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minishell | 42 Madrid

As beautiful as a shell 🐚

Table of Contents


This project is all about recreating your very own (mini)shell, taking bash (Bourne Again SHell) as reference. This was our first group project, and I was honored to do it with @mbueno-g :)

What the Shell?

As we just said, we are asked to implement our own shell, but what is a shell to begin with? If we think of (for example) Linux as a nut or a seashell, the kernel/seed is the core of the nut and has to be surrounded by a cover or shell. Likewise, the shell we are implementing works as a command interpreter communicating with the OS kernel in a secure way, and allows us to perform a number tasks from a command line, namely execute commands, create or delete files or directories, or read and write content of files, among (many) other things

Our Implementation of Minishell

The general idea for this shell is reading a string of commands in a prompt using readline. Before anything, it is highly recommended to take a deep dive into the bash manual, as it goes over every detail we had to have in mind when doing this project. Minishell involves heavy parsing of the string read by readline, thus it is crucial to divide the code of the project into different parts: the lexer, the expander, the parser, and lastly the executor

Lexer and Expander

This first part covers the part of our code in charge of expanding environment variables with $ followed by characters, as well as the expansion of ~ to the user's home directory. Here we also split the input string into small chunks or tokens to better handle pipes, redirections, and expansions.

After reading from the stdin we use a function we named cmdtrim which separates the string taking spaces and quotes into account. For example:

string: echo "hello      there" how are 'you 'doing? $USER |wc -l >outfile
output: {echo, "hello      there", how, are, 'you 'doing?, $USER, |wc, -l, >outfile, NULL}

Then, we apply the expander functions on top of every substring of the original string, resulting in something similar to this:

output: {echo, "hello      there", how, are, 'you 'doing?, pixel, |wc, -l, >outfile, NULL}
Note: if a variable is not found, the $var part of the string will be replaced by an empty string

Lastly, we have another split function called cmdsubsplit which separates with <, |, or >, but only if those chars are outside of quotes:

output: {echo, "hello      there", how, are, 'you 'doing?, pixel, |, wc, -l, >, outfile, NULL}


The parser is in charge of storing the tokenized string and save it in a useful manner for the executor to use later. Our data structure is managed as follows:

int	g_status;

typedef struct s_prompt
	t_list	*cmds;
	char	**envp;
	pid_t	pid;
}		t_prompt;

typedef struct s_mini
	char	**full_cmd;
	char	*full_path;
	int	infile;
	int	outfile;
}		t_mini;

Here is a short summary of what every variable is used for

Parameter Description
cmds Linked list containing a t_mini node with all commands separated by pipes
full_cmd Equivalent of the typical argv, containing the command name and its parameters when needed
full_path If not a builtin, first available path for the executable denoted by argv[0] from the PATH variable
infile Which file descriptor to read from when running a command (defaults to stdin)
outfile Which file descriptor to write to when running a command (defaults to stdout)
envp Up-to-date array containing keys and values for the shell environment
pid Process ID of the minishell instance
g_status Exit status of the most-recently-executed command

After running our lexer and expander, we have a two-dimensional array. Following the previous example, it was the following:

{echo, "hello      there", how, are, 'you 'doing?, pixel, |, wc, -l, >, outfile, NULL}

Now, our parser starts building the linked list of commands (t_list *cmds), which is filled in the following way:

  1. Iterate over the two-dimensional array
  2. Whenever a redirection is found, check the type of redirection and retrieve a file descriptor containing the info we need as the infile
  3. Check that the file descriptor that has been opened is valid (!= -1) and continue
  4. If a pipe is found, add a new node to the list of commands
  5. In all other cases add whatever words are found to the argument list (argv) we call full_cmd

Here's how the variables will look like according to the example we used before:

	cmd 1:
		infile: 0 (default)
		outfile: 1 (redirected to pipe)
		full_path: NULL (because echo is a builtin)
		full_cmd: {echo, hello there, how, are, you doing?, pixel, NULL}
	cmd 2:
		infile: 0 (contains output of previous command)
		outfile: 3 (fd corresponding to the open file 'outfile')
		full_path: /bin/wc
		full_cmd: {wc, -l, NULL}
envp: (envp from main)
pid: process ID of current instance
g_status: 0 (if last command exits normally)


With all our data properly on our structs, the executer has all the necessary information to execute commands. For this part we use separate processess to execute either our builtins or other commands inside child processes that redirect stdin and stdout in the same way we did with our previous pipex project. If we are given a full path (e.g. /bin/ls) then we do not need to look for the full path of the command and can execute directly with execve. If we are given a relative path then we use the PATH environment variable to determine the full_path of a command. After all commands have started running, we retrieve the exit status of the most recently executed command with the help of waitpid

Once all commands have finished running the allocated memory is freed and a new prompt appears to read the next command

Mind Map

Here is a handy mindmap of our code structure to help you understand everything we mentioned previously

Concept Map - Frame 5 Concept Map - Frame 4

Global Variable

For this project we could use one global variable. At first it seemed we were never going to need one, but later it became obvious that it is required. Specifically, it has to do with signals. When you use signal to capture SIGINT (from Ctrl-C) and SIGQUIT (from Ctrl-\) signals, we have to change the error status, and the signal function has no obvious way of retrieving the updated exit status that shoud change when either of these signals are captured. To work this around, we added a global variable g_status that updates the error status when signals are detected.


We were asked to implement some basic builtins with the help of some functions, here is a brief overview of them:

Builtin Description Options Parameters Helpful Functions
echo Prints arguments separated with a space followed by a new line -n ✔️ write
cd Changes current working directory, updating PWD and OLDPWD ✔️ chdir
pwd Prints current working directory getcwd
env Prints environment write
export Adds/replaces variable in environment ✔️
unset Removes variable from environment ✔️


As mentioned previously, we use readline to read the string containing the shell commands. To make it more interactive, readline receives a string to be used as a prompt. We have heavily tweaked the looks of it to be nice to use. The prompt is structured as follows:

$USER@minishell $PWD $

Some remarks:

  • If there is any problem retrieving the user, it will be replaced with guest
  • The PWD is colored blue and dynamically replaces the HOME variable with ~ when the variable is set. See below for more details
  • The $ in the end is printed blue or red depending on the exit status in the struct

Screenshot from 2021-11-24 13-29-43 Screenshot from 2021-11-24 18-30-37


These are a few neat extras that were not explicitly mentioned on the subject of the project but we thought would make the whole experience nicer

User Color

The $USER@minishell part of the prompt is available in six different colors (based on the first char of the user's username):

Screenshot from 2021-11-24 12-59-57 Screenshot from 2021-11-24 13-01-09 Screenshot from 2021-11-24 13-05-36 Screenshot from 2021-11-24 13-03-11 Screenshot from 2021-11-24 13-07-13 Screenshot from 2021-11-24 13-08-12

Note: red color is reserved for the root user

Process ID

We were told to only expand variables of the form $ + alphanumeric chars. We implemented expansion of $$, which expands to the program's process id (mini_getpid())

Screenshot from 2021-11-24 18-33-06

Running without Environment

When running new instances of minishell or minishell withouth environment (env -i ./minishell), some environment variables need to be updated manualy, namely the shell level (SHLVL) or the _ variable

Here's the env when minishell is launched without an environment:

Screenshot from 2021-11-24 13-32-04


  • Prerequisites

Make sure you have these packages installed:

gcc make python-norminette readline (valgrind on Linux)

Note for MacOS: to install a recent version of readline, you need to use homebrew: brew install readline
  • Cloning the Repositories
git clone
cd minishell

Basic Usage

As per the norm, this project compiles an executable called minishell (saved inside a bin/ folder), and it is compiled using the .c files inside the src/ folder

This project includes some nice testers which may help users test their minishell project. There are two variants:

  • make compare Enter a custom command of your choice and check if bash returns the same output as your minishell
  • make test Enter a builtin to check a set of tests with and get a summary of your failed and passed tests


As we developed the project, we recorded some demos of how the project looked. Here is an overview of the most relevant "releases" we made:

  • v1.0 Basic stuff working, no pipes or exit status redirection


  • v2.0 Pipes working, plus some exit statuses


  • v3.0 Heavily cleaned code, misc fixes, ready for submission :)




This was our biggest project yet, and it sure was challenging. Co-developing can be tricky, especially the first time you do it on GitHub. We had fun in the process though :)

November 24th, 2021