There has been customer asks for sending video streams from browser to KVS. Browser environment is attractive to some customers because of its ubiquity and ease of deployment. The current solution that we recommend to customers is sending MKV files to S3 and using a lambda to do putMedia there. However, orchestrating this solution is not simple for customers as they need to do some heavy processing to get the audio and video data in browser, package it into MKV, and write lambdas for uploading to S3 and KVS. This solution is also slow - writing in S3 and having to use Java Producer SDK in lambda being long poles.
The aim of this project is to send audio and video stream from camera and microphone from your browser into a KVS stream without a proxy server or lambda. While doing so, ensuring that the video is in MKV format, uses H.264 codec for video and AAC for audio.
Currently available via Chrome, there four important tasks that this repository helps perform
- Obtaining the video from the webcam/ uploading video file
- Converting it to containers and codecs expected by the playback
- Sending to the putMedia API via POST calls
- Viewing the stream on the browser
- Clone the repository as
git clone
- Install all dependencies with
npm install
- Run it with webpack as
npm run build
- Run the server with the following. This will open the webpage in your browser automatically
brew install http-server
http-server -a localhost -p 8080 -o
- To view the stream, go to and enter the your credentials and details of the endpoint and stream in use.
getBlobFromWebcam(service, region, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, sessionToken, dataEndpoint, streamName, audio, height, width, frameRate, latency, webcam = null)
is an asynchronous function that records video from the webcam, transforms it and sends it to the putMedia API. It can be imported as
const processVideo = require('./getProcessedVideo')
const getBlobFromWebcam = processVideo.getBlobFromWebcam
It accepts the following arguments:
service: the service to send requests to
Example: kinesisvideo
region: the region to send service requests to. See AWS.KinesisVideo.region for more information
Example: us-west-2
accessKeyID: your AWS access key ID,
secretAccessKey: your AWS secret access key,
sessionToken: the optional AWS session token to sign requests with,
dataEndpoint: The endpoint that a service will talk to, for example, '',
In this case, this is the result of the GetDataEndpoint request which returns a JSON as
data = {
"DataEndpoint": "string"
So, here the value to be sent to dataEndpoint is data.DataEndpoint or data["DataEndpoint"]
streamName: The name of the stream to which putMedia API calls are to be made
audio: A boolean that is set to true if you want to send audio, else false,
height: height of the video being recorded from webcam in pixels
Example: 480,
width: width of the video being recorded from webcam in pixels
Example: 640,
frameRate: frame-rate of the video being recorded in frames-per-second
Example: 30,
latency: frequency of putMedia API calls in milliseconds. This is also the latency of the video, since a recording of 'latency' milliseconds will be recorded before being sent.
Example: 2000 (for 2 seconds)
webcam: (optional) A video element that can be used to view the stream that is being sent
Example: <video id="webcam" width="640px" height="480px"></video>
const webcam = document.getElementById('webcam')
getBlobFromFile(service, region, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, sessionToken, dataEndpoint, streamName, inputFile, h264)
is an asynchronous function that accepts a file, transforms it to the expected format and sends it to the putMedia API. It can be imported as
const processVideo = require('./getProcessedVideo')
const getBlobFromFile = processVideo.getBlobFromFile
It accepts the following arguments:
service: the service to send requests to
Example: kinesisvideo
region: the region to send service requests to. See AWS.KinesisVideo.region for more information
Example: us-west-2
accessKeyID: your AWS access key ID,
secretAccessKey: your AWS secret access key,
sessionToken: the optional AWS session token to sign requests with,
dataEndpoint: The endpoint that a service will talk to, for example, '',
In this case, this is the result of the GetDataEndpoint request which returns a JSON as
data = {
"DataEndpoint": "string"
So, here the value to be sent to dataEndpoint is data.DataEndpoint or data["DataEndpoint"]
streamName: A name for the stream that you are creating. (The stream name is an identifier for the stream, and must be unique for each account and region),
inputFile: The file that is to be streamed by sending it to putMedia API
Example: <input type="file" name="inputFile" id = "inputFile">
const inputFile = document.getElementById('inputFile').files[0]
inputFiletype: A boolean that is set to true if the video uploaded contains H.264 frames, else set to false
Please note that if the video is not MKV or WebM with H.264 frames then the transformation will require transcoding of the frames and may take considerable amount of time.
transformVideo(videoUint8Array, streamName, h264)
is an asynchronous function that is used to transform a video to expected container(MKV), audio(AAC) and video(H.264 AvCC) codecs as expected by KVS Playback for streaming. The transformation of videos to expected formats in getBlobFromFile and getBlobFromWebcam is done using this function. It can be imported as
const processVideo = require('./getProcessedVideo')
const transformVideo = processVideo.transformVideo
It accepts the following arguments:
videoUint8Array: A Uint8 Array of the video to be transformed
A blob can be converted to a uint8 array as
const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(await blob.arrayBuffer())
A video input file can be converted to uint8 array as
const reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = async function (e) {
const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(
streamName: The name of the stream to which putMedia API calls are to be made
is a function that is used to stop the ongoing recording started using getBlobFromWebCam. It can be imported as
const processVideo = require('./getProcessedVideo')
const stopRecording = processVideo.stopRecording
putMedia(videoFile, service, region, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, sessionToken, dataEndpoint, streamName)
is a function that makes API Calls to PutMedia API on the ingestion side of KVS. It can be imported as
const { putMedia } = require('./putMediaCall')
It accepts the following arguments:
videoFile: Uint8 Array of a video file with the following constraints:
Track 1 should be video with H.264 AvCC codec
Track 2 should be audio with AAC codec
The container should be MKV
service: the service to send requests to
Example: kinesisvideo
region: the region to send service requests to. See AWS.KinesisVideo.region for more information
Example: us-west-2
accessKeyID: your AWS access key ID,
secretAccessKey: your AWS secret access key,
sessionToken: the optional AWS session token to sign requests with,
dataEndpoint: The endpoint that a service will talk to, for example, '',
In this case, this is the result of the GetDataEndpoint request which returns a JSON as
data = {
"DataEndpoint": "string"
So, here the value to be sent to dataEndpoint is data.DataEndpoint or data["DataEndpoint"]
streamName: The name of the stream to which putMedia API calls are to be made
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. See LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt for more information.