {
+ $child = $this->from_record($childpost);
+ $child->moodleoverflow_delete_post();
+ }
+ }
+ // Delete the ratings.
+ $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', array('postid' => $this->id));
+ // Delete the post.
+ if ($DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->id))) {
+ // Delete the read records.
+ readtracking::moodleoverflow_delete_read_records(-1, $this->id);
+ // Delete the attachments.
+ $fs = get_file_storage();
+ $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
+ $attachments = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment',
+ $this->id, "filename", true);
+ foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
+ // Get file.
+ $file = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment', $this->id,
+ $attachment->get_filepath(), $attachment->get_filename());
+ // Delete it if it exists.
+ if ($file) {
+ $file->delete();
+ }
+ }
+ // Just in case, check for the new last post of the discussion.
+ moodleoverflow_discussion_update_last_post($this->discussion);
+ // Get the context module.
+ $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
+ // Trigger the post deletion event.
+ $params = array(
+ 'context' => $modulecontext,
+ 'objectid' => $this->id,
+ 'other' => array(
+ 'discussionid' => $this->discussion,
+ 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id
+ )
+ );
+ if ($this->userid !== $USER->id) {
+ $params['relateduserid'] = $this->userid;
+ }
+ $event = post_deleted::create($params);
+ $event->trigger();
+ // The post has been deleted.
+ $transaction->allow_commit();
+ return true;
+ }
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ $transaction->rollback($e);
+ }
+ // Deleting the post failed.
+ return false;
@@ -242,13 +324,20 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_post_full($postid) {
* If successful, this function returns the name of the file
* @param object $post is a full post record, including course and forum
- * @param object $forum
- * @param object $cm
+ * @param object $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow object
+ * @param object $cm The course module
* @return bool
- public function moodleoverflow_add_attachment($post, $forum, $cm) {
+ public function moodleoverflow_add_attachment($moodleoverflow, $cm) {
+ global $DB;
+ if (empty($this->attachment)) {
+ return true; // Nothing to do.
+ }
+ $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
+ $info = file_get_draft_area_info($this->attachment);
@@ -312,11 +401,11 @@ public function moodleoverflow_print_post($post, $discussion, $moodleoverflow, $
* @throws dml_exception
* @throws moodle_exception
- public function moodleoverflow_print_posts_nested($course, &$cm, $moodleoverflow, $discussion, $parent,
- $istracked, $posts, $iscomment = null, $usermapping = [], $multiplemarks = false) {
+ public function moodleoverflow_print_posts_nested($course, &$cm, $moodleoverflow, $discussion, $parent, $istracked,
+ $posts, $iscomment = null, $usermapping = [], $multiplemarks = false) {
public function moodleoverflow_get_parentpost($postid) {
@@ -326,7 +415,24 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_moodleoverflow() {
public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns children posts (answers) as DB-records.
+ *
+ * @return object children/answer posts.
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_childposts() {
+ if (empty($this->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ if ($childposts = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('parent' => $this->id))) {
+ return $childposts;
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
index 4965ba1e9d..966df37946 100644
--- a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
+++ b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
$string['couldnotdeletereplies'] = 'Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it';
$string['errorwhiledelete'] = 'An error occurred while deleting record.';
$string['couldnotdeletereplies'] = 'Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it';
+$string['noexistingpost'] = 'Post does not exists, needs to be created first';
// Strings for the classes/mod_form.php.
$string['subject'] = 'Subject';
From c120ca4a5574a65be3bb7fae76b14ae0b00fd592 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2023 16:32:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/40] WIP: building the new post class
classes/post/post.php | 178 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
classes/post_form.php | 7 --
lang/en/moodleoverflow.php | 1 +
tests/review_test.php | 15 ++--
4 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index fd349b8e18..5ec6764c97 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -81,23 +81,36 @@ class post {
/** @var int The time where the post was reviewed*/
private $timereviewed;
+ /** @var int This variable is optional, it contains important information for the add_attachment function */
+ private $formattachments;
+ /** @var object The discussion where the post is located */
+ private $discussionobject;
+ /** @var object The Moodleoverflow where the post is located*/
+ private $moodleoverflowobject;
+ /** @var object The parent post of an answerpost */
+ private $parentpost;
* Constructor to make a new post
- * @param int $discussion The discussion ID.
- * @param int $parent The parent post ID.
- * @param int $userid The user ID that created the post.
- * @param int $created Creation timestamp
- * @param int $modified Modification timestamp
- * @param string $message The message (content) of the post
- * @param int $messageformat The message format
- * @param char $attachment Attachment of the post
- * @param int $mailed Mailed status
- * @param int $reviewed Review status
- * @param int $timereviewed The time where the post was reviewed
+ * @param int $discussion The discussion ID.
+ * @param int $parent The parent post ID.
+ * @param int $userid The user ID that created the post.
+ * @param int $created Creation timestamp
+ * @param int $modified Modification timestamp
+ * @param string $message The message (content) of the post
+ * @param int $messageformat The message format
+ * @param char $attachment Attachment of the post
+ * @param int $mailed Mailed status
+ * @param int $reviewed Review status
+ * @param int $timereviewed The time where the post was reviewed
+ * @param object $formattachments Information about attachments of the post_form
public function __construct($discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message,
- $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed) {
+ $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed, $formattachments = false) {
$this->discussion = $discussion;
$this->parent = $parent;
$this->userid = $userid;
@@ -109,6 +122,7 @@ public function __construct($discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified,
$this->mailed = $mailed;
$this->reviewed = $reviewed;
$this->timereviewed = $timereviewed;
+ $this->formattachments = $formattachments;
@@ -311,19 +325,36 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow
* Gets a post with all info ready for moodleoverflow_print_post.
* Most of these joins are just to get the forum id.
- * @param int $postid
* @return mixed array of posts or false
- public function moodleoverflow_get_post_full($postid) {
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_post_full() {
+ global $DB, $CFG;
+ if (empty($this->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ if ($CFG->branch >= 311) {
+ $allnames = \core_user\fields::for_name()->get_sql('u', false, '', '', false)->selects;
+ } else {
+ $allnames = implode(', ', fields::get_name_fields());
+ }
+ $sql = "SELECT p.*, d.moodleoverflow, $allnames,, u.picture, u.imagealt
+ FROM {moodleoverflow_posts} p
+ JOIN {moodleoverflow_discussions} d ON p.discussion =
+ LEFT JOIN {user} u ON p.userid =
+ WHERE = " . $this->id . " ;";
+ $post = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
+ if ($post->userid === 0) {
+ $post->message = get_string('privacy:anonym_post_message', 'mod_moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ return $post;
* If successful, this function returns the name of the file
- * @param object $post is a full post record, including course and forum
* @param object $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow object
* @param object $cm The course module
@@ -332,24 +363,74 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_post_full($postid) {
public function moodleoverflow_add_attachment($moodleoverflow, $cm) {
global $DB;
- if (empty($this->attachment)) {
+ if (empty($this->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ if (!$this->formattachments) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('missingformattachments', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ if (empty($this->formattachments)) {
return true; // Nothing to do.
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
- $info = file_get_draft_area_info($this->attachment);
+ $info = file_get_draft_area_info($this->formattachments);
+ $present = ($info['filecount'] > 0) ? '1' : '';
+ file_save_draft_area_file($this->formattachments, $context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment', $this->id,
+ mod_moodleoverflow_post_form::attachment_options($moodleoverflow));
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_post', 'attachment', $present, array('id' => $this->id));
* Returns attachments with information for the template
- * @param object $post
* @param object $cm
* @return array
- public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments($post, $cm) {
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments($cm) {
+ global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
+ if (empty($this->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ if (empty($this->attachment) || (!$context = context_module::instance($cm->id))) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ $attachments = array();
+ $fs = get_file_storage();
+ // We retrieve all files according to the time that they were created. In the case that several files were uploaded
+ // at the sametime (e.g. in the case of drag/drop upload) we revert to using the filename.
+ $file = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment', $this->id, "filename", false);
+ if ($files) {
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($files as $file) {
+ $attachments[$i] = array();
+ $attachments[$i]['filename'] = $file->get_filename();
+ $mimetype = $file->get_mimetype();
+ $iconimage = $OUTPUT->pix_icon(file_file_icon($file),
+ get_mimetype_description($file), 'moodle',
+ array('class' => 'icon'));
+ $path = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($file->get_contextid(), $file->get_component(), $file->get_filearea(),
+ $file->get_itemid(), $file->get_filepath(), $file->get_filename());
+ $attachments[$i]['icon'] = $iconimage;
+ $attachments[$i]['filepath'] = $path;
+ if (in_array($mimetype, array('image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png'))) {
+ // Image attachments don't get printed as links.
+ $attachments[$i]['image'] = true;
+ } else {
+ $attachments[$i]['image'] = false;
+ }
+ $i += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return $attachments;
@@ -406,16 +487,66 @@ public function moodleoverflow_print_posts_nested($course, &$cm, $moodleoverflow
- public function moodleoverflow_get_parentpost($postid) {
+ /**
+ * Returns the moodleoverflow where the post is located.
+ *
+ * @return object $moodleoverflow
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_moodleoverflow() {
+ global $DB;
- }
+ if (empty($this->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
- public function moodleoverflow_get_moodleoverflow() {
+ if (!empty($this->moodleoverflowobject)) {
+ return $this->moodleoverflowobject;
+ }
+ $this->get_discussion();
+ $this->moodleoverflowobject = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $this->discussionobject->moodleoverflow));
+ return $this->moodleoverflowobject;
public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion() {
+ global $DB;
+ if (empty($this->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ if (!empty($this->discussionobject)) {
+ return $this->discussionobject;
+ }
+ $this->discussionobject = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $this->discussion));
+ return $this->discussionobject;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the parent post
+ *
+ * @return object $post
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_parentpost($postid) {
+ global $DB;
+ if (empty($this->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ if ($this->parent == 0) {
+ // This post is the parent post.
+ $this->parentpost = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!empty($this->parentpost)) {
+ return $this->parentpost;
+ }
+ $parentpostrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_post', array('id' => $this->parent));
+ $this->parentpost = $this->from_record($parentpostrecord);
+ return $this->parentpost;
@@ -424,6 +555,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion() {
* @return object children/answer posts.
public function moodleoverflow_get_childposts() {
+ global $DB;
if (empty($this->id)) {
throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
diff --git a/classes/post_form.php b/classes/post_form.php
index 206a2109a7..c181a1d85b 100644
--- a/classes/post_form.php
+++ b/classes/post_form.php
@@ -142,10 +142,3 @@ public static function attachment_options($moodleoverflow) {
diff --git a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
index 966df37946..3824b3791e 100644
--- a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
+++ b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@
$string['errorwhiledelete'] = 'An error occurred while deleting record.';
$string['couldnotdeletereplies'] = 'Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it';
$string['noexistingpost'] = 'Post does not exists, needs to be created first';
+$string['missingformattachments'] = "This functions requires data that were not submitted. Please check the post_form";
// Strings for the classes/mod_form.php.
$string['subject'] = 'Subject';
diff --git a/tests/review_test.php b/tests/review_test.php
index 82a6823a16..52f176c8f7 100644
--- a/tests/review_test.php
+++ b/tests/review_test.php
@@ -292,16 +292,19 @@ private function create_post($options) {
private function check_mail_records($teacherpost, $studentpost, $review1, $review2, $mailed) {
global $DB;
- $this->assert_matches_properties(['mailed' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_MAILED_PENDING, 'reviewed' => $review1, 'timereviewed' => null],
- $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $teacherpost->id]));
- $this->assert_matches_properties(['mailed' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_MAILED_PENDING, 'reviewed' => $review2, 'timereviewed' => null],
- $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $studentpost->id]));
+ $this->assert_matches_properties(['mailed' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_MAILED_PENDING, 'reviewed' => $review1,
+ 'timereviewed' => null],
+ $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $teacherpost->id]));
+ $this->assert_matches_properties(['mailed' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_MAILED_PENDING, 'reviewed' => $review2,
+ 'timereviewed' => null],
+ $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $studentpost->id]));
$this->run_send_mails(); // Execute twice to ensure no duplicate mails.
- $this->assert_matches_properties(['mailed' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_MAILED_SUCCESS, 'reviewed' => $review1, 'timereviewed' => null],
- $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $teacherpost->id]));
+ $this->assert_matches_properties(['mailed' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_MAILED_SUCCESS, 'reviewed' => $review1,
+ 'timereviewed' => null],
+ $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $teacherpost->id]));
$this->assert_matches_properties(['mailed' => $mailed, 'reviewed' => $review2, 'timereviewed' => null],
$DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $studentpost->id]));
From fad532900d50872aa5c24be75bcfae348114743d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 15:52:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 11/40] WIP: new post class. Adjusting print function
classes/post/post.control.php | 2 +-
classes/post/post.drawio | 9 +-
classes/post/post.php | 538 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
3 files changed, 473 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/post/post.control.php b/classes/post/post.control.php
index 43d476127b..ba6bea0324 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.control.php
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public function get_prepost() {
* Detects the interaction
- * @param object $urlparamter parameter from the post.php .
+ * @param object $urlparamter parameter from the post.php
private function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
$count = 0;
diff --git a/classes/post/post.drawio b/classes/post/post.drawio
index 357dead8c0..703caddef7 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.drawio
+++ b/classes/post/post.drawio
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -140,8 +140,11 @@
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index 5ec6764c97..a75e0ed0b5 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -84,6 +84,11 @@ class post {
/** @var int This variable is optional, it contains important information for the add_attachment function */
private $formattachments;
+ // Variable that are not from the constructor.
+ /** @var string The subject of the Discussion */
+ private $subject;
/** @var object The discussion where the post is located */
private $discussionobject;
@@ -210,8 +215,8 @@ public static function from_record($record) {
public function moodleoverflow_add_new_post() {
global $USER, $DB;
- $discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $this->discussion));
- $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow));
+ $discussion = $this->moodleoverflow_get_discussion();
+ $moodleoverflow = $this->moodleoverflow_get_moodleoverflow();
$cm = $DB->get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id);
// Add post to the database.
@@ -346,7 +351,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_post_full() {
WHERE = " . $this->id . " ;";
$post = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
- if ($post->userid === 0) {
+ if ($post->userid == 0) {
$post->message = get_string('privacy:anonym_post_message', 'mod_moodleoverflow');
return $post;
@@ -433,60 +438,6 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments($cm) {
return $attachments;
- /**
- * Prints a moodleoverflow post.
- * @param object $post
- * @param object $discussion
- * @param object $moodleoverflow
- * @param object $cm
- * @param object $course
- * @param object $ownpost
- * @param bool $link
- * @param string $footer
- * @param string $highlight
- * @param bool $postisread
- * @param bool $dummyifcantsee
- * @param bool $istracked
- * @param bool $iscomment
- * @param array $usermapping
- * @param int $level
- * @param bool $multiplemarks setting of multiplemarks
- * @return void|null
- * @throws coding_exception
- * @throws dml_exception
- * @throws moodle_exception
- */
- public function moodleoverflow_print_post($post, $discussion, $moodleoverflow, $cm, $course,
- $ownpost = false, $link = false,
- $footer = '', $highlight = '', $postisread = null,
- $dummyifcantsee = true, $istracked = false,
- $iscomment = false, $usermapping = [], $level = 0, $multiplemarks = false) {
- }
- /**
- * Prints all posts of the discussion in a nested form.
- *
- * @param object $course The course object
- * @param object $cm
- * @param object $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow object
- * @param object $discussion The discussion object
- * @param object $parent The object of the parent post
- * @param bool $istracked Whether the user tracks the discussion
- * @param array $posts Array of posts within the discussion
- * @param bool $iscomment Whether the current post is a comment
- * @param array $usermapping
- * @param bool $multiplemarks
- * @return string
- * @throws coding_exception
- * @throws dml_exception
- * @throws moodle_exception
- */
- public function moodleoverflow_print_posts_nested($course, &$cm, $moodleoverflow, $discussion, $parent, $istracked,
- $posts, $iscomment = null, $usermapping = [], $multiplemarks = false) {
- }
* Returns the moodleoverflow where the post is located.
@@ -499,15 +450,19 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_moodleoverflow() {
throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
- if (!empty($this->moodleoverflowobject)) {
- return $this->moodleoverflowobject;
+ if (empty($this->moodleoverflowobject)) {
+ $discussion = $this->get_discussion();
+ $this->moodleoverflowobject = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow));
- $this->get_discussion();
- $this->moodleoverflowobject = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $this->discussionobject->moodleoverflow));
return $this->moodleoverflowobject;
+ /**
+ * Returns the discussion where the post is located.
+ *
+ * @return object $discussionobject.
+ */
public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion() {
global $DB;
@@ -515,20 +470,18 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion() {
throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
- if (!empty($this->discussionobject)) {
- return $this->discussionobject;
+ if (empty($this->discussionobject)) {
+ $this->discussionobject = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $this->discussion));
- $this->discussionobject = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $this->discussion));
return $this->discussionobject;
* Returns the parent post
- *
* @return object $post
- public function moodleoverflow_get_parentpost($postid) {
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_parentpost() {
global $DB;
if (empty($this->id)) {
throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -537,15 +490,13 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_parentpost($postid) {
if ($this->parent == 0) {
// This post is the parent post.
$this->parentpost = false;
- return;
+ return false;
- if (!empty($this->parentpost)) {
- return $this->parentpost;
+ if (empty($this->parentpost)) {
+ $parentpostrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_post', array('id' => $this->parent));
+ $this->parentpost = $this->from_record($parentpostrecord);
- $parentpostrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_post', array('id' => $this->parent));
- $this->parentpost = $this->from_record($parentpostrecord);
return $this->parentpost;
@@ -567,4 +518,447 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_childposts() {
return false;
+ /**
+ * Calculate the ratings of a post.
+ *
+ * @return object $ratingsobject.
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_post_ratings() {
+ if (empty($this->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ $discussionid = $this->moodleoverflow_get_discussion()->id;
+ $postratings = \mod_moodleoverflow\ratings::moodleoverflow_get_ratings_by_discussion($discussionid, $this->id);
+ $ratingsobject = new \stdClass();
+ $ratingsobject->upvotes = $postratings->upvotes;
+ $ratingsobject->downvotes = $postratings->downvotes;
+ $ratingsobject->votesdifference = $postratings->upvotes - $postratings->downvotes;
+ $ratingsobject->markedhelpful = $postratings->ishelpful;
+ $ratingsobject->markedsolution = $postratings->issolved;
+ return $ratingsobject;
+ }
+ // Big Functions.
+ // Print Functions.
+ /**
+ * Prints all posts of the discussion in a nested form.
+ *
+ * @param object $course The course object
+ * @param object $cm
+ * @param object $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow object
+ * @param object $discussion The discussion object
+ * @param object $parent The object of the parent post
+ * @param bool $istracked Whether the user tracks the discussion
+ * @param array $posts Array of posts within the discussion
+ * @param bool $iscomment Whether the current post is a comment
+ * @param array $usermapping
+ * @param bool $multiplemarks
+ * @return string
+ * @throws coding_exception
+ * @throws dml_exception
+ * @throws moodle_exception
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_print_posts_nested($course, &$cm, $moodleoverflow, $discussion, $parent, $istracked,
+ $posts, $iscomment = null, $usermapping = [], $multiplemarks = false) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prints a moodleoverflow post.
+ * @param object $ownpost
+ * @param bool $link
+ * @param string $footer
+ * @param string $highlight
+ * @param bool $postisread
+ * @param bool $dummyifcantsee
+ * @param bool $istracked
+ * @param bool $iscomment
+ * @param array $usermapping
+ * @param int $level
+ * @param bool $multiplemarks setting of multiplemarks
+ * @return void|null
+ * @throws coding_exception
+ * @throws dml_exception
+ * @throws moodle_exception
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_print_post($ownpost = false, $link = false, $footer = '', $highlight = '', $postisread = null,
+ $dummyifcantsee = true, $istracked = false, $iscomment = false, $usermapping = [],
+ $level = 0, $multiplemarks = false) {
+ global $USER, $CFG, $OUTPUT, $PAGE;
+ // Get important variables.
+ $post = $this->moodleoverflow_get_post_full();
+ $discussion = $this->moodleoverflow_get_discussion();
+ $moodleoverflow = $this->moodleoverflow_get_moodleoverflow();
+ $cm = $DB->get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course));
+ // Add ratings to the post.
+ $postratings = $this->moodleoverflow_get_post_ratings();
+ $post->upvotes = $postratings->upvotes;
+ $post->downvotes = $postratings->downvotes;
+ $post->votesdifference = $postratings->votesdifference;
+ $post->markedhelpful = $postratings->markedhelpful;
+ $post->markedsolution = $postratings->markedsolution;
+ // Add other important stuff.
+ $post->subject = $this->subject;
+ // Requiere the filelib.
+ require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php');
+ // String cahe.
+ static $str;
+ // Print the 'unread' only on time.
+ static $firstunreadanchorprinted = false;
+ // Declare the modulecontext.
+ $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
+ // Add some information to the post.
+ $post->courseid = $course->id;
+ $post->moodleoverflowid = $moodleoverflow->id;
+ $mcid = $modulecontext->id;
+ $post->message = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($post->message, 'pluginfile.php', $mcid,
+ 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'post', $post->id);
+ // Check if the user has the capability to see posts.
+ if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_see_post($moodleoverflow, $discussion, $post, $cm)) {
+ // No dummy message is requested.
+ if (!$dummyifcantsee) {
+ echo '';
+ return;
+ }
+ // Include the renderer to display the dummy content.
+ $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_moodleoverflow');
+ // Collect the needed data being submitted to the template.
+ $mustachedata = new stdClass();
+ // Print the template.
+ return $renderer->render_post_dummy_cantsee($mustachedata);
+ }
+ // Check if the strings have been cached.
+ if (empty($str)) {
+ $str = new stdClass();
+ $str->edit = get_string('edit', 'moodleoverflow');
+ $str->delete = get_string('delete', 'moodleoverflow');
+ $str->reply = get_string('reply', 'moodleoverflow');
+ $str->replyfirst = get_string('replyfirst', 'moodleoverflow');
+ $str->parent = get_string('parent', 'moodleoverflow');
+ $str->markread = get_string('markread', 'moodleoverflow');
+ $str->markunread = get_string('markunread', 'moodleoverflow');
+ $str->marksolved = get_string('marksolved', 'moodleoverflow');
+ $str->alsomarksolved = get_string('alsomarksolved', 'moodleoverflow');
+ $str->marknotsolved = get_string('marknotsolved', 'moodleoverflow');
+ $str->markhelpful = get_string('markhelpful', 'moodleoverflow');
+ $str->alsomarkhelpful = get_string('alsomarkhelpful', 'moodleoverflow');
+ $str->marknothelpful = get_string('marknothelpful', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Get the current link without unnecessary parameters.
+ $discussionlink = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $post->discussion));
+ // Build the object that represents the posting user.
+ $postinguser = new stdClass();
+ if ($CFG->branch >= 311) {
+ $postinguserfields = \core_user\fields::get_picture_fields();
+ } else {
+ $postinguserfields = explode(',', user_picture::fields());
+ }
+ $postinguser = username_load_fields_from_object($postinguser, $post, null, $postinguserfields);
+ // Post was anonymized.
+ if (anonymous::is_post_anonymous($discussion, $moodleoverflow, $post->userid)) {
+ $postinguser->id = null;
+ if ($post->userid == $USER->id) {
+ $postinguser->fullname = get_string('anonym_you', 'mod_moodleoverflow');
+ $postinguser->profilelink = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $post->userid, 'course' => $course->id));
+ } else {
+ $postinguser->fullname = $usermapping[(int) $post->userid];
+ $postinguser->profilelink = null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $postinguser->fullname = fullname($postinguser, capabilities::has('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $modulecontext));
+ $postinguser->profilelink = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $post->userid, 'course' => $course->id));
+ $postinguser->id = $post->userid;
+ }
+ // Prepare an array of commands.
+ $commands = array();
+ // Create a permalink.
+ $permalink = new moodle_url($discussionlink);
+ $permalink->set_anchor('p' . $post->id);
+ // Check if multiplemarks are allowed. If so, check if there are already marked posts.
+ $helpfulposts = false;
+ $solvedposts = false;
+ if ($multiplemarks) {
+ $helpfulposts = \mod_moodleoverflow\ratings::moodleoverflow_discussion_is_solved($discussion->id, false);
+ $solvedposts = \mod_moodleoverflow\ratings::moodleoverflow_discussion_is_solved($discussion->id, true);
+ }
+ // If the user has started the discussion, he can mark the answer as helpful.
+ $canmarkhelpful = (($USER->id == $discussion->userid) && ($USER->id != $post->userid) &&
+ ($iscomment != $post->parent) && !empty($post->parent));
+ if ($canmarkhelpful) {
+ // When the post is already marked, remove the mark instead.
+ $link = '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php';
+ if ($post->markedhelpful) {
+ $commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->marknothelpful, array('class' => 'markhelpful onlyifreviewed',
+ 'role' => 'button',
+ 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'helpful'));
+ } else {
+ // If there are already marked posts, change the string of the button.
+ if ($helpfulposts) {
+ $commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->alsomarkhelpful, array('class' => 'markhelpful onlyifreviewed',
+ 'role' => 'button',
+ 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'helpful'));
+ } else {
+ $commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->markhelpful, array('class' => 'markhelpful onlyifreviewed',
+ 'role' => 'button',
+ 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'helpful'));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // A teacher can mark an answer as solved.
+ $canmarksolved = (($iscomment != $post->parent) && !empty($post->parent) &&
+ capabilities::has(capabilities::MARK_SOLVED, $modulecontext));
+ if ($canmarksolved) {
+ // When the post is already marked, remove the mark instead.
+ $link = '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php';
+ if ($post->markedsolution) {
+ $commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->marknotsolved, array('class' => 'marksolved onlyifreviewed',
+ 'role' => 'button',
+ 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'solved'));
+ } else {
+ // If there are already marked posts, change the string of the button.
+ if ($solvedposts) {
+ $commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->alsomarksolved, array('class' => 'marksolved onlyifreviewed',
+ 'role' => 'button',
+ 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'solved'));
+ } else {
+ $commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->marksolved, array('class' => 'marksolved onlyifreviewed',
+ 'role' => 'button',
+ 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'solved'));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Calculate the age of the post.
+ $age = time() - $post->created;
+ // Make a link to edit your own post within the given time and not already reviewed.
+ if (($ownpost && ($age < get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'))
+ && (!review::should_post_be_reviewed($post, $moodleoverflow) || !$post->reviewed))
+ || capabilities::has(capabilities::EDIT_ANY_POST, $modulecontext)) {
+ $editurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php', array('edit' => $post->id));
+ $commands[] = array('url' => $editurl, 'text' => $str->edit);
+ }
+ // Give the option to delete a post.
+ $notold = ($age < get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'));
+ if (($ownpost && $notold && capabilities::has(capabilities::DELETE_OWN_POST, $modulecontext)) ||
+ capabilities::has(capabilities::DELETE_ANY_POST, $modulecontext)) {
+ $link = '/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php';
+ $commands[] = array('url' => new moodle_url($link, array('delete' => $post->id)), 'text' => $str->delete);
+ }
+ // Give the option to reply to a post.
+ if (moodleoverflow_user_can_post($modulecontext, $post, false)) {
+ $attributes = [
+ 'class' => 'onlyifreviewed'
+ ];
+ // Answer to the parent post.
+ if (empty($post->parent)) {
+ $replyurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php#mformmoodleoverflow', array('reply' => $post->id));
+ $commands[] = array('url' => $replyurl, 'text' => $str->replyfirst, 'attributes' => $attributes);
+ // If the post is a comment, answer to the parent post.
+ } else if (!$iscomment) {
+ $replyurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php#mformmoodleoverflow', array('reply' => $post->id));
+ $commands[] = array('url' => $replyurl, 'text' => $str->reply, 'attributes' => $attributes);
+ // Else simple respond to the answer.
+ } else {
+ $replyurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php#mformmoodleoverflow', array('reply' => $iscomment));
+ $commands[] = array('url' => $replyurl, 'text' => $str->reply, 'attributes' => $attributes);
+ }
+ }
+ // Begin of mustache data collecting.
+ // Initiate the output variables.
+ $mustachedata = new stdClass();
+ $mustachedata->istracked = $istracked;
+ $mustachedata->isread = false;
+ $mustachedata->isfirstunread = false;
+ $mustachedata->isfirstpost = false;
+ $mustachedata->iscomment = (!empty($post->parent) && ($iscomment == $post->parent));
+ $mustachedata->permalink = $permalink;
+ // Get the ratings.
+ $mustachedata->votes = $post->upvotes - $post->downvotes;
+ // Check if the post is marked.
+ $mustachedata->markedhelpful = $post->markedhelpful;
+ $mustachedata->markedsolution = $post->markedsolution;
+ // Did the user rated this post?
+ $rating = \mod_moodleoverflow\ratings::moodleoverflow_user_rated($post->id);
+ // Initiate the variables.
+ $mustachedata->userupvoted = false;
+ $mustachedata->userdownvoted = false;
+ $mustachedata->canchange = $USER->id != $post->userid;
+ // Check the actual rating.
+ if ($rating) {
+ // Convert the object.
+ $rating = $rating->rating;
+ // Did the user upvoted or downvoted this post?
+ // The user upvoted the post.
+ if ($rating == 1) {
+ $mustachedata->userdownvoted = true;
+ } else if ($rating == 2) {
+ $mustachedata->userupvoted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check the reading status of the post.
+ $postclass = '';
+ if ($istracked) {
+ if ($postisread) {
+ $postclass .= ' read';
+ $mustachedata->isread = true;
+ } else {
+ $postclass .= ' unread';
+ // Anchor the first unread post of a discussion.
+ if (!$firstunreadanchorprinted) {
+ $mustachedata->isfirstunread = true;
+ $firstunreadanchorprinted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($post->markedhelpful) {
+ $postclass .= ' markedhelpful';
+ }
+ if ($post->markedsolution) {
+ $postclass .= ' markedsolution';
+ }
+ $mustachedata->postclass = $postclass;
+ // Is this the firstpost?
+ if (empty($post->parent)) {
+ $mustachedata->isfirstpost = true;
+ }
+ // Create an element for the user which posted the post.
+ $postbyuser = new stdClass();
+ $postbyuser->post = $post->subject;
+ // Anonymization already handled in $postinguser->fullname.
+ $postbyuser->user = $postinguser->fullname;
+ $mustachedata->discussionby = get_string('postbyuser', 'moodleoverflow', $postbyuser);
+ // Set basic variables of the post.
+ $mustachedata->postid = $post->id;
+ $mustachedata->subject = format_string($post->subject);
+ // Post was anonymized.
+ if (!anonymous::is_post_anonymous($discussion, $moodleoverflow, $post->userid)) {
+ // User picture.
+ $mustachedata->picture = $OUTPUT->user_picture($postinguser, ['courseid' => $course->id]);
+ }
+ // The rating of the user.
+ if (anonymous::is_post_anonymous($discussion, $moodleoverflow, $post->userid)) {
+ $postuserrating = null;
+ } else {
+ $postuserrating = \mod_moodleoverflow\ratings::moodleoverflow_get_reputation($moodleoverflow->id, $postinguser->id);
+ }
+ // The name of the user and the date modified.
+ $mustachedata->bydate = userdate($post->modified);
+ $mustachedata->byshortdate = userdate($post->modified, get_string('strftimedatetimeshort', 'core_langconfig'));
+ $mustachedata->byname = $postinguser->profilelink ?
+ html_writer::link($postinguser->profilelink, $postinguser->fullname)
+ : $postinguser->fullname;
+ $mustachedata->byrating = $postuserrating;
+ $mustachedata->byuserid = $postinguser->id;
+ $mustachedata->showrating = $postuserrating !== null;
+ if (get_config('moodleoverflow', 'allowdisablerating') == 1) {
+ $mustachedata->showvotes = $moodleoverflow->allowrating;
+ $mustachedata->showreputation = $moodleoverflow->allowreputation;
+ } else {
+ $mustachedata->showvotes = MOODLEOVERFLOW_RATING_ALLOW;
+ $mustachedata->showreputation = MOODLEOVERFLOW_REPUTATION_ALLOW;
+ }
+ $mustachedata->questioner = $post->userid == $discussion->userid ? 'questioner' : '';
+ // Set options for the post.
+ $options = new stdClass();
+ $options->para = false;
+ $options->trusted = false;
+ $options->context = $modulecontext;
+ $reviewdelay = get_config('moodleoverflow', 'reviewpossibleaftertime');
+ $mustachedata->reviewdelay = format_time($reviewdelay);
+ $mustachedata->needsreview = !$post->reviewed;
+ $reviewable = time() - $post->created > $reviewdelay;
+ $mustachedata->canreview = capabilities::has(capabilities::REVIEW_POST, $modulecontext);
+ $mustachedata->withinreviewperiod = $reviewable;
+ // Prepare the post.
+ $mustachedata->postcontent = format_text($post->message, $post->messageformat, $options, $course->id);
+ // Load the attachments.
+ $mustachedata->attachments = get_attachments($post, $cm);
+ // Output the commands.
+ $commandhtml = array();
+ foreach ($commands as $command) {
+ if (is_array($command)) {
+ $commandhtml[] = html_writer::link($command['url'], $command['text'], $command['attributes'] ?? null);
+ } else {
+ $commandhtml[] = $command;
+ }
+ }
+ $mustachedata->commands = implode('', $commandhtml);
+ // Print a footer if requested.
+ $mustachedata->footer = $footer;
+ // Mark the forum post as read.
+ if ($istracked && !$postisread) {
+ readtracking::moodleoverflow_mark_post_read($USER->id, $post);
+ }
+ $mustachedata->iscomment = $level == 2;
+ // Include the renderer to display the dummy content.
+ $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_moodleoverflow');
+ // Render the different elements.
+ return $renderer->render_post($mustachedata);
+ }
From c54fb2604c8a6cfea1378aa0cde102dfb0a46037 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2023 17:05:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 12/40] new Discussion class as part of the redesign
classes/discussion/discussion.php | 209 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
classes/post/post.drawio | 125 ++++++++++++------
classes/post/post.php | 111 +++++++++-------
classes/post/structure.drawio | 206 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
lang/en/moodleoverflow.php | 1 +
locallib.php | 4 +-
6 files changed, 570 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 classes/discussion/discussion.php
create mode 100644 classes/post/structure.drawio
diff --git a/classes/discussion/discussion.php b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d0395d8d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ * Class for working with posts
+ *
+ * @package mod_moodleoverflow
+ * @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+namespace mod_moodleoverflow\discussion;
+// Import namespace from the locallib, needs a check later which namespaces are really needed.
+use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\readtracking;
+defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib.php');
+require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/locallib.php');
+ * Class that represents a discussion.
+ * A discussion administrates the posts and has one parent post, that started the discussion.
+ *
+ * @package mod_moodleoverflow
+ * @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+class discussion {
+ /** @var int The discussion ID */
+ private $id;
+ /** @var int The course ID where the discussion is located */
+ private $course;
+ /** @var int The moodleoverflow ID where the discussion is located*/
+ private $moodleoverflow;
+ /** @var char The title of the discussion, the titel of the parent post*/
+ private $name;
+ /** @var int The id of the parent/first post*/
+ private $firstpost;
+ /** @var int The user ID who started the discussion */
+ private $userid;
+ /** @var int Unix-timestamp of modification */
+ private $timemodified;
+ /** @var int Unix-timestamp of discussion creation */
+ private $timestart;
+ /** @var int the user ID who modified the discussion */
+ private $usermodified;
+ // Not Database-related attributes.
+ /** @var array an Array of posts that belong to this discussion */
+ private $posts;
+ // Constructors and other builders.
+ /**
+ * Constructor to build a new discussion.
+ * @param int $id The Discussion ID.
+ * @param int $course The course ID.
+ * @param int $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow ID.
+ * @param char $name Discussion Title.
+ * @param int $firstpost .
+ * @param int $userid The course ID.
+ * @param int $timemodified The course ID.
+ * @param int $timestart The course ID.
+ * @param int $usermodified The course ID.
+ */
+ public function __construct($id, $course, $moodleoverflow, $name, $firstpost,
+ $userid, $timemodified, $timestart, $usermodified) {
+ $this->id = $id;
+ $this->course = $course;
+ $this->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow;
+ $this->name = $name;
+ $this->firstpost = $firstpost;
+ $this->userid = $userid;
+ $this->timemodified = $timemodified;
+ $this->timestart = $timestart;
+ $this->usermodified = $usermodified;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Builds a Discussion from a DB record.
+ *
+ * @param object $record Data object.
+ * @return object discussion instance
+ */
+ public static function from_record($record) {
+ $id = null;
+ if (object__property_exists($record, 'id') && $record->id) {
+ $id = $record->id;
+ }
+ $course = null;
+ if (object__property_exists($record, 'course') && $record->course) {
+ $course = $record->course;
+ }
+ $moodleoverflow = null;
+ if (object__property_exists($record, 'moodleoverflow') && $record->moodleoverflow) {
+ $moodleoverflow = $record->moodleoverflow;
+ }
+ $name = null;
+ if (object__property_exists($record, 'name') && $record->name) {
+ $name = $record->name;
+ }
+ $firstpost = null;
+ if (object__property_exists($record, 'firstpost') && $record->firstpost) {
+ $firstpost = $record->firstpost;
+ }
+ $userid = null;
+ if (object__property_exists($record, 'userid') && $record->userid) {
+ $userid = $record->userid;
+ }
+ $timemodified = null;
+ if (object__property_exists($record, 'timemodified') && $record->timemodified) {
+ $timemodified = $record->timemodified;
+ }
+ $timestart = null;
+ if (object__property_exists($record, 'timestart') && $record->timestart) {
+ $timestart = $record->timestart;
+ }
+ $usermodified = null;
+ if (object__property_exists($record, 'usermodified') && $record->usermodified) {
+ $usermodified = $record->usermodified;
+ }
+ $instance = new self($id, $course, $moodleoverflow, $name, $firstpost, $userid, $timemodified, $timestart, $usermodified);
+ return $instance;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to build a new discussion without specifying the Discussion ID.
+ * @param int $course The course ID.
+ * @param int $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow ID.
+ * @param char $name Discussion Title.
+ * @param int $firstpost .
+ * @param int $userid The course ID.
+ * @param int $timemodified The course ID.
+ * @param int $timestart The course ID.
+ * @param int $usermodified The course ID.
+ */
+ public static function constructwithoutid($course, $moodleoverflow, $name, $firstpost,
+ $userid, $timemodified, $timestart, $usermodified) {
+ $id = null;
+ $instance = new self($id, $course, $moodleoverflow, $name, $firstpost, $userid, $timemodified, $timestart, $usermodified);
+ return $instance;
+ }
+ // Discussion Functions.
+ public function moodleoverflow_add_discussion() {}
+ public function moodleoverflow_delete_discussion() {}
+ public function moodleoverflow_add_post_to_discussion() {}
+ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post_from_discussion() {}
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion_ratings() {}
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion_posts() {}
+ public function moodleoverflow_discussion_update_last_post() {} // This function has something to do with updating the attribute "timemodified".
+ // Security.
+ /**
+ * Makes sure that the instance exists in the database. Every function in this class requires this check
+ * (except the function that adds the discussion to the database)
+ *
+ * @return true
+ * @throws moodle_exception
+ */
+ private function existence_check() {
+ if (empty($this->id) || $this->id == false || $this->id == null) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('noexistingdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/classes/post/post.drawio b/classes/post/post.drawio
index 703caddef7..cdb9223a02 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.drawio
+++ b/classes/post/post.drawio
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
@@ -54,21 +54,21 @@
@@ -87,64 +87,115 @@
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index a75e0ed0b5..5ce9ebb42b 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
namespace mod_moodleoverflow\post;
// Import namespace from the locallib, needs a check later which namespaces are really needed.
-// use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
-// use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
-// use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
use mod_moodleoverflow\readtracking;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ class post {
/** @var int This variable is optional, it contains important information for the add_attachment function */
private $formattachments;
- // Variable that are not from the constructor.
+ // Not database related functions.
- /** @var string The subject of the Discussion */
+ /** @var string The subject/title of the Discussion */
private $subject;
/** @var object The discussion where the post is located */
@@ -98,8 +98,10 @@ class post {
/** @var object The parent post of an answerpost */
private $parentpost;
+ // Constructors and other builders.
- * Constructor to make a new post
+ * Constructor to make a new post.
* @param int $discussion The discussion ID.
* @param int $parent The parent post ID.
@@ -114,8 +116,9 @@ class post {
* @param int $timereviewed The time where the post was reviewed
* @param object $formattachments Information about attachments of the post_form
- public function __construct($discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message,
+ public function __construct($id, $discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message,
$messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed, $formattachments = false) {
+ $this->id = $id;
$this->discussion = $discussion;
$this->parent = $parent;
$this->userid = $userid;
@@ -130,12 +133,11 @@ public function __construct($discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified,
$this->formattachments = $formattachments;
- * Creates a Post from a DB record.
+ * Builds a Post from a DB record.
- * @param object $record Data object.
- * @return object post
+ * @param object $record Data object.
+ * @return object post instance
public static function from_record($record) {
$id = null;
@@ -204,6 +206,30 @@ public static function from_record($record) {
return $instance;
+ /**
+ * Function to make a new post without specifying the Post ID.
+ *
+ * @param int $discussion The discussion ID.
+ * @param int $parent The parent post ID.
+ * @param int $userid The user ID that created the post.
+ * @param int $created Creation timestamp
+ * @param int $modified Modification timestamp
+ * @param string $message The message (content) of the post
+ * @param int $messageformat The message format
+ * @param char $attachment Attachment of the post
+ * @param int $mailed Mailed status
+ * @param int $reviewed Review status
+ * @param int $timereviewed The time where the post was reviewed
+ * @param object $formattachments Information about attachments of the post_form
+ */
+ public static function constructwithoutid($discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message,
+ $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed, $formattachments = false) {
+ $id = null;
+ $instance = new self($id, $discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message,
+ $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed);
+ return $instance;
+ }
// Post Functions.
@@ -251,10 +277,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_new_post() {
public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow) {
global $DB, $USER;
- if (empty($this->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
+ $this->existence_check();
// Iterate through all children and delete them.
// In case something does not work we throw the error as it should be known that something went ... terribly wrong.
@@ -333,11 +356,9 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow
* @return mixed array of posts or false
- public function moodleoverflow_get_post_full() {
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_complete_post() {
global $DB, $CFG;
- if (empty($this->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
+ $this->existence_check();
if ($CFG->branch >= 311) {
$allnames = \core_user\fields::for_name()->get_sql('u', false, '', '', false)->selects;
@@ -367,10 +388,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_post_full() {
public function moodleoverflow_add_attachment($moodleoverflow, $cm) {
global $DB;
- if (empty($this->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
+ $this->existence_check();
if (!$this->formattachments) {
throw new moodle_exception('missingformattachments', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -397,10 +415,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_attachment($moodleoverflow, $cm) {
public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments($cm) {
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
- if (empty($this->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
+ $this->existence_check();
if (empty($this->attachment) || (!$context = context_module::instance($cm->id))) {
return array();
@@ -445,10 +460,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments($cm) {
public function moodleoverflow_get_moodleoverflow() {
global $DB;
- if (empty($this->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
+ $this->existence_check();
if (empty($this->moodleoverflowobject)) {
$discussion = $this->get_discussion();
@@ -460,15 +472,12 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_moodleoverflow() {
* Returns the discussion where the post is located.
- *
+ *
* @return object $discussionobject.
public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion() {
global $DB;
- if (empty($this->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
+ $this->existence_check();
if (empty($this->discussionobject)) {
$this->discussionobject = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $this->discussion));
@@ -483,9 +492,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion() {
public function moodleoverflow_get_parentpost() {
global $DB;
- if (empty($this->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
+ $this->existence_check();
if ($this->parent == 0) {
// This post is the parent post.
@@ -507,9 +514,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_parentpost() {
public function moodleoverflow_get_childposts() {
global $DB;
- if (empty($this->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
+ $this->existence_check();
if ($childposts = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('parent' => $this->id))) {
return $childposts;
@@ -524,9 +529,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_childposts() {
* @return object $ratingsobject.
public function moodleoverflow_get_post_ratings() {
- if (empty($this->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
+ $this->existence_check();
$discussionid = $this->moodleoverflow_get_discussion()->id;
$postratings = \mod_moodleoverflow\ratings::moodleoverflow_get_ratings_by_discussion($discussionid, $this->id);
@@ -541,6 +544,20 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_post_ratings() {
return $ratingsobject;
+ /**
+ * Makes sure that the instance exists in the database. Every function in this class requires this check
+ * (except the function that adds a post to the database)
+ *
+ * @return true
+ * @throws moodle_exception
+ */
+ private function existence_check() {
+ if (empty($this->id) || $this->id == false || $this->id == null) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
// Big Functions.
// Print Functions.
@@ -590,9 +607,9 @@ public function moodleoverflow_print_post($ownpost = false, $link = false, $foot
$dummyifcantsee = true, $istracked = false, $iscomment = false, $usermapping = [],
$level = 0, $multiplemarks = false) {
global $USER, $CFG, $OUTPUT, $PAGE;
+ $this->existence_check();
// Get important variables.
- $post = $this->moodleoverflow_get_post_full();
+ $post = $this->moodleoverflow_get_complete_post();
$discussion = $this->moodleoverflow_get_discussion();
$moodleoverflow = $this->moodleoverflow_get_moodleoverflow();
$cm = $DB->get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id);
diff --git a/classes/post/structure.drawio b/classes/post/structure.drawio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0f88c8c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/post/structure.drawio
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
index 3824b3791e..ec488cb78a 100644
--- a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
+++ b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@
$string['errorwhiledelete'] = 'An error occurred while deleting record.';
$string['couldnotdeletereplies'] = 'Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it';
$string['noexistingpost'] = 'Post does not exists, needs to be created first';
+$string['noexistingdiscussion'] = 'Discussion does not exists, needs to be created first';
$string['missingformattachments'] = "This functions requires data that were not submitted. Please check the post_form";
// Strings for the classes/mod_form.php.
diff --git a/locallib.php b/locallib.php
index 64b993ff93..5443afdd21 100644
--- a/locallib.php
+++ b/locallib.php
@@ -1862,10 +1862,10 @@ function moodleoverflow_delete_post($post, $deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow
$attachments = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment',
$post->id, "filename", true);
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
- // Get file
+ // Get file.
$file = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment', $post->id,
$attachment->get_filepath(), $attachment->get_filename());
- // Delete it if it exists
+ // Delete it if it exists.
if ($file) {
From 66f77e5b4b71dae4efced7c534704bb179c6b684 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 16:51:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 13/40] WIP: updating discussion functions in new
classes/discussion/discussion.php | 171 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
classes/post/post.control.php | 10 +-
classes/post/post.php | 81 ++++++++------
3 files changed, 219 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/discussion/discussion.php b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
index 4d0395d8d1..6e575ffbb5 100644
--- a/classes/discussion/discussion.php
+++ b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
@@ -27,9 +27,12 @@
// Import namespace from the locallib, needs a check later which namespaces are really needed.
use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
-use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
-use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
+// Important namespaces.
use mod_moodleoverflow\readtracking;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\post\post;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
@@ -78,6 +81,12 @@ class discussion {
/** @var array an Array of posts that belong to this discussion */
private $posts;
+ /** @var object The moodleoverflow object where the discussion is located */
+ private $moodleoverflowobject;
+ /** @var object The course module object */
+ private $cmobject;
// Constructors and other builders.
@@ -103,6 +112,7 @@ public function __construct($id, $course, $moodleoverflow, $name, $firstpost,
$this->timemodified = $timemodified;
$this->timestart = $timestart;
$this->usermodified = $usermodified;
+ $this->posts = array();
@@ -172,8 +182,10 @@ public static function from_record($record) {
* @param int $timemodified The course ID.
* @param int $timestart The course ID.
* @param int $usermodified The course ID.
+ *
+ * @return object discussion object without id.
- public static function constructwithoutid($course, $moodleoverflow, $name, $firstpost,
+ public static function construct_without_id($course, $moodleoverflow, $name, $firstpost,
$userid, $timemodified, $timestart, $usermodified) {
$id = null;
$instance = new self($id, $course, $moodleoverflow, $name, $firstpost, $userid, $timemodified, $timestart, $usermodified);
@@ -182,13 +194,152 @@ public static function constructwithoutid($course, $moodleoverflow, $name, $firs
// Discussion Functions.
- public function moodleoverflow_add_discussion() {}
- public function moodleoverflow_delete_discussion() {}
- public function moodleoverflow_add_post_to_discussion() {}
- public function moodleoverflow_delete_post_from_discussion() {}
- public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion_ratings() {}
- public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion_posts() {}
- public function moodleoverflow_discussion_update_last_post() {} // This function has something to do with updating the attribute "timemodified".
+ /**
+ * Adds a new Discussion with a post.
+ *
+ * @param object $prepost The prepost object from the post_control. Has information about the post and other important stuff.
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($prepost) {
+ global $DB;
+ // Get the current time.
+ $timenow = time();
+ // Retrieve the module instance.
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $this->moodleoverflow))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Add the discussion to the Database.
+ $this->id = $DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this);
+ // Create the first/parent post for the new discussion and add it do the DB.
+ $post = post::construct_without_id($this->id, 0, $prepost->userid, $prepost->created, $prepost->modified,
+ $preposts->message, $prepost->messageformat, $prepost->attachment, $prepost->mailed,
+ $prepost->reviewed, $prepost->timereviewed, $prepost->formattachments);
+ // Add it to the DB and save the id of the first/parent post.
+ $this->firstpost = $post->moodleoverflow_add_new_post();
+ // Save the id of the first/parent post in the DB.
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'firstpost', $this->firstpost, array('id' => $this->id));
+ // Add the parent post to the $posts array.
+ $this->posts[$this->firstpost] = $post;
+ // Trigger event.
+ $params = array(
+ 'context' => $prepost->modulecontext,
+ 'objectid' => $post->discussion,
+ );
+ $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_viewed::create($params);
+ $event->trigger();
+ // Return the id of the discussion.
+ return $this->id;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete a discussion with all of it's posts
+ *
+ * @return bool Wether deletion was successful of not
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_delete_discussion() {
+ global $DB;
+ $this->existence_check();
+ // Delete a discussion with all of it's posts.
+ // In case something does not work we throw the error as it should be known that something went ... terribly wrong.
+ // All DB transactions are rolled back.
+ try {
+ $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
+ // Delete every post of this discussion.
+ foreach ($posts as $post) {
+ $post->moodleoverflow_delete_post(false);
+ }
+ // Delete the read-records for the discussion.
+ readtracking::moodleoverflow_delete_read_records(-1, -1, $this->id);
+ // Remove the subscriptions for the discussion.
+ $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', array('discussion' => $this->id));
+ // Delete the discussion from the database.
+ $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $this->id));
+ // Set the id of this instance to null, so that working with it is not possible anymore.
+ $this->id = null;
+ // The discussion has been deleted.
+ $transaction->allow_commit();
+ return true;
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ $transaction->rollback($e);
+ }
+ // Deleting the discussion has failed.
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds a new post to this discussion and the DB.
+ *
+ * @param object $prepost The prepost object from the post_control. Has Information about the post and other important stuff.
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_add_post_to_discussion($prepost) {
+ global $DB;
+ }
+ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post_from_discussion() {
+ }
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion_ratings() {
+ }
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion_posts() {
+ }
+ public function moodleoverflow_discussion_update_last_post() {
+ // This function has something to do with updating the attribute "timemodified".
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the moodleoverflowobject
+ *
+ * @return object $moodleoverflowobject
+ */
+ public function get_moodleoverflow() {
+ global $DB;
+ $this->existence_check();
+ if (empty($this->moodleoverflowobject)) {
+ $this->moodleoverflowobject = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $this->moodleoverflow));
+ }
+ return $this->moodleoverflowobject;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the coursemodule
+ *
+ * @return object $cmobject
+ */
+ public function get_coursemodule() {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ if (empty($this->cmobject)) {
+ if (!$this->cmobject = $DB->get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $this->get_moodleoverflow()->id,
+ $this->get_moodleoverflow()->course)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->cmobject;
+ }
// Security.
diff --git a/classes/post/post.control.php b/classes/post/post.control.php
index ba6bea0324..9387a62763 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.control.php
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-namespace mod_moodleoverflow\post;
+namespace mod_moodleoverflow\post\post_control;
// Import namespace from the locallib, needs a check later which namespaces are really needed.
use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
@@ -169,6 +169,13 @@ private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
// Notify the user, that he can not post a new discussion.
throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
+ // Set the post to not reviewed if questions should be reviewed and the user is not a reviewed themselve.
+ if (review::get_review_level($this->information->moodleoverflow) >= review::QUESTIONS &&
+ !capabilities::has(capabilities::REVIEW_POST, $this->information->modulecontext, $USER->id)) {
+ $reviewed = 0;
+ }
// Where is the user coming from?
$SESSION->fromurl = get_local_referer(false);
@@ -181,6 +188,7 @@ private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
$this->prepost->subject = '';
$this->prepost->userid = $USER->id;
$this->prepost->message = '';
+ $this->prepost->reviewed = $reviewed; // IST DAS OKAY?!
// Unset where the user is coming from.
// Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index 5ce9ebb42b..f6a2db7d2a 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-namespace mod_moodleoverflow\post;
+namespace mod_moodleoverflow\post\post;
// Import namespace from the locallib, needs a check later which namespaces are really needed.
use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ class post {
/** @var object The Moodleoverflow where the post is located*/
private $moodleoverflowobject;
+ /** @var object The course module object */
+ private $cmobject;
/** @var object The parent post of an answerpost */
private $parentpost;
@@ -221,8 +224,10 @@ public static function from_record($record) {
* @param int $reviewed Review status
* @param int $timereviewed The time where the post was reviewed
* @param object $formattachments Information about attachments of the post_form
+ *
+ * @return object post object without id
- public static function constructwithoutid($discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message,
+ public static function construct_without_id($discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message,
$messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed, $formattachments = false) {
$id = null;
$instance = new self($id, $discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message,
@@ -241,13 +246,9 @@ public static function constructwithoutid($discussion, $parent, $userid, $create
public function moodleoverflow_add_new_post() {
global $USER, $DB;
- $discussion = $this->moodleoverflow_get_discussion();
- $moodleoverflow = $this->moodleoverflow_get_moodleoverflow();
- $cm = $DB->get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id);
// Add post to the database.
$this->id = $DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_posts', $this);
- $this->moodleoverflow_add_attachment($this, $moodleoverflow, $cm); // RETHINK.
+ $this->moodleoverflow_add_attachment($this, $this->get_moodleoverflow(), $this->get_coursemodule());
if ($this->reviewed) {
// Update the discussion.
@@ -256,8 +257,8 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_new_post() {
// Mark the created post as read if the user is tracking the discussion.
- $cantrack = readtracking::moodleoverflow_can_track_moodleoverflows($moodleoverflow);
- $istracked = readtracking::moodleoverflow_is_tracked($moodleoverflow);
+ $cantrack = readtracking::moodleoverflow_can_track_moodleoverflows($this->get_moodleoverflow());
+ $istracked = readtracking::moodleoverflow_is_tracked($this->get_moodleoverflow());
if ($cantrack && $istracked) {
readtracking::moodleoverflow_mark_post_read($this->userid, $this);
@@ -269,13 +270,11 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_new_post() {
* Deletes a single moodleoverflow post.
- * @param bool $deletechildren The child posts
- * @param object $cm The course module
- * @param object $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow
+ * @param bool $deletechildren The child posts
- * @return bool Whether the deletion was successful
+ * @return bool Whether the deletion was successful or not
- public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow) {
+ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
global $DB, $USER;
@@ -303,7 +302,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow
// Delete the attachments.
$fs = get_file_storage();
- $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
+ $context = context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id);
$attachments = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment',
$this->id, "filename", true);
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
@@ -320,7 +319,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow
// Get the context module.
- $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
+ $modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id);
// Trigger the post deletion event.
$params = array(
@@ -328,7 +327,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow
'objectid' => $this->id,
'other' => array(
'discussionid' => $this->discussion,
- 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id
+ 'moodleoverflowid' => $this->get_moodleoverflow()->id
if ($this->userid !== $USER->id) {
@@ -337,6 +336,9 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow
$event = post_deleted::create($params);
+ // Set the id of this instance to null, so that working with it is not possible anymore.
+ $this->id = null;
// The post has been deleted.
return true;
@@ -381,12 +383,9 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_complete_post() {
* If successful, this function returns the name of the file
- * @param object $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow object
- * @param object $cm The course module
- *
* @return bool
- public function moodleoverflow_add_attachment($moodleoverflow, $cm) {
+ public function moodleoverflow_add_attachment() {
global $DB;
@@ -398,26 +397,25 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_attachment($moodleoverflow, $cm) {
return true; // Nothing to do.
- $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
+ $context = context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id);
$info = file_get_draft_area_info($this->formattachments);
$present = ($info['filecount'] > 0) ? '1' : '';
file_save_draft_area_file($this->formattachments, $context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment', $this->id,
- mod_moodleoverflow_post_form::attachment_options($moodleoverflow));
+ mod_moodleoverflow_post_form::attachment_options($this->get_moodleoverflow()));
$DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_post', 'attachment', $present, array('id' => $this->id));
* Returns attachments with information for the template
- * @param object $cm
* @return array
- public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments($cm) {
+ public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments() {
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
- if (empty($this->attachment) || (!$context = context_module::instance($cm->id))) {
+ if (empty($this->attachment) || (!$context = context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id))) {
return array();
@@ -453,12 +451,14 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments($cm) {
return $attachments;
+ // Helper Functions.
* Returns the moodleoverflow where the post is located.
- * @return object $moodleoverflow
+ * @return object $moodleoverflowobject
- public function moodleoverflow_get_moodleoverflow() {
+ public function get_moodleoverflow() {
global $DB;
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_moodleoverflow() {
* @return object $discussionobject.
- public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion() {
+ public function get_discussion() {
global $DB;
@@ -486,6 +486,21 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion() {
return $this->discussionobject;
+ /**
+ * Returns the coursemodule
+ *
+ * @return object $cmobject
+ */
+ public function get_coursemodule() {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ if (empty($this->cmobject)) {
+ $this->cmobject = $DB->get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $this->get_moodleoverflow()->id);
+ }
+ return $this->cmobject;
+ }
* Returns the parent post
* @return object $post
@@ -531,7 +546,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_childposts() {
public function moodleoverflow_get_post_ratings() {
- $discussionid = $this->moodleoverflow_get_discussion()->id;
+ $discussionid = $this->get_discussion()->id;
$postratings = \mod_moodleoverflow\ratings::moodleoverflow_get_ratings_by_discussion($discussionid, $this->id);
$ratingsobject = new \stdClass();
@@ -544,6 +559,8 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_post_ratings() {
return $ratingsobject;
+ // Security.
* Makes sure that the instance exists in the database. Every function in this class requires this check
* (except the function that adds a post to the database)
@@ -610,8 +627,8 @@ public function moodleoverflow_print_post($ownpost = false, $link = false, $foot
// Get important variables.
$post = $this->moodleoverflow_get_complete_post();
- $discussion = $this->moodleoverflow_get_discussion();
- $moodleoverflow = $this->moodleoverflow_get_moodleoverflow();
+ $discussion = $this->get_discussion();
+ $moodleoverflow = $this->get_moodleoverflow();
$cm = $DB->get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id);
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course));
From 437e6ea489d416268134e37226170a265d2b45a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 15:59:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 14/40] WIP: new functions in discussion and post for editing
classes/discussion/discussion.php | 153 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
classes/post/post.php | 33 ++++++-
classes/post/structure.drawio | 21 +---
lang/en/moodleoverflow.php | 2 +
4 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/discussion/discussion.php b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
index 6e575ffbb5..2ded21a52b 100644
--- a/classes/discussion/discussion.php
+++ b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@
* Class that represents a discussion.
* A discussion administrates the posts and has one parent post, that started the discussion.
+ * Please be careful with functions that delete posts or discussions.
+ * Security checks for these functions were done in the post_control class and these functions should only be accessed via this way.
+ * Accessing these functions directly without the checks from the post control could lead to serious errors.
* @package mod_moodleoverflow
* @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
@@ -81,6 +84,9 @@ class discussion {
/** @var array an Array of posts that belong to this discussion */
private $posts;
+ /** @var bool a variable for checking if this instance has all its posts */
+ private $postsbuild;
/** @var object The moodleoverflow object where the discussion is located */
private $moodleoverflowobject;
@@ -113,6 +119,7 @@ public function __construct($id, $course, $moodleoverflow, $name, $firstpost,
$this->timestart = $timestart;
$this->usermodified = $usermodified;
$this->posts = array();
+ $this->postsbuild = false;
@@ -169,6 +176,9 @@ public static function from_record($record) {
$instance = new self($id, $course, $moodleoverflow, $name, $firstpost, $userid, $timemodified, $timestart, $usermodified);
+ // Get all the posts so that the instance can work with it.
+ $instance->moodleoverflow_get_discussion_posts();
return $instance;
@@ -205,16 +215,11 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($prepost) {
// Get the current time.
$timenow = time();
- // Retrieve the module instance.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $this->moodleoverflow))) {
- return false;
- }
// Add the discussion to the Database.
$this->id = $DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this);
// Create the first/parent post for the new discussion and add it do the DB.
- $post = post::construct_without_id($this->id, 0, $prepost->userid, $prepost->created, $prepost->modified,
+ $post = post::construct_without_id($this->id, 0, $prepost->userid, $timenow, $timenow,
$preposts->message, $prepost->messageformat, $prepost->attachment, $prepost->mailed,
$prepost->reviewed, $prepost->timereviewed, $prepost->formattachments);
// Add it to the DB and save the id of the first/parent post.
@@ -225,6 +230,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($prepost) {
// Add the parent post to the $posts array.
$this->posts[$this->firstpost] = $post;
+ $this->postsbuild = true;
// Trigger event.
$params = array(
@@ -246,6 +252,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($prepost) {
public function moodleoverflow_delete_discussion() {
global $DB;
+ $this->posts_check();
// Delete a discussion with all of it's posts.
// In case something does not work we throw the error as it should be known that something went ... terribly wrong.
@@ -289,18 +296,123 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_discussion() {
public function moodleoverflow_add_post_to_discussion($prepost) {
global $DB;
+ $this->existence_check();
+ $this->post_check();
+ // Get the current time.
+ $timenow = time();
+ // Create the post that will be added to the new discussion.
+ $post = post::construct_without_id($this->id, $prepost->parent, $timenow, $timenow, $prepost->message,
+ $prepost->messageformat, $prepost->attachment, $prepost->mailed,
+ $prepost->reviewed, $prepost->timereviewed, $prepost->formattachments);
+ // Add the post to the DB.
+ $postid = $post->moodleoverflow_add_new_post();
+ // Add the post to the $posts array.
+ $this->posts[$postid] = $post;
+ // Return the id of the added post.
+ return $postid;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deletes a post that is in this discussion from the DB.
+ *
+ * @return bool Wether the deletion was possible
+ * @throws moodle_exception if post is not in this discussion or something failed.
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post_from_discussion($postid, $deletechildren) {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ $this->posts_check();
+ // Check if the posts exists in this discussion.
+ $this->post_exists_check($postid);
+ // Access the post and delete it.
+ $post = $this->posts[$postid];
+ if (!$post->moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren)) {
+ // Deletion failed.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Delete the post from the post array.
+ unset($this->posts[$postid]);
+ return true;
- public function moodleoverflow_delete_post_from_discussion() {
+ /**
+ * Edits the message of a post from this discussion.
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_edit_post_from_discussion($postid, $postmessage) {
+ global $DB;
+ $this->existence_check();
+ $this->posts_check();
+ // Check if the posts exists in this discussion.
+ $this->post_exists_check($postid);
+ // Get the current time.
+ $timenow = time();
+ // Access the post and edit its message.
+ $post = $this->post[$postid];
+ // If the post is the firstpost, then update the name of this discussion and the post. If not, only update the post.
+ if ($postid == array_key_first($posts));
+ /**
+ * Returns the ratings from this discussion.
+ *
+ * @return array of votings
+ */
public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion_ratings() {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ $this->posts_check();
+ $discussionratings = \mod_moodleoverflow\ratings::moodleoverflow_get_ratings_by_discussion($this->id);
+ return $discussionratings;
+ /**
+ * Get all posts from this Discussion.
+ * The first/parent post is on the first position in the array.
+ *
+ * @return array $posts Array ob posts objects
+ */
public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion_posts() {
+ global $DB;
+ $this->existence_check();
+ // Check if the posts array are build yet. If not, build it.
+ if (!$this->postsbuild) {
+ // Get the posts from the DB. Get the parent post first.
+ $firstpostsql = 'SELECT * FROM {moodleoverflow_posts} posts
+ WHERE posts.discussion = ' . $this->id . ' AND posts.parent = 0;';
+ $otherpostssql = 'SELECT * FROM {moodleoverflow_posts} posts
+ WHERE posts.discussion = ' . $this->id . ' AND posts.parent != 0;';
+ $firstpostrecord = $DB->get_record_sql($firstpostsql);
+ $otherpostsrecords = $DB->get_records_sql($otherpostssql);
+ // Add the first/parent post to the array, then add the other posts.
+ $firstpost = post::from_record($firstpostrecord);
+ $this->posts[$firstpost->get_id()] = $firstpost;
+ foreach ($otherpostrecords as $postrecord) {
+ $post = post::from_record($postrecord);
+ $this->posts[$post->get_id()] = $post;
+ }
+ // Now the posts are built.
+ $this->postsbuild = true;
+ }
+ // Return the posts array.
+ return $this->posts;
public function moodleoverflow_discussion_update_last_post() {
// This function has something to do with updating the attribute "timemodified".
@@ -357,4 +469,31 @@ private function existence_check() {
return true;
+ /**
+ * Makes sure that the instance knows all of its posts (That all posts of the db are in the local array).
+ * Not all functions need this check.
+ * @return true
+ * @throws moodle_exception
+ */
+ private function posts_check() {
+ if (!$this->postsbuild) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('notallpostsavailable', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check, if certain posts really exists in this discussion.
+ *
+ * @param int $postid The ID of the post that is being checked.
+ * @return true
+ * @throws moodle_exception;
+ */
+ private function post_exists_check($postid) {
+ if (!$this->posts[$postid]) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('postnotpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index f6a2db7d2a..ecdfd43ccf 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
// Just in case, check for the new last post of the discussion.
- moodleoverflow_discussion_update_last_post($this->discussion);
+ moodleoverflow_discussion_update_last_post($this->discussion); // NEEDS TO CHANGE WITH NEW DISCUSSION CLASS.
// Get the context module.
$modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id);
@@ -351,6 +351,26 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
return false;
+ /**
+ * Edits the message from this instance.
+ *
+ * @param string $postmessage The new message
+ * @param object $postattachment
+ * @param timestamp $time The time the post was modified (given from the discussion class).
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_edit_post($postmessage, $postattachment, $time) {
+ global $DB;
+ $this->existence_check();
+ // Update the attributes.
+ $this->message = $postmessage;
+ $this->modified = $time;
+ $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_posts', $this);
+ }
* Gets a post with all info ready for moodleoverflow_print_post.
* Most of these joins are just to get the forum id.
@@ -453,6 +473,17 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments() {
// Helper Functions.
+ /**
+ * Returns the id of this instance.
+ *
+ * @return int $this->id
+ */
+ public function get_id() {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ return $this->id;
+ }
* Returns the moodleoverflow where the post is located.
diff --git a/classes/post/structure.drawio b/classes/post/structure.drawio
index f0f88c8c7f..53cdbbc020 100644
--- a/classes/post/structure.drawio
+++ b/classes/post/structure.drawio
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -38,11 +38,6 @@
@@ -107,18 +102,6 @@
@@ -179,7 +162,7 @@
diff --git a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
index ec488cb78a..96e589c1a3 100644
--- a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
+++ b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
$string['couldnotdeletereplies'] = 'Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it';
$string['noexistingpost'] = 'Post does not exists, needs to be created first';
$string['noexistingdiscussion'] = 'Discussion does not exists, needs to be created first';
+$string['notallpostsavailable'] = 'This Discussion does not have all of its posts, this could lead to errors! Please use moodleoverflow_get_discussion_posts()';
$string['missingformattachments'] = "This functions requires data that were not submitted. Please check the post_form";
// Strings for the classes/mod_form.php.
@@ -177,6 +178,7 @@
$string['notstartuser'] = 'Only the user who started the discussion can mark an answer as helpful.';
$string['notteacher'] = 'Only course owners can do this.';
$string['ratingtoold'] = 'Ratings can only be changed within 30 minutes after the first vote. ';
+$string['postnotpartofdiscussion'] = 'Post does not exist in this discussion, please check the parameter';
// Strings for the discussion.php.
$string['invaliddiscussionid'] = 'Discussion ID was incorrect';
From 0e3c97240f5a32af379c4825bd9c633ac3854599 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2023 15:48:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 15/40] WIP: post and discussion class ready, post_control
classes/discussion/discussion.php | 146 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------
classes/post/post.control.php | 44 ++++++++-
classes/post/post.php | 128 ++++++++++++++++++--------
classes/post/structure.drawio | 9 +-
lang/en/moodleoverflow.php | 2 +-
view.php | 1 -
6 files changed, 258 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/discussion/discussion.php b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
index 2ded21a52b..58faf21974 100644
--- a/classes/discussion/discussion.php
+++ b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
* Class that represents a discussion.
* A discussion administrates the posts and has one parent post, that started the discussion.
- * Please be careful with functions that delete posts or discussions.
- * Security checks for these functions were done in the post_control class and these functions should only be accessed via this way.
+ * Please be careful with functions that delete, add or edit posts and discussions.
+ * Security checks for these functions were done in the post_control class and these functions should only be accessed that way.
* Accessing these functions directly without the checks from the post control could lead to serious errors.
* @package mod_moodleoverflow
* @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class discussion {
private $moodleoverflow;
/** @var char The title of the discussion, the titel of the parent post*/
- private $name;
+ public $name;
/** @var int The id of the parent/first post*/
private $firstpost;
@@ -71,27 +71,27 @@ class discussion {
private $userid;
/** @var int Unix-timestamp of modification */
- private $timemodified;
+ public $timemodified;
/** @var int Unix-timestamp of discussion creation */
- private $timestart;
+ public $timestart;
/** @var int the user ID who modified the discussion */
- private $usermodified;
+ public $usermodified;
// Not Database-related attributes.
/** @var array an Array of posts that belong to this discussion */
- private $posts;
+ public $posts;
/** @var bool a variable for checking if this instance has all its posts */
- private $postsbuild;
+ public $postsbuild;
/** @var object The moodleoverflow object where the discussion is located */
- private $moodleoverflowobject;
+ public $moodleoverflowobject;
/** @var object The course module object */
- private $cmobject;
+ public $cmobject;
// Constructors and other builders.
@@ -303,14 +303,17 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_post_to_discussion($prepost) {
$timenow = time();
// Create the post that will be added to the new discussion.
- $post = post::construct_without_id($this->id, $prepost->parent, $timenow, $timenow, $prepost->message,
+ $post = post::construct_without_id($this->id, $prepost->parent, $prepost->userid, $timenow, $timenow, $prepost->message,
$prepost->messageformat, $prepost->attachment, $prepost->mailed,
$prepost->reviewed, $prepost->timereviewed, $prepost->formattachments);
// Add the post to the DB.
$postid = $post->moodleoverflow_add_new_post();
- // Add the post to the $posts array.
+ // Add the post to the $posts array and update the timemodified in the DB.
$this->posts[$postid] = $post;
+ $this->timemodified = $timenow;
+ $this->usermodified = $prepost->userid;
+ $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this);
// Return the id of the added post.
return $postid;
@@ -318,48 +321,137 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_post_to_discussion($prepost) {
* Deletes a post that is in this discussion from the DB.
- *
+ * @param object $prepost The prepost object from the post_control. Has Information about the post and other important stuff.
* @return bool Wether the deletion was possible
* @throws moodle_exception if post is not in this discussion or something failed.
- public function moodleoverflow_delete_post_from_discussion($postid, $deletechildren) {
+ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post_from_discussion($prepost) {
// Check if the posts exists in this discussion.
- $this->post_exists_check($postid);
+ $this->post_exists_check($prepost->postid);
// Access the post and delete it.
- $post = $this->posts[$postid];
- if (!$post->moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren)) {
+ $post = $this->posts[$prepost->postid];
+ if (!$post->moodleoverflow_delete_post($prepost->deletechildren)) {
// Deletion failed.
return false;
+ // Check for the new last post of the discussion.
+ $this->moodleoverflow_discussion_adapt_to_last_post();
// Delete the post from the post array.
- unset($this->posts[$postid]);
+ unset($this->posts[$prepost->postid]);
return true;
* Edits the message of a post from this discussion.
+ * @param object $prepost The prepost object from the post_control. Has Information about the post and other important stuff.
- public function moodleoverflow_edit_post_from_discussion($postid, $postmessage) {
+ public function moodleoverflow_edit_post_from_discussion($prepost) {
global $DB;
// Check if the posts exists in this discussion.
- $this->post_exists_check($postid);
+ $this->post_exists_check($prepost->id);
// Get the current time.
$timenow = time();
- // Access the post and edit its message.
- $post = $this->post[$postid];
+ // Access the post.
+ $post = $this->post[$prepost->id];
// If the post is the firstpost, then update the name of this discussion and the post. If not, only update the post.
- if ($postid == array_key_first($posts));
+ if ($prepost->id == array_key_first($posts)) {
+ $this->name = $prepost->subject;
+ $this->usermodified = $prepost->userid;
+ $this->timemodified = $timenow;
+ $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this);
+ }
+ $post->moodleoverflow_edit_post($timenow, $prepost->message, $prepost->messageformat, $prepost->formattachment);
+ // The post has been edited successfully.
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This Function checks, what the last added or edited post is. If it changed by a delete function,
+ * the timemodified and the usermodified need to be adapted to the last added or edited post.
+ *
+ * @return bool true if the DB needed to be adapted. false if it didn't change.
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_discussion_adapt_to_last_post() {
+ global $DB;
+ $this->existence_check();
+ // Find the last reviewed post of the discussion (even if the user has review capability, because it's written to DB).
+ $sql = 'SELECT id, userid, modified
+ FROM {moodleoverflow_posts}
+ WHERE discussion = ' . $this->id .
+ ' AND reviewed = 1
+ AND modified = (SELECT MAX(modified) as modified FROM {moodleoverflow_posts})';
+ $record = $DB->get_record_sql($sql);
+ $lastpost = post::from_record($record);
+ // Check if the last post changed. If it changed, then update the DB-record of this discussion.
+ if ($lastpost->modified != $this->timemodified || $lastpost->get_userid() != $this->usermodified) {
+ $this->timemodified = $lastpost->modified;
+ $this->usermodified = $lastpost->get_userid();
+ $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this);
+ // Return that the discussion needed an update.
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Return that the discussion didn't need an update.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Getter.
+ /**
+ * @return int $this->id The post ID.
+ */
+ public function get_id() {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ return $this->id;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return int $this->course The ID of the course where the discussion is located.
+ */
+ public function get_courseid() {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ return $this->course;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return int $this->moodleoverflow The ID of the moodleoverflow where the discussion is located.
+ */
+ public function get_moodleoverflowid() {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ return $this->moodleoverflow;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return int $this->firstpost The ID of the first post.
+ */
+ public function get_firstpostid() {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ return $this->firstpost;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return int $this->userid The ID of the user who wrote the post.
+ */
+ public function get_userid() {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ return $this->userid;
@@ -413,11 +505,6 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion_posts() {
- public function moodleoverflow_discussion_update_last_post() {
- // This function has something to do with updating the attribute "timemodified".
- }
* Returns the moodleoverflowobject
@@ -447,7 +534,6 @@ public function get_coursemodule() {
$this->get_moodleoverflow()->course)) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
return $this->cmobject;
@@ -484,7 +570,7 @@ private function posts_check() {
* Check, if certain posts really exists in this discussion.
- *
+ *
* @param int $postid The ID of the post that is being checked.
* @return true
* @throws moodle_exception;
diff --git a/classes/post/post.control.php b/classes/post/post.control.php
index 9387a62763..636d33dbd6 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.control.php
@@ -35,7 +35,17 @@
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib.php');
- * Class that makes checks to interact with posts.
+ * This Class controls the manipulation of posts and acts as controller of interactions with the post.php
+ *
+ * This Class has 2 main Tasks:
+ * 1. Before entering the post.php
+ * - Detect the wanted interaction (new discussion, new answer in a discussion, editing or deleting a post)
+ * - make capability and other security/integrity checks (are all given data correct?)
+ * - gather important information that need to be used later.
+ *
+ * 2. After working with the post.php
+ * - collect the information from the post_form (the post.php build a form where the user enters the message of a post...)
+ * - based on the interaction, call the right function
* @package mod_moodleoverflow
* @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
@@ -421,4 +431,36 @@ private function build_prepost_delete($deletepostid) {
$this->information->replycount = moodleoverflow_count_replies($this->information->relatedpost, false);
+ // Helper functions.
+ // Database checks.
+ /**
+ * Checks if the course exists and returns the $DB->record
+ *
+ * @param object $moodleoverflow
+ */
+ public function check_course_exists($moodleoverflow) {
+ global $DB;
+ if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
+ }
+ return $course;
+ }
+ public function check_coursemodule_exists() {
+ }
+ public function check_moodleoverflow_exists() {
+ }
+ public function check_discussion_exists() {
+ }
+ public function check_post_exists() {
+ }
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index ecdfd43ccf..1cfc37a337 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
use mod_moodleoverflow\readtracking;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\discussion;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
@@ -39,12 +40,24 @@
* Class that represents a post.
+ * Please be careful with functions that delete, add or edit posts.
+ * Security checks for these functions were done in the post_control class and these functions should only be accessed that way.
+ * Accessing these functions directly without the checks from the post_control could lead to serious errors.
+ *
+ * Most of the functions in this class are called by moodleoverflow/classes/discussion/discussion.php . The discussion class
+ * manages posts in a moodleoverflow and works like a toplevel class for the post class. If you want to manipulate
+ * (delete, add, edit) posts, please call the functions from the discussion class. To read and obtain information about posts
+ * you are free to choose.
+ *
* @package mod_moodleoverflow
* @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class post {
+ // Attributes. The most important attributes are private and can only be changed by internal functions.
+ // Other attributes can be accessed directly.
/** @var int The post ID */
private $id;
@@ -58,48 +71,48 @@ class post {
private $userid;
/** @var int Creation timestamp */
- private $created;
+ public $created;
/** @var int Modification timestamp */
- private $modified;
+ public $modified;
/** @var string The message (content) of the post */
- private $message;
+ public $message;
/** @var int The message format*/
- private $messageformat;
+ public $messageformat;
/** @var char Attachment of the post */
- private $attachment;
+ public $attachment;
/** @var int Mailed status*/
- private $mailed;
+ public $mailed;
/** @var int Review status */
- private $reviewed;
+ public $reviewed;
/** @var int The time where the post was reviewed*/
- private $timereviewed;
- /** @var int This variable is optional, it contains important information for the add_attachment function */
- private $formattachments;
+ public $timereviewed;
// Not database related functions.
+ /** @var int This variable is optional, it contains important information for the add_attachment function */
+ public $formattachments;
/** @var string The subject/title of the Discussion */
- private $subject;
+ public $subject;
/** @var object The discussion where the post is located */
- private $discussionobject;
+ public $discussionobject;
/** @var object The Moodleoverflow where the post is located*/
- private $moodleoverflowobject;
+ public $moodleoverflowobject;
/** @var object The course module object */
- private $cmobject;
+ public $cmobject;
/** @var object The parent post of an answerpost */
- private $parentpost;
+ public $parentpost;
// Constructors and other builders.
@@ -223,7 +236,7 @@ public static function from_record($record) {
* @param int $mailed Mailed status
* @param int $reviewed Review status
* @param int $timereviewed The time where the post was reviewed
- * @param object $formattachments Information about attachments of the post_form
+ * @param object $formattachments Information about attachments from the post_form
* @return object post object without id
@@ -231,7 +244,7 @@ public static function construct_without_id($discussion, $parent, $userid, $crea
$messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed, $formattachments = false) {
$id = null;
$instance = new self($id, $discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message,
- $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed);
+ $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed, $formattachments);
return $instance;
@@ -315,9 +328,6 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
- // Just in case, check for the new last post of the discussion.
- moodleoverflow_discussion_update_last_post($this->discussion); // NEEDS TO CHANGE WITH NEW DISCUSSION CLASS.
// Get the context module.
$modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id);
@@ -353,29 +363,39 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
* Edits the message from this instance.
- *
- * @param string $postmessage The new message
- * @param object $postattachment
- * @param timestamp $time The time the post was modified (given from the discussion class).
+ * @param timestamp $time The time the post was modified (given from the discussion class).
+ * @param string $postmessage The new message
+ * @param object $messageformat
+ * @param object $formattachments Information about attachments from the post_form
- public function moodleoverflow_edit_post($postmessage, $postattachment, $time) {
+ public function moodleoverflow_edit_post($time, $postmessage, $messageformat, $formattachment) {
global $DB;
// Update the attributes.
- $this->message = $postmessage;
$this->modified = $time;
+ $this->message = $postmessage;
+ $this->messageformat = $messageformat;
+ // Update the record in the database.
$DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_posts', $this);
+ // Update the attachments. This happens after the DB update call, as this function changes the DB record as well.
+ $this->moodleoverflow_add_attachment();
+ // Mark the edited post as read.
+ $this->mark_post_read();
+ // The post has been edited successfully.
+ return true;
* Gets a post with all info ready for moodleoverflow_print_post.
* Most of these joins are just to get the forum id.
- *
* @return mixed array of posts or false
public function moodleoverflow_get_complete_post() {
@@ -471,19 +491,40 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments() {
return $attachments;
- // Helper Functions.
+ // Getter.
- * Returns the id of this instance.
- *
- * @return int $this->id
+ * @return int $this->id The post ID.
public function get_id() {
return $this->id;
+ /**
+ * @return int $this->discussion The ID of the discussion where the post is located.
+ */
+ public function get_discussionid() {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ return $this->discussion;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return int $this->parent The ID of the parent post.
+ */
+ public function get_parentid() {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ return $this->parent;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return int $this->userid The ID of the user who wrote the post.
+ */
+ public function get_userid() {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ return $this->userid;
+ }
* Returns the moodleoverflow where the post is located.
@@ -495,7 +536,7 @@ public function get_moodleoverflow() {
if (empty($this->moodleoverflowobject)) {
$discussion = $this->get_discussion();
- $this->moodleoverflowobject = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow));
+ $this->moodleoverflowobject = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->get_moodleoverflowid()));
return $this->moodleoverflowobject;
@@ -511,9 +552,9 @@ public function get_discussion() {
if (empty($this->discussionobject)) {
- $this->discussionobject = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $this->discussion));
+ $record = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $this->discussion));
+ $this->discussionobject = discussion::from_record($record);
return $this->discussionobject;
@@ -569,6 +610,8 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_childposts() {
return false;
+ // Helper Functions.
* Calculate the ratings of a post.
@@ -590,6 +633,19 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_post_ratings() {
return $ratingsobject;
+ /**
+ * Marks the post as read if the user is tracking the discussion.
+ * Uses function from mod_moodleoverflow\readtracking.
+ */
+ public function mark_post_read() {
+ global $USER;
+ $cantrack = readtracking::moodleoverflow_can_track_moodleoverflows($this->get_moodleoverflow());
+ $istracked = readtracking::moodleoverflow_is_tracked($this->get_moodleoverflow());
+ if ($cantrack && $istracked) {
+ readtracking::moodleoverflow_mark_post_read($USER->id, $this);
+ }
+ }
// Security.
diff --git a/classes/post/structure.drawio b/classes/post/structure.drawio
index 53cdbbc020..893bc6384a 100644
--- a/classes/post/structure.drawio
+++ b/classes/post/structure.drawio
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
@@ -183,6 +183,9 @@
diff --git a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
index 96e589c1a3..cd37006be0 100644
--- a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
+++ b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
$string['couldnotupdate'] = 'Could not update your post due to an unknown error';
$string['editedpostupdated'] = '{$a}\'s post was updated';
$string['postupdated'] = 'Your post was updated';
-$string['editedby'] = 'Edited by {$a->name} - original submission {$a->date}';
+$string['editedby'] = 'Edited by {$a->name} on {$a->date}';
$string['cannotdeletepost'] = 'You can\'t delete this post!';
$string['couldnotdeletereplies'] = 'Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it';
$string['errorwhiledelete'] = 'An error occurred while deleting record.';
diff --git a/view.php b/view.php
index 8867be8bd8..552292d209 100644
--- a/view.php
+++ b/view.php
@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
// Save the allowmultiplemarks setting.
$marksetting = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->id), 'allowmultiplemarks');
// Require a login.
require_login($course, true, $cm);
From 5ea922140353434aebadb54ea9a4446c3eb542bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 17:22:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 16/40] WIP: new post.php file, post control is almost ready
classes/discussion/discussion.php | 13 +-
classes/post/post.control.php | 516 ++++++++++++++++++------------
classes/post/structure.drawio | 28 +-
classes/review.php | 2 +-
lang/en/moodleoverflow.php | 4 +
post_new.php | 114 +++++++
6 files changed, 455 insertions(+), 222 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 post_new.php
diff --git a/classes/discussion/discussion.php b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
index 58faf21974..b67dca505d 100644
--- a/classes/discussion/discussion.php
+++ b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
@@ -246,10 +246,10 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($prepost) {
* Delete a discussion with all of it's posts
- *
+ * @param object $prepost Information about the post from the post_control
* @return bool Wether deletion was successful of not
- public function moodleoverflow_delete_discussion() {
+ public function moodleoverflow_delete_discussion($prepost) {
global $DB;
@@ -274,6 +274,15 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_discussion() {
// Delete the discussion from the database.
$DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $this->id));
+ // Trigger the discussion deleted event.
+ $params = array(
+ 'objectid' => $this->id,
+ 'context' => $prepost->modulecontext,
+ );
+ $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_deleted::create($params);
+ $event->trigger();
// Set the id of this instance to null, so that working with it is not possible anymore.
$this->id = null;
diff --git a/classes/post/post.control.php b/classes/post/post.control.php
index 636d33dbd6..57c0cf2100 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.control.php
@@ -30,9 +30,13 @@
use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\post\post;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\discussion;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib.php');
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php');
* This Class controls the manipulation of posts and acts as controller of interactions with the post.php
@@ -42,9 +46,12 @@
* - Detect the wanted interaction (new discussion, new answer in a discussion, editing or deleting a post)
* - make capability and other security/integrity checks (are all given data correct?)
* - gather important information that need to be used later.
+ * Note: if a post is being deleted, the post_control deletes it in the first step and the post.php does not call the post_form.php
+ *
+ * Now the post.php calls the post_form, so that the user can enter a message and attachments.
- * 2. After working with the post.php
- * - collect the information from the post_form (the post.php build a form where the user enters the message of a post...)
+ * 2. After calling the post_form:
+ * - collect the information from the post_form
* - based on the interaction, call the right function
* @package mod_moodleoverflow
@@ -53,13 +60,19 @@
class post_control {
- /** @var string the Interaction type */
+ /** @var string the Interaction type, the interactions are:
+ * - create (creates a new discussion with a first post)
+ * - reply (replies to a existing post, can be an answer or a comment)
+ * - edit (change the contennt of an existing post)
+ * - delete (delete a post from a discussion)
+ */
private $interaction;
/** @var object information about the post like the related moodleoverflow, post etc. .*/
- private $information;
+ private $info;
- /** @var object prepost for the classes/post/post_form.php */
+ /** @var object prepost for the classes/post/post_form.php,
+ * this object is only used in this class and its not inserted in tehe database*/
private $prepost;
@@ -67,37 +80,15 @@ class post_control {
* @param object $urlparameter Parameter that were sent when post.php where opened.
- public function __construct($urlparameter) {
- $this->information = new \stdClass;
- $this->detect_interaction($urlparameter); // Detects interaction and makes security checks.
- }
- /**
- * Returns the interaction type.
- */
- public function get_interaction() {
- return $this->interaction;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the gathered important information in the build_prepost_() functions.
- */
- public function get_information() {
- return $this->information;
- }
- /**
- * Retuns the prepared post.
- */
- public function get_prepost() {
- return $this->prepost;
+ public function __construct() {
+ $this->info = new \stdClass;
* Detects the interaction
* @param object $urlparamter parameter from the post.php
- private function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
+ public function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
$count = 0;
$count += $urlparameter->create ? 1 : 0;
$count += $urlparameter->reply ? 1 : 0;
@@ -109,31 +100,56 @@ private function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
if ($urlparameter->create) {
$this->interaction = 'create';
- $this->information->moodleoverflowid = $urlparameter->create;
- $this->build_prepost_create($this->information->moodleoverflowid);
+ $this->info->moodleoverflowid = $urlparameter->create;
+ $this->build_prepost_create($this->info->moodleoverflowid);
} else if ($urlparameter->edit) {
$this->interaction = 'edit';
- $this->information->editpostid = $urlparameter->edit;
- $this->build_prepost_edit($this->information->editpostid);
+ $this->info->editpostid = $urlparameter->edit;
+ $this->build_prepost_edit($this->info->editpostid);
} else if ($urlparameter->reply) {
$this->interaction = 'reply';
- $this->information->replypostid = $urlparameter->edit;
- $this->build_prepost_reply($this->information->replypostid);
+ $this->info->replypostid = $urlparameter->edit;
+ $this->build_prepost_reply($this->info->replypostid);
} else if ($urlparameter->delete) {
$this->interaction = 'delete';
- $this->information->deletepostid = $urlparameter->edit;
- $this->build_prepost_delete($this->information->deletepostid);
+ $this->info->deletepostid = $urlparameter->edit;
+ $this->build_prepost_delete($this->info->deletepostid);
} else {
throw new moodle_exception('unknownaction');
- // Private functions.
+ /**
+ * This function is used when a guest enters the post.php.
+ * Parameters will be checked so that the post.php can redirect the user to the right site.
+ *
+ * @return object $this->information // The gathered information.
+ */
+ public function catch_guest($postid = false, $moodleoverflowid = false) {
+ global $PAGE;
+ if ((!$postid && !$moodleoverflowid) || ($postid && $moodleoverflowid)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('inaccurateparameter', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ if ($postid) {
+ $this->collect_information($postid, false);
+ } else if ($moodleoverflowid) {
+ $this->collect_information(false, $moodleoverflowid);
+ }
+ $this->info->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id);
+ // Set the parameters for the page.
+ $PAGE->set_cm($this->info->cm, $this->info->course, $this->info->moodleoverflow);
+ $PAGE->set_context($this->info->modulecontext);
+ $PAGE->set_title($this->info->course->shortname);
+ $PAGE->set_heading($this->info->course->fullname);
+ $PAGE->add_body_class('limitedwidth');
+ return $this->info;
+ }
- // Build_prepost functions: makes important checks and saves all important information in $prepost object.
+ // Build functions, that build the prepost object for further use.
* Function to prepare a new discussion in moodleoverflow.
@@ -142,37 +158,26 @@ private function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
global $DB, $SESSION, $USER;
- // Check the moodleoverflow instance is valid.
- if (!$this->information->moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflowid))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Get the related course.
- if (!$this->information->course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->information->moodleoverflow->course))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
- }
- // Get the related coursemodule.
- if (!$this->information->cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflowid,
- $this->information->course->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
- }
+ // Get the related moodleoverflow, course and coursemodule.
+ $this->collect_information(false, $moodleoverflowid);
// Retrieve the contexts.
- $this->information->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->information->cm->id);
- $this->information->coursecontext = context_module::instance($this->information->course->id);
+ $this->info->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id);
+ $this->info->coursecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->course->id);
// Check if the user can start a new discussion.
- if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post_discussion($this->information->moodleoverflow,
- $this->information->cm,
- $this->information->modulecontext)) {
+ if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post_discussion($this->info->moodleoverflow, $this->info->cm, $this->info->modulecontext)) {
// Catch unenrolled user.
- if (!isguestuser() && !is_enrolled($this->information->coursecontext)) {
- if (enrol_selfenrol_available($this->information->course->id)) {
+ if (!isguestuser() && !is_enrolled($this->info->coursecontext)) {
+ if (enrol_selfenrol_available($this->info->course->id)) {
$SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
$SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
redirect(new moodle_url('/enrol/index.php',
- array('id' => $this->information->course->id,
+ array('id' => $this->info->course->id,
'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' .
- $this->information->moodleoverflow->id)),
+ $this->info->moodleoverflow->id)),
@@ -181,8 +186,8 @@ private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
// Set the post to not reviewed if questions should be reviewed and the user is not a reviewed themselve.
- if (review::get_review_level($this->information->moodleoverflow) >= review::QUESTIONS &&
- !capabilities::has(capabilities::REVIEW_POST, $this->information->modulecontext, $USER->id)) {
+ if (review::get_review_level($this->info->moodleoverflow) >= review::QUESTIONS &&
+ !capabilities::has(capabilities::REVIEW_POST, $this->info->modulecontext, $USER->id)) {
$reviewed = 0;
@@ -190,14 +195,16 @@ private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
$SESSION->fromurl = get_local_referer(false);
// Prepare the post.
- $this->prepost = new stdClass();
- $this->prepost->courseid = $this->information->course->id;
- $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid = $this->information->moodleoverflow->id;
+ $this->prepost = new \stdClass();
+ $this->prepost->postid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_id();
+ $this->prepost->courseid = $this->info->course->id;
+ $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid = $this->info->moodleoverflow->id;
$this->prepost->discussionid = 0;
$this->prepost->parentid = 0;
$this->prepost->subject = '';
$this->prepost->userid = $USER->id;
$this->prepost->message = '';
+ $this->prepost->modulecontext = $this->info->modulecontext;
$this->prepost->reviewed = $reviewed; // IST DAS OKAY?!
// Unset where the user is coming from.
@@ -212,74 +219,49 @@ private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
private function build_prepost_reply($replypostid) {
global $DB, $PAGE, $SESSION, $USER;
- // Check if the related post exists.
- if (!$this->information->parent = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($replypostid)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidparentpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the post is part of a valid discussion.
- if (!$this->information->discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions',
- array('id' => $this->information->parent->discussion))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the post is related to a valid moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!$this->information->moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow',
- array('id' => $this->information->discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the moodleoverflow instance is part of a course.
- if (!$this->information->course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->information->discussion->course))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
- }
- // Retrieve the related coursemodule.
- if (!$this->information->cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow',
- $this->information->moodleoverflow->id,
- $this->information->course->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
- }
+ // Get the related poost, discussion, moodleoverflowm course and coursemodule.
+ $this->collect_information($replypostid, false);
// Ensure the coursemodule is set correctly.
- $PAGE->set_cm($this->information->cm, $this->information->course, $this->information->moodleoverflow);
+ $PAGE->set_cm($this->info->cm, $this->info->course, $this->info->moodleoverflow);
// Retrieve the contexts.
- $this->information->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->information->cm->id);
- $this->information->coursecontext = context_module::instance($this->information->course->id);
+ $this->info->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id);
+ $this->info->coursecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->course->id);
// Check whether the user is allowed to post.
- if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post($this->information->modulecontext, $this->information->parent)) {
+ if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post($this->info->modulecontext, $this->info->parent)) {
// Give the user the chance to enroll himself to the course.
- if (!isguestuser() && !is_enrolled($this->information->coursecontext)) {
+ if (!isguestuser() && !is_enrolled($this->info->coursecontext)) {
$SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
$SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
redirect(new moodle_url('/enrol/index.php',
- array('id' => $this->information->course->id,
+ array('id' => $this->info->course->id,
'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' .
- $this->information->moodleoverflow->id)),
+ $this->info->moodleoverflow->id)),
// Print the error message.
throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
// Make sure the user can post here.
- if (!$this->information->cm->visible &&
- !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $this->information->modulecontext)) {
+ if (!$this->info->cm->visible && !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $this->info->modulecontext)) {
throw new moodle_exception('activityiscurrentlyhidden');
// Prepare a post.
- $this->prepost = new stdClass();
- $this->prepost->courseid = $this->information->course->id;
- $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid = $this->information->moodleoverflow->id;
- $this->prepost->discussionid = $this->information->discussion->id;
- $this->prepost->parentid = $this->information->parent->id;
- $this->prepost->subject = $this->information->discussion->name;
+ $this->prepost = new \stdClass();
+ $this->prepost->postid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_id();
+ $this->prepost->courseid = $this->info->course->id;
+ $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid = $this->info->moodleoverflow->id;
+ $this->prepost->discussionid = $this->info->discussion->get_id();
+ $this->prepost->parentid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_parentid();
+ $this->prepost->subject = $this->info->discussion->name;
$this->prepost->userid = $USER->id;
$this->prepost->message = '';
+ $this->prepost->modulecontext = $this->info->modulecontext;
// Append 'RE: ' to the discussions subject.
$strre = get_string('re', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -293,73 +275,38 @@ private function build_prepost_reply($replypostid) {
- * Function to prepare the edit of an existing post.
+ * Function to prepare the edit of an user own existing post.
* @param int $editpostid The ID of the post that is being edited.
private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
global $DB, $PAGE, $SESSION, $USER;
- // Third possibility: The user is editing his own post.
- // Check if the submitted post exists.
- if (!$this->information->relatedpost = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($editpostid)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Get the parent post of this post if it is not the starting post of the discussion.
- if ($this->information->relatedpost->parent) {
- if (!$this->information->parent = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($this->information->relatedpost->parent)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidparentpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- }
- // Check if the post refers to a valid discussion.
- if (!$this->information->discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions',
- array('id' => $this->information->relatedpost->discussion))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the post refers to a valid moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!$this->information->moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow',
- array('id' => $this->information->discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the post refers to a valid course.
- if (!$this->information->course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->information->discussion->course))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
- }
- // Retrieve the related coursemodule.
- if (!$this->information->cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow',
- $this->information->moodleoverflow->id,
- $this->information->course->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
- }
+ // Get the related post, discussion, moodleoverflow, course and coursemodule.
+ $this->collect_information($editpostid, false);
// Retrieve contexts.
- $this->information->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->information->cm->id);
+ $this->info->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id);
// Set the pages context.
- $PAGE->set_cm($this->information->cm, $this->information->course, $this->information->moodleoverflow);
+ $PAGE->set_cm($this->info->cm, $this->info->course, $this->info->moodleoverflow);
// Check if the post can be edited.
- $beyondtime = ((time() - $this->information->relatedpost->created) > get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'));
- $alreadyreviewed = review::should_post_be_reviewed($this->information->relatedpost, $this->information->moodleoverflow)
- && $this->information->relatedpost->reviewed;
+ $beyondtime = ((time() - $this->info->relatedpost->created) > get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'));
+ $alreadyreviewed = review::should_post_be_reviewed($this->info->relatedpost, $this->info->moodleoverflow)
+ && $this->info->relatedpost->reviewed;
if (($beyondtime || $alreadyreviewed) && !has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost',
- $this->information->modulecontext)) {
+ $this->info->modulecontext)) {
throw new moodle_exception('maxtimehaspassed', 'moodleoverflow', '',
format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')));
// If the current user is not the one who posted this post.
- if ($this->information->relatedpost->userid <> $USER->id) {
+ if ($this->info->relatedpost->get_userid() != $USER->id) {
// Check if the current user has not the capability to edit any post.
- if (!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $this->information->modulecontext)) {
+ if (!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $this->info->modulecontext)) {
// Display the error. Capabilities are missing.
throw new moodle_exception('cannoteditposts', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -367,10 +314,16 @@ private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
// Load the $post variable.
- $this->prepost = $this->information->relatedpost;
- $this->prepost->editid = $editpostid;
- $this->prepost->course = $this->information->course->id;
- $this->prepost->moodleoverflow = $this->information->moodleoverflow->id;
+ $this->prepost = new \stdClass();
+ $this->prepost->postid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_id();
+ $this->prepost->courseid = $this->info->course->id;
+ $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid = $this->info->moodleoverflow->id;
+ $this->prepost->discussionid = $this->info->discussion->id;
+ $this->prepost->parentid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_parentid();
+ $this->prepost->subject = $this->info->discussion->name;
+ $this->prepost->message = $this->info->relatedpost->message;
+ $this->prepost->userid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_userid();
+ $this->prepost->modulecontext = $this->info->modulecontext;
// Unset where the user is coming from.
// Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
@@ -385,82 +338,235 @@ private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
private function build_prepost_delete($deletepostid) {
global $DB, $USER;
- // Check if the post is existing.
- if (!$this->information->relatedpost = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($deletepostid)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
+ // Get the realted post, discussion, moodleoverflow, course and coursemodule.
+ $this->collect_information($deletepostid, false);
- // Get the related discussion.
- if (!$this->information->discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions',
- array('id' => $this->information->relatedpost->discussion))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
+ // Require a login and retrieve the modulecontext.
+ require_login($this->info->course, false, $this->info->cm);
+ $this->info->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id);
- // Get the related moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!$this->information->moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow',
- array('id' => $this->information->discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoveflow');
- }
+ // Check some capabilities.
+ $this->info->deleteownpost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteownpost', $this->info->modulecontext);
+ $this->info->deleteanypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteanypost', $this->info->modulecontext);
+ if (!(($this->info->relatedpost->get_userid() == $USER->id && $this->info->deleteownpost)
+ || $this->info->deleteanypost)) {
- // Get the related coursemodule.
- if (!$this->information->cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow',
- $this->information->moodleoverflow->id,
- $this->information->moodleoverflow->course)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow');
- // Get the related course.
- if (!$this->information->course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->information->moodleoverflow->course))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
+ // Count all replies of this post.
+ $this->info->replycount = moodleoverflow_count_replies($this->info->relatedpost, false);
+ // In the delete interaction the prepost is already the post object.
+ $this->prepost = new \stdClass();
+ $this->prepost->postid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_id();
+ $this->prepost->courseid = $this->info->course->id;
+ $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid = $this->info->moodleoverflow->id;
+ $this->prepost->discussionid = $this->info->discussion->id;
+ $this->prepost->parentid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_parentid();
+ $this->prepost->subject = $this->info->discussion->name;
+ $this->prepost->message = $this->info->relatedpost->message;
+ $this->prepost->userid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_userid();
+ $this->prepost->modulecontext = $this->info->modulecontext;
+ $this->prepost->deletechildren = true;
+ }
+ // Execute Functions, that execute an interaction.
+ public function execute_create() {
+ $this->check_interaction('create');
+ }
+ public function execute_reply() {
+ $this->check_interaction('reply');
+ }
+ public function execute_edit() {
+ $this->check_interaction('edit');
+ }
+ public function execute_delete() {
+ $this->check_interaction('delete');
+ // Check if the user has the capability to delete the post.
+ $timepassed = time() - $this->info->relatedpost->created;
+ $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->info->discussion->get_id()));
+ if (($timepassed > get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')) && !$this->info->deleteanypost) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
- // Require a login and retrieve the modulecontext.
- require_login($this->information->course, false, $this->information->cm);
- $this->information->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->information->cm->id);
+ // A normal user cannot delete his post if there are direct replies.
+ if ($this->infro->replycount && !$this->info->deleteanypost) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletereplies', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
+ }
- // Check some capabilities.
- $this->information->deleteownpost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteownpost', $this->information->modulecontext);
- $this->information->deleteanypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteanypost', $this->information->modulecontext);
- if (!(($this->information->relatedpost->userid == $USER->id && $this->information->deleteownpost)
- || $this->information->deleteanypost)) {
+ // Check if the post is a parent post or not.
+ if ($this->prepost->get_parentid() == 0) {
+ $this->info->discussion->moodleoverflow_delete_discussion($this->prepost);
- throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ // Redirect the user back to the start page of the moodleoverflow instance.
+ redirect('view.php?m=' . $this->info->discussion->get_moodleoverflowid());
+ } else {
+ $this->info->discussion->moodleoverflow_delete_post_from_discussion($this->prepost);
+ $discussionurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->info->discussion->get_id()));
+ redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($discussionurl));
+ }
- // Count all replies of this post.
- $this->information->replycount = moodleoverflow_count_replies($this->information->relatedpost, false);
+ // Confirm Function for the delete interaction.
+ /**
+ * Builds a part of confirmation page. The confirmation request box is being build by the post.php.
+ */
+ public function confirm_delete() {
+ $this->check_interaction('delete');
+ global $PAGE;
+ moodleoverflow_set_return();
+ $PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('delete', 'moodleoverflow'));
+ $PAGE->set_title($this->info->course->shortname);
+ $PAGE->set_heading($this->info->course->fullname);
+ $PAGE->add_body_class('limitedwidth');
// Helper functions.
+ // Getter.
+ /**
+ * Returns the interaction type.
+ * @return string $interaction
+ */
+ public function get_interaction() {
+ return $this->interaction;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the gathered important information in the build_prepost_() functions.
+ * @return object $info
+ */
+ public function get_information() {
+ return $this->info;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retuns the prepared post.
+ * @return object $prepost
+ */
+ public function get_prepost() {
+ return $this->prepost;
+ }
+ // Information function.
+ /**
+ * Builds the information object that is being used in the build prepost functions.
+ * The variables are optional, but one is necessary to build the information object.
+ * @param int $postid
+ * @param int $moodleoverflowid
+ * @return bool, if object could be build or not.
+ */
+ private function collect_information($postid = false, $moodleoverflowid = false) {
+ if ((!$postid && !$moodleoverflowid) || ($postid && $moodleoverflowid)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('inaccurateparameter', 'moodleoverflow');
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ($postid) {
+ $this->info->relatedpost = $this->check_post_exists($postid);
+ $this->info->discussion = $this->check_discussion_exists($this->info->relatedpost->get_discussionid());
+ $localmoodleoverflowid = $this->info->discussion->get_moodleoverflowid();
+ } else if ($moodleoverflowid) {
+ $localmoodleoverflowid = $moodleoverflowid;
+ }
+ $this->info->moodleoverflow = $this->check_moodleoverflow_exists($localmoodleoverflowid);
+ $this->info->course = $this->check_course_exists($this->info->moodleoverflow->course);
+ $this->info->cm = $this->check_coursemodule_exists($this->info->moodleoverflow->id, $this->info->course->id);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Interaction check.
+ /**
+ * Checks if the interaction is correct
+ * @param string $interaction
+ * @return true if the interaction is correct
+ */
+ private function check_interaction($interaction) {
+ if ($this->interaction != $interaction) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('wronginteraction' , 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
// Database checks.
- * Checks if the course exists and returns the $DB->record
- *
- * @param object $moodleoverflow
+ * Checks if the course exists. Returns the $DB->record of the course.
+ * @param int $courseid
+ * @return object $course
- public function check_course_exists($moodleoverflow) {
+ private function check_course_exists($courseid) {
global $DB;
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course))) {
+ if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid))) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
return $course;
- public function check_coursemodule_exists() {
+ /**
+ * Checks if the coursemodule exists.
+ * @param int $moodleoverflowid
+ * @param int $courseid
+ * @return object $cm
+ */
+ private function check_coursemodule_exists($moodleoverflowid, $courseid) {
+ if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflowid,
+ $courseid)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ }
+ return $cm;
- public function check_moodleoverflow_exists() {
+ /**
+ * Checks if the related moodleoverflow exists.
+ * @param int $moodleoverflowid
+ * @return object $moodleoverflow
+ */
+ private function check_moodleoverflow_exists($moodleoverflowid) {
+ // Get the related moodleoverflow instance.
+ global $DB;
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflowid))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ return $moodleoverflow;
- public function check_discussion_exists() {
+ /**
+ * Checks if the related discussion exists.
+ * @param int $discussionid
+ * @return object $discussion
+ */
+ private function check_discussion_exists($discussionid) {
+ global $DB;
+ if (!$discussionrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussionid))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invaliddiscussionid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ $discussion = discussion::from_record($discussionrecord);
+ return $discussion;
- public function check_post_exists() {
+ /**
+ * Checks if a post exists.
+ * @param int $postid
+ * @return object $post
+ */
+ private function check_post_exists($postid) {
+ global $DB;
+ if (!$postrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $postid))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ $post = post::from_record($postrecord);
+ return $post;
diff --git a/classes/post/structure.drawio b/classes/post/structure.drawio
index 893bc6384a..691bd360a6 100644
--- a/classes/post/structure.drawio
+++ b/classes/post/structure.drawio
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -63,20 +63,20 @@
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
@@ -153,9 +153,9 @@
@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@
diff --git a/classes/review.php b/classes/review.php
index 7d6b417dff..77ddd2e67b 100644
--- a/classes/review.php
+++ b/classes/review.php
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public static function get_first_review_post($moodleoverflowid, $afterpostid = n
public static function should_post_be_reviewed($post, $moodleoverflow): bool {
$reviewlevel = self::get_review_level($moodleoverflow);
- if ($post->parent) {
+ if ($post->get_parentid() != 0) {
return $reviewlevel == self::EVERYTHING;
} else {
return $reviewlevel >= self::QUESTIONS;
diff --git a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
index cd37006be0..2fb184cf39 100644
--- a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
+++ b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
@@ -153,6 +153,10 @@
$string['notallpostsavailable'] = 'This Discussion does not have all of its posts, this could lead to errors! Please use moodleoverflow_get_discussion_posts()';
$string['missingformattachments'] = "This functions requires data that were not submitted. Please check the post_form";
+// String for the classes/post/post_control.php.
+$string['inaccurateparameter'] = 'Please check your parameter and give exactly 1 parameter to the function';
+$string['wronginteraction'] = 'Wrong interaction detected, please choose the right function';
// Strings for the classes/mod_form.php.
$string['subject'] = 'Subject';
$string['reply'] = 'Comment';
diff --git a/post_new.php b/post_new.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d292ac902e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/post_new.php
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * The file that is opened in Moodle when the user interacts with posts
+ *
+ * @package mod_moodleoverflow
+ * @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\post\post_control;
+require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php');
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php');
+require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
+// Declare optional url parameters.
+$moodleoverflow = optional_param('moodleoverflow', 0, PARAM_INT);
+$reply = optional_param('reply', 0, PARAM_INT);
+$edit = optional_param('edit', 0, PARAM_INT);
+$delete = optional_param('delete', 0, PARAM_INT);
+$confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_INT);
+// Set the URL that should be used to return to this page.
+$PAGE->set_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php', array(
+ 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow,
+ 'reply' => $reply,
+ 'edit' => $edit,
+ 'delete' => $delete,
+ 'confirm' => $confirm,
+// These params will be passed as hidden variables later in the form.
+$pageparams = array('moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow, 'reply' => $reply, 'edit' => $edit);
+// Get the system context instance.
+$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
+// Create a post_control object to control the process.
+$postcontrol = new post_control();
+// Put all interaction parameters in one object for the post_control.
+$urlparameter = new \stdClass();
+$urlparameter->create = $moodleoverflow;
+$urlparameter->reply = $reply;
+$urlparameter->edit = $edit;
+$urlparameter->delete = $delete;
+// Catch guests.
+if (!isloggedin() || isguestuser()) {
+ // Gather information and set the page right so that user can be redirected to the right site.
+ $information = $postcontrol->catch_guest();
+ // The guest needs to login.
+ $strlogin = get_string('noguestpost', 'forum') . '
' . get_string('liketologin');
+ echo $OUTPUT->header();
+ echo $OUTPUT->confirm($strlogin, get_login_url(),
+ $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m= ' . $information->moodleoverflow->id);
+ echo $OUTPUT->footer();
+ exit;
+// Require a general login to post something.
+require_login(0, false);
+// Now the post_control checks which interaction is wanted and builds a prepost.
+// If a post is being deleted, delete it immediately.
+if ($postcontrol->get_interaction() == 'delete') {
+ // Has the user confirmed the deletion?
+ if (!empty($confirm) && confirm_sesskey()) {
+ $postcontrol->execute_delete();
+ exit;
+ } else {
+ // Deletion needs to be confirmed.
+ $postcontrol->confirm_delete();
+ // Display a confirmation request depending on the number of posts that are being deleted.
+ $information = $postcontrol->get_information();
+ echo $OUTPUT->header();
+ if ($information->deletetype == 'plural') {
+ echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string('deletesureplural', 'moodleoverflow', $information->replycount + 1),
+ 'post.php?delete='.$delete.'&confirm='.$delete,
+ $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php?d=' . $information->discussion->get_id() .
+ '#p' . $information->relatedpost->get_id());
+ } else {
+ echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string('deletesure', 'moodleoverflow', $information->replycount),
+ "post.php?delete=$delete&confirm=$delete",
+ $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php?d=' . $information->discussion->get_id() .
+ '#p' . $information->relatedpost->get_id());
+ }
+ echo $OUTPUT->footer();
+ exit;
+ }
+// Now the post_form will be prepared.
From 70ac6d62ac9a1a46a7fd6f8c9c72bceede69b32c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2023 16:03:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 17/40] new post.php complete
classes/discussion/discussion.php | 18 ++-
classes/post/post.control.php | 208 ++++++++++++++++++++----------
classes/post/post.php | 9 +-
classes/post_form.php | 5 +-
classes/review.php | 2 +-
post_new.php | 46 ++++++-
6 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/discussion/discussion.php b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
index b67dca505d..67c9a3aec2 100644
--- a/classes/discussion/discussion.php
+++ b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
@@ -40,15 +40,15 @@
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/locallib.php');
- * Class that represents a discussion.
- * A discussion administrates the posts and has one parent post, that started the discussion.
+ * Class that represents a discussion. A discussion administrates the posts and has one parent post, that started the discussion.
- * Please be careful with functions that delete, add or edit posts and discussions.
- * Security checks for these functions were done in the post_control class and these functions should only be accessed that way.
- * Accessing these functions directly without the checks from the post control could lead to serious errors.
* @package mod_moodleoverflow
* @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ *
+ * Please be careful with functions that delete, add or edit posts and discussions.
+ * Security checks for these functions were done in the post_control class and these functions should only be accessed that way.
+ * Accessing these functions directly without the checks from the post control could lead to serious errors.
class discussion {
@@ -424,6 +424,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_discussion_adapt_to_last_post() {
// Getter.
+ * Getter for the post ID
* @return int $this->id The post ID.
public function get_id() {
@@ -432,6 +433,7 @@ public function get_id() {
+ * Getter for the courseid
* @return int $this->course The ID of the course where the discussion is located.
public function get_courseid() {
@@ -440,6 +442,7 @@ public function get_courseid() {
+ * Getter for the moodleoverflowid
* @return int $this->moodleoverflow The ID of the moodleoverflow where the discussion is located.
public function get_moodleoverflowid() {
@@ -448,6 +451,7 @@ public function get_moodleoverflowid() {
+ * Getter for the firstpostid
* @return int $this->firstpost The ID of the first post.
public function get_firstpostid() {
@@ -456,7 +460,8 @@ public function get_firstpostid() {
- * @return int $this->userid The ID of the user who wrote the post.
+ * Getter for the userid
+ * @return int $this->userid The ID of the user who wrote the first post.
public function get_userid() {
@@ -465,7 +470,6 @@ public function get_userid() {
* Returns the ratings from this discussion.
- *
* @return array of votings
public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion_ratings() {
diff --git a/classes/post/post.control.php b/classes/post/post.control.php
index 57c0cf2100..b4b4f4f07b 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.control.php
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php');
+require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
+require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php');
* This Class controls the manipulation of posts and acts as controller of interactions with the post.php
@@ -68,25 +70,28 @@ class post_control {
private $interaction;
- /** @var object information about the post like the related moodleoverflow, post etc. .*/
+ /** @var object information about the post like the related moodleoverflow, post etc.
+ * Difference between info and prepost: Info has objects, prepost mostly ID's and string like the message of the post.
+ */
private $info;
/** @var object prepost for the classes/post/post_form.php,
- * this object is only used in this class and its not inserted in tehe database*/
+ * this object is more like a prototype of a post and it's not in the database*
+ * Difference between info and prepost. Info has objects, prepost mostly ID's and strings like the message of the post.
+ */
private $prepost;
* Constructor
- *
- * @param object $urlparameter Parameter that were sent when post.php where opened.
public function __construct() {
$this->info = new \stdClass;
- * Detects the interaction
+ * Detects the interaction and builds the prepost.
* @param object $urlparamter parameter from the post.php
+ * @throws moodle_exception if the interaction is not correct.
public function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
$count = 0;
@@ -122,10 +127,32 @@ public function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
+ /**
+ * Controls the execution of an interaction.
+ * @param object $form The results from the post_form.
+ * @return bool if the execution succeded
+ */
+ public function execute_interaction($form) {
+ // Redirect url in case of occuring errors.
+ if (empty($SESSION->fromurl)) {
+ $errordestination = '$CFG->wwwroot/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid;
+ } else {
+ $errordestination = $SESSION->fromurl;
+ }
+ // Format the submitted data.
+ $this->prepost->messageformat = $fromform->message['format'];
+ $this->prepost->message = $fromform->message['text'];
+ $this->prepost->messagetrust = trusttext_trusted($this->prepost->modulecontext);
+ // FEHLT.
+ }
* This function is used when a guest enters the post.php.
* Parameters will be checked so that the post.php can redirect the user to the right site.
- *
+ * @param int $postid
+ * @param int $moodleoverflowid
* @return object $this->information // The gathered information.
public function catch_guest($postid = false, $moodleoverflowid = false) {
@@ -159,13 +186,9 @@ public function catch_guest($postid = false, $moodleoverflowid = false) {
private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
global $DB, $SESSION, $USER;
- // Get the related moodleoverflow, course and coursemodule.
+ // Get the related moodleoverflow, course coursemodule and the contexts.
$this->collect_information(false, $moodleoverflowid);
- // Retrieve the contexts.
- $this->info->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id);
- $this->info->coursecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->course->id);
// Check if the user can start a new discussion.
if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post_discussion($this->info->moodleoverflow, $this->info->cm, $this->info->modulecontext)) {
@@ -195,16 +218,13 @@ private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
$SESSION->fromurl = get_local_referer(false);
// Prepare the post.
- $this->prepost = new \stdClass();
- $this->prepost->postid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_id();
- $this->prepost->courseid = $this->info->course->id;
- $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid = $this->info->moodleoverflow->id;
- $this->prepost->discussionid = 0;
+ $this->assemble_prepost();
+ $this->prepost->postid = null;
+ $this->prepost->discussionid = null;
$this->prepost->parentid = 0;
$this->prepost->subject = '';
$this->prepost->userid = $USER->id;
$this->prepost->message = '';
- $this->prepost->modulecontext = $this->info->modulecontext;
$this->prepost->reviewed = $reviewed; // IST DAS OKAY?!
// Unset where the user is coming from.
@@ -220,16 +240,12 @@ private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
private function build_prepost_reply($replypostid) {
global $DB, $PAGE, $SESSION, $USER;
- // Get the related poost, discussion, moodleoverflowm course and coursemodule.
+ // Get the related poost, discussion, moodleoverflow, course, coursemodule and contexts.
$this->collect_information($replypostid, false);
// Ensure the coursemodule is set correctly.
$PAGE->set_cm($this->info->cm, $this->info->course, $this->info->moodleoverflow);
- // Retrieve the contexts.
- $this->info->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id);
- $this->info->coursecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->course->id);
// Check whether the user is allowed to post.
if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post($this->info->modulecontext, $this->info->parent)) {
@@ -252,16 +268,9 @@ private function build_prepost_reply($replypostid) {
// Prepare a post.
- $this->prepost = new \stdClass();
- $this->prepost->postid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_id();
- $this->prepost->courseid = $this->info->course->id;
- $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid = $this->info->moodleoverflow->id;
- $this->prepost->discussionid = $this->info->discussion->get_id();
- $this->prepost->parentid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_parentid();
- $this->prepost->subject = $this->info->discussion->name;
+ $this->assemble_prepost();
$this->prepost->userid = $USER->id;
$this->prepost->message = '';
- $this->prepost->modulecontext = $this->info->modulecontext;
// Append 'RE: ' to the discussions subject.
$strre = get_string('re', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -282,12 +291,9 @@ private function build_prepost_reply($replypostid) {
private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
global $DB, $PAGE, $SESSION, $USER;
- // Get the related post, discussion, moodleoverflow, course and coursemodule.
+ // Get the related post, discussion, moodleoverflow, course, coursemodule and contexts.
$this->collect_information($editpostid, false);
- // Retrieve contexts.
- $this->info->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id);
// Set the pages context.
$PAGE->set_cm($this->info->cm, $this->info->course, $this->info->moodleoverflow);
@@ -314,16 +320,7 @@ private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
// Load the $post variable.
- $this->prepost = new \stdClass();
- $this->prepost->postid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_id();
- $this->prepost->courseid = $this->info->course->id;
- $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid = $this->info->moodleoverflow->id;
- $this->prepost->discussionid = $this->info->discussion->id;
- $this->prepost->parentid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_parentid();
- $this->prepost->subject = $this->info->discussion->name;
- $this->prepost->message = $this->info->relatedpost->message;
- $this->prepost->userid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_userid();
- $this->prepost->modulecontext = $this->info->modulecontext;
+ $this->assemble->prepost();
// Unset where the user is coming from.
// Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
@@ -338,12 +335,11 @@ private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
private function build_prepost_delete($deletepostid) {
global $DB, $USER;
- // Get the realted post, discussion, moodleoverflow, course and coursemodule.
+ // Get the realted post, discussion, moodleoverflow, course, coursemodule and contexts.
$this->collect_information($deletepostid, false);
// Require a login and retrieve the modulecontext.
require_login($this->info->course, false, $this->info->cm);
- $this->info->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id);
// Check some capabilities.
$this->info->deleteownpost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteownpost', $this->info->modulecontext);
@@ -357,32 +353,22 @@ private function build_prepost_delete($deletepostid) {
// Count all replies of this post.
$this->info->replycount = moodleoverflow_count_replies($this->info->relatedpost, false);
- // In the delete interaction the prepost is already the post object.
- $this->prepost = new \stdClass();
- $this->prepost->postid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_id();
- $this->prepost->courseid = $this->info->course->id;
- $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid = $this->info->moodleoverflow->id;
- $this->prepost->discussionid = $this->info->discussion->id;
- $this->prepost->parentid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_parentid();
- $this->prepost->subject = $this->info->discussion->name;
- $this->prepost->message = $this->info->relatedpost->message;
- $this->prepost->userid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_userid();
- $this->prepost->modulecontext = $this->info->modulecontext;
+ // Build the prepost.
+ $this->assemble->prepost();
$this->prepost->deletechildren = true;
// Execute Functions, that execute an interaction.
- public function execute_create() {
+ private function execute_create() {
- public function execute_reply() {
+ private function execute_reply() {
- public function execute_edit() {
+ private function execute_edit() {
@@ -414,7 +400,7 @@ public function execute_delete() {
- // Confirm Function for the delete interaction.
+ // Functions that uses the post.php to build the page.
* Builds a part of confirmation page. The confirmation request box is being build by the post.php.
@@ -429,6 +415,72 @@ public function confirm_delete() {
+ /**
+ * Builds and returns a post_form object where the users enters/edits the message and attachments of the post.
+ * @param array $pageparams An object that the post.php created.
+ * @return object a mod_moodleoverflow_post_form object.
+ */
+ public function build_postform($pageparams) {
+ // Require that the user is logged in properly and enrolled to the course.
+ require_login($this->info->course, false, $this->info->cm);
+ // Prepare the attachments.
+ $draftitemid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('attachments');
+ file_prepare_draft_area($draftitemid, $this->info->modulecontext->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment',
+ empty($this->prepost->postid) ? null : $this->prepost->postid,
+ mod_moodleoverflow_post_form::attachment_options($this->info->moodleoverflow));
+ // Prepare the form.
+ $edit = $this->interaction == 'edit' ? true : false;
+ $formarray = array( 'course' => $this->info->course, 'cm' => $this->info->cm, 'coursecontext' => $this->info->coursecontext,
+ 'modulecontext' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'moodleoverflow' => $this->info->moodleoverflow,
+ 'post' => $this->info->post, 'edit' => $edit);
+ // Declare the post_form.
+ $mformpost = new mod_moodleoverflow_post_form('post.php', $formarray, 'post', '', array('id' => 'mformmoodleoverflow'));
+ // If the user is not the original author append an extra message to the message. (Happens when interaction = 'edit').
+ if ($USER->id != $this->prepost->userid) {
+ // Create a temporary object.
+ $data = new \stdClass();
+ $data->date = userdate(time());
+ $this->prepost->messageformat = editors_get_preferred_format();
+ if ($this->prepost->messageformat == FORMAT_HTML) {
+ $data->name = '' . fullname($USER) . '';
+ $this->prepost->message .= '(' . get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data) .
+ ')
+ } else {
+ $data->name = fullname($USER);
+ $this->prepost->message .= "\n\n(" . get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data) . ')';
+ }
+ // Delete the temporary object.
+ unset($data);
+ }
+ // Define the heading for the form.
+ $formheading = '';
+ if ($this->info->relatedpost->moodleoverflow_get_parentpost()) {
+ $heading = get_string('yourreply', 'moodleoverflow');
+ $formheading = get_string('reply', 'moodleoverflow');
+ } else {
+ $heading = get_string('yournewtopic', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Set data for the form.
+ $mformpost->set_data(array(
+ 'attachments' => $draftitemid, 'general' => $heading, 'subject' => $this->prepost->subject,
+ 'message' => array('text' => $this->prepost->message,
+ 'format' => editors_get_preferred_format(),
+ 'itemid' => $this->prepost->postid),
+ 'userid' => $this->prepost->userid, 'parent' => $this->prepost->parentid, 'discussion' => $this->prepost->discussionid,
+ 'course' => $this->prepost->courseid)
+ + $pageparams
+ );
+ return $mformpost;
+ }
// Helper functions.
// Getter.
@@ -457,7 +509,7 @@ public function get_prepost() {
return $this->prepost;
- // Information function.
+ // Functions that build the info and prepost object.
* Builds the information object that is being used in the build prepost functions.
@@ -467,7 +519,7 @@ public function get_prepost() {
* @return bool, if object could be build or not.
private function collect_information($postid = false, $moodleoverflowid = false) {
- if ((!$postid && !$moodleoverflowid) || ($postid && $moodleoverflowid)) {
+ if (!($postid xor $moodleoverflowid)) {
throw new moodle_exception('inaccurateparameter', 'moodleoverflow');
return false;
@@ -475,15 +527,41 @@ private function collect_information($postid = false, $moodleoverflowid = false)
$this->info->relatedpost = $this->check_post_exists($postid);
$this->info->discussion = $this->check_discussion_exists($this->info->relatedpost->get_discussionid());
$localmoodleoverflowid = $this->info->discussion->get_moodleoverflowid();
- } else if ($moodleoverflowid) {
+ } else {
$localmoodleoverflowid = $moodleoverflowid;
$this->info->moodleoverflow = $this->check_moodleoverflow_exists($localmoodleoverflowid);
$this->info->course = $this->check_course_exists($this->info->moodleoverflow->course);
$this->info->cm = $this->check_coursemodule_exists($this->info->moodleoverflow->id, $this->info->course->id);
+ $this->info->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id);
+ $this->info->coursecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->course->id);
return true;
+ /**
+ * Assembles the prepost object. Helps to reduce code in the build_prepost functions.
+ * Some prepost parameters will be assigned individually by the build_prepost functions.
+ */
+ private function assemble_prepost() {
+ $this->prepost = new \stdClass();
+ $this->prepost->courseid = $this->info->course->id;
+ $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid = $this->info->moodleoverflow->id;
+ $this->prepost->modulecontext = $this->info->modulecontext;
+ if ($this->interaction != 'create') {
+ $this->prepost->postid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_id();
+ $this->prepost->discussionid = $this->info->discussion->get_id();
+ $this->prepost->parentid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_parentid();
+ $this->prepost->subject = $this->info->discussion->name;
+ if ($this->interaction != 'edit') {
+ $this->prepost->userid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_userid();
+ $this->prepost->message = $this->info->relatedpost->message();
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Interaction check.
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index 1cfc37a337..89c35ff9a2 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class post {
* Constructor to make a new post.
- *
+ * @param int $id The post ID.
* @param int $discussion The discussion ID.
* @param int $parent The parent post ID.
* @param int $userid The user ID that created the post.
@@ -367,6 +367,8 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
* @param string $postmessage The new message
* @param object $messageformat
* @param object $formattachments Information about attachments from the post_form
+ *
+ * @return true if the post has been edited successfully
public function moodleoverflow_edit_post($time, $postmessage, $messageformat, $formattachment) {
global $DB;
@@ -494,6 +496,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments() {
// Getter.
+ * Getter for the postid
* @return int $this->id The post ID.
public function get_id() {
@@ -502,6 +505,7 @@ public function get_id() {
+ * Getter for the discussionid
* @return int $this->discussion The ID of the discussion where the post is located.
public function get_discussionid() {
@@ -510,6 +514,7 @@ public function get_discussionid() {
+ * Getter for the parentid
* @return int $this->parent The ID of the parent post.
public function get_parentid() {
@@ -518,6 +523,7 @@ public function get_parentid() {
+ * Getter for the userid
* @return int $this->userid The ID of the user who wrote the post.
public function get_userid() {
@@ -527,7 +533,6 @@ public function get_userid() {
* Returns the moodleoverflow where the post is located.
- *
* @return object $moodleoverflowobject
public function get_moodleoverflow() {
diff --git a/classes/post_form.php b/classes/post_form.php
index c181a1d85b..6631f326e6 100644
--- a/classes/post_form.php
+++ b/classes/post_form.php
@@ -43,8 +43,9 @@ class mod_moodleoverflow_post_form extends moodleform {
public function definition() {
- $modform =& $this->_form;
+ $modform =& $this->_form;
$post = $this->_customdata['post'];
+ $edit = $this->_customdata['edit'];
$modcontext = $this->_customdata['modulecontext'];
$moodleoverflow = $this->_customdata['moodleoverflow'];
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ public function definition() {
// Submit buttons.
- if (isset($post->edit)) {
+ if ($edit) {
$strsubmit = get_string('savechanges');
} else {
$strsubmit = get_string('posttomoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
diff --git a/classes/review.php b/classes/review.php
index 77ddd2e67b..7ee4d82ec1 100644
--- a/classes/review.php
+++ b/classes/review.php
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public static function get_first_review_post($moodleoverflowid, $afterpostid = n
public static function should_post_be_reviewed($post, $moodleoverflow): bool {
$reviewlevel = self::get_review_level($moodleoverflow);
- if ($post->get_parentid() != 0) {
+ if ($post->parent != 0 /*$post->get_parentid() != 0*/) {
return $reviewlevel == self::EVERYTHING;
} else {
return $reviewlevel >= self::QUESTIONS;
diff --git a/post_new.php b/post_new.php
index d292ac902e..9a3a2db972 100644
--- a/post_new.php
+++ b/post_new.php
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
// Get the system context instance.
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
-// Create a post_control object to control the process.
+// Create a post_control object to control and lead the process.
$postcontrol = new post_control();
// Put all interaction parameters in one object for the post_control.
@@ -111,4 +111,46 @@
-// Now the post_form will be prepared.
+// A post will be created or edited. For that the post_control builds a post_form.
+$mformpost = $postcontrol->build_postform();
+// The User now entered information in the form. The post.php now needs to process the information and call the right function.
+// Get attributes from the postcontrol.
+$information = $postcontrol->get_information();
+$prepost = $postcontrol->get_prepost();
+// If the interaction was cancelled, the user needs to be redirected.
+if ($mformpost->is_cancelled()) {
+ if (!issett($prepost->discussionid)) {
+ redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $prepost->moodleoverflowid)));
+ } else {
+ redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $prepost->discussionid)));
+ }
+ exit;
+// If the post_form is submitted, the post_control executes the right function.
+if ($fromform = $mformpost->get_data()) {
+ $postcontrol->execute_interaction($fromform);
+ exit;
+// If the script gets to this point, nothing has been submitted.
+// The post_form will be displayed.
+// Define the message to be displayed above the form.
+$toppost = new \stdClass();
+$toppost->subject = get_string('addanewdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+// Initiate the page.
+$PAGE->set_title($information->course->shortname . ': ' .
+ $information->moodleoverflow->name . ' ' .
+ format_string($toppost->subject));
+// Display all.
+echo $OUTPUT->header();
+echo $OUTPUT->footer();
From d99ec28e10c3821c8a70242d92c21e318335694d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2023 15:04:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 18/40] new post structure ready
classes/discussion/discussion.php | 26 +-
classes/post/post.control.php | 202 +++++++-
lang/en/moodleoverflow.php | 5 +-
locallib.php | 2 +-
post.php | 766 +++--------------------------
post_new.php | 156 ------
post_old.php | 792 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
7 files changed, 1049 insertions(+), 900 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 post_new.php
create mode 100644 post_old.php
diff --git a/classes/discussion/discussion.php b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
index 67c9a3aec2..b188f3c262 100644
--- a/classes/discussion/discussion.php
+++ b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
@@ -212,16 +212,12 @@ public static function construct_without_id($course, $moodleoverflow, $name, $fi
public function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($prepost) {
global $DB;
- // Get the current time.
- $timenow = time();
// Add the discussion to the Database.
$this->id = $DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this);
// Create the first/parent post for the new discussion and add it do the DB.
- $post = post::construct_without_id($this->id, 0, $prepost->userid, $timenow, $timenow,
- $preposts->message, $prepost->messageformat, $prepost->attachment, $prepost->mailed,
- $prepost->reviewed, $prepost->timereviewed, $prepost->formattachments);
+ $post = post::construct_without_id($this->id, 0, $prepost->userid, $prepost->timenow, $prepost->timenow, $preposts->message,
+ $prepost->messageformat, "", 0, $prepost->review, null, $prepost->formattachments);
// Add it to the DB and save the id of the first/parent post.
$this->firstpost = $post->moodleoverflow_add_new_post();
@@ -308,13 +304,10 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_post_to_discussion($prepost) {
- // Get the current time.
- $timenow = time();
// Create the post that will be added to the new discussion.
- $post = post::construct_without_id($this->id, $prepost->parent, $prepost->userid, $timenow, $timenow, $prepost->message,
- $prepost->messageformat, $prepost->attachment, $prepost->mailed,
- $prepost->reviewed, $prepost->timereviewed, $prepost->formattachments);
+ $post = post::construct_without_id($this->id, $prepost->parentid, $prepost->userid, $prepost->timenow, $prepost->timenow,
+ $prepost->message, $prepost->messageformat, "", 0, $prepost->reviewed, null,
+ $prepost->formattachments);
// Add the post to the DB.
$postid = $post->moodleoverflow_add_new_post();
@@ -367,19 +360,16 @@ public function moodleoverflow_edit_post_from_discussion($prepost) {
// Check if the posts exists in this discussion.
- $this->post_exists_check($prepost->id);
- // Get the current time.
- $timenow = time();
+ $this->post_exists_check($prepost->postid);
// Access the post.
- $post = $this->post[$prepost->id];
+ $post = $this->post[$prepost->postid];
// If the post is the firstpost, then update the name of this discussion and the post. If not, only update the post.
if ($prepost->id == array_key_first($posts)) {
$this->name = $prepost->subject;
$this->usermodified = $prepost->userid;
- $this->timemodified = $timenow;
+ $this->timemodified = $prepost->timenow;
$DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this);
$post->moodleoverflow_edit_post($timenow, $prepost->message, $prepost->messageformat, $prepost->formattachment);
diff --git a/classes/post/post.control.php b/classes/post/post.control.php
index b4b4f4f07b..bb99a6e46e 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.control.php
@@ -141,11 +141,24 @@ public function execute_interaction($form) {
// Format the submitted data.
- $this->prepost->messageformat = $fromform->message['format'];
- $this->prepost->message = $fromform->message['text'];
+ $this->prepost->messageformat = $form->message['format'];
+ $this->prepost->formattachments = $form->attachments;
+ $this->prepost->message = $form->message['text'];
$this->prepost->messagetrust = trusttext_trusted($this->prepost->modulecontext);
- // FEHLT.
+ // Get the current time.
+ $this->prepost->timenow = time();
+ // Execute the right function.
+ if ($this->interaction == 'create' && $form->moodleoverflow === $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid) {
+ $this->execute_create($form, $errordestination);
+ } else if ($this->interaction == 'reply' && $form->reply === $this->prepost->parentid) {
+ $this->execute_reply($form, $errordestination);
+ } else if ($this->interaction == 'edit' && $form->edit === $this->prepost->postid) {
+ $this->execute_edit($form, $errordestination);
+ } else {
+ throw new moodle_exception('unexpectedinteractionerror', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
+ }
@@ -208,12 +221,6 @@ private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
- // Set the post to not reviewed if questions should be reviewed and the user is not a reviewed themselve.
- if (review::get_review_level($this->info->moodleoverflow) >= review::QUESTIONS &&
- !capabilities::has(capabilities::REVIEW_POST, $this->info->modulecontext, $USER->id)) {
- $reviewed = 0;
- }
// Where is the user coming from?
$SESSION->fromurl = get_local_referer(false);
@@ -225,7 +232,6 @@ private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
$this->prepost->subject = '';
$this->prepost->userid = $USER->id;
$this->prepost->message = '';
- $this->prepost->reviewed = $reviewed; // IST DAS OKAY?!
// Unset where the user is coming from.
// Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
@@ -269,6 +275,8 @@ private function build_prepost_reply($replypostid) {
// Prepare a post.
+ $this->prepost->postid = null;
+ $this->prepost->parentid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_id();
$this->prepost->userid = $USER->id;
$this->prepost->message = '';
@@ -322,8 +330,7 @@ private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
// Load the $post variable.
- // Unset where the user is coming from.
- // Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
+ // Unset where the user is coming from. This allows to calculate the correct return url later.
@@ -360,16 +367,121 @@ private function build_prepost_delete($deletepostid) {
// Execute Functions, that execute an interaction.
- private function execute_create() {
- $this->check_interaction('create');
+ private function execute_create($form, $errordestination) {
+ // Check if the user is allowed to post.
+ $this->check_user_can_create_discussion();
+ // Set the post to not reviewed if questions should be reviewed and the user is not a reviewed themselves.
+ if (review::get_review_level($this->info->moodleoverflow) >= review::QUESTIONS &&
+ !capabilities::has(capabilities::REVIEW_POST, $this->info->modulecontext, $USER->id)) {
+ $this->prepost->reviewed = 0;
+ } else {
+ $this->prepost->reviewed = 1;
+ }
+ // Create the discussion object.
+ $discussion = discussion::construct_without_id($this->prepost->courseid, $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid,
+ $this->prepost->subject, null, $this->prepost->userid,
+ $this->prepost->timenow, $this->prepost->timenow, $this->prepost->userid);
+ if (!$discussion->moodleoverflow_add_discussion($this->prepost)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
+ }
+ // The creation was successful.
+ $redirectmessage = '' . get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow") . '
+ // Trigger the discussion created event.
+ $params = array( 'context' => $modulecontext, 'objectid' => $discussion->id,);
+ $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_created::create($params);
+ $event->trigger();
+ // Subscribe to this thread.
+ //\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::moodleoverflow_post_subscription($form, $this->info->moodleoverflow,
+ //$discussion, $this->info->modulecontext);
+ // Define the location to redirect the user after successfully posting.
+ $redirectto = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $form->moodleoverflow));
+ redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($redirectto->out()), $redirectmessage, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
- private function execute_reply() {
- $this->check_interaction('reply');
+ private function execute_reply($form, $errordestination) {
+ // Check if the user has the capability to write a reply.
+ $this->check_user_can_create_reply();
+ // Set to not reviewed, if posts should be reviewed, and user is not a reviewer themselves.
+ if (review::get_review_level($this->info->moodleoverflow) == review::EVERYTHING &&
+ !has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:reviewpost', context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id))) {
+ $this->prepost->reviewed = 0;
+ } else {
+ $this->prepost->reviewed = 1;
+ }
+ // Create the new post.
+ if (!$newpostid = $this->info->discussion->moodleoverflow_add_post_to_discussion($this->prepost)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
+ }
+ // The creation was successful.
+ $redirectmessage = '' . get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow") . '
+ $redirectmessage .= '' . get_string("postaddedtimeleft", "moodleoverflow",
+ format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'))) . '
+ // Trigger the post created event.
+ $params = array('context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $form->id,
+ 'other' => array('discussionid' => $this->prepost->discussionid,
+ 'moodleoverflowid' => $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid)
+ );
+ $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\post_created::create($params);
+ $event->trigger();
+ // Subscribe to this thread;
+ // \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::moodleoverflow_post_subscription(form, $this->info->moodleoverflow,
+ //$this->info->discussion, $this->info->modulecontext);
+ // Define the location to redirect the user after successfully posting.
+ $redirectto = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->prepost->discussionid, $newpost->id));
+ redirect(oodleoverflow_go_back_to($redirectto->out()), $redirectmessage, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
- private function execute_edit() {
- $this->check_interaction('edit');
+ private function execute_edit($form, $errordestination) {
+ global $USER;
+ // Check if the user has the capability to edit his post.
+ $this->check_user_can_edit_post();
+ // Update the post.
+ if (!$this->info->discussion->moodleoverflow_edit_post_from_discussion($this->prepost)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('couldnotupdate', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
+ }
+ // The edit was successful.
+ $redirectmessage = get_string('postupdated', 'moodleoverflow');
+ /*if ($this->prepost->userid == $USER->id) {
+ $redirectmessage = get_string('postupdated', 'moodleoverflow');
+ } else {
+ if (\mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous::is_post_anonymous($this->info->discussion, $this->info->moodleoverflow,
+ $this->prepost->userid)) {
+ $name = get_string('anonymous', 'moodleoverflow');
+ } else {
+ $realuser = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $this->prepost->userid));
+ $name = fullname($realuser);
+ }
+ $redirectmessage = get_string('editedpostupdated', 'moodleoverflow', $name);
+ }*/
+ // Trigger the post updated event.
+ $params = array('context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $form->edit,
+ 'other' => array('discussionid' => $this->prepost->discussionid,
+ 'moodleoverflowid' => $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid),
+ 'relateduserid' => $this->prepost->userid == $USER->id ? $this->prepost->userid : null
+ );
+ $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\post_updated::create($params);
+ $event->trigger();
+ // Define the location to redirect the user after successfully editing.
+ $redirectto = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->prepost->discussionid, $form->edit));
+ redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($redirectto->out()), $redirectmessage, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
public function execute_delete() {
@@ -388,7 +500,7 @@ public function execute_delete() {
// Check if the post is a parent post or not.
- if ($this->prepost->get_parentid() == 0) {
+ if ($this->prepost->parentid == 0) {
// Redirect the user back to the start page of the moodleoverflow instance.
@@ -524,6 +636,7 @@ private function collect_information($postid = false, $moodleoverflowid = false)
return false;
if ($postid) {
+ // The related post is the post that is being answered, edited, or deleted.
$this->info->relatedpost = $this->check_post_exists($postid);
$this->info->discussion = $this->check_discussion_exists($this->info->relatedpost->get_discussionid());
$localmoodleoverflowid = $this->info->discussion->get_moodleoverflowid();
@@ -549,12 +662,12 @@ private function assemble_prepost() {
$this->prepost->modulecontext = $this->info->modulecontext;
if ($this->interaction != 'create') {
- $this->prepost->postid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_id();
$this->prepost->discussionid = $this->info->discussion->get_id();
- $this->prepost->parentid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_parentid();
$this->prepost->subject = $this->info->discussion->name;
- if ($this->interaction != 'edit') {
+ if ($this->interaction != 'reply') {
+ $this->prepost->parentid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_parentid();
+ $this->prepost->postid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_id();
$this->prepost->userid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_userid();
$this->prepost->message = $this->info->relatedpost->message();
@@ -647,4 +760,49 @@ private function check_post_exists($postid) {
return $post;
+ // Capability checks.
+ /**
+ * Checks if a user can create a discussion.
+ * @return true
+ * @throws moodle_exception
+ */
+ private function check_user_can_create_discussion() {
+ if (!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:startdiscussion', $this->info->modulecontext)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotcreatediscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if a user can reply in a discussion.
+ * @return true
+ * @throws moodle_exception
+ */
+ private function check_user_can_create_reply() {
+ if (!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:replypost', $this->info->modulecontext, $this->prepost->userid)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotreply', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if a user can edit a post.
+ * A user can edit if he can edit any post of if he edits his own post and has the ability to:
+ * start a new discussion or to reply to a post.
+ *
+ * @return true
+ * @throws moodle_exception
+ */
+ private function check_user_can_edit_post() {
+ $editanypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $this->info->modulecontext);
+ $replypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:replypost', $this->info->modulecontext);
+ $startdiscussion = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:startdiscussion', $this->info->modulecontext);
+ $ownpost = ($this->prepost->userid == $USER->id);
+ if (!(($ownpost && ($replypost || $startdiscussion)) || $editanypost)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotupdatepost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
index 2fb184cf39..5ee1d3c3b2 100644
--- a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
+++ b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
@@ -150,8 +150,9 @@
$string['couldnotdeletereplies'] = 'Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it';
$string['noexistingpost'] = 'Post does not exists, needs to be created first';
$string['noexistingdiscussion'] = 'Discussion does not exists, needs to be created first';
-$string['notallpostsavailable'] = 'This Discussion does not have all of its posts, this could lead to errors! Please use moodleoverflow_get_discussion_posts()';
-$string['missingformattachments'] = "This functions requires data that were not submitted. Please check the post_form";
+$string['notallpostsavailable'] = 'This Discussion does not have all of its posts, this could lead to errors!';
+$string['missingformattachments'] = 'This functions requires data that was not submitted.';
+$string['unexpectedinteractionerror'] = 'An unexpected error occured, please try again';
// String for the classes/post/post_control.php.
$string['inaccurateparameter'] = 'Please check your parameter and give exactly 1 parameter to the function';
diff --git a/locallib.php b/locallib.php
index 5443afdd21..73fec551c6 100644
--- a/locallib.php
+++ b/locallib.php
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_count_discussion_replies($cm) {
function moodleoverflow_user_can_post_discussion($moodleoverflow, $cm = null, $context = null) {
- // Guests an not-logged-in users can not psot.
+ // Guests an not-logged-in users can not post.
if (isguestuser() || !isloggedin()) {
return false;
diff --git a/post.php b/post.php
index 5baa519ba5..9a3a2db972 100644
--- a/post.php
+++ b/post.php
@@ -15,40 +15,28 @@
// along with Moodle. If not, see .
- * The file to manage posts.
+ * The file that is opened in Moodle when the user interacts with posts
* @package mod_moodleoverflow
- * @copyright 2017 Kennet Winter
+ * @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
-// TODO refactor this. For more readability, and to avoid security issues.
-// Include config and locallib.
use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\post\post_control;
require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
-// Declare optional parameters.
+// Declare optional url parameters.
$moodleoverflow = optional_param('moodleoverflow', 0, PARAM_INT);
$reply = optional_param('reply', 0, PARAM_INT);
$edit = optional_param('edit', 0, PARAM_INT);
$delete = optional_param('delete', 0, PARAM_INT);
$confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_INT);
-$count = 0;
-$count += $moodleoverflow ? 1 : 0;
-$count += $reply ? 1 : 0;
-$count += $edit ? 1 : 0;
-$count += $delete ? 1 : 0;
-if ($count !== 1) {
- throw new coding_exception('Exactly one parameter should be specified!');
// Set the URL that should be used to return to this page.
$PAGE->set_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php', array(
'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow,
@@ -64,729 +52,105 @@
// Get the system context instance.
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
-// Catch guests.
-if (!isloggedin() || isguestuser()) {
+// Create a post_control object to control and lead the process.
+$postcontrol = new post_control();
- // The user is starting a new discussion in a moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!empty($moodleoverflow)) {
+// Put all interaction parameters in one object for the post_control.
+$urlparameter = new \stdClass();
+$urlparameter->create = $moodleoverflow;
+$urlparameter->reply = $reply;
+$urlparameter->edit = $edit;
+$urlparameter->delete = $delete;
- // Check the moodleoverflow instance is valid.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // The user is replying to an existing moodleoverflow discussion.
- } else if (!empty($reply)) {
- // Check if the related post exists.
- if (!$parent = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($reply)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidparentpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the post is part of a valid discussion.
- if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $parent->discussion))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the post is related to a valid moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- }
- // Get the related course.
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
- }
- // Get the related coursemodule and its context.
- if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $course->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
- }
- // Get the context of the module.
- $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
- // Set parameters for the page.
- $PAGE->set_cm($cm, $course, $moodleoverflow);
- $PAGE->set_context($modulecontext);
- $PAGE->set_title($course->shortname);
- $PAGE->set_heading($course->fullname);
- // The page should not be large, only pages containing broad tables are usually.
- $PAGE->add_body_class('limitedwidth');
+// Catch guests.
+if (!isloggedin() || isguestuser()) {
+ // Gather information and set the page right so that user can be redirected to the right site.
+ $information = $postcontrol->catch_guest();
// The guest needs to login.
- echo $OUTPUT->header();
$strlogin = get_string('noguestpost', 'forum') . '
' . get_string('liketologin');
- echo $OUTPUT->confirm($strlogin, get_login_url(), $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $moodleoverflow->id);
+ echo $OUTPUT->header();
+ echo $OUTPUT->confirm($strlogin, get_login_url(),
+ $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m= ' . $information->moodleoverflow->id);
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
-// First step: A general login is needed to post something.
+// Require a general login to post something.
require_login(0, false);
-// First possibility: User is starting a new discussion in a moodleoverflow instance.
-if (!empty($moodleoverflow)) {
- // Check the moodleoverflow instance is valid.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Get the related course.
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
- }
- // Get the related coursemodule.
- if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $course->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
- }
- // Retrieve the contexts.
- $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
- $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
- // Check if the user can start a new discussion.
- if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post_discussion($moodleoverflow, $cm, $modulecontext)) {
- // Catch unenrolled user.
- if (!isguestuser() && !is_enrolled($coursecontext)) {
- if (enrol_selfenrol_available($course->id)) {
- $SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
- $SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
- redirect(new moodle_url('/enrol/index.php', array(
- 'id' => $course->id,
- 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $moodleoverflow->id
- )), get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
- }
- }
- // Notify the user, that he can not post a new discussion.
- throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Where is the user coming from?
- $SESSION->fromurl = get_local_referer(false);
- // Load all the $post variables.
- $post = new stdClass();
- $post->course = $course->id;
- $post->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
- $post->discussion = 0;
- $post->parent = 0;
- $post->subject = '';
- $post->userid = $USER->id;
- $post->message = '';
- // Unset where the user is coming from.
- // Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
- unset($SESSION->fromdiscussion);
-} else if (!empty($reply)) {
- // Second possibility: The user is writing a new reply.
- // Check if the post exists.
- if (!$parent = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($reply)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidparentpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the post is part of a discussion.
- if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $parent->discussion))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the discussion is part of a moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the moodleoverflow instance is part of a course.
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $discussion->course))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
- }
- // Retrieve the related coursemodule.
- if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $course->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
- }
- // Ensure the coursemodule is set correctly.
- $PAGE->set_cm($cm, $course, $moodleoverflow);
- // Retrieve the other contexts.
- $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
- $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
- // Check whether the user is allowed to post.
- if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post($modulecontext, $parent)) {
- // Give the user the chance to enroll himself to the course.
- if (!isguestuser() && !is_enrolled($coursecontext)) {
- $SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
- $SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
- redirect(new moodle_url('/enrol/index.php',
- array('id' => $course->id, 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $moodleoverflow->id)),
- get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
- }
- // Print the error message.
- throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Make sure the user can post here.
- if (!$cm->visible && !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $modulecontext)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('activityiscurrentlyhidden');
- }
- // Load the $post variable.
- $post = new stdClass();
- $post->course = $course->id;
- $post->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
- $post->discussion = $parent->discussion;
- $post->parent = $parent->id;
- $post->subject = $discussion->name;
- $post->userid = $USER->id;
- $post->message = '';
- // Append 'RE: ' to the discussions subject.
- $strre = get_string('re', 'moodleoverflow');
- if (!(substr($post->subject, 0, strlen($strre)) == $strre)) {
- $post->subject = $strre . ' ' . $post->subject;
- }
- // Unset where the user is coming from.
- // Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
- unset($SESSION->fromdiscussion);
-} else if (!empty($edit)) {
- // Third possibility: The user is editing his own post.
- // Check if the submitted post exists.
- if (!$post = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($edit)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Get the parent post of this post if it is not the starting post of the discussion.
- if ($post->parent) {
- if (!$parent = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($post->parent)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidparentpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- }
- // Check if the post refers to a valid discussion.
- if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $post->discussion))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the post refers to a valid moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the post refers to a valid course.
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $discussion->course))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
- }
- // Retrieve the related coursemodule.
- if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $course->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
- } else {
- $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
- }
- // Set the pages context.
- $PAGE->set_cm($cm, $course, $moodleoverflow);
- // Check if the post can be edited.
- $beyondtime = ((time() - $post->created) > get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'));
- $alreadyreviewed = review::should_post_be_reviewed($post, $moodleoverflow) && $post->reviewed;
- if (($beyondtime || $alreadyreviewed) && !has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $modulecontext)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('maxtimehaspassed', 'moodleoverflow', '',
- format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')));
- }
- // If the current user is not the one who posted this post.
- if ($post->userid <> $USER->id) {
- // Check if the current user has not the capability to edit any post.
- if (!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $modulecontext)) {
- // Display the error. Capabilities are missing.
- throw new moodle_exception('cannoteditposts', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- }
- // Load the $post variable.
- $post->edit = $edit;
- $post->course = $course->id;
- $post->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
- // Unset where the user is coming from.
- // Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
- unset($SESSION->fromdiscussion);
-} else if (!empty($delete)) {
- // Fourth possibility: The user is deleting a post.
- // Check if the post is existing.
- if (!$post = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($delete)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Get the related discussion.
- if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $post->discussion))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Get the related moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoveflow');
- }
- // Get the related coursemodule.
- if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $moodleoverflow->course)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
- }
- // Get the related course.
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
- }
- // Require a login and retrieve the modulecontext.
- require_login($course, false, $cm);
- $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
- // Check some capabilities.
- $deleteownpost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteownpost', $modulecontext);
- $deleteanypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteanypost', $modulecontext);
- if (!(($post->userid == $USER->id && $deleteownpost) || $deleteanypost)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Count all replies of this post.
- $replycount = moodleoverflow_count_replies($post, false);
+// Now the post_control checks which interaction is wanted and builds a prepost.
+// If a post is being deleted, delete it immediately.
+if ($postcontrol->get_interaction() == 'delete') {
// Has the user confirmed the deletion?
if (!empty($confirm) && confirm_sesskey()) {
- // Check if the user has the capability to delete the post.
- $timepassed = time() - $post->created;
- if (($timepassed > get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')) && !$deleteanypost) {
- $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $post->discussion));
- throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
- }
- // A normal user cannot delete his post if there are direct replies.
- if ($replycount && !$deleteanypost) {
- $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $post->discussion));
- throw new moodle_exception('couldnotdeletereplies', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
- } else {
- // Delete the post.
- // The post is the starting post of a discussion. Delete the topic as well.
- if (!$post->parent) {
- moodleoverflow_delete_discussion($discussion, $course, $cm, $moodleoverflow);
- // Trigger the discussion deleted event.
- $params = array(
- 'objectid' => $discussion->id,
- 'context' => $modulecontext,
- );
- $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_deleted::create($params);
- $event->trigger();
- // Redirect the user back to start page of the moodleoverflow instance.
- redirect("view.php?m=$discussion->moodleoverflow");
- exit;
- } else if (moodleoverflow_delete_post($post, $deleteanypost, $cm, $moodleoverflow)) {
- // Delete a single post.
- // Redirect back to the discussion.
- $discussionurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $discussion->id));
- redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($discussionurl));
- exit;
- } else {
- // Something went wrong.
- throw new moodle_exception('errorwhiledelete', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- }
+ $postcontrol->execute_delete();
+ exit;
} else {
// Deletion needs to be confirmed.
- moodleoverflow_set_return();
- $PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('delete', 'moodleoverflow'));
- $PAGE->set_title($course->shortname);
- $PAGE->set_heading($course->fullname);
- // The page should not be large, only pages containing broad tables are usually.
- $PAGE->add_body_class('limitedwidth');
- // Check if there are replies for the post.
- if ($replycount) {
- // Check if the user has capabilities to delete more than one post.
- if (!$deleteanypost) {
- throw new moodle_exception('couldnotdeletereplies', 'moodleoverflow',
- moodleoverflow_go_back_to(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php',
- array('d' => $post->discussion, 'p' . $post->id))));
- }
- // Request a confirmation to delete the post.
- echo $OUTPUT->header();
- echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string("deletesureplural", "moodleoverflow", $replycount + 1),
- "post.php?delete=$delete&confirm=$delete", $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php?d=' .
- $post->discussion . '#p' . $post->id);
+ $postcontrol->confirm_delete();
+ // Display a confirmation request depending on the number of posts that are being deleted.
+ $information = $postcontrol->get_information();
+ echo $OUTPUT->header();
+ if ($information->deletetype == 'plural') {
+ echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string('deletesureplural', 'moodleoverflow', $information->replycount + 1),
+ 'post.php?delete='.$delete.'&confirm='.$delete,
+ $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php?d=' . $information->discussion->get_id() .
+ '#p' . $information->relatedpost->get_id());
} else {
- // Delete a single post.
- // Print a confirmation message.
- echo $OUTPUT->header();
- echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string("deletesure", "moodleoverflow", $replycount),
+ echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string('deletesure', 'moodleoverflow', $information->replycount),
- $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php?d=' . $post->discussion . '#p' . $post->id);
+ $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php?d=' . $information->discussion->get_id() .
+ '#p' . $information->relatedpost->get_id());
+ echo $OUTPUT->footer();
+ exit;
- echo $OUTPUT->footer();
- exit;
-} else {
- // Last posibility: the action is not known.
- throw new moodle_exception('unknownaction');
-// Second step: The user must be logged on properly. Must be enrolled to the course as well.
-require_login($course, false, $cm);
-// Get the contexts.
-$modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
-$coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
-// Get the subject.
-if ($edit) {
- $subject = $discussion->name;
-} else if ($reply) {
- $subject = $post->subject;
-} else if ($moodleoverflow) {
- $subject = $post->subject;
-// Get attachments.
-$draftitemid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('attachments');
- $modulecontext->id,
- 'mod_moodleoverflow',
- 'attachment',
- empty($post->id) ? null : $post->id,
- mod_moodleoverflow_post_form::attachment_options($moodleoverflow));
-// Prepare the form.
-$formarray = array(
- 'course' => $course,
- 'cm' => $cm,
- 'coursecontext' => $coursecontext,
- 'modulecontext' => $modulecontext,
- 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow,
- 'post' => $post,
- 'edit' => $edit,
-$mformpost = new mod_moodleoverflow_post_form('post.php', $formarray, 'post', '', array('id' => 'mformmoodleoverflow'));
-// The current user is not the original author.
-// Append the message to the end of the message.
-if ($USER->id != $post->userid) {
- // Create a temporary object.
- $data = new stdClass();
- $data->date = userdate($post->modified);
- $post->messageformat = editors_get_preferred_format();
- // Append the message depending on the messages format.
- if ($post->messageformat == FORMAT_HTML) {
- $data->name = '' . fullname($USER) . '';
- $post->message .= '(' . get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data) . ')
- } else {
- $data->name = fullname($USER);
- $post->message .= "\n\n(" . get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data) . ')';
- }
- // Delete the temporary object.
- unset($data);
-// Define the heading for the form.
-$formheading = '';
-if (!empty($parent)) {
- $heading = get_string('yourreply', 'moodleoverflow');
- $formheading = get_string('reply', 'moodleoverflow');
-} else {
- $heading = get_string('yournewtopic', 'moodleoverflow');
+// A post will be created or edited. For that the post_control builds a post_form.
+$mformpost = $postcontrol->build_postform();
-// Get the original post.
-$postid = empty($post->id) ? null : $post->id;
-$postmessage = empty($post->message) ? null : $post->message;
+// The User now entered information in the form. The post.php now needs to process the information and call the right function.
-// Set data for the form.
-// TODO Refactor.
-$param1 = (isset($discussion->id) ? array($discussion->id) : array());
-$param2 = (isset($post->format) ? array('format' => $post->format) : array());
-$param3 = (isset($discussion->timestart) ? array('timestart' => $discussion->timestart) : array());
-$param4 = (isset($discussion->timeend) ? array('timeend' => $discussion->timeend) : array());
-$param5 = (isset($discussion->id) ? array('discussion' => $discussion->id) : array());
- 'attachments' => $draftitemid,
- 'general' => $heading,
- 'subject' => $subject,
- 'message' => array(
- 'text' => $postmessage,
- 'format' => editors_get_preferred_format(),
- 'itemid' => $postid,
- ),
- 'userid' => $post->userid,
- 'parent' => $post->parent,
- 'discussion' => $post->discussion,
- 'course' => $course->id
- ) + $pageparams + $param1 + $param2 + $param3 + $param4 + $param5);
+// Get attributes from the postcontrol.
+$information = $postcontrol->get_information();
+$prepost = $postcontrol->get_prepost();
-// Is it canceled?
+// If the interaction was cancelled, the user needs to be redirected.
if ($mformpost->is_cancelled()) {
- // Redirect the user back.
- if (!isset($discussion->id)) {
- redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $moodleoverflow->id)));
+ if (!issett($prepost->discussionid)) {
+ redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $prepost->moodleoverflowid)));
} else {
- redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $discussion->id)));
+ redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $prepost->discussionid)));
- // Cancel.
- exit();
+ exit;
-// Is it submitted?
+// If the post_form is submitted, the post_control executes the right function.
if ($fromform = $mformpost->get_data()) {
- // Redirect url in case of occuring errors.
- if (empty($SESSION->fromurl)) {
- $errordestination = "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=$moodleoverflow->id";
- } else {
- $errordestination = $SESSION->fromurl;
- }
- // Format the submitted data.
- $fromform->messageformat = $fromform->message['format'];
- $fromform->message = $fromform->message['text'];
- $fromform->messagetrust = trusttext_trusted($modulecontext);
- // If we are updating a post.
- if ($fromform->edit) {
- // Initiate some variables.
- unset($fromform->groupid);
- $fromform->id = $fromform->edit;
- $message = '';
- // The FORUM-Plugin had an bug:
- // This is a fix for it.
- if (!$realpost = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $fromform->id))) {
- $realpost = new stdClass();
- $realpost->userid = -1;
- }
- // Check the capabilities of the user.
- // He may proceed if he can edit any post or if he has the startnewdiscussion
- // capability or the capability to reply and is editing his own post.
- $editanypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $modulecontext);
- $replypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:replypost', $modulecontext);
- $startdiscussion = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:startdiscussion', $modulecontext);
- $ownpost = ($realpost->userid == $USER->id);
- if (!(($ownpost && ($replypost || $startdiscussion)) || $editanypost)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('cannotupdatepost', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Update the post or print an error message.
- $updatepost = $fromform;
- $updatepost->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
- if (!moodleoverflow_update_post($updatepost, $mformpost)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('couldnotupdate', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
- }
- // Create a success-message.
- if ($realpost->userid == $USER->id) {
- $message .= get_string('postupdated', 'moodleoverflow');
- } else {
- if (\mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous::is_post_anonymous($discussion, $moodleoverflow, $realpost->userid)) {
- $name = get_string('anonymous', 'moodleoverflow');
- } else {
- $realuser = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $realpost->userid));
- $name = fullname($realuser);
- }
- $message .= get_string('editedpostupdated', 'moodleoverflow', $name);
- }
- // Create a link to go back to the discussion.
- $discussionurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $discussion->id), 'p' . $fromform->id);
- // Set some parameters.
- $params = array(
- 'context' => $modulecontext,
- 'objectid' => $fromform->id,
- 'other' => array(
- 'discussionid' => $discussion->id,
- 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
- ));
- // If the editing user is not the original author, add the original author to the params.
- if ($realpost->userid != $USER->id) {
- $params['relateduserid'] = $realpost->userid;
- }
- // Trigger post updated event.
- $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\post_updated::create($params);
- $event->trigger();
- // Redirect back to the discussion.
- redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($discussionurl), $message, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
- // Cancel.
- exit;
- } else if ($fromform->discussion) {
- // Add a new post to an existing discussion.
- // Set some basic variables.
- unset($fromform->groupid);
- $message = '';
- $addpost = $fromform;
- $addpost->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
- // Create the new post.
- if ($fromform->id = moodleoverflow_add_new_post($addpost)) {
- // Subscribe to this thread.
- $discussion = new \stdClass();
- $discussion->id = $fromform->discussion;
- $discussion->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::moodleoverflow_post_subscription($fromform,
- $moodleoverflow, $discussion, $modulecontext);
- // Print a success-message.
- $message .= '' . get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow") . '
- $message .= '' . get_string("postaddedtimeleft", "moodleoverflow",
- format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'))) . '
- // Set the URL that links back to the discussion.
- $link = '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php';
- $discussionurl = new moodle_url($link, array('d' => $discussion->id), 'p' . $fromform->id);
- // Trigger post created event.
- $params = array(
- 'context' => $modulecontext,
- 'objectid' => $fromform->id,
- 'other' => array(
- 'discussionid' => $discussion->id,
- 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
- ));
- $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\post_created::create($params);
- $event->trigger();
- redirect(
- moodleoverflow_go_back_to($discussionurl),
- $message,
- \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS
- );
- // Print an error if the answer could not be added.
- } else {
- throw new moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
- }
- // The post has been added.
- exit;
- } else {
- // Add a new discussion.
- // The location to redirect the user after successfully posting.
- $redirectto = new moodle_url('view.php', array('m' => $fromform->moodleoverflow));
- $discussion = $fromform;
- $discussion->name = $fromform->subject;
- // Check if the user is allowed to post here.
- if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post_discussion($moodleoverflow)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('cannotcreatediscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the creation of the new discussion failed.
- if (!$discussion->id = moodleoverflow_add_discussion($discussion, $modulecontext)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
- } else { // The creation of the new discussion was successful.
- $params = array(
- 'context' => $modulecontext,
- 'objectid' => $discussion->id,
- 'other' => array(
- 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
- )
- );
- $message = '' . get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow") . '
- // Trigger the discussion created event.
- $params = array(
- 'context' => $modulecontext,
- 'objectid' => $discussion->id,
- );
- $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_created::create($params);
- $event->trigger();
- // Subscribe to this thread.
- $discussion->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::moodleoverflow_post_subscription($fromform,
- $moodleoverflow, $discussion, $modulecontext);
- }
- // Redirect back to te discussion.
- redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($redirectto->out()), $message, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
- // Do not continue.
- exit;
- }
+ $postcontrol->execute_interaction($fromform);
+ exit;
// If the script gets to this point, nothing has been submitted.
-// We have to display the form.
-// $course and $moodleoverflow are defined.
-// $discussion is only used for replying and editing.
+// The post_form will be displayed.
// Define the message to be displayed above the form.
-$toppost = new stdClass();
-$toppost->subject = get_string("addanewdiscussion", "moodleoverflow");
+$toppost = new \stdClass();
+$toppost->subject = get_string('addanewdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
// Initiate the page.
-$PAGE->set_title("$course->shortname: $moodleoverflow->name " . format_string($toppost->subject));
-// The page should not be large, only pages containing broad tables are usually.
+$PAGE->set_title($information->course->shortname . ': ' .
+ $information->moodleoverflow->name . ' ' .
+ format_string($toppost->subject));
-// Display the header.
+// Display all.
echo $OUTPUT->header();
-// Display the form.
-// Display the footer.
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
diff --git a/post_new.php b/post_new.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a3a2db972..0000000000
--- a/post_new.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
- * The file that is opened in Moodle when the user interacts with posts
- *
- * @package mod_moodleoverflow
- * @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
- * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
- */
-use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
-use mod_moodleoverflow\post\post_control;
-require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php');
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php');
-require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
-// Declare optional url parameters.
-$moodleoverflow = optional_param('moodleoverflow', 0, PARAM_INT);
-$reply = optional_param('reply', 0, PARAM_INT);
-$edit = optional_param('edit', 0, PARAM_INT);
-$delete = optional_param('delete', 0, PARAM_INT);
-$confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_INT);
-// Set the URL that should be used to return to this page.
-$PAGE->set_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php', array(
- 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow,
- 'reply' => $reply,
- 'edit' => $edit,
- 'delete' => $delete,
- 'confirm' => $confirm,
-// These params will be passed as hidden variables later in the form.
-$pageparams = array('moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow, 'reply' => $reply, 'edit' => $edit);
-// Get the system context instance.
-$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
-// Create a post_control object to control and lead the process.
-$postcontrol = new post_control();
-// Put all interaction parameters in one object for the post_control.
-$urlparameter = new \stdClass();
-$urlparameter->create = $moodleoverflow;
-$urlparameter->reply = $reply;
-$urlparameter->edit = $edit;
-$urlparameter->delete = $delete;
-// Catch guests.
-if (!isloggedin() || isguestuser()) {
- // Gather information and set the page right so that user can be redirected to the right site.
- $information = $postcontrol->catch_guest();
- // The guest needs to login.
- $strlogin = get_string('noguestpost', 'forum') . '
' . get_string('liketologin');
- echo $OUTPUT->header();
- echo $OUTPUT->confirm($strlogin, get_login_url(),
- $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m= ' . $information->moodleoverflow->id);
- echo $OUTPUT->footer();
- exit;
-// Require a general login to post something.
-require_login(0, false);
-// Now the post_control checks which interaction is wanted and builds a prepost.
-// If a post is being deleted, delete it immediately.
-if ($postcontrol->get_interaction() == 'delete') {
- // Has the user confirmed the deletion?
- if (!empty($confirm) && confirm_sesskey()) {
- $postcontrol->execute_delete();
- exit;
- } else {
- // Deletion needs to be confirmed.
- $postcontrol->confirm_delete();
- // Display a confirmation request depending on the number of posts that are being deleted.
- $information = $postcontrol->get_information();
- echo $OUTPUT->header();
- if ($information->deletetype == 'plural') {
- echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string('deletesureplural', 'moodleoverflow', $information->replycount + 1),
- 'post.php?delete='.$delete.'&confirm='.$delete,
- $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php?d=' . $information->discussion->get_id() .
- '#p' . $information->relatedpost->get_id());
- } else {
- echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string('deletesure', 'moodleoverflow', $information->replycount),
- "post.php?delete=$delete&confirm=$delete",
- $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php?d=' . $information->discussion->get_id() .
- '#p' . $information->relatedpost->get_id());
- }
- echo $OUTPUT->footer();
- exit;
- }
-// A post will be created or edited. For that the post_control builds a post_form.
-$mformpost = $postcontrol->build_postform();
-// The User now entered information in the form. The post.php now needs to process the information and call the right function.
-// Get attributes from the postcontrol.
-$information = $postcontrol->get_information();
-$prepost = $postcontrol->get_prepost();
-// If the interaction was cancelled, the user needs to be redirected.
-if ($mformpost->is_cancelled()) {
- if (!issett($prepost->discussionid)) {
- redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $prepost->moodleoverflowid)));
- } else {
- redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $prepost->discussionid)));
- }
- exit;
-// If the post_form is submitted, the post_control executes the right function.
-if ($fromform = $mformpost->get_data()) {
- $postcontrol->execute_interaction($fromform);
- exit;
-// If the script gets to this point, nothing has been submitted.
-// The post_form will be displayed.
-// Define the message to be displayed above the form.
-$toppost = new \stdClass();
-$toppost->subject = get_string('addanewdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
-// Initiate the page.
-$PAGE->set_title($information->course->shortname . ': ' .
- $information->moodleoverflow->name . ' ' .
- format_string($toppost->subject));
-// Display all.
-echo $OUTPUT->header();
-echo $OUTPUT->footer();
diff --git a/post_old.php b/post_old.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5baa519ba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/post_old.php
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+ * The file to manage posts.
+ *
+ * @package mod_moodleoverflow
+ * @copyright 2017 Kennet Winter
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+// TODO refactor this. For more readability, and to avoid security issues.
+// Include config and locallib.
+use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
+require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php');
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php');
+require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
+// Declare optional parameters.
+$moodleoverflow = optional_param('moodleoverflow', 0, PARAM_INT);
+$reply = optional_param('reply', 0, PARAM_INT);
+$edit = optional_param('edit', 0, PARAM_INT);
+$delete = optional_param('delete', 0, PARAM_INT);
+$confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_INT);
+$count = 0;
+$count += $moodleoverflow ? 1 : 0;
+$count += $reply ? 1 : 0;
+$count += $edit ? 1 : 0;
+$count += $delete ? 1 : 0;
+if ($count !== 1) {
+ throw new coding_exception('Exactly one parameter should be specified!');
+// Set the URL that should be used to return to this page.
+$PAGE->set_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php', array(
+ 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow,
+ 'reply' => $reply,
+ 'edit' => $edit,
+ 'delete' => $delete,
+ 'confirm' => $confirm,
+// These params will be passed as hidden variables later in the form.
+$pageparams = array('moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow, 'reply' => $reply, 'edit' => $edit);
+// Get the system context instance.
+$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
+// Catch guests.
+if (!isloggedin() || isguestuser()) {
+ // The user is starting a new discussion in a moodleoverflow instance.
+ if (!empty($moodleoverflow)) {
+ // Check the moodleoverflow instance is valid.
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // The user is replying to an existing moodleoverflow discussion.
+ } else if (!empty($reply)) {
+ // Check if the related post exists.
+ if (!$parent = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($reply)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidparentpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Check if the post is part of a valid discussion.
+ if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $parent->discussion))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Check if the post is related to a valid moodleoverflow instance.
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the related course.
+ if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
+ }
+ // Get the related coursemodule and its context.
+ if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $course->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ }
+ // Get the context of the module.
+ $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
+ // Set parameters for the page.
+ $PAGE->set_cm($cm, $course, $moodleoverflow);
+ $PAGE->set_context($modulecontext);
+ $PAGE->set_title($course->shortname);
+ $PAGE->set_heading($course->fullname);
+ // The page should not be large, only pages containing broad tables are usually.
+ $PAGE->add_body_class('limitedwidth');
+ // The guest needs to login.
+ echo $OUTPUT->header();
+ $strlogin = get_string('noguestpost', 'forum') . '
' . get_string('liketologin');
+ echo $OUTPUT->confirm($strlogin, get_login_url(), $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $moodleoverflow->id);
+ echo $OUTPUT->footer();
+ exit;
+// First step: A general login is needed to post something.
+require_login(0, false);
+// First possibility: User is starting a new discussion in a moodleoverflow instance.
+if (!empty($moodleoverflow)) {
+ // Check the moodleoverflow instance is valid.
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Get the related course.
+ if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
+ }
+ // Get the related coursemodule.
+ if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $course->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ }
+ // Retrieve the contexts.
+ $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
+ $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
+ // Check if the user can start a new discussion.
+ if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post_discussion($moodleoverflow, $cm, $modulecontext)) {
+ // Catch unenrolled user.
+ if (!isguestuser() && !is_enrolled($coursecontext)) {
+ if (enrol_selfenrol_available($course->id)) {
+ $SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
+ $SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
+ redirect(new moodle_url('/enrol/index.php', array(
+ 'id' => $course->id,
+ 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $moodleoverflow->id
+ )), get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
+ }
+ }
+ // Notify the user, that he can not post a new discussion.
+ throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Where is the user coming from?
+ $SESSION->fromurl = get_local_referer(false);
+ // Load all the $post variables.
+ $post = new stdClass();
+ $post->course = $course->id;
+ $post->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
+ $post->discussion = 0;
+ $post->parent = 0;
+ $post->subject = '';
+ $post->userid = $USER->id;
+ $post->message = '';
+ // Unset where the user is coming from.
+ // Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
+ unset($SESSION->fromdiscussion);
+} else if (!empty($reply)) {
+ // Second possibility: The user is writing a new reply.
+ // Check if the post exists.
+ if (!$parent = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($reply)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidparentpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Check if the post is part of a discussion.
+ if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $parent->discussion))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Check if the discussion is part of a moodleoverflow instance.
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Check if the moodleoverflow instance is part of a course.
+ if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $discussion->course))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
+ }
+ // Retrieve the related coursemodule.
+ if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $course->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ }
+ // Ensure the coursemodule is set correctly.
+ $PAGE->set_cm($cm, $course, $moodleoverflow);
+ // Retrieve the other contexts.
+ $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
+ $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
+ // Check whether the user is allowed to post.
+ if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post($modulecontext, $parent)) {
+ // Give the user the chance to enroll himself to the course.
+ if (!isguestuser() && !is_enrolled($coursecontext)) {
+ $SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
+ $SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
+ redirect(new moodle_url('/enrol/index.php',
+ array('id' => $course->id, 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $moodleoverflow->id)),
+ get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
+ }
+ // Print the error message.
+ throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Make sure the user can post here.
+ if (!$cm->visible && !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $modulecontext)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('activityiscurrentlyhidden');
+ }
+ // Load the $post variable.
+ $post = new stdClass();
+ $post->course = $course->id;
+ $post->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
+ $post->discussion = $parent->discussion;
+ $post->parent = $parent->id;
+ $post->subject = $discussion->name;
+ $post->userid = $USER->id;
+ $post->message = '';
+ // Append 'RE: ' to the discussions subject.
+ $strre = get_string('re', 'moodleoverflow');
+ if (!(substr($post->subject, 0, strlen($strre)) == $strre)) {
+ $post->subject = $strre . ' ' . $post->subject;
+ }
+ // Unset where the user is coming from.
+ // Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
+ unset($SESSION->fromdiscussion);
+} else if (!empty($edit)) {
+ // Third possibility: The user is editing his own post.
+ // Check if the submitted post exists.
+ if (!$post = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($edit)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Get the parent post of this post if it is not the starting post of the discussion.
+ if ($post->parent) {
+ if (!$parent = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($post->parent)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidparentpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if the post refers to a valid discussion.
+ if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $post->discussion))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Check if the post refers to a valid moodleoverflow instance.
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Check if the post refers to a valid course.
+ if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $discussion->course))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
+ }
+ // Retrieve the related coursemodule.
+ if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $course->id)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ } else {
+ $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
+ }
+ // Set the pages context.
+ $PAGE->set_cm($cm, $course, $moodleoverflow);
+ // Check if the post can be edited.
+ $beyondtime = ((time() - $post->created) > get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'));
+ $alreadyreviewed = review::should_post_be_reviewed($post, $moodleoverflow) && $post->reviewed;
+ if (($beyondtime || $alreadyreviewed) && !has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $modulecontext)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('maxtimehaspassed', 'moodleoverflow', '',
+ format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')));
+ }
+ // If the current user is not the one who posted this post.
+ if ($post->userid <> $USER->id) {
+ // Check if the current user has not the capability to edit any post.
+ if (!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $modulecontext)) {
+ // Display the error. Capabilities are missing.
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannoteditposts', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ }
+ // Load the $post variable.
+ $post->edit = $edit;
+ $post->course = $course->id;
+ $post->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
+ // Unset where the user is coming from.
+ // Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
+ unset($SESSION->fromdiscussion);
+} else if (!empty($delete)) {
+ // Fourth possibility: The user is deleting a post.
+ // Check if the post is existing.
+ if (!$post = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($delete)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Get the related discussion.
+ if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $post->discussion))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Get the related moodleoverflow instance.
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoveflow');
+ }
+ // Get the related coursemodule.
+ if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $moodleoverflow->course)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ }
+ // Get the related course.
+ if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course))) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
+ }
+ // Require a login and retrieve the modulecontext.
+ require_login($course, false, $cm);
+ $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
+ // Check some capabilities.
+ $deleteownpost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteownpost', $modulecontext);
+ $deleteanypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteanypost', $modulecontext);
+ if (!(($post->userid == $USER->id && $deleteownpost) || $deleteanypost)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Count all replies of this post.
+ $replycount = moodleoverflow_count_replies($post, false);
+ // Has the user confirmed the deletion?
+ if (!empty($confirm) && confirm_sesskey()) {
+ // Check if the user has the capability to delete the post.
+ $timepassed = time() - $post->created;
+ if (($timepassed > get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')) && !$deleteanypost) {
+ $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $post->discussion));
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
+ }
+ // A normal user cannot delete his post if there are direct replies.
+ if ($replycount && !$deleteanypost) {
+ $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $post->discussion));
+ throw new moodle_exception('couldnotdeletereplies', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
+ } else {
+ // Delete the post.
+ // The post is the starting post of a discussion. Delete the topic as well.
+ if (!$post->parent) {
+ moodleoverflow_delete_discussion($discussion, $course, $cm, $moodleoverflow);
+ // Trigger the discussion deleted event.
+ $params = array(
+ 'objectid' => $discussion->id,
+ 'context' => $modulecontext,
+ );
+ $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_deleted::create($params);
+ $event->trigger();
+ // Redirect the user back to start page of the moodleoverflow instance.
+ redirect("view.php?m=$discussion->moodleoverflow");
+ exit;
+ } else if (moodleoverflow_delete_post($post, $deleteanypost, $cm, $moodleoverflow)) {
+ // Delete a single post.
+ // Redirect back to the discussion.
+ $discussionurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $discussion->id));
+ redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($discussionurl));
+ exit;
+ } else {
+ // Something went wrong.
+ throw new moodle_exception('errorwhiledelete', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Deletion needs to be confirmed.
+ moodleoverflow_set_return();
+ $PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('delete', 'moodleoverflow'));
+ $PAGE->set_title($course->shortname);
+ $PAGE->set_heading($course->fullname);
+ // The page should not be large, only pages containing broad tables are usually.
+ $PAGE->add_body_class('limitedwidth');
+ // Check if there are replies for the post.
+ if ($replycount) {
+ // Check if the user has capabilities to delete more than one post.
+ if (!$deleteanypost) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('couldnotdeletereplies', 'moodleoverflow',
+ moodleoverflow_go_back_to(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php',
+ array('d' => $post->discussion, 'p' . $post->id))));
+ }
+ // Request a confirmation to delete the post.
+ echo $OUTPUT->header();
+ echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string("deletesureplural", "moodleoverflow", $replycount + 1),
+ "post.php?delete=$delete&confirm=$delete", $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php?d=' .
+ $post->discussion . '#p' . $post->id);
+ } else {
+ // Delete a single post.
+ // Print a confirmation message.
+ echo $OUTPUT->header();
+ echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string("deletesure", "moodleoverflow", $replycount),
+ "post.php?delete=$delete&confirm=$delete",
+ $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php?d=' . $post->discussion . '#p' . $post->id);
+ }
+ }
+ echo $OUTPUT->footer();
+ exit;
+} else {
+ // Last posibility: the action is not known.
+ throw new moodle_exception('unknownaction');
+// Second step: The user must be logged on properly. Must be enrolled to the course as well.
+require_login($course, false, $cm);
+// Get the contexts.
+$modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
+$coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
+// Get the subject.
+if ($edit) {
+ $subject = $discussion->name;
+} else if ($reply) {
+ $subject = $post->subject;
+} else if ($moodleoverflow) {
+ $subject = $post->subject;
+// Get attachments.
+$draftitemid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('attachments');
+ $modulecontext->id,
+ 'mod_moodleoverflow',
+ 'attachment',
+ empty($post->id) ? null : $post->id,
+ mod_moodleoverflow_post_form::attachment_options($moodleoverflow));
+// Prepare the form.
+$formarray = array(
+ 'course' => $course,
+ 'cm' => $cm,
+ 'coursecontext' => $coursecontext,
+ 'modulecontext' => $modulecontext,
+ 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow,
+ 'post' => $post,
+ 'edit' => $edit,
+$mformpost = new mod_moodleoverflow_post_form('post.php', $formarray, 'post', '', array('id' => 'mformmoodleoverflow'));
+// The current user is not the original author.
+// Append the message to the end of the message.
+if ($USER->id != $post->userid) {
+ // Create a temporary object.
+ $data = new stdClass();
+ $data->date = userdate($post->modified);
+ $post->messageformat = editors_get_preferred_format();
+ // Append the message depending on the messages format.
+ if ($post->messageformat == FORMAT_HTML) {
+ $data->name = '' . fullname($USER) . '';
+ $post->message .= '(' . get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data) . ')
+ } else {
+ $data->name = fullname($USER);
+ $post->message .= "\n\n(" . get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data) . ')';
+ }
+ // Delete the temporary object.
+ unset($data);
+// Define the heading for the form.
+$formheading = '';
+if (!empty($parent)) {
+ $heading = get_string('yourreply', 'moodleoverflow');
+ $formheading = get_string('reply', 'moodleoverflow');
+} else {
+ $heading = get_string('yournewtopic', 'moodleoverflow');
+// Get the original post.
+$postid = empty($post->id) ? null : $post->id;
+$postmessage = empty($post->message) ? null : $post->message;
+// Set data for the form.
+// TODO Refactor.
+$param1 = (isset($discussion->id) ? array($discussion->id) : array());
+$param2 = (isset($post->format) ? array('format' => $post->format) : array());
+$param3 = (isset($discussion->timestart) ? array('timestart' => $discussion->timestart) : array());
+$param4 = (isset($discussion->timeend) ? array('timeend' => $discussion->timeend) : array());
+$param5 = (isset($discussion->id) ? array('discussion' => $discussion->id) : array());
+ 'attachments' => $draftitemid,
+ 'general' => $heading,
+ 'subject' => $subject,
+ 'message' => array(
+ 'text' => $postmessage,
+ 'format' => editors_get_preferred_format(),
+ 'itemid' => $postid,
+ ),
+ 'userid' => $post->userid,
+ 'parent' => $post->parent,
+ 'discussion' => $post->discussion,
+ 'course' => $course->id
+ ) + $pageparams + $param1 + $param2 + $param3 + $param4 + $param5);
+// Is it canceled?
+if ($mformpost->is_cancelled()) {
+ // Redirect the user back.
+ if (!isset($discussion->id)) {
+ redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $moodleoverflow->id)));
+ } else {
+ redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $discussion->id)));
+ }
+ // Cancel.
+ exit();
+// Is it submitted?
+if ($fromform = $mformpost->get_data()) {
+ // Redirect url in case of occuring errors.
+ if (empty($SESSION->fromurl)) {
+ $errordestination = "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=$moodleoverflow->id";
+ } else {
+ $errordestination = $SESSION->fromurl;
+ }
+ // Format the submitted data.
+ $fromform->messageformat = $fromform->message['format'];
+ $fromform->message = $fromform->message['text'];
+ $fromform->messagetrust = trusttext_trusted($modulecontext);
+ // If we are updating a post.
+ if ($fromform->edit) {
+ // Initiate some variables.
+ unset($fromform->groupid);
+ $fromform->id = $fromform->edit;
+ $message = '';
+ // The FORUM-Plugin had an bug:
+ // This is a fix for it.
+ if (!$realpost = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $fromform->id))) {
+ $realpost = new stdClass();
+ $realpost->userid = -1;
+ }
+ // Check the capabilities of the user.
+ // He may proceed if he can edit any post or if he has the startnewdiscussion
+ // capability or the capability to reply and is editing his own post.
+ $editanypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $modulecontext);
+ $replypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:replypost', $modulecontext);
+ $startdiscussion = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:startdiscussion', $modulecontext);
+ $ownpost = ($realpost->userid == $USER->id);
+ if (!(($ownpost && ($replypost || $startdiscussion)) || $editanypost)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotupdatepost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Update the post or print an error message.
+ $updatepost = $fromform;
+ $updatepost->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
+ if (!moodleoverflow_update_post($updatepost, $mformpost)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('couldnotupdate', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
+ }
+ // Create a success-message.
+ if ($realpost->userid == $USER->id) {
+ $message .= get_string('postupdated', 'moodleoverflow');
+ } else {
+ if (\mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous::is_post_anonymous($discussion, $moodleoverflow, $realpost->userid)) {
+ $name = get_string('anonymous', 'moodleoverflow');
+ } else {
+ $realuser = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $realpost->userid));
+ $name = fullname($realuser);
+ }
+ $message .= get_string('editedpostupdated', 'moodleoverflow', $name);
+ }
+ // Create a link to go back to the discussion.
+ $discussionurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $discussion->id), 'p' . $fromform->id);
+ // Set some parameters.
+ $params = array(
+ 'context' => $modulecontext,
+ 'objectid' => $fromform->id,
+ 'other' => array(
+ 'discussionid' => $discussion->id,
+ 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
+ ));
+ // If the editing user is not the original author, add the original author to the params.
+ if ($realpost->userid != $USER->id) {
+ $params['relateduserid'] = $realpost->userid;
+ }
+ // Trigger post updated event.
+ $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\post_updated::create($params);
+ $event->trigger();
+ // Redirect back to the discussion.
+ redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($discussionurl), $message, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
+ // Cancel.
+ exit;
+ } else if ($fromform->discussion) {
+ // Add a new post to an existing discussion.
+ // Set some basic variables.
+ unset($fromform->groupid);
+ $message = '';
+ $addpost = $fromform;
+ $addpost->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
+ // Create the new post.
+ if ($fromform->id = moodleoverflow_add_new_post($addpost)) {
+ // Subscribe to this thread.
+ $discussion = new \stdClass();
+ $discussion->id = $fromform->discussion;
+ $discussion->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
+ \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::moodleoverflow_post_subscription($fromform,
+ $moodleoverflow, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ // Print a success-message.
+ $message .= '' . get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow") . '
+ $message .= '' . get_string("postaddedtimeleft", "moodleoverflow",
+ format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'))) . '
+ // Set the URL that links back to the discussion.
+ $link = '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php';
+ $discussionurl = new moodle_url($link, array('d' => $discussion->id), 'p' . $fromform->id);
+ // Trigger post created event.
+ $params = array(
+ 'context' => $modulecontext,
+ 'objectid' => $fromform->id,
+ 'other' => array(
+ 'discussionid' => $discussion->id,
+ 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
+ ));
+ $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\post_created::create($params);
+ $event->trigger();
+ redirect(
+ moodleoverflow_go_back_to($discussionurl),
+ $message,
+ \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS
+ );
+ // Print an error if the answer could not be added.
+ } else {
+ throw new moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
+ }
+ // The post has been added.
+ exit;
+ } else {
+ // Add a new discussion.
+ // The location to redirect the user after successfully posting.
+ $redirectto = new moodle_url('view.php', array('m' => $fromform->moodleoverflow));
+ $discussion = $fromform;
+ $discussion->name = $fromform->subject;
+ // Check if the user is allowed to post here.
+ if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post_discussion($moodleoverflow)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotcreatediscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ // Check if the creation of the new discussion failed.
+ if (!$discussion->id = moodleoverflow_add_discussion($discussion, $modulecontext)) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
+ } else { // The creation of the new discussion was successful.
+ $params = array(
+ 'context' => $modulecontext,
+ 'objectid' => $discussion->id,
+ 'other' => array(
+ 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
+ )
+ );
+ $message = '' . get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow") . '
+ // Trigger the discussion created event.
+ $params = array(
+ 'context' => $modulecontext,
+ 'objectid' => $discussion->id,
+ );
+ $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_created::create($params);
+ $event->trigger();
+ // Subscribe to this thread.
+ $discussion->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
+ \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::moodleoverflow_post_subscription($fromform,
+ $moodleoverflow, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ }
+ // Redirect back to te discussion.
+ redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($redirectto->out()), $message, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
+ // Do not continue.
+ exit;
+ }
+// If the script gets to this point, nothing has been submitted.
+// We have to display the form.
+// $course and $moodleoverflow are defined.
+// $discussion is only used for replying and editing.
+// Define the message to be displayed above the form.
+$toppost = new stdClass();
+$toppost->subject = get_string("addanewdiscussion", "moodleoverflow");
+// Initiate the page.
+$PAGE->set_title("$course->shortname: $moodleoverflow->name " . format_string($toppost->subject));
+// The page should not be large, only pages containing broad tables are usually.
+// Display the header.
+echo $OUTPUT->header();
+// Display the form.
+// Display the footer.
+echo $OUTPUT->footer();
From b71565edcd71e2466e91656d37326a42113abd16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NinaHerrmann
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2023 15:19:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 19/40] change includes
classes/post/post.php | 2 +-
classes/post/{post.control.php => post_control.php} | 2 +-
post.php | 2 +-
3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
rename classes/post/{post.control.php => post_control.php} (99%)
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index 89c35ff9a2..0f58487225 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-namespace mod_moodleoverflow\post\post;
+namespace mod_moodleoverflow\post;
// Import namespace from the locallib, needs a check later which namespaces are really needed.
use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
diff --git a/classes/post/post.control.php b/classes/post/post_control.php
similarity index 99%
rename from classes/post/post.control.php
rename to classes/post/post_control.php
index bb99a6e46e..1ec280eef5 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post_control.php
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-namespace mod_moodleoverflow\post\post_control;
+namespace mod_moodleoverflow\post;
// Import namespace from the locallib, needs a check later which namespaces are really needed.
use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
diff --git a/post.php b/post.php
index 9a3a2db972..c9d802a02a 100644
--- a/post.php
+++ b/post.php
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
-use mod_moodleoverflow\post\post_control;
require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
@@ -53,6 +52,7 @@
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
// Create a post_control object to control and lead the process.
+$postcontrol = new \mod_moodleoverflow\post\post_control();
$postcontrol = new post_control();
// Put all interaction parameters in one object for the post_control.
From 0eed5624da5f90fe961543c70d77839ddebef379 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2023 16:46:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 20/40] WIP: fixing errors
classes/discussion/discussion.php | 1 -
classes/post/post.drawio | 203 ------------------------------
classes/post/post.php | 1 -
classes/post/post_control.php | 79 ++++++------
lang/en/moodleoverflow.php | 1 -
post.php | 7 +-
6 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 248 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 classes/post/post.drawio
diff --git a/classes/discussion/discussion.php b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
index b188f3c262..2cf6262d41 100644
--- a/classes/discussion/discussion.php
+++ b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/locallib.php');
diff --git a/classes/post/post.drawio b/classes/post/post.drawio
deleted file mode 100644
index cdb9223a02..0000000000
--- a/classes/post/post.drawio
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index 0f58487225..ca80a6002c 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/locallib.php');
diff --git a/classes/post/post_control.php b/classes/post/post_control.php
index 1ec280eef5..ecd4a1eed9 100644
--- a/classes/post/post_control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post_control.php
@@ -30,15 +30,14 @@
use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
-use mod_moodleoverflow\post\post;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\post;
use mod_moodleoverflow\discussion;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
+global $CFG;
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib.php');
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php');
+require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/locallib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
-require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php');
* This Class controls the manipulation of posts and acts as controller of interactions with the post.php
@@ -85,13 +84,14 @@ class post_control {
* Constructor
public function __construct() {
- $this->info = new \stdClass;
+ $this->info = new \stdClass();
* Detects the interaction and builds the prepost.
* @param object $urlparamter parameter from the post.php
* @throws moodle_exception if the interaction is not correct.
+ * @throws \moodle_exception
public function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
$count = 0;
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
$count += $urlparameter->edit ? 1 : 0;
$count += $urlparameter->delete ? 1 : 0;
if ($count !== 1) {
- throw new coding_exception('Exactly one parameter should be specified!');
+ throw new \coding_exception('Exactly one parameter should be specified!');
if ($urlparameter->create) {
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
} else if ($urlparameter->reply) {
$this->interaction = 'reply';
- $this->info->replypostid = $urlparameter->edit;
+ $this->info->replypostid = $urlparameter->reply;
} else if ($urlparameter->delete) {
@@ -123,19 +123,20 @@ public function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
$this->info->deletepostid = $urlparameter->edit;
} else {
- throw new moodle_exception('unknownaction');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('unknownaction');
* Controls the execution of an interaction.
* @param object $form The results from the post_form.
- * @return bool if the execution succeded
+ * @return bool if the execution succeeded
public function execute_interaction($form) {
- // Redirect url in case of occuring errors.
+ global $CFG;
+ // Redirect url in case of occurring errors.
if (empty($SESSION->fromurl)) {
- $errordestination = '$CFG->wwwroot/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid;
+ $errordestination = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid;
} else {
$errordestination = $SESSION->fromurl;
@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ public function execute_interaction($form) {
} else if ($this->interaction == 'edit' && $form->edit === $this->prepost->postid) {
$this->execute_edit($form, $errordestination);
} else {
- throw new moodle_exception('unexpectedinteractionerror', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
+ throw new \moodle_exception('unexpectedinteractionerror', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
@@ -171,14 +172,14 @@ public function execute_interaction($form) {
public function catch_guest($postid = false, $moodleoverflowid = false) {
global $PAGE;
if ((!$postid && !$moodleoverflowid) || ($postid && $moodleoverflowid)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('inaccurateparameter', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('inaccurateparameter', 'moodleoverflow');
if ($postid) {
$this->collect_information($postid, false);
} else if ($moodleoverflowid) {
$this->collect_information(false, $moodleoverflowid);
- $this->info->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id);
+ $this->info->modulecontext = \context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id);
// Set the parameters for the page.
$PAGE->set_cm($this->info->cm, $this->info->course, $this->info->moodleoverflow);
@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
// Notify the user, that he can not post a new discussion.
- throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
// Where is the user coming from?
@@ -266,11 +267,11 @@ private function build_prepost_reply($replypostid) {
// Print the error message.
- throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
// Make sure the user can post here.
if (!$this->info->cm->visible && !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $this->info->modulecontext)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('activityiscurrentlyhidden');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('activityiscurrentlyhidden');
// Prepare a post.
@@ -312,7 +313,7 @@ private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
if (($beyondtime || $alreadyreviewed) && !has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost',
$this->info->modulecontext)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('maxtimehaspassed', 'moodleoverflow', '',
+ throw new \moodle_exception('maxtimehaspassed', 'moodleoverflow', '',
format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')));
@@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
if (!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $this->info->modulecontext)) {
// Display the error. Capabilities are missing.
- throw new moodle_exception('cannoteditposts', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('cannoteditposts', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -354,7 +355,7 @@ private function build_prepost_delete($deletepostid) {
if (!(($this->info->relatedpost->get_userid() == $USER->id && $this->info->deleteownpost)
|| $this->info->deleteanypost)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow');
// Count all replies of this post.
@@ -384,7 +385,7 @@ private function execute_create($form, $errordestination) {
$this->prepost->subject, null, $this->prepost->userid,
$this->prepost->timenow, $this->prepost->timenow, $this->prepost->userid);
if (!$discussion->moodleoverflow_add_discussion($this->prepost)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
+ throw new \moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
// The creation was successful.
@@ -418,7 +419,7 @@ private function execute_reply($form, $errordestination) {
// Create the new post.
if (!$newpostid = $this->info->discussion->moodleoverflow_add_post_to_discussion($this->prepost)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
+ throw new \moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
// The creation was successful.
@@ -452,7 +453,7 @@ private function execute_edit($form, $errordestination) {
// Update the post.
if (!$this->info->discussion->moodleoverflow_edit_post_from_discussion($this->prepost)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('couldnotupdate', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
+ throw new \moodle_exception('couldnotupdate', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
// The edit was successful.
@@ -491,12 +492,12 @@ public function execute_delete() {
$timepassed = time() - $this->info->relatedpost->created;
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->info->discussion->get_id()));
if (($timepassed > get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')) && !$this->info->deleteanypost) {
- throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
+ throw new \moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
// A normal user cannot delete his post if there are direct replies.
if ($this->infro->replycount && !$this->info->deleteanypost) {
- throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletereplies', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
+ throw new \moodle_exception('cannotdeletereplies', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
// Check if the post is a parent post or not.
@@ -631,10 +632,6 @@ public function get_prepost() {
* @return bool, if object could be build or not.
private function collect_information($postid = false, $moodleoverflowid = false) {
- if (!($postid xor $moodleoverflowid)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('inaccurateparameter', 'moodleoverflow');
- return false;
- }
if ($postid) {
// The related post is the post that is being answered, edited, or deleted.
$this->info->relatedpost = $this->check_post_exists($postid);
@@ -643,6 +640,11 @@ private function collect_information($postid = false, $moodleoverflowid = false)
} else {
$localmoodleoverflowid = $moodleoverflowid;
+ var_dump($moodleoverflowid);
+ var_dump($postid);
+ var_dump($this->info->relatedpost);
+ var_dump($this->info->discussion);
+ var_dump($localmoodleoverflowid);
$this->info->moodleoverflow = $this->check_moodleoverflow_exists($localmoodleoverflowid);
$this->info->course = $this->check_course_exists($this->info->moodleoverflow->course);
$this->info->cm = $this->check_coursemodule_exists($this->info->moodleoverflow->id, $this->info->course->id);
@@ -684,7 +686,7 @@ private function assemble_prepost() {
private function check_interaction($interaction) {
if ($this->interaction != $interaction) {
- throw new moodle_exception('wronginteraction' , 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('wronginteraction' , 'moodleoverflow');
return true;
@@ -699,7 +701,7 @@ private function check_interaction($interaction) {
private function check_course_exists($courseid) {
global $DB;
if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
return $course;
@@ -713,7 +715,7 @@ private function check_course_exists($courseid) {
private function check_coursemodule_exists($moodleoverflowid, $courseid) {
if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflowid,
$courseid)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
return $cm;
@@ -727,7 +729,7 @@ private function check_moodleoverflow_exists($moodleoverflowid) {
// Get the related moodleoverflow instance.
global $DB;
if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflowid))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
return $moodleoverflow;
@@ -740,7 +742,7 @@ private function check_moodleoverflow_exists($moodleoverflowid) {
private function check_discussion_exists($discussionid) {
global $DB;
if (!$discussionrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussionid))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invaliddiscussionid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('invaliddiscussionid', 'moodleoverflow');
$discussion = discussion::from_record($discussionrecord);
return $discussion;
@@ -754,13 +756,12 @@ private function check_discussion_exists($discussionid) {
private function check_post_exists($postid) {
global $DB;
if (!$postrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $postid))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
$post = post::from_record($postrecord);
return $post;
// Capability checks.
@@ -770,7 +771,7 @@ private function check_post_exists($postid) {
private function check_user_can_create_discussion() {
if (!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:startdiscussion', $this->info->modulecontext)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('cannotcreatediscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('cannotcreatediscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
return true;
@@ -782,7 +783,7 @@ private function check_user_can_create_discussion() {
private function check_user_can_create_reply() {
if (!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:replypost', $this->info->modulecontext, $this->prepost->userid)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('cannotreply', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('cannotreply', 'moodleoverflow');
return true;
@@ -801,7 +802,7 @@ private function check_user_can_edit_post() {
$startdiscussion = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:startdiscussion', $this->info->modulecontext);
$ownpost = ($this->prepost->userid == $USER->id);
if (!(($ownpost && ($replypost || $startdiscussion)) || $editanypost)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('cannotupdatepost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('cannotupdatepost', 'moodleoverflow');
return true;
diff --git a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
index 5ee1d3c3b2..cad4ecab22 100644
--- a/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
+++ b/lang/en/moodleoverflow.php
@@ -155,7 +155,6 @@
$string['unexpectedinteractionerror'] = 'An unexpected error occured, please try again';
// String for the classes/post/post_control.php.
-$string['inaccurateparameter'] = 'Please check your parameter and give exactly 1 parameter to the function';
$string['wronginteraction'] = 'Wrong interaction detected, please choose the right function';
// Strings for the classes/mod_form.php.
diff --git a/post.php b/post.php
index c9d802a02a..d292e520f7 100644
--- a/post.php
+++ b/post.php
@@ -22,13 +22,14 @@
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+use mod_moodleoverflow\post\post_control;
use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php');
-require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
+require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
// Declare optional url parameters.
$moodleoverflow = optional_param('moodleoverflow', 0, PARAM_INT);
$reply = optional_param('reply', 0, PARAM_INT);
@@ -52,8 +53,8 @@
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
// Create a post_control object to control and lead the process.
-$postcontrol = new \mod_moodleoverflow\post\post_control();
$postcontrol = new post_control();
+//$postcontrol = new post_control();
// Put all interaction parameters in one object for the post_control.
$urlparameter = new \stdClass();
From ebc4be9fc085dde656e0b74dfd2b7f9b1f37b1b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 14:29:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 21/40] Testing new structure: replies works
classes/discussion/discussion.php | 74 +++--
classes/post/post.php | 474 +++---------------------------
classes/post/post_control.php | 107 +++----
classes/readtracking.php | 2 +-
classes/review.php | 2 +-
locallib.php | 24 +-
post.php | 8 +-
7 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 523 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/discussion/discussion.php b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
index 2cf6262d41..479c1721f6 100644
--- a/classes/discussion/discussion.php
+++ b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class discussion {
/** @var int The moodleoverflow ID where the discussion is located*/
private $moodleoverflow;
- /** @var char The title of the discussion, the titel of the parent post*/
+ /** @var string The title of the discussion, the titel of the parent post*/
public $name;
/** @var int The id of the parent/first post*/
@@ -129,47 +129,47 @@ public function __construct($id, $course, $moodleoverflow, $name, $firstpost,
public static function from_record($record) {
$id = null;
- if (object__property_exists($record, 'id') && $record->id) {
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'id') && $record->id) {
$id = $record->id;
$course = null;
- if (object__property_exists($record, 'course') && $record->course) {
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'course') && $record->course) {
$course = $record->course;
$moodleoverflow = null;
- if (object__property_exists($record, 'moodleoverflow') && $record->moodleoverflow) {
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'moodleoverflow') && $record->moodleoverflow) {
$moodleoverflow = $record->moodleoverflow;
$name = null;
- if (object__property_exists($record, 'name') && $record->name) {
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'name') && $record->name) {
$name = $record->name;
$firstpost = null;
- if (object__property_exists($record, 'firstpost') && $record->firstpost) {
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'firstpost') && $record->firstpost) {
$firstpost = $record->firstpost;
$userid = null;
- if (object__property_exists($record, 'userid') && $record->userid) {
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'userid') && $record->userid) {
$userid = $record->userid;
$timemodified = null;
- if (object__property_exists($record, 'timemodified') && $record->timemodified) {
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'timemodified') && $record->timemodified) {
$timemodified = $record->timemodified;
$timestart = null;
- if (object__property_exists($record, 'timestart') && $record->timestart) {
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'timestart') && $record->timestart) {
$timestart = $record->timestart;
$usermodified = null;
- if (object__property_exists($record, 'usermodified') && $record->usermodified) {
+ if (object_property_exists($record, 'usermodified') && $record->usermodified) {
$usermodified = $record->usermodified;
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($prepost) {
global $DB;
// Add the discussion to the Database.
- $this->id = $DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this);
+ $this->id = $DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this->build_db_object());
// Create the first/parent post for the new discussion and add it do the DB.
$post = post::construct_without_id($this->id, 0, $prepost->userid, $prepost->timenow, $prepost->timenow, $preposts->message,
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_discussion($prepost) {
public function moodleoverflow_add_post_to_discussion($prepost) {
global $DB;
- $this->post_check();
+ $this->posts_check();
// Create the post that will be added to the new discussion.
$post = post::construct_without_id($this->id, $prepost->parentid, $prepost->userid, $prepost->timenow, $prepost->timenow,
@@ -312,9 +312,9 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_post_to_discussion($prepost) {
// Add the post to the $posts array and update the timemodified in the DB.
$this->posts[$postid] = $post;
- $this->timemodified = $timenow;
+ $this->timemodified = $prepost->timenow;
$this->usermodified = $prepost->userid;
- $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this);
+ $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this->build_db_object());
// Return the id of the added post.
return $postid;
@@ -362,16 +362,16 @@ public function moodleoverflow_edit_post_from_discussion($prepost) {
// Access the post.
- $post = $this->post[$prepost->postid];
+ $post = $this->posts[$prepost->postid];
// If the post is the firstpost, then update the name of this discussion and the post. If not, only update the post.
- if ($prepost->id == array_key_first($posts)) {
+ if ($prepost->postid == array_key_first($this->posts)) {
$this->name = $prepost->subject;
$this->usermodified = $prepost->userid;
$this->timemodified = $prepost->timenow;
- $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this);
+ $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this->build_db_object());
- $post->moodleoverflow_edit_post($timenow, $prepost->message, $prepost->messageformat, $prepost->formattachment);
+ $post->moodleoverflow_edit_post($prepost->timenow, $prepost->message, $prepost->messageformat, $prepost->formattachment);
// The post has been edited successfully.
return true;
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_discussion_adapt_to_last_post() {
if ($lastpost->modified != $this->timemodified || $lastpost->get_userid() != $this->usermodified) {
$this->timemodified = $lastpost->modified;
$this->usermodified = $lastpost->get_userid();
- $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this);
+ $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this->build_db_object());
// Return that the discussion needed an update.
return true;
@@ -487,13 +487,13 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion_posts() {
$otherpostssql = 'SELECT * FROM {moodleoverflow_posts} posts
WHERE posts.discussion = ' . $this->id . ' AND posts.parent != 0;';
$firstpostrecord = $DB->get_record_sql($firstpostsql);
- $otherpostsrecords = $DB->get_records_sql($otherpostssql);
+ $otherpostsrecord = $DB->get_records_sql($otherpostssql);
// Add the first/parent post to the array, then add the other posts.
$firstpost = post::from_record($firstpostrecord);
$this->posts[$firstpost->get_id()] = $firstpost;
- foreach ($otherpostrecords as $postrecord) {
+ foreach ($otherpostsrecord as $postrecord) {
$post = post::from_record($postrecord);
$this->posts[$post->get_id()] = $post;
@@ -534,13 +534,37 @@ public function get_coursemodule() {
if (empty($this->cmobject)) {
if (!$this->cmobject = $DB->get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $this->get_moodleoverflow()->id,
$this->get_moodleoverflow()->course)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
return $this->cmobject;
+ // Helper functions.
+ /**
+ * Builds an object from this instance that has only DB-relevant attributes.
+ * @return object $dbobject
+ */
+ private function build_db_object() {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ $this->posts_check();
+ $dbobject = new \stdClass();
+ $dbobject->id = $this->id;
+ $dbobject->course = $this->course;
+ $dbobject->moodleoverflow = $this->moodleoverflow;
+ $dbobject->name = $this->name;
+ $dbobject->firstpost = $this->firstpost;
+ $dbobject->userid = $this->userid;
+ $dbobject->timemodified = $this->timemodified;
+ $dbobject->timestart = $this->timestart;
+ $dbobject->usermodified = $this->usermodified;
+ return $dbobject;
+ }
// Security.
@@ -552,7 +576,7 @@ public function get_coursemodule() {
private function existence_check() {
if (empty($this->id) || $this->id == false || $this->id == null) {
- throw new moodle_exception('noexistingdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('noexistingdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
return true;
@@ -565,7 +589,7 @@ private function existence_check() {
private function posts_check() {
if (!$this->postsbuild) {
- throw new moodle_exception('notallpostsavailable', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('notallpostsavailable', 'moodleoverflow');
return true;
@@ -579,7 +603,7 @@ private function posts_check() {
private function post_exists_check($postid) {
if (!$this->posts[$postid]) {
- throw new moodle_exception('postnotpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('postnotpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
return true;
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index ca80a6002c..0e1d29d864 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@
use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
use mod_moodleoverflow\readtracking;
-use mod_moodleoverflow\discussion;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\discussion\discussion;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
+global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/locallib.php');
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ class post {
/** @var int The message format*/
public $messageformat;
- /** @var char Attachment of the post */
+ /** @var string Attachment of the post */
public $attachment;
/** @var int Mailed status*/
@@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_new_post() {
global $USER, $DB;
// Add post to the database.
- $this->id = $DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_posts', $this);
+ $this->id = $DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_posts', $this->build_db_object());
$this->moodleoverflow_add_attachment($this, $this->get_moodleoverflow(), $this->get_coursemodule());
if ($this->reviewed) {
@@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
// Delete the attachments.
$fs = get_file_storage();
- $context = context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id);
+ $context = \context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id);
$attachments = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment',
$this->id, "filename", true);
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
@@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
// Get the context module.
- $modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id);
+ $modulecontext = \context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id);
// Trigger the post deletion event.
$params = array(
@@ -380,7 +381,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_edit_post($time, $postmessage, $messageformat, $f
// Update the record in the database.
- $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_posts', $this);
+ $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_posts', $this->build_db_object());
// Update the attachments. This happens after the DB update call, as this function changes the DB record as well.
@@ -431,19 +432,19 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_attachment() {
if (!$this->formattachments) {
- throw new moodle_exception('missingformattachments', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('missingformattachments', 'moodleoverflow');
if (empty($this->formattachments)) {
return true; // Nothing to do.
- $context = context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id);
+ $context = \context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id);
$info = file_get_draft_area_info($this->formattachments);
$present = ($info['filecount'] > 0) ? '1' : '';
- file_save_draft_area_file($this->formattachments, $context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment', $this->id,
- mod_moodleoverflow_post_form::attachment_options($this->get_moodleoverflow()));
- $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_post', 'attachment', $present, array('id' => $this->id));
+ file_save_draft_area_files($this->formattachments, $context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment', $this->id,
+ \mod_moodleoverflow_post_form::attachment_options($this->get_moodleoverflow()));
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_posts', 'attachment', $present, array('id' => $this->id));
@@ -456,7 +457,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments() {
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
- if (empty($this->attachment) || (!$context = context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id))) {
+ if (empty($this->attachment) || (!$context = \context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id))) {
return array();
@@ -465,7 +466,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments() {
// We retrieve all files according to the time that they were created. In the case that several files were uploaded
// at the sametime (e.g. in the case of drag/drop upload) we revert to using the filename.
- $file = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment', $this->id, "filename", false);
+ $files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment', $this->id, "filename", false);
if ($files) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($files as $file) {
@@ -571,7 +572,7 @@ public function get_coursemodule() {
if (empty($this->cmobject)) {
- $this->cmobject = $DB->get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $this->get_moodleoverflow()->id);
+ $this->cmobject = \get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $this->get_moodleoverflow()->id);
return $this->cmobject;
@@ -650,6 +651,28 @@ public function mark_post_read() {
+ /**
+ * Builds an object from this instance that has only DB-relevant attributes.
+ * @return object $dbobject
+ */
+ private function build_db_object() {
+ $dbobject = new \stdClass();
+ $dbobject->id = $this->id;
+ $dbobject->discussion = $this->discussion;
+ $dbobject->parent = $this->parent;
+ $dbobject->userid = $this->userid;
+ $dbobject->created = $this->created;
+ $dbobject->modified = $this->modified;
+ $dbobject->message = $this->message;
+ $dbobject->messageformat = $this->messageformat;
+ $dbobject->attachment = $this->attachment;
+ $dbobject->mailed = $this->mailed;
+ $dbobject->reviewed = $this->reviewed;
+ $dbobject->timereviewed = $this->timereviewed;
+ return $dbobject;
+ }
// Security.
@@ -661,429 +684,8 @@ public function mark_post_read() {
private function existence_check() {
if (empty($this->id) || $this->id == false || $this->id == null) {
- throw new moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new \moodle_exception('noexistingpost', 'moodleoverflow');
return true;
- // Big Functions.
- // Print Functions.
- /**
- * Prints all posts of the discussion in a nested form.
- *
- * @param object $course The course object
- * @param object $cm
- * @param object $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow object
- * @param object $discussion The discussion object
- * @param object $parent The object of the parent post
- * @param bool $istracked Whether the user tracks the discussion
- * @param array $posts Array of posts within the discussion
- * @param bool $iscomment Whether the current post is a comment
- * @param array $usermapping
- * @param bool $multiplemarks
- * @return string
- * @throws coding_exception
- * @throws dml_exception
- * @throws moodle_exception
- */
- public function moodleoverflow_print_posts_nested($course, &$cm, $moodleoverflow, $discussion, $parent, $istracked,
- $posts, $iscomment = null, $usermapping = [], $multiplemarks = false) {
- }
- /**
- * Prints a moodleoverflow post.
- * @param object $ownpost
- * @param bool $link
- * @param string $footer
- * @param string $highlight
- * @param bool $postisread
- * @param bool $dummyifcantsee
- * @param bool $istracked
- * @param bool $iscomment
- * @param array $usermapping
- * @param int $level
- * @param bool $multiplemarks setting of multiplemarks
- * @return void|null
- * @throws coding_exception
- * @throws dml_exception
- * @throws moodle_exception
- */
- public function moodleoverflow_print_post($ownpost = false, $link = false, $footer = '', $highlight = '', $postisread = null,
- $dummyifcantsee = true, $istracked = false, $iscomment = false, $usermapping = [],
- $level = 0, $multiplemarks = false) {
- global $USER, $CFG, $OUTPUT, $PAGE;
- $this->existence_check();
- // Get important variables.
- $post = $this->moodleoverflow_get_complete_post();
- $discussion = $this->get_discussion();
- $moodleoverflow = $this->get_moodleoverflow();
- $cm = $DB->get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id);
- $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course));
- // Add ratings to the post.
- $postratings = $this->moodleoverflow_get_post_ratings();
- $post->upvotes = $postratings->upvotes;
- $post->downvotes = $postratings->downvotes;
- $post->votesdifference = $postratings->votesdifference;
- $post->markedhelpful = $postratings->markedhelpful;
- $post->markedsolution = $postratings->markedsolution;
- // Add other important stuff.
- $post->subject = $this->subject;
- // Requiere the filelib.
- require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php');
- // String cahe.
- static $str;
- // Print the 'unread' only on time.
- static $firstunreadanchorprinted = false;
- // Declare the modulecontext.
- $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
- // Add some information to the post.
- $post->courseid = $course->id;
- $post->moodleoverflowid = $moodleoverflow->id;
- $mcid = $modulecontext->id;
- $post->message = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($post->message, 'pluginfile.php', $mcid,
- 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'post', $post->id);
- // Check if the user has the capability to see posts.
- if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_see_post($moodleoverflow, $discussion, $post, $cm)) {
- // No dummy message is requested.
- if (!$dummyifcantsee) {
- echo '';
- return;
- }
- // Include the renderer to display the dummy content.
- $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_moodleoverflow');
- // Collect the needed data being submitted to the template.
- $mustachedata = new stdClass();
- // Print the template.
- return $renderer->render_post_dummy_cantsee($mustachedata);
- }
- // Check if the strings have been cached.
- if (empty($str)) {
- $str = new stdClass();
- $str->edit = get_string('edit', 'moodleoverflow');
- $str->delete = get_string('delete', 'moodleoverflow');
- $str->reply = get_string('reply', 'moodleoverflow');
- $str->replyfirst = get_string('replyfirst', 'moodleoverflow');
- $str->parent = get_string('parent', 'moodleoverflow');
- $str->markread = get_string('markread', 'moodleoverflow');
- $str->markunread = get_string('markunread', 'moodleoverflow');
- $str->marksolved = get_string('marksolved', 'moodleoverflow');
- $str->alsomarksolved = get_string('alsomarksolved', 'moodleoverflow');
- $str->marknotsolved = get_string('marknotsolved', 'moodleoverflow');
- $str->markhelpful = get_string('markhelpful', 'moodleoverflow');
- $str->alsomarkhelpful = get_string('alsomarkhelpful', 'moodleoverflow');
- $str->marknothelpful = get_string('marknothelpful', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Get the current link without unnecessary parameters.
- $discussionlink = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $post->discussion));
- // Build the object that represents the posting user.
- $postinguser = new stdClass();
- if ($CFG->branch >= 311) {
- $postinguserfields = \core_user\fields::get_picture_fields();
- } else {
- $postinguserfields = explode(',', user_picture::fields());
- }
- $postinguser = username_load_fields_from_object($postinguser, $post, null, $postinguserfields);
- // Post was anonymized.
- if (anonymous::is_post_anonymous($discussion, $moodleoverflow, $post->userid)) {
- $postinguser->id = null;
- if ($post->userid == $USER->id) {
- $postinguser->fullname = get_string('anonym_you', 'mod_moodleoverflow');
- $postinguser->profilelink = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $post->userid, 'course' => $course->id));
- } else {
- $postinguser->fullname = $usermapping[(int) $post->userid];
- $postinguser->profilelink = null;
- }
- } else {
- $postinguser->fullname = fullname($postinguser, capabilities::has('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $modulecontext));
- $postinguser->profilelink = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $post->userid, 'course' => $course->id));
- $postinguser->id = $post->userid;
- }
- // Prepare an array of commands.
- $commands = array();
- // Create a permalink.
- $permalink = new moodle_url($discussionlink);
- $permalink->set_anchor('p' . $post->id);
- // Check if multiplemarks are allowed. If so, check if there are already marked posts.
- $helpfulposts = false;
- $solvedposts = false;
- if ($multiplemarks) {
- $helpfulposts = \mod_moodleoverflow\ratings::moodleoverflow_discussion_is_solved($discussion->id, false);
- $solvedposts = \mod_moodleoverflow\ratings::moodleoverflow_discussion_is_solved($discussion->id, true);
- }
- // If the user has started the discussion, he can mark the answer as helpful.
- $canmarkhelpful = (($USER->id == $discussion->userid) && ($USER->id != $post->userid) &&
- ($iscomment != $post->parent) && !empty($post->parent));
- if ($canmarkhelpful) {
- // When the post is already marked, remove the mark instead.
- $link = '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php';
- if ($post->markedhelpful) {
- $commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->marknothelpful, array('class' => 'markhelpful onlyifreviewed',
- 'role' => 'button',
- 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'helpful'));
- } else {
- // If there are already marked posts, change the string of the button.
- if ($helpfulposts) {
- $commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->alsomarkhelpful, array('class' => 'markhelpful onlyifreviewed',
- 'role' => 'button',
- 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'helpful'));
- } else {
- $commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->markhelpful, array('class' => 'markhelpful onlyifreviewed',
- 'role' => 'button',
- 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'helpful'));
- }
- }
- }
- // A teacher can mark an answer as solved.
- $canmarksolved = (($iscomment != $post->parent) && !empty($post->parent) &&
- capabilities::has(capabilities::MARK_SOLVED, $modulecontext));
- if ($canmarksolved) {
- // When the post is already marked, remove the mark instead.
- $link = '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php';
- if ($post->markedsolution) {
- $commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->marknotsolved, array('class' => 'marksolved onlyifreviewed',
- 'role' => 'button',
- 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'solved'));
- } else {
- // If there are already marked posts, change the string of the button.
- if ($solvedposts) {
- $commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->alsomarksolved, array('class' => 'marksolved onlyifreviewed',
- 'role' => 'button',
- 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'solved'));
- } else {
- $commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->marksolved, array('class' => 'marksolved onlyifreviewed',
- 'role' => 'button',
- 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'solved'));
- }
- }
- }
- // Calculate the age of the post.
- $age = time() - $post->created;
- // Make a link to edit your own post within the given time and not already reviewed.
- if (($ownpost && ($age < get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'))
- && (!review::should_post_be_reviewed($post, $moodleoverflow) || !$post->reviewed))
- || capabilities::has(capabilities::EDIT_ANY_POST, $modulecontext)) {
- $editurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php', array('edit' => $post->id));
- $commands[] = array('url' => $editurl, 'text' => $str->edit);
- }
- // Give the option to delete a post.
- $notold = ($age < get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'));
- if (($ownpost && $notold && capabilities::has(capabilities::DELETE_OWN_POST, $modulecontext)) ||
- capabilities::has(capabilities::DELETE_ANY_POST, $modulecontext)) {
- $link = '/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php';
- $commands[] = array('url' => new moodle_url($link, array('delete' => $post->id)), 'text' => $str->delete);
- }
- // Give the option to reply to a post.
- if (moodleoverflow_user_can_post($modulecontext, $post, false)) {
- $attributes = [
- 'class' => 'onlyifreviewed'
- ];
- // Answer to the parent post.
- if (empty($post->parent)) {
- $replyurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php#mformmoodleoverflow', array('reply' => $post->id));
- $commands[] = array('url' => $replyurl, 'text' => $str->replyfirst, 'attributes' => $attributes);
- // If the post is a comment, answer to the parent post.
- } else if (!$iscomment) {
- $replyurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php#mformmoodleoverflow', array('reply' => $post->id));
- $commands[] = array('url' => $replyurl, 'text' => $str->reply, 'attributes' => $attributes);
- // Else simple respond to the answer.
- } else {
- $replyurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php#mformmoodleoverflow', array('reply' => $iscomment));
- $commands[] = array('url' => $replyurl, 'text' => $str->reply, 'attributes' => $attributes);
- }
- }
- // Begin of mustache data collecting.
- // Initiate the output variables.
- $mustachedata = new stdClass();
- $mustachedata->istracked = $istracked;
- $mustachedata->isread = false;
- $mustachedata->isfirstunread = false;
- $mustachedata->isfirstpost = false;
- $mustachedata->iscomment = (!empty($post->parent) && ($iscomment == $post->parent));
- $mustachedata->permalink = $permalink;
- // Get the ratings.
- $mustachedata->votes = $post->upvotes - $post->downvotes;
- // Check if the post is marked.
- $mustachedata->markedhelpful = $post->markedhelpful;
- $mustachedata->markedsolution = $post->markedsolution;
- // Did the user rated this post?
- $rating = \mod_moodleoverflow\ratings::moodleoverflow_user_rated($post->id);
- // Initiate the variables.
- $mustachedata->userupvoted = false;
- $mustachedata->userdownvoted = false;
- $mustachedata->canchange = $USER->id != $post->userid;
- // Check the actual rating.
- if ($rating) {
- // Convert the object.
- $rating = $rating->rating;
- // Did the user upvoted or downvoted this post?
- // The user upvoted the post.
- if ($rating == 1) {
- $mustachedata->userdownvoted = true;
- } else if ($rating == 2) {
- $mustachedata->userupvoted = true;
- }
- }
- // Check the reading status of the post.
- $postclass = '';
- if ($istracked) {
- if ($postisread) {
- $postclass .= ' read';
- $mustachedata->isread = true;
- } else {
- $postclass .= ' unread';
- // Anchor the first unread post of a discussion.
- if (!$firstunreadanchorprinted) {
- $mustachedata->isfirstunread = true;
- $firstunreadanchorprinted = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($post->markedhelpful) {
- $postclass .= ' markedhelpful';
- }
- if ($post->markedsolution) {
- $postclass .= ' markedsolution';
- }
- $mustachedata->postclass = $postclass;
- // Is this the firstpost?
- if (empty($post->parent)) {
- $mustachedata->isfirstpost = true;
- }
- // Create an element for the user which posted the post.
- $postbyuser = new stdClass();
- $postbyuser->post = $post->subject;
- // Anonymization already handled in $postinguser->fullname.
- $postbyuser->user = $postinguser->fullname;
- $mustachedata->discussionby = get_string('postbyuser', 'moodleoverflow', $postbyuser);
- // Set basic variables of the post.
- $mustachedata->postid = $post->id;
- $mustachedata->subject = format_string($post->subject);
- // Post was anonymized.
- if (!anonymous::is_post_anonymous($discussion, $moodleoverflow, $post->userid)) {
- // User picture.
- $mustachedata->picture = $OUTPUT->user_picture($postinguser, ['courseid' => $course->id]);
- }
- // The rating of the user.
- if (anonymous::is_post_anonymous($discussion, $moodleoverflow, $post->userid)) {
- $postuserrating = null;
- } else {
- $postuserrating = \mod_moodleoverflow\ratings::moodleoverflow_get_reputation($moodleoverflow->id, $postinguser->id);
- }
- // The name of the user and the date modified.
- $mustachedata->bydate = userdate($post->modified);
- $mustachedata->byshortdate = userdate($post->modified, get_string('strftimedatetimeshort', 'core_langconfig'));
- $mustachedata->byname = $postinguser->profilelink ?
- html_writer::link($postinguser->profilelink, $postinguser->fullname)
- : $postinguser->fullname;
- $mustachedata->byrating = $postuserrating;
- $mustachedata->byuserid = $postinguser->id;
- $mustachedata->showrating = $postuserrating !== null;
- if (get_config('moodleoverflow', 'allowdisablerating') == 1) {
- $mustachedata->showvotes = $moodleoverflow->allowrating;
- $mustachedata->showreputation = $moodleoverflow->allowreputation;
- } else {
- $mustachedata->showvotes = MOODLEOVERFLOW_RATING_ALLOW;
- $mustachedata->showreputation = MOODLEOVERFLOW_REPUTATION_ALLOW;
- }
- $mustachedata->questioner = $post->userid == $discussion->userid ? 'questioner' : '';
- // Set options for the post.
- $options = new stdClass();
- $options->para = false;
- $options->trusted = false;
- $options->context = $modulecontext;
- $reviewdelay = get_config('moodleoverflow', 'reviewpossibleaftertime');
- $mustachedata->reviewdelay = format_time($reviewdelay);
- $mustachedata->needsreview = !$post->reviewed;
- $reviewable = time() - $post->created > $reviewdelay;
- $mustachedata->canreview = capabilities::has(capabilities::REVIEW_POST, $modulecontext);
- $mustachedata->withinreviewperiod = $reviewable;
- // Prepare the post.
- $mustachedata->postcontent = format_text($post->message, $post->messageformat, $options, $course->id);
- // Load the attachments.
- $mustachedata->attachments = get_attachments($post, $cm);
- // Output the commands.
- $commandhtml = array();
- foreach ($commands as $command) {
- if (is_array($command)) {
- $commandhtml[] = html_writer::link($command['url'], $command['text'], $command['attributes'] ?? null);
- } else {
- $commandhtml[] = $command;
- }
- }
- $mustachedata->commands = implode('', $commandhtml);
- // Print a footer if requested.
- $mustachedata->footer = $footer;
- // Mark the forum post as read.
- if ($istracked && !$postisread) {
- readtracking::moodleoverflow_mark_post_read($USER->id, $post);
- }
- $mustachedata->iscomment = $level == 2;
- // Include the renderer to display the dummy content.
- $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_moodleoverflow');
- // Render the different elements.
- return $renderer->render_post($mustachedata);
- }
diff --git a/classes/post/post_control.php b/classes/post/post_control.php
index ecd4a1eed9..e330f7f80b 100644
--- a/classes/post/post_control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post_control.php
@@ -26,19 +26,18 @@
namespace mod_moodleoverflow\post;
// Import namespace from the locallib, needs a check later which namespaces are really needed.
-use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
-use mod_moodleoverflow\post;
-use mod_moodleoverflow\discussion;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\post\post;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\discussion\discussion;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/locallib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
+//require once($CFG->dirroot . 'mod/moodleoverflow/classes/post/post.php');
* This Class controls the manipulation of posts and acts as controller of interactions with the post.php
@@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ class post_control {
/** @var string the Interaction type, the interactions are:
* - create (creates a new discussion with a first post)
* - reply (replies to a existing post, can be an answer or a comment)
- * - edit (change the contennt of an existing post)
+ * - edit (change the content of an existing post)
* - delete (delete a post from a discussion)
private $interaction;
@@ -91,7 +90,6 @@ public function __construct() {
* Detects the interaction and builds the prepost.
* @param object $urlparamter parameter from the post.php
* @throws moodle_exception if the interaction is not correct.
- * @throws \moodle_exception
public function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
$count = 0;
@@ -130,7 +128,6 @@ public function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
* Controls the execution of an interaction.
* @param object $form The results from the post_form.
- * @return bool if the execution succeeded
public function execute_interaction($form) {
global $CFG;
@@ -149,13 +146,20 @@ public function execute_interaction($form) {
// Get the current time.
$this->prepost->timenow = time();
+ /*
+ var_dump($this->interaction);
+ var_dump('
+ var_dump($this->prepost);
+ var_dump('');
+ var_dump($form->reply);
+ var_dump($this->prepost->parentid);*/
+ var_dump($form);
// Execute the right function.
- if ($this->interaction == 'create' && $form->moodleoverflow === $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid) {
+ if ($this->interaction == 'create' && $form->moodleoverflow == $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid) {
$this->execute_create($form, $errordestination);
- } else if ($this->interaction == 'reply' && $form->reply === $this->prepost->parentid) {
+ } else if ($this->interaction == 'reply' && $form->reply == $this->prepost->parentid) {
$this->execute_reply($form, $errordestination);
- } else if ($this->interaction == 'edit' && $form->edit === $this->prepost->postid) {
+ } else if ($this->interaction == 'edit' && $form->edit == $this->prepost->postid) {
$this->execute_edit($form, $errordestination);
} else {
throw new \moodle_exception('unexpectedinteractionerror', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
@@ -211,7 +215,7 @@ private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
if (enrol_selfenrol_available($this->info->course->id)) {
$SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
$SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
- redirect(new moodle_url('/enrol/index.php',
+ redirect(new \moodle_url('/enrol/index.php',
array('id' => $this->info->course->id,
'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' .
@@ -253,18 +257,25 @@ private function build_prepost_reply($replypostid) {
// Ensure the coursemodule is set correctly.
$PAGE->set_cm($this->info->cm, $this->info->course, $this->info->moodleoverflow);
+ // Prepare a post.
+ $this->assemble_prepost();
+ $this->prepost->postid = null;
+ $this->prepost->parentid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_id();
+ $this->prepost->userid = $USER->id;
+ $this->prepost->message = '';
// Check whether the user is allowed to post.
- if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post($this->info->modulecontext, $this->info->parent)) {
+ if (!$this->check_user_can_create_reply()) {
// Give the user the chance to enroll himself to the course.
if (!isguestuser() && !is_enrolled($this->info->coursecontext)) {
$SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
$SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
- redirect(new moodle_url('/enrol/index.php',
- array('id' => $this->info->course->id,
- 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' .
- $this->info->moodleoverflow->id)),
- get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
+ redirect(new \moodle_url('/enrol/index.php',
+ array('id' => $this->info->course->id,
+ 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' .
+ $this->info->moodleoverflow->id)),
+ get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
// Print the error message.
throw new \moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -274,16 +285,9 @@ private function build_prepost_reply($replypostid) {
throw new \moodle_exception('activityiscurrentlyhidden');
- // Prepare a post.
- $this->assemble_prepost();
- $this->prepost->postid = null;
- $this->prepost->parentid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_id();
- $this->prepost->userid = $USER->id;
- $this->prepost->message = '';
// Append 'RE: ' to the discussions subject.
$strre = get_string('re', 'moodleoverflow');
- if (!(substr($this->prepost->subject, 0, strlen($strre)) == $strre)) {
+ if (!(str_starts_with($this->prepost->subject, $strre))) {
$this->prepost->subject = $strre . ' ' . $this->prepost->subject;
@@ -329,7 +333,7 @@ private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
// Load the $post variable.
- $this->assemble->prepost();
+ $this->assemble_prepost();
// Unset where the user is coming from. This allows to calculate the correct return url later.
@@ -362,13 +366,14 @@ private function build_prepost_delete($deletepostid) {
$this->info->replycount = moodleoverflow_count_replies($this->info->relatedpost, false);
// Build the prepost.
- $this->assemble->prepost();
+ $this->assemble_prepost();
$this->prepost->deletechildren = true;
// Execute Functions, that execute an interaction.
private function execute_create($form, $errordestination) {
+ global $USER;
// Check if the user is allowed to post.
@@ -392,7 +397,7 @@ private function execute_create($form, $errordestination) {
$redirectmessage = '' . get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow") . '
// Trigger the discussion created event.
- $params = array( 'context' => $modulecontext, 'objectid' => $discussion->id,);
+ $params = array( 'context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $discussion->id,);
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_created::create($params);
@@ -401,7 +406,7 @@ private function execute_create($form, $errordestination) {
//$discussion, $this->info->modulecontext);
// Define the location to redirect the user after successfully posting.
- $redirectto = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $form->moodleoverflow));
+ $redirectto = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $form->moodleoverflow));
redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($redirectto->out()), $redirectmessage, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
@@ -411,7 +416,7 @@ private function execute_reply($form, $errordestination) {
// Set to not reviewed, if posts should be reviewed, and user is not a reviewer themselves.
if (review::get_review_level($this->info->moodleoverflow) == review::EVERYTHING &&
- !has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:reviewpost', context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id))) {
+ !has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:reviewpost', \context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id))) {
$this->prepost->reviewed = 0;
} else {
$this->prepost->reviewed = 1;
@@ -428,7 +433,7 @@ private function execute_reply($form, $errordestination) {
format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'))) . '
// Trigger the post created event.
- $params = array('context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $form->id,
+ $params = array('context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $newpostid,
'other' => array('discussionid' => $this->prepost->discussionid,
'moodleoverflowid' => $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid)
@@ -440,8 +445,8 @@ private function execute_reply($form, $errordestination) {
//$this->info->discussion, $this->info->modulecontext);
// Define the location to redirect the user after successfully posting.
- $redirectto = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->prepost->discussionid, $newpost->id));
- redirect(oodleoverflow_go_back_to($redirectto->out()), $redirectmessage, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
+ $redirectto = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->prepost->discussionid, 'p' => $newpostid));
+ redirect(\moodleoverflow_go_back_to($redirectto->out()), $redirectmessage, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
@@ -481,7 +486,7 @@ private function execute_edit($form, $errordestination) {
// Define the location to redirect the user after successfully editing.
- $redirectto = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->prepost->discussionid, $form->edit));
+ $redirectto = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->prepost->discussionid, 'p' => $form->edit));
redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($redirectto->out()), $redirectmessage, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
@@ -490,7 +495,7 @@ public function execute_delete() {
// Check if the user has the capability to delete the post.
$timepassed = time() - $this->info->relatedpost->created;
- $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->info->discussion->get_id()));
+ $url = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->info->discussion->get_id()));
if (($timepassed > get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')) && !$this->info->deleteanypost) {
throw new \moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
@@ -508,7 +513,7 @@ public function execute_delete() {
redirect('view.php?m=' . $this->info->discussion->get_moodleoverflowid());
} else {
- $discussionurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->info->discussion->get_id()));
+ $discussionurl = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->info->discussion->get_id()));
@@ -534,6 +539,7 @@ public function confirm_delete() {
* @return object a mod_moodleoverflow_post_form object.
public function build_postform($pageparams) {
+ global $USER, $CFG;
// Require that the user is logged in properly and enrolled to the course.
require_login($this->info->course, false, $this->info->cm);
@@ -541,16 +547,16 @@ public function build_postform($pageparams) {
$draftitemid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('attachments');
file_prepare_draft_area($draftitemid, $this->info->modulecontext->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment',
empty($this->prepost->postid) ? null : $this->prepost->postid,
- mod_moodleoverflow_post_form::attachment_options($this->info->moodleoverflow));
+ \mod_moodleoverflow_post_form::attachment_options($this->info->moodleoverflow));
// Prepare the form.
- $edit = $this->interaction == 'edit' ? true : false;
+ $edit = $this->interaction == 'edit';
$formarray = array( 'course' => $this->info->course, 'cm' => $this->info->cm, 'coursecontext' => $this->info->coursecontext,
'modulecontext' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'moodleoverflow' => $this->info->moodleoverflow,
- 'post' => $this->info->post, 'edit' => $edit);
+ 'post' => $this->prepost, 'edit' => $edit);
// Declare the post_form.
- $mformpost = new mod_moodleoverflow_post_form('post.php', $formarray, 'post', '', array('id' => 'mformmoodleoverflow'));
+ $mformpost = new \mod_moodleoverflow_post_form('post.php', $formarray, 'post', '', array('id' => 'mformmoodleoverflow'));
// If the user is not the original author append an extra message to the message. (Happens when interaction = 'edit').
if ($USER->id != $this->prepost->userid) {
@@ -573,7 +579,7 @@ public function build_postform($pageparams) {
// Define the heading for the form.
$formheading = '';
- if ($this->info->relatedpost->moodleoverflow_get_parentpost()) {
+ if ($this->interaction == 'reply') {
$heading = get_string('yourreply', 'moodleoverflow');
$formheading = get_string('reply', 'moodleoverflow');
} else {
@@ -629,7 +635,6 @@ public function get_prepost() {
* The variables are optional, but one is necessary to build the information object.
* @param int $postid
* @param int $moodleoverflowid
- * @return bool, if object could be build or not.
private function collect_information($postid = false, $moodleoverflowid = false) {
if ($postid) {
@@ -640,17 +645,18 @@ private function collect_information($postid = false, $moodleoverflowid = false)
} else {
$localmoodleoverflowid = $moodleoverflowid;
+ /*
+ */
$this->info->moodleoverflow = $this->check_moodleoverflow_exists($localmoodleoverflowid);
$this->info->course = $this->check_course_exists($this->info->moodleoverflow->course);
$this->info->cm = $this->check_coursemodule_exists($this->info->moodleoverflow->id, $this->info->course->id);
- $this->info->modulecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id);
- $this->info->coursecontext = context_module::instance($this->info->course->id);
- return true;
+ $this->info->modulecontext = \context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id);
+ $this->info->coursecontext = \context_course::instance($this->info->course->id);
@@ -671,7 +677,7 @@ private function assemble_prepost() {
$this->prepost->parentid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_parentid();
$this->prepost->postid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_id();
$this->prepost->userid = $this->info->relatedpost->get_userid();
- $this->prepost->message = $this->info->relatedpost->message();
+ $this->prepost->message = $this->info->relatedpost->message;
@@ -744,8 +750,7 @@ private function check_discussion_exists($discussionid) {
if (!$discussionrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussionid))) {
throw new \moodle_exception('invaliddiscussionid', 'moodleoverflow');
- $discussion = discussion::from_record($discussionrecord);
- return $discussion;
+ return discussion::from_record($discussionrecord);
@@ -758,8 +763,7 @@ private function check_post_exists($postid) {
if (!$postrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $postid))) {
throw new \moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- $post = post::from_record($postrecord);
- return $post;
+ return post::from_record($postrecord);
// Capability checks.
@@ -797,6 +801,7 @@ private function check_user_can_create_reply() {
* @throws moodle_exception
private function check_user_can_edit_post() {
+ global $USER;
$editanypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $this->info->modulecontext);
$replypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:replypost', $this->info->modulecontext);
$startdiscussion = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:startdiscussion', $this->info->modulecontext);
diff --git a/classes/readtracking.php b/classes/readtracking.php
index 54a5e57e65..519fcd397f 100644
--- a/classes/readtracking.php
+++ b/classes/readtracking.php
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_mark_post_read($userid, $post) {
// Create a new read record.
- return self::moodleoverflow_add_read_record($userid, $post->id);
+ return self::moodleoverflow_add_read_record($userid, $post->get_id());
diff --git a/classes/review.php b/classes/review.php
index 7ee4d82ec1..b975bfbf0b 100644
--- a/classes/review.php
+++ b/classes/review.php
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public static function get_first_review_post($moodleoverflowid, $afterpostid = n
public static function should_post_be_reviewed($post, $moodleoverflow): bool {
$reviewlevel = self::get_review_level($moodleoverflow);
- if ($post->parent != 0 /*$post->get_parentid() != 0*/) {
+ if (/*$post->parent != 0 */$post->get_parentid() != 0) {
return $reviewlevel == self::EVERYTHING;
} else {
return $reviewlevel >= self::QUESTIONS;
diff --git a/locallib.php b/locallib.php
index 73fec551c6..1187827aa2 100644
--- a/locallib.php
+++ b/locallib.php
@@ -926,7 +926,14 @@ function moodleoverflow_user_can_post($modulecontext, $posttoreplyto, $considerr
* @param bool $multiplemarks The setting of multiplemarks (default: multiplemarks are not allowed)
function moodleoverflow_print_discussion($course, $cm, $moodleoverflow, $discussion, $post, $multiplemarks = false) {
- global $USER;
+ global $USER, $DB;
+ $discussionrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussion->id));
+ $discussionobject = \mod_moodleoverflow\discussion\discussion::from_record($discussionrecord);
// Check if the current is the starter of the discussion.
$ownpost = (isloggedin() && ($USER->id == $post->userid));
@@ -937,9 +944,10 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_discussion($course, $cm, $moodleoverflow, $discuss
$istracked = readtracking::moodleoverflow_is_tracked($moodleoverflow);
// Retrieve all posts of the discussion.
- $posts = moodleoverflow_get_all_discussion_posts($discussion->id, $istracked, $modulecontext);
+ $posts = moodleoverflow_get_all_discussion_posts($discussionobject->get_id(), $istracked, $modulecontext);
+ //$posts = $discussionobjects->posts;
- $usermapping = anonymous::get_userid_mapping($moodleoverflow, $discussion->id);
+ $usermapping = anonymous::get_userid_mapping($moodleoverflow, $discussionobject->get_id());
// Start with the parent post.
$post = $posts[$post->id];
@@ -1105,6 +1113,8 @@ function moodleoverflow_get_all_discussion_posts($discussionid, $tracking, $modc
+ *
* Prints a moodleoverflow post.
* @param object $post
* @param object $discussion
@@ -1132,7 +1142,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_post($post, $discussion, $moodleoverflow, $cm, $co
$footer = '', $highlight = '', $postisread = null,
$dummyifcantsee = true, $istracked = false,
$iscomment = false, $usermapping = [], $level = 0, $multiplemarks = false) {
- global $USER, $CFG, $OUTPUT, $PAGE;
+ global $USER, $CFG, $OUTPUT, $PAGE, $DB;
// Require the filelib.
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php');
@@ -1284,9 +1294,13 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_post($post, $discussion, $moodleoverflow, $cm, $co
// Calculate the age of the post.
$age = time() - $post->created;
+ $postrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $post->id));
+ $postobject = \mod_moodleoverflow\post\post::from_record($postrecord);
// Make a link to edit your own post within the given time and not already reviewed.
if (($ownpost && ($age < get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')) &&
- (!review::should_post_be_reviewed($post, $moodleoverflow) || !$post->reviewed))
+ (!review::should_post_be_reviewed($postobject, $moodleoverflow) || !$post->reviewed))
|| capabilities::has(capabilities::EDIT_ANY_POST, $modulecontext)
) {
$editurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php', array('edit' => $post->id));
diff --git a/post.php b/post.php
index d292e520f7..3a59050729 100644
--- a/post.php
+++ b/post.php
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
// Declare optional url parameters.
$moodleoverflow = optional_param('moodleoverflow', 0, PARAM_INT);
$reply = optional_param('reply', 0, PARAM_INT);
@@ -88,7 +89,6 @@
// Has the user confirmed the deletion?
if (!empty($confirm) && confirm_sesskey()) {
- exit;
} else {
// Deletion needs to be confirmed.
@@ -108,12 +108,12 @@
'#p' . $information->relatedpost->get_id());
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
- exit;
+ exit;
// A post will be created or edited. For that the post_control builds a post_form.
-$mformpost = $postcontrol->build_postform();
+$mformpost = $postcontrol->build_postform($pageparams);
// The User now entered information in the form. The post.php now needs to process the information and call the right function.
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
// If the interaction was cancelled, the user needs to be redirected.
if ($mformpost->is_cancelled()) {
- if (!issett($prepost->discussionid)) {
+ if (!isset($prepost->discussionid)) {
redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $prepost->moodleoverflowid)));
} else {
redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $prepost->discussionid)));
From 8961316c8a086e4fa0c0297e0027263cc0adef60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2023 15:47:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 22/40] first testing completed and successful. Test classes
still needed
classes/discussion/discussion.php | 51 ++++++++------
classes/post/post.php | 66 +++++++++---------
classes/post/post_control.php | 110 +++++++++++++++++-------------
classes/subscriptions.php | 2 +
locallib.php | 5 +-
post.php | 1 -
6 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/discussion/discussion.php b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
index 479c1721f6..c7957a705d 100644
--- a/classes/discussion/discussion.php
+++ b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
+global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/locallib.php');
@@ -133,42 +134,42 @@ public static function from_record($record) {
$id = $record->id;
- $course = null;
+ $course = 0;
if (object_property_exists($record, 'course') && $record->course) {
$course = $record->course;
- $moodleoverflow = null;
+ $moodleoverflow = 0;
if (object_property_exists($record, 'moodleoverflow') && $record->moodleoverflow) {
$moodleoverflow = $record->moodleoverflow;
- $name = null;
+ $name = '';
if (object_property_exists($record, 'name') && $record->name) {
$name = $record->name;
- $firstpost = null;
+ $firstpost = 0;
if (object_property_exists($record, 'firstpost') && $record->firstpost) {
$firstpost = $record->firstpost;
- $userid = null;
+ $userid = 0;
if (object_property_exists($record, 'userid') && $record->userid) {
$userid = $record->userid;
- $timemodified = null;
+ $timemodified = 0;
if (object_property_exists($record, 'timemodified') && $record->timemodified) {
$timemodified = $record->timemodified;
- $timestart = null;
+ $timestart = 0;
if (object_property_exists($record, 'timestart') && $record->timestart) {
$timestart = $record->timestart;
- $usermodified = null;
+ $usermodified = 0;
if (object_property_exists($record, 'usermodified') && $record->usermodified) {
$usermodified = $record->usermodified;
@@ -215,8 +216,8 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($prepost) {
$this->id = $DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this->build_db_object());
// Create the first/parent post for the new discussion and add it do the DB.
- $post = post::construct_without_id($this->id, 0, $prepost->userid, $prepost->timenow, $prepost->timenow, $preposts->message,
- $prepost->messageformat, "", 0, $prepost->review, null, $prepost->formattachments);
+ $post = post::construct_without_id($this->id, 0, $prepost->userid, $prepost->timenow, $prepost->timenow, $prepost->message,
+ $prepost->messageformat, "", 0, $prepost->reviewed, null, $prepost->formattachments);
// Add it to the DB and save the id of the first/parent post.
$this->firstpost = $post->moodleoverflow_add_new_post();
@@ -230,7 +231,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($prepost) {
// Trigger event.
$params = array(
'context' => $prepost->modulecontext,
- 'objectid' => $post->discussion,
+ 'objectid' => $this->id,
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_viewed::create($params);
@@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_discussion($prepost) {
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
// Delete every post of this discussion.
- foreach ($posts as $post) {
+ foreach ($this->posts as $post) {
@@ -371,7 +372,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_edit_post_from_discussion($prepost) {
$this->timemodified = $prepost->timenow;
$DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $this->build_db_object());
- $post->moodleoverflow_edit_post($prepost->timenow, $prepost->message, $prepost->messageformat, $prepost->formattachment);
+ $post->moodleoverflow_edit_post($prepost->timenow, $prepost->message, $prepost->messageformat, $prepost->formattachments);
// The post has been edited successfully.
return true;
@@ -388,11 +389,13 @@ public function moodleoverflow_discussion_adapt_to_last_post() {
// Find the last reviewed post of the discussion (even if the user has review capability, because it's written to DB).
- $sql = 'SELECT id, userid, modified
+ $sql = 'SELECT *
FROM {moodleoverflow_posts}
WHERE discussion = ' . $this->id .
' AND reviewed = 1
- AND modified = (SELECT MAX(modified) as modified FROM {moodleoverflow_posts})';
+ AND modified = (SELECT MAX(modified) as modified
+ FROM {moodleoverflow_posts}
+ WHERE discussion = ' . $this->id . ');';
$record = $DB->get_record_sql($sql);
$lastpost = post::from_record($record);
@@ -483,9 +486,9 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_discussion_posts() {
if (!$this->postsbuild) {
// Get the posts from the DB. Get the parent post first.
$firstpostsql = 'SELECT * FROM {moodleoverflow_posts} posts
- WHERE posts.discussion = ' . $this->id . ' AND posts.parent = 0;';
+ WHERE discussion = ' . $this->id . ' AND parent = 0;';
$otherpostssql = 'SELECT * FROM {moodleoverflow_posts} posts
- WHERE posts.discussion = ' . $this->id . ' AND posts.parent != 0;';
+ WHERE discussion = ' . $this->id . ' AND parent != 0;';
$firstpostrecord = $DB->get_record_sql($firstpostsql);
$otherpostsrecord = $DB->get_records_sql($otherpostssql);
@@ -541,16 +544,24 @@ public function get_coursemodule() {
return $this->cmobject;
+ /**
+ * This getter works as an help function in case another file/function needs the db-object of this instance (as the function
+ * is not adapted/refactored to the new way of working with discussion).
+ * @return object
+ */
+ public function get_db_object() {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ return $this->build_db_object();
+ }
// Helper functions.
* Builds an object from this instance that has only DB-relevant attributes.
+ * As this is an private function, it doesn't need an existence check.
* @return object $dbobject
private function build_db_object() {
- $this->existence_check();
- $this->posts_check();
$dbobject = new \stdClass();
$dbobject->id = $this->id;
$dbobject->course = $this->course;
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index 0e1d29d864..16e0ff6591 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public function __construct($id, $discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modif
* Builds a Post from a DB record.
- *
+ * Look up database structure for standard values.
* @param object $record Data object.
* @return object post instance
@@ -161,52 +161,52 @@ public static function from_record($record) {
$id = $record->id;
- $discussion = null;
+ $discussion = 0;
if (object_property_exists($record, 'discussion') && $record->discussion) {
$discussion = $record->discussion;
- $parent = null;
+ $parent = 0;
if (object_property_exists($record, 'parent') && $record->parent) {
$parent = $record->parent;
- $userid = null;
+ $userid = 0;
if (object_property_exists($record, 'userid') && $record->userid) {
$userid = $record->userid;
- $created = null;
+ $created = 0;
if (object_property_exists($record, 'created') && $record->created) {
$created = $record->created;
- $modified = null;
+ $modified = 0;
if (object_property_exists($record, 'modified') && $record->modified) {
$modified = $record->modified;
- $message = null;
+ $message = '';
if (object_property_exists($record, 'message') && $record->message) {
$message = $record->message;
- $messageformat = null;
+ $messageformat = 0;
if (object_property_exists($record, 'messageformat') && $record->messageformat) {
- $message = $record->messageformat;
+ $messageformat = $record->messageformat;
- $attachment = null;
+ $attachment = '';
if (object_property_exists($record, 'attachment') && $record->attachment) {
$attachment = $record->attachment;
- $mailed = null;
+ $mailed = 0;
if (object_property_exists($record, 'mailed') && $record->mailed) {
$mailed = $record->mailed;
- $reviewed = null;
+ $reviewed = 1;
if (object_property_exists($record, 'reviewed') && $record->reviewed) {
$reviewed = $record->reviewed;
@@ -216,10 +216,8 @@ public static function from_record($record) {
$timereviewed = $record->timereviewed;
- $instance = new self($id, $discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message,
- $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed);
- return $instance;
+ return new self($id, $discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message, $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed,
+ $reviewed, $timereviewed);
@@ -243,9 +241,8 @@ public static function from_record($record) {
public static function construct_without_id($discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message,
$messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed, $formattachments = false) {
$id = null;
- $instance = new self($id, $discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message,
- $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed, $reviewed, $timereviewed, $formattachments);
- return $instance;
+ return new self($id, $discussion, $parent, $userid, $created, $modified, $message, $messageformat, $attachment, $mailed,
+ $reviewed, $timereviewed, $formattachments);
// Post Functions.
@@ -297,11 +294,13 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
try {
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
+ // Get the coursemoduleid for later use.
+ $coursemoduleid = $this->get_coursemodule()->id;
$childposts = $this->moodleoverflow_get_childposts();
if ($deletechildren && $childposts) {
foreach ($childposts as $childpost) {
$child = $this->from_record($childpost);
- $child->moodleoverflow_delete_post();
+ $child->moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren);
@@ -315,7 +314,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
// Delete the attachments.
$fs = get_file_storage();
- $context = \context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id);
+ $context = \context_module::instance($coursemoduleid);
$attachments = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment',
$this->id, "filename", true);
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
@@ -328,12 +327,9 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
- // Get the context module.
- $modulecontext = \context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id);
// Trigger the post deletion event.
$params = array(
- 'context' => $modulecontext,
+ 'context' => $context,
'objectid' => $this->id,
'other' => array(
'discussionid' => $this->discussion,
@@ -343,7 +339,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
if ($this->userid !== $USER->id) {
$params['relateduserid'] = $this->userid;
- $event = post_deleted::create($params);
+ $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\post_deleted::create($params);
// Set the id of this instance to null, so that working with it is not possible anymore.
@@ -370,7 +366,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
* @return true if the post has been edited successfully
- public function moodleoverflow_edit_post($time, $postmessage, $messageformat, $formattachment) {
+ public function moodleoverflow_edit_post($time, $postmessage, $messageformat, $formattachments) {
global $DB;
@@ -378,7 +374,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_edit_post($time, $postmessage, $messageformat, $f
$this->modified = $time;
$this->message = $postmessage;
$this->messageformat = $messageformat;
+ $this->formattachments = $formattachments;
// Update the record in the database.
$DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_posts', $this->build_db_object());
@@ -431,10 +427,6 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_attachment() {
global $DB;
- if (!$this->formattachments) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('missingformattachments', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
if (empty($this->formattachments)) {
return true; // Nothing to do.
@@ -615,6 +607,16 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_childposts() {
return false;
+ /**
+ * This getter works as an help function in case another file/function needs the db-object of this instance (as the function
+ * is not adapted/refactored to the new way of working with discussion).
+ * @return object
+ */
+ public function get_db_object() {
+ $this->existence_check();
+ return $this->build_db_object;
+ }
// Helper Functions.
diff --git a/classes/post/post_control.php b/classes/post/post_control.php
index e330f7f80b..33a7be9ab5 100644
--- a/classes/post/post_control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post_control.php
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/locallib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
-//require once($CFG->dirroot . 'mod/moodleoverflow/classes/post/post.php');
* This Class controls the manipulation of posts and acts as controller of interactions with the post.php
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
} else if ($urlparameter->delete) {
$this->interaction = 'delete';
- $this->info->deletepostid = $urlparameter->edit;
+ $this->info->deletepostid = $urlparameter->delete;
} else {
throw new \moodle_exception('unknownaction');
@@ -146,14 +146,7 @@ public function execute_interaction($form) {
// Get the current time.
$this->prepost->timenow = time();
- /*
- var_dump($this->interaction);
- var_dump('
- var_dump($this->prepost);
- var_dump('');
- var_dump($form->reply);
- var_dump($this->prepost->parentid);*/
- var_dump($form);
// Execute the right function.
if ($this->interaction == 'create' && $form->moodleoverflow == $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid) {
$this->execute_create($form, $errordestination);
@@ -347,30 +340,28 @@ private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
private function build_prepost_delete($deletepostid) {
global $DB, $USER;
- // Get the realted post, discussion, moodleoverflow, course, coursemodule and contexts.
+ // Get the related post, discussion, moodleoverflow, course, coursemodule and contexts.
$this->collect_information($deletepostid, false);
// Require a login and retrieve the modulecontext.
require_login($this->info->course, false, $this->info->cm);
// Check some capabilities.
- $this->info->deleteownpost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteownpost', $this->info->modulecontext);
- $this->info->deleteanypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteanypost', $this->info->modulecontext);
- if (!(($this->info->relatedpost->get_userid() == $USER->id && $this->info->deleteownpost)
- || $this->info->deleteanypost)) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
+ $this->check_user_can_delete_post();
// Count all replies of this post.
$this->info->replycount = moodleoverflow_count_replies($this->info->relatedpost, false);
+ if ($this->info->replycount >= 1) {
+ $this->info->deletetype = 'plural';
+ } else {
+ $this->info->deletetype = 'singular';
+ }
// Build the prepost.
$this->prepost->deletechildren = true;
- // Execute Functions, that execute an interaction.
+ // Execute Functions.
private function execute_create($form, $errordestination) {
global $USER;
@@ -385,9 +376,12 @@ private function execute_create($form, $errordestination) {
$this->prepost->reviewed = 1;
+ // Get the discussion subject.
+ $this->prepost->subject = $form->subject;
// Create the discussion object.
$discussion = discussion::construct_without_id($this->prepost->courseid, $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid,
- $this->prepost->subject, null, $this->prepost->userid,
+ $this->prepost->subject, 0, $this->prepost->userid,
$this->prepost->timenow, $this->prepost->timenow, $this->prepost->userid);
if (!$discussion->moodleoverflow_add_discussion($this->prepost)) {
throw new \moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
@@ -397,13 +391,16 @@ private function execute_create($form, $errordestination) {
$redirectmessage = '' . get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow") . '
// Trigger the discussion created event.
- $params = array( 'context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $discussion->id,);
+ $params = array( 'context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $discussion->get_id());
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_created::create($params);
// Subscribe to this thread.
- //\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::moodleoverflow_post_subscription($form, $this->info->moodleoverflow,
- //$discussion, $this->info->modulecontext);
+ // Please be aware that in future the use of get_db_object() should be replaced with only $this->info->discussion,
+ // as the subscription class should be refactored with the new way of working with posts.
+ \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::moodleoverflow_post_subscription($form, $this->info->moodleoverflow,
+ $discussion->get_db_object(),
+ $this->info->modulecontext);
// Define the location to redirect the user after successfully posting.
$redirectto = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $form->moodleoverflow));
@@ -413,7 +410,7 @@ private function execute_create($form, $errordestination) {
private function execute_reply($form, $errordestination) {
// Check if the user has the capability to write a reply.
// Set to not reviewed, if posts should be reviewed, and user is not a reviewer themselves.
if (review::get_review_level($this->info->moodleoverflow) == review::EVERYTHING &&
!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:reviewpost', \context_module::instance($this->info->cm->id))) {
@@ -431,7 +428,7 @@ private function execute_reply($form, $errordestination) {
$redirectmessage = '' . get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow") . '
$redirectmessage .= '' . get_string("postaddedtimeleft", "moodleoverflow",
format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'))) . '
// Trigger the post created event.
$params = array('context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $newpostid,
'other' => array('discussionid' => $this->prepost->discussionid,
@@ -440,30 +437,33 @@ private function execute_reply($form, $errordestination) {
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\post_created::create($params);
- // Subscribe to this thread;
- // \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::moodleoverflow_post_subscription(form, $this->info->moodleoverflow,
- //$this->info->discussion, $this->info->modulecontext);
+ // Subscribe to this thread.
+ // Please be aware that in future the use of build_db_object() should be replaced with only $this->info->discussion,
+ // as the subscription class should be refactored with the new way of working with posts.
+ \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::moodleoverflow_post_subscription($form, $this->info->moodleoverflow,
+ $this->info->discussion->get_db_object(),
+ $this->info->modulecontext);
// Define the location to redirect the user after successfully posting.
- $redirectto = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->prepost->discussionid, 'p' => $newpostid));
+ $redirectto = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php',
+ array('d' => $this->prepost->discussionid, 'p' => $newpostid));
redirect(\moodleoverflow_go_back_to($redirectto->out()), $redirectmessage, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
private function execute_edit($form, $errordestination) {
- global $USER;
+ global $USER, $DB;
// Check if the user has the capability to edit his post.
// Update the post.
if (!$this->info->discussion->moodleoverflow_edit_post_from_discussion($this->prepost)) {
throw new \moodle_exception('couldnotupdate', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
- // The edit was successful.
+ // The edit was successful.
$redirectmessage = get_string('postupdated', 'moodleoverflow');
- /*if ($this->prepost->userid == $USER->id) {
+ if ($this->prepost->userid == $USER->id) {
$redirectmessage = get_string('postupdated', 'moodleoverflow');
} else {
if (\mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous::is_post_anonymous($this->info->discussion, $this->info->moodleoverflow,
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ private function execute_edit($form, $errordestination) {
$name = fullname($realuser);
$redirectmessage = get_string('editedpostupdated', 'moodleoverflow', $name);
- }*/
+ }
// Trigger the post updated event.
$params = array('context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $form->edit,
@@ -486,7 +486,8 @@ private function execute_edit($form, $errordestination) {
// Define the location to redirect the user after successfully editing.
- $redirectto = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->prepost->discussionid, 'p' => $form->edit));
+ $redirectto = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php',
+ array('d' => $this->prepost->discussionid, 'p' => $form->edit));
redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($redirectto->out()), $redirectmessage, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
@@ -501,16 +502,18 @@ public function execute_delete() {
// A normal user cannot delete his post if there are direct replies.
- if ($this->infro->replycount && !$this->info->deleteanypost) {
+ if ($this->info->replycount && !$this->info->deleteanypost) {
throw new \moodle_exception('cannotdeletereplies', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
// Check if the post is a parent post or not.
if ($this->prepost->parentid == 0) {
+ // Save the moodleoverflowid. Then delete the discussion.
+ $moodleoverflowid = $this->info->discussion->get_moodleoverflowid();
// Redirect the user back to the start page of the moodleoverflow instance.
- redirect('view.php?m=' . $this->info->discussion->get_moodleoverflowid());
+ redirect('view.php?m=' . $moodleoverflowid);
} else {
$discussionurl = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->info->discussion->get_id()));
@@ -645,13 +648,6 @@ private function collect_information($postid = false, $moodleoverflowid = false)
} else {
$localmoodleoverflowid = $moodleoverflowid;
- /*
- var_dump($moodleoverflowid);
- var_dump($postid);
- var_dump($this->info->relatedpost);
- var_dump($this->info->discussion);
- var_dump($localmoodleoverflowid);
- */
$this->info->moodleoverflow = $this->check_moodleoverflow_exists($localmoodleoverflowid);
$this->info->course = $this->check_course_exists($this->info->moodleoverflow->course);
$this->info->cm = $this->check_coursemodule_exists($this->info->moodleoverflow->id, $this->info->course->id);
@@ -796,7 +792,7 @@ private function check_user_can_create_reply() {
* Checks if a user can edit a post.
* A user can edit if he can edit any post of if he edits his own post and has the ability to:
* start a new discussion or to reply to a post.
- *
+ *
* @return true
* @throws moodle_exception
@@ -811,4 +807,20 @@ private function check_user_can_edit_post() {
return true;
+ /**
+ * Checks if a user can edit a post.
+ * @return true
+ * @thorws moodle_exception
+ */
+ private function check_user_can_delete_post() {
+ global $USER;
+ $this->info->deleteownpost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteownpost', $this->info->modulecontext);
+ $this->info->deleteanypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteanypost', $this->info->modulecontext);
+ if (!(($this->info->relatedpost->get_userid() == $USER->id && $this->info->deleteownpost) || $this->info->deleteanypost)) {
+ throw new \moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/classes/subscriptions.php b/classes/subscriptions.php
index eb44389462..8ea2981846 100644
--- a/classes/subscriptions.php
+++ b/classes/subscriptions.php
@@ -761,6 +761,7 @@ public static function unsubscribe_user($userid, $moodleoverflow, $context, $use
* Subscribes the user to the specified discussion.
+ * TODO: Refactor this function to the new way of working with discussion and posts.
* @param int $userid The user ID
* @param \stdClass $discussion The discussion record
* @param \context_module $context The module context
@@ -985,6 +986,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_get_subscribe_link($moodleoverflow, $conte
* Given a new post, subscribes the user to the thread the post was posted in.
+ * TODO: Refactor this function to the new way of working with discussion and posts.
* @param object $fromform The submitted form
* @param \stdClass $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow record
* @param \stdClass $discussion The discussion record
diff --git a/locallib.php b/locallib.php
index 1187827aa2..f1f01528a9 100644
--- a/locallib.php
+++ b/locallib.php
@@ -944,8 +944,8 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_discussion($course, $cm, $moodleoverflow, $discuss
$istracked = readtracking::moodleoverflow_is_tracked($moodleoverflow);
// Retrieve all posts of the discussion.
+ // This part is adapted/refactored to the new way of working with posts (use of get_id() function and discussion object).
$posts = moodleoverflow_get_all_discussion_posts($discussionobject->get_id(), $istracked, $modulecontext);
- //$posts = $discussionobjects->posts;
$usermapping = anonymous::get_userid_mapping($moodleoverflow, $discussionobject->get_id());
@@ -1773,6 +1773,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_update_post($newpost) {
* Count all replies of a post.
+ * INFO: This Function is adapted to the new way of working with posts (using the post classes)
* @param object $post The post object
* @param bool $onlyreviewed Whether to count only reviewed posts.
@@ -1781,7 +1782,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_update_post($newpost) {
function moodleoverflow_count_replies($post, $onlyreviewed) {
global $DB;
- $conditions = ['parent' => $post->id];
+ $conditions = ['parent' => $post->get_id()];
if ($onlyreviewed) {
$conditions['reviewed'] = '1';
diff --git a/post.php b/post.php
index 3a59050729..e2ec14e042 100644
--- a/post.php
+++ b/post.php
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@
// Create a post_control object to control and lead the process.
$postcontrol = new post_control();
-//$postcontrol = new post_control();
// Put all interaction parameters in one object for the post_control.
$urlparameter = new \stdClass();
From 29e3a0961a92f603bd1cc428a82695604b6a7617 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:03:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 23/40] little compatibility fixes with new post structure
classes/post/post.php | 10 +++++++---
classes/post/post_control.php | 6 ++++--
classes/readtracking.php | 2 +-
classes/review.php | 2 +-
locallib.php | 17 ++++-------------
5 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index 16e0ff6591..7bb5a26505 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -270,7 +270,9 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_new_post() {
$cantrack = readtracking::moodleoverflow_can_track_moodleoverflows($this->get_moodleoverflow());
$istracked = readtracking::moodleoverflow_is_tracked($this->get_moodleoverflow());
if ($cantrack && $istracked) {
- readtracking::moodleoverflow_mark_post_read($this->userid, $this);
+ // Please be aware that in future the use of get_db_object() should be replaced with only $this,
+ // as the readtracking class should be refactored with the new way of working with posts.
+ readtracking::moodleoverflow_mark_post_read($this->userid, $this->get_db_object());
// Return the id of the created post.
@@ -614,7 +616,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_childposts() {
public function get_db_object() {
- return $this->build_db_object;
+ return $this->build_db_object();
// Helper Functions.
@@ -649,7 +651,9 @@ public function mark_post_read() {
$cantrack = readtracking::moodleoverflow_can_track_moodleoverflows($this->get_moodleoverflow());
$istracked = readtracking::moodleoverflow_is_tracked($this->get_moodleoverflow());
if ($cantrack && $istracked) {
- readtracking::moodleoverflow_mark_post_read($USER->id, $this);
+ // Please be aware that in future the use of get_db_object() should be replaced with only $this,
+ // as the readtracking class should be refactored with the new way of working with posts.
+ readtracking::moodleoverflow_mark_post_read($USER->id, $this->get_db_object());
diff --git a/classes/post/post_control.php b/classes/post/post_control.php
index 33a7be9ab5..12e9222a0f 100644
--- a/classes/post/post_control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post_control.php
@@ -305,11 +305,13 @@ private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
// Check if the post can be edited.
$beyondtime = ((time() - $this->info->relatedpost->created) > get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'));
- $alreadyreviewed = review::should_post_be_reviewed($this->info->relatedpost, $this->info->moodleoverflow)
+ // Please be aware that in future the use of get_db_object() should be replaced with $this->info->relatedpost,
+ // as the review class should be refactored with the new way of working with posts.
+ $alreadyreviewed = review::should_post_be_reviewed($this->info->relatedpost->get_db_object(), $this->info->moodleoverflow)
&& $this->info->relatedpost->reviewed;
if (($beyondtime || $alreadyreviewed) && !has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost',
$this->info->modulecontext)) {
throw new \moodle_exception('maxtimehaspassed', 'moodleoverflow', '',
format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')));
diff --git a/classes/readtracking.php b/classes/readtracking.php
index 519fcd397f..54a5e57e65 100644
--- a/classes/readtracking.php
+++ b/classes/readtracking.php
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_mark_post_read($userid, $post) {
// Create a new read record.
- return self::moodleoverflow_add_read_record($userid, $post->get_id());
+ return self::moodleoverflow_add_read_record($userid, $post->id);
diff --git a/classes/review.php b/classes/review.php
index b975bfbf0b..30b92eb71e 100644
--- a/classes/review.php
+++ b/classes/review.php
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public static function get_first_review_post($moodleoverflowid, $afterpostid = n
public static function should_post_be_reviewed($post, $moodleoverflow): bool {
$reviewlevel = self::get_review_level($moodleoverflow);
- if (/*$post->parent != 0 */$post->get_parentid() != 0) {
+ if ($post->parent != 0) {
return $reviewlevel == self::EVERYTHING;
} else {
return $reviewlevel >= self::QUESTIONS;
diff --git a/locallib.php b/locallib.php
index f1f01528a9..acecbf781e 100644
--- a/locallib.php
+++ b/locallib.php
@@ -917,6 +917,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_user_can_post($modulecontext, $posttoreplyto, $considerr
* Prints a moodleoverflow discussion.
* @param stdClass $course The course object
* @param object $cm
@@ -928,12 +929,6 @@ function moodleoverflow_user_can_post($modulecontext, $posttoreplyto, $considerr
function moodleoverflow_print_discussion($course, $cm, $moodleoverflow, $discussion, $post, $multiplemarks = false) {
global $USER, $DB;
- $discussionrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussion->id));
- $discussionobject = \mod_moodleoverflow\discussion\discussion::from_record($discussionrecord);
// Check if the current is the starter of the discussion.
$ownpost = (isloggedin() && ($USER->id == $post->userid));
@@ -945,9 +940,9 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_discussion($course, $cm, $moodleoverflow, $discuss
// Retrieve all posts of the discussion.
// This part is adapted/refactored to the new way of working with posts (use of get_id() function and discussion object).
- $posts = moodleoverflow_get_all_discussion_posts($discussionobject->get_id(), $istracked, $modulecontext);
+ $posts = moodleoverflow_get_all_discussion_posts($discussion->id, $istracked, $modulecontext);
- $usermapping = anonymous::get_userid_mapping($moodleoverflow, $discussionobject->get_id());
+ $usermapping = anonymous::get_userid_mapping($moodleoverflow, $discussion->id);
// Start with the parent post.
$post = $posts[$post->id];
@@ -1294,13 +1289,9 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_post($post, $discussion, $moodleoverflow, $cm, $co
// Calculate the age of the post.
$age = time() - $post->created;
- $postrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $post->id));
- $postobject = \mod_moodleoverflow\post\post::from_record($postrecord);
// Make a link to edit your own post within the given time and not already reviewed.
if (($ownpost && ($age < get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')) &&
- (!review::should_post_be_reviewed($postobject, $moodleoverflow) || !$post->reviewed))
+ (!review::should_post_be_reviewed($post, $moodleoverflow) || !$post->reviewed))
|| capabilities::has(capabilities::EDIT_ANY_POST, $modulecontext)
) {
$editurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php', array('edit' => $post->id));
From 5b614891ab1ac3fdef1c8933080f37c4a3e07cf8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:52:19 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 24/40] deleting unnecessary functions in the locallib
classes/discussion/discussion.php | 2 +
classes/post/post.php | 29 +-
classes/post/post_control.php | 10 +-
classes/post/structure.drawio | 192 --------
externallib.php | 1 +
lib.php | 2 +
locallib.php | 87 +---
post.php | 1 +
post_old.php | 792 ------------------------------
tests/post_test.php | 2 +-
10 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 1077 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 classes/post/structure.drawio
delete mode 100644 post_old.php
diff --git a/classes/discussion/discussion.php b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
index c7957a705d..2115bae1e7 100644
--- a/classes/discussion/discussion.php
+++ b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($prepost) {
'context' => $prepost->modulecontext,
'objectid' => $this->id,
+ // TODO: check if the event functions.
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_viewed::create($params);
@@ -532,6 +533,7 @@ public function get_moodleoverflow() {
* @return object $cmobject
public function get_coursemodule() {
+ global $DB;
if (empty($this->cmobject)) {
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index 7bb5a26505..f1255caeb2 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_new_post() {
$cantrack = readtracking::moodleoverflow_can_track_moodleoverflows($this->get_moodleoverflow());
$istracked = readtracking::moodleoverflow_is_tracked($this->get_moodleoverflow());
if ($cantrack && $istracked) {
- // Please be aware that in future the use of get_db_object() should be replaced with only $this,
- // as the readtracking class should be refactored with the new way of working with posts.
+ // Please be aware that in future the use of get_db_object() should be replaced with only $this,
+ // as the readtracking class should be refactored with the new way of working with posts.
readtracking::moodleoverflow_mark_post_read($this->userid, $this->get_db_object());
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_edit_post($time, $postmessage, $messageformat, $f
* Gets a post with all info ready for moodleoverflow_print_post.
* Most of these joins are just to get the forum id.
@@ -651,8 +651,8 @@ public function mark_post_read() {
$cantrack = readtracking::moodleoverflow_can_track_moodleoverflows($this->get_moodleoverflow());
$istracked = readtracking::moodleoverflow_is_tracked($this->get_moodleoverflow());
if ($cantrack && $istracked) {
- // Please be aware that in future the use of get_db_object() should be replaced with only $this,
- // as the readtracking class should be refactored with the new way of working with posts.
+ // Please be aware that in future the use of get_db_object() should be replaced with only $this,
+ // as the readtracking class should be refactored with the new way of working with posts.
readtracking::moodleoverflow_mark_post_read($USER->id, $this->get_db_object());
@@ -679,6 +679,25 @@ private function build_db_object() {
return $dbobject;
+ /*
+ * Count all replies of a post.
+ *
+ * @param bool $onlyreviewed Whether to count only reviewed posts.
+ * @return int Amount of replies
+ */
+ public function moodleoverflow_count_replies($onlyreviewed) {
+ global $DB;
+ $conditions = ['parent' => $this->id];
+ if ($onlyreviewed) {
+ $conditions['reviewed'] = '1';
+ }
+ // Return the amount of replies.
+ return $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_posts', $conditions);
+ }
// Security.
diff --git a/classes/post/post_control.php b/classes/post/post_control.php
index 12e9222a0f..75e9de77e0 100644
--- a/classes/post/post_control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post_control.php
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
$this->collect_information(false, $moodleoverflowid);
// Check if the user can start a new discussion.
- if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post_discussion($this->info->moodleoverflow, $this->info->cm, $this->info->modulecontext)) {
+ if (!$this->check_user_can_create_discussion()) {
// Catch unenrolled user.
if (!isguestuser() && !is_enrolled($this->info->coursecontext)) {
@@ -306,8 +306,8 @@ private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
// Check if the post can be edited.
$beyondtime = ((time() - $this->info->relatedpost->created) > get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'));
- // Please be aware that in future the use of get_db_object() should be replaced with $this->info->relatedpost,
- // as the review class should be refactored with the new way of working with posts.
+ // Please be aware that in future the use of get_db_object() should be replaced with $this->info->relatedpost,
+ // as the review class should be refactored with the new way of working with posts.
$alreadyreviewed = review::should_post_be_reviewed($this->info->relatedpost->get_db_object(), $this->info->moodleoverflow)
&& $this->info->relatedpost->reviewed;
if (($beyondtime || $alreadyreviewed) && !has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost',
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ private function build_prepost_delete($deletepostid) {
// Count all replies of this post.
- $this->info->replycount = moodleoverflow_count_replies($this->info->relatedpost, false);
+ $this->info->replycount = $this->info->relatedpost->moodleoverflow_count_replies(false);
if ($this->info->replycount >= 1) {
$this->info->deletetype = 'plural';
} else {
@@ -539,6 +539,8 @@ public function confirm_delete() {
+ *
+ * TODO: use html_writer:: instead of writing pure html code.
* Builds and returns a post_form object where the users enters/edits the message and attachments of the post.
* @param array $pageparams An object that the post.php created.
* @return object a mod_moodleoverflow_post_form object.
diff --git a/classes/post/structure.drawio b/classes/post/structure.drawio
deleted file mode 100644
index 691bd360a6..0000000000
--- a/classes/post/structure.drawio
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/externallib.php b/externallib.php
index a7c29fb75f..22255637cd 100644
--- a/externallib.php
+++ b/externallib.php
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
class mod_moodleoverflow_external extends external_api {
+ // TODO: Adapt the functions to the new way of working with posts.
* Returns description of method parameters
* @return external_function_parameters
diff --git a/lib.php b/lib.php
index 7651957cd6..28eb3fa794 100644
--- a/lib.php
+++ b/lib.php
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+// TODO: Adapt functions to the new way of working with posts and discussions (Replace the post/discussion functions).
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php');
diff --git a/locallib.php b/locallib.php
index acecbf781e..80693d9eb4 100644
--- a/locallib.php
+++ b/locallib.php
@@ -524,8 +524,8 @@ function moodleoverflow_count_discussion_replies($cm) {
+ * TODO: Delete this function when adapting the print-functions to the new post and discussion structure.
* Check if the user is capable of starting a new discussion.
- *
* @param object $moodleoverflow
* @param object $cm
* @param object $context
@@ -1568,6 +1568,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_posts_nested($course, &$cm, $moodleoverflow, $disc
+ * TODO: Delete this function after adapting the print_post function to the new post structure
* Returns attachments with information for the template
* @param object $post
@@ -1649,6 +1650,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_add_attachment($post, $forum, $cm) {
+ * WARNING: this function is only used in the lib.php. For other uses this function is deprecated.
* Adds a new post in an existing discussion.
* @param object $post The post object
* @return bool|int The Id of the post if operation was successful
@@ -1701,88 +1703,6 @@ function moodleoverflow_add_new_post($post) {
return $post->id;
- * Updates a specific post.
- *
- * Capabilities are not checked, because this is happening in the post.php.
- *
- * @param object $newpost The new post object
- *
- * @return bool Whether the update was successful
- */
-function moodleoverflow_update_post($newpost) {
- global $DB, $USER;
- // Retrieve not submitted variables.
- $post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $newpost->id));
- $discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $post->discussion));
- $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow));
- // Allowed modifiable fields.
- $modifiablefields = [
- 'message',
- 'messageformat',
- ];
- // Iteratate through all modifiable fields and update the values.
- foreach ($modifiablefields as $field) {
- if (isset($newpost->{$field})) {
- $post->{$field} = $newpost->{$field};
- }
- }
- $post->modified = time();
- if ($newpost->reviewed ?? $post->reviewed) {
- // Update the date and the user of the post and the discussion.
- $discussion->timemodified = $post->modified;
- $discussion->usermodified = $post->userid;
- }
- // When editing the starting post of a discussion.
- if (!$post->parent) {
- $discussion->name = $newpost->subject;
- }
- // Update the post and the corresponding discussion.
- $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_posts', $post);
- $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $discussion);
- $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id);
- moodleoverflow_add_attachment($newpost, $moodleoverflow, $cm);
- // Mark the edited post as read.
- $cantrack = readtracking::moodleoverflow_can_track_moodleoverflows($moodleoverflow);
- $istracked = readtracking::moodleoverflow_is_tracked($moodleoverflow);
- if ($cantrack && $istracked) {
- readtracking::moodleoverflow_mark_post_read($USER->id, $post);
- }
- // The post has been edited successfully.
- return true;
- * Count all replies of a post.
- *
- * INFO: This Function is adapted to the new way of working with posts (using the post classes)
- * @param object $post The post object
- * @param bool $onlyreviewed Whether to count only reviewed posts.
- *
- * @return int Amount of replies
- */
-function moodleoverflow_count_replies($post, $onlyreviewed) {
- global $DB;
- $conditions = ['parent' => $post->get_id()];
- if ($onlyreviewed) {
- $conditions['reviewed'] = '1';
- }
- // Return the amount of replies.
- return $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_posts', $conditions);
* Deletes a discussion and handles all associated cleanups.
@@ -1911,6 +1831,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_delete_post($post, $deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow
+ * WARNING: this function is only used in the lib.php. For other uses this function is deprecated.
* Sets the last post for a given discussion.
* @param int $discussionid The discussion ID
diff --git a/post.php b/post.php
index e2ec14e042..e204e5ee17 100644
--- a/post.php
+++ b/post.php
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
// Require a general login to post something.
+// TODO: should course or id really be zero?.
require_login(0, false);
// Now the post_control checks which interaction is wanted and builds a prepost.
diff --git a/post_old.php b/post_old.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5baa519ba5..0000000000
--- a/post_old.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,792 +0,0 @@
- * The file to manage posts.
- *
- * @package mod_moodleoverflow
- * @copyright 2017 Kennet Winter
- * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
- */
-// TODO refactor this. For more readability, and to avoid security issues.
-// Include config and locallib.
-use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
-require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php');
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php');
-require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
-// Declare optional parameters.
-$moodleoverflow = optional_param('moodleoverflow', 0, PARAM_INT);
-$reply = optional_param('reply', 0, PARAM_INT);
-$edit = optional_param('edit', 0, PARAM_INT);
-$delete = optional_param('delete', 0, PARAM_INT);
-$confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_INT);
-$count = 0;
-$count += $moodleoverflow ? 1 : 0;
-$count += $reply ? 1 : 0;
-$count += $edit ? 1 : 0;
-$count += $delete ? 1 : 0;
-if ($count !== 1) {
- throw new coding_exception('Exactly one parameter should be specified!');
-// Set the URL that should be used to return to this page.
-$PAGE->set_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php', array(
- 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow,
- 'reply' => $reply,
- 'edit' => $edit,
- 'delete' => $delete,
- 'confirm' => $confirm,
-// These params will be passed as hidden variables later in the form.
-$pageparams = array('moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow, 'reply' => $reply, 'edit' => $edit);
-// Get the system context instance.
-$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
-// Catch guests.
-if (!isloggedin() || isguestuser()) {
- // The user is starting a new discussion in a moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!empty($moodleoverflow)) {
- // Check the moodleoverflow instance is valid.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // The user is replying to an existing moodleoverflow discussion.
- } else if (!empty($reply)) {
- // Check if the related post exists.
- if (!$parent = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($reply)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidparentpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the post is part of a valid discussion.
- if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $parent->discussion))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the post is related to a valid moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- }
- // Get the related course.
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
- }
- // Get the related coursemodule and its context.
- if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $course->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
- }
- // Get the context of the module.
- $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
- // Set parameters for the page.
- $PAGE->set_cm($cm, $course, $moodleoverflow);
- $PAGE->set_context($modulecontext);
- $PAGE->set_title($course->shortname);
- $PAGE->set_heading($course->fullname);
- // The page should not be large, only pages containing broad tables are usually.
- $PAGE->add_body_class('limitedwidth');
- // The guest needs to login.
- echo $OUTPUT->header();
- $strlogin = get_string('noguestpost', 'forum') . '
' . get_string('liketologin');
- echo $OUTPUT->confirm($strlogin, get_login_url(), $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $moodleoverflow->id);
- echo $OUTPUT->footer();
- exit;
-// First step: A general login is needed to post something.
-require_login(0, false);
-// First possibility: User is starting a new discussion in a moodleoverflow instance.
-if (!empty($moodleoverflow)) {
- // Check the moodleoverflow instance is valid.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Get the related course.
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
- }
- // Get the related coursemodule.
- if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $course->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
- }
- // Retrieve the contexts.
- $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
- $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
- // Check if the user can start a new discussion.
- if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post_discussion($moodleoverflow, $cm, $modulecontext)) {
- // Catch unenrolled user.
- if (!isguestuser() && !is_enrolled($coursecontext)) {
- if (enrol_selfenrol_available($course->id)) {
- $SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
- $SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
- redirect(new moodle_url('/enrol/index.php', array(
- 'id' => $course->id,
- 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $moodleoverflow->id
- )), get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
- }
- }
- // Notify the user, that he can not post a new discussion.
- throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Where is the user coming from?
- $SESSION->fromurl = get_local_referer(false);
- // Load all the $post variables.
- $post = new stdClass();
- $post->course = $course->id;
- $post->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
- $post->discussion = 0;
- $post->parent = 0;
- $post->subject = '';
- $post->userid = $USER->id;
- $post->message = '';
- // Unset where the user is coming from.
- // Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
- unset($SESSION->fromdiscussion);
-} else if (!empty($reply)) {
- // Second possibility: The user is writing a new reply.
- // Check if the post exists.
- if (!$parent = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($reply)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidparentpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the post is part of a discussion.
- if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $parent->discussion))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the discussion is part of a moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the moodleoverflow instance is part of a course.
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $discussion->course))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
- }
- // Retrieve the related coursemodule.
- if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $course->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
- }
- // Ensure the coursemodule is set correctly.
- $PAGE->set_cm($cm, $course, $moodleoverflow);
- // Retrieve the other contexts.
- $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
- $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
- // Check whether the user is allowed to post.
- if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post($modulecontext, $parent)) {
- // Give the user the chance to enroll himself to the course.
- if (!isguestuser() && !is_enrolled($coursecontext)) {
- $SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
- $SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
- redirect(new moodle_url('/enrol/index.php',
- array('id' => $course->id, 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $moodleoverflow->id)),
- get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
- }
- // Print the error message.
- throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Make sure the user can post here.
- if (!$cm->visible && !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $modulecontext)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('activityiscurrentlyhidden');
- }
- // Load the $post variable.
- $post = new stdClass();
- $post->course = $course->id;
- $post->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
- $post->discussion = $parent->discussion;
- $post->parent = $parent->id;
- $post->subject = $discussion->name;
- $post->userid = $USER->id;
- $post->message = '';
- // Append 'RE: ' to the discussions subject.
- $strre = get_string('re', 'moodleoverflow');
- if (!(substr($post->subject, 0, strlen($strre)) == $strre)) {
- $post->subject = $strre . ' ' . $post->subject;
- }
- // Unset where the user is coming from.
- // Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
- unset($SESSION->fromdiscussion);
-} else if (!empty($edit)) {
- // Third possibility: The user is editing his own post.
- // Check if the submitted post exists.
- if (!$post = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($edit)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Get the parent post of this post if it is not the starting post of the discussion.
- if ($post->parent) {
- if (!$parent = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($post->parent)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidparentpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- }
- // Check if the post refers to a valid discussion.
- if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $post->discussion))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the post refers to a valid moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the post refers to a valid course.
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $discussion->course))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
- }
- // Retrieve the related coursemodule.
- if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $course->id)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
- } else {
- $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
- }
- // Set the pages context.
- $PAGE->set_cm($cm, $course, $moodleoverflow);
- // Check if the post can be edited.
- $beyondtime = ((time() - $post->created) > get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'));
- $alreadyreviewed = review::should_post_be_reviewed($post, $moodleoverflow) && $post->reviewed;
- if (($beyondtime || $alreadyreviewed) && !has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $modulecontext)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('maxtimehaspassed', 'moodleoverflow', '',
- format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')));
- }
- // If the current user is not the one who posted this post.
- if ($post->userid <> $USER->id) {
- // Check if the current user has not the capability to edit any post.
- if (!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $modulecontext)) {
- // Display the error. Capabilities are missing.
- throw new moodle_exception('cannoteditposts', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- }
- // Load the $post variable.
- $post->edit = $edit;
- $post->course = $course->id;
- $post->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
- // Unset where the user is coming from.
- // Allows to calculate the correct return url later.
- unset($SESSION->fromdiscussion);
-} else if (!empty($delete)) {
- // Fourth possibility: The user is deleting a post.
- // Check if the post is existing.
- if (!$post = moodleoverflow_get_post_full($delete)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Get the related discussion.
- if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $post->discussion))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Get the related moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoveflow');
- }
- // Get the related coursemodule.
- if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $moodleoverflow->course)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
- }
- // Get the related course.
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course))) {
- throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
- }
- // Require a login and retrieve the modulecontext.
- require_login($course, false, $cm);
- $modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
- // Check some capabilities.
- $deleteownpost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteownpost', $modulecontext);
- $deleteanypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteanypost', $modulecontext);
- if (!(($post->userid == $USER->id && $deleteownpost) || $deleteanypost)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Count all replies of this post.
- $replycount = moodleoverflow_count_replies($post, false);
- // Has the user confirmed the deletion?
- if (!empty($confirm) && confirm_sesskey()) {
- // Check if the user has the capability to delete the post.
- $timepassed = time() - $post->created;
- if (($timepassed > get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')) && !$deleteanypost) {
- $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $post->discussion));
- throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
- }
- // A normal user cannot delete his post if there are direct replies.
- if ($replycount && !$deleteanypost) {
- $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $post->discussion));
- throw new moodle_exception('couldnotdeletereplies', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
- } else {
- // Delete the post.
- // The post is the starting post of a discussion. Delete the topic as well.
- if (!$post->parent) {
- moodleoverflow_delete_discussion($discussion, $course, $cm, $moodleoverflow);
- // Trigger the discussion deleted event.
- $params = array(
- 'objectid' => $discussion->id,
- 'context' => $modulecontext,
- );
- $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_deleted::create($params);
- $event->trigger();
- // Redirect the user back to start page of the moodleoverflow instance.
- redirect("view.php?m=$discussion->moodleoverflow");
- exit;
- } else if (moodleoverflow_delete_post($post, $deleteanypost, $cm, $moodleoverflow)) {
- // Delete a single post.
- // Redirect back to the discussion.
- $discussionurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $discussion->id));
- redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($discussionurl));
- exit;
- } else {
- // Something went wrong.
- throw new moodle_exception('errorwhiledelete', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- }
- } else {
- // Deletion needs to be confirmed.
- moodleoverflow_set_return();
- $PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('delete', 'moodleoverflow'));
- $PAGE->set_title($course->shortname);
- $PAGE->set_heading($course->fullname);
- // The page should not be large, only pages containing broad tables are usually.
- $PAGE->add_body_class('limitedwidth');
- // Check if there are replies for the post.
- if ($replycount) {
- // Check if the user has capabilities to delete more than one post.
- if (!$deleteanypost) {
- throw new moodle_exception('couldnotdeletereplies', 'moodleoverflow',
- moodleoverflow_go_back_to(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php',
- array('d' => $post->discussion, 'p' . $post->id))));
- }
- // Request a confirmation to delete the post.
- echo $OUTPUT->header();
- echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string("deletesureplural", "moodleoverflow", $replycount + 1),
- "post.php?delete=$delete&confirm=$delete", $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php?d=' .
- $post->discussion . '#p' . $post->id);
- } else {
- // Delete a single post.
- // Print a confirmation message.
- echo $OUTPUT->header();
- echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string("deletesure", "moodleoverflow", $replycount),
- "post.php?delete=$delete&confirm=$delete",
- $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php?d=' . $post->discussion . '#p' . $post->id);
- }
- }
- echo $OUTPUT->footer();
- exit;
-} else {
- // Last posibility: the action is not known.
- throw new moodle_exception('unknownaction');
-// Second step: The user must be logged on properly. Must be enrolled to the course as well.
-require_login($course, false, $cm);
-// Get the contexts.
-$modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
-$coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
-// Get the subject.
-if ($edit) {
- $subject = $discussion->name;
-} else if ($reply) {
- $subject = $post->subject;
-} else if ($moodleoverflow) {
- $subject = $post->subject;
-// Get attachments.
-$draftitemid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('attachments');
- $modulecontext->id,
- 'mod_moodleoverflow',
- 'attachment',
- empty($post->id) ? null : $post->id,
- mod_moodleoverflow_post_form::attachment_options($moodleoverflow));
-// Prepare the form.
-$formarray = array(
- 'course' => $course,
- 'cm' => $cm,
- 'coursecontext' => $coursecontext,
- 'modulecontext' => $modulecontext,
- 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow,
- 'post' => $post,
- 'edit' => $edit,
-$mformpost = new mod_moodleoverflow_post_form('post.php', $formarray, 'post', '', array('id' => 'mformmoodleoverflow'));
-// The current user is not the original author.
-// Append the message to the end of the message.
-if ($USER->id != $post->userid) {
- // Create a temporary object.
- $data = new stdClass();
- $data->date = userdate($post->modified);
- $post->messageformat = editors_get_preferred_format();
- // Append the message depending on the messages format.
- if ($post->messageformat == FORMAT_HTML) {
- $data->name = '' . fullname($USER) . '';
- $post->message .= '(' . get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data) . ')
- } else {
- $data->name = fullname($USER);
- $post->message .= "\n\n(" . get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data) . ')';
- }
- // Delete the temporary object.
- unset($data);
-// Define the heading for the form.
-$formheading = '';
-if (!empty($parent)) {
- $heading = get_string('yourreply', 'moodleoverflow');
- $formheading = get_string('reply', 'moodleoverflow');
-} else {
- $heading = get_string('yournewtopic', 'moodleoverflow');
-// Get the original post.
-$postid = empty($post->id) ? null : $post->id;
-$postmessage = empty($post->message) ? null : $post->message;
-// Set data for the form.
-// TODO Refactor.
-$param1 = (isset($discussion->id) ? array($discussion->id) : array());
-$param2 = (isset($post->format) ? array('format' => $post->format) : array());
-$param3 = (isset($discussion->timestart) ? array('timestart' => $discussion->timestart) : array());
-$param4 = (isset($discussion->timeend) ? array('timeend' => $discussion->timeend) : array());
-$param5 = (isset($discussion->id) ? array('discussion' => $discussion->id) : array());
- 'attachments' => $draftitemid,
- 'general' => $heading,
- 'subject' => $subject,
- 'message' => array(
- 'text' => $postmessage,
- 'format' => editors_get_preferred_format(),
- 'itemid' => $postid,
- ),
- 'userid' => $post->userid,
- 'parent' => $post->parent,
- 'discussion' => $post->discussion,
- 'course' => $course->id
- ) + $pageparams + $param1 + $param2 + $param3 + $param4 + $param5);
-// Is it canceled?
-if ($mformpost->is_cancelled()) {
- // Redirect the user back.
- if (!isset($discussion->id)) {
- redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $moodleoverflow->id)));
- } else {
- redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $discussion->id)));
- }
- // Cancel.
- exit();
-// Is it submitted?
-if ($fromform = $mformpost->get_data()) {
- // Redirect url in case of occuring errors.
- if (empty($SESSION->fromurl)) {
- $errordestination = "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=$moodleoverflow->id";
- } else {
- $errordestination = $SESSION->fromurl;
- }
- // Format the submitted data.
- $fromform->messageformat = $fromform->message['format'];
- $fromform->message = $fromform->message['text'];
- $fromform->messagetrust = trusttext_trusted($modulecontext);
- // If we are updating a post.
- if ($fromform->edit) {
- // Initiate some variables.
- unset($fromform->groupid);
- $fromform->id = $fromform->edit;
- $message = '';
- // The FORUM-Plugin had an bug:
- // This is a fix for it.
- if (!$realpost = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $fromform->id))) {
- $realpost = new stdClass();
- $realpost->userid = -1;
- }
- // Check the capabilities of the user.
- // He may proceed if he can edit any post or if he has the startnewdiscussion
- // capability or the capability to reply and is editing his own post.
- $editanypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $modulecontext);
- $replypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:replypost', $modulecontext);
- $startdiscussion = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:startdiscussion', $modulecontext);
- $ownpost = ($realpost->userid == $USER->id);
- if (!(($ownpost && ($replypost || $startdiscussion)) || $editanypost)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('cannotupdatepost', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Update the post or print an error message.
- $updatepost = $fromform;
- $updatepost->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
- if (!moodleoverflow_update_post($updatepost, $mformpost)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('couldnotupdate', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
- }
- // Create a success-message.
- if ($realpost->userid == $USER->id) {
- $message .= get_string('postupdated', 'moodleoverflow');
- } else {
- if (\mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous::is_post_anonymous($discussion, $moodleoverflow, $realpost->userid)) {
- $name = get_string('anonymous', 'moodleoverflow');
- } else {
- $realuser = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $realpost->userid));
- $name = fullname($realuser);
- }
- $message .= get_string('editedpostupdated', 'moodleoverflow', $name);
- }
- // Create a link to go back to the discussion.
- $discussionurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $discussion->id), 'p' . $fromform->id);
- // Set some parameters.
- $params = array(
- 'context' => $modulecontext,
- 'objectid' => $fromform->id,
- 'other' => array(
- 'discussionid' => $discussion->id,
- 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
- ));
- // If the editing user is not the original author, add the original author to the params.
- if ($realpost->userid != $USER->id) {
- $params['relateduserid'] = $realpost->userid;
- }
- // Trigger post updated event.
- $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\post_updated::create($params);
- $event->trigger();
- // Redirect back to the discussion.
- redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($discussionurl), $message, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
- // Cancel.
- exit;
- } else if ($fromform->discussion) {
- // Add a new post to an existing discussion.
- // Set some basic variables.
- unset($fromform->groupid);
- $message = '';
- $addpost = $fromform;
- $addpost->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
- // Create the new post.
- if ($fromform->id = moodleoverflow_add_new_post($addpost)) {
- // Subscribe to this thread.
- $discussion = new \stdClass();
- $discussion->id = $fromform->discussion;
- $discussion->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::moodleoverflow_post_subscription($fromform,
- $moodleoverflow, $discussion, $modulecontext);
- // Print a success-message.
- $message .= '' . get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow") . '
- $message .= '' . get_string("postaddedtimeleft", "moodleoverflow",
- format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'))) . '
- // Set the URL that links back to the discussion.
- $link = '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php';
- $discussionurl = new moodle_url($link, array('d' => $discussion->id), 'p' . $fromform->id);
- // Trigger post created event.
- $params = array(
- 'context' => $modulecontext,
- 'objectid' => $fromform->id,
- 'other' => array(
- 'discussionid' => $discussion->id,
- 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
- ));
- $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\post_created::create($params);
- $event->trigger();
- redirect(
- moodleoverflow_go_back_to($discussionurl),
- $message,
- \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS
- );
- // Print an error if the answer could not be added.
- } else {
- throw new moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
- }
- // The post has been added.
- exit;
- } else {
- // Add a new discussion.
- // The location to redirect the user after successfully posting.
- $redirectto = new moodle_url('view.php', array('m' => $fromform->moodleoverflow));
- $discussion = $fromform;
- $discussion->name = $fromform->subject;
- // Check if the user is allowed to post here.
- if (!moodleoverflow_user_can_post_discussion($moodleoverflow)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('cannotcreatediscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
- }
- // Check if the creation of the new discussion failed.
- if (!$discussion->id = moodleoverflow_add_discussion($discussion, $modulecontext)) {
- throw new moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
- } else { // The creation of the new discussion was successful.
- $params = array(
- 'context' => $modulecontext,
- 'objectid' => $discussion->id,
- 'other' => array(
- 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
- )
- );
- $message = '' . get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow") . '
- // Trigger the discussion created event.
- $params = array(
- 'context' => $modulecontext,
- 'objectid' => $discussion->id,
- );
- $event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_created::create($params);
- $event->trigger();
- // Subscribe to this thread.
- $discussion->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::moodleoverflow_post_subscription($fromform,
- $moodleoverflow, $discussion, $modulecontext);
- }
- // Redirect back to te discussion.
- redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($redirectto->out()), $message, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
- // Do not continue.
- exit;
- }
-// If the script gets to this point, nothing has been submitted.
-// We have to display the form.
-// $course and $moodleoverflow are defined.
-// $discussion is only used for replying and editing.
-// Define the message to be displayed above the form.
-$toppost = new stdClass();
-$toppost->subject = get_string("addanewdiscussion", "moodleoverflow");
-// Initiate the page.
-$PAGE->set_title("$course->shortname: $moodleoverflow->name " . format_string($toppost->subject));
-// The page should not be large, only pages containing broad tables are usually.
-// Display the header.
-echo $OUTPUT->header();
-// Display the form.
-// Display the footer.
-echo $OUTPUT->footer();
diff --git a/tests/post_test.php b/tests/post_test.php
index e5c1d0e55d..e41ade0428 100644
--- a/tests/post_test.php
+++ b/tests/post_test.php
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../locallib.php');
+ * TODO: THIS TEST CLASS IS USELESS, needs to be refactored to the new way of working with posts.
* PHP Unit test for post related functions in the locallib.
* @package mod_moodleoverflow
@@ -34,7 +35,6 @@
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class post_test extends \advanced_testcase {
/** @var \stdClass test course */
private $course;
From 1ffeb5b6f8e786cf5c50d09fd91c04f3e909fff5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 22:39:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 25/40] new post_test class
classes/post/post.php | 4 +-
tests/post_test.php | 144 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
2 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index f1255caeb2..7aaa0f97b5 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -361,9 +361,9 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
* Edits the message from this instance.
- * @param timestamp $time The time the post was modified (given from the discussion class).
+ * @param int $time The time the post was modified (given from the discussion class).
* @param string $postmessage The new message
- * @param object $messageformat
+ * @param int $messageformat
* @param object $formattachments Information about attachments from the post_form
* @return true if the post has been edited successfully
diff --git a/tests/post_test.php b/tests/post_test.php
index e41ade0428..9d7d7fc597 100644
--- a/tests/post_test.php
+++ b/tests/post_test.php
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
// along with Moodle. If not, see .
- * PHP Unit test for post related functions in the locallib.
+ * PHP Unit Tests for the Post class.
* @package mod_moodleoverflow
* @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
@@ -23,43 +23,48 @@
namespace mod_moodleoverflow;
+// Use the post class.
+use mod_moodleoverflow\post\post;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\discussion\discussion;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../locallib.php');
- * TODO: THIS TEST CLASS IS USELESS, needs to be refactored to the new way of working with posts.
- * PHP Unit test for post related functions in the locallib.
+ *
+ * Tests if the functions from the post class are working correctly.
* @package mod_moodleoverflow
* @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ * @covers \mod_moodleoverflow\post\post
class post_test extends \advanced_testcase {
/** @var \stdClass test course */
private $course;
/** @var \stdClass coursemodule */
private $coursemodule;
+ /** @var \stdClass modulecontext */
+ private $modulecontext;
/** @var \stdClass test moodleoverflow */
private $moodleoverflow;
/** @var \stdClass test teacher */
private $teacher;
- /** @var \stdClass a discussion */
+ /** @var discussion a discussion */
private $discussion;
- /** @var \stdClass a post */
+ /** @var post a post */
private $post;
- /** @var \stdClass an attachment */
- private $attachment;
/** @var \mod_moodleoverflow_generator $generator */
private $generator;
public function setUp(): void {
@@ -67,46 +72,77 @@ public function setUp(): void {
public function tearDown(): void {
// Clear all caches.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::reset_discussion_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_discussion_cache();
- * Test if a post and its attachment are deleted successfully.
- * @covers ::moodleoverflow_delete_post
+ * Test, if a post is being created correctly
- public function test_moodleoverflow_delete_post() {
+ public function test_create_post() {
global $DB;
+ // Build a new post object.
+ $time = time();
+ $message = 'a unique message';
+ $post = post::construct_without_id($this->discussion->get_id(), $this->post->get_id(), $this->teacher->id, $time,
+ $time, $message, 0, '', 0, 1, null);
+ $post->moodleoverflow_add_new_post();
+ // The post should be in the database.
+ $postscount = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $post->get_id())));
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $postscount);
+ }
- // The attachment should exist.
- $numberofattachments = count($DB->get_records('files', array('itemid' => $this->post->id)));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $numberofattachments);
+ /**
+ * Test, if the message of a post can be edited successfully.
+ */
+ public function test_edit_post() {
+ global $DB;
- // Delete the post from the teacher with its attachment.
- moodleoverflow_delete_post($this->post, false, $this->coursemodule, $this->moodleoverflow);
+ // The post and the attachment should exist.
+ $numberofattachments = count($DB->get_records('files', array('itemid' => $this->post->get_id())));
+ $this->assertEquals(2, $numberofattachments); // One Attachment is saved twice in 'files'.
+ $post = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->post->get_id())));
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $post);
- // Now try to get the attachment.
- $numberofattachments = count($DB->get_records('files', array('itemid' => $this->post->id)));
+ // Gather important parameters.
+ $message = 'a new message';
- $this->assertEquals(0, $numberofattachments);
+ $time = time();
+ // Update the post.
+ $this->post->moodleoverflow_edit_post($time, $message, $this->post->messageformat, $this->post->formattachments);
+ // The message and modified time should be changed.
+ $post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->post->get_id()));
+ $this->assertEquals($message, $post->message);
+ $this->assertEquals($time, $post->modified);
- * Test if a post and its attachment are deleted successfully.
- * @covers ::moodleoverflow_delete_discussion
+ * Test, if a post and its attachment are deleted successfully.
+ * @covers ::moodleoverflow_delete_post
- public function test_moodleoverflow_delete_discussion() {
+ public function test_delete_post() {
global $DB;
- $numberofattachments = count($DB->get_records('files', array('itemid' => $this->post->id, 'filearea' => 'attachment')));
- $this->assertEquals(2, $numberofattachments);
+ // The post and the attachment should exist.
+ $numberofattachments = count($DB->get_records('files', array('itemid' => $this->post->get_id())));
+ $this->assertEquals(2, $numberofattachments); // One Attachment is saved twice in 'files'.
+ $post = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->post->get_id())));
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $post);
- // Delete the post from the teacher with its attachment.
- moodleoverflow_delete_discussion($this->discussion[0], $this->course, $this->coursemodule, $this->moodleoverflow);
+ // Delete the post with its attachment.
+ // Save the post id as it gets unsettled by the post object after being deleted.
+ $postid = $this->post->get_id();
+ $this->post->moodleoverflow_delete_post(true);
- // Now try to get the attachment.
- $numberofattachments = count($DB->get_records('files', array('itemid' => $this->post->id)));
+ // Now try to get the attachment, it should be deleted from the database.
+ $numberofattachments = count($DB->get_records('files', array('itemid' => $postid)));
$this->assertEquals(0, $numberofattachments);
+ // Try to find the post, it should be deleted.
+ $post = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $postid)));
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $post);
@@ -121,6 +157,7 @@ private function helper_course_set_up() {
$location = array('course' => $this->course->id);
$this->moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $location);
$this->coursemodule = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $this->moodleoverflow->id);
+ $this->modulecontext = \context_module::instance($this->coursemodule->id);
// Create a teacher.
$this->teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('firstname' => 'Tamaro', 'lastname' => 'Walter'));
@@ -128,29 +165,40 @@ private function helper_course_set_up() {
// Create a discussion started from the teacher.
$this->generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_moodleoverflow');
- $this->discussion = $this->generator->post_to_forum($this->moodleoverflow, $this->teacher);
- $this->post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->discussion[0]->firstpost), '*');
+ $discussion = $this->generator->post_to_forum($this->moodleoverflow, $this->teacher);
+ $discussionrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussion[0]->id));
+ $this->discussion = discussion::from_record($discussionrecord);
+ // Get a temporary post from the DB to add the attachment.
+ $temppost = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->discussion->get_firstpostid()));
// Create an attachment by inserting it directly in the database and update the post record.
+ $this->add_new_attachment($temppost, $this->modulecontext, 'world.txt', 'hello world');
- $modulecontext = \context_module::instance($this->coursemodule->id);
+ // Build the real post object now. That is the object that will be tested.
+ $postrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->discussion->get_firstpostid()));
+ $this->post = post::from_record($postrecord);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param object $object // The object that will have the attachment
+ * @param $modulecontext
+ * @param string $filename
+ * @param $filecontent
+ * @return void
+ */
+ private function add_new_attachment($object, $modulecontext, $filename, $filecontent) {
+ global $DB;
$fileinfo = [
- 'contextid' => $modulecontext->id, // ID of the context.
- 'component' => 'mod_moodleoverflow', // Your component name.
- 'filearea' => 'attachment', // Usually = table name.
- 'itemid' => $this->post->id, // Usually = ID of row in table.
- 'filepath' => '/', // Any path beginning and ending in /.
- 'filename' => 'NH.jpg', // Any filename.
+ 'contextid' => $modulecontext->id, // ID of the context.
+ 'component' => 'mod_moodleoverflow', // Your component name.
+ 'filearea' => 'attachment', // Usually = table name.
+ 'itemid' => $object->id, // Usually = ID of the item (e.g. the post.
+ 'filepath' => '/', // Any path beginning and ending in /.
+ 'filename' => $filename, // Any filename.
$fs = get_file_storage();
- // Create a new file containing the text 'hello world'.
- $fs->create_file_from_string($fileinfo, 'hello world');
- $this->post->attachment = 1;
- $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_posts', $this->post);
+ $fs->create_file_from_string($fileinfo, $filecontent); // Creates a new file containing the text 'hello world'.
+ $DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_posts', $object);
From 104a8dc86d3a46776e0b22a0d90bc82111fd0704 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2023 14:26:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 26/40] new phpunit tests for discussion class
classes/post/post.php | 4 +-
tests/discussion_test.php | 162 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 tests/discussion_test.php
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index 7aaa0f97b5..efe83276e6 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ public function get_coursemodule() {
* Returns the parent post
- * @return object $post
+ * @return object|false $post|false
public function moodleoverflow_get_parentpost() {
global $DB;
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_parentpost() {
* Returns children posts (answers) as DB-records.
- * @return object children/answer posts.
+ * @return array|false children/answer posts.
public function moodleoverflow_get_childposts() {
global $DB;
diff --git a/tests/discussion_test.php b/tests/discussion_test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a23af66642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/discussion_test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ * PHP Unit Tests for the Discussion class.
+ * @package mod_moodleoverflow
+ * @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+namespace mod_moodleoverflow;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\post\post;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\discussion\discussion;
+ * Tests if the functions from the discussion class are working correctly.
+ * As the discussion class works as an administrator of the post class, most of the testcases are already realized in the
+ * post_test.php file.
+ * @package mod_moodleoverflow
+ * @copyright 2023 Tamaro Walter
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ * @covers \mod_moodleoverflow\discussion\discussion
+ */
+class discussion_test extends \advanced_testcase {
+ /** @var \stdClass test course */
+ private $course;
+ /** @var \stdClass coursemodule */
+ private $coursemodule;
+ /** @var \stdClass modulecontext */
+ private $modulecontext;
+ /** @var \stdClass test moodleoverflow */
+ private $moodleoverflow;
+ /** @var \stdClass test teacher */
+ private $teacher;
+ /** @var discussion a discussion */
+ private $discussion;
+ /** @var post the post from the discussion */
+ private $post;
+ /** @var \mod_moodleoverflow_generator $generator */
+ private $generator;
+ public function setUp(): void {
+ $this->resetAfterTest();
+ $this->helper_course_set_up();
+ }
+ public function tearDown(): void {
+ // Clear all caches.
+ subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_discussion_cache();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test, if a discussion is being created correctly
+ */
+ public function test_create_discussion() {
+ global $DB;
+ // Build a prepost object with important information.
+ $time = time();
+ $prepost = new \stdClass();
+ $prepost->userid = $this->teacher->id;
+ $prepost->timenow = $time;
+ $prepost->message = 'a message';
+ $prepost->messageformat = 1;
+ $prepost->reviewed = 0;
+ $prepost->formattachments = '';
+ $prepost->modulecontext = $this->modulecontext;
+ // Build a new discussion object.
+ $discussion = discussion::construct_without_id($this->course->id, $this->moodleoverflow->id, 'Discussion Topic',
+ 0, $this->teacher->id, $time, $time, $this->teacher->id);
+ $discussionid = $discussion->moodleoverflow_add_discussion($prepost);
+ $posts = $discussion->moodleoverflow_get_discussion_posts();
+ $post = $posts[$discussion->get_firstpostid()];
+ // The discussion and the firstpost should be in the DB.
+ $dbdiscussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussion->get_id()));
+ $this->assertEquals($dbdiscussion->id, $discussionid);
+ $this->assertEquals('Discussion Topic', $dbdiscussion->name);
+ $dbpost = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $discussion->get_firstpostid()));
+ $this->assertEquals($dbpost->id, $post->get_id());
+ $this->assertEquals($dbpost->discussion, $post->get_discussionid());
+ $this->assertEquals($prepost->message, $dbpost->message);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test, if a post and its attachment are deleted successfully.
+ * @covers ::moodleoverflow_delete_post
+ */
+ public function test_delete_discussion() {
+ global $DB;
+ // Build the prepost object with necessary information.
+ $prepost = new \stdClass();
+ $prepost->modulecontext = $this->modulecontext;
+ // Delete the discussion, but save the IDs first.
+ $discussionid = $this->discussion->get_id();
+ $postid = $this->discussion->get_firstpostid();
+ $this->discussion->moodleoverflow_delete_discussion($prepost);
+ // The discussion and the post should not be in the DB anymore.
+ $discussion = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussionid)));
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $discussion);
+ $post = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $postid)));
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $post);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This function creates:
+ * - a course with a moodleoverflow
+ * - a new discussion with a post. The post has an attachment.
+ */
+ private function helper_course_set_up() {
+ global $DB;
+ // Create a new course with a moodleoverflow forum.
+ $this->course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
+ $location = array('course' => $this->course->id);
+ $this->moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $location);
+ $this->coursemodule = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $this->moodleoverflow->id);
+ $this->modulecontext = \context_module::instance($this->coursemodule->id);
+ // Create a teacher.
+ $this->teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('firstname' => 'Tamaro', 'lastname' => 'Walter'));
+ $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($this->teacher->id, $this->course->id, 'student');
+ // Create a discussion started from the teacher.
+ $this->generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_moodleoverflow');
+ $discussion = $this->generator->post_to_forum($this->moodleoverflow, $this->teacher);
+ // Get the discussion and post object.
+ $discussionrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussion[0]->id));
+ $postrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $discussion[1]->id));
+ $this->discussion = discussion::from_record($discussionrecord);
+ $this->post = post::from_record($postrecord);
+ }
From 95b665c0abb08a53d067d2b1fba793ee547fbc68 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2023 10:51:20 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 27/40] behat fails in older versions fixed
classes/post/post.php | 3 ++-
locallib.php | 2 +-
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index efe83276e6..e9e2fa2f18 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -392,7 +392,8 @@ public function moodleoverflow_edit_post($time, $postmessage, $messageformat, $f
+ * // NOTE: This function replaces the get_post_full() function and is not used until the print and print-related function for
+ * // printing the discussion and a post are adapted to the new post and discussion class.
* Gets a post with all info ready for moodleoverflow_print_post.
* Most of these joins are just to get the forum id.
diff --git a/locallib.php b/locallib.php
index 80693d9eb4..c70935b1a2 100644
--- a/locallib.php
+++ b/locallib.php
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_get_post_full($postid) {
if ($CFG->branch >= 311) {
$allnames = \core_user\fields::for_name()->get_sql('u', false, '', '', false)->selects;
} else {
- $allnames = get_all_user_name_fields(true, 'u');
+ $allnames = implode(', ', fields::get_name_fields());
$sql = "SELECT p.*, d.moodleoverflow, $allnames,, u.picture, u.imagealt
FROM {moodleoverflow_posts} p
From e5131ea8086add0af8d5c3ead469aa66517943b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2023 11:18:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 28/40] capability fixed in post_control
classes/post/post.php | 2 +-
classes/post/post_control.php | 2 +-
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index e9e2fa2f18..0046967637 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_edit_post($time, $postmessage, $messageformat, $f
- * // NOTE: This function replaces the get_post_full() function and is not used until the print and print-related function for
+ * // NOTE: This function replaces the get_post_full() function but is not used until the print and print-related function for
* // printing the discussion and a post are adapted to the new post and discussion class.
* Gets a post with all info ready for moodleoverflow_print_post.
* Most of these joins are just to get the forum id.
diff --git a/classes/post/post_control.php b/classes/post/post_control.php
index 75e9de77e0..994baf2630 100644
--- a/classes/post/post_control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post_control.php
@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ private function check_user_can_edit_post() {
$replypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:replypost', $this->info->modulecontext);
$startdiscussion = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:startdiscussion', $this->info->modulecontext);
$ownpost = ($this->prepost->userid == $USER->id);
- if (!(($ownpost && ($replypost || $startdiscussion)) || $editanypost)) {
+ if ((($ownpost && ($replypost || $startdiscussion)) || $editanypost)) {
throw new \moodle_exception('cannotupdatepost', 'moodleoverflow');
return true;
From 8ffc2f0fb8d8301d47c116ffaa2ea541bbb9ace5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2023 11:46:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 29/40] replace html with html_writer
classes/post/post_control.php | 21 ++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/post/post_control.php b/classes/post/post_control.php
index 994baf2630..f4602a4a19 100644
--- a/classes/post/post_control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post_control.php
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ private function execute_create($form, $errordestination) {
// The creation was successful.
- $redirectmessage = '' . get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow") . '
+ $redirectmessage = \html_writer::tag('p', get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow"));
// Trigger the discussion created event.
$params = array( 'context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $discussion->get_id());
@@ -427,9 +427,9 @@ private function execute_reply($form, $errordestination) {
// The creation was successful.
- $redirectmessage = '' . get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow") . '
- $redirectmessage .= '' . get_string("postaddedtimeleft", "moodleoverflow",
- format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'))) . '
+ $redirectmessage = \html_writer::tag('p', get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow"));
+ $redirectmessage .= \html_writer::tag('p', get_string("postaddedtimeleft", "moodleoverflow",
+ format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'))));
// Trigger the post created event.
$params = array('context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $newpostid,
@@ -540,7 +540,6 @@ public function confirm_delete() {
- * TODO: use html_writer:: instead of writing pure html code.
* Builds and returns a post_form object where the users enters/edits the message and attachments of the post.
* @param array $pageparams An object that the post.php created.
* @return object a mod_moodleoverflow_post_form object.
@@ -572,10 +571,10 @@ public function build_postform($pageparams) {
$data->date = userdate(time());
$this->prepost->messageformat = editors_get_preferred_format();
if ($this->prepost->messageformat == FORMAT_HTML) {
- $data->name = '' . fullname($USER) . '';
- $this->prepost->message .= '(' . get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data) .
- ')
+ $data->name = \html_writer::tag('a', $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id' . $USER->id .
+ '&course=' . $this->prepost->courseid . '">' . fullname($USER));
+ $this->prepost->message .= \html_writer::tag('p', \html_writer::tag('span',
+ get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data),array("class" => "edited") ));
} else {
$data->name = fullname($USER);
$this->prepost->message .= "\n\n(" . get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data) . ')';
@@ -806,7 +805,7 @@ private function check_user_can_edit_post() {
$replypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:replypost', $this->info->modulecontext);
$startdiscussion = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:startdiscussion', $this->info->modulecontext);
$ownpost = ($this->prepost->userid == $USER->id);
- if ((($ownpost && ($replypost || $startdiscussion)) || $editanypost)) {
+ if (!(($ownpost && ($replypost || $startdiscussion)) || $editanypost)) {
throw new \moodle_exception('cannotupdatepost', 'moodleoverflow');
return true;
@@ -815,7 +814,7 @@ private function check_user_can_edit_post() {
* Checks if a user can edit a post.
* @return true
- * @thorws moodle_exception
+ * @throws moodle_exception
private function check_user_can_delete_post() {
global $USER;
From ac6167937a080243891fcbfbc6eec96a462e6d77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2023 12:03:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 30/40] edit a discussion subject fixed
classes/post/post_control.php | 5 +++++
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
diff --git a/classes/post/post_control.php b/classes/post/post_control.php
index f4602a4a19..9106fa9a01 100644
--- a/classes/post/post_control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post_control.php
@@ -458,6 +458,11 @@ private function execute_edit($form, $errordestination) {
// Check if the user has the capability to edit his post.
+ // If the post that is being edited is the parent post, the subject can be edited too.
+ if ($this->prepost->parentid == 0) {
+ $this->prepost->subject = $form->subject;
+ }
// Update the post.
if (!$this->info->discussion->moodleoverflow_edit_post_from_discussion($this->prepost)) {
throw new \moodle_exception('couldnotupdate', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
From aedb836d04406d2fb081ac750412f8b71e709c37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2023 12:08:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 31/40] moodlechecker fixes
classes/post/post_control.php | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/classes/post/post_control.php b/classes/post/post_control.php
index 9106fa9a01..45ed8e1aed 100644
--- a/classes/post/post_control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post_control.php
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ public function build_postform($pageparams) {
$data->name = \html_writer::tag('a', $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id' . $USER->id .
'&course=' . $this->prepost->courseid . '">' . fullname($USER));
$this->prepost->message .= \html_writer::tag('p', \html_writer::tag('span',
- get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data),array("class" => "edited") ));
+ get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data), array("class" => "edited")));
} else {
$data->name = fullname($USER);
$this->prepost->message .= "\n\n(" . get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data) . ')';
From 1c7c208ed8134d5d5dba32eff1e612440d595793 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2023 12:25:27 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 32/40] function in locallib changed for behat testing
locallib.php | 6 +++++-
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/locallib.php b/locallib.php
index c70935b1a2..98b4451ba9 100644
--- a/locallib.php
+++ b/locallib.php
@@ -654,8 +654,12 @@ function moodleoverflow_get_post_full($postid) {
if ($CFG->branch >= 311) {
$allnames = \core_user\fields::for_name()->get_sql('u', false, '', '', false)->selects;
- } else {
+ } else if ($CFG->branch > 309) {
$allnames = implode(', ', fields::get_name_fields());
+ } else {
+ // TODO: remove this else branch when support for version 3.9 ends and replace the else if branch with 'else' only.
+ // Note that get_all_user_name_fields is a deprecated function and should not be used in newer versions.
+ $allnames = get_all_user_name_fields(true, 'u');
$sql = "SELECT p.*, d.moodleoverflow, $allnames,, u.picture, u.imagealt
FROM {moodleoverflow_posts} p
From 23794669b751008003d3ffc6bc6bf7d75ce16f0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2023 12:39:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 33/40] fix in post control for behat testing environment
classes/post/post_control.php | 13 ++++++++++---
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/post/post_control.php b/classes/post/post_control.php
index 45ed8e1aed..6e3331578d 100644
--- a/classes/post/post_control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post_control.php
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
* @param int $replypostid The ID of the post that is being answered.
private function build_prepost_reply($replypostid) {
- global $DB, $PAGE, $SESSION, $USER;
+ global $DB, $PAGE, $SESSION, $USER, $CFG;
// Get the related poost, discussion, moodleoverflow, course, coursemodule and contexts.
$this->collect_information($replypostid, false);
@@ -280,8 +280,15 @@ private function build_prepost_reply($replypostid) {
// Append 'RE: ' to the discussions subject.
$strre = get_string('re', 'moodleoverflow');
- if (!(str_starts_with($this->prepost->subject, $strre))) {
- $this->prepost->subject = $strre . ' ' . $this->prepost->subject;
+ if ($CFG->branch > 309) {
+ if (!(str_starts_with($this->prepost->subject, $strre))) {
+ $this->prepost->subject = $strre . ' ' . $this->prepost->subject;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // TODO: remove this else branch when support for version 3.9 ends and delete the branch check.
+ if (!(substr($this->prepost->subject, 0, strlen($strre)) == $strre)) {
+ $this->prepost->subject = $strre . ' ' . $this->prepost->subject;
+ }
// Unset where the user is coming from.
From eaa2611794a6708f82311e23d21899ed3c858dd3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2023 12:33:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 34/40] code cleaning: long array syntax to short array syntax
amd/src/rating.js | 2 +-
.../backup_moodleoverflow_stepslib.php | 47 ++--
...ore_moodleoverflow_activity_task.class.php | 16 +-
.../restore_moodleoverflow_stepslib.php | 4 +-
classes/anonymous.php | 2 +-
classes/discussion/discussion.php | 18 +-
classes/event/readtracking_disabled.php | 2 +-
classes/event/readtracking_enabled.php | 2 +-
classes/observer.php | 10 +-
classes/output/moodleoverflow_email.php | 54 ++---
classes/post/post.php | 38 ++--
classes/post/post_control.php | 134 ++++++------
classes/post_form.php | 6 +-
classes/privacy/data_export_helper.php | 18 +-
classes/privacy/provider.php | 36 ++--
classes/ratings.php | 66 +++---
classes/readtracking.php | 22 +-
classes/review.php | 8 +-
classes/subscriptions.php | 172 +++++++--------
classes/tables/userstats_table.php | 34 +--
classes/task/send_daily_mail.php | 24 +--
classes/task/send_mails.php | 4 +-
db/access.php | 176 +++++++--------
db/events.php | 16 +-
db/messages.php | 7 +-
db/services.php | 18 +-
db/tasks.php | 22 +-
db/upgrade.php | 15 +-
discussion.php | 18 +-
externallib.php | 28 +--
index.php | 40 ++--
lib.php | 98 ++++-----
locallib.php | 164 +++++++-------
markposts.php | 12 +-
mod_form.php | 18 +-
post.php | 15 +-
settings.php | 4 +-
subscribe.php | 24 +--
tests/behat/behat_mod_moodleoverflow.php | 2 +-
tests/dailymail_test.php | 6 +-
tests/discussion_test.php | 16 +-
tests/generator/lib.php | 16 +-
tests/locallib_test.php | 24 +--
tests/post_test.php | 26 +--
tests/privacy_provider_test.php | 38 ++--
tests/ratings_test.php | 109 +++++-----
tests/readtracking_test.php | 12 +-
tests/review_test.php | 23 +-
tests/subscriptions_test.php | 202 +++++++++---------
tests/userstats_test.php | 24 +--
tracking.php | 12 +-
userstats.php | 8 +-
version.php | 3 +-
view.php | 24 +--
54 files changed, 971 insertions(+), 968 deletions(-)
diff --git a/amd/src/rating.js b/amd/src/rating.js
index 0f44f3ba77..f1cce7a268 100644
--- a/amd/src/rating.js
+++ b/amd/src/rating.js
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ export function init(userid, allowmultiplemarks) {
* Function to change the String of the post data-action button.
- * Only used if mulitplemarks are allowed.
+ * Only used if multiplemarks are allowed.
* @param {string} htmlclass the class where the String is being updated
* @param {string} action helpful or solved mark
diff --git a/backup/moodle2/backup_moodleoverflow_stepslib.php b/backup/moodle2/backup_moodleoverflow_stepslib.php
index ed5d83f729..24286e4ff9 100644
--- a/backup/moodle2/backup_moodleoverflow_stepslib.php
+++ b/backup/moodle2/backup_moodleoverflow_stepslib.php
@@ -44,49 +44,46 @@ protected function define_structure() {
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('userinfo');
// Define the root element describing the moodleoverflow instance.
- $moodleoverflow = new backup_nested_element('moodleoverflow', array('id'), array(
+ $moodleoverflow = new backup_nested_element('moodleoverflow', ['id'], [
'name', 'intro', 'introformat', 'maxbytes', 'maxattachments',
'forcesubscribe', 'trackingtype', 'timecreated', 'timemodified',
- 'ratingpreference', 'coursewidereputation', 'allownegativereputation'));
+ 'ratingpreference', 'coursewidereputation', 'allownegativereputation',
+ ]);
// Define each element separated.
$discussions = new backup_nested_element('discussions');
- $discussion = new backup_nested_element('discussion', array('id'), array(
- 'name', 'firstpost', 'userid', 'timemodified', 'usermodified', 'timestart'));
+ $discussion = new backup_nested_element('discussion', ['id'], [
+ 'name', 'firstpost', 'userid', 'timemodified', 'usermodified', 'timestart', ]);
$posts = new backup_nested_element('posts');
- $post = new backup_nested_element('post', array('id'), array(
+ $post = new backup_nested_element('post', ['id'], [
'parent', 'userid', 'created', 'modified',
- 'mailed', 'message', 'messageformat', 'attachment'));
+ 'mailed', 'message', 'messageformat', 'attachment', ]);
$ratings = new backup_nested_element('ratings');
- $rating = new backup_nested_element('rating', array('id'), array(
- 'userid', 'rating', 'firstrated', 'lastchanged'));
+ $rating = new backup_nested_element('rating', ['id'], [
+ 'userid', 'rating', 'firstrated', 'lastchanged', ]);
$discussionsubs = new backup_nested_element('discuss_subs');
- $discussionsub = new backup_nested_element('discuss_sub', array('id'), array(
+ $discussionsub = new backup_nested_element('discuss_sub', ['id'], [
- ));
+ ]);
$subscriptions = new backup_nested_element('subscriptions');
- $subscription = new backup_nested_element('subscription', array('id'), array(
- 'userid'));
+ $subscription = new backup_nested_element('subscription', ['id'], ['userid']);
$readposts = new backup_nested_element('readposts');
- $read = new backup_nested_element('read', array('id'), array(
- 'userid', 'discussionid', 'postid', 'firstread',
- 'lastread'));
+ $read = new backup_nested_element('read', ['id'], ['userid', 'discussionid', 'postid', 'firstread', 'lastread']);
$tracking = new backup_nested_element('tracking');
- $track = new backup_nested_element('track', array('id'), array(
- 'userid'));
+ $track = new backup_nested_element('track', ['id'], ['userid']);
// Build the tree.
@@ -111,7 +108,7 @@ protected function define_structure() {
// Define data sources.
- $moodleoverflow->set_source_table('moodleoverflow', array('id' => backup::VAR_ACTIVITYID));
+ $moodleoverflow->set_source_table('moodleoverflow', ['id' => backup::VAR_ACTIVITYID]);
// All these source definitions only happen if we are including user info.
if ($userinfo) {
@@ -119,15 +116,15 @@ protected function define_structure() {
FROM {moodleoverflow_discussions}
WHERE moodleoverflow = ?',
- array(backup::VAR_PARENTID));
+ [backup::VAR_PARENTID]);
// Need posts ordered by id so parents are always before childs on restore.
- $post->set_source_table('moodleoverflow_posts', array('discussion' => backup::VAR_PARENTID), 'id ASC');
- $rating->set_source_table('moodleoverflow_ratings', array('postid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
- $discussionsub->set_source_table('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', array('discussion' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
- $subscription->set_source_table('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', array('moodleoverflow' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
- $read->set_source_table('moodleoverflow_read', array('moodleoverflowid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
- $track->set_source_table('moodleoverflow_tracking', array('moodleoverflowid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID));
+ $post->set_source_table('moodleoverflow_posts', ['discussion' => backup::VAR_PARENTID], 'id ASC');
+ $rating->set_source_table('moodleoverflow_ratings', ['postid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID]);
+ $discussionsub->set_source_table('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', ['discussion' => backup::VAR_PARENTID]);
+ $subscription->set_source_table('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', ['moodleoverflow' => backup::VAR_PARENTID]);
+ $read->set_source_table('moodleoverflow_read', ['moodleoverflowid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID]);
+ $track->set_source_table('moodleoverflow_tracking', ['moodleoverflowid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID]);
// Define id annotations.
diff --git a/backup/moodle2/restore_moodleoverflow_activity_task.class.php b/backup/moodle2/restore_moodleoverflow_activity_task.class.php
index a02b4483a5..69b3703f34 100644
--- a/backup/moodle2/restore_moodleoverflow_activity_task.class.php
+++ b/backup/moodle2/restore_moodleoverflow_activity_task.class.php
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ protected function define_my_steps() {
* processed by the link decoder
public static function define_decode_contents() {
- $contents = array();
+ $contents = [];
- $contents[] = new restore_decode_content('moodleoverflow', array('intro'), 'moodleoverflow');
- $contents[] = new restore_decode_content('moodleoverflow_posts', array('message'), 'moodleoverflow_post');
+ $contents[] = new restore_decode_content('moodleoverflow', ['intro'], 'moodleoverflow');
+ $contents[] = new restore_decode_content('moodleoverflow_posts', ['message'], 'moodleoverflow_post');
return $contents;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public static function define_decode_contents() {
* to the activity to be executed by the link decoder
public static function define_decode_rules() {
- $rules = array();
+ $rules = [];
$rules[] = new restore_decode_rule('MOODLEOVERFLOWVIEWBYID', '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?id=$1', 'course_module');
$rules[] = new restore_decode_rule('MOODLEOVERFLOWINDEX', '/mod/moodleoverflow/index.php?id=$1', 'course');
@@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ public static function define_decode_rules() {
// Link to discussion with parent and with anchor posts.
$rules[] = new restore_decode_rule('MOODLEOVERFLOWDISCUSSIONVIEWPARENT',
- array('moodleoverflow_discussion', 'moodleoverflow_post'));
+ ['moodleoverflow_discussion', 'moodleoverflow_post']);
$rules[] = new restore_decode_rule('MOODLEOVERFLOWDISCUSSIONVIEWINSIDE', '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php?d=$1#$2',
- array('moodleoverflow_discussion', 'moodleoverflow_post'));
+ ['moodleoverflow_discussion', 'moodleoverflow_post']);
return $rules;
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public static function define_decode_rules() {
* of { restore_log_rule} objects
public static function define_restore_log_rules() {
- $rules = array();
+ $rules = [];
$rules[] = new restore_log_rule('moodleoverflow', 'add',
'view.php?id={course_module}', '{moodleoverflow}');
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ public static function define_restore_log_rules() {
* activity level. All them are rules not linked to any module instance (cmid = 0)
public static function define_restore_log_rules_for_course() {
- $rules = array();
+ $rules = [];
$rules[] = new restore_log_rule('moodleoverflow', 'view all', 'index.php?id={course}', null);
diff --git a/backup/moodle2/restore_moodleoverflow_stepslib.php b/backup/moodle2/restore_moodleoverflow_stepslib.php
index fabc49a080..590a37f886 100644
--- a/backup/moodle2/restore_moodleoverflow_stepslib.php
+++ b/backup/moodle2/restore_moodleoverflow_stepslib.php
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class restore_moodleoverflow_activity_structure_step extends restore_activity_st
protected function define_structure() {
- $paths = array();
+ $paths = [];
$userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('userinfo');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('moodleoverflow', '/activity/moodleoverflow');
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ protected function process_moodleoverflow_post($data) {
// If !post->parent, it's the 1st post. Set it in discussion.
if (empty($data->parent)) {
- $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'firstpost', $newitemid, array('id' => $data->discussion));
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'firstpost', $newitemid, ['id' => $data->discussion]);
diff --git a/classes/anonymous.php b/classes/anonymous.php
index c098dc8bce..cbb3188da3 100644
--- a/classes/anonymous.php
+++ b/classes/anonymous.php
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ public static function get_userid_mapping($moodleoverflow, $discussionid) {
if ($moodleoverflow->anonymous == self::QUESTION_ANONYMOUS) {
return [
$DB->get_field('moodleoverflow_posts', 'userid',
- ['parent' => 0, 'discussion' => $discussionid]) => get_string('questioner', 'mod_moodleoverflow')
+ ['parent' => 0, 'discussion' => $discussionid]) => get_string('questioner', 'mod_moodleoverflow'),
diff --git a/classes/discussion/discussion.php b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
index 2115bae1e7..bdc887eeac 100644
--- a/classes/discussion/discussion.php
+++ b/classes/discussion/discussion.php
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public function __construct($id, $course, $moodleoverflow, $name, $firstpost,
$this->timemodified = $timemodified;
$this->timestart = $timestart;
$this->usermodified = $usermodified;
- $this->posts = array();
+ $this->posts = [];
$this->postsbuild = false;
@@ -222,17 +222,17 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($prepost) {
$this->firstpost = $post->moodleoverflow_add_new_post();
// Save the id of the first/parent post in the DB.
- $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'firstpost', $this->firstpost, array('id' => $this->id));
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'firstpost', $this->firstpost, ['id' => $this->id]);
// Add the parent post to the $posts array.
$this->posts[$this->firstpost] = $post;
$this->postsbuild = true;
// Trigger event.
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'context' => $prepost->modulecontext,
'objectid' => $this->id,
- );
+ ];
// TODO: check if the event functions.
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_viewed::create($params);
@@ -266,16 +266,16 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_discussion($prepost) {
readtracking::moodleoverflow_delete_read_records(-1, -1, $this->id);
// Remove the subscriptions for the discussion.
- $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', array('discussion' => $this->id));
+ $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', ['discussion' => $this->id]);
// Delete the discussion from the database.
- $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $this->id));
+ $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $this->id]);
// Trigger the discussion deleted event.
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'objectid' => $this->id,
'context' => $prepost->modulecontext,
- );
+ ];
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_deleted::create($params);
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ public function get_moodleoverflow() {
if (empty($this->moodleoverflowobject)) {
- $this->moodleoverflowobject = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $this->moodleoverflow));
+ $this->moodleoverflowobject = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $this->moodleoverflow]);
return $this->moodleoverflowobject;
diff --git a/classes/event/readtracking_disabled.php b/classes/event/readtracking_disabled.php
index 3ff1a02f12..360321ca81 100644
--- a/classes/event/readtracking_disabled.php
+++ b/classes/event/readtracking_disabled.php
@@ -74,6 +74,6 @@ public static function get_name() {
* @return \moodle_url
public function get_url() {
- return new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $this->other['moodleoverflowid']));
+ return new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', ['m' => $this->other['moodleoverflowid']]);
diff --git a/classes/event/readtracking_enabled.php b/classes/event/readtracking_enabled.php
index c6d7f146d2..afe4f16449 100644
--- a/classes/event/readtracking_enabled.php
+++ b/classes/event/readtracking_enabled.php
@@ -74,6 +74,6 @@ public static function get_name() {
* @return \moodle_url
public function get_url() {
- return new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $this->other['moodleoverflowid']));
+ return new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', ['m' => $this->other['moodleoverflowid']]);
diff --git a/classes/observer.php b/classes/observer.php
index ade917acec..6055ca99f4 100644
--- a/classes/observer.php
+++ b/classes/observer.php
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public static function user_enrolment_deleted(\core\event\user_enrolment_deleted
if ($cp->lastenrol) {
// Get the moodleoverflow instances from which the user was unenrolled from.
- $moodleoverflows = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow', array('course' => $cp->courseid), '', 'id');
+ $moodleoverflows = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow', ['course' => $cp->courseid], '', 'id');
// Do not continue if there are no connected moodleoverflow instances.
if (!$moodleoverflows) {
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ public static function role_assigned(\core\event\role_assigned $event) {
JOIN {modules} mo ON ( = cm.module)
LEFT JOIN {moodleoverflow_subscriptions} ms ON (ms.moodleoverflow = AND ms.userid = :userid)
WHERE m.course = :courseid AND m.forcesubscribe = :initial AND = 'moodleoverflow' AND IS NULL";
- $params = array('courseid' => $context->instanceid,
- 'userid' => $userid,
+ $params = ['courseid' => $context->instanceid,
+ 'userid' => $userid,
$moodleoverflows = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
// Loop through all moodleoverflows.
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ public static function course_module_created(\core\event\course_module_created $
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/lib.php');
// Create a snapshot of the created moodleoverflow record.
- $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $event->other['instanceid']));
+ $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $event->other['instanceid']]);
// Trigger the function for a created moodleoverflow instance.
moodleoverflow_instance_created($event->get_context(), $moodleoverflow);
diff --git a/classes/output/moodleoverflow_email.php b/classes/output/moodleoverflow_email.php
index b52d653be9..47f2651b9f 100644
--- a/classes/output/moodleoverflow_email.php
+++ b/classes/output/moodleoverflow_email.php
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ class moodleoverflow_email implements \renderable, \templatable {
* @var array $writablekeys
- protected $writablekeys = array(
+ protected $writablekeys = [
'viewfullnames' => true,
- );
+ ];
* Builds a renderable moodleoverflow mail.
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public function export_for_template(\renderer_base $renderer, $plaintext = false
protected function export_for_template_text(\mod_moodleoverflow_renderer $renderer) {
- return array(
+ return [
'id' => html_entity_decode($this->post->id, ENT_COMPAT),
'coursename' => html_entity_decode($this->get_coursename(), ENT_COMPAT),
'courselink' => html_entity_decode($this->get_courselink(), ENT_COMPAT),
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ protected function export_for_template_text(\mod_moodleoverflow_renderer $render
// Format some components according to the renderer.
'message' => html_entity_decode($renderer->format_message_text($this->cm, $this->post), ENT_COMPAT),
- );
+ ];
@@ -188,10 +188,10 @@ protected function export_for_template_text(\mod_moodleoverflow_renderer $render
* @param \mod_moodleoverflow_renderer $renderer The render to be used for formatting the message and attachments
- * @return stdClass Data ready for use in a mustache template
+ * @return array Data ready for use in a mustache template
protected function export_for_template_html(\mod_moodleoverflow_renderer $renderer) {
- return array(
+ return [
'id' => $this->post->id,
'coursename' => $this->get_coursename(),
'courselink' => $this->get_courselink(),
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ protected function export_for_template_html(\mod_moodleoverflow_renderer $render
// Format some components according to the renderer.
'message' => $renderer->format_message_text($this->cm, $this->post),
- );
+ ];
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ public function get_unsubscribediscussionlink() {
$url = '/mod/moodleoverflow/subscribe.php';
// Generate a link to unsubscribe from the discussion.
- $link = new \moodle_url($url, array('id' => $id, 'd' => $d));
+ $link = new \moodle_url($url, ['id' => $id, 'd' => $d]);
return $link->out(false);
@@ -292,9 +292,9 @@ public function get_courseidnumber() {
* @return string
public function get_coursefullname() {
- return format_string($this->course->fullname, true, array(
+ return format_string($this->course->fullname, true, [
'context' => \context_course::instance($this->course->id),
- ));
+ ]);
@@ -303,9 +303,9 @@ public function get_coursefullname() {
* @return string
public function get_coursename() {
- return format_string($this->course->shortname, true, array(
+ return format_string($this->course->shortname, true, [
'context' => \context_course::instance($this->course->id),
- ));
+ ]);
@@ -316,9 +316,9 @@ public function get_coursename() {
public function get_courselink() {
$link = new \moodle_url(
// Posts are viewed on the topic.
- '/course/view.php', array(
+ '/course/view.php', [
'id' => $this->course->id,
- )
+ ]
return $link->out(false);
@@ -420,9 +420,9 @@ public function is_firstpost() {
public function get_replylink() {
return new \moodle_url(
- '/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php', array(
+ '/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php', [
'reply' => $this->post->id,
- )
+ ]
@@ -437,9 +437,9 @@ public function get_unsubscribemoodleoverflowlink() {
return null;
$link = new \moodle_url(
- '/mod/moodleoverflow/subscribe.php', array(
+ '/mod/moodleoverflow/subscribe.php', [
'id' => $this->moodleoverflow->id,
- )
+ ]
return $link->out(false);
@@ -465,10 +465,10 @@ public function get_parentpostlink() {
protected function get_discussionurl() {
return new \moodle_url(
// Posts are viewed on the topic.
- '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array(
+ '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', [
// Within a discussion.
'd' => $this->discussion->id,
- )
+ ]
@@ -491,9 +491,9 @@ public function get_discussionlink() {
public function get_moodleoverflowindexlink() {
$link = new \moodle_url(
// Posts are viewed on the topic.
- '/mod/moodleoverflow/index.php', array(
+ '/mod/moodleoverflow/index.php', [
'id' => $this->course->id,
- )
+ ]
return $link->out(false);
@@ -507,9 +507,9 @@ public function get_moodleoverflowindexlink() {
public function get_moodleoverflowviewlink() {
$link = new \moodle_url(
// Posts are viewed on the topic.
- '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array(
+ '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', [
'm' => $this->moodleoverflow->id,
- )
+ ]
return $link->out(false);
@@ -526,10 +526,10 @@ public function get_authorlink() {
$link = new \moodle_url(
- '/user/view.php', array(
+ '/user/view.php', [
'id' => $this->post->userid,
'course' => $this->course->id,
- )
+ ]
return $link->out(false);
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ public function get_author_picture() {
return '';
- return $OUTPUT->user_picture($this->author, array('courseid' => $this->course->id));
+ return $OUTPUT->user_picture($this->author, ['courseid' => $this->course->id]);
diff --git a/classes/post/post.php b/classes/post/post.php
index 0046967637..b054a55595 100644
--- a/classes/post/post.php
+++ b/classes/post/post.php
@@ -262,8 +262,8 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_new_post() {
if ($this->reviewed) {
// Update the discussion.
- $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'timemodified', $this->modified, array('id' => $this->discussion));
- $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'usermodified', $this->userid, array('id' => $this->discussion));
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'timemodified', $this->modified, ['id' => $this->discussion]);
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'usermodified', $this->userid, ['id' => $this->discussion]);
// Mark the created post as read if the user is tracking the discussion.
@@ -307,10 +307,10 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
// Delete the ratings.
- $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', array('postid' => $this->id));
+ $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', ['postid' => $this->id]);
// Delete the post.
- if ($DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->id))) {
+ if ($DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $this->id])) {
// Delete the read records.
readtracking::moodleoverflow_delete_read_records(-1, $this->id);
@@ -330,14 +330,14 @@ public function moodleoverflow_delete_post($deletechildren) {
// Trigger the post deletion event.
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'context' => $context,
'objectid' => $this->id,
- 'other' => array(
+ 'other' => [
'discussionid' => $this->discussion,
- 'moodleoverflowid' => $this->get_moodleoverflow()->id
- )
- );
+ 'moodleoverflowid' => $this->get_moodleoverflow()->id,
+ ],
+ ];
if ($this->userid !== $USER->id) {
$params['relateduserid'] = $this->userid;
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_add_attachment() {
$present = ($info['filecount'] > 0) ? '1' : '';
file_save_draft_area_files($this->formattachments, $context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment', $this->id,
- $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_posts', 'attachment', $present, array('id' => $this->id));
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_posts', 'attachment', $present, ['id' => $this->id]);
@@ -453,10 +453,10 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments() {
if (empty($this->attachment) || (!$context = \context_module::instance($this->get_coursemodule()->id))) {
- return array();
+ return [];
- $attachments = array();
+ $attachments = [];
$fs = get_file_storage();
// We retrieve all files according to the time that they were created. In the case that several files were uploaded
@@ -465,18 +465,18 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_attachments() {
if ($files) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($files as $file) {
- $attachments[$i] = array();
+ $attachments[$i] = [];
$attachments[$i]['filename'] = $file->get_filename();
$mimetype = $file->get_mimetype();
$iconimage = $OUTPUT->pix_icon(file_file_icon($file),
get_mimetype_description($file), 'moodle',
- array('class' => 'icon'));
+ ['class' => 'icon']);
$path = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($file->get_contextid(), $file->get_component(), $file->get_filearea(),
$file->get_itemid(), $file->get_filepath(), $file->get_filename());
$attachments[$i]['icon'] = $iconimage;
$attachments[$i]['filepath'] = $path;
- if (in_array($mimetype, array('image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png'))) {
+ if (in_array($mimetype, ['image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png'])) {
// Image attachments don't get printed as links.
$attachments[$i]['image'] = true;
} else {
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ public function get_moodleoverflow() {
if (empty($this->moodleoverflowobject)) {
$discussion = $this->get_discussion();
- $this->moodleoverflowobject = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->get_moodleoverflowid()));
+ $this->moodleoverflowobject = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $discussion->get_moodleoverflowid()]);
return $this->moodleoverflowobject;
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ public function get_discussion() {
if (empty($this->discussionobject)) {
- $record = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $this->discussion));
+ $record = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $this->discussion]);
$this->discussionobject = discussion::from_record($record);
return $this->discussionobject;
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_parentpost() {
if (empty($this->parentpost)) {
- $parentpostrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_post', array('id' => $this->parent));
+ $parentpostrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_post', ['id' => $this->parent]);
$this->parentpost = $this->from_record($parentpostrecord);
return $this->parentpost;
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ public function moodleoverflow_get_childposts() {
global $DB;
- if ($childposts = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('parent' => $this->id))) {
+ if ($childposts = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', ['parent' => $this->id])) {
return $childposts;
diff --git a/classes/post/post_control.php b/classes/post/post_control.php
index 6e3331578d..91da39cff8 100644
--- a/classes/post/post_control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post_control.php
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
use mod_moodleoverflow\post\post;
use mod_moodleoverflow\discussion\discussion;
+use moodle_exception;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ public function detect_interaction($urlparameter) {
$this->info->deletepostid = $urlparameter->delete;
} else {
- throw new \moodle_exception('unknownaction');
+ throw new moodle_exception('unknownaction');
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ public function execute_interaction($form) {
} else if ($this->interaction == 'edit' && $form->edit == $this->prepost->postid) {
$this->execute_edit($form, $errordestination);
} else {
- throw new \moodle_exception('unexpectedinteractionerror', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
+ throw new moodle_exception('unexpectedinteractionerror', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ public function execute_interaction($form) {
public function catch_guest($postid = false, $moodleoverflowid = false) {
global $PAGE;
if ((!$postid && !$moodleoverflowid) || ($postid && $moodleoverflowid)) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('inaccurateparameter', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new moodle_exception('inaccurateparameter', 'moodleoverflow');
if ($postid) {
$this->collect_information($postid, false);
@@ -208,15 +209,13 @@ private function build_prepost_create($moodleoverflowid) {
if (enrol_selfenrol_available($this->info->course->id)) {
$SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
$SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
- redirect(new \moodle_url('/enrol/index.php',
- array('id' => $this->info->course->id,
- 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' .
- $this->info->moodleoverflow->id)),
- get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
+ redirect(new \moodle_url('/enrol/index.php', ['id' => $this->info->course->id,
+ 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $this->info->moodleoverflow->id, ]),
+ get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
// Notify the user, that he can not post a new discussion.
- throw new \moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
// Where is the user coming from?
@@ -265,17 +264,16 @@ private function build_prepost_reply($replypostid) {
$SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
$SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
redirect(new \moodle_url('/enrol/index.php',
- array('id' => $this->info->course->id,
- 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' .
- $this->info->moodleoverflow->id)),
- get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
+ ['id' => $this->info->course->id,
+ 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $this->info->moodleoverflow->id,
+ ]), get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
// Print the error message.
- throw new \moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new moodle_exception('nopostmoodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
// Make sure the user can post here.
if (!$this->info->cm->visible && !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $this->info->modulecontext)) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('activityiscurrentlyhidden');
+ throw new moodle_exception('activityiscurrentlyhidden');
// Append 'RE: ' to the discussions subject.
@@ -319,7 +317,7 @@ private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
&& $this->info->relatedpost->reviewed;
if (($beyondtime || $alreadyreviewed) && !has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost',
$this->info->modulecontext)) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('maxtimehaspassed', 'moodleoverflow', '',
+ throw new moodle_exception('maxtimehaspassed', 'moodleoverflow', '',
format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')));
@@ -330,7 +328,7 @@ private function build_prepost_edit($editpostid) {
if (!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost', $this->info->modulecontext)) {
// Display the error. Capabilities are missing.
- throw new \moodle_exception('cannoteditposts', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannoteditposts', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -393,14 +391,14 @@ private function execute_create($form, $errordestination) {
$this->prepost->subject, 0, $this->prepost->userid,
$this->prepost->timenow, $this->prepost->timenow, $this->prepost->userid);
if (!$discussion->moodleoverflow_add_discussion($this->prepost)) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
+ throw new moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
// The creation was successful.
$redirectmessage = \html_writer::tag('p', get_string("postaddedsuccess", "moodleoverflow"));
// Trigger the discussion created event.
- $params = array( 'context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $discussion->get_id());
+ $params = ['context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $discussion->get_id()];
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_created::create($params);
@@ -412,7 +410,7 @@ private function execute_create($form, $errordestination) {
// Define the location to redirect the user after successfully posting.
- $redirectto = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $form->moodleoverflow));
+ $redirectto = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', ['m' => $form->moodleoverflow]);
redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($redirectto->out()), $redirectmessage, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
@@ -430,7 +428,7 @@ private function execute_reply($form, $errordestination) {
// Create the new post.
if (!$newpostid = $this->info->discussion->moodleoverflow_add_post_to_discussion($this->prepost)) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
+ throw new moodle_exception('couldnotadd', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
// The creation was successful.
@@ -439,10 +437,11 @@ private function execute_reply($form, $errordestination) {
format_time(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime'))));
// Trigger the post created event.
- $params = array('context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $newpostid,
- 'other' => array('discussionid' => $this->prepost->discussionid,
- 'moodleoverflowid' => $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid)
- );
+ $params = ['context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $newpostid,
+ 'other' => ['discussionid' => $this->prepost->discussionid,
+ 'moodleoverflowid' => $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid,
+ ],
+ ];
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\post_created::create($params);
@@ -455,7 +454,7 @@ private function execute_reply($form, $errordestination) {
// Define the location to redirect the user after successfully posting.
$redirectto = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php',
- array('d' => $this->prepost->discussionid, 'p' => $newpostid));
+ ['d' => $this->prepost->discussionid, 'p' => $newpostid]);
redirect(\moodleoverflow_go_back_to($redirectto->out()), $redirectmessage, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
@@ -472,7 +471,7 @@ private function execute_edit($form, $errordestination) {
// Update the post.
if (!$this->info->discussion->moodleoverflow_edit_post_from_discussion($this->prepost)) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('couldnotupdate', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
+ throw new moodle_exception('couldnotupdate', 'moodleoverflow', $errordestination);
// The edit was successful.
@@ -484,24 +483,25 @@ private function execute_edit($form, $errordestination) {
$this->prepost->userid)) {
$name = get_string('anonymous', 'moodleoverflow');
} else {
- $realuser = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $this->prepost->userid));
+ $realuser = $DB->get_record('user', ['id' => $this->prepost->userid]);
$name = fullname($realuser);
$redirectmessage = get_string('editedpostupdated', 'moodleoverflow', $name);
// Trigger the post updated event.
- $params = array('context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $form->edit,
- 'other' => array('discussionid' => $this->prepost->discussionid,
- 'moodleoverflowid' => $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid),
- 'relateduserid' => $this->prepost->userid == $USER->id ? $this->prepost->userid : null
- );
+ $params = ['context' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'objectid' => $form->edit,
+ 'other' => ['discussionid' => $this->prepost->discussionid,
+ 'moodleoverflowid' => $this->prepost->moodleoverflowid,
+ ],
+ 'relateduserid' => $this->prepost->userid == $USER->id ? $this->prepost->userid : null,
+ ];
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\post_updated::create($params);
// Define the location to redirect the user after successfully editing.
$redirectto = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php',
- array('d' => $this->prepost->discussionid, 'p' => $form->edit));
+ ['d' => $this->prepost->discussionid, 'p' => $form->edit]);
redirect(moodleoverflow_go_back_to($redirectto->out()), $redirectmessage, null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS);
@@ -510,14 +510,14 @@ public function execute_delete() {
// Check if the user has the capability to delete the post.
$timepassed = time() - $this->info->relatedpost->created;
- $url = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->info->discussion->get_id()));
+ $url = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', ['d' => $this->info->discussion->get_id()]);
if (($timepassed > get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxeditingtime')) && !$this->info->deleteanypost) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
// A normal user cannot delete his post if there are direct replies.
if ($this->info->replycount && !$this->info->deleteanypost) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('cannotdeletereplies', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletereplies', 'moodleoverflow', moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url));
// Check if the post is a parent post or not.
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ public function execute_delete() {
redirect('view.php?m=' . $moodleoverflowid);
} else {
- $discussionurl = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $this->info->discussion->get_id()));
+ $discussionurl = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', ['d' => $this->info->discussion->get_id()]);
@@ -569,12 +569,13 @@ public function build_postform($pageparams) {
// Prepare the form.
$edit = $this->interaction == 'edit';
- $formarray = array( 'course' => $this->info->course, 'cm' => $this->info->cm, 'coursecontext' => $this->info->coursecontext,
- 'modulecontext' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'moodleoverflow' => $this->info->moodleoverflow,
- 'post' => $this->prepost, 'edit' => $edit);
+ $formarray = ['course' => $this->info->course, 'cm' => $this->info->cm, 'coursecontext' => $this->info->coursecontext,
+ 'modulecontext' => $this->info->modulecontext, 'moodleoverflow' => $this->info->moodleoverflow,
+ 'post' => $this->prepost, 'edit' => $edit,
+ ];
// Declare the post_form.
- $mformpost = new \mod_moodleoverflow_post_form('post.php', $formarray, 'post', '', array('id' => 'mformmoodleoverflow'));
+ $mformpost = new \mod_moodleoverflow_post_form('post.php', $formarray, 'post', '', ['id' => 'mformmoodleoverflow']);
// If the user is not the original author append an extra message to the message. (Happens when interaction = 'edit').
if ($USER->id != $this->prepost->userid) {
@@ -586,7 +587,7 @@ public function build_postform($pageparams) {
$data->name = \html_writer::tag('a', $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id' . $USER->id .
'&course=' . $this->prepost->courseid . '">' . fullname($USER));
$this->prepost->message .= \html_writer::tag('p', \html_writer::tag('span',
- get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data), array("class" => "edited")));
+ get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data), ["class" => "edited"]));
} else {
$data->name = fullname($USER);
$this->prepost->message .= "\n\n(" . get_string('editedby', 'moodleoverflow', $data) . ')';
@@ -605,13 +606,18 @@ public function build_postform($pageparams) {
// Set data for the form.
- $mformpost->set_data(array(
- 'attachments' => $draftitemid, 'general' => $heading, 'subject' => $this->prepost->subject,
- 'message' => array('text' => $this->prepost->message,
- 'format' => editors_get_preferred_format(),
- 'itemid' => $this->prepost->postid),
- 'userid' => $this->prepost->userid, 'parent' => $this->prepost->parentid, 'discussion' => $this->prepost->discussionid,
- 'course' => $this->prepost->courseid)
+ $mformpost->set_data([
+ 'attachments' => $draftitemid,
+ 'general' => $heading,
+ 'subject' => $this->prepost->subject,
+ 'message' => ['text' => $this->prepost->message,
+ 'format' => editors_get_preferred_format(),
+ 'itemid' => $this->prepost->postid, ],
+ 'userid' => $this->prepost->userid,
+ 'parent' => $this->prepost->parentid,
+ 'discussion' => $this->prepost->discussionid,
+ 'course' => $this->prepost->courseid,
+ ]
+ $pageparams
@@ -703,7 +709,7 @@ private function assemble_prepost() {
private function check_interaction($interaction) {
if ($this->interaction != $interaction) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('wronginteraction' , 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new moodle_exception('wronginteraction' , 'moodleoverflow');
return true;
@@ -717,8 +723,8 @@ private function check_interaction($interaction) {
private function check_course_exists($courseid) {
global $DB;
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid))) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
+ if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $courseid])) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
return $course;
@@ -732,7 +738,7 @@ private function check_course_exists($courseid) {
private function check_coursemodule_exists($moodleoverflowid, $courseid) {
if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflowid,
$courseid)) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
return $cm;
@@ -745,8 +751,8 @@ private function check_coursemodule_exists($moodleoverflowid, $courseid) {
private function check_moodleoverflow_exists($moodleoverflowid) {
// Get the related moodleoverflow instance.
global $DB;
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflowid))) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflowid])) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
return $moodleoverflow;
@@ -758,8 +764,8 @@ private function check_moodleoverflow_exists($moodleoverflowid) {
private function check_discussion_exists($discussionid) {
global $DB;
- if (!$discussionrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussionid))) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('invaliddiscussionid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ if (!$discussionrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $discussionid])) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invaliddiscussionid', 'moodleoverflow');
return discussion::from_record($discussionrecord);
@@ -771,8 +777,8 @@ private function check_discussion_exists($discussionid) {
private function check_post_exists($postid) {
global $DB;
- if (!$postrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $postid))) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
+ if (!$postrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $postid])) {
+ throw new moodle_exception('invalidpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
return post::from_record($postrecord);
@@ -786,7 +792,7 @@ private function check_post_exists($postid) {
private function check_user_can_create_discussion() {
if (!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:startdiscussion', $this->info->modulecontext)) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('cannotcreatediscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotcreatediscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
return true;
@@ -798,7 +804,7 @@ private function check_user_can_create_discussion() {
private function check_user_can_create_reply() {
if (!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:replypost', $this->info->modulecontext, $this->prepost->userid)) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('cannotreply', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotreply', 'moodleoverflow');
return true;
@@ -818,7 +824,7 @@ private function check_user_can_edit_post() {
$startdiscussion = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:startdiscussion', $this->info->modulecontext);
$ownpost = ($this->prepost->userid == $USER->id);
if (!(($ownpost && ($replypost || $startdiscussion)) || $editanypost)) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('cannotupdatepost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotupdatepost', 'moodleoverflow');
return true;
@@ -834,7 +840,7 @@ private function check_user_can_delete_post() {
$this->info->deleteanypost = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:deleteanypost', $this->info->modulecontext);
if (!(($this->info->relatedpost->get_userid() == $USER->id && $this->info->deleteownpost) || $this->info->deleteanypost)) {
- throw new \moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow');
+ throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletepost', 'moodleoverflow');
return true;
diff --git a/classes/post_form.php b/classes/post_form.php
index 6631f326e6..97e49d5716 100644
--- a/classes/post_form.php
+++ b/classes/post_form.php
@@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ public static function attachment_options($moodleoverflow) {
global $COURSE, $PAGE, $CFG;
$maxbytes = get_user_max_upload_file_size($PAGE->context, $CFG->maxbytes, $COURSE->maxbytes, $moodleoverflow->maxbytes);
- return array(
+ return [
'subdirs' => 0,
'maxbytes' => $maxbytes,
'maxfiles' => $moodleoverflow->maxattachments,
'accepted_types' => '*',
- );
+ ];
diff --git a/classes/privacy/data_export_helper.php b/classes/privacy/data_export_helper.php
index 750903a5ac..858ae859f0 100644
--- a/classes/privacy/data_export_helper.php
+++ b/classes/privacy/data_export_helper.php
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
namespace mod_moodleoverflow\privacy;
use core_privacy\local\request\transform;
-use \core_privacy\local\request\writer;
+use core_privacy\local\request\writer;
use mod_moodleoverflow\ratings;
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public static function export_discussion_data($userid, array $mappings) {
FROM {moodleoverflow} mof
INNER JOIN {moodleoverflow_discussions} d ON d.moodleoverflow =
LEFT JOIN {moodleoverflow_discuss_subs} dsub ON dsub.discussion =
- WHERE ${foruminsql}
+ WHERE {$foruminsql}
d.userid = :discussionuserid OR
d.usermodified = :dmuserid OR
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public static function export_discussion_data($userid, array $mappings) {
'name' => format_string($discussion->name, true),
'timemodified' => transform::datetime($discussion->timemodified),
'creator_was_you' => transform::yesno($discussion->userid == $userid),
- 'last_modifier_was_you' => transform::yesno($discussion->usermodified == $userid)
+ 'last_modifier_was_you' => transform::yesno($discussion->usermodified == $userid),
// Store the discussion content.
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public static function export_all_posts($userid, array $mappings) {
INNER JOIN {moodleoverflow_posts} p ON p.discussion =
LEFT JOIN {moodleoverflow_read} fr ON fr.postid =
LEFT JOIN {moodleoverflow_ratings} rat ON rat.postid =
- WHERE ${foruminsql} AND
+ WHERE {$foruminsql} AND
p.userid = :postuserid OR
fr.userid = :readuserid OR
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ protected static function export_all_posts_in_discussion($userid, \context $cont
$params = [
'discussionid' => $discussionid,
'readuserid' => $userid,
- 'ratinguserid' => $userid
+ 'ratinguserid' => $userid,
// Keep track of the forums which have data.
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ protected static function export_post_data($userid, \context $context, $postarea
$postdata = (object) [
'created' => transform::datetime($post->created),
'modified' => transform::datetime($post->modified),
- 'author_was_you' => transform::yesno($post->userid == $userid)
+ 'author_was_you' => transform::yesno($post->userid == $userid),
$postdata->message = writer::with_context($context)->rewrite_pluginfile_urls(
$postarea, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment', $post->id, $post->message);
@@ -285,11 +285,11 @@ protected static function export_rating_data($postid, $onlyuser, $userid) {
'userid' => $userid,
'postid' => $postid,
- $userratings = array();
+ $userratings = [];
foreach ($ownratings as $rating) {
$userratings[] = (object) [
'firstrated' => $rating->firstrated,
- 'rating' => $rating->rating
+ 'rating' => $rating->rating,
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ protected static function export_rating_data($postid, $onlyuser, $userid) {
'downvotes' => $ratingpost->downvotes,
'upvotes' => $ratingpost->upvotes,
'was_rated_as_helpful' => transform::yesno($ratingpost->ishelpful),
- 'was_rated_as_solved' => transform::yesno($ratingpost->issolved)
+ 'was_rated_as_solved' => transform::yesno($ratingpost->issolved),
$ratingdata['your_rating'] = (object) $userratings;
diff --git a/classes/privacy/provider.php b/classes/privacy/provider.php
index 139ec513c4..d1bf9e7644 100644
--- a/classes/privacy/provider.php
+++ b/classes/privacy/provider.php
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
namespace mod_moodleoverflow\privacy;
use core_privacy\local\request\approved_userlist;
-use \core_privacy\local\request\userlist;
+use core_privacy\local\request\userlist;
use core_privacy\local\metadata\collection;
use core_privacy\local\request\approved_contextlist;
use core_privacy\local\request\contextlist;
use core_privacy\local\request\writer;
-use \core_privacy\local\request\helper as request_helper;
+use core_privacy\local\request\helper as request_helper;
* Privacy Subsystem for mod_moodleoverflow implementing provider.
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public static function get_metadata(collection $collection) : collection {
'name' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discussions:name',
'userid' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discussions:userid',
'timemodified' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discussions:timemodified',
- 'usermodified' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discussions:usermodified'
+ 'usermodified' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discussions:usermodified',
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public static function get_metadata(collection $collection) : collection {
'userid' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_posts:userid',
'created' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_posts:created',
'modified' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_posts:modified',
- 'message' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_posts:message'
+ 'message' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_posts:message',
@@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ public static function get_metadata(collection $collection) : collection {
'discussionid' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_read:discussionid',
'postid' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_read:postid',
'firstread' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_read:firstread',
- 'lastread' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_read:lastread'
+ 'lastread' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_read:lastread',
'userid' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_subscriptions:userid',
- 'moodleoverflow' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_subscriptions:moodleoverflow'
+ 'moodleoverflow' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_subscriptions:moodleoverflow',
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public static function get_metadata(collection $collection) : collection {
'userid' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discuss_subs:userid',
'discussion' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discuss_subs:discussion',
- 'preference' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discuss_subs:preference'
+ 'preference' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_discuss_subs:preference',
@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ public static function get_metadata(collection $collection) : collection {
'postid' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:postid',
'rating' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:rating',
'firstrated' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:firstrated',
- 'lastchanged' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:lastchanged'
+ 'lastchanged' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_ratings:lastchanged',
'userid' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_tracking:userid',
- 'moodleoverflowid' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_tracking:moodleoverflowid'
+ 'moodleoverflowid' => 'privacy:metadata:moodleoverflow_tracking:moodleoverflowid',
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ public static function get_contexts_for_userid(int $userid) : contextlist {
'dsuserid' => $userid,
'rauserid' => $userid,
'tuserid' => $userid,
- 'guserid' => $userid
+ 'guserid' => $userid,
$contextlist = new \core_privacy\local\request\contextlist();
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ public static function export_user_data(approved_contextlist $contextlist) {
$params = [
'suserid' => $userid,
'userid' => $userid,
- 'guserid' => $userid
+ 'guserid' => $userid,
$params += $contextparams;
@@ -324,29 +324,29 @@ public static function delete_data_for_user(approved_contextlist $contextlist) {
$DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_read', [
'moodleoverflowid' => $forum->id,
- 'userid' => $userid]);
+ 'userid' => $userid, ]);
$DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', [
'moodleoverflow' => $forum->id,
- 'userid' => $userid]);
+ 'userid' => $userid, ]);
$DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', [
'moodleoverflow' => $forum->id,
- 'userid' => $userid]);
+ 'userid' => $userid, ]);
$DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_tracking', [
'moodleoverflowid' => $forum->id,
- 'userid' => $userid]);
+ 'userid' => $userid, ]);
$DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_grades', [
'moodleoverflowid' => $forum->id,
- 'userid' => $userid]);
+ 'userid' => $userid, ]);
// Do not delete ratings but reset userid.
$ratingsql = "userid = :userid AND discussionid IN
(SELECT id FROM {moodleoverflow_discussions} WHERE moodleoverflow = :forum)";
$ratingparams = [
'forum' => $forum->id,
- 'userid' => $userid
+ 'userid' => $userid,
$DB->set_field_select('moodleoverflow_ratings', 'userid', 0, $ratingsql, $ratingparams);
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ public static function delete_data_for_user(approved_contextlist $contextlist) {
$postidsql = "SELECT FROM {moodleoverflow_posts} p WHERE {$postsql}";
$postparams = [
'forum' => $forum->id,
- 'userid' => $userid
+ 'userid' => $userid,
// Delete all files from the posts.
diff --git a/classes/ratings.php b/classes/ratings.php
index 6db3641bf7..056dd64f87 100644
--- a/classes/ratings.php
+++ b/classes/ratings.php
@@ -55,30 +55,30 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_add_rating($moodleoverflow, $postid, $rati
// Is the submitted rating valid?
if (!in_array($rating, $possibleratings)) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidratingid', 'moodleoverflow');
// Get the related discussion.
- if (!$post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $postid))) {
+ if (!$post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $postid])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidparentpostid', 'moodleoverflow');
// Check if the post belongs to a discussion.
- if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $post->discussion))) {
+ if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $post->discussion])) {
throw new moodle_exception('notpartofdiscussion', 'moodleoverflow');
// Get the related course.
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course))) {
+ if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->course])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
// Are multiple marks allowed?
- $markssetting = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->id), 'allowmultiplemarks');
+ $markssetting = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id], 'allowmultiplemarks');
$multiplemarks = (bool) $markssetting->allowmultiplemarks;
// Retrieve the contexts.
@@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_add_rating($moodleoverflow, $postid, $rati
if (!isguestuser() && !is_enrolled($coursecontext)) {
$SESSION->wantsurl = qualified_me();
$SESSION->enrolcancel = get_local_referer(false);
- redirect(new \moodle_url('/enrol/index.php', array(
+ redirect(new \moodle_url('/enrol/index.php', [
'id' => $course->id,
- 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m' . $moodleoverflow->id
- )), get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
+ 'returnurl' => '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m' . $moodleoverflow->id,
+ ]), get_string('youneedtoenrol'));
// Notify the user, that he can not post a new discussion.
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_get_reputation($moodleoverflowid, $userid
// Check the moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflowid))) {
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflowid])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts) {
$parentpost = array_shift($answerposts);
// Create an empty array for the sorted posts and add the parent post.
- $sortedposts = array();
+ $sortedposts = [];
$sortedposts[0] = $parentpost;
// Check if solved posts are preferred over helpful posts.
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts) {
// Rearrange the indices and return the sorted posts.
- $neworder = array();
+ $neworder = [];
foreach ($sortedposts as $post) {
$neworder[$post->id] = $post;
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_get_rating($postid) {
global $DB;
// Retrieve the full post.
- if (!$post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $postid))) {
+ if (!$post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $postid])) {
throw new moodle_exception('postnotexist', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -448,10 +448,10 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_discussion_is_solved($discussionid, $teach
if ($teacher) {
// Check if a teacher marked a solution as solved.
- if ($DB->record_exists('moodleoverflow_ratings', array('discussionid' => $discussionid, 'rating' => 3))) {
+ if ($DB->record_exists('moodleoverflow_ratings', ['discussionid' => $discussionid, 'rating' => 3])) {
// Return the rating records.
- return $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', array('discussionid' => $discussionid, 'rating' => 3));
+ return $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', ['discussionid' => $discussionid, 'rating' => 3]);
// The teacher has not marked the discussion as solved.
@@ -459,10 +459,10 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_discussion_is_solved($discussionid, $teach
// Check if the topic starter marked a solution as helpful.
- if ($DB->record_exists('moodleoverflow_ratings', array('discussionid' => $discussionid, 'rating' => 4))) {
+ if ($DB->record_exists('moodleoverflow_ratings', ['discussionid' => $discussionid, 'rating' => 4])) {
// Return the rating records.
- return $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', array('discussionid' => $discussionid, 'rating' => 4));
+ return $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', ['discussionid' => $discussionid, 'rating' => 4]);
// The topic starter has not marked a solution as helpful.
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_get_reputation_instance($moodleoverflowid,
// Check the moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflowid))) {
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflowid])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -508,11 +508,11 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_get_reputation_instance($moodleoverflowid,
$sql .= "ORDER BY r.postid ASC";
- $params = array($userid, $userid, $moodleoverflowid);
+ $params = [$userid, $userid, $moodleoverflowid];
$records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
// Check if there are results.
- $records = (isset($records)) ? $records : array();
+ $records = (isset($records)) ? $records : [];
// Iterate through all ratings.
foreach ($records as $record) {
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_get_reputation_instance($moodleoverflowid,
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) as amount
FROM {moodleoverflow_ratings}
WHERE userid = ? AND moodleoverflowid = ? AND (rating = 1 OR rating = 2)";
- $params = array($userid, $moodleoverflowid);
+ $params = [$userid, $moodleoverflowid];
$votes = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params);
// Add reputation for the votes.
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_get_reputation_course($courseid, $userid =
$reputation = 0;
// Check if the course exists.
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid))) {
+ if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $courseid])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
@@ -595,11 +595,11 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_get_reputation_course($courseid, $userid =
FROM {moodleoverflow}
WHERE course = ?
AND coursewidereputation = 1";
- $params = array($course->id);
+ $params = [$course->id];
$instances = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
// Check if there are instances in this course.
- $instances = (isset($instances)) ? $instances : array();
+ $instances = (isset($instances)) ? $instances : [];
// Sum the reputation of each individual instance.
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ private static function moodleoverflow_check_old_rating($postid, $userid, $oldra
global $DB;
// Initiate the array.
- $rating = array();
+ $rating = [];
// Get the normal rating.
$sql = "SELECT *
@@ -705,16 +705,16 @@ private static function moodleoverflow_remove_rating($postid, $rating, $userid,
$oldrecord = self::moodleoverflow_check_old_rating($postid, $userid, $rating);
// Trigger an event.
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'objectid' => $oldrecord->id,
'context' => $modulecontext,
- );
+ ];
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\rating_deleted::create($params);
$event->add_record_snapshot('moodleoverflow_ratings', $oldrecord);
// Remove the rating record.
- return $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', array('id' => $oldrecord->id));
+ return $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', ['id' => $oldrecord->id]);
@@ -746,10 +746,10 @@ private static function moodleoverflow_add_rating_record($moodleoverflowid, $dis
$recordid = $DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_ratings', $record);
// Trigger an event.
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'objectid' => $recordid,
'context' => $mod,
- );
+ ];
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\rating_created::create($params);
@@ -777,14 +777,14 @@ private static function moodleoverflow_update_rating_record($postid, $rating, $u
WHERE id = ?";
// Trigger an event.
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'objectid' => $ratingid,
'context' => $modulecontext,
- );
+ ];
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\rating_updated::create($params);
- return $DB->execute($sql, array($postid, $userid, $rating, time(), $ratingid));
+ return $DB->execute($sql, [$postid, $userid, $rating, time(), $ratingid]);
diff --git a/classes/readtracking.php b/classes/readtracking.php
index 54a5e57e65..24d4530498 100644
--- a/classes/readtracking.php
+++ b/classes/readtracking.php
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_is_tracked($moodleoverflow, $user = null)
// Check the preferences of the user.
$userpreference = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_tracking',
- array('userid' => $user->id, 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id));
+ ['userid' => $user->id, 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id]);
// Return the boolean.
if (get_config('moodleoverflow', 'allowforcedreadtracking')) {
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_add_read_record($userid, $postid) {
$cutoffdate = $now - (get_config('moodleoverflow', 'oldpostdays') * 24 * 3600);
// Check for read records for this user an this post.
- $oldrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_read', array('postid' => $postid, 'userid' => $userid));
+ $oldrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_read', ['postid' => $postid, 'userid' => $userid]);
if (!$oldrecord) {
// If there are no old records, create a new one.
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_add_read_record($userid, $postid) {
JOIN {moodleoverflow_discussions} d ON = p.discussion
WHERE = ? AND p.modified >= ?";
- return $DB->execute($sql, array($userid, $now, $now, $postid, $cutoffdate));
+ return $DB->execute($sql, [$userid, $now, $now, $postid, $cutoffdate]);
// Else update the existing one.
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_add_read_record($userid, $postid) {
SET lastread = ?
WHERE userid = ? AND postid = ?";
- return $DB->execute($sql, array($now, $userid, $userid));
+ return $DB->execute($sql, [$now, $userid, $userid]);
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_delete_read_records($userid = -1, $postid
global $DB;
// Initiate variables.
- $params = array();
+ $params = [];
$select = '';
// Create the sql-Statement depending on the submitted parameters.
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_clean_read_records() {
FROM {moodleoverflow_posts} p
WHERE p.modified >= ? AND p.modified < ?)";
- $DB->execute($sql, array($first, $cutoffdate));
+ $DB->execute($sql, [$first, $cutoffdate]);
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_stop_tracking($moodleoverflowid, $userid =
// Check if the user already stopped to track the moodleoverflow.
- $params = array('userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflowid);
+ $params = ['userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflowid];
$isstopped = $DB->record_exists('moodleoverflow_tracking', $params);
// Stop tracking the moodleoverflow if not already stopped.
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_start_tracking($moodleoverflowid, $userid
// Delete the tracking setting of this user for this moodleoverflow.
- return $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_tracking', array('userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflowid));
+ return $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_tracking', ['userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflowid]);
@@ -446,11 +446,11 @@ public static function get_untracked_moodleoverflows($userid, $courseid) {
WHERE m.course = ? $trackingsql";
// Get all untracked moodleoverflows from the database.
- $moodleoverflows = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($userid, $courseid, $userid));
+ $moodleoverflows = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, [$userid, $courseid, $userid]);
// Check whether there are no untracked moodleoverflows.
if (!$moodleoverflows) {
- return array();
+ return [];
// Loop through all moodleoverflows.
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_count_unread_posts_moodleoverflow($cm) {
$cutoffdate = $now - (get_config('moodleoverflow', 'oldpostdays') * 24 * 60 * 60);
// Define a sql-query.
- $params = array($USER->id, $cm->instance, $cutoffdate);
+ $params = [$USER->id, $cm->instance, $cutoffdate];
FROM {moodleoverflow_posts} p
JOIN {moodleoverflow_discussions} d ON p.discussion =
diff --git a/classes/review.php b/classes/review.php
index 30b92eb71e..833969f960 100644
--- a/classes/review.php
+++ b/classes/review.php
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public static function get_short_review_info_for_discussion(int $discussionid) {
'FROM {moodleoverflow_posts} ' .
'WHERE discussion = :discussionid AND reviewed = 0 AND created < :cutofftime', [
'discussionid' => $discussionid,
- 'cutofftime' => time() - get_config('moodleoverflow', 'reviewpossibleaftertime')
+ 'cutofftime' => time() - get_config('moodleoverflow', 'reviewpossibleaftertime'),
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public static function get_first_review_post($moodleoverflowid, $afterpostid = n
$params = [
'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflowid,
- 'reviewtime' => time() - get_config('moodleoverflow', 'reviewpossibleaftertime')
+ 'reviewtime' => time() - get_config('moodleoverflow', 'reviewpossibleaftertime'),
$orderby = '';
$addwhere = '';
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public static function get_first_review_post($moodleoverflowid, $afterpostid = n
if ($record) {
return (new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', [
- 'd' => $record->discussionid
+ 'd' => $record->discussionid,
], 'p' . $record->postid))->out(false);
} else {
return null;
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ public static function count_outstanding_reviews_in_moodleoverflow($moodleoverfl
'JOIN {moodleoverflow_discussions} d ON = p.discussion ' .
'WHERE d.moodleoverflow = :moodleoverflowid AND p.created < :cutofftime AND reviewed = 0', [
'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflowid,
- 'cutofftime' => time() - get_config('moodleoverflow', 'reviewpossibleaftertime')
+ 'cutofftime' => time() - get_config('moodleoverflow', 'reviewpossibleaftertime'),
diff --git a/classes/subscriptions.php b/classes/subscriptions.php
index 8ea2981846..8799d30f5e 100644
--- a/classes/subscriptions.php
+++ b/classes/subscriptions.php
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
namespace mod_moodleoverflow;
+use context_module;
+use stdClass;
* Moodleoverflow subscription manager.
@@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ class subscriptions {
* @var array[] An array of arrays.
- protected static $moodleoverflowcache = array();
+ protected static $moodleoverflowcache = [];
* The list of moodleoverflows which have been wholly retrieved for the subscription cache.
@@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ class subscriptions {
* @var bool[]
- protected static $fetchedmoodleoverflows = array();
+ protected static $fetchedmoodleoverflows = [];
* The subscription cache for moodleoverflow discussions.
@@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ class subscriptions {
* @var array[]
- protected static $discussioncache = array();
+ protected static $discussioncache = [];
* The list of moodleoverflows which have been wholly retrieved for the discussion subscription cache.
@@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ class subscriptions {
* @var bool[]
- protected static $fetcheddiscussions = array();
+ protected static $fetcheddiscussions = [];
* Returns whether a user is subscribed to this moodleoverflow or a specific discussion within the moodleoverflow.
@@ -194,14 +197,14 @@ public static function fill_subscription_cache($moodleoverflowid, $userid = null
// Create the cache for the user.
if (!isset(self::$moodleoverflowcache[$userid])) {
- self::$moodleoverflowcache[$userid] = array();
+ self::$moodleoverflowcache[$userid] = [];
// Check if the user is subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
if (!isset(self::$moodleoverflowcache[$userid][$moodleoverflowid])) {
// Request to the database.
- $params = array('userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflowid);
+ $params = ['userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflowid];
if ($DB->record_exists('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $params)) {
self::$moodleoverflowcache[$userid][$moodleoverflowid] = true;
} else {
@@ -212,7 +215,7 @@ public static function fill_subscription_cache($moodleoverflowid, $userid = null
} else { // The request is not connected to a specific user.
// Request all records.
- $params = array('moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflowid);
+ $params = ['moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflowid];
$subscriptions = $DB->get_recordset('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $params, '', 'id, userid');
// Loop through the records.
@@ -220,7 +223,7 @@ public static function fill_subscription_cache($moodleoverflowid, $userid = null
// Create a new record if necessary.
if (!isset(self::$moodleoverflowcache[$data->userid])) {
- self::$moodleoverflowcache[$data->userid] = array();
+ self::$moodleoverflowcache[$data->userid] = [];
// Mark the subscription state.
@@ -250,7 +253,7 @@ public static function fetch_discussion_subscription($moodleoverflowid, $userid
// Create an array, if there is no record.
if (!isset(self::$discussioncache[$userid]) || !isset(self::$discussioncache[$userid][$moodleoverflowid])) {
- return array();
+ return [];
// Return the cached subscription state.
@@ -277,14 +280,14 @@ public static function fill_discussion_subscription_cache($moodleoverflowid, $us
// Create a new record if necessary.
if (!isset(self::$discussioncache[$userid])) {
- self::$discussioncache[$userid] = array();
+ self::$discussioncache[$userid] = [];
// Check if the moodleoverflow instance is already cached.
if (!isset(self::$discussioncache[$userid][$moodleoverflowid])) {
// Get all records.
- $params = array('userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflowid);
+ $params = ['userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflowid];
$subscriptions = $DB->get_recordset('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $params,
null, 'id, discussion, preference');
@@ -301,7 +304,7 @@ public static function fill_discussion_subscription_cache($moodleoverflowid, $us
// No user ID is submitted.
// Get all records.
- $params = array('moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflowid);
+ $params = ['moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflowid];
$subscriptions = $DB->get_recordset('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $params,
null, 'id, userid, discussion, preference');
@@ -329,12 +332,12 @@ private static function add_to_discussion_cache($moodleoverflowid, $userid, $dis
// Create a new array for the user if necessary.
if (!isset(self::$discussioncache[$userid])) {
- self::$discussioncache[$userid] = array();
+ self::$discussioncache[$userid] = [];
// Create a new array for the moodleoverflow if necessary.
if (!isset(self::$discussioncache[$userid][$moodleoverflowid])) {
- self::$discussioncache[$userid][$moodleoverflowid] = array();
+ self::$discussioncache[$userid][$moodleoverflowid] = [];
// Save the users preference for that discussion in this array.
@@ -356,7 +359,7 @@ public static function subscription_disabled($moodleoverflow) {
* Checks wheter the specified moodleoverflow can be subscribed to.
* @param object $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow ID
- * @param \context_module $context The module context.
+ * @param context_module $context The module context.
* @return boolean
@@ -390,7 +393,7 @@ public static function set_subscription_mode($moodleoverflowid, $status = 1) {
global $DB;
// Change the value in the database.
- return $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow', 'forcesubscribe', $status, array('id' => $moodleoverflowid));
+ return $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow', 'forcesubscribe', $status, ['id' => $moodleoverflowid]);
@@ -415,11 +418,11 @@ public static function get_unsubscribable_moodleoverflows() {
// Get courses that the current user is enrolled to.
$courses = enrol_get_my_courses();
if (empty($courses)) {
- return array();
+ return [];
// Get the IDs of all that courses.
- $courseids = array();
+ $courseids = [];
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$courseids[] = $course->id;
@@ -436,14 +439,15 @@ public static function get_unsubscribable_moodleoverflows() {
JOIN {modules} mo ON = :modulename AND = cm.module
LEFT JOIN {moodleoverflow_subscriptions} ms ON (ms.moodleoverflow = AND ms.userid = :userid)
WHERE m.forcesubscribe <> :forcesubscribe AND IS NOT NULL AND cm.course $coursesql";
- $params = array('modulename' => 'moodleoverflow',
- 'userid' => $USER->id,
+ $params = ['modulename' => 'moodleoverflow',
+ 'userid' => $USER->id,
+ ];
$mergedparams = array_merge($courseparams, $params);
$moodleoverflows = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $mergedparams);
// Loop through all of the results and add them to an array.
- $unsubscribablemoodleoverflows = array();
+ $unsubscribablemoodleoverflows = [];
foreach ($moodleoverflows as $moodleoverflow) {
$unsubscribablemoodleoverflows[] = $moodleoverflow;
@@ -456,7 +460,7 @@ public static function get_unsubscribable_moodleoverflows() {
* Get the list of potential subscribers to a moodleoverflow.
- * @param \context_module $context The moodleoverflow context.
+ * @param context_module $context The moodleoverflow context.
* @param string $fields The list of fields to return for each user.
* @param string $sort Sort order.
@@ -494,7 +498,7 @@ public static function fill_subscription_cache_for_course($courseid, $userid) {
// Create an array for the user if necessary.
if (!isset(self::$moodleoverflowcache[$userid])) {
- self::$moodleoverflowcache[$userid] = array();
+ self::$moodleoverflowcache[$userid] = [];
// Fetch a record set for all moodleoverflowids and their subscription id.
@@ -502,11 +506,11 @@ public static function fill_subscription_cache_for_course($courseid, $userid) {
FROM {moodleoverflow} m
LEFT JOIN {moodleoverflow_subscriptions} s ON (s.moodleoverflow = AND s.userid = :userid)
WHERE m.course = :course AND m.forcesubscribe <> :subscriptionforced";
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'userid' => $userid,
'course' => $courseid,
- );
+ ];
$subscriptions = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
// Loop through all records.
@@ -522,7 +526,7 @@ public static function fill_subscription_cache_for_course($courseid, $userid) {
* Returns a list of user object who are subscribed to this moodleoverflow.
* @param stdClass $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow record
- * @param \context_module $context The moodleoverflow context
+ * @param context_module $context The moodleoverflow context
* @param string $fields Requested user fields
* @param boolean $includediscussions Whether to take discussion subscriptions into consideration
@@ -616,10 +620,10 @@ public static function get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $context, $fields =
public static function reset_discussion_cache() {
// Reset the discussion cache.
- self::$discussioncache = array();
+ self::$discussioncache = [];
// Reset the fetched discussions.
- self::$fetcheddiscussions = array();
+ self::$fetcheddiscussions = [];
@@ -631,18 +635,18 @@ public static function reset_discussion_cache() {
public static function reset_moodleoverflow_cache() {
// Reset the cache.
- self::$moodleoverflowcache = array();
+ self::$moodleoverflowcache = [];
// Reset the fetched moodleoverflows.
- self::$fetchedmoodleoverflows = array();
+ self::$fetchedmoodleoverflows = [];
* Adds user to the subscriber list.
* @param int $userid The user ID
- * @param \stdClass $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow record
- * @param \context_module $context The module context
+ * @param stdClass $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow record
+ * @param context_module $context The module context
* @param bool $userrequest Whether the user requested this change themselves.
* @return bool|int Returns true if the user is already subscribed or the subscription id if successfully subscribed.
@@ -656,7 +660,7 @@ public static function subscribe_user($userid, $moodleoverflow, $context, $userr
// Create a new subscription object.
- $sub = new \stdClass();
+ $sub = new stdClass();
$sub->userid = $userid;
$sub->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
@@ -667,10 +671,10 @@ public static function subscribe_user($userid, $moodleoverflow, $context, $userr
if ($userrequest) {
// Delete all those discussion subscriptions.
- $params = array(
- 'userid' => $userid,
- 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
+ $params = ['userid' => $userid,
+ 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
+ ];
$where = 'userid = :userid AND moodleoverflow = :moodleoverflowid AND preference <> :preference';
$DB->delete_records_select('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $where, $params);
@@ -689,12 +693,12 @@ public static function subscribe_user($userid, $moodleoverflow, $context, $userr
self::$moodleoverflowcache[$userid][$moodleoverflow->id] = true;
// Trigger an subscription created event.
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'context' => $context,
'objectid' => $result,
'relateduserid' => $userid,
- 'other' => array('moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id),
- );
+ 'other' => ['moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id],
+ ];
$event = event\subscription_created::create($params);
@@ -706,8 +710,8 @@ public static function subscribe_user($userid, $moodleoverflow, $context, $userr
* Removes user from the subscriber list.
* @param int $userid The user ID.
- * @param \stdClass $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow record
- * @param \context_module $context The module context
+ * @param stdClass $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow record
+ * @param context_module $context The module context
* @param boolean $userrequest Whether the user requested this change themselves.
* @return bool Always returns true
@@ -716,26 +720,26 @@ public static function unsubscribe_user($userid, $moodleoverflow, $context, $use
global $DB;
// Check if there is a subscription record.
- $params = array('userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $params = ['userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
if ($subscription = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $params)) {
// Delete this record.
- $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', array('id' => $subscription->id));
+ $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', ['id' => $subscription->id]);
// Was the unsubscription requested by the user?
if ($userrequest) {
// Delete the discussion subscriptions as well.
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'userid' => $userid,
'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id,
- );
+ ];
$DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $params);
// Update the discussion cache.
if (isset(self::$discussioncache[$userid]) && isset(self::$discussioncache[$userid][$moodleoverflow->id])) {
- self::$discussioncache[$userid][$moodleoverflow->id] = array();
+ self::$discussioncache[$userid][$moodleoverflow->id] = [];
@@ -743,12 +747,12 @@ public static function unsubscribe_user($userid, $moodleoverflow, $context, $use
self::$moodleoverflowcache[$userid][$moodleoverflow->id] = false;
// Trigger an subscription deletion event.
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'context' => $context,
'objectid' => $subscription->id,
'relateduserid' => $userid,
- 'other' => array('moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id),
- );
+ 'other' => ['moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id],
+ ];
$event = event\subscription_deleted::create($params);
$event->add_record_snapshot('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $subscription);
@@ -763,8 +767,8 @@ public static function unsubscribe_user($userid, $moodleoverflow, $context, $use
* TODO: Refactor this function to the new way of working with discussion and posts.
* @param int $userid The user ID
- * @param \stdClass $discussion The discussion record
- * @param \context_module $context The module context
+ * @param stdClass $discussion The discussion record
+ * @param context_module $context The module context
* @return bool Whether a change was made
@@ -772,7 +776,7 @@ public static function subscribe_user_to_discussion($userid, $discussion, $conte
global $DB;
// Check if the user is already subscribed to the discussion.
- $params = array('userid' => $userid, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $params = ['userid' => $userid, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$subscription = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $params);
// Dont continue if the user is already subscribed.
@@ -781,14 +785,14 @@ public static function subscribe_user_to_discussion($userid, $discussion, $conte
// Check if the user is already subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $params = array('userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflow' => $discussion->moodleoverflow);
+ $params = ['userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflow' => $discussion->moodleoverflow];
if ($DB->record_exists('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $params)) {
// Check if the user is unsubscribed from the discussion.
if ($subscription && $subscription->preference == self::MOODLEOVERFLOW_DISCUSSION_UNSUBSCRIBED) {
// Delete the discussion preference.
- $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', array('id' => $subscription->id));
+ $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', ['id' => $subscription->id]);
} else {
@@ -808,7 +812,7 @@ public static function subscribe_user_to_discussion($userid, $discussion, $conte
} else {
// Else a new record needs to be created.
- $subscription = new \stdClass();
+ $subscription = new stdClass();
$subscription->userid = $userid;
$subscription->moodleoverflow = $discussion->moodleoverflow;
$subscription->discussion = $discussion->id;
@@ -821,12 +825,12 @@ public static function subscribe_user_to_discussion($userid, $discussion, $conte
// Create a discussion subscription created event.
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'context' => $context,
'objectid' => $subscription->id,
'relateduserid' => $userid,
- 'other' => array('moodleoverflowid' => $discussion->moodleoverflow, 'discussion' => $discussion->id),
- );
+ 'other' => ['moodleoverflowid' => $discussion->moodleoverflow, 'discussion' => $discussion->id],
+ ];
$event = event\discussion_subscription_created::create($params);
@@ -837,9 +841,9 @@ public static function subscribe_user_to_discussion($userid, $discussion, $conte
* Unsubscribes the user from the specified discussion.
- * @param int $userid The user ID
- * @param \stdClass $discussion The discussion record
- * @param \context_module $context The context module
+ * @param int $userid The user ID
+ * @param stdClass $discussion The discussion record
+ * @param context_module $context The context module
* @return bool Whether a change was made
@@ -847,7 +851,7 @@ public static function unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($userid, $discussion, $c
global $DB;
// Check the users subscription preference for this discussion.
- $params = array('userid' => $userid, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $params = ['userid' => $userid, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$subscription = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $params);
// If the user not already subscribed to the discussion, do not continue.
@@ -856,14 +860,14 @@ public static function unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($userid, $discussion, $c
// Check if the user is subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $params = array('userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflow' => $discussion->moodleoverflow);
+ $params = ['userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflow' => $discussion->moodleoverflow];
if (!$DB->record_exists('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $params)) {
// Check if the user isn't subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
if ($subscription && $subscription->preference != self::MOODLEOVERFLOW_DISCUSSION_UNSUBSCRIBED) {
// Delete the discussion subscription.
- $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', array('id' => $subscription->id));
+ $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', ['id' => $subscription->id]);
} else {
@@ -887,7 +891,7 @@ public static function unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($userid, $discussion, $c
// There is no record.
// Create a new discussion subscription record.
- $subscription = new \stdClass();
+ $subscription = new stdClass();
$subscription->userid = $userid;
$subscription->moodleoverflow = $discussion->moodleoverflow;
$subscription->discussion = $discussion->id;
@@ -902,12 +906,12 @@ public static function unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($userid, $discussion, $c
// Trigger an discussion subscription deletetion event.
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'context' => $context,
'objectid' => $subscription->id,
'relateduserid' => $userid,
- 'other' => array('moodleoverflowid' => $discussion->moodleoverflow, 'discussion' => $discussion->id),
- );
+ 'other' => ['moodleoverflowid' => $discussion->moodleoverflow, 'discussion' => $discussion->id],
+ ];
$event = event\discussion_subscription_deleted::create($params);
@@ -927,16 +931,16 @@ public static function unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($userid, $discussion, $c
* @return string
- public static function moodleoverflow_get_subscribe_link($moodleoverflow, $context, $messages = array()) {
+ public static function moodleoverflow_get_subscribe_link($moodleoverflow, $context, $messages = []) {
global $USER, $OUTPUT;
// Define strings.
- $defaultmessages = array(
+ $defaultmessages = [
'subscribed' => get_string('unsubscribe', 'moodleoverflow'),
'unsubscribed' => get_string('subscribe', 'moodleoverflow'),
'forcesubscribed' => get_string('everyoneissubscribed', 'moodleoverflow'),
'cantsubscribe' => get_string('disallowsubscribe', 'moodleoverflow'),
- );
+ ];
// Combine strings the submitted messages.
$messages = $messages + $defaultmessages;
@@ -970,7 +974,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_get_subscribe_link($moodleoverflow, $conte
// Create an options array.
- $options = array();
+ $options = [];
$options['id'] = $moodleoverflow->id;
$options['sesskey'] = sesskey();
$options['returnurl'] = 0;
@@ -979,7 +983,7 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_get_subscribe_link($moodleoverflow, $conte
// Return the link to subscribe the user.
$url = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/subscribe.php', $options);
- return $OUTPUT->single_button($url, $linktext, 'get', array('title' => $linktitle));
+ return $OUTPUT->single_button($url, $linktext, 'get', ['title' => $linktitle]);
@@ -988,9 +992,9 @@ public static function moodleoverflow_get_subscribe_link($moodleoverflow, $conte
* TODO: Refactor this function to the new way of working with discussion and posts.
* @param object $fromform The submitted form
- * @param \stdClass $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow record
- * @param \stdClass $discussion The discussion record
- * @param \context_module $modulecontext The context of the module
+ * @param stdClass $moodleoverflow The moodleoverflow record
+ * @param stdClass $discussion The discussion record
+ * @param context_module $modulecontext The context of the module
* @return bool
@@ -1046,12 +1050,12 @@ public static function get_discussion_subscription_icon($moodleoverflow, $contex
$status = self::is_subscribed($USER->id, $moodleoverflow, $context, $discussionid);
// Create a link to subscribe or unsubscribe to the discussion.
- $array = array(
+ $array = [
'sesskey' => sesskey(),
'id' => $moodleoverflow->id,
'd' => $discussionid,
'returnurl' => $returnurl,
- );
+ ];
$subscriptionlink = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/subscribe.php', $array);
// Create an icon to unsubscribe.
@@ -1062,13 +1066,13 @@ public static function get_discussion_subscription_icon($moodleoverflow, $contex
$output = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('i/subscribed', $string, 'mod_moodleoverflow');
// Return the link.
- $array = array(
+ $array = [
'title' => get_string('clicktounsubscribe', 'moodleoverflow'),
'class' => 'discussiontoggle text-muted',
'data-moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
'data-discussionid' => $discussionid,
'data-includetext' => false,
- );
+ ];
return \html_writer::link($subscriptionlink, $output, $array);
@@ -1078,13 +1082,13 @@ public static function get_discussion_subscription_icon($moodleoverflow, $contex
$output = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('i/unsubscribed', $string, 'mod_moodleoverflow');
// Return the link.
- $array = array(
+ $array = [
'title' => get_string('clicktosubscribe', 'moodleoverflow'),
'class' => 'discussiontoggle text-muted',
'data-moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
'data-discussionid' => $discussionid,
'data-includetext' => false,
- );
+ ];
return \html_writer::link($subscriptionlink, $output, $array);
diff --git a/classes/tables/userstats_table.php b/classes/tables/userstats_table.php
index 1c1e9a24a4..5b439420d4 100644
--- a/classes/tables/userstats_table.php
+++ b/classes/tables/userstats_table.php
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class userstats_table extends \flexible_table {
private $moodleoverflowid;
/** @var array table that will have objects with every user and his statistics. */
- private $userstatsdata = array();
+ private $userstatsdata = [];
/** @var \stdClass Help icon for amountofactivity-column.*/
private $helpactivity;
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public function __construct($uniqueid, $courseid, $moodleoverflow, $url) {
- 'coursereputation']);
+ 'coursereputation', ]);
get_string('userstatsupvotes', 'moodleoverflow'),
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public function __construct($uniqueid, $courseid, $moodleoverflow, $url) {
(get_string('userstatsforumactivity', 'moodleoverflow') . $this->helpactivity->object),
(get_string('userstatscourseactivity', 'moodleoverflow') . $this->helpactivity->object),
get_string('userstatsforumreputation', 'moodleoverflow'),
- get_string('userstatscoursereputation', 'moodleoverflow')]);
+ get_string('userstatscoursereputation', 'moodleoverflow'), ]);
$this->sortable(true, 'coursereputation', SORT_DESC);
@@ -267,17 +267,17 @@ public function set_helpactivity() {
$this->helpactivity->icon = \html_writer::img($this->helpactivity->iconurl,
get_string('helpamountofactivity', 'moodleoverflow'));
$this->helpactivity->class = 'helpactivityclass btn btn-link';
- $this->helpactivity->iconattributes = array('role' => 'button',
- 'data-container' => 'body',
- 'data-toggle' => 'popover',
- 'data-placement' => 'right',
- 'data-action' => 'showhelpicon',
- 'data-html' => 'true',
- 'data-trigger' => 'focus',
- 'tabindex' => '0',
- 'data-content' => '' .
- get_string('helpamountofactivity', 'moodleoverflow') .
- '
+ $this->helpactivity->iconattributes = ['role' => 'button',
+ 'data-container' => 'body',
+ 'data-toggle' => 'popover',
+ 'data-placement' => 'right',
+ 'data-action' => 'showhelpicon',
+ 'data-html' => 'true',
+ 'data-trigger' => 'focus',
+ 'tabindex' => '0',
+ 'data-content' => '' .
+ get_string('helpamountofactivity', 'moodleoverflow') .
+ '
', ];
$this->helpactivity->object = \html_writer::span($this->helpactivity->icon,
@@ -381,10 +381,10 @@ private function createstudent($user) {
$student = new \stdClass();
$student->id = $user->id;
$student->name = $user->firstname . ' ' . $user->lastname;
- $linktostudent = new \moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $student->id, 'course' => $this->courseid));
+ $linktostudent = new \moodle_url('/user/view.php', ['id' => $student->id, 'course' => $this->courseid]);
$student->link = \html_writer::link($linktostudent->out(), $student->name);
- $student->submittedposts = array(); // Posts written by the student. Key = postid, Value = postid.
- $student->ratedposts = array(); // Posts that the student rated. Key = rateid, Value = rateid.
+ $student->submittedposts = []; // Posts written by the student. Key = postid, Value = postid.
+ $student->ratedposts = []; // Posts that the student rated. Key = rateid, Value = rateid.
$student->receivedupvotes = 0;
$student->receiveddownvotes = 0;
$student->forumactivity = 0; // Number of written posts and submitted ratings in the current moodleoverflow.
diff --git a/classes/task/send_daily_mail.php b/classes/task/send_daily_mail.php
index 7c2fa1cda9..48ac7a67b2 100644
--- a/classes/task/send_daily_mail.php
+++ b/classes/task/send_daily_mail.php
@@ -52,20 +52,20 @@ public function execute() {
// Go through each user that has unread posts.
foreach ($users as $user) {
// Sorts the records with "Order by courseid".
- $userdata = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_mail_info', array('userid' => $user->userid), 'courseid, forumid');
- $mail = array();
+ $userdata = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_mail_info', ['userid' => $user->userid], 'courseid, forumid');
+ $mail = [];
// Fill the $mail array.
foreach ($userdata as $row) {
- $currentcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $row->courseid), 'fullname, id');
- $currentforum = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $row->forumid), 'name, id');
+ $currentcourse = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $row->courseid], 'fullname, id');
+ $currentforum = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $row->forumid], 'name, id');
$coursemoduleid = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $row->forumid);
- $discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $row->forumdiscussionid), 'name, id');
+ $discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $row->forumdiscussionid], 'name, id');
$unreadposts = $row->numberofposts;
// Build url to the course, forum, and discussion.
- $linktocourse = new \moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $currentcourse->id));
- $linktoforum = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('id' => $coursemoduleid->id));
- $linktodiscussion = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $discussion->id));
+ $linktocourse = new \moodle_url('/course/view.php', ['id' => $currentcourse->id]);
+ $linktoforum = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', ['id' => $coursemoduleid->id]);
+ $linktodiscussion = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', ['d' => $discussion->id]);
// Now change the url to a clickable html link.
$linktocourse = \html_writer::link($linktocourse->out(), $currentcourse->fullname);
@@ -73,19 +73,19 @@ public function execute() {
$linktodiscussion = \html_writer::link($linktodiscussion->out(), $discussion->name);
// Build a single line string with the digest information and add it to the mailarray.
- $string = get_string('digestunreadpost', 'mod_moodleoverflow', array('linktocourse' => $linktocourse,
+ $string = get_string('digestunreadpost', 'mod_moodleoverflow', ['linktocourse' => $linktocourse,
'linktoforum' => $linktoforum,
'linktodiscussion' => $linktodiscussion,
- 'unreadposts' => $unreadposts));
+ 'unreadposts' => $unreadposts, ]);
array_push($mail, $string);
// Build the final message and send it to user. Then remove the sent records.
$message = implode('
', $mail);
- $userto = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $user->userid));
+ $userto = $DB->get_record('user', ['id' => $user->userid]);
$from = \core_user::get_noreply_user();
$subject = get_string('tasksenddailymail', 'mod_moodleoverflow');
email_to_user($userto, $from, $subject, $message);
- $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_mail_info', array('userid' => $user->userid));
+ $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_mail_info', ['userid' => $user->userid]);
diff --git a/classes/task/send_mails.php b/classes/task/send_mails.php
index 268774bc29..310bbc5f88 100644
--- a/classes/task/send_mails.php
+++ b/classes/task/send_mails.php
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public function send_review_notifications() {
"ORDER BY d.course, d.moodleoverflow,",
- 'timecutoff' => time() - get_config('moodleoverflow', 'reviewpossibleaftertime')
+ 'timecutoff' => time() - get_config('moodleoverflow', 'reviewpossibleaftertime'),
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ public function send_review_notifications() {
$userswithcapability = get_users_by_capability($modulecontext, 'mod/moodleoverflow:reviewpost');
$coursecontext = \context_course::instance($course->id);
$usersenrolled = get_enrolled_users($coursecontext);
- $usersto = array();
+ $usersto = [];
foreach ($userswithcapability as $user) {
if (in_array($user, $usersenrolled)) {
array_push($usersto, $user);
diff --git a/db/access.php b/db/access.php
index bf56c9400f..1ea6074738 100644
--- a/db/access.php
+++ b/db/access.php
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
* the module version number should be bumped up.
* The system has four possible values for a capability:
- * CAP_ALLOW, CAP_PREVENT, CAP_PROHIBIT, and inherit (not set).
+ * CAP_ALLOW, CAP_PREVENT, CAP_PROHIBIT, and inherit (not set].
* It is important that capability names are unique. The naming convention
* for capabilities that are specific to modules and blocks is as follows:
@@ -47,181 +47,181 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
// Modify capabilities as needed and remove this comment.
-$capabilities = array(
- 'mod/moodleoverflow:addinstance' => array(
+$capabilities = [
+ 'mod/moodleoverflow:addinstance' => [
'riskbitmask' => RISK_XSS,
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_COURSE,
- 'archetypes' => array(
+ 'archetypes' => [
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
- 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW
- ),
- 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'moodle/course:manageactivities'
- ),
- 'mod/moodleoverflow:viewdiscussion' => array(
+ 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
+ ],
+ 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'moodle/course:manageactivities',
+ ],
+ 'mod/moodleoverflow:viewdiscussion' => [
'captype' => 'read',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE,
- 'archetypes' => array(
+ 'archetypes' => [
'frontpage' => CAP_ALLOW,
'guest' => CAP_ALLOW,
'student' => CAP_ALLOW,
'teacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
- 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW
- ),
- 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:viewdiscussion'
- ),
+ 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
+ ],
+ 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:viewdiscussion',
+ ],
- 'mod/moodleoverflow:replypost' => array(
+ 'mod/moodleoverflow:replypost' => [
'riskbitmask' => RISK_SPAM,
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE,
- 'archetypes' => array(
+ 'archetypes' => [
'student' => CAP_ALLOW,
'teacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
- 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW
- ),
- 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:replypost'
- ),
+ 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
+ ],
+ 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:replypost',
+ ],
- 'mod/moodleoverflow:startdiscussion' => array(
+ 'mod/moodleoverflow:startdiscussion' => [
'riskbitmask' => RISK_SPAM,
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE,
- 'archetypes' => array(
+ 'archetypes' => [
'student' => CAP_ALLOW,
'teacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
- 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW
- ),
- 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:startdiscussion'
- ),
+ 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
+ ],
+ 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:startdiscussion',
+ ],
- 'mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost' => array(
+ 'mod/moodleoverflow:editanypost' => [
'riskbitmask' => RISK_SPAM,
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE,
- 'archetypes' => array(
+ 'archetypes' => [
'teacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
- 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW
- ),
- 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:editanypost'
- ),
+ 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
+ ],
+ 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:editanypost',
+ ],
- 'mod/moodleoverflow:deleteownpost' => array(
+ 'mod/moodleoverflow:deleteownpost' => [
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE,
- 'archetypes' => array(
+ 'archetypes' => [
'student' => CAP_ALLOW,
'teacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
- 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW
- ),
- 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:deleteownpost'
- ),
+ 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
+ ],
+ 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:deleteownpost',
+ ],
- 'mod/moodleoverflow:deleteanypost' => array(
+ 'mod/moodleoverflow:deleteanypost' => [
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE,
- 'archetypes' => array(
+ 'archetypes' => [
'teacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
- 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW
- ),
- 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:deleteanypost'
- ),
- 'mod/moodleoverflow:ratepost' => array(
+ 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
+ ],
+ 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:deleteanypost',
+ ],
+ 'mod/moodleoverflow:ratepost' => [
'riskbitmask' => RISK_SPAM,
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE,
- 'archetypes' => array(
+ 'archetypes' => [
'student' => CAP_ALLOW,
'teacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
- 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW
- )
- ),
+ 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
+ ],
+ ],
- 'mod/moodleoverflow:marksolved' => array(
+ 'mod/moodleoverflow:marksolved' => [
'riskbitmask' => RISK_SPAM,
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE,
- 'archetypes' => array(
+ 'archetypes' => [
'student' => CAP_PROHIBIT,
'teacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
- 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW
- )
- ),
+ 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
+ ],
+ ],
- 'mod/moodleoverflow:managesubscriptions' => array(
+ 'mod/moodleoverflow:managesubscriptions' => [
'riskbitmask' => RISK_SPAM,
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE,
- 'archetypes' => array(
+ 'archetypes' => [
'teacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
- 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW
- ),
- 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:managesubscriptions'
- ),
+ 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
+ ],
+ 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:managesubscriptions',
+ ],
- 'mod/moodleoverflow:allowforcesubscribe' => array(
+ 'mod/moodleoverflow:allowforcesubscribe' => [
'captype' => 'read',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE,
- 'archetypes' => array(
+ 'archetypes' => [
'student' => CAP_ALLOW,
'teacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
- 'frontpage' => CAP_ALLOW
- ),
- 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:allowforcesubscribe'
- ),
+ 'frontpage' => CAP_ALLOW,
+ ],
+ 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:allowforcesubscribe',
+ ],
- 'mod/moodleoverflow:createattachment' => array(
+ 'mod/moodleoverflow:createattachment' => [
'riskbitmask' => RISK_SPAM,
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE,
- 'archetypes' => array(
+ 'archetypes' => [
'student' => CAP_ALLOW,
'teacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
- 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW
- ),
- 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:createattachment'
- ),
+ 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
+ ],
+ 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:createattachment',
+ ],
- 'mod/moodleoverflow:reviewpost' => array(
+ 'mod/moodleoverflow:reviewpost' => [
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE,
- 'archetypes' => array(
+ 'archetypes' => [
'teacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
- ),
- ),
+ ],
+ ],
- 'mod/moodleoverflow:movetopic' => array(
+ 'mod/moodleoverflow:movetopic' => [
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE,
- 'archetypes' => array(
+ 'archetypes' => [
'teacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
- 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW
- ),
- ),
+ 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
+ ],
+ ],
- 'mod/moodleoverflow:viewanyrating' => array(
+ 'mod/moodleoverflow:viewanyrating' => [
'riskbitmask' => RISK_PERSONAL,
'captype' => 'read',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE,
- 'archetypes' => array(
+ 'archetypes' => [
'teacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
- 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW
- ),
- 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:viewanyrating'
- ),
+ 'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
+ ],
+ 'clonepermissionsfrom' => 'mod/forum:viewanyrating',
+ ],
diff --git a/db/events.php b/db/events.php
index 77c3f0c3ec..73679479db 100644
--- a/db/events.php
+++ b/db/events.php
@@ -24,24 +24,24 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
-$observers = array(
+$observers = [
// Delete read records and subscriptions if the user is not anymore enrolled.
- array(
+ [
'eventname' => '\core\event\user_enrolment_deleted',
'callback' => 'mod_moodleoverflow_observer::user_enrolment_deleted',
- ),
+ ],
// Subscribe the user to moodleoverflows which force him to when enroling a user.
- array(
+ [
'eventname' => '\core\event\role_assigned',
'callback' => 'mod_moodleoverflow_observer::role_assigned',
- ),
+ ],
// Subscribe the user to moodleoverflows which force him to when creating an instance.
- array(
+ [
'eventname' => '\core\event\course_module_created',
'callback' => 'mod_moodleoverflow_observer::course_module_created',
- ),
+ ],
diff --git a/db/messages.php b/db/messages.php
index c03df6a673..ee2af9a367 100644
--- a/db/messages.php
+++ b/db/messages.php
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
-$messageproviders = array(
+$messageproviders = [
// Ordinary single moodleoverflow posts.
- 'posts' => array(),
+ 'posts' => [],
diff --git a/db/services.php b/db/services.php
index 1069519912..d2737001d5 100644
--- a/db/services.php
+++ b/db/services.php
@@ -24,30 +24,30 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
-$functions = array(
- 'mod_moodleoverflow_record_vote' => array(
+$functions = [
+ 'mod_moodleoverflow_record_vote' => [
'classname' => 'mod_moodleoverflow_external',
'methodname' => 'record_vote',
'classpath' => 'mod/moodleoverflow/externallib.php',
'description' => 'Records a vote and updates the reputation of a user',
'type' => 'write',
'ajax' => true,
- 'capabilities' => 'mod/moodleoverflow:ratepost'
- ),
- 'mod_moodleoverflow_review_approve_post' => array(
+ 'capabilities' => 'mod/moodleoverflow:ratepost',
+ ],
+ 'mod_moodleoverflow_review_approve_post' => [
'classname' => 'mod_moodleoverflow_external',
'methodname' => 'review_approve_post',
'classpath' => 'mod/moodleoverflow/externallib.php',
'description' => 'Approves a post',
'type' => 'write',
'ajax' => true,
- ),
- 'mod_moodleoverflow_review_reject_post' => array(
+ ],
+ 'mod_moodleoverflow_review_reject_post' => [
'classname' => 'mod_moodleoverflow_external',
'methodname' => 'review_reject_post',
'classpath' => 'mod/moodleoverflow/externallib.php',
'description' => 'Rejects a post',
'type' => 'write',
'ajax' => true,
- ),
+ ],
diff --git a/db/tasks.php b/db/tasks.php
index d7ecba65b4..0a688b84f5 100644
--- a/db/tasks.php
+++ b/db/tasks.php
@@ -24,38 +24,38 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
-$tasks = array(
+$tasks = [
// Deliver mail notification about new posts.
- array(
+ [
'classname' => 'mod_moodleoverflow\task\send_mails',
'blocking' => 0,
'minute' => '*',
'hour' => '*',
'day' => '*',
'month' => '*',
- 'dayofweek' => '*'
- ),
+ 'dayofweek' => '*',
+ ],
// Clean old read records.
- array(
+ [
'classname' => 'mod_moodleoverflow\task\clean_readrecords',
'blocking' => 0,
'minute' => '*',
'hour' => '*',
'day' => '*',
'month' => '*',
- 'dayofweek' => '*'
- ),
+ 'dayofweek' => '*',
+ ],
// Clean old read records.
- array(
+ [
'classname' => 'mod_moodleoverflow\task\send_daily_mail',
'blocking' => 0,
'minute' => '0',
'hour' => '17',
'day' => '*',
'month' => '*',
- 'dayofweek' => '*'
- )
+ 'dayofweek' => '*',
+ ],
diff --git a/db/upgrade.php b/db/upgrade.php
index eb31018162..71c9471433 100644
--- a/db/upgrade.php
+++ b/db/upgrade.php
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ function xmldb_moodleoverflow_upgrade($oldversion) {
$table->add_field('grade', XMLDB_TYPE_FLOAT, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0');
// Adding keys to table moodleoverflow_grades.
- $table->add_key('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id'));
- $table->add_key('moodleoverflowid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('moodleoverflowid'), 'moodleoverflow', array('id'));
+ $table->add_key('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, ['id']);
+ $table->add_key('moodleoverflowid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['moodleoverflowid'], 'moodleoverflow', ['id']);
// Conditionally launch create table for moodleoverflow_grades.
if (!$dbman->table_exists($table)) {
@@ -260,12 +260,11 @@ function xmldb_moodleoverflow_upgrade($oldversion) {
$table->add_field('forumdiscussionid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null);
$table->add_field('numberofposts', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null);
- $table->add_key('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id'));
- $table->add_key('userid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('userid'), 'user', array('id'));
- $table->add_key('courseid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('courseid'), 'course', array('id'));
- $table->add_key('forumid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('forumid'), 'moodleoverflow', array('id'));
- $table->add_key('forumdiscussionid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN,
- array('forumdiscussionid'), 'moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id'));
+ $table->add_key('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, ['id']);
+ $table->add_key('userid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['userid'], 'user', ['id']);
+ $table->add_key('courseid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['courseid'], 'course', ['id']);
+ $table->add_key('forumid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['forumid'], 'moodleoverflow', ['id']);
+ $table->add_key('forumdiscussionid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, ['forumdiscussionid'], 'moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id']);
// Conditionally launch create table for moodleoverflow_mail_info.
if (!$dbman->table_exists($table)) {
diff --git a/discussion.php b/discussion.php
index ed07cff8b5..135504a390 100644
--- a/discussion.php
+++ b/discussion.php
@@ -33,28 +33,28 @@
$ratedpost = optional_param('rp', 0, PARAM_INT);
// Set the URL that should be used to return to this page.
-$PAGE->set_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $d));
+$PAGE->set_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', ['d' => $d]);
// The page should not be large, only pages containing broad tables are usually.
// Check if the discussion is valid.
-if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $d))) {
+if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $d])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invaliddiscussionid', 'moodleoverflow');
// Check if the related moodleoverflow instance is valid.
-if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
+if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
// Check if the related moodleoverflow instance is valid.
-if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $discussion->course))) {
+if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $discussion->course])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
// Save the allowmultiplemarks setting.
-$marksetting = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->id), 'allowmultiplemarks');
+$marksetting = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id], 'allowmultiplemarks');
$multiplemarks = false;
if ($marksetting->allowmultiplemarks == 1) {
$multiplemarks = true;
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
if ($ratingid) {
// Rate the post.
if (!\mod_moodleoverflow\ratings::moodleoverflow_add_rating($moodleoverflow, $ratedpost, $ratingid, $cm)) {
throw new moodle_exception('ratingfailed', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -94,10 +94,10 @@
// Trigger the discussion viewed event.
-$params = array(
+$params = [
'context' => $modulecontext,
'objectid' => $discussion->id,
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_viewed::create($params);
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
$node = $forumnode->add(format_string($discussion->name),
- new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $discussion->id)));
+ new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', ['d' => $discussion->id]));
$node->display = false;
if ($node && ($post->id != $discussion->firstpost)) {
$node->add(format_string($post->subject), $PAGE->url);
diff --git a/externallib.php b/externallib.php
index 22255637cd..c56375b6ed 100644
--- a/externallib.php
+++ b/externallib.php
@@ -46,25 +46,25 @@ class mod_moodleoverflow_external extends external_api {
public static function record_vote_parameters() {
return new external_function_parameters(
- array(
+ [
'postid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'id of post'),
- 'ratingid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'rating')
- )
+ 'ratingid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'rating'),
+ ]
* Returns the result of the vote (new rating and reputations).
- * @return external_multiple_structure
+ * @return external_single_structure
public static function record_vote_returns() {
return new external_single_structure(
- array(
+ [
'postrating' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'new post rating'),
'ownerreputation' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'new reputation of post owner'),
'raterreputation' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'new reputation of rater'),
'ownerid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'user id of post owner'),
- )
+ ]
@@ -79,27 +79,27 @@ public static function record_vote($postid, $ratingid) {
global $DB, $USER;
// Parameter validation.
- $params = self::validate_parameters(self::record_vote_parameters(), array(
+ $params = self::validate_parameters(self::record_vote_parameters(), [
'postid' => $postid,
'ratingid' => $ratingid,
- ));
+ ]);
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
- $post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $params['postid']), '*', MUST_EXIST);
+ $post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $params['postid']], '*', MUST_EXIST);
// Check if the discussion is valid.
- if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $post->discussion))) {
+ if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $post->discussion])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invaliddiscussionid', 'moodleoverflow');
// Check if the related moodleoverflow instance is valid.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
// Check if the related moodleoverflow instance is valid.
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $discussion->course))) {
+ if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $discussion->course])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public static function record_vote($postid, $ratingid) {
public static function review_approve_post_parameters() {
return new external_function_parameters([
- 'postid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'id of post')
+ 'postid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'id of post'),
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public static function review_approve_post($postid) {
public static function review_reject_post_parameters() {
return new external_function_parameters([
'postid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'id of post'),
- 'reason' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'reason of rejection')
+ 'reason' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'reason of rejection'),
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index 49e454e495..7f5bc9ff7e 100644
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
// Require needed files.
require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/course/lib.php');
// Fetch submitted parameters.
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@
$subscribe = optional_param('subscribe', null, PARAM_INT);
// Set an url to go back to the page.
-$url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/index.php', array('id' => $id));
+$url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/index.php', ['id' => $id]);
// Check whether the subscription parameter was set.
if ($subscribe !== null) {
@@ -44,7 +46,7 @@
// Check if the id is related to a valid course.
-if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $id))) {
+if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $id])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
@@ -55,15 +57,13 @@
// Trigger the course module instace lise viewed evewnt.
-$params = array(
- 'context' => context_course::instance($course->id)
+$params = ['context' => context_course::instance($course->id)];
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\course_module_instance_list_viewed::create($params);
$event->add_record_snapshot('course', $course);
// Cache some strings.
-$string = array();
+$string = [];
$string['moodleoverflow'] = get_string('moodleoverflow', 'moodleoverflow');
$string['moodleoverflows'] = get_string('moodleoverflows', 'moodleoverflow');
$string['modulenameplural'] = get_string('modulenameplural', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@
// Begin to print a table for the general area.
$generaltable = new html_table();
-$generaltable->head = array($string['moodleoverflow'], $string['description'], $string['discussions']);
-$generaltable->align = array('left', 'left', 'center');
+$generaltable->head = [$string['moodleoverflow'], $string['description'], $string['discussions']];
+$generaltable->align = ['left', 'left', 'center'];
// Check whether moodleoverflows can be tracked.
$cantrack = \mod_moodleoverflow\readtracking::moodleoverflow_can_track_moodleoverflows();
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
// Initiate tables and variables.
$table = new html_table();
-$generalmoodleoverflows = array();
+$generalmoodleoverflows = [];
$modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
$showsubscriptioncolumns = false;
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
$sql = "SELECT m.*
FROM {moodleoverflow} m
WHERE m.course = ?";
-$moodleoverflows = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($course->id));
+$moodleoverflows = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, [$course->id]);
// Loop through allmoodleoverflows.
foreach ($modinfo->get_instances_of('moodleoverflow') as $moodleoverflowid => $cm) {
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
if (isguestuser() || !$showsubscriptioncolumns) {
// Redirect the user back.
- $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/index.php', array('id' => $id));
+ $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/index.php', ['id' => $id]);
$notification = \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_ERROR;
redirect($url, $string['subscribeenrolledonly'], null, $notification);
@@ -210,11 +210,11 @@
// Create an url to return the user back to.
- $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/index.php', array('id' => $id));
+ $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/index.php', ['id' => $id]);
$returnto = moodleoverflow_go_back_to($url);
// Prepare the message to be displayed.
- $shortname = format_string($course->shortname, true, array('context' => context_course::instance($course->id)));
+ $shortname = format_string($course->shortname, true, ['context' => context_course::instance($course->id)]);
$notification = \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS;
// Redirect the user depending on the subscription state.
@@ -291,15 +291,15 @@
// Tracking is optional.
// Define the url the button is linked to.
- $trackingurlparams = array('id' => $moodleoverflow->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey());
+ $trackingurlparams = ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()];
$trackingurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/tracking.php', $trackingurlparams);
// Check whether the moodleoverflow instance is tracked.
if (!isset($untracked[$moodleoverflow->id])) {
- $trackingparam = array('title' => $string['notrackmoodleoverflow']);
+ $trackingparam = ['title' => $string['notrackmoodleoverflow']];
$trackedlink = $OUTPUT->single_button($trackingurl, $string['yes'], 'post', $trackingparam);
} else {
- $trackingparam = array('title' => $string['trackmoodleoverflow']);
+ $trackingparam = ['title' => $string['trackmoodleoverflow']];
$trackedlink = $OUTPUT->single_button($trackingurl, $string['no'], 'post', $trackingparam);
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
$discussionlink = "id\" $style>" . $count . "";
// Create rows.
- $row = array($moodleoverflowlink, $moodleoverflow->intro, $discussionlink);
+ $row = [$moodleoverflowlink, $moodleoverflow->intro, $discussionlink];
// Add the tracking information to the rows.
if ($cantrack) {
@@ -335,12 +335,12 @@
if ($showsubscriptioncolumns) {
// Set options to create the subscription link.
- $suboptions = array(
+ $suboptions = [
'subscribed' => $string['yes'],
'unsubscribed' => $string['no'],
'forcesubscribed' => $string['yes'],
'cantsubscribe' => '-',
- );
+ ];
// Add the subscription link to the row.
$row[] = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::moodleoverflow_get_subscribe_link($moodleoverflow,
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@
echo $OUTPUT->box_start('subscription');
// Create the subscription link.
- $urlparams = array('id' => $course->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey());
+ $urlparams = ['id' => $course->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()];
$subscriptionlink = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/index.php', $urlparams);
// Give the option to subscribe to all.
diff --git a/lib.php b/lib.php
index 28eb3fa794..790ee26170 100644
--- a/lib.php
+++ b/lib.php
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_update_instance(stdClass $moodleoverflow, mod_moodleover
$moodleoverflow->id = $moodleoverflow->instance;
// Get the old record.
- $oldmoodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->id));
+ $oldmoodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id]);
// Find the context of the module.
$modulecontext = context_module::instance($moodleoverflow->coursemodule);
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_refresh_events($courseid = 0) {
return true;
} else {
- if (!$moodleoverflows = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow', array('course' => $courseid))) {
+ if (!$moodleoverflows = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow', ['course' => $courseid])) {
return true;
@@ -261,13 +261,13 @@ function moodleoverflow_delete_instance($id) {
$result = true;
// Get the needed objects.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $id))) {
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $id])) {
return false;
if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id)) {
return false;
- if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course))) {
+ if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $cm->course])) {
return false;
@@ -279,12 +279,12 @@ function moodleoverflow_delete_instance($id) {
// Delete the subscription elements.
- $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', array('moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id));
- $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', array('moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id));
- $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_grades', array('moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id));
+ $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', ['moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id]);
+ $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', ['moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id]);
+ $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_grades', ['moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id]);
// Delete the discussion recursivly.
- if ($discussions = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id))) {
+ if ($discussions = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id])) {
foreach ($discussions as $discussion) {
if (!moodleoverflow_delete_discussion($discussion, $course, $cm, $moodleoverflow)) {
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_delete_instance($id) {
\mod_moodleoverflow\readtracking::moodleoverflow_delete_read_records(-1, -1, -1, $moodleoverflow->id);
// Delete the moodleoverflow instance.
- if (!$DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->id))) {
+ if (!$DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id])) {
$result = false;
@@ -345,13 +345,13 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_recent_activity($course, $viewfullnames, $timestar
* Returns all other caps used in the module.
- * For example, this could be array('moodle/site:accessallgroups') if the
+ * For example, this could be ['moodle/site:accessallgroups'] if the
* module uses that capability.
* @return array
function moodleoverflow_get_extra_capabilities() {
- return array();
+ return [];
/* File API */
@@ -369,10 +369,10 @@ function moodleoverflow_get_extra_capabilities() {
* @return array of [(string)filearea] => (string)description
function moodleoverflow_get_file_areas($course, $cm, $context) {
- return array(
+ return [
'attachment' => get_string('areaattachment', 'mod_moodleoverflow'),
'post' => get_string('areapost', 'mod_moodleoverflow'),
- );
+ ];
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_get_file_info($browser, $areas, $course, $cm, $context,
* @param bool $forcedownload whether or not force download
* @param array $options additional options affecting the file serving
-function moodleoverflow_pluginfile($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload, array $options = array()) {
+function moodleoverflow_pluginfile($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload, array $options = []) {
global $DB, $CFG;
if ($context->contextlevel != CONTEXT_MODULE) {
return false;
@@ -428,13 +428,13 @@ function moodleoverflow_pluginfile($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $fo
$itemid = array_pop($args);
// Check if post, discussion or moodleoverflow still exists.
- if (!$post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $itemid))) {
+ if (!$post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $itemid])) {
return false;
- if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $post->discussion))) {
+ if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $post->discussion])) {
return false;
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $cm->instance))) {
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $cm->instance])) {
return false;
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_extend_settings_navigation(settings_navigation $settings
global $CFG, $DB, $PAGE, $USER;
// Retrieve the current moodle record.
- $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $PAGE->cm->instance));
+ $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $PAGE->cm->instance]);
// Check if the user can subscribe to the instance.
$enrolled = is_enrolled($PAGE->cm->context, $USER, '', false);
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_extend_settings_navigation(settings_navigation $settings
// Generate the link.
$url = '/mod/moodleoverflow/index.php';
- $params = array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course);
+ $params = ['id' => $moodleoverflow->course];
$link = new moodle_url($url, $params);
// Add the link to the menu.
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_extend_settings_navigation(settings_navigation $settings
// Add the link to the menu.
- $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/subscribe.php', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
+ $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/subscribe.php', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()]);
$moodleoverflownode->add($linktext, $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_extend_settings_navigation(settings_navigation $settings
// Generate the link.
$url = '/mod/moodleoverflow/tracking.php';
- $params = array('id' => $moodleoverflow->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey());
+ $params = ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()];
$link = new moodle_url($url, $params);
// Add the link to the menu.
@@ -607,19 +607,19 @@ function moodleoverflow_send_mails() {
$textout = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_moodleoverflow', 'email', 'textemail');
// Initiate the arrays that are saving the users that are subscribed to posts that needs sending.
- $users = array();
+ $users = [];
$userscount = 0; // Count($users) is slow. This avoids using this.
// Status arrays.
- $mailcount = array();
- $errorcount = array();
+ $mailcount = [];
+ $errorcount = [];
// Cache arrays.
- $discussions = array();
- $moodleoverflows = array();
- $courses = array();
- $coursemodules = array();
- $subscribedusers = array();
+ $discussions = [];
+ $moodleoverflows = [];
+ $courses = [];
+ $coursemodules = [];
+ $subscribedusers = [];
// Posts older than x days will not be mailed.
// This will avoid problems with the cron not beeing ran for a long time.
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_send_mails() {
if (!isset($discussions[$discussionid])) {
// Retrieve the discussion from the database.
- $discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $post->discussion));
+ $discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $post->discussion]);
// If there is a record, update the cache. Else ignore the post.
if ($discussion) {
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_send_mails() {
if (!isset($moodleoverflows[$moodleoverflowid])) {
// Retrieve the record from the database and update the cache.
- $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflowid));
+ $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflowid]);
if ($moodleoverflow) {
$moodleoverflows[$moodleoverflowid] = $moodleoverflow;
} else {
@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_send_mails() {
if (!isset($courses[$courseid])) {
// Retrieve the record from the database and update the cache.
- $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid));
+ $course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $courseid]);
if ($course) {
$courses[$courseid] = $course;
} else {
@@ -748,9 +748,9 @@ function moodleoverflow_send_mails() {
mtrace('Processing user ' . $userto->id);
// Initiate the user caches to save memory.
$userto = clone($userto);
- $userto->ciewfullnames = array();
- $userto->canpost = array();
- $userto->markposts = array();
+ $userto->ciewfullnames = [];
+ $userto->canpost = [];
+ $userto->markposts = [];
// Cache the capabilities of the user.
// Check for moodle version. Version 401 supported until 8 December 2025.
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_send_mails() {
// Reset the caches.
foreach ($coursemodules as $moodleoverflowid => $unused) {
$coursemodules[$moodleoverflowid]->cache = new stdClass();
- $coursemodules[$moodleoverflowid]->cache->caps = array();
+ $coursemodules[$moodleoverflowid]->cache->caps = [];
@@ -787,10 +787,10 @@ function moodleoverflow_send_mails() {
$dataobject->forumid = $moodleoverflow->id;
$dataobject->forumdiscussionid = $discussion->id;
$record = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_mail_info',
- array('userid' => $dataobject->userid,
+ ['userid' => $dataobject->userid,
'courseid' => $dataobject->courseid,
'forumid' => $dataobject->forumid,
- 'forumdiscussionid' => $dataobject->forumdiscussionid),
+ 'forumdiscussionid' => $dataobject->forumdiscussionid, ],
'numberofposts, id');
if (is_object($record)) {
$dataset = $record;
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_send_mails() {
// We dont know the the user yet.
// Retrieve the user from the database.
- $userfrom = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $post->userid));
+ $userfrom = $DB->get_record('user', ['id' => $post->userid]);
if ($userfrom) {
} else {
@@ -886,11 +886,11 @@ function moodleoverflow_send_mails() {
// Preapare to actually send the post now. Build up the content.
$cleanname = str_replace('"', "'", strip_tags(format_string($moodleoverflow->name)));
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
- $shortname = format_string($course->shortname, true, array('context' => $coursecontext));
+ $shortname = format_string($course->shortname, true, ['context' => $coursecontext]);
// Define a header to make mails easier to track.
$emailmessageid = generate_email_messageid('moodlemoodleoverflow' . $moodleoverflow->id);
- $userfrom->customheaders = array(
+ $userfrom->customheaders = [
'List-Id: "' . $cleanname . '" ' . $emailmessageid,
'List-Help: ' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?m=' . $moodleoverflow->id,
'Message-ID: ' . generate_email_messageid(hash('sha256', $post->id . 'to' . $userto->id)),
@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_send_mails() {
'Precedence: Bulk',
'X-Auto-Response-Suppress: All',
'Auto-Submitted: auto-generated',
- );
+ ];
// Cache the users capabilities.
if (!isset($userto->canpost[$discussion->id])) {
@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_send_mails() {
// Generate the url to view the post.
$url = '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php';
- $params = array('d' => $discussion->id);
+ $params = ['d' => $discussion->id];
$contexturl = new moodle_url($url, $params, 'p' . $post->id);
$eventdata->contexturl = $contexturl->out();
$eventdata->contexturlname = $discussion->name;
@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_send_mails() {
// Mark the posts with errors in the database.
if ($errorcount[$post->id]) {
- $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_posts', 'mailed', MOODLEOVERFLOW_MAILED_ERROR, array('id' => $post->id));
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_posts', 'mailed', MOODLEOVERFLOW_MAILED_ERROR, ['id' => $post->id]);
@@ -1046,7 +1046,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_get_unmailed_posts($starttime, $endtime) {
global $DB;
// Set params for the sql query.
- $params = array();
+ $params = [];
$params['ptimestart'] = $starttime;
$params['ptimeend'] = $endtime;
@@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_mark_old_posts_as_mailed($endtime) {
$now = time();
// Define variables for the sql query.
- $params = array();
+ $params = [];
$params['mailedsuccess'] = MOODLEOVERFLOW_MAILED_SUCCESS;
$params['mailedreviewsent'] = MOODLEOVERFLOW_MAILED_REVIEW_SUCCESS;
$params['now'] = $now;
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_can_create_attachment($moodleoverflow, $context) {
function moodleoverflow_get_user_grades($moodleoverflow, $userid=0) {
global $CFG, $DB;
- $params = array("moodleoverflowid" => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $params = ["moodleoverflowid" => $moodleoverflow->id];
$sql = "SELECT AS userid, g.grade AS rawgrade
FROM {user} u, {moodleoverflow_grades} g
@@ -1238,7 +1238,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_grade_item_update($moodleoverflow, $grades=null) {
- $params = array('itemname' => $moodleoverflow->name, 'idnumber' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $params = ['itemname' => $moodleoverflow->name, 'idnumber' => $moodleoverflow->id];
if ($moodleoverflow->grademaxgrade <= 0) {
$params['gradetype'] = GRADE_TYPE_NONE;
@@ -1280,6 +1280,6 @@ function moodleoverflow_get_fontawesome_icon_map() {
'mod_moodleoverflow:i/subscribed' => 'fa-bell moodleoverflow-icon-1_5x',
'mod_moodleoverflow:i/unsubscribed' => 'fa-bell-slash-o moodleoverflow-icon-1_5x',
'mod_moodleoverflow:i/vote-up' => 'fa-chevron-up moodleoverflow-icon-2x moodleoverflow-icon-no-margin',
- 'mod_moodleoverflow:i/vote-down' => 'fa-chevron-down moodleoverflow-icon-2x moodleoverflow-icon-no-margin'
+ 'mod_moodleoverflow:i/vote-down' => 'fa-chevron-down moodleoverflow-icon-2x moodleoverflow-icon-no-margin',
diff --git a/locallib.php b/locallib.php
index 98b4451ba9..d6eb0d64d1 100644
--- a/locallib.php
+++ b/locallib.php
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_get_discussions($cm, $page = -1, $perpage = 0) {
// User must have the permission to view the discussions.
$modcontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
if (!capabilities::has(capabilities::VIEW_DISCUSSION, $modcontext)) {
- return array();
+ return [];
// Filter some defaults.
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_latest_discussions($moodleoverflow, $cm, $page = -
$userstatsbuttontext = get_string('seeuserstats', 'moodleoverflow');
$userstatsbuttonurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/userstats.php', ['id' => $cm->id,
'courseid' => $moodleoverflow->course,
- 'mid' => $moodleoverflow->id]);
+ 'mid' => $moodleoverflow->id, ]);
$userstatsbutton = new single_button($userstatsbuttonurl, $userstatsbuttontext, 'get');
$userstatsbutton->class = 'singlebutton align-middle m-2';
echo $OUTPUT->render($userstatsbutton);
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_latest_discussions($moodleoverflow, $cm, $page = -
$unreads = moodleoverflow_get_discussions_unread($cm);
$markallread = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/markposts.php?m=' . $moodleoverflow->id;
} else {
- $unreads = array();
+ $unreads = [];
$markallread = null;
@@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_latest_discussions($moodleoverflow, $cm, $page = -
// Iterate through every visible discussion.
$i = 0;
- $preparedarray = array();
+ $preparedarray = [];
foreach ($discussions as $discussion) {
- $preparedarray[$i] = array();
+ $preparedarray[$i] = [];
// Handle anonymized discussions.
if ($discussion->userid == 0) {
@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_latest_discussions($moodleoverflow, $cm, $page = -
} else {
// Get his picture, his name and the link to his profile.
- $preparedarray[$i]['picture'] = $OUTPUT->user_picture($startuser, array('courseid' => $moodleoverflow->course,
- 'link' => false));
+ $preparedarray[$i]['picture'] = $OUTPUT->user_picture($startuser, ['courseid' => $moodleoverflow->course,
+ 'link' => false, ]);
$preparedarray[$i]['username'] = fullname($startuser, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context));
$preparedarray[$i]['userlink'] = $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' .
$discussion->userid . '&course=' . $moodleoverflow->course;
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_latest_discussions($moodleoverflow, $cm, $page = -
$reviewinfo = review::get_short_review_info_for_discussion($discussion->discussion);
$preparedarray[$i]['needreview'] = $reviewinfo->count;
$preparedarray[$i]['reviewlink'] = (new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', [
- 'd' => $discussion->discussion
+ 'd' => $discussion->discussion,
], 'p' . $reviewinfo->first))->out(false);
@@ -457,10 +457,10 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_latest_discussions($moodleoverflow, $cm, $page = -
function moodleoverflow_print_forum_list($course, $cm, $movetopopup) {
global $CFG, $DB, $PAGE;
- $forumarray = array(array());
- $currentforum = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $movetopopup), 'moodleoverflow');
- $currentdiscussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $movetopopup), 'name');
- $forums = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow', array('course' => $course->id));
+ $forumarray = [[]];
+ $currentforum = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $movetopopup], 'moodleoverflow');
+ $currentdiscussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $movetopopup], 'name');
+ $forums = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow', ['course' => $course->id]);
$amountforums = count($forums);
if ($amountforums > 1) {
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_get_discussions_unread($cm) {
$params = [
'userid' => $USER->id,
'instance' => $cm->instance,
- 'cutoffdate' => $cutoffdate
+ 'cutoffdate' => $cutoffdate,
if (!has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:reviewpost', $modcontext)) {
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_get_discussions_unread($cm) {
} else {
// If there are no unread messages, return an empty array.
- return array();
+ return [];
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_get_post_full($postid) {
JOIN {moodleoverflow_discussions} d ON p.discussion =
LEFT JOIN {user} u ON p.userid =
WHERE = :postid";
- $params = array();
+ $params = [];
$params['postid'] = $postid;
$post = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params);
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_user_can_see_post($moodleoverflow, $discussion, $post, $
// Fetch the moodleoverflow instance object.
if (is_numeric($moodleoverflow)) {
debugging('missing full moodleoverflow', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow))) {
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflow])) {
return false;
@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_user_can_see_post($moodleoverflow, $discussion, $post, $
// Fetch the discussion object.
if (is_numeric($discussion)) {
debugging('missing full discussion', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
- if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussion))) {
+ if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $discussion])) {
return false;
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_user_can_see_post($moodleoverflow, $discussion, $post, $
// Fetch the post object.
if (is_numeric($post)) {
debugging('missing full post', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
- if (!$post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $post))) {
+ if (!$post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $post])) {
return false;
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_user_can_see_discussion($moodleoverflow, $discussion, $c
// Retrieve the moodleoverflow object.
if (is_numeric($moodleoverflow)) {
debugging('missing full moodleoverflow', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow))) {
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflow])) {
return false;
@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_user_can_see_discussion($moodleoverflow, $discussion, $c
// Retrieve the discussion object.
if (is_numeric($discussion)) {
debugging('missing full discussion', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
- if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussion))) {
+ if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $discussion])) {
return false;
@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($discussion, $modulecontext, $userid = nu
// as a real post. The discussion links to it.
// Retrieve the module instance.
- if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow))) {
+ if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow])) {
return false;
@@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($discussion, $modulecontext, $userid = nu
$post->discussion = $DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $discussionobject);
// Link the post to the discussion.
- $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_posts', 'discussion', $post->discussion, array('id' => $post->id));
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_posts', 'discussion', $post->discussion, ['id' => $post->id]);
moodleoverflow_add_attachment($post, $moodleoverflow, $cm);
@@ -862,10 +862,10 @@ function moodleoverflow_add_discussion($discussion, $modulecontext, $userid = nu
// Trigger event.
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'context' => $modulecontext,
'objectid' => $post->discussion,
- );
+ ];
$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\discussion_viewed::create($params);
@@ -1017,10 +1017,10 @@ function moodleoverflow_get_all_discussion_posts($discussionid, $tracking, $modc
global $DB, $USER, $CFG;
// Initiate tracking settings.
- $params = array();
+ $params = [];
$trackingselector = "";
$trackingjoin = "";
- $params = array();
+ $params = [];
// If tracking is enabled, another join is needed.
if ($tracking) {
@@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_get_all_discussion_posts($discussionid, $tracking, $modc
// Return an empty array, if there are no posts.
if (!$posts = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params)) {
- return array();
+ return [];
// Load all ratings.
@@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_get_all_discussion_posts($discussionid, $tracking, $modc
// Create the children array.
if (!isset($posts[$post->parent]->children)) {
- $posts[$post->parent]->children = array();
+ $posts[$post->parent]->children = [];
// Increase the level of the current post.
@@ -1205,7 +1205,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_post($post, $discussion, $moodleoverflow, $cm, $co
// Get the current link without unnecessary parameters.
- $discussionlink = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $post->discussion));
+ $discussionlink = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', ['d' => $post->discussion]);
// Build the object that represents the posting user.
$postinguser = new stdClass();
@@ -1221,19 +1221,19 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_post($post, $discussion, $moodleoverflow, $cm, $co
$postinguser->id = null;
if ($post->userid == $USER->id) {
$postinguser->fullname = get_string('anonym_you', 'mod_moodleoverflow');
- $postinguser->profilelink = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $post->userid, 'course' => $course->id));
+ $postinguser->profilelink = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', ['id' => $post->userid, 'course' => $course->id]);
} else {
$postinguser->fullname = $usermapping[(int) $post->userid];
$postinguser->profilelink = null;
} else {
$postinguser->fullname = fullname($postinguser, capabilities::has('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $modulecontext));
- $postinguser->profilelink = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $post->userid, 'course' => $course->id));
+ $postinguser->profilelink = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', ['id' => $post->userid, 'course' => $course->id]);
$postinguser->id = $post->userid;
// Prepare an array of commands.
- $commands = array();
+ $commands = [];
// Create a permalink.
$permalink = new moodle_url($discussionlink);
@@ -1255,15 +1255,15 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_post($post, $discussion, $moodleoverflow, $cm, $co
$link = '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php';
if ($post->markedhelpful) {
$commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->marknothelpful,
- array('class' => 'markhelpful onlyifreviewed', 'role' => 'button', 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'helpful'));
+ ['class' => 'markhelpful onlyifreviewed', 'role' => 'button', 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'helpful']);
} else {
// If there are already marked posts, change the string of the button.
if ($helpfulposts) {
$commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->alsomarkhelpful,
- array('class' => 'markhelpful onlyifreviewed', 'role' => 'button', 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'helpful'));
+ ['class' => 'markhelpful onlyifreviewed', 'role' => 'button', 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'helpful']);
} else {
$commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->markhelpful,
- array('class' => 'markhelpful onlyifreviewed', 'role' => 'button', 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'helpful'));
+ ['class' => 'markhelpful onlyifreviewed', 'role' => 'button', 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'helpful']);
@@ -1277,15 +1277,15 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_post($post, $discussion, $moodleoverflow, $cm, $co
$link = '/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php';
if ($post->markedsolution) {
$commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->marknotsolved,
- array('class' => 'marksolved onlyifreviewed', 'role' => 'button', 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'solved'));
+ ['class' => 'marksolved onlyifreviewed', 'role' => 'button', 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'solved']);
} else {
// If there are already marked posts, change the string of the button.
if ($solvedposts) {
$commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->alsomarksolved,
- array('class' => 'marksolved onlyifreviewed', 'role' => 'button', 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'solved'));
+ ['class' => 'marksolved onlyifreviewed', 'role' => 'button', 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'solved']);
} else {
$commands[] = html_writer::tag('a', $str->marksolved,
- array('class' => 'marksolved onlyifreviewed', 'role' => 'button', 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'solved'));
+ ['class' => 'marksolved onlyifreviewed', 'role' => 'button', 'data-moodleoverflow-action' => 'solved']);
@@ -1298,8 +1298,8 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_post($post, $discussion, $moodleoverflow, $cm, $co
(!review::should_post_be_reviewed($post, $moodleoverflow) || !$post->reviewed))
|| capabilities::has(capabilities::EDIT_ANY_POST, $modulecontext)
) {
- $editurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php', array('edit' => $post->id));
- $commands[] = array('url' => $editurl, 'text' => $str->edit);
+ $editurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php', ['edit' => $post->id]);
+ $commands[] = ['url' => $editurl, 'text' => $str->edit];
// Give the option to delete a post.
@@ -1308,30 +1308,30 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_post($post, $discussion, $moodleoverflow, $cm, $co
capabilities::has(capabilities::DELETE_ANY_POST, $modulecontext)) {
$link = '/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php';
- $commands[] = array('url' => new moodle_url($link, array('delete' => $post->id)), 'text' => $str->delete);
+ $commands[] = ['url' => new moodle_url($link, ['delete' => $post->id]), 'text' => $str->delete];
// Give the option to reply to a post.
if (moodleoverflow_user_can_post($modulecontext, $post, false)) {
$attributes = [
- 'class' => 'onlyifreviewed'
+ 'class' => 'onlyifreviewed',
// Answer to the parent post.
if (empty($post->parent)) {
- $replyurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php#mformmoodleoverflow', array('reply' => $post->id));
- $commands[] = array('url' => $replyurl, 'text' => $str->replyfirst, 'attributes' => $attributes);
+ $replyurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php#mformmoodleoverflow', ['reply' => $post->id]);
+ $commands[] = ['url' => $replyurl, 'text' => $str->replyfirst, 'attributes' => $attributes];
// If the post is a comment, answer to the parent post.
} else if (!$iscomment) {
- $replyurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php#mformmoodleoverflow', array('reply' => $post->id));
- $commands[] = array('url' => $replyurl, 'text' => $str->reply, 'attributes' => $attributes);
+ $replyurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php#mformmoodleoverflow', ['reply' => $post->id]);
+ $commands[] = ['url' => $replyurl, 'text' => $str->reply, 'attributes' => $attributes];
// Else simple respond to the answer.
} else {
- $replyurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php#mformmoodleoverflow', array('reply' => $iscomment));
- $commands[] = array('url' => $replyurl, 'text' => $str->reply, 'attributes' => $attributes);
+ $replyurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php#mformmoodleoverflow', ['reply' => $iscomment]);
+ $commands[] = ['url' => $replyurl, 'text' => $str->reply, 'attributes' => $attributes];
@@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_post($post, $discussion, $moodleoverflow, $cm, $co
$mustachedata->attachments = get_attachments($post, $cm);
// Output the commands.
- $commandhtml = array();
+ $commandhtml = [];
foreach ($commands as $command) {
if (is_array($command)) {
$commandhtml[] = html_writer::link($command['url'], $command['text'], $command['attributes'] ?? null);
@@ -1582,14 +1582,14 @@ function moodleoverflow_print_posts_nested($course, &$cm, $moodleoverflow, $disc
function get_attachments($post, $cm) {
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
- $attachments = array();
+ $attachments = [];
if (empty($post->attachment)) {
- return array();
+ return [];
if (!$context = context_module::instance($cm->id)) {
- return array();
+ return [];
$fs = get_file_storage();
@@ -1600,20 +1600,20 @@ function get_attachments($post, $cm) {
if ($files) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($files as $file) {
- $attachments[$i] = array();
+ $attachments[$i] = [];
$attachments[$i]['filename'] = $file->get_filename();
$mimetype = $file->get_mimetype();
$iconimage = $OUTPUT->pix_icon(file_file_icon($file),
get_mimetype_description($file), 'moodle',
- array('class' => 'icon'));
+ ['class' => 'icon']);
$path = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($file->get_contextid(), $file->get_component(), $file->get_filearea(),
$file->get_itemid(), $file->get_filepath(), $file->get_filename());
$attachments[$i]['icon'] = $iconimage;
$attachments[$i]['filepath'] = $path;
- if (in_array($mimetype, array('image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png'))) {
+ if (in_array($mimetype, ['image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png'])) {
// Image attachments don't get printed as links.
$attachments[$i]['image'] = true;
} else {
@@ -1648,7 +1648,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_add_attachment($post, $forum, $cm) {
file_save_draft_area_files($post->attachments, $context->id, 'mod_moodleoverflow', 'attachment', $post->id,
- $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_posts', 'attachment', $present, array('id' => $post->id));
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_posts', 'attachment', $present, ['id' => $post->id]);
return true;
@@ -1666,8 +1666,8 @@ function moodleoverflow_add_new_post($post) {
// We do not check if these variables exist because this function
// is just called from one function which checks all these variables.
- $discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $post->discussion));
- $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow));
+ $discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $post->discussion]);
+ $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $discussion->moodleoverflow]);
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id);
// Add some variables to the post.
@@ -1687,13 +1687,13 @@ function moodleoverflow_add_new_post($post) {
// Add the post to the database.
$post->id = $DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_posts', $post);
- $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_posts', 'message', $post->message, array('id' => $post->id));
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_posts', 'message', $post->message, ['id' => $post->id]);
moodleoverflow_add_attachment($post, $moodleoverflow, $cm);
if ($post->reviewed) {
// Update the discussion.
- $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'timemodified', $post->modified, array('id' => $post->discussion));
- $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'usermodified', $post->userid, array('id' => $post->discussion));
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'timemodified', $post->modified, ['id' => $post->discussion]);
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discussions', 'usermodified', $post->userid, ['id' => $post->discussion]);
// Mark the created post as read if the user is tracking the discussion.
@@ -1724,7 +1724,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_delete_discussion($discussion, $course, $cm, $moodleover
$result = true;
// Get all posts related to the discussion.
- if ($posts = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('discussion' => $discussion->id))) {
+ if ($posts = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', ['discussion' => $discussion->id])) {
// Iterate through them and delete each one.
foreach ($posts as $post) {
@@ -1742,8 +1742,8 @@ function moodleoverflow_delete_discussion($discussion, $course, $cm, $moodleover
readtracking::moodleoverflow_delete_read_records(-1, -1, $discussion->id);
// Remove the subscriptions for this discussion.
- $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', array('discussion' => $discussion->id));
- if (!$DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussion->id))) {
+ $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', ['discussion' => $discussion->id]);
+ if (!$DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $discussion->id])) {
$result = false;
@@ -1770,7 +1770,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_delete_post($post, $deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow
try {
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
- $childposts = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('parent' => $post->id));
+ $childposts = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', ['parent' => $post->id]);
if ($deletechildren && $childposts) {
foreach ($childposts as $childpost) {
moodleoverflow_delete_post($childpost, true, $cm, $moodleoverflow);
@@ -1778,10 +1778,10 @@ function moodleoverflow_delete_post($post, $deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow
// Delete the ratings.
- $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', array('postid' => $post->id));
+ $DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', ['postid' => $post->id]);
// Delete the post.
- if ($DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $post->id))) {
+ if ($DB->delete_records('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $post->id])) {
// Delete the read records.
readtracking::moodleoverflow_delete_read_records(-1, $post->id);
@@ -1808,14 +1808,14 @@ function moodleoverflow_delete_post($post, $deletechildren, $cm, $moodleoverflow
$modulecontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
// Trigger the post deletion event.
- $params = array(
+ $params = [
'context' => $modulecontext,
'objectid' => $post->id,
- 'other' => array(
+ 'other' => [
'discussionid' => $post->discussion,
- 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id
- )
- );
+ 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
+ ],
+ ];
if ($post->userid !== $USER->id) {
$params['relateduserid'] = $post->userid;
@@ -1846,7 +1846,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_discussion_update_last_post($discussionid) {
global $DB;
// Check if the given discussion exists.
- if (!$DB->record_exists('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussionid))) {
+ if (!$DB->record_exists('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $discussionid])) {
return false;
@@ -1858,7 +1858,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_discussion_update_last_post($discussionid) {
ORDER BY modified DESC";
// Find the new last post of the discussion.
- if (($lastposts = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($discussionid), 0, 1))) {
+ if (($lastposts = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, [$discussionid], 0, 1))) {
$lastpost = reset($lastposts);
// Create an discussion object.
@@ -1906,10 +1906,10 @@ function moodleoverflow_count_discussions($moodleoverflow, $course) {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Create a cache.
- static $cache = array();
+ static $cache = [];
// Initiate variables.
- $params = array($course->id);
+ $params = [$course->id];
// Check whether the cache for the moodleoverflow is set.
if (!isset($cache[$course->id])) {
@@ -1937,7 +1937,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_count_discussions($moodleoverflow, $course) {
// There are no records.
// Save the result into the cache.
- $cache[$course->id] = array();
+ $cache[$course->id] = [];
@@ -1953,7 +1953,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_count_discussions($moodleoverflow, $course) {
FROM {moodleoverflow_discussions} d
WHERE d.moodleoverflow = ?";
- $amount = $DB->get_field_sql($sql, array($moodleoverflow->id));
+ $amount = $DB->get_field_sql($sql, [$moodleoverflow->id]);
// Return the amount.
return $amount;
@@ -1995,10 +1995,10 @@ function moodleoverflow_update_user_grade_on_db($moodleoverflow, $postuserrating
// Save updated grade on local table.
- if ($DB->record_exists('moodleoverflow_grades', array('userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id))) {
+ if ($DB->record_exists('moodleoverflow_grades', ['userid' => $userid, 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id])) {
- $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_grades', 'grade', $grade, array('userid' => $userid,
- 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id));
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_grades', 'grade', $grade, ['userid' => $userid,
+ 'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id, ]);
} else {
@@ -2022,7 +2022,7 @@ function moodleoverflow_update_user_grade_on_db($moodleoverflow, $postuserrating
function moodleoverflow_update_all_grades_for_cm($moodleoverflowid) {
global $DB;
- $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflowid));
+ $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflowid]);
// Check whether moodleoverflow object has the added params.
if ($moodleoverflow->grademaxgrade > 0 && $moodleoverflow->gradescalefactor > 0) {
diff --git a/markposts.php b/markposts.php
index abae184223..9354f62912 100644
--- a/markposts.php
+++ b/markposts.php
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
$returndiscussion = optional_param('return', 0, PARAM_INT); // The page to return to.
// Prepare the array that should be used to return to this page.
-$url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/markposts.php', array('m' => $moodleoverflowid));
+$url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/markposts.php', ['m' => $moodleoverflowid]);
// Check the optional params.
if ($discussionid !== 0) {
@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@
// Retrieve the connected moodleoverflow instance.
-if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflowid))) {
+if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflowid])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
// Retrieve the connected course.
-if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course))) {
+if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->course])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidcourseid');
@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@
if ($returndiscussion === 0) {
// If no parameter is set, relink to the view.
- $returnto = new moodle_url("/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php", array('m' => $moodleoverflow->id));
+ $returnto = new moodle_url("/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php", ['m' => $moodleoverflow->id]);
} else {
// Else relink back to the discussion we are coming from.
- $returnto = new moodle_url("/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php", array('d' => $returndiscussion));
+ $returnto = new moodle_url("/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php", ['d' => $returndiscussion]);
// Guests can't mark posts as read.
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
if (!empty($discussionid)) {
// Check if the discussion exists.
- $options = array('id' => $discussionid, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['id' => $discussionid, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $options);
if (!$discussion) {
throw new moodle_exception('invaliddiscussionid', 'moodleoverflow');
diff --git a/mod_form.php b/mod_form.php
index 4df07d8537..30cdef4367 100644
--- a/mod_form.php
+++ b/mod_form.php
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public function definition() {
$mform->addElement('header', 'general', get_string('general', 'form'));
// Adding the standard "name" field.
- $mform->addElement('text', 'name', get_string('moodleoverflowname', 'moodleoverflow'), array('size' => '64'));
+ $mform->addElement('text', 'name', get_string('moodleoverflowname', 'moodleoverflow'), ['size' => '64']);
if (!empty(get_config('moodleoverflow', 'formatstringstriptags'))) {
$mform->setType('name', PARAM_TEXT);
} else {
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public function definition() {
$currentsetting = $this->current && property_exists($this->current, 'anonymous') ? $this->current->anonymous : 0;
$possiblesettings = [
- anonymous::EVERYTHING_ANONYMOUS => get_string('anonymous:everything', 'moodleoverflow')
+ anonymous::EVERYTHING_ANONYMOUS => get_string('anonymous:everything', 'moodleoverflow'),
if ($currentsetting <= anonymous::QUESTION_ANONYMOUS) {
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public function definition() {
$possiblesettings = [
review::NOTHING => get_string('nothing', 'moodleoverflow'),
review::QUESTIONS => get_string('questions', 'moodleoverflow'),
- review::EVERYTHING => get_string('questions_and_posts', 'moodleoverflow')
+ review::EVERYTHING => get_string('questions_and_posts', 'moodleoverflow'),
$mform->addElement('select', 'needsreview', get_string('review', 'moodleoverflow'), $possiblesettings);
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public function definition() {
$mform->addHelpButton('maxbytes', 'maxattachmentsize', 'moodleoverflow');
$mform->setDefault('maxbytes', get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxbytes'));
- $choices = array(
+ $choices = [
0 => 0,
1 => 1,
2 => 2,
@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ public function definition() {
10 => 10,
20 => 20,
50 => 50,
- 100 => 100
- );
+ 100 => 100,
+ ];
$mform->addElement('select', 'maxattachments', get_string('maxattachments', 'moodleoverflow'), $choices);
$mform->addHelpButton('maxattachments', 'maxattachments', 'moodleoverflow');
$mform->setDefault('maxattachments', get_config('moodleoverflow', 'maxattachments'));
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ public function definition() {
$mform->addElement('header', 'subscriptiontrackingheader', get_string('subscriptiontrackingheader', 'moodleoverflow'));
// Prepare the array with options for the subscription state.
- $options = array();
+ $options = [];
$options[MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE] = get_string('subscriptionoptional', 'moodleoverflow');
$options[MOODLEOVERFLOW_FORCESUBSCRIBE] = get_string('subscriptionforced', 'moodleoverflow');
$options[MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE] = get_string('subscriptionauto', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public function definition() {
$mform->addHelpButton('forcesubscribe', 'subscriptionmode', 'moodleoverflow');
// Set the options for the default readtracking.
- $options = array();
+ $options = [];
$options[MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_OPTIONAL] = get_string('trackingoptional', 'moodleoverflow');
$options[MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_OFF] = get_string('trackingoff', 'moodleoverflow');
if (get_config('moodleoverflow', 'allowforcedreadtracking')) {
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ public function definition() {
$mform->addElement('header', 'ratingheading', get_string('ratingheading', 'moodleoverflow'));
// Which rating is more important?
- $options = array();
+ $options = [];
$options[MOODLEOVERFLOW_PREFERENCE_STARTER] = get_string('starterrating', 'moodleoverflow');
$options[MOODLEOVERFLOW_PREFERENCE_TEACHER] = get_string('teacherrating', 'moodleoverflow');
$mform->addElement('select', 'ratingpreference', get_string('ratingpreference', 'moodleoverflow'), $options);
diff --git a/post.php b/post.php
index e204e5ee17..57757b7560 100644
--- a/post.php
+++ b/post.php
@@ -39,16 +39,11 @@
$confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_INT);
// Set the URL that should be used to return to this page.
-$PAGE->set_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php', array(
- 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow,
- 'reply' => $reply,
- 'edit' => $edit,
- 'delete' => $delete,
- 'confirm' => $confirm,
+$PAGE->set_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/post.php', ['moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow, 'reply' => $reply, 'edit' => $edit,
+ 'delete' => $delete, 'confirm' => $confirm, ]);
// These params will be passed as hidden variables later in the form.
-$pageparams = array('moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow, 'reply' => $reply, 'edit' => $edit);
+$pageparams = ['moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow, 'reply' => $reply, 'edit' => $edit];
// Get the system context instance.
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
@@ -124,9 +119,9 @@
// If the interaction was cancelled, the user needs to be redirected.
if ($mformpost->is_cancelled()) {
if (!isset($prepost->discussionid)) {
- redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $prepost->moodleoverflowid)));
+ redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', ['m' => $prepost->moodleoverflowid]));
} else {
- redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', array('d' => $prepost->discussionid)));
+ redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/discussion.php', ['d' => $prepost->discussionid]));
diff --git a/settings.php b/settings.php
index 6c1a244fb5..bb2e60dd27 100644
--- a/settings.php
+++ b/settings.php
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
// Default read tracking settings.
- $options = array();
+ $options = [];
$options[MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_OPTIONAL] = get_string('trackingoptional', 'moodleoverflow');
$options[MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_OFF] = get_string('trackingoff', 'moodleoverflow');
$options[MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_FORCED] = get_string('trackingon', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
get_string('configoldpostdays', 'moodleoverflow'), 14, PARAM_INT));
// Default time (hour) to execute 'clean_read_records' cron.
- $options = array();
+ $options = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {
$options[$i] = sprintf("%02d", $i);
diff --git a/subscribe.php b/subscribe.php
index 71487cec6d..0ea5367b30 100644
--- a/subscribe.php
+++ b/subscribe.php
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
$returnurl = optional_param('returnurl', null, PARAM_RAW);
// Set the url to return to the same action.
-$url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/subscribe.php', array('id' => $id));
+$url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/subscribe.php', ['id' => $id]);
if (!is_null($mode)) {
$url->param('mode', $mode);
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
if (!is_null($discussionid)) {
$url->param('d', $discussionid);
- if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussionid, 'moodleoverflow' => $id))) {
+ if (!$discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $discussionid, 'moodleoverflow' => $id])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invaliddiscussionid', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -59,16 +59,16 @@
// Get all necessary objects.
-$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
-$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
+$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $id], '*', MUST_EXIST);
+$course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->course], '*', MUST_EXIST);
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $course->id, false, MUST_EXIST);
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
// Define variables.
-$notify = array();
+$notify = [];
$notify['success'] = \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS;
$notify['error'] = \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_ERROR;
-$strings = array();
+$strings = [];
$strings['subscribeenrolledonly'] = get_string('subscribeenrolledonly', 'moodleoverflow');
$strings['everyonecannowchoose'] = get_string('everyonecannowchoose', 'moodleoverflow');
$strings['everyoneisnowsubscribed'] = get_string('everyoneisnowsubscribed', 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
// Retrieve the user from the database.
- $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $user), '*', MUST_EXIST);
+ $user = $DB->get_record('user', ['id' => $user], '*', MUST_EXIST);
} else {
@@ -114,13 +114,13 @@
if (isguestuser()) {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
$message = $strings['subscribeenrolledonly'] . '
br>' . get_string('liketologin');
- $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $id));
+ $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', ['m' => $id]);
echo $OUTPUT->confirm($message, get_login_url(), $url);
echo $OUTPUT->footer;
} else {
// There should not be any links leading to this place. Just redirect.
- $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $id));
+ $url = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', ['m' => $id]);
redirect($url, $strings['subscribeenrolledonly'], null, $notify['error']);
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
echo $OUTPUT->header();
// Create an url to get back to the view.
- $viewurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $id));
+ $viewurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', ['m' => $id]);
// Was a discussion id submitted?
if ($discussionid) {
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
// The user needs to be subscribed.
// Check the capabilities.
- $capabilities = array();
+ $capabilities = [];
$capabilities['managesubscriptions'] = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:managesubscriptions', $context);
$capabilities['viewdiscussion'] = has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:viewdiscussion', $context);
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
echo $OUTPUT->header();
// Create the url to redirect the user back to.
- $viewurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('m' => $id));
+ $viewurl = new moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', ['m' => $id]);
// Check whether a discussion is referenced.
if ($discussionid) {
diff --git a/tests/behat/behat_mod_moodleoverflow.php b/tests/behat/behat_mod_moodleoverflow.php
index 709dae2ef6..4569c1c2ca 100644
--- a/tests/behat/behat_mod_moodleoverflow.php
+++ b/tests/behat/behat_mod_moodleoverflow.php
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ protected function add_new_discussion($moodleoverflowname, TableNode $table, $bu
// Navigate to moodleoverflow.
$this->execute('behat_navigation::i_am_on_page_instance', [$this->escape($moodleoverflowname),
- 'moodleoverflow activity']);
+ 'moodleoverflow activity', ]);
$this->execute('behat_forms::press_button', $buttonstr);
// Fill form and post.
diff --git a/tests/dailymail_test.php b/tests/dailymail_test.php
index 26447424b1..922050e033 100644
--- a/tests/dailymail_test.php
+++ b/tests/dailymail_test.php
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public function setUp(): void {
// Create a new course with a moodleoverflow forum.
$this->course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $location = array('course' => $this->course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
+ $location = ['course' => $this->course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_FORCESUBSCRIBE];
$this->moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $location);
$this->coursemodule = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $this->moodleoverflow->id);
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public function tearDown(): void {
public function helper_create_user_and_discussion($maildigest) {
// Create a user enrolled in the course as student.
- $this->user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('firstname' => 'Tamaro', 'maildigest' => $maildigest));
+ $this->user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(['firstname' => 'Tamaro', 'maildigest' => $maildigest]);
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($this->user->id, $this->course->id, 'student');
// Create a new discussion and post within the moodleoverflow.
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ public function test_records_removed() {
// Now check the database if the records of the users are deleted.
- $records = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_mail_info', array('userid' => $this->user->id));
+ $records = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_mail_info', ['userid' => $this->user->id]);
diff --git a/tests/discussion_test.php b/tests/discussion_test.php
index a23af66642..9f1110713e 100644
--- a/tests/discussion_test.php
+++ b/tests/discussion_test.php
@@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ public function test_create_discussion() {
$post = $posts[$discussion->get_firstpostid()];
// The discussion and the firstpost should be in the DB.
- $dbdiscussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussion->get_id()));
+ $dbdiscussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $discussion->get_id()]);
$this->assertEquals($dbdiscussion->id, $discussionid);
$this->assertEquals('Discussion Topic', $dbdiscussion->name);
- $dbpost = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $discussion->get_firstpostid()));
+ $dbpost = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $discussion->get_firstpostid()]);
$this->assertEquals($dbpost->id, $post->get_id());
$this->assertEquals($dbpost->discussion, $post->get_discussionid());
$this->assertEquals($prepost->message, $dbpost->message);
@@ -123,10 +123,10 @@ public function test_delete_discussion() {
// The discussion and the post should not be in the DB anymore.
- $discussion = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussionid)));
+ $discussion = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $discussionid]));
$this->assertEquals(0, $discussion);
- $post = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $postid)));
+ $post = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $postid]));
$this->assertEquals(0, $post);
@@ -139,13 +139,13 @@ private function helper_course_set_up() {
global $DB;
// Create a new course with a moodleoverflow forum.
$this->course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $location = array('course' => $this->course->id);
+ $location = ['course' => $this->course->id];
$this->moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $location);
$this->coursemodule = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $this->moodleoverflow->id);
$this->modulecontext = \context_module::instance($this->coursemodule->id);
// Create a teacher.
- $this->teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('firstname' => 'Tamaro', 'lastname' => 'Walter'));
+ $this->teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(['firstname' => 'Tamaro', 'lastname' => 'Walter']);
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($this->teacher->id, $this->course->id, 'student');
// Create a discussion started from the teacher.
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ private function helper_course_set_up() {
$discussion = $this->generator->post_to_forum($this->moodleoverflow, $this->teacher);
// Get the discussion and post object.
- $discussionrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussion[0]->id));
- $postrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $discussion[1]->id));
+ $discussionrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $discussion[0]->id]);
+ $postrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $discussion[1]->id]);
$this->discussion = discussion::from_record($discussionrecord);
$this->post = post::from_record($postrecord);
diff --git a/tests/generator/lib.php b/tests/generator/lib.php
index ace760b258..a089878295 100644
--- a/tests/generator/lib.php
+++ b/tests/generator/lib.php
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ public function create_discussion($record = null, $forum = null) {
$record->id = moodleoverflow_add_discussion($record, $modulecontext, $record->userid);
if (isset($timemodified) || isset($mailed)) {
- $post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('discussion' => $record->id));
+ $post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['discussion' => $record->id]);
if (isset($mailed)) {
$post->mailed = $mailed;
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ public function create_discussion($record = null, $forum = null) {
$DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $record);
- $discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $record->id));
+ $discussion = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $record->id]);
// Return the discussion object.
return $discussion;
@@ -313,9 +313,9 @@ public function post_to_forum($forum, $author, $record = null) {
$record->moodleoverflow = $forum->id;
$discussion = $this->create_discussion($record, $forum, $record);
// Retrieve the post which was created by create_discussion.
- $post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('discussion' => $discussion->id));
+ $post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['discussion' => $discussion->id]);
- return array($discussion, $post);
+ return [$discussion, $post];
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ public function post_to_forum($forum, $author, $record = null) {
public function update_post_time($post, $factor) {
global $DB;
// Update the post to have a created in the past.
- $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_posts', 'created', $post->created + $factor, array('id' => $post->id));
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_posts', 'created', $post->created + $factor, ['id' => $post->id]);
@@ -339,9 +339,9 @@ public function update_post_time($post, $factor) {
public function update_subscription_time($user, $discussion, $factor) {
global $DB;
- $sub = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', array('userid' => $user->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id));
+ $sub = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', ['userid' => $user->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id]);
// Update the subscription to have a preference in the past.
- $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', 'preference', $sub->preference + $factor, array('id' => $sub->id));
+ $DB->set_field('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', 'preference', $sub->preference + $factor, ['id' => $sub->id]);
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ public function reply_to_post($parent, $author, $straighttodb = true) {
$record = (object) [
'discussion' => $parent->discussion,
'parent' => $parent->id,
- 'userid' => $author->id
+ 'userid' => $author->id,
return $this->create_post($record, $straighttodb);
diff --git a/tests/locallib_test.php b/tests/locallib_test.php
index 6d03e704c2..cc3fb54265 100644
--- a/tests/locallib_test.php
+++ b/tests/locallib_test.php
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_auto_subscribe_on_create() {
$usercount = 5;
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $users = array();
+ $users = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $usercount; $i++) {
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_auto_subscribe_on_create() {
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id);
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE); // Automatic Subscription.
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE]; // Automatic Subscription.
$mo = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Get the module context.
- $cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array('id' => $mo->cmid));
+ $cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', ['id' => $mo->cmid]);
$context = \context_module::instance($cm->id);
$result = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($mo, $context);
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_forced_subscribe_on_create() {
$usercount = 5;
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $users = array();
+ $users = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $usercount; $i++) {
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
@@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_forced_subscribe_on_create() {
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id);
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_FORCESUBSCRIBE];
$mo = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
- $cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array('id' => $mo->cmid));
+ $cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', ['id' => $mo->cmid]);
$context = \context_module::instance($cm->id);
$result = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($mo, $context);
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_optional_subscribe_on_create() {
$usercount = 5;
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $users = array();
+ $users = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $usercount; $i++) {
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
@@ -130,9 +130,9 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_optional_subscribe_on_create() {
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id);
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE); // Subscription optional.
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE]; // Subscription optional.
$mo = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
- $cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array('id' => $mo->cmid));
+ $cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', ['id' => $mo->cmid]);
$context = \context_module::instance($cm->id);
$result = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($mo, $context);
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_disallow_subscribe_on_create() {
$usercount = 5;
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $users = array();
+ $users = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $usercount; $i++) {
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
@@ -161,9 +161,9 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_disallow_subscribe_on_create() {
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id);
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_DISALLOWSUBSCRIBE); // Subscription prevented.
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_DISALLOWSUBSCRIBE]; // Subscription prevented.
$mo = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
- $cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array('id' => $mo->cmid));
+ $cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', ['id' => $mo->cmid]);
$context = \context_module::instance($cm->id);
$result = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($mo, $context);
diff --git a/tests/post_test.php b/tests/post_test.php
index 9d7d7fc597..0f9c754f13 100644
--- a/tests/post_test.php
+++ b/tests/post_test.php
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public function test_create_post() {
// The post should be in the database.
- $postscount = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $post->get_id())));
+ $postscount = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $post->get_id()]));
$this->assertEquals(1, $postscount);
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ public function test_edit_post() {
global $DB;
// The post and the attachment should exist.
- $numberofattachments = count($DB->get_records('files', array('itemid' => $this->post->get_id())));
+ $numberofattachments = count($DB->get_records('files', ['itemid' => $this->post->get_id()]));
$this->assertEquals(2, $numberofattachments); // One Attachment is saved twice in 'files'.
- $post = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->post->get_id())));
+ $post = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $this->post->get_id()]));
$this->assertEquals(1, $post);
// Gather important parameters.
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public function test_edit_post() {
$this->post->moodleoverflow_edit_post($time, $message, $this->post->messageformat, $this->post->formattachments);
// The message and modified time should be changed.
- $post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->post->get_id()));
+ $post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $this->post->get_id()]);
$this->assertEquals($message, $post->message);
$this->assertEquals($time, $post->modified);
@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ public function test_delete_post() {
global $DB;
// The post and the attachment should exist.
- $numberofattachments = count($DB->get_records('files', array('itemid' => $this->post->get_id())));
+ $numberofattachments = count($DB->get_records('files', ['itemid' => $this->post->get_id()]));
$this->assertEquals(2, $numberofattachments); // One Attachment is saved twice in 'files'.
- $post = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->post->get_id())));
+ $post = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $this->post->get_id()]));
$this->assertEquals(1, $post);
// Delete the post with its attachment.
@@ -137,11 +137,11 @@ public function test_delete_post() {
// Now try to get the attachment, it should be deleted from the database.
- $numberofattachments = count($DB->get_records('files', array('itemid' => $postid)));
+ $numberofattachments = count($DB->get_records('files', ['itemid' => $postid]));
$this->assertEquals(0, $numberofattachments);
// Try to find the post, it should be deleted.
- $post = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $postid)));
+ $post = count($DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $postid]));
$this->assertEquals(0, $post);
@@ -154,29 +154,29 @@ private function helper_course_set_up() {
global $DB;
// Create a new course with a moodleoverflow forum.
$this->course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $location = array('course' => $this->course->id);
+ $location = ['course' => $this->course->id];
$this->moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $location);
$this->coursemodule = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $this->moodleoverflow->id);
$this->modulecontext = \context_module::instance($this->coursemodule->id);
// Create a teacher.
- $this->teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('firstname' => 'Tamaro', 'lastname' => 'Walter'));
+ $this->teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(['firstname' => 'Tamaro', 'lastname' => 'Walter']);
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($this->teacher->id, $this->course->id, 'student');
// Create a discussion started from the teacher.
$this->generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_moodleoverflow');
$discussion = $this->generator->post_to_forum($this->moodleoverflow, $this->teacher);
- $discussionrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $discussion[0]->id));
+ $discussionrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $discussion[0]->id]);
$this->discussion = discussion::from_record($discussionrecord);
// Get a temporary post from the DB to add the attachment.
- $temppost = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->discussion->get_firstpostid()));
+ $temppost = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $this->discussion->get_firstpostid()]);
// Create an attachment by inserting it directly in the database and update the post record.
$this->add_new_attachment($temppost, $this->modulecontext, 'world.txt', 'hello world');
// Build the real post object now. That is the object that will be tested.
- $postrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->discussion->get_firstpostid()));
+ $postrecord = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $this->discussion->get_firstpostid()]);
$this->post = post::from_record($postrecord);
diff --git a/tests/privacy_provider_test.php b/tests/privacy_provider_test.php
index c4d10fc712..d8b3c489a2 100644
--- a/tests/privacy_provider_test.php
+++ b/tests/privacy_provider_test.php
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
global $CFG;
use core_privacy\local\request\approved_contextlist;
-use \core_privacy\local\request\userlist;
-use \mod_moodleoverflow\privacy\provider;
+use core_privacy\local\request\userlist;
+use mod_moodleoverflow\privacy\provider;
use mod_moodleoverflow\privacy\data_export_helper;
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ public function test_user_has_rated_others() {
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $forum->id);
$context = \context_module::instance($cm->id);
// Rate the other users content.
- $rating = array();
+ $rating = [];
$rating['moodleoverflowid'] = $forum->id;
$rating['discussionid'] = $discussion->id;
$rating['userid'] = $user->id;
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ public function test_user_has_been_rated() {
$context = \context_module::instance($cm->id);
// Other users rate my content.
// Rate the other users content.
- $rating = array();
+ $rating = [];
$rating['moodleoverflowid'] = $forum->id;
$rating['discussionid'] = $discussion->id;
$rating['userid'] = $otheruser->id;
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ public function test_all_users_deleted_from_context() {
if ($post->userid != $user->id) {
$ratedposts[$post->id] = $post;
- $rating = array();
+ $rating = [];
$rating['moodleoverflowid'] = $forum->id;
$rating['discussionid'] = $discussion->id;
$rating['userid'] = $user->id;
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ public function test_all_users_deleted_from_context() {
// All ratings should have been deleted.
foreach ($postsinforum as $post) {
- $ratings = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', array('postid' => $post->id));
+ $ratings = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', ['postid' => $post->id]);
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ public function test_all_users_deleted_from_context() {
if (!isset($ratedposts[$post->id])) {
- $ratings = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', array('postid' => $post->id));
+ $ratings = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', ['postid' => $post->id]);
@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ public function test_delete_data_for_user() {
if ($post->userid != $user->id) {
$ratedposts[$post->id] = $post;
- $rating = array();
+ $rating = [];
$rating['moodleoverflowid'] = $forum->id;
$rating['discussionid'] = $discussion->id;
$rating['userid'] = $user->id;
@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ public function test_delete_data_for_user() {
// Ratings should have been anonymized.
- $this->assertCount(16, $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', array('userid' => 0)));
+ $this->assertCount(16, $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_ratings', ['userid' => 0]));
// File count: (5 users * 2 forums * 1 file) = 10.
// Files for the affected posts should be removed.
@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ protected function create_courses_and_modules($count) {
$forum = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', ['course' => $course->id]);
- return array($course, $forum);
+ return [$course, $forum];
@@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ protected function create_courses_and_modules($count) {
* @return array The users created
protected function create_users($course, $count) {
- $users = array();
+ $users = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id);
@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ protected function create_users($course, $count) {
* @return array The users created
protected function create_and_enrol_users($course, $count) {
- $users = array();
+ $users = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$users[$i] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[$i]->id, $course->id);
@@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ public function test_delete_data_for_users() {
'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
'rating' => 1,
'firstrated' => $time,
- 'lastchanged' => $time
+ 'lastchanged' => $time,
// Inserts a rating into the table.
$DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_ratings', $rating);
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@ public function test_get_users_in_context_post_ratings() {
'moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id,
'rating' => 1,
'firstrated' => $time,
- 'lastchanged' => $time
+ 'lastchanged' => $time,
// Inserts a rating into the table.
$DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_ratings', $rating);
@@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ public function test_grades() {
'course' => $course->id,
'scale' => 100,
'grademaxgrade' => 50,
- 'gradescalefactor' => 2
+ 'gradescalefactor' => 2,
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $forum->id);
$context = \context_module::instance($cm->id);
@@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@ public function test_grades() {
\mod_moodleoverflow\ratings::moodleoverflow_add_rating($forum, $post->id, RATING_UPVOTE, $cm, $user2->id);
$grades = grade_get_grades($course->id, 'mod', 'moodleoverflow', $forum->id,
- array($user->id, $user2->id));
+ [$user->id, $user2->id]);
self::assertEquals("2.50", $grades->items[0]->grades[$user->id]->str_grade);
self::assertEquals("0.50", $grades->items[0]->grades[$user2->id]->str_grade);
@@ -1456,16 +1456,14 @@ public function test_grades() {
self::assertContains("$context->id", $contextlist->get_contextids());
- $grades = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_grades', array('moodleoverflowid' => $forum->id), null,
- 'userid, grade');
+ $grades = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_grades', ['moodleoverflowid' => $forum->id], null, 'userid, grade');
self::assertEquals(2.5, $grades[$user->id]->grade);
self::assertArrayNotHasKey($user2->id, $grades);
// Test delete context.
- $grades = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_grades', array('moodleoverflowid' => $forum->id), null,
- 'userid, grade');
+ $grades = $DB->get_records('moodleoverflow_grades', ['moodleoverflowid' => $forum->id], null, 'userid, grade');
diff --git a/tests/ratings_test.php b/tests/ratings_test.php
index a74de7e581..0110710dc9 100644
--- a/tests/ratings_test.php
+++ b/tests/ratings_test.php
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
namespace mod_moodleoverflow;
use mod_moodleoverflow\ratings;
+use stdClass;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
@@ -38,46 +39,46 @@
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class ratings_test extends \advanced_testcase {
- /** @var \stdClass test course */
+ /** @var stdClass test course */
private $course;
- /** @var \stdClass coursemodule */
+ /** @var stdClass coursemodule */
private $coursemodule;
- /** @var \stdClass test moodleoverflow */
+ /** @var stdClass test moodleoverflow */
private $moodleoverflow;
- /** @var \stdClass test teacher */
+ /** @var stdClass test teacher */
private $teacher;
- /** @var \stdClass test user */
+ /** @var stdClass test user */
private $user1;
- /** @var \stdClass another test user */
+ /** @var stdClass another test user */
private $user2;
- /** @var \stdClass a discussion */
+ /** @var stdClass a discussion */
private $discussion;
- /** @var \stdClass a post from the teacher*/
+ /** @var stdClass a post from the teacher*/
private $post;
- /** @var \stdClass answer from user 1 */
+ /** @var stdClass answer from user 1 */
private $answer1;
- /** @var \stdClass answer from user 1 */
+ /** @var stdClass answer from user 1 */
private $answer2;
- /** @var \stdClass answer from user 1 */
+ /** @var stdClass answer from user 1 */
private $answer3;
- /** @var \stdClass answer from user 2 */
+ /** @var stdClass answer from user 2 */
private $answer4;
- /** @var \stdClass answer from user 2 */
+ /** @var stdClass answer from user 2 */
private $answer5;
- /** @var \stdClass answer from user 2 */
+ /** @var stdClass answer from user 2 */
private $answer6;
/** @var \mod_moodleoverflow_generator $generator */
@@ -114,19 +115,19 @@ public function test_answersorting_everygroup() {
// Test with every group of rating.
// Create a array of the posts, save the sorted post and compare them to the order that they should have.
- $posts = array($this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6);
+ $posts = [$this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6];
$sortedposts = ratings::moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts);
- $rightorderposts = array($this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer3, $this->answer2,
- $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5);
+ $rightorderposts = [$this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer3, $this->answer2,
+ $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5, ];
$result = $this->postsorderequal($sortedposts, $rightorderposts);
$this->assertEquals(1, $result);
// Change the rating preference of the teacher and sort again.
$sortedposts = ratings::moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts);
- $rightorderposts = array($this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3,
- $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5);
+ $rightorderposts = [$this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3,
+ $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5, ];
$result = $this->postsorderequal($sortedposts, $rightorderposts);
$this->assertEquals(1, $result);
@@ -141,44 +142,44 @@ public function test_answersorting_threegroups() {
// Test without posts that are only marked as solved.
- $posts = array($this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6);
+ $posts = [$this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6];
$sortedposts = ratings::moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts);
- $rightorderposts = array($this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5);
+ $rightorderposts = [$this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5];
$result = $this->postsorderequal($sortedposts, $rightorderposts);
$this->assertEquals(1, $result);
$sortedposts = ratings::moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts);
- $rightorderposts = array($this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5);
+ $rightorderposts = [$this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5];
$result = $this->postsorderequal($sortedposts, $rightorderposts);
$this->assertEquals(1, $result);
// Test without posts that are only marked as helpful.
- $posts = array($this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6);
+ $posts = [$this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6];
$sortedposts = ratings::moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts);
- $rightorderposts = array($this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5);
+ $rightorderposts = [$this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5];
$result = $this->postsorderequal($sortedposts, $rightorderposts);
$this->assertEquals(1, $result);
$sortedposts = ratings::moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts);
- $rightorderposts = array($this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5);
+ $rightorderposts = [$this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5];
$result = $this->postsorderequal($sortedposts, $rightorderposts);
$this->assertEquals(1, $result);
// Test without posts that are marked as both helpful and solved.
- $posts = array($this->post, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6);
+ $posts = [$this->post, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6];
$sortedposts = ratings::moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts);
- $rightorderposts = array($this->post, $this->answer3, $this->answer2, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5);
+ $rightorderposts = [$this->post, $this->answer3, $this->answer2, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5];
$result = $this->postsorderequal($sortedposts, $rightorderposts);
$this->assertEquals(1, $result);
$sortedposts = ratings::moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts);
- $rightorderposts = array($this->post, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5);
+ $rightorderposts = [$this->post, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer5];
$result = $this->postsorderequal($sortedposts, $rightorderposts);
$this->assertEquals(1, $result);
@@ -208,8 +209,8 @@ public function test_answersorting_twogroups() {
$group1 = 's';
$group2 = 'h';
- $rightorderposts = array($this->post, $this->answer6, $this->answer5, $this->answer4,
- $this->answer2, $this->answer1, $this->answer3);
+ $rightorderposts = [$this->post, $this->answer6, $this->answer5, $this->answer4,
+ $this->answer2, $this->answer1, $this->answer3, ];
$this->process_groups($group1, $group2, $rightorderposts);
// Test case 5: only solved posts and only helpful posts with ratingpreferences = 1.
@@ -219,10 +220,10 @@ public function test_answersorting_twogroups() {
// Test case 6: only solved posts and not-marked posts.
$group2 = 'o';
$this->create_twogroups($group1, $group2);
- $posts = array($this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6);
+ $posts = [$this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6];
$sortedposts = ratings::moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts);
- $rightorderposts = array($this->post, $this->answer2, $this->answer1, $this->answer3,
- $this->answer6, $this->answer5, $this->answer4);
+ $rightorderposts = [$this->post, $this->answer2, $this->answer1, $this->answer3,
+ $this->answer6, $this->answer5, $this->answer4, ];
$result = $this->postsorderequal($sortedposts, $rightorderposts);
$this->assertEquals(1, $result);
@@ -246,40 +247,40 @@ public function test_answersorting_onegroup() {
// Test case 1: only solved and helpful posts.
$group = 'sh';
- $posts = array($this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6);
+ $posts = [$this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6];
$sortedposts = ratings::moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts);
- $rightorderposts = array($this->post, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer3,
- $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer5);
+ $rightorderposts = [$this->post, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer3,
+ $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer5, ];
$result = $this->postsorderequal($sortedposts, $rightorderposts);
$this->assertEquals(1, $result);
// Test case 1: only solvedposts.
$group = 's';
- $posts = array($this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6);
+ $posts = [$this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6];
$sortedposts = ratings::moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts);
- $rightorderposts = array($this->post, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer3,
- $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer5);
+ $rightorderposts = [$this->post, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer3,
+ $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer5, ];
$result = $this->postsorderequal($sortedposts, $rightorderposts);
$this->assertEquals(1, $result);
// Test case 1: only helpful posts.
$group = 'h';
- $posts = array($this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6);
+ $posts = [$this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6];
$sortedposts = ratings::moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts);
- $rightorderposts = array($this->post, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer3,
- $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer5);
+ $rightorderposts = [$this->post, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer3,
+ $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer5, ];
$result = $this->postsorderequal($sortedposts, $rightorderposts);
$this->assertEquals(1, $result);
// Test case 1: only not marked posts.
$group = 'o';
- $posts = array($this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6);
+ $posts = [$this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6];
$sortedposts = ratings::moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts);
- $rightorderposts = array($this->post, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer3,
- $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer5);
+ $rightorderposts = [$this->post, $this->answer4, $this->answer6, $this->answer3,
+ $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer5, ];
$result = $this->postsorderequal($sortedposts, $rightorderposts);
$this->assertEquals(1, $result);
@@ -296,24 +297,24 @@ private function helper_course_set_up() {
global $DB;
// Create a new course with a moodleoverflow forum.
$this->course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $location = array('course' => $this->course->id);
+ $location = ['course' => $this->course->id];
$this->moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $location);
$this->coursemodule = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $this->moodleoverflow->id);
// Create a teacher.
- $this->teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('firstname' => 'Tamaro', 'lastname' => 'Walter'));
+ $this->teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(['firstname' => 'Tamaro', 'lastname' => 'Walter']);
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($this->teacher->id, $this->course->id, 'student');
// Create 2 users.
- $this->user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('firstname' => 'Ava', 'lastname' => 'Davis'));
+ $this->user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(['firstname' => 'Ava', 'lastname' => 'Davis']);
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($this->user1->id, $this->course->id, 'student');
- $this->user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('firstname' => 'Ethan', 'lastname' => 'Brown'));
+ $this->user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(['firstname' => 'Ethan', 'lastname' => 'Brown']);
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($this->user2->id, $this->course->id, 'student');
// Create a discussion, a parent post and six answers.
$this->generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_moodleoverflow');
$this->discussion = $this->generator->post_to_forum($this->moodleoverflow, $this->teacher);
- $this->post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->discussion[0]->firstpost), '*');
+ $this->post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $this->discussion[0]->firstpost], '*');
$this->answer1 = $this->generator->reply_to_post($this->discussion[1], $this->user1, true);
$this->answer2 = $this->generator->reply_to_post($this->discussion[1], $this->user1, true);
$this->answer3 = $this->generator->reply_to_post($this->discussion[1], $this->user1, true);
@@ -431,7 +432,7 @@ private function create_everygroup() {
* - no mark (o)
private function create_onegroup($group) {
- $answers = array($this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6);
+ $answers = [$this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6];
foreach ($answers as $answer) {
switch ($group) {
case 'sh':
@@ -621,10 +622,10 @@ private function create_twogroups($group1, $group2) {
private function process_groups(String $group1, string $group2, array $orderposts = null) {
$this->create_twogroups($group1, $group2);
- $posts = array($this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6);
+ $posts = [$this->post, $this->answer1, $this->answer2, $this->answer3, $this->answer4, $this->answer5, $this->answer6];
$sortedposts = ratings::moodleoverflow_sort_answers_by_ratings($posts);
- $rightorderposts = array($this->post, $this->answer2, $this->answer1, $this->answer3,
- $this->answer6, $this->answer5, $this->answer4);
+ $rightorderposts = [$this->post, $this->answer2, $this->answer1, $this->answer3,
+ $this->answer6, $this->answer5, $this->answer4, ];
if ($orderposts) {
$rightorderposts = $orderposts;
diff --git a/tests/readtracking_test.php b/tests/readtracking_test.php
index bb74a59553..a4bfa108d3 100644
--- a/tests/readtracking_test.php
+++ b/tests/readtracking_test.php
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_can_track_moodleoverflows() {
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'trackingtype' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_OFF); // Off.
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'trackingtype' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_OFF]; // Off.
$mooff = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'trackingtype' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_FORCED); // On.
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'trackingtype' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_FORCED]; // On.
$moforce = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'trackingtype' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_OPTIONAL); // Optional.
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'trackingtype' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_OPTIONAL]; // Optional.
$mooptional = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Allow force.
@@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_is_tracked() {
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'trackingtype' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_OPTIONAL);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'trackingtype' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_OPTIONAL];
$mooptional = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'trackingtype' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_FORCED);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'trackingtype' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_FORCED];
$moforce = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'trackingtype' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_OFF);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'trackingtype' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_TRACKING_OFF];
$mooff = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Allow force.
diff --git a/tests/review_test.php b/tests/review_test.php
index 52f176c8f7..019f276086 100644
--- a/tests/review_test.php
+++ b/tests/review_test.php
@@ -112,8 +112,9 @@ public function test_forum_review_everything() {
global $DB, $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/externallib.php');
- $options = array('course' => $this->course->id, 'needsreview' => review::EVERYTHING,
+ $options = ['course' => $this->course->id,
+ 'needsreview' => review::EVERYTHING,
$posts = $this->create_post($options);
$this->check_mail_records($posts['teacherpost'], $posts['studentpost'], 1, 0, MOODLEOVERFLOW_MAILED_REVIEW_SUCCESS);
@@ -177,8 +178,9 @@ public function test_forum_review_only_questions() {
global $DB, $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/externallib.php');
- $options = array('course' => $this->course->id, 'needsreview' => review::QUESTIONS,
+ $options = ['course' => $this->course->id,
+ 'needsreview' => review::QUESTIONS,
$posts = $this->create_post($options);
$this->check_mail_records($posts['teacherpost'], $posts['studentpost'], 1, 0, MOODLEOVERFLOW_MAILED_REVIEW_SUCCESS);
@@ -215,8 +217,9 @@ public function test_forum_review_only_questions() {
* Test reviews functionality when reviewing is allowed in admin settings.
public function test_forum_review_disallowed() {
- $options = array('course' => $this->course->id, 'needsreview' => review::EVERYTHING,
+ $options = ['course' => $this->course->id,
+ 'needsreview' => review::EVERYTHING,
set_config('allowreview', 0, 'moodleoverflow');
@@ -276,7 +279,7 @@ private function create_post($options) {
list(, $teacherpost) = $this->generator->post_to_forum($moodleoverflow, $this->teacher);
list(, $studentpost) = $this->generator->post_to_forum($moodleoverflow, $this->student);
- return array('teacherpost' => $teacherpost, 'studentpost' => $studentpost);
+ return ['teacherpost' => $teacherpost, 'studentpost' => $studentpost];
@@ -293,17 +296,17 @@ private function check_mail_records($teacherpost, $studentpost, $review1, $revie
global $DB;
$this->assert_matches_properties(['mailed' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_MAILED_PENDING, 'reviewed' => $review1,
- 'timereviewed' => null],
+ 'timereviewed' => null, ],
$DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $teacherpost->id]));
$this->assert_matches_properties(['mailed' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_MAILED_PENDING, 'reviewed' => $review2,
- 'timereviewed' => null],
+ 'timereviewed' => null, ],
$DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $studentpost->id]));
$this->run_send_mails(); // Execute twice to ensure no duplicate mails.
$this->assert_matches_properties(['mailed' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_MAILED_SUCCESS, 'reviewed' => $review1,
- 'timereviewed' => null],
+ 'timereviewed' => null, ],
$DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $teacherpost->id]));
$this->assert_matches_properties(['mailed' => $mailed, 'reviewed' => $review2, 'timereviewed' => null],
$DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $studentpost->id]));
diff --git a/tests/subscriptions_test.php b/tests/subscriptions_test.php
index 110a4f5a63..28f5776a9d 100644
--- a/tests/subscriptions_test.php
+++ b/tests/subscriptions_test.php
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public function tearDown(): void {
* @return array The users created
protected function helper_create_users($course, $count) {
- $users = array();
+ $users = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
@@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ protected function helper_post_to_moodleoverflow($moodleoverflow, $author) {
$discussion = $generator->create_discussion($record, $moodleoverflow);
// Retrieve the post which was created.
- $post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('discussion' => $discussion->id));
+ $post = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['discussion' => $discussion->id]);
// Return the discussion and the post.
- return array($discussion->id, $post);
+ return [$discussion->id, $post];
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public function test_subscription_modes() {
// Create a course with a moodleoverflow.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
$modulecontext = \context_module::instance($moodleoverflow->cmid);
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public function test_subscription_modes() {
// Test the forced subscription.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::set_subscription_mode($moodleoverflow->id, MOODLEOVERFLOW_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
- $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->id));
+ $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id]);
@@ -139,21 +139,21 @@ public function test_subscription_modes() {
// Test the disallowed subscription.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::set_subscription_mode($moodleoverflow->id, MOODLEOVERFLOW_DISALLOWSUBSCRIBE);
- $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->id));
+ $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id]);
$this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// Test the initial subscription.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::set_subscription_mode($moodleoverflow->id, MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
- $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->id));
+ $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id]);
$this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// Test the choose subscription.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::set_subscription_mode($moodleoverflow->id, MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
- $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->id));
+ $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id]);
$this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public function test_unsubscribable_moodleoverflows() {
// Create a course with a moodleoverflow.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id];
$mof = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Get the module context.
@@ -186,13 +186,13 @@ public function test_unsubscribable_moodleoverflows() {
$this->assertEquals(0, count($result));
// Create the moodleoverflows.
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_FORCESUBSCRIBE];
$this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_DISALLOWSUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_DISALLOWSUBSCRIBE];
$disallow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE];
$choose = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE];
$this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// At present the user is only subscribed to the initial moodleoverflow.
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
// Create a course with a moodleoverflow.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Get the module context.
@@ -244,139 +244,139 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
$modulecontext, $discussion->id));
// Check thast we have no records in either on the subscription tables.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
// Subscribing to the moodleoverflow should create a record in the subscription table,
// but the moodleoverflow discussion subscriptions table.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
// Unsubscribing should remove the record from the moodleoverflow subscription table.
// Do not modify the moodleoverflow discussion subscriptions table.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
// Enroling the user in the discussion should add one record to the
// moodleoverflow discussion table without modifying the form subscription.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// Unsubscribing should remove the record from the moodleoverflow subscriptions
// table and not modify the moodleoverflow discussion subscription table.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
// Resubscribe to the discussion so that we can check the effect of moodleoverflow-level subscriptions.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
// Subscribing to the moodleoverflow should have no effect on the moodleoverflow discussion
// subscription table if the user did not request the change himself.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// Unsubbing from the moodleoverflow should have no effect on the moodleoverflow
// discussion subscription table if the user did not request the change themself.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// Subscribing to the moodleoverflow should remove the per-discussion
// subscription preference if the user requested the change themself.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, true);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
// Now unsubscribe from the current discussion whilst being subscribed to the moodleoverflow as a whole.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// Unsubscribing from the moodleoverflow should remove the per-discussion
// subscription preference if the user requested the change himself.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, true);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
- $count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', array(
+ $count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', [
'userid' => $author->id,
'discussion' => $discussion->id,
- ));
+ ]);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
// Subscribe to the discussion.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
- $count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', array(
+ $count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', [
'userid' => $author->id,
'discussion' => $discussion->id,
- ));
+ ]);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// Subscribe to the moodleoverflow without removing the discussion preferences.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// Unsubscribe from the discussion should result in a change.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_subscription_moodleoverflow_unsub
// Create a course with a moodleoverflow.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Create users enrolled in the course as students.
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_subscription_moodleoverflow_subsc
// Create a course with a moodleoverflow.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Get the module context.
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_subscription_moodleoverflow_unsub
// Create a course and a new moodleoverflow.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Get the module context.
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_subscription_moodleoverflow_subsc
// Create a course, with a moodleoverflow.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Get the module context.
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
// Create a course with a moodleoverflow.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id);
@@ -574,10 +574,10 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
$discussion, $modulecontext));
// And there should be no discussion subscriptions (and one moodleoverflow subscription).
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -592,10 +592,10 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
$discussion, $modulecontext));
// And there should be a discussion subscriptions (and one moodleoverflow subscription).
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -604,12 +604,12 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
// There should be a record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// And one in the moodleoverflow subscription tracking table.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -624,12 +624,12 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
// And one in the moodleoverflow subscription tracking table.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// There should be no record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
@@ -644,12 +644,12 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
// And one in the moodleoverflow subscription tracking table.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// There should be a record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -665,12 +665,12 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
// There should be no record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
// And one in the forum subscription tracking table.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -685,12 +685,12 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
$this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// There should be a record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// And one in the moodleoverflow subscription tracking table.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -699,10 +699,10 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
// This removes both the moodleoverflow, and the moodleoverflow records.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_unsubscribe
// Create a course, with a moodleoverflow.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Get the module context.
@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_unsubscribe
// There should be a record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_unsubscribe
// There should be no record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_unsubscribe
$this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// There should be a record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_unsubscribe
$this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// There should be no record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
- $options = array('userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id);
+ $options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ public function test_fetch_subscribed_users_subscriptions() {
// Create a course, with a moodleoverflow. where users are initially subscribed.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Get the module context.
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ public function test_fetch_subscribed_users_forced() {
// Create a course, with a moodleoverflow. where users are initially subscribed.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_FORCESUBSCRIBE];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Get the module context.
@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ public function test_fetch_subscribed_users_discussion_subscriptions() {
// Create a course, with a moodleoverflow. where users are initially subscribed.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Get the module context.
@@ -979,7 +979,7 @@ public function test_force_subscribed_to_moodleoverflow() {
// Create a course, with a moodleoverflow.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_FORCESUBSCRIBE];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Remove the allowforcesubscribe capability from the user.
@@ -1011,7 +1011,7 @@ public function test_subscription_cache_prefill() {
// Create a course, with a moodleoverflow.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Create some users.
@@ -1046,7 +1046,7 @@ public function test_subscription_cache_fill() {
// Create a course, with a moodleoverflow.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Create some users.
@@ -1079,11 +1079,11 @@ public function test_discussion_subscription_cache_fill_for_course() {
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
// Create the moodleoverflows.
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_DISALLOWSUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_DISALLOWSUBSCRIBE];
$disallowmoodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE];
$choosemoodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE];
$initialmoodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Create some users and keep a reference to the first user.
@@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ public function test_discussion_subscription_cache_prefill() {
// Create a course, with a moodleoverflow.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Get the module context.
@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ public function test_discussion_subscription_cache_prefill() {
$users = $this->helper_create_users($course, 20);
// Post some discussions to the moodleoverflow.
- $discussions = array();
+ $discussions = [];
$author = $users[0];
for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
$discussion = new \stdClass();
@@ -1197,14 +1197,14 @@ public function test_discussion_subscription_cache_fill() {
// Create a course, with a moodleoverflow.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Create some users.
$users = $this->helper_create_users($course, 20);
// Post some discussions to the moodleoverflow.
- $discussions = array();
+ $discussions = [];
$author = $users[0];
for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
$discussion = new \stdClass();
@@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_subscribe_toggle_as_other_repeat_subscriptio
// Create a course, with a moodleoverflow.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
+ $options = ['course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE];
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// Get the module context.
@@ -1294,26 +1294,26 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_subscribe_toggle_as_other_repeat_subscriptio
// Confirm that we have no records in either of the subscription tables.
- $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', array(
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', [
'userid' => $user->id,
'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id,
- )));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', array(
+ ]));
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', [
'userid' => $user->id,
'discussion' => $discussion->id,
- )));
+ ]));
// Subscribing to the moodleoverflow should create a record in the subscriptions table,
// but not the moodleoverflow discussion subscriptions table.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($user->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', array(
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', [
'userid' => $user->id,
'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id,
- )));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', array(
+ ]));
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', [
'userid' => $user->id,
'discussion' => $discussion->id,
- )));
+ ]));
// Now unsubscribe from the discussion. This should return true.
$uid = $user->id;
@@ -1334,25 +1334,25 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_subscribe_toggle_as_other_repeat_subscriptio
// And unsubscribing from the moodleoverflow but not as a request from the user should maintain their preference.
\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($user->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
- $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', array(
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', [
'userid' => $user->id,
'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id,
- )));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', array(
+ ]));
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', [
'userid' => $user->id,
'discussion' => $discussion->id,
- )));
+ ]));
// Subscribing to the discussion should return truthfully because a change was made.
$this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($user->id, $discussion, $modulecontext));
- $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', array(
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', [
'userid' => $user->id,
'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id,
- )));
- $this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', array(
+ ]));
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', [
'userid' => $user->id,
'discussion' => $discussion->id,
- )));
+ ]));
@@ -1422,7 +1422,7 @@ public function test_is_subscribable_is_guest($options) {
// Create a guest user.
- $guest = $DB->get_record('user', array('username' => 'guest'));
+ $guest = $DB->get_record('user', ['username' => 'guest']);
// Create a course, with a moodleoverflow.
diff --git a/tests/userstats_test.php b/tests/userstats_test.php
index 044dd1f8b7..741712320f 100644
--- a/tests/userstats_test.php
+++ b/tests/userstats_test.php
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ public function test_partial_anonymous() {
// User1 starts a new discussion, the forum activity shouldn't change.
$discussion = $this->generator->post_to_forum($this->moodleoverflow, $this->user1);
- $starterpost = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $discussion[0]->firstpost), '*');
+ $starterpost = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $discussion[0]->firstpost], '*');
$newuserstats = $this->create_statstable();
$newactivityuser1 = $this->get_specific_userstats($newuserstats, $this->user1, 'forumactivity');
$this->assertEquals($oldactivityuser1, $newactivityuser1);
@@ -276,25 +276,25 @@ private function helper_course_set_up() {
global $DB;
// Create a new course with a moodleoverflow forum.
$this->course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
- $location = array('course' => $this->course->id);
+ $location = ['course' => $this->course->id];
$this->moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $location);
$this->coursemodule = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $this->moodleoverflow->id);
// Create a teacher.
- $this->teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('firstname' => 'Tamaro', 'lastname' => 'Walter'));
+ $this->teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(['firstname' => 'Tamaro', 'lastname' => 'Walter']);
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($this->teacher->id, $this->course->id, 'student');
// Create 2 users and their discussions and posts.
- $this->user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('firstname' => 'Ava', 'lastname' => 'Davis'));
+ $this->user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(['firstname' => 'Ava', 'lastname' => 'Davis']);
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($this->user1->id, $this->course->id, 'student');
- $this->user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('firstname' => 'Ethan', 'lastname' => 'Brown'));
+ $this->user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(['firstname' => 'Ethan', 'lastname' => 'Brown']);
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($this->user2->id, $this->course->id, 'student');
$this->generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_moodleoverflow');
$this->discussion1 = $this->generator->post_to_forum($this->moodleoverflow, $this->user1);
$this->discussion2 = $this->generator->post_to_forum($this->moodleoverflow, $this->user2);
- $this->post1 = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->discussion1[0]->firstpost), '*');
- $this->post2 = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', array('id' => $this->discussion1[0]->firstpost), '*');
+ $this->post1 = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $this->discussion1[0]->firstpost], '*');
+ $this->post2 = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_posts', ['id' => $this->discussion1[0]->firstpost], '*');
$this->answer1 = $this->generator->reply_to_post($this->discussion1[1], $this->user2, true);
$this->answer2 = $this->generator->reply_to_post($this->discussion2[1], $this->user1, true);
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ private function make_anonymous($anonymoussetting) {
private function create_statstable() {
$url = new \moodle_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/userstats.php', ['id' => $this->coursemodule->id,
'courseid' => $this->course->id,
- 'mid' => $this->moodleoverflow->id]);
+ 'mid' => $this->moodleoverflow->id, ]);
$userstatstable = new userstats_table('testtable', $this->course->id, $this->moodleoverflow->id, $url);
return $userstatstable->get_usertable();
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ private function create_upvote($author, $discussion, $post) {
'postid' => $post->id,
'rating' => 2,
'firstrated' => time(),
- 'lastchanged' => time()
+ 'lastchanged' => time(),
return $this->generator->create_rating($record);
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ private function create_downvote($author, $discussion, $post) {
'postid' => $post->id,
'rating' => 1,
'firstrated' => time(),
- 'lastchanged' => time()
+ 'lastchanged' => time(),
return $this->generator->create_rating($record);
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ private function create_helpful($author, $discussion, $post) {
'postid' => $post->id,
'rating' => 4,
'firstrated' => time(),
- 'lastchanged' => time()
+ 'lastchanged' => time(),
return $this->generator->create_rating($record);
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ private function create_solution($author, $discussion, $post) {
'postid' => $post->id,
'rating' => 3,
'firstrated' => time(),
- 'lastchanged' => time()
+ 'lastchanged' => time(),
return $this->generator->create_rating($record);
diff --git a/tracking.php b/tracking.php
index 9011bbe3df..b152d5d439 100644
--- a/tracking.php
+++ b/tracking.php
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@
// Retrieve the moodleoverflow instance to track or untrack.
-if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record("moodleoverflow", array("id" => $id))) {
+if (!$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record("moodleoverflow", ["id" => $id])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidmoodleoverflowid', 'moodleoverflow');
// Retrieve the course of the instance.
-if (!$course = $DB->get_record("course", array("id" => $moodleoverflow->course))) {
+if (!$course = $DB->get_record("course", ["id" => $moodleoverflow->course])) {
throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
// Set the page to return to.
$url = '/mod/moodleoverflow/' . $returnpage;
-$params = array('id' => $course->id, 'm' => $moodleoverflow->id);
+$params = ['id' => $course->id, 'm' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$returnpageurl = new moodle_url($url, $params);
$returnto = moodleoverflow_go_back_to($returnpageurl);
@@ -72,11 +72,11 @@
$info->moodleoverflow = format_string($moodleoverflow->name);
// Set parameters for an event.
-$eventparams = array(
+$eventparams = [
'context' => context_module::instance($cm->id),
'relateduserid' => $USER->id,
- 'other' => array('moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id),
+ 'other' => ['moodleoverflowid' => $moodleoverflow->id],
// Check whether the moodleoverflow is tracked.
$istracked = \mod_moodleoverflow\readtracking::moodleoverflow_is_tracked($moodleoverflow);
diff --git a/userstats.php b/userstats.php
index cab12d15d1..6d61eaec89 100644
--- a/userstats.php
+++ b/userstats.php
@@ -38,13 +38,13 @@
// Define important variables.
if ($courseid) {
- $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid), '*');
+ $course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $courseid], '*');
if ($cmid) {
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('moodleoverflow', $cmid, $course->id, false, MUST_EXIST);
if ($mid) {
- $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $mid), '*');
+ $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $mid], '*');
// Require a login.
require_login($course, true, $cm);
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
// Do a capability check, in case a user iserts the userstats-url manually.
if (has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:viewanyrating', $context) && get_config('moodleoverflow', 'showuserstats')) {
// Print the page header.
- $PAGE->set_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/userstats.php', array('id' => $cm->id,
- 'courseid' => $course->id, 'mid' => $moodleoverflow->id));
+ $PAGE->set_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/userstats.php', ['id' => $cm->id, 'courseid' => $course->id,
+ 'mid' => $moodleoverflow->id, ]);
$PAGE->set_title(format_string('User statistics'));
$PAGE->set_heading(format_string('User statistics of course: ' . $course->fullname));
diff --git a/version.php b/version.php
index c5e7541f80..ab72068a1b 100644
--- a/version.php
+++ b/version.php
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
$plugin->component = 'mod_moodleoverflow';
$plugin->version = 2023070300;
+$plugin->version = 2023082500;
$plugin->release = 'v4.2-r2';
$plugin->requires = 2020061500; // Requires Moodle 3.9+.
$plugin->maturity = MATURITY_STABLE;
-$plugin->dependencies = array();
+$plugin->dependencies = [];
diff --git a/view.php b/view.php
index 552292d209..d30c6e6544 100644
--- a/view.php
+++ b/view.php
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
$linktoforum = optional_param('movetoforum', 0, PARAM_INT); // Forum to which it is moved.
// Set the parameters.
-$params = array();
+$params = [];
if ($id) {
$params['id'] = $id;
} else {
@@ -52,18 +52,18 @@
// Check for the course and module.
if ($id) {
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('moodleoverflow', $id, 0, false, MUST_EXIST);
- $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
- $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $cm->instance), '*', MUST_EXIST);
+ $course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $cm->course], '*', MUST_EXIST);
+ $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $cm->instance], '*', MUST_EXIST);
} else if ($m) {
- $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $m), '*', MUST_EXIST);
- $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
+ $moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $m], '*', MUST_EXIST);
+ $course = $DB->get_record('course', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->course], '*', MUST_EXIST);
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('moodleoverflow', $moodleoverflow->id, $course->id, false, MUST_EXIST);
} else {
throw new moodle_exception('missingparameter');
// Save the allowmultiplemarks setting.
-$marksetting = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', array('id' => $moodleoverflow->id), 'allowmultiplemarks');
+$marksetting = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id], 'allowmultiplemarks');
// Require a login.
require_login($course, true, $cm);
@@ -78,14 +78,14 @@
// Mark the activity completed (if required) and trigger the course_module_viewed event.
-$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\course_module_viewed::create(array(
+$event = \mod_moodleoverflow\event\course_module_viewed::create([
'objectid' => $PAGE->cm->instance,
'context' => $PAGE->context,
// Print the page header.
-$PAGE->set_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', array('id' => $cm->id));
+$PAGE->set_url('/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php', ['id' => $cm->id]);
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
if ($moodleoverflow->anonymous > 0) {
$strkeys = [
\mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous::QUESTION_ANONYMOUS => 'desc:only_questions',
- \mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous::EVERYTHING_ANONYMOUS => 'desc:anonymous'
+ \mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous::EVERYTHING_ANONYMOUS => 'desc:anonymous',
echo html_writer::tag('p', get_string($strkeys[$moodleoverflow->anonymous], 'moodleoverflow'));
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
if ($reviewlevel > 0) {
$strkeys = [
\mod_moodleoverflow\review::QUESTIONS => 'desc:review_questions',
- \mod_moodleoverflow\review::EVERYTHING => 'desc:review_everything'
+ \mod_moodleoverflow\review::EVERYTHING => 'desc:review_everything',
echo html_writer::tag('p', get_string($strkeys[$reviewlevel], 'moodleoverflow'));
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
if ($linktoforum && $movetopopup && has_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:movetopic', $context)) {
// Take the $movetopopup-id and the $linktoforum-id and move the discussion to the forum.
- $topic = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', array('id' => $movetopopup));
+ $topic = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', ['id' => $movetopopup]);
$topic->moodleoverflow = $linktoforum;
$DB->update_record('moodleoverflow_discussions', $topic);
redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/moodleoverflow/view.php?id=' . $cm->id);
From a6917ad7660fca108d853a210dc684ad79aeb7e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2023 09:31:44 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 35/40] codechecker fix in subscriptions_test
tests/subscriptions_test.php | 306 +++++++++++++++++------------------
1 file changed, 153 insertions(+), 153 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/subscriptions_test.php b/tests/subscriptions_test.php
index 28f5776a9d..e7a70c06b5 100644
--- a/tests/subscriptions_test.php
+++ b/tests/subscriptions_test.php
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ class subscriptions_test extends advanced_testcase {
public function setUp(): void {
// Clear all caches.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::reset_discussion_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_discussion_cache();
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ public function setUp(): void {
public function tearDown(): void {
// Clear all caches.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::reset_discussion_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_discussion_cache();
@@ -129,34 +129,34 @@ public function test_subscription_modes() {
// Test the forced subscription.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::set_subscription_mode($moodleoverflow->id, MOODLEOVERFLOW_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
+ subscriptions::set_subscription_mode($moodleoverflow->id, MOODLEOVERFLOW_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id]);
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscription_mode($moodleoverflow));
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_forcesubscribed($moodleoverflow));
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscription_disabled($moodleoverflow));
+ subscriptions::get_subscription_mode($moodleoverflow));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_forcesubscribed($moodleoverflow));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::subscription_disabled($moodleoverflow));
// Test the disallowed subscription.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::set_subscription_mode($moodleoverflow->id, MOODLEOVERFLOW_DISALLOWSUBSCRIBE);
+ subscriptions::set_subscription_mode($moodleoverflow->id, MOODLEOVERFLOW_DISALLOWSUBSCRIBE);
$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id]);
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscription_disabled($moodleoverflow));
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_forcesubscribed($moodleoverflow));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::subscription_disabled($moodleoverflow));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_forcesubscribed($moodleoverflow));
// Test the initial subscription.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::set_subscription_mode($moodleoverflow->id, MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
+ subscriptions::set_subscription_mode($moodleoverflow->id, MOODLEOVERFLOW_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id]);
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscription_disabled($moodleoverflow));
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_forcesubscribed($moodleoverflow));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::subscription_disabled($moodleoverflow));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_forcesubscribed($moodleoverflow));
// Test the choose subscription.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::set_subscription_mode($moodleoverflow->id, MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
+ subscriptions::set_subscription_mode($moodleoverflow->id, MOODLEOVERFLOW_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE);
$moodleoverflow = $DB->get_record('moodleoverflow', ['id' => $moodleoverflow->id]);
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscription_disabled($moodleoverflow));
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_forcesubscribed($moodleoverflow));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::subscription_disabled($moodleoverflow));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_forcesubscribed($moodleoverflow));
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ public function test_unsubscribable_moodleoverflows() {
// Without any subscriptions, there should be nothing returned.
- $result = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_unsubscribable_moodleoverflows();
+ $result = subscriptions::get_unsubscribable_moodleoverflows();
$this->assertEquals(0, count($result));
// Create the moodleoverflows.
@@ -196,15 +196,15 @@ public function test_unsubscribable_moodleoverflows() {
$this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
// At present the user is only subscribed to the initial moodleoverflow.
- $result = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_unsubscribable_moodleoverflows();
+ $result = subscriptions::get_unsubscribable_moodleoverflows();
$this->assertEquals(1, count($result));
// Ensure that the user is enrolled in all of the moodleoverflows execpt force subscribe.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($user->id, $disallow, $modulecontext);
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($user->id, $choose, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user($user->id, $disallow, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user($user->id, $choose, $modulecontext);
// At present the user is subscribed to all three moodleoverflows.
- $result = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_unsubscribable_moodleoverflows();
+ $result = subscriptions::get_unsubscribable_moodleoverflows();
$this->assertEquals(3, count($result));
@@ -236,11 +236,11 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
$discussion->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
// Check that the user is currently not subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow,
// Check that the user is unsubscribed from the discussion too.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow,
$modulecontext, $discussion->id));
// Check thast we have no records in either on the subscription tables.
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
// Subscribing to the moodleoverflow should create a record in the subscription table,
// but the moodleoverflow discussion subscriptions table.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
// Unsubscribing should remove the record from the moodleoverflow subscription table.
// Do not modify the moodleoverflow discussion subscriptions table.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
// Enroling the user in the discussion should add one record to the
// moodleoverflow discussion table without modifying the form subscription.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
// Unsubscribing should remove the record from the moodleoverflow subscriptions
// table and not modify the moodleoverflow discussion subscription table.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
// Resubscribe to the discussion so that we can check the effect of moodleoverflow-level subscriptions.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
// Subscribing to the moodleoverflow should have no effect on the moodleoverflow discussion
// subscription table if the user did not request the change himself.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
// Unsubbing from the moodleoverflow should have no effect on the moodleoverflow
// discussion subscription table if the user did not request the change themself.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
// Subscribing to the moodleoverflow should remove the per-discussion
// subscription preference if the user requested the change themself.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, true);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, true);
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
// Now unsubscribe from the current discussion whilst being subscribed to the moodleoverflow as a whole.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
// Unsubscribing from the moodleoverflow should remove the per-discussion
// subscription preference if the user requested the change himself.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, true);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, true);
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
// Subscribe to the discussion.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// Subscribe to the moodleoverflow without removing the discussion preferences.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_toggle_as_other() {
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// Unsubscribe from the discussion should result in a change.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id];
$count = $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', $options);
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
@@ -397,14 +397,14 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_subscription_moodleoverflow_unsub
list($author) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 1);
// Check that the user is currently not subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $moodleoverflow));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $moodleoverflow));
// Post a discussion to the moodleoverflow.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_moodleoverflow($moodleoverflow, $author);
// Check that the user is unsubscribed from the discussion too.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow,
$moodleoverflow, $discussion));
@@ -429,21 +429,21 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_subscription_moodleoverflow_subsc
// Enrol the user in the moodleoverflow.
// If a subscription was added, we get the record ID.
- $this->assertIsInt(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id,
+ $this->assertIsInt(subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id,
$moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// If we already have a subscription when subscribing the user, we get a boolean (true).
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// Check that the user is currently subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// Post a discussion to the moodleoverflow.
list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_moodleoverflow($moodleoverflow, $author);
// Check that the user is subscribed to the discussion too.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_subscription_moodleoverflow_unsub
list($author) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 1);
// Check that the user is currently not subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $moodleoverflow));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $moodleoverflow));
// Post a discussion to the moodleoverflow.
$discussion = new \stdClass();
@@ -476,18 +476,18 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_subscription_moodleoverflow_unsub
$discussion->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
// Attempting to unsubscribe from the discussion should not make a change.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id,
$discussion, $modulecontext));
// Then subscribe them to the discussion.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id,
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id,
$discussion, $modulecontext));
// Check that the user is still unsubscribed from the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $moodleoverflow));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $moodleoverflow));
// But subscribed to the discussion.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
@@ -511,10 +511,10 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_subscription_moodleoverflow_subsc
list($author) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Enrol the student in the moodleoverflow.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
// Check that the user is currently subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// Post a discussion to the moodleoverflow.
$discussion = new \stdClass();
@@ -523,13 +523,13 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_subscription_moodleoverflow_subsc
$discussion->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
// Then unsubscribe them from the discussion.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
// Check that the user is still subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// But unsubscribed from the discussion.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
list($author) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Enrol the student in the moodleoverflow.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
// Post a discussion to the moodleoverflow.
$discussion = new \stdClass();
@@ -563,14 +563,14 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
$discussion->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
// Check that the user is currently subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// Check that the user is initially subscribed to that discussion.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
// An attempt to subscribe again should result in a falsey return to indicate that no change was made.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id,
$discussion, $modulecontext));
// And there should be no discussion subscriptions (and one moodleoverflow subscription).
@@ -582,13 +582,13 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// Then unsubscribe them from the discussion.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
// Check that the user is still subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// An attempt to unsubscribe again should result in a falsey return to indicate that no change was made.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id,
$discussion, $modulecontext));
// And there should be a discussion subscriptions (and one moodleoverflow subscription).
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// But unsubscribed from the discussion.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
// There should be a record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
@@ -614,13 +614,13 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// Now subscribe the user again to the discussion.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
// Check that the user is still subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// And is subscribed to the discussion again.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
// And one in the moodleoverflow subscription tracking table.
@@ -634,13 +634,13 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
// And unsubscribe again.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
// Check that the user is still subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// But unsubscribed from the discussion.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
// And one in the moodleoverflow subscription tracking table.
@@ -654,14 +654,14 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// And subscribe the user again to the discussion.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
// Check that the user is still subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// And is subscribed to the discussion again.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
// There should be no record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
@@ -675,14 +675,14 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// And unsubscribe again.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
// But unsubscribed from the discussion.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
// Check that the user is still subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// There should be a record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// Now unsubscribe the user from the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
// This removes both the moodleoverflow, and the moodleoverflow records.
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_subscribed(
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
// And should have reset the discussion cache value.
- $result = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::fetch_discussion_subscription($moodleoverflow->id, $author->id);
+ $result = subscriptions::fetch_discussion_subscription($moodleoverflow->id, $author->id);
@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_unsubscribe
list($author) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
// Check that the user is currently unsubscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// Post a discussion to the moodleoverflow.
$discussion = new \stdClass();
@@ -743,22 +743,22 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_unsubscribe
$discussion->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
// Check that the user is initially unsubscribed to that discussion.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
// Then subscribe them to the discussion.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id,
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id,
$discussion, $modulecontext));
// An attempt to subscribe again should result in a falsey return to indicate that no change was made.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id,
$discussion, $modulecontext));
// Check that the user is still unsubscribed from the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// But subscribed to the discussion.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
// There should be a record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
@@ -767,13 +767,13 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_unsubscribe
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// Now unsubscribe the user again from the discussion.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
// Check that the user is still unsubscribed from the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// And is unsubscribed from the discussion again.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
// There should be no record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
@@ -782,14 +782,14 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_unsubscribe
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
// And subscribe the user again to the discussion.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
// And is subscribed to the discussion again.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
// Check that the user is still unsubscribed from the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// There should be a record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
@@ -797,14 +797,14 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_discussion_toggle_moodleoverflow_unsubscribe
$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
// And unsubscribe again.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
// But unsubscribed from the discussion.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
// Check that the user is still unsubscribed from the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// There should be no record in the discussion subscription tracking table.
$options = ['userid' => $author->id, 'discussion' => $discussion->id];
@@ -836,22 +836,22 @@ public function test_fetch_subscribed_users_subscriptions() {
$users = $this->helper_create_users($course, $usercount);
// All users should be subscribed.
- $subscribers = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ $subscribers = subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$this->assertEquals($usercount, count($subscribers));
// Subscribe the guest user too to the moodleoverflow - they should never be returned by this function.
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($CFG->siteguest, $course->id);
- $subscribers = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ $subscribers = subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$this->assertEquals($usercount, count($subscribers));
// Unsubscribe 2 users.
$unsubscribedcount = 2;
for ($i = 0; $i < $unsubscribedcount; $i++) {
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($users[$i]->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($users[$i]->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
// The subscription count should now take into account those users who have been unsubscribed.
- $subscribers = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ $subscribers = subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$this->assertEquals($usercount - $unsubscribedcount, count($subscribers));
@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ public function test_fetch_subscribed_users_forced() {
$this->helper_create_users($course, $usercount);
// All users should be subscribed.
- $subscribers = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ $subscribers = subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$this->assertEquals($usercount, count($subscribers));
@@ -910,20 +910,20 @@ public function test_fetch_subscribed_users_discussion_subscriptions() {
$discussion->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
// All users should be subscribed.
- $subscribers = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ $subscribers = subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$this->assertEquals($usercount, count($subscribers));
- $subscribers = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, null,
+ $subscribers = subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, null,
$this->assertEquals($usercount, count($subscribers));
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($users[0]->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($users[0]->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
// All users should be subscribed.
- $subscribers = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ $subscribers = subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$this->assertEquals($usercount, count($subscribers));
// All users should be subscribed.
- $subscribers = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, null,
+ $subscribers = subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, null,
$this->assertEquals($usercount, count($subscribers));
@@ -936,33 +936,33 @@ public function test_fetch_subscribed_users_discussion_subscriptions() {
$DB->insert_record('moodleoverflow_discuss_subs', $record);
// The discussion count should not have changed.
- $subscribers = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ $subscribers = subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$this->assertEquals($usercount, count($subscribers));
- $subscribers = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, null,
+ $subscribers = subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, null,
$this->assertEquals($usercount, count($subscribers));
// Unsubscribe 2 users.
$unsubscribedcount = 2;
for ($i = 0; $i < $unsubscribedcount; $i++) {
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($users[$i]->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($users[$i]->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
// The subscription count should now take into account those users who have been unsubscribed.
- $subscribers = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ $subscribers = subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$this->assertEquals($usercount - $unsubscribedcount, count($subscribers));
- $subscribers = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, null,
+ $subscribers = subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, null,
$this->assertEquals($usercount - $unsubscribedcount, count($subscribers));
// Now subscribe one of those users back to the discussion.
$subedusers = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $subedusers; $i++) {
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($users[$i]->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($users[$i]->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
- $subscribers = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ $subscribers = subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$this->assertEquals($usercount - $unsubscribedcount, count($subscribers));
- $subscribers = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, null,
+ $subscribers = subscriptions::get_subscribed_users($moodleoverflow, $modulecontext, null,
$this->assertEquals($usercount - $unsubscribedcount + $subedusers, count($subscribers));
@@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ public function test_force_subscribed_to_moodleoverflow() {
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id, $roleids['student']);
// Check that the user is currently subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($user->id, $moodleoverflow, $context));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::is_subscribed($user->id, $moodleoverflow, $context));
assign_capability('mod/moodleoverflow:allowforcesubscribe', CAP_PROHIBIT, $roleids['student'],
@@ -1018,17 +1018,17 @@ public function test_subscription_cache_prefill() {
$users = $this->helper_create_users($course, 20);
// Reset the subscription cache.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
// Filling the subscription cache should only use a single query, except for Postgres, which delegates actual reading
// to Cursors, thus tripling the amount of queries. We intend to test the cache, though, so no worries.
- $this->assertNull(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::fill_subscription_cache($moodleoverflow->id));
+ $this->assertNull(subscriptions::fill_subscription_cache($moodleoverflow->id));
$postfillcount = $DB->perf_get_reads();
// Now fetch some subscriptions from that moodleoverflow - these should use
// the cache and not perform additional queries.
foreach ($users as $user) {
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($moodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($moodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
$finalcount = $DB->perf_get_reads();
$this->assertEquals($finalcount, $postfillcount);
@@ -1053,14 +1053,14 @@ public function test_subscription_cache_fill() {
$users = $this->helper_create_users($course, 20);
// Reset the subscription cache.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
// Filling the subscription cache should only use a single query.
$startcount = $DB->perf_get_reads();
// Fetch some subscriptions from that moodleoverflow - these should not use the cache and will perform additional queries.
foreach ($users as $user) {
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($moodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($moodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
$finalcount = $DB->perf_get_reads();
$this->assertEquals(20, $finalcount - $startcount);
@@ -1091,23 +1091,23 @@ public function test_discussion_subscription_cache_fill_for_course() {
$user = reset($users);
// Reset the subscription caches.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
- $result = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::fill_subscription_cache_for_course($course->id, $user->id);
+ $result = subscriptions::fill_subscription_cache_for_course($course->id, $user->id);
$postfillcount = $DB->perf_get_reads();
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($disallowmoodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($choosemoodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($initialmoodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($disallowmoodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($choosemoodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($initialmoodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
$finalcount = $DB->perf_get_reads();
$this->assertEquals(0, $finalcount - $postfillcount);
// Test for all users.
foreach ($users as $user) {
- $result = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::fill_subscription_cache_for_course($course->id, $user->id);
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($disallowmoodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($choosemoodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($initialmoodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
+ $result = subscriptions::fill_subscription_cache_for_course($course->id, $user->id);
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($disallowmoodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($choosemoodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::fetch_subscription_cache($initialmoodleoverflow->id, $user->id));
$finalcount = $DB->perf_get_reads();
$reads = $finalcount - $postfillcount;
@@ -1162,24 +1162,24 @@ public function test_discussion_subscription_cache_prefill() {
if ($usercount % 2) {
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($user->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($user->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
// Reset the subscription caches.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::reset_discussion_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_discussion_cache();
// Filling the discussion subscription cache should only use a single query.
- $this->assertNull(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::fill_discussion_subscription_cache($moodleoverflow->id));
+ $this->assertNull(subscriptions::fill_discussion_subscription_cache($moodleoverflow->id));
$postfillcount = $DB->perf_get_reads();
// Now fetch some subscriptions from that moodleoverflow - these should use
// the cache and not perform additional queries.
foreach ($users as $user) {
- $result = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::fetch_discussion_subscription($moodleoverflow->id, $user->id);
+ $result = subscriptions::fetch_discussion_subscription($moodleoverflow->id, $user->id);
$finalcount = $DB->perf_get_reads();
@@ -1229,22 +1229,22 @@ public function test_discussion_subscription_cache_fill() {
if ($usercount % 2) {
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($user->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($user->id, $discussion, $modulecontext);
// Reset the subscription caches.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::reset_discussion_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_discussion_cache();
$startcount = $DB->perf_get_reads();
// Now fetch some subscriptions from that moodleoverflow - these should use
// the cache and not perform additional queries.
foreach ($users as $user) {
- $result = \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::fetch_discussion_subscription($moodleoverflow->id, $user->id);
+ $result = subscriptions::fetch_discussion_subscription($moodleoverflow->id, $user->id);
$finalcount = $DB->perf_get_reads();
@@ -1287,10 +1287,10 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_subscribe_toggle_as_other_repeat_subscriptio
$discussion->moodleoverflow = $moodleoverflow->id;
// Confirm that the user is currently not subscribed to the moodleoverflow.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($user->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($user->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext));
// Confirm that the user is unsubscribed from the discussion too.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribed($user->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribed($user->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext,
// Confirm that we have no records in either of the subscription tables.
@@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_subscribe_toggle_as_other_repeat_subscriptio
// Subscribing to the moodleoverflow should create a record in the subscriptions table,
// but not the moodleoverflow discussion subscriptions table.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user($user->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::subscribe_user($user->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', [
'userid' => $user->id,
'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id,
@@ -1317,22 +1317,22 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_subscribe_toggle_as_other_repeat_subscriptio
// Now unsubscribe from the discussion. This should return true.
$uid = $user->id;
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($uid, $discussion, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($uid, $discussion, $modulecontext));
// Attempting to unsubscribe again should return false because no change was made.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($uid, $discussion, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($uid, $discussion, $modulecontext));
// Subscribing to the discussion again should return truthfully as the subscription preference was removed.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($user->id, $discussion, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($user->id, $discussion, $modulecontext));
// Attempting to subscribe again should return false because no change was made.
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($user->id, $discussion, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($user->id, $discussion, $modulecontext));
// Now unsubscribe from the discussion. This should return true once more.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($uid, $discussion, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($uid, $discussion, $modulecontext));
// And unsubscribing from the moodleoverflow but not as a request from the user should maintain their preference.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($user->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
+ subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($user->id, $moodleoverflow, $modulecontext);
$this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', [
'userid' => $user->id,
@@ -1344,7 +1344,7 @@ public function test_moodleoverflow_subscribe_toggle_as_other_repeat_subscriptio
// Subscribing to the discussion should return truthfully because a change was made.
- $this->assertTrue(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($user->id, $discussion, $modulecontext));
+ $this->assertTrue(subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($user->id, $discussion, $modulecontext));
$this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('moodleoverflow_subscriptions', [
'userid' => $user->id,
'moodleoverflow' => $moodleoverflow->id,
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ public function is_subscribable_moodleoverflows() {
* @return array
- public function is_subscribable_provider() {
+ public function is_subscribable_provider() : array {
$data = [];
foreach ($this->is_subscribable_moodleoverflows() as $moodleoverflow) {
$data[] = [$moodleoverflow];
@@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@ public function test_is_subscribable_logged_out($options) {
$options['course'] = $course->id;
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow,
@@ -1430,15 +1430,15 @@ public function test_is_subscribable_is_guest($options) {
$options['course'] = $course->id;
$moodleoverflow = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('moodleoverflow', $options);
- $this->assertFalse(\mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow,
+ $this->assertFalse(subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow,
- * Returns subscription obtions.
+ * Returns subscription options.
* @return array
- public function is_subscribable_loggedin_provider() {
+ public function is_subscribable_loggedin_provider() : array {
return [
@@ -1481,7 +1481,7 @@ public function test_is_subscribable_loggedin($options, $expect) {
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id);
- $this->assertEquals($expect, \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow,
+ $this->assertEquals($expect, subscriptions::is_subscribable($moodleoverflow,
From ef6bef851f2720d6c00a70448af6f90cc2827d4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 09:10:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 36/40] grammar fix in comments
tests/userstats_test.php | 10 +++++-----
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/userstats_test.php b/tests/userstats_test.php
index 741712320f..9e43a9a174 100644
--- a/tests/userstats_test.php
+++ b/tests/userstats_test.php
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ public function setUp(): void {
public function tearDown(): void {
// Clear all caches.
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
- \mod_moodleoverflow\subscriptions::reset_discussion_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_moodleoverflow_cache();
+ subscriptions::reset_discussion_cache();
// Begin of test functions.
@@ -221,11 +221,11 @@ public function test_partial_anonymous() {
- * Test, if userstats are calculated correctly if the moodleoverflow is partially anonymous.
+ * Test, if userstats are calculated correctly if the moodleoverflow is totally anonymous.
* @covers \userstats_table
public function test_total_anonymous() {
- // Test case: Only topic startes are anonymous.
+ // Test case: All posts are anonymous.
// Get the current userstats to compare later.
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ private function helper_course_set_up() {
* Makes the existing moodleoverflow anonymous.
* There are 2 types of anonymous moodleoverflows:
* anonymous = 1, the topic starter is anonymous
- * anonymous = 2, all users are anonym
+ * anonymous = 2, all users are anonymous
* @param int $anonymoussetting
From c03c799f82d903afff2dff08db28252212358d97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:18:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 37/40] Change anonymous name from Anonymous to Questioner in
tests/behat/anonymous.feature | 2 +-
version.php | 2 +-
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/behat/anonymous.feature b/tests/behat/anonymous.feature
index 7e27e4bf28..875ab4cf0a 100644
--- a/tests/behat/anonymous.feature
+++ b/tests/behat/anonymous.feature
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ Feature: Use moodleoverflow anonymously
And I should see "Questioner"
Given I follow "Edit"
And I click on "NH.jpg" "link"
- Then the field "Author" matches value "Anonymous"
+ Then the field "Author" matches value "Questioner"
diff --git a/version.php b/version.php
index fe90ba0727..b8fffbb5e6 100644
--- a/version.php
+++ b/version.php
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
$plugin->component = 'mod_moodleoverflow';
-$plugin->version = 2023082500;
$plugin->release = 'v4.2-r4';
+$plugin->version = 2024031200;
$plugin->requires = 2020061500; // Requires Moodle 3.9+.
$plugin->maturity = MATURITY_STABLE;
$plugin->dependencies = [];
From 0a6d18125df858dd2a713aff38f3d798199e2c7d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 16:27:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 38/40] fix for behat test
classes/post/post_control.php | 14 ++++++++++++--
tests/behat/anonymous.feature | 2 +-
tests/post_test.php | 1 +
3 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/post/post_control.php b/classes/post/post_control.php
index 91da39cff8..2b77efad11 100644
--- a/classes/post/post_control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post_control.php
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
namespace mod_moodleoverflow\post;
// Import namespace from the locallib, needs a check later which namespaces are really needed.
+use mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous;
use mod_moodleoverflow\capabilities;
use mod_moodleoverflow\review;
@@ -479,8 +480,7 @@ private function execute_edit($form, $errordestination) {
if ($this->prepost->userid == $USER->id) {
$redirectmessage = get_string('postupdated', 'moodleoverflow');
} else {
- if (\mod_moodleoverflow\anonymous::is_post_anonymous($this->info->discussion, $this->info->moodleoverflow,
- $this->prepost->userid)) {
+ if (anonymous::is_post_anonymous($this->info->discussion, $this->info->moodleoverflow, $this->prepost->userid)) {
$name = get_string('anonymous', 'moodleoverflow');
} else {
$realuser = $DB->get_record('user', ['id' => $this->prepost->userid]);
@@ -567,6 +567,16 @@ public function build_postform($pageparams) {
empty($this->prepost->postid) ? null : $this->prepost->postid,
+ // If the post is anonymous, attachments should have an anonymous author when editing the attachment.
+ if ($draftitemid && $this->interaction == 'edit' && anonymous::is_post_anonymous($this->info->discussion,
+ $this->info->moodleoverflow, $this->prepost->userid)) {
+ $usercontext = \context_user::instance($USER->id);
+ $anonymousstr = get_string('anonymous', 'moodleoverflow');
+ foreach (get_file_storage()->get_area_files($usercontext->id, 'user', 'draft', $draftitemid) as $file) {
+ $file->set_author($anonymousstr);
+ }
+ }
// Prepare the form.
$edit = $this->interaction == 'edit';
$formarray = ['course' => $this->info->course, 'cm' => $this->info->cm, 'coursecontext' => $this->info->coursecontext,
diff --git a/tests/behat/anonymous.feature b/tests/behat/anonymous.feature
index 875ab4cf0a..7e27e4bf28 100644
--- a/tests/behat/anonymous.feature
+++ b/tests/behat/anonymous.feature
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ Feature: Use moodleoverflow anonymously
And I should see "Questioner"
Given I follow "Edit"
And I click on "NH.jpg" "link"
- Then the field "Author" matches value "Questioner"
+ Then the field "Author" matches value "Anonymous"
diff --git a/tests/post_test.php b/tests/post_test.php
index 0f9c754f13..b80e5ad86f 100644
--- a/tests/post_test.php
+++ b/tests/post_test.php
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ public function test_edit_post() {
$message = 'a new message';
$time = time();
// Update the post.
$this->post->moodleoverflow_edit_post($time, $message, $this->post->messageformat, $this->post->formattachments);
From 0eb61303d289b377932703c0dea24d15c8a64a31 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 12:20:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 39/40] check for php version
classes/post/post_control.php | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/post/post_control.php b/classes/post/post_control.php
index 2b77efad11..01876c1d21 100644
--- a/classes/post/post_control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post_control.php
@@ -279,12 +279,12 @@ private function build_prepost_reply($replypostid) {
// Append 'RE: ' to the discussions subject.
$strre = get_string('re', 'moodleoverflow');
- if ($CFG->branch > 309) {
+ if (floor(phpversion()) >= 8) {
if (!(str_starts_with($this->prepost->subject, $strre))) {
$this->prepost->subject = $strre . ' ' . $this->prepost->subject;
} else {
- // TODO: remove this else branch when support for version 3.9 ends and delete the branch check.
+ // TODO: remove this else branch when support for php version 7.4 ends.
if (!(substr($this->prepost->subject, 0, strlen($strre)) == $strre)) {
$this->prepost->subject = $strre . ' ' . $this->prepost->subject;
From 121957eabc1df3dc2c37563419cc69b41df6670d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TamaroWalter
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 12:34:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 40/40] use moodle function to check php version
classes/post/post_control.php | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/classes/post/post_control.php b/classes/post/post_control.php
index 01876c1d21..60f1558966 100644
--- a/classes/post/post_control.php
+++ b/classes/post/post_control.php
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ private function build_prepost_reply($replypostid) {
// Append 'RE: ' to the discussions subject.
$strre = get_string('re', 'moodleoverflow');
- if (floor(phpversion()) >= 8) {
+ if (check_php_version('8.0.0')) {
if (!(str_starts_with($this->prepost->subject, $strre))) {
$this->prepost->subject = $strre . ' ' . $this->prepost->subject;